Allie Chapter 30

Allie Chapter 30

A Chapter by Britiney Harper

Allie (Chapter 30) Daddy


Chapter 30


            Jose had a huge problem. The problem should have just been that his wife was gone and he hadn’t heard from her in a week. Jasmine had been gone for three weeks now and he didn’t know where she was or when she was coming back. At first she called him daily but she stopped and he wasn’t sure if he should be worried. His issue however had less to do with his absentee wife and more to do with his live-in nanny. Lindsay was Joseph’s nanny and the best pick of the nannies he’d interviewed. Or at least Gloria thought so and she had the best references. The trouble wasn’t her work because she was great with Joseph. It was that she was young beautiful and living in his house. When she interviewed she’d dressed very conservatively and hadn’t really caught his attention.

            Things changed once she moved in the first thing to go was the conservative dressing. Maybe she didn’t mean to attract his attention, but she did, all females did. Especially since he hadn’t had sex in almost a month, which was a first. He had been having sex since he was 14 and regularly after that. Being a faithful husband was hazardous to his health. That could have been why Lindsay was looking so tempting. Who could really blame him though? He was coming home to a woman that was taking care of his son and him. She cooked and cleaned and did pretty much everything Jasmine did except for have sex with him.

            “Hey,” Lindsay called when she came into the kitchen. Joseph was perched on her hip; he was adjusting to her just fine. And the sudden absence of his mother, good thing he was too young to know what was going on.

            “Hi,” he replied taking his son.

            “So what would you like for lunch?” She asked going to the refrigerator. “Looks like we need to get some groceries.”

            “Why don’t we just go out for lunch and then do a little shopping?” He suggested and she smiled.

            “That sounds great,” she said. Why did she have to smile at him like that? “I’ll go change and pack a diaper bag.”

            “Keep me out of trouble J,” Jose said to his son when they were alone. Joseph smiled at him like he knew what was going on.

            Lindsay came back down wearing worn low-rise jeans, it was a little better than the shorts. She had golden brown skin, a nice body from her daily yoga that was trying to get him into. Alluring hazel eyes, dark brown almost black hair and an irresistible smile. Oh he was thinking about her way too much. When he asked her why she chose being a nanny as a profession she said she loved kids. And there was the fact being a nanny could get you a lot of money. She also told him that there weren’t many jobs for her with her degrees in art history and poetry. Who was he to judge what she did with her life? The three families she worked for previously adored her and he saw why. There was something about her, but he was trying not to figure out what.

            “So why if your name is Joseph does everybody call you Jose?” Lindsay asked when they were in the car.

            “Good question, I think my aunt Josephina start calling me that when I was little. I was named after her, nobody calls me Joseph. Well not unless my mother is really pissed off,” he explained.

            “Then why did you name your son Joseph?” She asked innocently.

            “I didn’t, his mother did that,” he replied.

            “Um I know it’s not my business or anything but where is your wife?”

            “I have no idea,” he said. “She decided to go find herself and I don’t know if she’ll find her way back home.”

            “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have asked,” she said and patted his leg. When he looked at her and she looked into his eyes the temptation got worse.

            “She’ll come back eventually I guess, if not for me then for Joseph,” he said.

            “Well I don’t see how anyone could stay away from you two,” she said.

            “That’s cause you don’t know me well enough,” he told her. She laughed but he was serious.

            “Did you not notice how many women check you out everywhere you go? You are so the most sought after father ever in the history of the world. I don’t know your wife but I think she’s crazy to have left. I’m not just saying this because you pay me but you are an amazing father. That alone gives you a lot of appeal,” she told him. “I mean of course if you were looking for someone which you obviously aren’t. Add loyal and loving husband to the list I suppose.”

            “You are way too kind,” he said.

            The old him would have already had sex with her and made her his plaything. But marriage aside this was the woman helping take care of his son. Finding a nanny once was torture enough he didn’t want to go through the process again. If he wanted to have sex he could pick up a woman anywhere. Maybe the reason he didn’t find someone else was because he didn’t want something meaningless. Every sexual encounter he had was always meaningless until he met Jasmine. He loved her and he’d gotten use to being with her. But maybe he needed to face the fact that she may never come home. Which meant he’d either find a woman to be in a relationship with or go back to his empty meaningless existence. While his wife was having a mid-life crisis he was having a crisis of morality, just perfect.



            Sammie basically never had birthday parties. From pictures she knew that her mother did throw them parties as children. Allie was the one that talked her into this after a My Super Sweet 16 marathon on MTV. This party wasn’t going to be big like on that show but there was still going to be a party. A masquerade ball themed party where she would have to wear a dress. Lexy so graciously designed a dress for her as a gift. At least Jordan was coming into town; she wouldn’t have forgiven him for missing their birthday. His girlfriend Miranda and other friends of his and Lexy’s were coming in town too.

The party would be at the hotel so the hotel would be overrun by teens. Of course there would be no co-ed slumber partying but it was a little exciting. It was pretty rare for it to happen outside of the summer but most of her siblings were coming in town too. With friends, siblings and cousins there would be a lot of people at this party. There was a party planner and both her mother and Allie were excitedly planning. For the most part Sammie let them have control; she had no idea how to plan a party. The reason she was doing this was mostly for it to be a distraction. Her family needed a distraction from chaos right now. So no matter if she actually wanted a party or to be the center of attention it was happening.

People in school were excited for the party, and the ones not invited were pissed. Starting with Kristy Contiez and her siblings and minions, they were very angry. Allie did the guest list, Sammie nor Allie were fond of Kristy or Aaron or their friends. That snub caused drama at school, Sammie hated drama but it found her anyway. She didn’t have many close friends that weren’t family, just Abby, Bianca and Danika. They were the only people she hung out with and that had started because of Allie. There were friends from the soccer team, friends of Allie’s from cheerleading, friends of Tony’s from football, friends of Evan’s and Corey’s and Jenny Corey’s girlfriend. Then there were the cousins and aunts and uncles.

Finally her siblings Marli and Sonya would be in first early on her birthday. Lindy was coming in and bringing her cousin Juliet and Krista was coming and Chris and Carlos. Leilani and Devivon lived the furtherest so they weren’t coming. She understood Hawaii and France weren’t exactly close. Jason lived the closet and said he’d definitely make the birthday dinner on Thursday but he wasn’t sure about the party. She wasn’t all that close with her siblings with them all living in different places and having different mothers. But she liked that they were coming. For one night she got to be a princess and share a night of attention with her twin brother. Their relationship had been rocky lately but he would be coming home for good soon.

One person that would not be at her party was her father. He was still in hiding after what Caroline did to him. None of them were really supposed to know what happened to him. But telling Brooke about it guaranteed that everybody would know. Besides that her mother told her when she asked if it was true. She couldn’t say that he didn’t deserve it; she only knew some of the things he’d done. Knowing how awful the tamer things were she suspected that he’d done horrible things. Even if he wasn’t recovering and brooding he wouldn’t have come anyway. Paying attention to the many children he fathered wasn’t a hobby of his. Abusing their mothers however was. Besides she wasn’t really sure she’d have wanted him there anyway.

Since Brazil she hadn’t spoken to Ricky, even though he was around a lot. Her mother was showing a level of maturity that nobody ever expected she was capable of. She worked and spent time with Sammie, there was nothing in between. They were still searching for the perfect new home but hadn’t turned up anything they agreed on yet. After school today she was going to spend some time with Ricky. He may not have really been her father but he cared enough to try. Even if she was being a brat and mad at him he still loved her.

The situation with him and her mother had never been normal or easy. So she wasn’t sure what she really expected. She’d gotten carried away with a silly dream and needed to just get over it. Even if he wasn’t with her mother he was still an important person in her life. Both Sammie and Jordan wanted him to come to their party and their birthday dinner. But there was just no way that either of them wanted his silly girlfriend there. It was a little childish but she had the right to be childish she was 15. Hopefully everything could get back to some level of normal.



Wildflower was lying on the couch when her husband came home. It was around the time that he might stop being a workaholic and eat lunch. Or more specifically Gloria would threaten him until he ate something. Of course he was home and not at work he made excuses to come see her daily. After she came back from L.A. he moved back home. It wasn’t exactly her choice but she didn’t fight him. The doctor said she need to keep stress out of her life but that was easier said than done. All the stress was bad for the baby. Nicolas refused to leave her after they came back from the hospital. Having him around was better than fighting with him.

“How is my beautiful wife today?” He asked and came to kiss her.

“The same as I was an hour ago when you called me,” she replied.

“Would it make you happy if I said I got you strawberry marshmallow ice cream?” He asked and she smiled it was her new favorite thing.

“I think you are amazing,” she replied. He handed her the bag and a spoon.

“Have to keep my wife happy,” he shrugged and sat down.

“You’re making your son happy too,” she told him. She paused in eating her ice cream to take his hand and place it where Iago was kicking her.

“This is amazing,” he whispered and she smiled.

“Where you never near your sisters when they were pregnant?”

“Not really, back then I probably would have thought it was weird.”

“I think it’s weird that people think its ok to touch me.”

“Speaking of such Alejandro wants me to bring you to dinner tonight.”

“Um did you tell me you wouldn’t be home for dinner?” She asked hoping she didn’t sound clingy and that she didn’t have to go.

“You know how I feel about this sort of thing,” he said looking into her eyes. “I do not want to have dinner with him; he called before I left the office.”

“Do you want me to go?” She asked while he was kissing her belly.

“What I want is to not stress you out,” he replied. “Iago, you don’t want Mommy near that sleazy man, do you?” He asked with his head against her belly. “Yeah I didn’t think so, that’s why I told him no.”

“So what are we doing tonight then?” She asked, it was adorable how he liked to talk to their son.

Things like this made everything else so much easier. Then she didn’t have to think about if she should or shouldn’t have let him come back. It had been a few weeks and everything was good. Like she knew it would the DNA test was inconclusive. The stripper and her baby weren’t important anymore, it wasn’t his baby. That was what she chose to believe and she prayed she was right. Her son deserved to have a family that included his parents being together. Since he moved back in her husband had been pretty amazing. As a family they were working on the nursery and finally ordered furniture.

Nicolas was also funding Sammie and Jordan’s party which promised to be interesting. Pretty much the whole family had to chaperone this hotel party. Not that she minded at all. Family was what she was really focusing on right now. Maybe it was the hospital thing or being a part from her husband or just this party. She just was thinking a lot about how much family meant to her. Watching her husband talking to her belly just made her feel emotional. Her eyes got teary but not because she was sad or upset but because she was happy. Next week she and Ivan would be turning 24 and it would be a year since she met Nicolas. So much changed in just a year, it felt like it had been many years not one.

“Having dinner here at home,” he replied and she smiled. These days dinner was a family affair and you never knew who might be there. “Is something wrong?”

“No, I’m really happy,” she told him.

“Are you sure? Why are you crying?” He asked sitting up looking concerned.

“I just love how much you love our son,” she said.

“I can’t wait until he is born,” he said and kissed her tears. “I love you so much; you have given me more than I could have ever dreamed of. More than I even knew I wanted, all in such a short time.”

“It was fate,” she whispered. How else could any of this be explained? She loved him so completely in such a short amount of time. With him her life felt complete and she wanted things she never thought. For the moment it all felt right, but she was afraid it wasn’t going to last.



Sammie didn’t know what to say or what to do. Nothing had ever been this awkward before, especially with him. They were in the park where he’d taken her many times when she was little. Not just her but Jordan and the other boys too. That was part of the reason she’d been such a tomboy all her life. Now she was a little less tomboy than she had been but she still hated girly things. For awhile they just walked in silence while she tried to figure out what she wanted to say. And he was patient and would wait until she was ready. It surprised her that he broke the silence with an apology.

“Sam, I’m sorry about what happened in Brazil, what I did was wrong. Your mother deserves better and do you and Jordan. I’m not the person you think I am or I was, for that I’m sorry,” he told her.

“I just don’t understand any of it,” she admitted.

“What don’t you get? The reason I was with your mother when we were away or why we aren’t together now?” He asked and she shrugged.

“You tell her and everybody else how much you love her and you love us but you don’t want us to be a family? I know that she can be crazy and unreliable and in general a very bad parent. But you knew all that and still you cheated on your girlfriend to be with her for a couple weeks,” she pointed out.

“Technically I wasn’t cheating on Sydney because we have an open relationship but of course she was upset over it. I was honest with her like I was with your mother, it’s not about love. It’s mostly about my unwillingness to commit to a family when I’ll ultimately disappoint all of you. Enough has happened to you and Jordan I don’t want to make it worse. I’ve always wanted whatever was best for the three of you. If I thought that I was what was best I would marry your mother,” he told her.

Nope it still made no sense. Why would he think he would disappoint them? He was like the best father she ever knew and he had no kids of his own. Was that it? Did he just want his own kids? Not siblings or ex-girlfriend’s kids that were all imposed on him. That was fair he deserved to have family he made himself and that he wanted. What they were asking of him was unfair. On a logical level she understood that but it still hurt.

“You want a family of your own with Sydney, right? I get it we aren’t your kids or your problem,” she said. She tried to sound grown up but tears came to her eyes.

“No, that’s not it at all,” he said. They sat on a bench and he wrapped his arms around her. “You are mine more than your father’s and that will never change. I’m not exchanging you for a different family. My relationship with Sydney is pretty much over, we aren’t exactly getting along. That is my fault I knew what I did would hurt her and I still did it. I won’t lie I wanted to marry her and have a family and be normal.

“Nothing about any of this is normal; I’m not supposed to be with women. I accepted that a long time ago and that I couldn’t change it, now here I am in between two women. There is no easy way through this and no decision that won’t hurt somebody. That is why I’m just going to remove myself from both situations. I’m not going to be with Sydney or your mother. My life is a huge mess of my own making and I can’t be the person you need right now. Do you see? It’s not because I don’t want to be there for you, I always will be, but I don’t want to add problems.”

She thought about what he was saying a moment. There was something he wasn’t saying, the pain of it showed in his eyes. He didn’t like his attraction to men that much had always been obvious. Then he ends up with Sydney when he didn’t mean for it to happen gets to try to be what he thought was normal. Her mother told her a lot about how he father was and the guilt he carried. This was why he thought that he would disappoint them. Because he wasn’t straight and couldn’t be no matter how many women he was with. And he wasn’t the cheating type so even if now he could do whatever and still be in a relationship he wouldn’t do it if he was married.

It was all so much more complex than she’d originally thought. All she did with her tantrum and pouting was make it worse. She didn’t want him to feel bad because of her. Being with her mother wouldn’t really make him her father. What made him her father was because he was there no matter what. He was there even when her mother was not. Sammie wished she could take his guilt and pain away but she couldn’t. There was nothing she could do about his sexual orientation and that was his personal business. But she could at least stop being a brat.

“I think I understand now,” she told him. “I’m not mad at you, I was just confused. You know suddenly I feel like I’m Allie, she finally got her dream parents. Now I’m getting mine, I’ve always had you but now I’ll have my mom too.”

“Funny how things work out that way,” he said and she smiled. “Since my darling Samantha isn’t mad at me anymore, how about if I take her out to eat?”

“Sounds great, would it freak you out if I called you Daddy like Allie does with Uncle Nick?” She asked and he laughed.

“Me, no its not like you’ve never done it before. But I’m thinking your father would be pretty pissed about it.”

“So? He doesn’t care about anyone but himself. You are the best father ever and you don’t even have your kids. I’ve always thought of you as my daddy,” she said. She looked up into his eyes when she said it so he knew she meant it.

“And you’ve always been my little princess,” he replied. He kissed her forehead and the headed back to his car. This family was so strange, that was the only way to explain the parent shuffle.



            Jose turned when the door to his bedroom opened. There she was the object of his lust. Lindsay stood there frozen staring at him. This should have been embarrassing but he was never shy about sex or nudity. He was in fact very uninhibited. But having his son’s nanny walk in on him pleasuring himself wasn’t the ideal situation. Especially since he was thinking of her and wanted more than anything to get her naked and in the bed. She didn’t move just stood there with her hand over her mouth admiring him. And he didn’t cover up, it was his bedroom. He was the one that broke the silence.

            “Did you need something Lindsay?” He asked and she seemed to come out of shock.

            “I’m sorry, I um was going to ask what you wanted for dinner,” she said.

            “Surprise me,” he replied.

            “You’re more confident than I am, I’d die if you saw me naked,” she said. Still she wasn’t making a move to leave.

            “It’s a bad idea if I think about you naked right now,” he told her.

            “Oh, right, sorry,” she said.

            “If you keep standing there looking at me like that we’re going to have a problem,” he warned. To his surprise it looked like she was interested, but he wasn’t sure.

            “Well I am here to make your life easier,” she said. It was shock or horror that he felt when she came further into the room.

            “Lindsay,” he started not sure what to say.

            “I see how you look at me and I know you’re lonely. You are the sexiest man I’ve ever met I’ve wanted you since I first saw you. But if you want me to go just say so and we can pretend none of this ever happened,” she said. She was standing so close he was in trouble.

            “I’m married,” he said as if that was enough of an excuse.

            “Legally yes you are but if your wife was being a wife then she would be here. She doesn’t call you or take your calls, doesn’t answer texts or emails either. I’m taking care of you not her, she obviously doesn’t love you and Joseph enough,” she said. She kneeled on the bed waiting for him to reply.

            “When I hired you um I didn’t think you would want to have sex with me,” he said and she laughed.

            “What woman with a pulse wouldn’t want you? Ok when I interviewed I was definitely in it for a job. And I have been doing my best to do that job. But I hate that you are suffering and yes I might have developed a tiny crush. How could I not? I have never seen anybody love their child like you do. My own parents don’t like me that much. Why should you be lonely? Is your wife spending nights alone? You are the one that said you don’t know if she’s coming back,” she told him.

            “And what’s this supposed to be then? I try not to mix business and pleasure that always ends badly. You take care of my son and honestly it’s too much effort to replace you. Despite the way she is behaving I do love my wife,” he said. At least he was really trying to turn her down.

            “You’ve been married 3 months and you wife was around for how much of that time? I’m not asking you to marry me and no matter what happens I can be professional and still do my job.”

            “I’ve never been faithful to a woman I was with,” he said. He reached out and stroked her cheek. “Jas and I have been together steadily since October, between then and now I’ve only been with her. This is the longest I have ever been with one woman. Should I really break my good boy streak for you?”

            “Yes, I think I would like to see you a little bad,” she replied.

“I am so weak,” he whispered. He kissed her because he couldn’t help himself.

Everything after that happened pretty fast. Quickly he stripped her and grabbed a condom out the nightstand. He’d kept them because obviously Jasmine didn’t always take her birth control. Before he could regret it or second guess his decision he was inside the little vixen. There was no going back now, no undoing this. It was hard to care when he was finally getting what he needed. Jasmine would never forgive him but this was her fault. That wasn’t an excuse it was a fact, she knew him. And she pushed him to another woman. Hadn’t she been doing that steadily since they got back together?

For now Lindsay was a distraction but nothing would come of it. As for if he could keep her as a nanny that would have to be figured out later. Right now she was giving him the gift of her body. Greedily he took everything she offered him. This was so bad and that was probably why it felt so good. It shouldn’t happen again but he knew it would at least a few times. Bad bad bad but he wanted to spend the rest of the night with her in his bed. Maybe Joseph needed a new nanny and this one could just take care of daddy’s needs. That idea had possibilities.



Allie had gone into the TV room to find something on before one of the guys took over. They had a habit of stealing the remote and forcing her to watch stupid stuff. At the moment they were outside playing basketball. Usually she would play with them or at least watch but she wanted some time to herself. Everything was so great right now with her family so she was happy. She was taking a break from focusing on Sammie’s party. What she wanted to do was work up the courage to bring up the her and Tony getting married thing. Technically she didn’t need parental permission once she turned 18 in August. But she couldn’t do it if her parents told her no.

It was very important to her that they had gone through the trouble of adopting her. Since she would be 18 soon and they were already her guardians it wasn’t necessary. Just the gesture of it meant everything to her. They loved her so much that they made her their daughter legally. She was grateful for it and loved them ten times as much as she did before. This was what she needed a permanent home and family. She wouldn’t have to fear some man coming in to shake things up. No, her parents loved each other and would be together forever. Once she wouldn’t have believed that love could last forever but she was a believer now.

Maybe it was them or maybe it was falling in love with Tony. Everything she thought she knew had completely changed. It was all because of love. Love from her new parents and her new family and of course Tony. Valentine’s Day was Sunday and it was the first time she was seeing one guy. Usually if she felt particularly lonely she would pass the lovey holiday drinking and having sex with strangers. Last year was a little different; she spent it with Sammie and Wildflower. They were each others’ valentines and that made her happy.

This year Tony said he had something planned but it was a surprise. She wanted to get him something special but hadn’t decided on what yet. Time was running out and she told herself she was just busy party planning. Lingerie and sex was overdone, she wanted to do something to show him how much he meant to her. So maybe she would do that thing Abby suggested to her but Danika told her was crazy. He was the type of person that believed marriage was a onetime deal, like most of his siblings. The fact that he was 18 and wanted to be with her forever meant everything. If he could believe that their love was eternal than she could show him she was serious too. Tomorrow after school she was going to get his gift.

She’d just finished texting Abby to make plans when she felt a vibration in the couch. There was music playing but not a ringtone that she had assigned. It was her Aunt/Mother’s phone. Since she was outside with everybody else Allie answered it. The caller ID said that it was Eric. Which surprised her, she hadn’t met this guy but she heard of him. He was the threesome guy, which was how she remembered the exes. Owen the stalker was formally Mr. Penis. The ways she remembered guys in the past were quite similar, she’d laugh about it with Abby.

“Hello beautiful,” he said before she could say a word. “I was thinking about you.” He went on and she froze a moment, what was up with this?

“She um can’t come to the phone,” Allie said in almost a whisper.

“Oh, alright who might I be speaking to?” He asked and she considered not answering.

“Allie,” she replied.

“Hmm you are the niece turned adopted daughter, correct?”

“Yup and you are Threesome-guy.”

“Wow, ok so where might Wildflower be?”

“Why do you want to know? Why are you calling her?”

“Uh well I just wanted to talk to her, is that a crime?”

“Yes, she doesn’t need you my parents are happy together. So you can leave her alone and go have your threesome with someone else,” she told him and he laughed.

“Allie, I’m not trying to break up anybody’s marriage. Especially not with her being pregnant and all, I’ve done a lot of things and that would never happen. Wildflower and I are just friends and her married life isn’t my business,” he said calmly. “Now will you let me speak to her?”

“No, I don’t trust you,” she replied. “Just stay away she doesn’t want you.”

Before he could say anything else she hung up. She sat there staring at the phone for a few moments. What just happened? Her hand seemed to move on its own and she read through the texts on the phone. Of course she knew that a certain somebody never deleted text messages. There were some from Eric and they seemed flirty. Nothing suspicious was in the messages they exchanged, that God for that. Then she noticed something odd. Some old messages from a month ago, the name was labeled “Lover”. A few of the messages were borderline pornographic. What made her heart race was that there were meeting times. What was she looking at?

It was one thing if threesome Eric was sniffing around but this was different. Why would there need to be a code name? So was her Aunt/Mother cheating on her Uncle/Father? With her actual birth parents that was possible but not with these parents. How could she cheat anyway? Who randomly hooked up with a pregnant woman? Well there were some nasty fetishes out there but this couldn’t be. But thinking back during that separation everybody was moody and anything could have happened.

Could this really be?  If she was cheated on she would probably have revenge sex, she couldn’t help but to get back at people. Caprianis were breed for vengeance, so she would be compelled. Could a by-marriage-Capriani be like that too? Then again she had a little Capriani inside her so it was possible. But it couldn’t be possible in Wildflower, which made no sense. So what was going on then? Allie put the phone on the table and tried to keep from panicking. This couldn’t be true but the evidence was right there.

“Allie,” Wildflower called, she looked up to see her entering the room. “Are you ok? Why are you in here alone?”

“I’m fine,” Allie lied. “Um I just wanted to see what was on TV without the guys complaining at me.” That at least was the truth.

“Ok, I know you’re tired of everybody hovering over you. But I reserve the right to still mother you as much as I want,” she told her. She sat down on the couch beside her.

“Um can I ask you something?” Allie asked watching her; she didn’t look like a woman that was cheating on her husband.

“Ask me anything,” she replied.

“Are you happy with Uncle Nick?” Allie asked and that got her an odd expression.

“Yes, I love him and I’m really ready to put everything crazy behind us and move on. There’s nothing to worry about anymore, we are going to make it work no matter what. I was taught that marriage is scared and not something you enter into lightly. That’s what my father believed and what he taught us I remember him saying that when I was little. Ricky passed the same belief onto us. Iris is miserable but lives with the consequences of her decision to get married. My father didn’t believe in divorce, and I chose to get married. And that is a decision I have to live with and make the best of. I love your uncle so much and we haven’t even known each other that long but the love is real,” she paused.

“When we were at the hospital after the trip, we agreed to start over. So I let go of resentment I may have had because of some of the choices he has made. And he’s working on some things too. I know you like for us to be honest with you and not treat you like a child so there you go. Everything can’t be perfect all the time we have to work at it and we’ll get through,” she explained.

“Before you came in your phone was ringing,” Allie said avoiding eye contact. “That guy Eric called you.”

“Oh yeah? I think I was supposed to call him awhile ago,” she shrugged.

“Are you having an affair with him?” Allie asked because she couldn’t stop herself. At least Wildflower looked surprised; hopefully it was a “are you crazy?” type of surprise.

“No, why on earth would you think something so crazy? Did it slip your mind how pregnant I am?” She asked looking slightly amused.

“Well you have this guy calling and texting you.”

“You read my text messages?”

“Maybe,” Allie admitted staring at the floor.

“Allie,” Wildflower said and lifted her chin to look in her eyes. “Don’t you know me? No matter how mad I am at Nick I could never do something like that. If you read older messages from our short separation those were from Nick. We were sort of seeing each other even though I didn’t want to live with him. I didn’t want anybody to know because I didn’t want to explain it. The fact that I would have sex with him but not let him come home makes no sense at all. He accepted it though, at first I really didn’t want to be near him. Then I start missing him and he came by and it got more complicated.”

“I’m sorry,” Allie whispered. “That guy called and I got scared, I just want you together.”

“It’s ok, just talk to me you know I wouldn’t lie to you,” she said completely calm. Anybody else would have gotten a little mad, but she wasn’t at all.

“I know,” Allie paused. “Can I tell you something? You’re honest with me so I should tell you something.”

“What is it? Please tell me you are not pregnant.”

“God no, but it is about me and Tony. Well um you said if we really still wanted to get married you would be ok with it. Um we still want to in the summer at the beach house.”

Silence greeted her as she expected. There were no parents understanding enough to let their 17 year old marry her 18 year old boyfriend. Who was also her adopted mother’s brother. This was very day-time talk show, everything about this family was Jerry Springer. On one hand Allie got to be relieved that her parents were together and in love and happy and there was no affair. And on the other she was worried her relationship with Tony would cause a problem with them. But didn’t they get married after being together a few months? They hadn’t even known each other a year yet. At least Allie had been friends with Tony for a long time.

“Ok, if you understand that this won’t be a trial thing, if you do then it’s done. I know Katrina hasn’t stuck with marriages and Caprianis like to divorce. But you are mine and you wanted us to be your parents so you have to be serious. Tony knows it too and I know you don’t have to listen to me because you will be 18. I just want you to know what I expect from the both of you if you want to get married. Have you really thought about this? You are both so young and have a lot of growing up to do,” she said.

“Even though I will be 18 I won’t do it if you tell me no,” Allie said. “Tony and I have talked about this and it’s what we want. I couldn’t imagine ever loving anyone else like I love him. We can make it work, I know we can.”

“Alright, I am saying if you are certain then we can do this. But I’m only half the permission you both need to talk to Nick too,” she said and laughed. “That will be interesting at least.”

“He’s going to say no,” Allie shook her head.

“Maybe maybe not, he wasn’t happy to hear about this before and you are his princess. I’m going to need him not to kill my little brother if you two ever broke up,” she said. They both laughed at that and laughed harder when the man in question stepped into the room.

“I was coming to check on the two of you but I guess all is well,” he uncle said.

“Our lovely daughter has something to ask you Nick.”

“What is it?” He asked looking between the two of them.

“You know you’re like the most amazing Daddy ever, right? And you’ve always been my favorite uncle,” Allie said smiling big.

“Should I sit down for this?” He asked them and they both nodded. She moved over so that she was sitting in between the two of them. “Ok start talking.”

“Tony and I want to get married this summer,” Allie said trying to fake like she was brave.

“No,” he said simply with no thought.

“Why not? We will both be 18 and we are good responsible young adults,” she said and he laughed.

“First question is how would you support yourselves cause neither of you have money? Second is how would this work when you are still in high school? And third is why its so necessary for you to get married right now? Katrina got married when she was a teenager and look how that turned out Alvin is plotting to kill her. There is absolutely no reason for you to get married,” he said calmly.

“I can get a job and I will still be here for school when he’s gone and it will be ok. I can manage to stay sane-ish while he’s gone then I’ll go to school with him. Katrina was a dumb w***e trying to trap a man; I don’t have to do that. Tony wants to marry me and asked me I didn’t force him. Honestly I don’t even care what happens with Katrina and Alvin they can both go to hell. We know what we are doing and we plan to be together forever,” she pleaded.

For a few long moments he was silent and the silence was probably more nerve-racking than anything else. Maybe she needed to prove that she was responsible before he would agree. Tony was the epitome of responsibility and she was the opposite. Lately she’d been better but a few months of being a good girl wouldn’t erase years of being bad. Love was not going to be an excuse to get married not for this man. No he’d only ever been in love once and got whatever he wanted. If she thought like him then maybe she could get her way. Maybe he was right to think they weren’t ready but nothing had ever felt so right. This was meant to be, she knew it. No matter what happened to Katrina’s marriages, which had nothing to do with her.

“No, it’s not happening and if you try to do it anyway you’ll regret it,” he said very seriously. “I don’t care if you think I’m mean but you wanted to be here you wanted us to take care of you so I am. You turning 18 means nothing to me you are still a child and you will do as you are told. Parents are supposed to do what’s best for their children and you will not get married this summer or this year or anytime in the near or distant future.” Then he turned to his wife. “Don’t encourage this, it isn’t happening.”

“I didn’t encourage anything I told them both I don’t think it’s a good idea. If they are so determined to do this then they are stuck with each other Tony knows better,” Wildflower said. She looked annoyed at him and that was the last thing Allie wanted. They were fighting because of her.

“You two haven’t known each other for a year and you’ve been married four months and you’re having a baby. At least I know Tony,” Allie said. Immediately after she said it she regretted it from the way he looked at her.

“We are adults; you are children who need to focus on school. And you in particular have a lot of other things you need to focus on. What is the rush? If you love each other so much then you can wait. Don’t say ‘oh well you didn’t wait’, no we didn’t. Just because you lived with no rules and did what you wanted for a long time doesn’t mean you are an adult. We didn’t wait to get married because we wanted to be together. And we rushed into something that we shouldn’t have,” he told her. “I won’t let you make the same mistakes that we did. A lot of things would be different if we waited but what’s done is done. I don’t regret getting married but you would.”

“Allie, why don’t we just all talk about this, the four of us? If after we talk you still feel the same way then maybe after you graduate we can give you a wedding,” Wildflower said. She gave her husband a ‘do not argue’ look and he didn’t.

“Fine,” Allie agreed because well she had to.

Next year was better than never at least. This was her fault she was so desperate to be her uncle’s daughter, she should have known better. For some reason she didn’t even mind his strictness because she knew it was because he loved her. She felt lucky to have such amazing parents even when they disagreed with what she did. They loved her enough to make her life suck and she was grateful for it.



Jose laid in bed staring at the ceiling he had never in his life regretted having sex with someone until now. After he’d been with Lindsay she got up made dinner and took care of Joseph like nothing happened. Obviously she really could be professional, that or he lost his touch. At least she didn’t want or expect anything. Or so he thought, the door to his bedroom opened and there she was. She came in uninvited and kneeled on his bed. Her robe fell to the floor exposing her naked body. She crawled across the bed and on top of him. How could he say no to this? Oh right he was supposed to say no to her because he was married. He tried to reach his wife desperately to keep him from doing this again. Jasmine wasn’t answering so he called her sister and her best friend and he got nothing.

“Well? Should I go back to my room?” Lindsay asked, he was tempted to say yes.

“If we keep this up what am I going to tell my wife when she comes back?” He asked and she smiled.

“If she comes back tell her she’s been replaced. I don’t know how any woman could stay away from you,” she said against his ear. He was a weak weak man but she did say all the right things. Oh he was in a hell of a lot of trouble.



Christina was surprised to see someone sitting on her porch. Her first thought was to panic. Her and Isaiah had just come from picking her brother up at the bus station. Ariela was staying at the mansion tonight with her favorite aunt and uncle. She’d thought she was over the fear and paranoia but that was obviously her delusional denial. What she didn’t expect was for the person that was here was her mother.  It had been awhile since she heard from any of her family other than Cole. Since she definitely didn’t expect to see her mother she really couldn’t have anticipated what she saw. Her mother looked like she’d been beaten up, she was bruised and bloody and crying. What had happened to her family? The longer she was away the more she realized that nothing was truly the way she remembered it. Cole was the one that told her that their father was abusive. So did that mean he did this?


© 2010 Britiney Harper

My Review

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This is such a wonderful chapter here.
Amazing detail and wonderful imagery.
I like this alot, you put alot work in this.
Well Done!

Posted 14 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on June 1, 2010
Last Updated on September 22, 2010


Britiney Harper
Britiney Harper

pittsburgh, PA

...A Few Things... 1) Hi! I'm Britiney 2) I Love to Write 3) I love to read 4) I'm a nerd 5) i love my Family more than anything else 6) I've been writing since i was 8yrs old (but really b4 tha.. more..
