Wildflower Chapter 1 (New)

Wildflower Chapter 1 (New)

A Chapter by Britiney Harper

Chapter 1


               Wildflower leaned over the bar while waiting for her drink. Maybe she should stop drinking because she was pretty sure she was drunk already. It was her 23rd birthday, hers and her twin brother Ivan. Tonight was all about fun, she needed some badly. She turned and looked around and noticed a guy looking at her. So she drank her shot and went over to him. It was definitely the alcohol that was making her bold. The last time she’d even conversed with a guy she wasn’t related to or didn’t work with was at least six months ago.

               “So I’m wondering why you were staring at me?” She asked him, she sat down next to him, curiosity getting the best of her.

               “Just admiring the view,” he said. His smile was to die for. Why would a guy like this want to look at a girl like her?

               “I bet your girlfriend wouldn’t like you staring at my a*s,” she said and he laughed.

               “Good thing I don’t have a girlfriend, because I really like looking at you,” he replied. “You’re too beautiful to be in a trashy place like this.”

               “Good line,” she giggled. “This definitely isn’t my scene anymore, but it’s my birthday and my twin insisted we go out.”

               “Well it was my good fortune,” he said. “Would you like me to buy you a drink?”

               “I think I’m drunk enough, thanks though,” she said. The last thing she needed to do was try to pick up a guy, even though he looked pretty edible. There was something about him like an air power and it didn’t hurt that he was sexy. She stood up and the next thing she knew he had her in his lap and he kissed her.

               “Happy birthday,” he told her. Though she knew better and that this was a very bad idea she kissed him back. There was no denying there was a spark and that was what led to them making out.

               “I shouldn’t be doing this,” she whispered. At this point she was straddling him and one of his hands was squeezing her thigh.

               “Are you involved with someone?” He asked while playing with the hem of her top. “I guess I should have asked that.”

               “No, but I’m kissing you and I don’t even know your name,” she said.

               “I’m Nicolas, you are?”

               “Wildflower,” she said and wasn’t surprised by his raised eyebrow. “It’s my name I’m not that drunk.”

               “I bet it suits you,” he said and kissed her again.

               “Wait,” she said pulling back. It was funny her mother said she had no self control, apparently she was wrong. Though to be honest she was surprised at herself, it had been a long time since she’d been with a man. And right now she was very horny.

               “What’s the problem?” He asked, he didn’t seem to be annoyed or angry.

               “I don’t do things like this,” she said.

               “Neither do I, but I feel like maybe we have a connection.”

               “I can agree with you there.”

               “Good, so why don’t we go some place we can be alone,” he said suggestively.

               “Oh that is a bad idea,” she shook her head.

               “Why? I won’t hurt you I swear,” he said. There was so much lust in his eyes she was drunk from it and the sexual tension between them was burning hot.

               “That’s not why, my brothers would flip out. I’m surprised they haven’t caught me and dragged me home,” she sighed. With nine brothers who made it their mission to be as protective of her as humanly possible, she knew this would end badly. Aside from that leaving with a stranger was a bad idea, even if he had the most intriguing set of blue eyes she’d ever seen.

               “And why do they need to know what you’re doing? Aren’t you an adult?”

               “Not if you ask them,” she murmured.

               “What can I do to get you to leave with me right now?”

               “I don’t know,” she sighed leaning her head against his shoulder. He held her for a minute and the world seemed to slip away. What was it about this guy? When he started kissing her neck she was really tempted to go and say to hell with responsibility. “You are so tempting,” she whispered in his ear.

               “I’m thinking it wouldn’t be considered as kidnapping if I just pick you up and take you. It’s pretty obvious you want to come with me,” he said.

               “Maybe,” she said sitting up to kiss him. Kissing him made her forget everything else; he was a very good kisser.

               “Ok then, I’m taking you,” he said and she nodded.

               “Wildflower?” Someone called from behind her, she knew that shocked voice. Of course they would wonder why she disappeared; thankfully there were a lot of people in here tonight.

               “Hey,” she said to her friend, at least it wasn’t one of her brothers.

               “Who’s this?” Brooke asked with a smile on her face.

               “This is Nicolas,” she replied. “And that is Brooke.”

               “Nice to meet you,” Brooke said extending her hand. He had to take his hand off Wildflower’s thigh to take her hand.

               “You as well,” he kissed her hand.

Wildflower felt a slight pang of jealousy in that moment, it was the first time he stopped paying her attention. And it didn’t help that Brooke was prettier than her, any man with a pulse would want her. Curly blonde hair, tan skin, hazel eyes and an amazing body, that was Brooke one of her best friends. She smiled hiding her momentary trip down insecurity lane. It wouldn’t matter if he wanted Brooke anyway, she was taken. When had she ever been jealous or insecure? Then again she didn’t make out with strangers either, drinking was making her stupid.

               “I’m going to borrow her for a minute, do you mind?” Brooke asked and he nodded but had a look of reluctance.

               “Make sure you come back,” he whispered in Wildflower’s ear. She nodded and let Brooke pull her towards the line for the bathroom.

               “Damn, he is a fine piece of a*s,” Brooke said.

               “Indeed he is. So what’s up?” She asked knowing that there was something on her friend’s mind; for one thing she kept biting her lip.

               “I think I’m in love with Jay,” she said.

               “And I think he feels the same, you’re so made for each other,” Wildflower said.

When she found out her brother was dating her best friend it was only weird for half a second. The two of them just made sense, so it was a good thing. She herself didn’t have that kind of luck. Looking over to where her family was she smiled. Not everybody could be lucky in love but she had a lot of love. Never would she be alone and family was more important than anything. Here tonight was Ivan, her twin, and their brothers Ricky, Isaiah, Jay and Van. Her friends Cody and Christina (who happened to be Isaiah’s girlfriend), and some of the guys’ friends were there too. With some many brothers she mostly only ever hung out with guys. She looked back to Nicolas; he was on his cell phone and still watching her with those intense blue eyes. Did she really want to leave with him?

               “You should go have hot hot hot sex with that guy, he is sexy,” Brooke told her.

               “He wants me to leave with him, but I don’t know,” she said.

               “What is stopping you? When was the last time you had sex? Live a little, besides I’ve seen him he can’t kidnap you.”

               “Maybe, cause he is pretty yummy and a good kisser,” she admitted.

Yummy was a good way to describe him with his short dark hair, golden skin and those blue eyes. And there was his muscular body that was just the way she liked it. Not too big and not too little, she loved a strong man. If that and his kiss wasn’t enough to make a girl weak kneed he also had dimples. One might think that the man was a model in his spare time. Though he was in jeans and a t-shirt he looked like maybe he belonged in a suit and tie. So that meant maybe a business man, what was he doing here and what did he want with her? Maybe he was just looking for an easy lay and though she knew she shouldn’t, she was going to do it. How could she say no? And he looked like the type of guy you didn’t say no to.

“Go, you can’t be a good girl all the time and clearly he has good taste if he wants you. I will cover for you,” Brooke said.

“Ok,” she nodded.

“I’ll be on cell phone stand by,” Brooke said as they headed into the bathroom.


When Nicolas first laid eyes on her he actually paused, this wasn’t what he expected. On sight she intrigued him and that never happened. He’d watched her and she was surrounded by men. Because of that he assumed one of them was her boyfriend, instead they were her brothers. What was it about her that had him craving her like he never craved anyone or anything? In his life he’d met and even dated plenty of beautiful women but there was something about her. She was indeed beautiful but in a low maintenance sort of way unlike any women he knew. He had to have her anything else was unacceptable.

Nicolas was a patient man, especially when he saw something he wanted. Never in his wildest dreams did he think he would find someone here. This was a place he took a momentary refuge. It was some place where nobody would know him, or so he’d hoped. Picking up women in bars was more something his brothers did. But he wasn’t picking her up for a hook up or some such nonsense. No, he wanted her for something more. All of that was decided in a split second when he saw her. She was tall about 5’9 or so with long curly black hair and honey colored skin. The low-rise jeans she had on hung low on her hips and the blue and white halter top barely existed.

Yes, he was a man and he was physically attracted to her in a very strong way but it was more than that. Of course he pictured her long legs wrapped around him, but again he was a man. Here she was coming back to him laughing with her friend. The friend left and she came to him. He had to admit she looked very good in her little outfit; a lot of men were looking at her. That was no good; he didn’t want anyone looking at what was his. And she would be his, it might take time but he had a feeling she was going to be worth it. He didn’t believe in silly things like love at first sight but there was something there between them.

“Ok, I’m all yours but we better leave before my brothers see, 5 out of 9 are here and they will kill you,” she said.

“Let’s go,” he said. He slipped his arm around her waist and led her out.

Tonight was a very good night and he would make sure she would never want to leave him. With a good strategy he could make anything happen and he would figure out exactly what to do with her soon. There was just something about her and he was going to enjoy finding out just what it was. A good night indeed and it was only just beginning.



“You live here?” Wildflower asked looking around the luxurious penthouse suite at the hotel he bought her to.

               “Most of the time,” he said as if it were nothing at all.

To her this place was better than her whole house and it was definitely more expensive. But it was nothing to him which was further making her wonder just who was she dealing with here. Suddenly he turned to her and pulled her close, she couldn’t help but to smile. It had been a long time since a man gave her so much attention. Or since one made her smile like this, too bad this couldn’t last. A guy that could afford all this wasn’t going to want her around for very long. Instead of dwelling and being depressing she kissed him.

“I didn’t just bring you here to try to get in your pants. If I wanted that I’d have just got you in the backseat of my car,” he laughed. His hands on her butt and his obvious erection contradicted that statement a little.

               “So how are you going to entertain me?” She asked trying to figure out what his intentions were. This was a very stupid idea, but it was obvious that he wasn’t going to kill her or anything. Who would bring someone to such a great place just to do them harm? That would be crazy, but then again there were crazy people out in the world.

               “Well if you’re hungry we could start by ordering room service,” he said stepping away to grab the phone and a menu. “I happen to have a menu, but really they’ll bring up anything you could possibly want,” he told her. “And while we wait I could give you a tour of the hotel,” he suggested. “Whatever you want, it’s your birthday.”

               “It all sounds good,” she said kicking her shoes off and laying back in the bed.

She looked over the menu and was sure at the same time he was looking over her. This was promising to be a very interesting night, though she was still a little unsure. They ordered a bunch of food then he led her out and around the hotel. The first place they visited was the pool, which he said was his favorite place. If she lived in a hotel with a huge pool it would be her favorite place too. Being in a hotel with both an indoor and outdoor pool, a full spa, gym, restaurant and a boutique was like being on another planet.

               “Wanna go for a swim?” He asked her, there happened to be nobody around, but that was because it was pretty late. Before she could even think to respond he was already taking his shirt off. Seeing Nicolas shirtless had her staring for a moment, he was quite the sight.

               “I guess I don’t have a choice,” she replied slipping out of her pants and tossing them in a chair with his. Without pants and only in boxers the sight just improved and made her curious about what was left to see. From the way he was watching her it seemed his mind was on the same things.

By the time she took off her shirt he was already in the pool. Still she kept wondering what his intentions were? Before she could even feel the cold from the water, his body was against hers keeping her warm. This was like some dream, making out with some handsome stranger in the pool of a 5 star hotel. It was very surprising that he didn’t go for more than kissing. But maybe he was saving that for later?

               “We should head back up,” he told her after a while. Then he got out before she could respond. She would have been offended except he was definitely pitching a tent.

The fact that he didn’t even try to have sex with her was pretty odd. Back at the bar it seemed like that’s where this was heading. Obviously he was into her; the proof of it was on his body. Ever since they had arrived at the hotel, she wasn’t sure what to expect. So she didn’t know if she should stay guarded or even stay at all. Since she was curious where this all would lead in the end; she got out of the pool and accepted a towel from him. Curiosity was seriously getting the best of her. Hopefully she wouldn’t regret letting her curiosity lead the way. One night of reckless fun couldn’t hurt, right?

“You can just wear this until we get to my room,” he said handing her his shirt. They headed back up, her in just a slightly wet t-shirt and her soaking wet underwear. Really the sight of him shirtless again made up for being wet.

“I have a surprise for you,” he told her once they were back inside his room.

He led her in and back into the bathroom, she was in shock. The room was filled with candles and rose petals and there was a huge Jacuzzi tub that was lit up with candles around it. It was something men did for their women on TV. Not something a stranger did for a girl he picked up in a bar. What did it say about him that he was putting this much work into romancing her? This wasn’t something she was use to or that ever happened. Maybe that said a lot about the guys she slept with and maybe it was why she didn’t do relationships. Then again she also had to wonder if he was doing all of this, what was he going to want in return?

               “You really know how to make a girl feel special,” she replied, he just shrugged.

               “This is only the beginning,” he said giving her a quick kiss. Then he pulled his shirt over her head and start undoing her bra.

Once Wildflower was in the tub he took her clothes out of the room and she closed her eyes and relaxed. The water was the perfect temperature and it felt and smelled like heaven. Eventually he came to join her and she just laid against him, they had so much chemistry that words weren’t needed. It seemed like they were in there forever either just relaxing or making out. They got out after there was a knock at the door; Nicolas just said not to worry about it. A  hot pink satin with black lace chemise was waiting for her on the bed. It was brand new with the tag still on it

“Left over from another visitor?” She asked unsure if she should put it on or not.

“No, had them send it up so you could sleep comfortably,” he replied. “Put it on, then we can eat.”

Not knowing what to say she just did as she was told. The chemise was pretty short and came down about 2 inches below her butt. Obviously how she looked was very pleasing to him, it showed through his boxers. In the bath they did both ease a bit of the need burning between them. Instead of finishing it up in bed he took her into the living room where their food was sitting covered on two push carts. There was a fire burning in the fire place giving the room a glow. This was south of everything she knew and anything that ever happened in her life. So this was romance?

               “Where have you been all my life?” She asked after they had eaten and snuggled up in front of the fireplace. Now they were back to his bed, all time seemed to be forgotten and nothing else really mattered. Like being a carefree kid, something she knew very little about.

               “Waiting for you to find me,” he mumbled.

Wildflower choose not to respond because she didn’t know how to, so she just closed her eyes. Tomorrow either she would find that this was a vivid dream or something else. What that something was, she didn’t know or have a clue about. As she drifted off to sleep in his arms it didn’t matter much, it was a good dream.



When Wildflower woke up the next morning it was because someone was knocking on the door. It took a few seconds for her to realize she was in Nicolas’ bed and not her own. She stumbled out of bed and went to the door, Nicolas wasn’t anywhere in his suite. At the door was a room service person delivering food. The guy came in pushing his cart and set the food on the table. Then he looked at her with a raised eyebrow, she was barely wearing anything. If only she thought to grab a robe first.

               “Will you be needing anything else Mrs. Capriani?” He asked and it took her a minute to realize he was talking to her.

               “Oh um, no,” she said. “Am I supposed to tip you or something?” She asked, she’d never stayed in a hotel and didn’t actually have any money anyway.

               “No, it has already been taken care of,” he said. With a nod he left closing the door behind him.

               Wildflower first went to look for her clothes or at least her cell phone and came up with nothing. She did however find that Nicolas was definitely a suit and tie kind of man. So she was left in a very expensive penthouse suite with no clothes and no idea where her host was. What if this was all some joke? What she didn’t want to do was call one of her brothers to come get her. How was she going to explain this to them? Ditched before she even had sex with the guy, this was humiliating. At least he ordered her breakfast, how wonderful.

               Last night was like a dream, he was so sweet and attentive. They talked half the night; mostly he wanted to know about her. She couldn’t eat because she felt so foolish. Falling back into the nice comfy bed she looked at the clock, it was only just after 11 am. Too bad neither Brooke nor Cody owned a car and Christina would never be able to get out of the house with a car without a good excuse. After she wrecked Isaiah’s car he basically never let her drive, even though the accident technically wasn’t her fault. If only she had clothes she could just walk home or something. Where did he put her clothes? Better yet why would he take them? And her cell phone? This was so frustrating. Someone opened the door; she could hear it but did not feel like getting up.

“You’re awake,” it was Nicolas. He came in carrying shopping bags. “I was hoping you wouldn’t wake up before I returned.”

“Where were you?” She asked sitting up, the mood was suddenly different with his return. When he leaned in to kiss her all her worries seemed to go away.

“Doing a little shopping, it was your birthday yesterday,” he said. He put the bags on the bed then pulled her over onto his lap for a better kiss.

“You didn’t have to buy me anything,” she said.

“No, but I wanted to and so I did,” he shrugged. “Right now you look so damn good I would buy you anything.”  His lust was obvious when he looked at her and it did stroke her ego a bit, how could it not? “Anyway, I thought you might like something to wear. And well I might be over stepping but the cell phone you had was really old and beat up. So here you go let me know if this is all to your liking.”

There were three bags one from a cell phone store, a clothing store and Victoria’s Secret. With no other choices she started to go through the bags to see what he got her. Inside the first and smallest bag was the latest iPhone. Something she couldn’t afford and her brothers would kill for. Inside the Victoria’s Secret bag was 3 new bras with matching panties and a sexy little nightgown. Under normal circumstances she never wore anything like this or anything resembling lingerie. She was just barely no longer a complete tomboy and she lived in a house with 9 brothers. Inside the final bag were clothes, two sundresses one in navy and the other in white and a cardigan sweater.

“Thank you but this is too much,” she said.

               “Can I tell you something?” He asked with a serious look on his face. 

               “Go ahead,” she replied.

               “I have trouble meeting women, usually my sister sets me up and that never ends well. Last night I wasn’t looking to pick anybody up but I met you. Pretty much I almost never do anything like this. I work a lot I don’t really have time to go out and try to meet women. Yet here we are right now and I feel like we have a connection and I’m not going to ignore that,” he told her. “If you however think I’m pushy and crazy, I understand and I’ll take you home.”

               “And if I don’t think you’re that crazy?”

               “Then I would like to pursue something with you,” he said looking her straight in her eyes. It was easy to get lost in his blue eyes.

               “You want to what date?” She asked watching him closely.

               “If that’s where it starts then yes,” he said with no hesitation.

“Alright, but to be warned I’ve never really done the dating thing and I haven’t had male contact in a very long time,” she confessed.

“No, I can’t believe that,” he said and pulled her closer to him. “From the moment I saw you you took my breath away.”

“I looked like a little s****y last night,” she said and he laughed.

“No, you looked like you were meant to be mine,” he said. When he kissed her she welcomed it, the things he said were just too much for her. Kissing was easy, no words needed and she liked kissing him.

He laid back in the bed with her on top while they made out. It took her a minute to remember she wasn’t wearing any panties but she remembered when his hands were cupping her behind. Last night there wasn’t too much that happened, so she assumed he was going for more now. And she wasn’t exactly ready to stop him. It had been a long time and this man made her want to have sex with him. Staying in bed with him for at least a week would do for her but he was the one to stop.

“I want you badly, but I haven’t even taken you on a date,” he told her.

“Honey, it’s taken a lot less than a date to get me in bed,” she said.

“Not anymore,” he said.

“You are killing me, I’m horny,” she replied.

“I wish I had all day to help ease that problem but I actually have a meeting,” he said. She wasn’t sure who hated that fact more him or her. “But I am going to take you out on a proper date tonight. That being said I think you should hang around here today. You got the tour last night so you saw what was around here to do. Whatever you want just charge it to my room, go to the spa, have lunch, buy something in the boutique, anything. As long as you are still here when I get back, then we can do dinner or something.”

“Oh I can’t spend your money,” she said.

“Why not? Trust me I’m not hurting for cash, my family owns a pharmaceutical and research company. Just think of it as a birthday gift, besides if everything goes the way I hope today I’ll have more money to burn.” The way he said it, like money was nothing, wasn’t something she was use to.

“Maybe,” she said.

“Let’s have breakfast and we can negotiate while we eat,” he said.

Nicolas got up and pulled her up too, and then he kissed her again. How could she say no when he did that? It was tomorrow and she still wasn’t sure what all of this was. Naturally she had to stick around for the sake of her own curiosity. Well that and the more time she spent near him the more under his spell she was. Maybe today just wasn’t a good day for reality.


After having breakfast and doing a lot of kissing Nicolas left for work. Wildflower happened to have been off work all week because it was her birthday. That and she had things to do at home. Having a week off was nice, what was better was spending time at the hotel spa. Right after Nicolas left there was a knock on the door and there was Brooke. Apparently he called her to come spend the day with Wildflower. For someone who didn’t know her he was good at guessing she would bolt. As much as she wanted to play this thing through if she sat around alone all day she would have talked herself out of staying. With Brooke and promising her a day full of whatever she wanted if she kept Wildflower in the hotel, it was guaranteed to happen.

“I’m so glad that I told you to go last night,” Brooke said turning her head to her friend. “At the same time I’m so jealous.”

               “I’m still surprised that he called you,” Wildflower replied. They were getting massages, something neither of them had before.

               “So what did go down last night that has him pampering both of us today?” Brooke asked, they hadn’t had much time to talk since the appointment was pre-made.

               Nicolas set up their spa appointment and made them lunch reservations too; he was indeed a bit pushy. But somehow she didn’t mind because she liked that take charge attitude he had. The guys from her past could be take charge in the bedroom but not in real life. Maybe that was why she didn’t date, because she needed something she couldn’t verbalize. At the same time she wasn’t going to let anybody be in control of her life that went against everything she was brought up to believe. Her brothers had a huge influence on her personality and every aspect of her life. Sometimes she could be too much of one of the guys and her brothers were professional c**k blockers.

Wildflower never really went out anymore and if she did it was always with her brothers. Nicolas wasn’t the only one that had trouble meeting people, their reasons were different though. She spent 100% of her time with family so any guy she hooked up with was generally somebody her brothers knew. There were no hook-ups or one-night-stands with random guys, just casual things with guys she knew. Her brothers knew about most of the guys she slept with, they weren’t prudish or afraid to talk about any and everything. If you couldn’t be open with your family who could you be open with? For a long time she was the only girl with 9 guys, that was just her life. Ironically last night if she hadn’t left with Nicolas there was someone who was anxious to have her back in his bed.

               “Nothing really happened, we went swimming and took a bath together and ate food. We didn’t have sex, not last night or today. I woke up today and he was gone so I sort of freaked out a little. Like the whole thing felt weird to just wake up in a hotel, ya know?” Wildflower said, she still wasn’t sure about anything. This felt like one of those times when she overanalyzed things; it was a habit she picked up a few years ago.

               “Maybe he just wants to take thing slow, there are people like that in the world,” Brooke replied. And it was a good point.

               “Yeah maybe, earlier we could have gone there but he stopped it. Said he didn’t even take me on a date yet,” she said.

               “That’s so sweet, if you don’t marry him then I will. Jay has never even been nice to me,” Brooke said. “Oh and speaking of Jay, your brothers aren’t happy you just left last night. Ivan especially of course he can’t have you finding a man to love you when he does so much. And so you know we borrowed your last night but I did change the sheets. Having a boyfriend that shares a room with his brothers is so inconvenient. If it wasn’t for you I would never have sex.”

               “I must be the best friend ever to let you have sex in my room with my brother,” she said with a sigh.

               “Of course you are! And maybe you can get out of that house now that you have a man with some money. Why does he live in a hotel anyway?”

               “He said it’s convenient for work, but he has a house somewhere.”

               “You are meant for better things than a cramped 4 bedroom house with 13 people living there. I love your family you know that and I am always over but you need to get out. Ricky has had one foot out the door for how long now? Can’t stay there forever, maybe meeting this guy is fate. He can rescue you from a life of familial servitude,” Brooke told her. “Even Iris got out, not that its saying much with her loser husband.”

               “I hate that my sister has to support her family because Jeff can’t get off his a*s. My mother watches her kids when he is home doing nothing. But since she’s married mother dearest won’t even complain. No instead she picks on me and says I need to get out and get married. Ricky washed his hands of the whole thing and they barely speak,” she shook her head. “Anyway I just met this guy, just because he used you to keep me around doesn’t mean it’s going anywhere. Soon he will figure out that he is wasting his time and I’m not the girl you bring home to meet your mother. I’m more the girl you screw in secret and never go out with in public.”

               “Really? Drama queen much? Remember that you are the one that doesn’t do relationships, every guy you have been with wanted one and you said no. That I blame on your commitment-phobic brothers. Jay and I are the same as we have been forever except that now we have sex. Don’t think too much of this thing you are into right now, just have fun. You need to have fun and be free and not be your little brothers’ mommy.”

               “Fine, if I’m going to play in fantasyland then I might as well look like I belong there. We are going to find me something killer to wear tonight to dinner,” she said thoughtfully.

When was she ever going to have a guy offer to buy her anything? Probably never again, so why not dress up it was just another night and she would go back to her life. It would be a story to laugh about with her friends later. Of course she wasn’t going on a shopping spree or anything so crazy she was just going to buy an outfit. The guy bought her an iPhone just because and bras that were at least $50 a piece. He lived in the most expensive room in the hotel. Once she had a minute to look around she found that it had two other bedrooms in the suite. There was also another bathroom, the living room, dining area and balcony with a table set up out there. All of it was very extravagant and said a lot about her host.

“Good, finally you are going to go with the flow. But I need like 5 more minutes of this since I’ll probably never have another,” Brooke said. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the rest of her massage.

Wildflower decided to do the same, just enjoy the moment. Why worry about everything? Tonight she had a date with a very sexy guy and she could finally have her way with him. Then she could get on with her life. And maybe her life was borderline depressing and difficult at times but it was her life. For better or worse she was stuck with it and this was just a mini vacation. Tomorrow she could go back to reality today she was going to try this carefree thing. Maybe she would end up liking it; if nothing else she did at least love getting a massage.



Dinner seemed to have gone well, he’d gotten a nice surprise when he came back to find what his date was wearing. Nicolas hadn’t been on a date in months so he had been unsure of how it might go. Luckily everything with her was just like second nature. They had a good meal and a good conversation and got to know each other. After dinner they took a walk and held hands and it was nice. Not something either of them usually did, they both admitted that to each other. With her everything just felt right and like it was falling into place. It was more than he expected and yet somehow not enough. He had a feeling that he would never get enough.

All day he was consumed with thoughts of her. Leaving the hotel had been very hard for him; a lot of things were hard. What he decided was that if he was going to have her the way he wanted then he couldn’t have her sexually. There would be plenty of time for sex later. Right now it was more important to get to know each other. This wasn’t something he normally did but he saw his future in her. So what if it was just a day, he knew. She was already his, at least as far as he was concerned. A lot of work still had to be done but he was up for it. Hard work was what he did best; he worked 24 hours of the day.

“This is your house?” Wildflower asked when they pulled up out front.

“My family’s house but technically it belongs to me,” he replied.

The decision to bring her to his house was a tough one. He barely came here these days and it stopped feeling like home years ago. After his grandmother died he moved into the hotel, he didn’t want to be alone in a big empty house. And it was a big house with its nearly 40 rooms. It wasn’t a place he ever brought women but he was curious as to how she would react to it. There was no hiding who he was with a house like this but the house was inherited from his grandfather. Once the house was always filled with people and once a family lived there.

Now he couldn’t bear the thought of staying here. It was his family’s house and he grew up here and could never sell it. 100 years his family called this place home and he wasn’t going to mess with the Capriani legacy. One day he would raise his own children here. All he needed was a wife and he was pretty sure he found his future wife. So why not show her the place they would be spending the rest of their lives? Of course in the interest of not scaring her away he said none of this. Soon enough she would know of his intentions, he would make it crystal clear. For now he needed to just play it cool and keep any pressure away. Easier said than done but he liked a good challenge and he knew that was exactly what she was.

“Why do you stay at the hotel when you have a house like this?” She asked staring at him like he was insane.

“The last few months I’ve been busy with work so I didn’t want to drive out here. Honestly it gets lonely being in a house this size when you are single and don’t have a family. This wasn’t my choice I got it when my grandfather died because my father pissed him off enough to choose me instead. My father won’t stay in the house out of spite, my grandparents are both gone and my mother moved to Spain. I know it’s a waste to have a house and not live in it but I don’t want to be alone,” he told her.

“It’s weird, you have all the space in the world and no family to fill it and my family is the opposite. We have no space at all and too many people,” she shook her head. “This is pretty amazing though.”

“Tomorrow I will give you the tour,” he said. He led her inside and down to the kitchen. “For now why don’t we have a drink before heading up to bed?”

“Sure,” she nodded with a look in her eyes that he knew the meaning to. Her eyes were expressive, he learned and you could read her like an open book. The temptation was strong but he was stronger or at least he hoped he was. “Wow, my mom would kill for a kitchen like this. Then her and Jay would stop fighting so much.”

“Jay is the one that cooks right?” He asked and she nodded, it was hard to keep up with who was who in her family. But he knew that her family was important to her so if he wanted her then her family was a part of her. A girl with 9 brothers wasn’t going to be easy to pin down and she was very close to her brothers.

While he selected s drink she looked around the kitchen. It was massive and once it had been his grandmother’s favorite place. She loved to cook and was always in there feeding everyone. For a moment he was distracted with thoughts of the past. But he shook it off and poured them each a drink. His grandfather had the kitchen remodeled shortly before his death. A new Tuscan theme served to give it a more homey type of a feel, if only there was a family to go with it. With Wildflower leaning against the island counter if looked like she belonged here. That short black satin dress she had on was giving him other ideas. Damned temptation was starting to win the fight.

“Hello?” Called a woman’s voice and it served to change the course of his thoughts. A woman appeared in the doorway and looked very relieved to see him.

“It’s just me, I forgot to call and tell you I was coming,” Nicolas said. “Wildflower this is Tammy, she runs the house. Tammy, this is my new friend Wildflower.”

The women looked at each other no doubt sizing each other up. Since he never brought women home of course Tammy was surprised. His grandmother hired her a few years ago to help out with things. After she was gone Tammy stayed on and kept everything in order in the house. She was not the maid, more of the caretaker or house manager. Her job was to hire and fire staff and keep things in order. Tammy lived in the house and had for years and she was basically part of the family. Obviously she had been asleep, he wasn’t thinking so he neglected to inform her that he was coming home. Truthfully, he hadn’t been sure that this was where he was coming.

“Nice to meet you,” Tammy said. “Sorry to have interrupted.” She didn’t wait for a reply, just left. Of course she didn’t know what to make of the situation, tomorrow though she would be more curious.

“Let’s go,” Nicolas said taking Wildflower’s hand. This was going to be the ultimate test for him but in the end it would be worth it. She was worth it.


Wildflower was a bit overwhelmed, but she said nothing and changed for bed. She was in a mansion; this was not where she expected to end up. Obviously Nicolas had money, the hotel room said that much. But this it was amazing and at the same time scary. What did he want from her? It really didn’t seem like he was trying to impress her by what he had. There was a reason he brought her here and she didn’t know what it was. His bedroom was like a dream and the bed was the biggest she had ever seen. The room was in different shades of blue and it was big and nice like everything associated with him.

               Nicolas’ bedroom sort of reminded her of his hotel. There was a sitting area with couches and a very big TV mounted to the wall. A table and chairs sat off to the side, there were huge picture windows and a door that led out to a balcony. This one room was bigger than the whole first floor of her house. And the closet, it had seating, it was half the size of the room. Of course he had his own private bathroom with a big tub and a glass incased shower. Everything was perfect and clean and the best of the best. She couldn’t help but to repeatedly ask herself why she was here.

               Changed into a light blue with black lace babydoll gown he bought her, she headed back into his room. He stopped whatever he was doing on his phone and stared at her. When he looked at her like that she started to forget everything. And the fact that he was only in a pair of black silk boxers didn’t hurt things at all. Before she could think he was up and off the bed and on her. The next thing she knew she was on her back on his bed and he was leaning over her looking down like she was the best thing ever. Those intense eyes of his were like a touch on her skin as he looked her over.

               “I like you in blue,” he said.

               “Matches your eyes,” she replied.

               “Are you going to stay another day with me?” He asked surprising her, she hadn’t even really thought about that.

               “Um I don’t know, is that why you brought me here? Trying to keep me from running off and going back home?” She asked watching him closely.

               “Just wanted to see how you look in my house,” he said simply. Intense, this man was intense and he watched her eyes like she watched his. They were both asking questions unsaid.

               “Do you have to work tomorrow? Is that why you were on your phone?” She asked casually, was it intrusive? Right now she wasn’t sure of the rules to this, she wasn’t sure of anything at all.

               “I don’t have to work I usually do but if you are going to stay I won’t. My assistant Gloria she was just texting me to see if I’m working tomorrow. And to ask how out date went, she’s always in my business. She has worked for me a long time though, I’m not sure what she actually does because she does have her own assistant. To her my personal life isn’t off limits, in fact today she pointed out that I don’t have a personal life,” he explained.

               “I see,” she nodded like she understood but really didn’t. Why would his assistant need an assistant?

               “So will you stay with me? We can go out or stay in or do anything you want,” he said.

               “My family is a little freaked out that I just disappeared,” she admitted.

               For the moment she was avoiding the question because she was unsure. They had chemistry and were both obviously attracted to each other but he was holding back. Why? Before she could formulate a reason he kissed her. When he did that her mind went blank and all she could think was why not? Maybe if she wasn’t so horny she could think straight, but there was nothing she could do about that. Just when she thought maybe he would finally give her what they both wanted he pulled away, again. This man was becoming very frustrating.

               “I guess I understand why your family wants you back but I want you too. If you want to go home it’s your choice I’ll take you there. Just know that I really want you to stay with me,” he said. Damn him for being so sweet and so sexy, there was no choice.

               “Ok, I’ll stay another day,” she said.

               “Good, I want you to stay with me as long as you want to. Don’t worry about anything,” he said. Then he followed it up with an earth shattering kiss.

               “You make leaving impossible,” she said while he was kissing her neck.

               Why would she even want to go home? So what they didn’t have sex? His kiss still set her body on fire and maybe he was a take things slow kind of guy. The way he kissed and touched her you wouldn’t think so but what else could it be? No, she didn’t want to go home to that cramped chaotic house, not yet. Right now this fairytale was really nice and though she normally was repulsed by sleeping with a man she liked it with him. What did that say? They weren’t having sex but everything between them was very intimate.

Who knew what another tomorrow with him would bring. The unexpected was starting to become very intriguing to her. No more thinking and analyzing, she was just going with it. So far so good and as he kissed his way all over her body she knew the best was yet to come.



Nicolas opened his eyes and actually smiled. It wasn’t often that he woke up with a woman in his bed. This was where she belong, right here with him. Unfortunately he saw that look of reluctance in her eyes last night. She was curious enough to stay but she wanted to go home too. What could he do about that? If he thought she would he would ask her to move in with him right now. But her family had a hold over her that he didn’t quite get just yet. Then again his family was deranged and well past dysfunctional. Her closeness to her family presented another challenge but he like challenges.

               Her eyes were still closed when her hand grazed his erection. His whole body jerked in surprise. At first he thought it was an accident but then she did it again and opened her eyes. The way she was looking into his eyes could have made him forget his own name. Women didn’t usually have this much effect on him. No, that was more his brothers’ thing, they were both very into women. Nicolas had always mostly been into work. That changed the moment he laid eyes on her. Last night he barely made it not having her and right now he saw no reason not to.

               She was the one to climb on top of him and take charge. Of course she was needy, he was too. Self control went out the window and he embraced temptation. He pulled her down to kiss her. Why did this feel so right with her? At least since they were definitely going to have sex now, he did take her on a date and he did try not to. She looked like a goddess on top of him with her curly hair hanging down and the light blue looked good against her skin. Never enough, he would always want more and he knew it. Today would be a good day to spend in bed, all day with no interruptions.

               As fate would have it there was a knock on his door right before it opened. It was like a divine intervention really. The intruders were two girls: one blonde and one brunette, they were his nieces. Both of whom gasped upon seeing him in bed with a woman. Not something they probably ever thought they would see. His oldest brother had 11 children, that they knew of and his sisters had 5 kids between them. A big family meant that he had a lot of nieces and nephews and the front door was usually unlocked. Only a few of the kids lived close so, but sometimes they came here on the weekend. Something he neglected to consider because his brain was only getting half the blood it should. Thankfully things hadn’t yet progressed to removing clothing.

               “Sorry Uncle Nick,” the older blonde one said but she didn’t look apologetic at all. That was Sugar; it was definitely her idea to come in uninvited to be nosey.

               “Oh I bet you aren’t,” he replied. The other one was definitely sorry and hadn’t wanted to do it. Before he could say anything more something odd happened.

               “Sammie? Sugar?” Wildflower said and she stared at the girls who took that as an invitation.

               “Tia?!” Sammie squealed staring at her. “This is where you have been?”

               “Oh my God, I wasn’t even thinking,” Wildflower shook her head.

               “How do you know each other?” Nicolas asked a bit confused.

               “Because you are hooking up with Sam’s godmother,” Sugar answered.

               “What? How is that possible?” He asked, nothing ever surprised him until maybe now.

               “Her mother use to be my brother’s girlfriend, well until she got pregnant. They were together for like 10 years,” Wildflower said.

               “Since they were in kindergarten,” Sammie added.

               “I helped her with Sammie and Jordan when they were babies I was like 8 and she said I could be their godmother,” Wildflower explained.

               “The boys said you ran off with some random guy and how crazy is it that it’s our uncle?” Sugar said with a mischievous look in her eyes, the girl was always up to something.

               “You say crazy I say this is a bit embarrassing,” Wildflower replied. She was still on top of him and he figured she wasn’t moving because he was still very hard.

               “What a small world we live in,” Nicolas commented. “Well since we are all here and I haven’t seen my favorite girls in awhile how bout we all go out for breakfast?”

               “That sounds great,” Sugar answered for everyone. “Come on Sam; let’s let them get dressed and decent.” Both girls left the room closing the door behind them.

               “We share my favorite nieces,” he said when they were alone.

               “I guess so,” she said with a sigh.

               “Does this make you want to go home? We don’t have to go out I just figured it would be something nice to do,” he said. He wasn’t sure what this expression she had was but it did seem to have regret in it.

               “It’s just so weird and completely unexpected; I just never knew much about Sam’s father or his family. The name was a dead giveaway but I wasn’t even thinking,” she said absently. “Sorry, I’m just lost in thought; it’s just a bit of a shock. They were both just at my house the other day and they stayed over last weekend. We spend a lot of time together and they are close to my brothers. Sammie basically grew up with them.”

               This development could potentially benefit him. He did need away to keep temptation at bay and a way to keep her here. Just like her he never expected this but he was going to roll with it. Seemed liked fate, again, he wasn’t completely sold on fate and destiny but it was the only way to explain this. The very idea of destiny and fate clashed with everything in his life and his need to be in control of everything. Then again his life mostly pre-planned for him by his father and grandfather. They had very high expectations where he was concerned and never accepted anything less than perfection. Which in turn was the reason he turned out to be a control freak.

               After the shock wore off from how small the world now seemed he was back to strategy mode. This was a blessing, the girls could provide him with any information he needed about her. There was only so much research one could do on another person. Getting the information straight from people close to her was a gift. Sugar was very much like him and she would especially do anything to help. His being single was something his whole family liked to comment on. Staying the night could potentially turn into staying the rest of the weekend because of the girls. His nieces obviously loved Wildflower and she loved them, it couldn’t have been more perfect.

               “I have 16 nieces and nephews, I see Sammie more than my brother does. He has 11 kids and most of them live out of state, he never really sees any of them. They all come here for the summer though and some holidays to see each other,” he told her. “Only 3 of them live close by, Sammie and Jordan of course and Jason, he’s the oldest. Jason I see a lot of because he works for me, I’ve been mentoring him.”

               “Why don’t you have your own kids if you like them so much?” She asked, little did she know he had a plan to remedy that.

               “Um I haven’t found the right person to settle down with. My brother has like 9 different mothers of his children, that’s not me at all. I want to be with one woman and for my wife to have my children. Maybe I’m a little old fashioned or spent way too much time with my grandmother, but it’s how I feel,” he said.

               “There’s nothing wrong with that, my family is oddly traditional. Nobody would think so but it was how we were raised, my father believed in married being sacred and something you only do once. I may be 1 of 12 but we have the same mother and father,” she said.

               “So what if I said I think you could be the one for me, what would you say?” He asked knowing it was a bit of a risk.

               “How could you know that? We’ve only just met,” she said. Surprisingly though she didn’t seem put off at all.

               “Because I just know and I can be patient and wait for you to be able to believe me,” he replied. “Do you want to stay and spend the day with the girls?”

               “Yes, I’m yours for the whole day. But you really don’t mind changing your plans to accommodate two teenage girls? Before they came in things were getting a little heated.”

               “There is plenty of time for that, and no I don’t mind at all. I love my nieces, I like spending time with them I’ve just been busy lately.”

               “God, you are like the perfect man aren’t you?”

               “Not even close, but when I see something I want I will do whatever it takes to get it. Or in this case you, I want you. Let’s make that clear now so you know, I want you and I will have you,” he told her. “Don’t say anything, we should just get dressed so we can go.”

               “Ok, I’m going to take a shower,” she said.

               “I would love to join you but if I do that we will never leave this room,” he said.

               “Mmm maybe another time then,” she said biting her lip.

               “Damn you look good,” he said and kissed her. “Use my shower; I’ll go in one of the other rooms.”

               “Are you sure?” She asked and he nodded.

               “Yeah and I need to um compose myself a little before I’m fit for the public. Anything you need should be in there,” he said.

               “Alright,” she said and with one last kiss she got up and headed into his bathroom.

               Thinking about her naked in the next room wasn’t helping him much. Eventually he got up and grabbed some clothes and headed down the hall. There were a lot of bedrooms in this house and most had their own bathroom. The house hadn’t always been so big it in fact started off small as a horse ranch. 100 year worth of Caprianis and changing times ended in this massive mansion. His ancestors added on as needed and now it was a big hollow empty place. In the summer the house was full but most of the year it was empty. Sugar and Sammie had their own rooms here since they spent more time in the house than their cousins or siblings.

               “Uncle Nick,” Sugar called as he was heading into a bathroom. “Just to let you know when you two get married I’m moving in.”

               “If that happens then maybe I can finally adopt you,” he replied.

               “No maybes about it, we have a lot to talk about once you are alone again,” she said. Of course she would do anything to have him adopt her and he did want to.

               “Yes I believe we do,” he agreed. Fate, he was going to have to start believing in it because it seemed determined to make him believe.


               Wildflower‘s head was still spinning when she got out of the shower. She pulled on her jeans from the other night; they had been dry-cleaned by the hotel. Her clothing options were limited since she hadn’t planned to be away all weekend. Wearing the shirt she wore out to the bar was not an option. When she was ready to just steal a shirt from Nicolas the girls came to her rescue. They were the little sisters she never had; with 12 kids her parents only had 3 girls. Obviously they kept clothes here so she was in luck. But she wasn’t so sure about dating their uncle.

               “How is it that you don’t have clothes but you have lingerie?” Sugar asked, she was never afraid to ask anything and pretty much had no censor button.

               “Oh that was a gift, remember that you are both children and I’m an adult,” Wildflower replied. The tank top they gave her was a little short and if she moved too much you could see her bare skin.

               “You were about to have sex with our uncle and we saw you so no need to waste time. I know you want to tell us what you think of him and how this happened,” Sugar said confidently.

               “Please Tia,” Sammie pouted at her.

               “Fine,” she shook her head feeling ganged up on.

               Truthfully this was good; she could get information from them on their uncle. She wasn’t sure about anything with him despite the things he said. His intensity was both enthralling and scary. No guy she ever met was like him. Of course she usually wasn’t considering dating anybody, but she liked sex. Why was she considering dating him? No, that wasn’t right she wasn’t considering it she just was dating him. He didn’t seem to want to ever let her go and she wasn’t sure if that was good or bad. But she liked his attention and just the way she felt with him. It was like they knew each other forever and not just two days.

               “Alright I was at the bar for mine and Ivan’s birthday and I saw your uncle looking at me. We chatted and he kissed me and lured me away with him and back to his hotel room. I spent the night and yesterday he invited Brooke to have a spa day with me to keep me there until he came back from work. He said he wanted to take me on a date so we did that and had dinner and ended up back here. And obviously shortly after I wake up I end up with you two,” she told them.

               “Sam, she’s so in love with him,” Sugar said smiling.

               “I can’t be in love with him I just met him,” Wildflower pointed out.

               “She is,” Sammie agreed. “He feels the same it’s so obvious. If he wasn’t serious he would never bring you here.”

               “Some guys might be like ‘hey look at my mansion, now blow me’. But he brought you here because he sees a future with you. The last time he really lived in this house was with Abuelita. Everybody called her that BTW; she was our great-grandmother. He lived here with her, while everybody else was off having a life he came back for her. Uncle Nick is like a genius and he could have done anything, he wanted to be a doctor but had to go into the family business. Losing Abuelita was bad for him, he works himself to death so he doesn’t have to come home. He’s lonely and this is a big as house,” Sugar told her.

               “It’s true, sometimes if we ask he’ll come out to hang with us but otherwise he hates being here. But if you got married then we could come live with you and fill up some of the space,” Sammie said.

               The thing with Sammie was that Wildflower was always there for her because her mother was emotionally unavailable. In fact Angel was often physically unavailable and would leave her kids randomly. It was all a long story but she wasn’t always that way, but she went a little wild after Ricky broke up with her all those years ago. At 15 he stepped up to take care of their family because their father died. He didn’t have time for a girlfriend and she went and got pregnant by somebody else. Because he was a great guy and loyal he was still there for her when she had another man’s children.

Sammie and her twin Jordan were basically apart of Wildflower’s family. And Ricky was more their father than their actual father ever was. Angel was a loose cannon and ran off with men often. Sammie and Jordan spent a lot of time with the Laiez family. Sugar was her cousin who just started coming over one day and never stopped. If the house was bigger she would have just let them move in. But she didn’t live in a big empty mansion she lived in a house that was a shoe box compared to this place.

               Thinking of home shocked her back to reality, because she was a realist. They were trying to pull her further into a fairytale and she loved them but this wasn’t real. Nicolas may want her now but he wasn’t going to later. She didn’t want him anywhere near her house and it wasn’t because she was ashamed of her family. It was just that guys who owned mansion didn’t want girls that lived home with her mother and nine brothers. That was reality, she was no Cinderella and she didn’t need to be rescued. Why did it seem like she was the only one that could see the truth?

               Wildflower liked Nicolas a lot, way more than she should have. She didn’t usually get attached to people outside of her family. Believing in love was hard for her; she was from a family of commitment-phobic men. So she couldn’t believe in love at first sight, even if that was the way this seemed. Part of her wanted to be that special someone for him but it was highly unlikely. She was starting to realize that she wanted to fall in love, if only just once to know what it was like. It was ridiculous to want to fall in love with a stranger or maybe it made sense. A stranger couldn’t hurt you the way that people you let get close could.

Really she needed to quit thinking. There was a time in her life where she didn’t think things through obsessively. But then her sister died and everything changed. Wildflower wasn’t always a twin, once upon a time she was a triplet and then one day she wasn’t anymore. When someone you loved and was essentially a part of you dies it throws your world off its axis. Family had already been her number one priority but after she crawled out of the darkness after Daisy died, family became her only priority. She learned at an early age that nobody could love her like her family did so she never needed love for anywhere else. Until this moment it never bothered her and she never questioned it. Nicolas made her wonder.

“In the unlikely event that I marry your uncle that I barely know, sure you can both live with me,” Wildflower said humoring them.

“We will hold you to that,” Sammie warned.

“How is the sex?” Sugar asked, the girl really had no boundaries at all.

“We haven ‘t had sex,” she admitted. “And that isn’t your business because you are children despite what you think.”

“Seriously? I have to ask you about sex because he’s never going to tell me that. Uncle Nick is practically my daddy since I don’t have one. And you are like my new mommy because Katrina is a b***h. You can adopt me,” Sugar said. “Oh wait, I got distracted. Why aren’t you having sex with him? I saw what you wore to the bar, he should’ve have tapped that.”

“Not everybody has to have sex,” Sammie said shaking her head. Her personality wasn’t in the same galaxy as her cousin’s. They made no sense together at all but they were always together. Having grown up with the Laiezs Sammie was use to a lot of boys and was a bit of a tomboy. Like Wildflower had been growing with so many boys around, she often thought she should have been a boy.

“She was hot and he’s a Capriani of course he looks good, it’s what people do. One day Samantha you will have sex and hopefully it will be with a boy. Sometimes I worry about you,” Sugar said. Sugar was more of a wild child, she liked to party and she liked sex and she didn’t hide it. Ricky hated her hanging around with her tight and revealing clothes in the house with 5 teenage boys.

“Ok girls; let’s not talk about any of this anymore. What happens between your uncle and I is between the two of us. Neither of you should even be involved or get your hopes up. After today I’ll probably never see him again,” Wildflower said. The looks they gave her made her just want to get out now. Having them get caught up in this thing was bad, not that it appeared that she had a choice in it.

“You know me and I’m not romantic at all but it’s obvious that you like him,” Sugar said.

“And it’s obvious he likes you too, listen to us we know him and you,” Sammie added.

“I can admit that I like him but we are from two different worlds, it can’t work. It’s ok I’m ok with that, I will live. What I want is for you two not to be disappointed,” she told them.

As luck would have it Nicolas came back into the room then. They were sitting over in the little sitting area on one of the couches. The thought of never seeing him again made her feel an odd sensation she wasn’t familiar with. Two different worlds it was an epic understatement. And maybe he was trying to say something by bringing her to his house. But she couldn’t picture this ever being somewhere she would call home. For her home was with her family. Sooner or later she was planning to move out her brothers didn’t need her anymore.

“Ready ladies?” Nicolas asked looking at them suspiciously. Of course he knew they talked about him.

“Yeah I’m starving Katrina doesn’t feed me, she wants me to having an eating disorder,” Sugar said. She got up and pulled Sammie with her out of the room leaving them alone.

“Did they say good or bad things?” He asked looking at her questioningly.

“All good, I promise,” she replied.

“I have to tell you the truth,” he said and pulled her close to him. “I don’t want to share you,” he said with his lips against her ear. “But since I have to, I don’t mind it being with them.”

“Nicolas, you do know I have to go back home, right?” She asked and he laughed.

“Yeah I know, I don’t want to but I do know. If you stay today and still want to go home I’ll take you tomorrow. Is that ok with you? Can I have one more night of not sleeping alone?” He countered and he had the nerve to pout at her and look sexy doing it.

“If you don’t want to sleep alone I’m sure any woman would love to sleep with you,” she replied matter-of-factly.

“Maybe but I only want you in my bed,” he said. And he was serious she could read it in his eyes as he stared into hers. Suddenly she had the distinct feeling that she was in trouble.

“Let’s go feed the children and talk about beds later,” she said.

“Fine, but we will talk,” he said.

Wildflower let him take her hand and lead the way out. She told herself it was because she didn’t know her way around his house and not because she liked it when he held her hand. For the first time since meeting him she didn’t want tomorrow to come. When it did everything would change, it was like Cinderella at midnight. Of course her life would turn into a knockoff fairytale when she needed it not to. Stupid silly ridiculous life and fate and everything and stupid tomorrow. 

© 2012 Britiney Harper

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Awesome! I want to continue reading.

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1 Review
Added on June 26, 2012
Last Updated on June 30, 2012


Britiney Harper
Britiney Harper

pittsburgh, PA

...A Few Things... 1) Hi! I'm Britiney 2) I Love to Write 3) I love to read 4) I'm a nerd 5) i love my Family more than anything else 6) I've been writing since i was 8yrs old (but really b4 tha.. more..
