The Eastern Chapter

The Eastern Chapter

A Chapter by Bishop

Roughly translated text from the lives of chess pieces.

    I spent my love under the Eastern caravan, barely leaving it alive. I waited high like a longing touch for the grave, rode the week gone by, and stopped to get one last view of the passing Summer. Summer is the year that I rode with you, one helmet for the both of us like every small thing you know about me. A little wild, a little burned, a little wicked in the caravan again.

    So I told you you should be Queen while resting cold on the grains. I danced until you told me it’s time to go, until the Earth doesn’t take the young into the unknown. Your’s so wicked.

    Wintertime now, gone is the Summer from my baby and it’s time I met the Earth. She led your daughter to the dead and their bullets. I’m at war...war that lives in the hills, luxuriant moans that create the baby and hold on to the evening.

    And it goes, “Breathe up; tell the Earth, soldier, practice lies in the caravan.” Could the mystic one be you (and to you, “Hello”) but we be in it together? Yeh, I’m free...might have some stored wickedness left, knowing that again when the world meets its children, it gets lies.

    For an hour under the lake, the flow be the wind...the warm Spain that I run to someday. Love me with your dance, tell an unknown love that you rode with me. Tell them to witness us getting to the sea. Tell them that we laid.

    “Breathe up.” Under you, from me, come more mystic children every year. You all were angels when we were riding. She guessed the minister was me, and this is why I won’t run. She wants the time to pluck along, more of us with her each way, still taking the love road until the shadows notice me. Yeh, I believe the King is laughing at me...I ran down that road and woke up to this game.

    Me, I’m a promised flower, and one of ours is going to take a run at the understands. And who knew about me trading gardens? Summer is a weather where we had to run North, hide under the house, myself so hollow. This begged me to be the soldier.

   In the street, I could tell you she was good at inventing. The minister’s hold on the mystic children lets them out five at a time. To an unknown driver, that’s death. Bullet crazy.

    She went free, then we met. We did go wild in for a love while getting love to hold for the devil. Free just happens like that. Not for a while we wondered about a baby, having fallen like we did in the garden. “You’re so wicked,” I told the King when he was dodging all my joy. Beheaded screams know that road, woke the expedition who were invited to return again.

    I took to the lies and to the water which knows when a moan is riding. In town, she could tell we were still kept in the shadows. She crouches again, takes in reason. “You keep what, Spain? Like a wild driver? One is back, and you’re gone?”

    Morning was spent together, and we took a run into wisdom. I confessed that she subtracted you, wealth comes to you, love knows no one over you. I’m almost a soldier now. It’s almost time, monkey. Lazy or crazy, she is without me now. She is time’s daughter walking into the house of the caravan with her song on the sidewalk, or on the farm in fall.

    She told you we heated those lies to hear you scream away, take the money back, and to the left was your devil. And we were almost home.

    Sun on our house (it’s been a while), and there in the red world...let’s love and get changed together. It’s good to repent. He tells me so. Even so, you were the one out being moved, eyed me and rode again so wicked. This is where we wear robes and get the angel’s lies.

    I fell wild in the times. Got lost there. Run, rode, took you to the chair. In galleys, you had been to the end and love was free in your hair. Her game was Flower of the Sea, and we loved to ask lies of the angels in Spain. I love lying. I believe we asked the Earth not to run, and when love got there tell them it was burned by the sun. We did it at noon, and almost to the house the corpse was eyed. We aided the arms on our street while the drivers tried to see into the blue. Will we see its name? Run them now, they’re home. The drivers’ robes were the galley’s invention, and she no longer breathes in the mansion, for my gold helmet is spent on my baby during the year we were so together.  We were in soldier practice one day, and you held a drowned love to comfort the angels...but me, headless until the summer’s garden.
    I’m warm and Summer’s so long when at sea. She robes herself and had but one love at Wintertime now; me, in the angel’s trees. Together, we’ll be the one that gets through freezing, coming good for all to see and have her run to the house of our guests. She now goes East with the dogs.

    We meet once more, and the touch is in Spain. Soldier practice strikes away the time. Summer’s gone walking, and it shall be a cold hour before she rides this flower again. Yeh, run with the lies. I’ll tell you, tell a thing but run to the house. The numbers added us across the valley together, into the underwater devil. Good together, so we wait under again. Get the soldier, practice knowing and pleasing and coming longer.

    Then they could turn love finer, and you could run my next promised love. Take the Northern unknown to your luxuriant wants and you’ll see my lies there. I am the sun burn, and I know the hold of the cold East nights. Tell them we’re dead together. Yeh, riding the East with our arms together. Know my hand, and I’ll know the monkeys inside your dead river. Lazy love is dead, bullets in the lake, the fight, for love be gone. We’re all over crazy, she with the East and me almost no.

    Do be gone. We are far, she is you, and we are in a good hand. Try to seek her, and if I tell, come.

© 2011 Bishop

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this is just brilliant - I could sit here and quote lines all day but I'd just end up repeating them all back to you - loved this one - "I’m at war...war that lives in the hills, luxuriant moans that create the baby and hold on to the evening." and just wow - so many - "Lazy love is dead, bullets in the lake, the fight, for love be gone." just woah - too good! nice!

Posted 13 Years Ago

nice start i like the way you developed it...write some more on here?

Posted 13 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on July 15, 2011
Last Updated on July 16, 2011



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