Allie Chapter 32

Allie Chapter 32

A Chapter by Britiney Harper

Allie (Chapter 32) New


Chapter 32


            Allie hated herself for crying, she’d held it in fine last night. Tony only told everybody he didn’t want to marry her and she held it together. She told him she understood and then distracted herself. Now alone she was falling apart again. Why was it a surprise that he didn’t want to marry her? At some point he had to get tired of her. Tony was an amazing guy and she loved him so much but he deserved someone else. Knowing that and facing it were two very different things. By the end of the summer she had to break up with him for both of their sanities. It was for the best and had to be done.

            In a daze she changed into her second dress because she loved dresses and never had a birthday party. Maybe for her 18th birthday she would have a party, there would be no wedding. Her birthday could double as a going away party for Tony. Her second dress was shorter and pale rose colored with jeweled straps, a Lexy original. She couldn’t calm her nerves so she dug around in Abby’s bag for the second flask she kept. Her cigarettes were at home and she’d mostly given that up. Shaking she went into the bathroom to drink it. Right when she closed her eyes and was ready to drink, someone snatched it from her. It was Tony and he actually poured it down in the sink, Abby would be pissed.

            “You should know better,” he told her.

            “Buzz kill,” she replied.

            “Allesandra,” he said. She could only stand hearing that name from him. “We need to talk and you can’t avoid me.”

            “You lied to me Antonio, are you happy now? Talk finished?” She asked annoyed and walked away before he could answer.

            “I never lied to you, that night on the beach I really thought that was what I wanted. It still is but the more I think about it waiting is best. I love you so much that I can wait for you to be my wife, I don’t want anybody else. And the premarital counseling thing is a good idea, we need to think about the future,” he said. Logic was annoying and she hated it.

            “Maybe we shouldn’t get married at all, we had something special. I love you and I want to let you go to be free and happy,” she said.

            “Shut up,” he said. He pulled her to him and kissed her and really meant it. “No more talking crazy, we are together and a wedding doesn’t change that. I want us to get married when we are really sure and have a plan and figured out what we want for life. What’s the rush? Before I was relying on impulse and so were you. Stop worrying that I’m going to leave you, we are forever.”

            “Why couldn’t you say anything before that meeting?” She asked that was what hurt the most; it was like he betrayed her.

            “Because I didn’t know how I felt until then and I never wanted for you to say anything to anyone. We could have waited and talked about it more, but you had to tell my sister. Why would tell her without telling me?”

            “I don’t know we were talking, but she agreed to it. He was the one to shoot it down, I knew he would.”

            “Think about it if we do all the things they want they can’t say no. You can plan out your perfect wedding; I can find us a place to stay. And best of all we can be together however we want no more sneaking out to the stables. Don’t get me wrong I think it’s pretty hot but there’s so much we can do. And I know you hate doing so much therapy but the counseling thing will help us. It’s not about fixing us it’s about making it better and showing our family that this is right. Wildflower will convince Nick to let us do this if we wait a little while. She won’t have to deal with stress or fighting if everybody is ok with it,” he said. When he said it like that he was pretty convincing.

            “Are you sure you still want to marry me? Because it really feels like you don’t,” she said honestly.

            “Crazy, I love you and I’m trying to make this work for everyone,” he told her. “If we wait Allie, then we can make sure that this isn’t about impulse. You know I’ve had feelings for you for a long time.”

            “Can I show you how I feel about you? We’re in a hotel room alone and in need of making up. Let me love you, I’m best at physical expressions,” she said. They kissed and she wasn’t sure what the future held for them anymore. Or for just her, she was a train and the wreck was coming up soon she could feel it. Would he be able to handle another big breakdown?



            Jose looked up to see his sexy little nanny coming into his home office. Joseph was out for the day, Sammie and Allie took him to the park with Ariela. So they were alone and she was in black lace lingerie, he was now distracted. It was Valentine’s Day, a day he made a point to ignore, it was about love. In the past he would try to do something with Jasmine even if they weren’t together. Otherwise relationship or not he didn’t do the dumb made up holiday. There was only one woman he ever loved and she left him. It was looking like a permanent thing and he was trying so hard. His brother was having Jasmine watched wherever the hell she was and he knew he wouldn’t like what he found out. Still he felt no real guilt about Lindsay, especially when she bent over and shook her bare a*s at him.

            “Take me,” she ordered. He’d found that she liked to give orders because she knew what she wanted. But she also liked for him to tell her what to do.

            “You are killing me,” he replied. Her response was to get on her knees in between his legs.

            “We have free time and don’t have to worry about our sweet little Joseph,” she said. The way she said things sometimes was like she wanted to be his son’s mother. Or she thought she already was.

            “And you don’t want me to take you out or do something special for you for Valentine’s Day?” He asked more out of curiosity than anything.

            “No, we aren’t there yet,” she said. “After you divorce your wife we can do cute yet stupid holidays. I know you feel guilty, but you don’t have to. And I know you’ve been through a lot of women but you need a wife that you can depend on. Joseph needs a mother, I can be that. Just not until you divorce her and I know you still need time. You love her, in time you can love me and I can love you and be here with you.”

            “So sure of yourself aren’t you?” He asked holding her face in his hands. Jasmine didn’t want to be his wife obviously, but Lindsay did. The girl really knew what she wanted and how to get it.

            “Yes, I swear this wasn’t my plan when you hired me, I just needed a job. Since I am here and you need me, I’ll accept the task. It wasn’t a role I expected but one I will fill. Do you deny that I’ve made you happy? You come home to a clean house, a warm meal and your beautiful son. And you get me in your bed at night, willing to do anything you want,” she said. Why did everything she said sound so seductive?

            “Well you might just get your wish,” he replied and she smiled. Her hands moved up to undo his pants, having her around was amazing. “Do that later, right now I want you bent over my desk.”

            “As you wish,” she said getting up.

            What she said got to him a lot more than he wanted to admit. She wanted to be his wife and to be a mother to Joseph. Something told him that he wasn’t going to like finding out what Jasmine was up to. Why not keep Lindsay? Everything she said was true and the sex was pretty damn good. Unlike his actual wife she listened and would do anything he told her too. Obedience wasn’t in Jasmine’s nature, his either if he was honest. An obedient woman would be a good change. Pretty much while having sex with her sexy little body over his desk screaming his name, he made the decision. He was going to keep her, Jasmine could go to hell.

            “Wait,” she panted. “I think I hear somebody outside.”

            “F**k,” he growled.

He pulled out and went to the window and didn’t like what he saw. What he expected was that maybe the girls came back early with Joseph. No, getting out of a taxi in front of his house was his mother-in-law. The only thing worse than Beth being here would probably be his own mother showing up. Though actually Rosa would love Lindsay, she was the type of girl that wouldn’t cause trouble. None of that mattered now because he’d just been having sex with Lindsay and he was pretty screwed. What the hell was she doing here? Beth called periodically to check on Joseph but she hated Jose. His in-laws hated him before but after eloping with Jasmine and the prenup thing, they really hated him. And just his luck, Holly was there too.

“Go in your room and get dressed,” he told Lindsay while pulling his pants on.

“Who is out there? Is it your wife?” She asked pulling down her little lacy thing.

“No, her mother and her sister,” he said pulling her to the door. “Be good for me, ok? I don’t need them in my damn business.”

“Ok,” she nodded but there was a look in her eyes.

“Hey, I think I know what I want,” he said and pulled her into a kiss. “Just not yet, ok? I have to sort things out with Jasmine first.”

“Alright, it’s our secret,” she smiled and hurried away.

Jose quickly made himself presentable and opened a window, it really smelled like sex. They were already ringing the doorbell, even though Holly had a key. Maybe he needed to get the locks changed so there would be no surprises. He didn’t even feel guilty, he made up his mind. If he talked to Beth and Holly maybe he could figure out what Jasmine’s plans were. As long as whatever she wanted didn’t involve taking Joseph anywhere. She knew the consequences and the terms. What bothered him the most was wondering if maybe the money was more important than their son? Jasmine had become a stranger to him recently so anything was possible.

“Hi,” he said when he opened the door. They were definitely here to spy on him, they had luggage.

“Surprise,” Holly said.

“We thought you might need some help with Joseph,” Beth said. He took their bags and they walked right on in.

“Is Joseph asleep?” Holly asked.

“No, he’s actually not here, my nieces took him to the park,” he explained. There was noise coming from the kitchen so of course the women went in that direction.

“Do you have company?” Beth asked suspiciously.

“No,” he replied afraid of what they were going to find.

“Oh my God, Jose who is that?” Holly asked staring at Lindsay. 

“Hi,” Lindsay said smiling. “I’m Lindsay, Joseph’s nanny.”

“Nanny? Does my daughter know you hired a nanny?” Beth asked.

“Yes, I told her I hired someone to help me out since she is not here,” he replied. “Lindsay this is my mother-in-law Beth and sister-in-law Holly.”

“Good to meet you,” Lindsay said. “Are you staying for dinner? I was about to get started on it.”

“If Joseph isn’t here then why are you still here?” Beth asked.

“I live here,” Lindsay replied.

“Why do you have another woman living in my daughter’s house?”

“Do you really want to do this now? Why does my son need a nanny? Because his mother can’t be bothered with him and I work.”

“Jasy is just a little stressed out,” Holly said unconvincingly.

“Yeah, a lot of people have stress in their lives but they don’t run off and leave their child,” he replied very annoyed.

“I think I’ll finish this up later,” Lindsay said. She left the room; she was the lucky one not having to deal with this.

“Is this your new little girlfriend? If my daughter wanted to take her son anywhere she can’t, can she?” Beth asked, they made it seem like this was his fault.

“Don’t show up at my house pointing fingers, Jasmine made her own damn choices. I told her I didn’t want her to go but she left. She was the one that stopped calling me and she hasn’t called to check on her child. The child that everybody was so certain I couldn’t love and take care of. I love my son and I would do anything for him and I have loved Jasmine a very long time. And what I’m not supposed to hire someone to help me out around here? What should I do with Joseph?” Jose was pissed and didn’t want them in his house.

“Jose,” Holly said gently. “Mom is just upset by this whole bad situation. We came here to help you, we are family. I’m not going to make excuses for Jasmine, but she loves you and Joseph. There’s nothing wrong with you having a nanny, you did what you had to. I should have just come down here as soon as she left to help you.”

“I’m sorry Jose, I just can’t believe my daughter would be so irresponsible,” Beth said. “Have you spoken to her?”

“Two weeks ago, she doesn’t take my calls anymore. If you talk to her, tell her my patience is wearing thin,” he said.

“Oh Jose,” Holly said throwing her arms around him. “Please, Jasmine will come back she loves you. Just give her some time, a little more time I mean.”

“Yeah,” he sighed.

Having his in-laws around was going to make things difficult. He didn’t want to stop being with Lindsay and he didn’t know if he wanted Jasmine back. She’d been pushing him away for years. Now she had her chance to make a clean break from him and the child they had together. Maybe this was cosmic and karmic payback for all the women he’d wronged. The pain and heartache was what it was always like with Jasmine. He could handle it, but Joseph was an innocent child. Hadn’t she already done enough to him?

Jasmine was a cold calculating b***h, he should have known. She could have gotten pregnant on purpose and planned out the guilt trip for after. Thinking about it was just going to make him hate her. He was never going to forgive her for leaving Joseph like this. Lindsay or not it was always going to come to this. At least now he had a replacement. Oh he wanted Jasmine to come home, the love was gone now. All he wanted right about now was revenge. She would pay for this and she would be made to feel all the things he had since the day he met her.



Wildflower never had a real valentine for Valentine’s Day. Last year she happened to meet Nicolas after the love holiday. She wasn’t sure what to expect from him, she sure didn’t expect to be in a tattoo shop. He didn’t have any tattoos but today he was getting one with her name and the names of his children. Since he was going to get Iago’s name he decided to add Allie too. It was sweet that he thought of her too and of course Allie would appreciate it. He was previously the good and obedient son he listened when his father was against tattoos. This was at least more entertaining than sitting at home. The tattoo was going to be the tree of life with a ribbon going through it to add names later.

“Are you wishing I took you somewhere romantic?” Nicolas asked.

“No, you romance me daily, it’s something different,” she said. “You’re just going to be very sore later. Oh and you better hope we don’t have too many kids.”

“Didn’t we agree on 6?” He asked, he at least never showed that he was in any pain. That was her husband only he could completely not even wince.

“Something like that,” she laughed.

This was a perfect day, nothing to worry about. Tammy had a date, pretty much everybody had dates. Allie and Sammie took Ariela and Joseph to the park. Later they would return Ariela to her Uncle Cole. Everybody had something romantic planned; the kids were all going out to dinner together. It was cute; this was the first time all of her siblings were involved with someone at once. Ivan told her it was all her fault from falling in love and starting a chain reaction.

Carmen and everybody got flights out either last night or that morning, it was a little hectic. But things were for the most part back to normal. In just 5 short days it would be hers and Ivan’s birthday, Brooke said she was planning something. As long as it didn’t involved a bar or anything crazy she was all for it. The whole big party for the twin’s thing was a little crazy. Everything went well but it just wasn’t what she was use to. Pretty much none of her siblings ever had birthday parties. Of course all of them together made a party but they just did dinners. It was a very expensive party, when she saw how much she was pretty shocked. Then Nicolas was talking about taking Sammie, Evan and Corey to pick out cars.

When she thought she’d gotten use to the money thing she realized she never would. She wasn’t against cars at all and her brothers never would have this without Nicolas. A year later and he was still buying big expensive gifts. At this point arguing was a little pointless. Nicolas was definitely about spoiling, Iago would be very spoiled. At least though she didn’t have to worry about rules, her husband was strict where she was not. After months of trying to be more parent than sister or friend or aunt, nothing much changed. It would be different with her own child though, possibly, when it was teens it was different.

“Does it hurt a lot?” She asked it was amazing that he didn’t react.

“What do you think?” He replied looking up at her.

“Mine is little and it hurt,” she said.

“What do you have a tattoo of?” Tattoo Guy asked her.

“Oh I was born a triplet so on our 18th birthday we got a triqueta on our lower backs with our initials,” she explained.

“So what three girls?” He asked.

“No, two girls one boy, I was in the middle. I’m actually surprised that Daisy and I weren’t boys. I have nine brothers and one older sister,” she said.

“Wow, how did your parents manage that?” Everybody asked that when you say you’re one of a dozen.

“It was difficult, but I love my brothers,” she replied. Going into detail with strangers would just make it weird.

“Your brothers hate me,” Nicolas said.

“They do not; Ivan and I are just closer than anyone else. He doesn’t hate you; he just can’t possibly trust you. Besides the younger ones can’t hate you if you’re bribing them with cars,” she pointed out.

“The bribe is to get out my house, and it’s not like you are taking them to school once Tony graduates,” he said. That was very true she would have enough to do with a baby anyway.

“I’m going to get something to eat,” she told him. “Want anything?”

“A drink maybe, where are you going?” He asked in that I-don’t-want-you-out-of-my-sight tone. Lately she never went anywhere by herself, everybody worried something would happen to her or the baby.

“Nicolas, I am walking across the street, I can do that you know. If I don’t eat this baby is going to kick the hell out of me,” she said. “I’ll be back.”

Wildflower picked up her purse and headed out of the tattoo shop. She was perfectly capable of taking care of herself and hated being babied. Having a moment to herself was good for her, she couldn’t complain about her family. They just wanted to be there for her since she’d recently had a lot going. So on one hand she appreciated the love but she wanted to be left alone. It was funny that she’d been trying to get alone time and now she was twice as suffocated. There was a bakery across from the tattoo shop so she headed over there. At the moment she didn’t crave anything in particular but that could soon change. She didn’t hate being pregnant, she didn’t love it either but she could live with it.

As soon as she walked into the bakery she wanted a brownie and chocolate milk. Two things she normally wouldn’t have together but at least it wasn’t anything weird. She bought herself a sandwich, a brownie, chocolate milk and a cookie. Since she’d been thinking of her non-existent alone time she decided just to stay there to eat. Why not? This would be the only alone time she would have for the foreseeable future. Alone time was bliss, as Allie would say. Once Iago was born she knew she would never be alone and not because of him. What a change she was going to be 24 and a mother and she was a wife. She couldn’t get over how much her life had changed.

“Excuse me,” someone said and she looked up. Something about this woman seemed familiar. She was older like maybe her mom’s age with pale blonde hair. That was it that hair it reminded her of a nightmare.

“Yes?” Wildflower replied hoping she wasn’t about to be reminded of something unpleasant but expecting she was.

“You’re her, I mean the wife,” the woman said. “Uh Nicolas Capriani is your husband right? I got your picture off the internet.”

“Who are you?” She asked, her first instinct was to leave.

“You don’t know me, but I’ve been waiting for an opportunity to speak with you without him. This sounds weird I’m sure but please I need your help. My name is Kathy Mandrake.”

“Sadie’s mother?” She asked and Kathy nodded. This had to be a very bad dream but she sat down across from her anyway.

“Yes, I’m looking for my daughters,” Kathy said.

“I’m not a violent person but if any of your daughters was near me I’d probably hurt them. Don’t ask me about you daughters your daughter pushed me down stairs knowing that I was pregnant. They collectively helped a stalker break into my house. I have nightmares about my wedding because of them, so you can go away,” she told her. Maybe she really didn’t need to be alone, everybody else worked to keep stress away from her.

“I am sorry for what they did but you don’t understand how much they loved their sister.”

“Honestly I don’t care that has nothing to do with me. I liked Caroline but she put herself in a very bad situation because of your other daughters.”

“So you know them all?” Kathy asked like that meant something.

“I wish I never met any of them,” she said. Taking a deep breath she stood no longer hungry or wanting to be alone. “I will say that you better find them before Delanoz does, he’s pissed.” She left at that and wanted to scream. Why her?

Before she went back into the tattoo shop she tried to call herself, she was shaking. Not because she was scared but because she was pissed. What right did that woman have to speak to her? She gave up pity for those sisters a long time ago. They were lucky that she didn’t tell Nicolas to go capture and kill them. Having that thought made her feel sick. That whole mess was going to take her to a place she didn’t need to be. No more stress and those did not exist to her anymore.

For a second she actually thought that they deserved what Delanoz did. What was happening to her? How could she think that? Oh right they tried to steal her baby from her, she wasn’t giving them another chance. Calm, she needed to be calm. If she wasn’t Nicolas would flip out and who knew what would happen. Deep breaths, no more thinking or worrying because everything was fine. Her family was wonderful, she would have her son in a few months. Somehow she managed to go back inside and sit back down.

“Everything ok?” Nicolas asked, she smiled and nodded.

“Yeah, I was just thinking I could make dinner for us tonight. It’s so rare that we’re ever alone in the house,” she said.

“Are you sure?” He asked still looking concerned.

“Yes, I can still cook you know. Maybe not as good as Jay but he’s been spoiling us,” she said. Still she smiled and hoped she was a better actress than she thought she was.

“Alright, whatever you want,” he said. Later he would ask what was really wrong and she would tell him. Right now wasn’t the time and this wasn’t the place. For now she would sit and think of her son and how wonderful he was going to be.



Brooke never considered Valentine’s Day a holiday; it was stupid and made up. It just led to unrealistic expectation and wanting stupid things. Jay wasn’t the romantic type, it just wasn’t him. So in the past nothing ever really happened. Expecting anything different this year would be disappointing. Her best friends being married and having husbands that wanted to do things sucked. What really sucked was that all Jay’s little brothers were even taking their little girlfriends out. Yup, she was jealous and a little bitter. No romance no possibility of marriage, what was the point?

She would have liked to say Cole had nothing to do with how she was feeling about Jay. But that would be a lie. She just had to remember that she loved Jay and even Isaiah learned to be romantic. Well eventually and Christina was happy and smiling. Cole text her daily and told her what he would do for her and to her. Jay didn’t really know she was talking to Cole. It wasn’t that she kept it a secret or lied about it, he didn’t notice. That was Jay completely oblivious. He didn’t even notice the real reason Cole came to the party. Why would Cole come to the birthday party of two kids he didn’t know? Not really because he wanted to help his sister out with Ariela. Joseph’s nanny had that covered.

            What she needed to focus on was that she loved Jay and not Cole. Even if Cole made the grass seem greener on the other side of the fence. Besides how would it work if she was to break up with one friend’s brother for another? For one thing she definitely needed to get out and make some friends. Before she never really needed other people being friends with one Laiez was like being friends with them all. She’d gotten use to hanging with the guys, now she needed a separation. Why had she ever thought being with her best friend’s brother was good idea? If she really did ever end it then what? How could she still hang around with his family?

            So how was she spending her Valentine’s Day? First she dropped him off at work and then her aunt called her. Helping Aunt Kim pick out her outfit for her date wasn’t helping her. Neither was the fact that her brother Brendan had two girls he was going out with. What was wrong with the world? Apparently everything was wrong with the world. She went home so that she could order a pizza and drink the vodka and tequila she just bought. Today was a good day for depression, seeing Jessica earlier was another. Ivan doing something romantic for his dumb s**t girlfriend really annoyed her. Why? Why couldn’t she get any romance?

            Before she could get out of Jay’s car she saw she had a text. Of course it was Cole, he would text her right now. It took all of her strength and common sense not to tell him to come over. Instead she ignored it and went into the house to wallow in her misery. Valentine’s Day was a curse and she was going to die, literally, when her friends told her what they did. Wildflower did text her saying her hubby was getting a tattoo. Of course he would probably do something cute and sweet later. Every day might as well be Valentine’s Day for Wildflower. Getting drunk would only numb this temporarily. Maybe she needed to quit being passive aggressive and just talk to Jay.

            Inside she heard something in coming from the kitchen. After the Owen breaking and stabbing her with a freak needle thing she was a little edgy. Of course Owen was in jail where he couldn’t come near her. Still she wasn’t home alone very often and sometimes she worried. How could she not? It made her think of her parents and that she couldn’t do, not today. Slowly she headed down the hall and was very surprised to see Jay. Did she not drive him to work today? He hadn’t even acknowledged that today wasn’t just a regular day. It was funny how it was a stupid holiday that was made up by card and candy companies, but she wanted to feel loved.

            “What are you doing here?” Brooke asked and he turned, he was putting flowers in a vase.

            “I live here,” he replied.

            “Duh dumb a*s, you know what I mean,” she said. The table was set she noticed and there were candles and food on it.

            “Well I really just went to pick something up,” he shrugged. He brought the flowers in their vase over to the table. “What? I thought I would do something nice.”

            “But Why?” She asked and he just stared at her.

            “I had this dumb idea that maybe you’d like it,” he said.

            “You always say that Valentine’s Day is a huge scam,” she said.

            “Why are you so damn difficult?”

            “Because you don’t really do nice things, it’s weird.”

            “Fine, why don’t you call your boyfriend and spend time with him?” That wasn’t a question it was borderline an accusation, do he knew.

            “What you wanted to be nice to me because of Cole?” She asked a little suspicious, that would explain it.

            “My life doesn’t revolve around him, not like you. I wanted to do something nice for you and surprise you. None of that had anything to do with him but know what? Go be with him Brooke, it’s pretty obvious how he feels and you don’t discourage it. I don’t play games and I’m done,” he said. He was pretty pissed, he walked pass her and took his keys.

            Brooke stood there for a few minutes trying to let everything sink in. Her boyfriend just did something nice and sweet and he surprised her. And he also just broke up with her. Did that really just happen? At some point she lost her mind, what was wrong with her? She went over to the table; he actually bought wine and nice glasses and candles. These were all her favorite foods and it kept getting worse. Jay wasn’t into romance or feelings, he was into fun and just being happy together. On the table was a box from a jewelry store. He bought her the necklace she saw and wanted but didn’t buy.

Usually she would just buy whatever or more specifically since she started being an assistant. But she gave Jay most of her savings so she was off shopping. Perfect. She couldn’t blame anyone but herself for this. Before her friends got married she didn’t even want to. Now Jay had to deal with her being crazy and taking to another guy. He should be mad at her she was the worse girlfriend ever. When she called his cell phone she wasn’t surprised that he didn’t answer. Where would he even go? She was going to wait for him to come home so she could do some serious apologizing. Eventually he did have to come home, right?

What if he didn’t? What if she couldn’t make this right? What if she lost him? Valentine’s Day was just a bad day it was cursed for her. Why couldn’t it be like last year? Last year Jay really did work so she was with Wildflower and Sammie and Allie eating candy and watching horror movies. Those were the simpler days when nobody was ever thinking of marriage. And it was before everybody wanted to be all coupled up. Expectations and disappointments was what this stupid stupid day was about.



Nicolas was silent sitting at his desk with his brother across from him. The verdict was in on what Jasmine was doing. Now of it was definitive but it did look bad. Maybe that was why Jose’s in-laws decided to pop up. While Jose flipped through the photos Nicolas was on his computer. He did not like that mother Mandrake was following his wife. Was it his problem her stupid daughters were missing? She was lucky the reason they were missing wasn’t because he murdered and dismembered them.

Maybe if Kathy had better control over her daughters they wouldn’t be missing with warrants. Did anybody take responsibility for anything anymore? If the parents did better with their daughters none of this would have ever happened. If they had been smart the moment Delanoz start sniffing around they would have put an end to it. If they keep an eye on their daughters Caroline wouldn’t have been charmed, manipulated, tortured, married and pregnant. He would never let happen to his kids, they wouldn’t be near anyone he didn’t approve of. That now also included Allie. Though she made it easy with her reform, she was mostly with family. His son and any other future children would just know better than to do anything stupid.

“What are you doing about Mandrake Mommy?” Jose asked looking up while putting the pictures away.

“She’ll be coming here for a little meeting,” he said.

“I’d hate to be her,” Jose said shaking his head. “What are you doing for your wife’s birthday? It is the anniversary of the day you become whipped.”

“Don’t know, Brooke was planning a party until Jay broke up with her. He apparently hasn’t been home in two days and won’t tell anyone where he is. I’m staying out of it, not my business,” he sighed. Brooke’s whining was getting a little annoying.

“Women are a curse,” Jose replied. “Lindsay got in bed with me last night and you can’t say no to that girl. I’m trying to be discreet but she wants me to make Beth and Holly leave. Apparently they harass her all day and treat her like a maid. Can I ever get a break? My wife left and is f*****g somebody and I’m the bad guy.”

“Divorce her; you said nanny wants to take over the job.”

“Yeah, after I divorce Jasmine and pay her the money that was worth more than our child, I’m done with marriage. I can be with Lindsay but it will be a long time before I do that again.”

“Here,” Nicolas said handing him an envelope.

“You move fast,” Jose sighed. “Thanks little brother, now I have divorce papers to go with proof that she’s a lying b***h.”

“That is why we are getting rid of her now before she manipulates you into letting her stay. I feel awful that this happened to you; I thought she really was worth it. But you have to do what you have to and move on. If it hasn’t worked in all this time then it never will. Just like she will never grow up really who gets mad at you from spending time with your son? If the son was with another woman then maybe and especially Cheyenne. She’s only gotten worse, she abandoned he son,” he pointed out.

“Guess I’ll always have you to keep me grounded,” Jose sighed. “Ok, I will move forward with this. Jasmine can go to hell and stay away from my son, she knew better. I’m done and I should just tell Beth and Holly to leave.”

“Probably? I could never get rid of my in-laws at least you can.”

“Why are you here anyway? Shouldn’t you be recovering from your massive tattoo? You never do things halfway do you?”

“Of course not, what would be the point to something small? Can you imagine what Rosa will say?”

“Nothing because she will be way too happy that Jasmine is out of her family.”

“Do you still love Jasmine?”

“I don’t think I do and it’s not just because she left, she’s different. Ever since she came back I’ve slowly begun to dislike her, there’s just always something. We can’t all be you, finding one person to be with. Lindsay has potential; she’s young and eager to please. Bet I could talk her into anything,” Jose said thoughtfully.

“How old is she? Like 21 right?” He asked and his brother nodded.

“Just a ten year difference not much, she can be taught,” Jose said.

“Rosa and your sisters will like her much more than they like Jasmine,” he pointed out. Almost anybody was preferable to Jasmine to them.

“That would be nice except who wants to be with someone they approve of? Do me a favor and get everything you can on Lindsay, I don’t want any surprises,” Jose said.

“And why can’t you do that?” He asked though he was already setting it up, just a few quick emails.

“Because people do things faster for you since you are crazy,” Jose shrugged. “Besides if Lindsay found out it’s my brother checking up on her and not me. I’ve found that women don’t really like you digging into their secrets it can lead to drama and refusal of sex.”

“Funny how that never happened to me,” he replied.

“You should feel lucky that I’m your brother or I would steal her.”

“I’d like to see you try, it would never happen.”

“I can be nice and loving if I want to be, I usually don’t. Anyway I don’t have any intentions of going after your wife but Alejandro wants her bad.”

“Tell me again why murdering him is out of the question? Also add why murdering Carmen is bad too.”

“Oh right Carmy wants to pimp your wife to get Alejandro Moreno into her studio. You can’t kill her because she’s your favorite sister and him he’s paying us a lot of money. What would you do if your pretty little wife wanted to model?” Jose asked, that was a good question.

“It would never happen again, she doesn’t like attention and she’s private. I’m not saying she wouldn’t be good at it, she’s beautiful. But we’re having a baby and he doesn’t need to grow up and Google his mother half dressed because Auntie Carmen wanted money. I don’t want men touching her and I wouldn’t like the attention either, she’s mine. And she especially won’t be doing anything with Alejandro; the last time was my fault. She was angry so she went and let Carmen manipulate her, never ever again,” he said.

His wife would make a beautiful model but he wasn’t going to let her. Alejandro Moreno was a man that was use to getting whatever he wanted. Too bad for him so was Nicolas. And he wanted what belonged to Nicolas. Why? Most of it was physical attraction and the rest was wanting something he couldn’t have. She was beautiful pregnant and not but who was this attracted to a pregnant woman? This was his wife so of course he was. But just some random guy?

Then again that Eric guy was definitely into her but at least he was no threat. Not that he considered Alejandro any kind of threat, but there was a big difference between him and Eric. As it seemed Eric could understand boundaries and understood marriage and why she was off-limits. Alejandro just saw a challenge and an opportunity, which would get him killed. Maybe him and Alejandro had similar personalities but he was more ruthless. It was probably a bad idea to kill or injure someone you did business with, right? He was going to try to remember that. Oh how he regretted ever bringing his wife to that meeting.

“Mr. Capriani, someone is here to see you,” the assistant said over the intercom. One day he would remember that guy’s name but he was Gloria’s assistant so a little less important.

“Send her in,” he replied. Gloria was out of the office right now for one reason or another. He really did just let her do whatever she wanted; at least she did what was needed of her.

“I’m glad I came in here,” Jose said before the door opened.

Assistant opened the door to let Kathy Mandrake in. She walked in slowly and Assistant closed the door behind her. The woman looked terrified, as she should be. Daughters missing or not she had no right to approach his wife. This wasn’t his problem anymore he made a promise to his wife. What happened with Delanoz holding them all hostage had absolutely nothing to do with him. In fact he didn’t know anything about it until after they escaped. It was a pity that Caroline didn’t do the world a favor and just kill Delanoz. Sooner or later he would be back and ready to hunt and kill every Mandrake left. Still not his problem, as long as his hands were clean and mind his own business.

“Are you going to tell me where my daughters are?” Kathy asked, she hesitated before taking a seat next to Jose.

“I have no idea where your daughters are and nor do I care. This is about my wife and how if you ever come near her again I will make you regret it,” he said.

“What else was I supposed to do? They are missing,” Kathy said. There were tears in her eyes and tears didn’t work on him.

“That has nothing to do with me therefore nothing to do with my wife. I can’t have you upsetting her and I won’t rely on hoping you won’t go near her again. She has nothing to do with you pathetic daughters,” he said. Jose covered his mouth because he was going to laugh.

“Sadie wasn’t so pathetic when you were dating her or when you got her pregnant,” Kathy challenged.

“She always was, especially since she got pregnant on purpose and had an abortion out of spite. You have no idea how much that hurt my grandmother,” he said. Now he was really annoyed thinking of that, but he made a promise.

 “She said you did not want a baby and that you threatened her,” Kathy said. That time Jose actually snorted.

“That is the funniest thing I have ever heard, Nicky has never been one to flake on responsibility. You really believed that?” Jose asked in obvious amusement.

“Why would I doubt my daughter?”

“Because all of your daughters are insane, you should be happy they are still alive. Obviously you have no idea the type of people you raised. They have been out of control for a long time and they are lucky to be alive,” Jose said. He wasn’t amused anymore; of course not he had his reasons.

“Look Kathy your daughters have done a lot of things to my family and we never truly retaliated. So what your daughter died years ago, that doesn’t give the others the right to attack us. That whole thing had nothing to do with Jose and I so whatever happens it’s their own fault. Now if you or your daughters come near my family again, especially my wife, you won’t live long. I’m sick of all these games and you better say a prayer I don’t see any members of your family,” he paused. “I wonder what would happen if Delanoz exercised his rights to see his daughter Penny?”

Nicolas could be mean and cruel and a general a*****e, but he would never do that. No child deserved Delanoz as a father, which was an awful punishment. The threat was to make Kathy take notice there would be no follow through. Why bother? The child did nothing and he wouldn’t punish her for her crazy aunts and idiotic grandparents. He was very willing to stay away from the Mandrakes if they stayed away from his family. Delanoz had his own grudge with them and he did feel bad for Caroline. But what was important was his own family and his wife that was upset after being reminded.

What man wanted to know that his wife couldn’t think of their wedding without nightmares? They stole that day and nearly his son. If they would have lost the baby he would have only accepted their blood as repayment. There was no way to fix that or give her back the day. But he would be more careful in the future especially once his son was born. Thinking of all this made him want to do something to make his wife smile. Before he couldn’t figure out what to get her for her birthday now he did. Too bad it couldn’t be Sadie’s head on a platter. Maybe someone would give him that for his birthday? Wishful thinking it was but anything was possible.



It was Friday, therefore it was February 19th and Wildflower’s 24th birthday. She woke up to her amazing husband bringing her breakfast in bed. He went to work promising her a surprise. Since it was Friday her and Brooke went to volunteer just like usual. The kids made her birthday cards, it was really sweet. When she was ready to head home she got a surprise. Carlynn, Kati, Persephone, Tara and Nadia were taking her to have a birthday lunch. It had been awhile since she seen her cousins-in-law, not since before going to Brazil.

“So fill us in on life,” Carlynn said when they got to the restaurant.

“We’ve been so worried about you with all that’s been going on,” Kati said.

“Everything is fine now,” Wildflower said.

When her life was scandalicious and crazy they did call but she didn’t want to see anybody. Except of course her family because she was close to them but she didn’t know the Caprianis all that well. Which was proven since these three were the only ones she spent time with. Not that she was invisible to the other mass of Caprianis, they had to respect her. Carmen told her a million times that she was the queen of the family because whoever controlled the business controlled the family. Most of the family worked for Nicolas in some way. She was learning that the Capriani Empire was truly massive; it was way more that pharmaceuticals and security.

While she loved Carlynn, Persephone and Kati and she appreciated their friendship, she didn’t want them around. What she was use to was her brothers and letting people that close was hard. That was probably why she had two close friends and not many others. Carmen had easily become family, Nicolas’ immediate family were fine. Once you got outside of them there was too much drama. What she heard from these three was enough to make her want to retain as normal a life as she could. And there was Tara who was a close friend now, she saw her all the time. Nadia was the wife of Nicolas’ friend Brian. Like her he didn’t have many close friends it was Richard and Brian and Jose. Of course not trusting was a Capriani family trait.

“Carmen called to ask us why we aren’t presenting you to the world,” Persephone said. “We are under strict instructions to make you go out.”

“I can’t blame you for not wanting to go, it’s boring,” Tara said.

“If you did come then people could quit asking us about you,” Nadia said.

“She doesn’t quite understand yet that she is royalty,” Carlynn said. “Don’t make plans for next weekend, we have a function.”

“This is why I spend most of my time with children,” she replied and they laughed. Children were simple, even her teens weren’t all that bad. Why would she want to hang around catty women?

“The children love you, I really think you should consider adopting a few,” Tara said.

“It’s a really bad time, I would do it but I can’t right now. And I know what you are hinting at Tara you are not subtle,” she said.

“They love you,” Tara replied.

“What’s this about?” Persephone asked.

“She wants me to adopt these two sweet adorable girls,” she explained.

“Why not? You have like a billion rooms, make Brooke your nanny,” Kati suggested. “Why didn’t she want to have lunch with us?”

“Well she’s not too happy this week, she had a big fight with Jay and he broke up with her. She’s staying with me because he won’t even go home with her there. I’m trying to stay out of it,” she said. That was easier said than done. When Jay left he wouldn’t even tell anybody where he was. He only gave in to telling her because he said he didn’t want to stress her.

“How is that possible? I mean for you to not be involved? Your best friend and your brother, that would suck,” Kati said. Oh how true that was.

“They are all afraid to stress me out so it’s not as bad as it could be,” she shrugged. It still didn’t make it any better.

“Stress will not be your excuse to stay home little Miss,” Carlynn told her.

“We can have fun,” Nadia said.

“Maybe,” she said.

“So how are you preparing for the little one?” Persephone asked.

“Um I’m still working on that, Nick and Allie have done most of the nursery stuff. They hired a decorator and I don’t have much input, I don’t mind. It’s cute how they work together,” she told them.

“How did you get Katrina to let you adopt her daughter?” Kati asked.

“Oh you haven’t been in this family long enough honey, Nick can make anything happen,” Persephone said.

“Who are you going to let plan your baby shower?” Carlynn asked.

“You know Carmen wants to,” Tara said.

“I never thought about it,” she admitted. She knew where this was going.

The conversation turned to baby showers. Wildflower had been to a few baby showers in her life and her and Daisy planned one for Iris. Mostly Daisy did the work because she liked girly things and it was fine. Christina didn’t want a baby shower because it upset her at the time. Instead together as a family they pulled money together to get whatever Ariela needed. She barely knew anything about baby showers so some things they said were both surprising and appalling. If Carmen planned something she was picturing something big and crazy. Of course Carmen would declare herself party planner and take over because that was Carmen. And she would get everybody in on it. There was a lot to think about, later she would Google baby showers so that she was educated. But mostly so she could tell Carmen and her army (which would no doubt be these same women she was with now plus Brooke and Christina and the girls) what she didn’t want.

It was nice to get out and have a pleasant lunch with friends. She never had a lot of girl friends three seemed to be the magic number for her. First it was Daisy, Cody and Brooke and then it was Brooke, Christina and Cody. Lately she was a lot closer to Angel than she ever had been before and she liked the new Angel. There was of course Carmen, Tammy and Tara. She’d tried to be friends with Jasmine but that wasn’t happening for obvious reasons. Having three times the amount of girlfriends she had before wasn’t a bad thing. It was another thing on that long list of ways that her life changed in the past year.

Some things were changed for the better, some things she wished never happened and there was a good bit she wanted to forget. But last year when she woke up on her birthday she didn’t expect anything good to happen. She hadn’t wanted to go out or be social but she had and this was the effect of that. It was another year without Daisy and that hurt like hell. The upside was that she now had things to look forward to. Family, husband, baby and amazing friends, this was a very good birthday. Later she would get Ivan to go visit Daisy with her, it was something they needed to do together.  

© 2010 Britiney Harper

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This is a wonderful chapter here. Ilike all the vivid detail. There is also a wonderful imagery as well. I like this chapter alot. Suspense and drama.
Very well written.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on June 11, 2010
Last Updated on June 11, 2010


Britiney Harper
Britiney Harper

pittsburgh, PA

...A Few Things... 1) Hi! I'm Britiney 2) I Love to Write 3) I love to read 4) I'm a nerd 5) i love my Family more than anything else 6) I've been writing since i was 8yrs old (but really b4 tha.. more..
