

A Poem by Mr. Mills

A partnership poem shared between me and Dragonwing.


You, you took up root

When I was young I saw everyone wanted you

I didn’t understand until now

You consume me and I can’t resist

The more of you I have

The more of me I lose

The more I want to horde you

The more I love you

You took away my sanity

Slowly but surely

I had friends but you made me give them all up

I crave you, I curse you, I depend on you

I use you but you always come back

You consumed my life

I love you but I know you’re rancor

I live my life thinking you’re my goal

You make made me into something I wasn’t

You took my soul from me

You are the root of my evil

Now I know you are

After every part of me was gone

I came to finally realize what I was

My greed had consumed my entire soul

My soul was now owned

© 2019 Mr. Mills

Author's Note

Mr. Mills
We both have our stanza's in different colors. Mine our in blue his our in black. I hope to do more partnership poems in the future.

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1 Review
Added on January 15, 2019
Last Updated on January 15, 2019


Mr. Mills
Mr. Mills

Heber, UT

I like to go by Mr. Mills. I like wizard stories. Me and my wife are living the life in Heber. more..
