Allie Chapter 29A Chapter by Britiney Harper![]() Allie (Chapter 29) Gestures![]() Chapter 29 Allie had been both happy and sad to find out they were taking a weekend trip to L.A. She loved to travel and anywhere was better than where they lived now. But still her aunt and uncle weren’t together. The two of them had gone to marriage counseling so that seemed like a good sign. Still they were leaving without him so she was worried. It had been a week since her uncle left and she didn’t like it. She wasn’t taking sides but she knew he would never do anything this stupid, he was the family prodigy. On one hand she understood how her aunt felt, this was an awful situation. But Allie wanted their family back the way it was supposed to be. These were her parents; she didn’t remember when her birth parents had even been together. “Finished packing?” Wildflower asked from the doorway, perfect timing. “Yup,” Allie replied. “You look more cheery today.” “Oh I guess I’m just excited to get back to my beach house,” she shrugged. “Why didn’t you just get a beach house here?” Allied asked, something was definitely up with her aunt. “It gives me an excuse to travel,” she said. “Are you ever going to let Uncle Nick come home?” Allie asked because she couldn’t help it. “We need time apart to sort some things out, I love him and I want for us to be a family again,” she said. Reading between the lines, the question was never answered. “Does he know we’re going out of town?” Allie asked and noticed her aunt texting someone and smiling. “Yeah, I told him when we were together yesterday.” “Do you really believe what some w***e says over your husband?” “Honey, it’s not like that.” “Then what’s it like? We both know he doesn’t have a disloyal bone in his body; if that was the case there would be a lot less Caprianis. Drunk or not he would never cheat on you,” Allie said. She hadn’t wanted to get involved but she had no choice. “There are a lot of reasons we aren’t together it’s not just this. For as much as I want to believe that he didn’t do this, it’s possible. It should not even be possible for this to have happened at all. If you want honesty I won’t stay with him if this is his child. I’m sorry I know it’s not what you want to hear but it’s just true,” her Aunt told her. “If it turns out that he and I are going to divorce you don’t have to worry, we both love you. Since you’re old enough you can choose who to live with and neither of us will be offended by what you choose.” “Um if you divorced would you keep this house?” She asked trying not to let her voice shake. “No, your family may not like me that much but it’s not mine to take. Nick would say that if he really wanted the house than it wouldn’t be possible for me to take it. Or that sentiment and courteousness have no place in divorce.” “I couldn’t choose between the two you, you are both my parents.” “Let us pray that it doesn’t come to that. Now I have to get back to packing myself,” Wildflower said. She kissed her forehead and left with a wave. Allie just sat there alone trying to think. She’d been praying a lot lately she still wasn’t sold on the religion thing but she prayed to whoever could hear. Hopefully someone was out there listening and would make the stripper and her baby go away. The only reason she got attention was that a lot of celebrities were exposed as cheaters lately. Uncle Nick wasn’t a celebrity, he was just very rich and a pretty well known person. It didn’t help that serial cheater Jose was his brother, because that made the trashy stories worse. She wanted to choke that w***e herself, why did this chick have to lie? Didn’t she care at all that she was ruining a family? For what? Was money really worth it destroy people’s lives? No matter what anybody said she didn’t for one second consider any of it was true. She knew better than most people about intoxication and bad drunken choices. There was just no way that the uncle that read to her all night as a child would do something like this. Maybe the Caprianis weren’t overly moral or even a tiny bit as moral as most of the Laizes. But he was different and she had to believe in him. Allie never had a real family, at least not one she remembered. This was her family and these were her parents, divorce was unacceptable. So was this separation, she needed to do something. With that in mind she left she room and grabbed her keys on her way out. There wasn’t a question of where she would go she knew. On her way out she found Tammy in the kitchen and told her she was going for a drive. Everybody worried if she said something like that but she had a mission. The suicidal thing was over she wanted more than anything to live. And she wanted to live with both of her adoptive parents. If there was anything she could do to help salvage their marriage she would. Just like she would do anything to stay with Tony, who she fully intended to marry soon. At the hotel she just walked through the lobby alike she owned the place and went up to the penthouse. Technically her uncle owned this place now and since he was also her adoptive father she sort of owned it. She went straight up and went in without knocking, she took the key from home. What she didn’t expect was to find a woman sitting on the couch. Was she too late? Or had she been wrong all along? Her head was spinning and she tried to calm her thoughts. But before she could say anything or the woman could her uncle came in. He handed the mystery woman a glass of wine, then turned and saw her. Of course he was surprised to see her. “Allie, I didn’t expect you,” he said causally. “Come sit with us, it must be fate that you are here.” “I could leave if you’re busy,” she replied. “No stay,” he said then turned to the woman. “This is my daughter Allie, she can help us. Allie this is Lisa Prince, she’s an interior decorator.” “Oh,” Allie nodded feeling relieved. “Nice to meet you.” “You as well,” Lisa said with a smile. “What do you plan on decorating?” Allie asked, she sat on the arm of the chair her uncle was sitting in. Later she could love that fact that he called her his daughter, for now she had to focus. “I was thinking of getting the nursery started while everyone is away this weekend. Just painting to start,” he explained. “I think Mom would like that,” Allie replied. “So do I, that’s why you’re going to be my accomplice,” he said. Allie was happy that she’d chosen to come over, there was still hope. She wanted to do anything she could to help and working on the nursery was a big gesture. There wasn’t much she could say with a stranger in the room, so she focused on the task. They looked at different ideas for nurseries, this women apparently was good at this type of thing. Allie knew her aunt wanted something different and original but hadn’t yet figured out what. This would be a good way to bring their family back together. Once the decorator left she got to have alone time with her uncle. The trouble was that she had no idea what to say anymore. How could she help to fix this? “Want to go out to dinner?” He asked her and she nodded. “You told her I am your daughter,” she said. “Well now you are, it took some work but your adoption is completely legal,” he told her. “Katrina was very resistant but I have my ways of making things happen.” “Really?” She asked feeling a mess of emotions welling up inside of her. “About 17 years too late but you are free of them. I guess I should have asked you first but I figured it would be something you want,” he said. “It really is,” she said and hugged him. “Good, so what brought you by? Did you think I was keeping company with other women? I assure you there is only one woman for me and I will get her back,” he said. He was watching her with concern in his eyes. “I’m just afraid that she’s not going to take you back. She said there’s more to this separation than the stripper. You just both seemed so happy before.” “Don’t be upset with her, she’s justified in her anger. We have issues to work on before I can come back home. I respect her wishes and I’m doing anything I can to keep our family together.” “You aren’t worried? What if she decides to divorce you?” “I would never let that happen. The only way she would do that is if this child was mine and it’s not. That night may be hazy but even Ricky believes me so it’s going to be fine.” “I hope you’re right,” she whispered unsure. “You know me; I will not accept a divorce and I won’t let this woman come between us. She thinks she’s won but even if I was divorced I would never want her. Honestly I’d rather be alone if I couldn’t have my family,” he said. “I have an idea for the nursery,” she told him. “Where is she most happy?” “Uh the beach I guess,” he replied then he got it. “You are a genius, come my daughter let us make some secret plans.” He held his hand out to her and she smiled and took it. There were still worries and nothing was certain. But she took comfort in his hope and especially in the hug he gave her. Allie was use to men being a disappointment all they ever did was hurt her. Not this man or the man she planned to marry and not her soon to be baby brother. At least not all men were out to destroy her. She was so happy that she’d come here, it made a huge difference. Wildflower didn’t know what she was doing anymore. This trip would hopefully clear her mind, but it was doubtful. For the third time that week she was having sex with her husband. The husband who she was still separated from and the one who was dealing with a legal battle. Said battle that was because the stripper accusing him of fathering her child didn’t want a paternity test. That women, if you called her that, was now in hiding. This was just being dragged out into eternity and for that reason she shouldn’t have agreed to meet him. And she had a flight in a few hours and kids to get from school. So much to do and she was naked in a bed at a random hotel after spending the morning volunteering. There was a little thrill in this secret meeting. “Why are you so anxious?” Nicolas asked her. “I have things to do today, I told you we have a flight right after the kids get out of school,” she replied. Letting him know how much she really did want to be here with him was not an option. “And I told you I want to come with you and that you could take the plane,” he said rubbing her thigh. “No, we aren’t together Nicolas; I don’t want anybody to be confused by that. Especially not Allie, she’s dealing with enough. Oh and I told you the pilot is busy this weekend and I’ve never flown like normal people,” she said. “Tell me that at least they are first-class seats,” he replied. “Yes, and before you ask my doctor is fine with me taking a quick trip. I will be with family so you don’t have to worry. We can still talk but I’m not ready for us to be together yet. Until this thing is over I can’t be with you, besides the time apart is good for us. Distance makes the heart grow fonder,” she said and he laughed. “Just a small murder of someone who won’t be missed would solve our problems. The other one was taken care of without my help,” he said. “At least there’s that, until of course they come back to get revenge,” she said. When he told her about what happened to Sadie and her sisters she had been disgusted. Nobody deserved to have that done to them. Not even Sadie that almost caused her to lose her baby. Delanoz was disgusting and she actually felt bad for all of them. The whole situation especially with Caroline was just awful. There was no feelings of everything being even. It was one bad situation that just kept getting worse. Though Delanoz getting stabbed in his penis was pretty funny and well deserved. Currently he was out of the hospital recovering in seclusion. Wildflower was so thankful that her husband had nothing to do with any of that. “The anger should be directed at Delanoz, it always should have been,” he sighed. “While you’re gone I’m going to be doing a little construction at the house.” “What? What do you mean construction?” She asked staring at him; he was up to something it was written all over his face. “You will see when you get home,” he said. “There’s still so much I have to do today,” she sighed. “No, I don’t want to let you go. Do you know how crappy it is to sleep alone every damn night? I waited my whole life for you and I can’t sleep with you in our bed. So would it really kill you to lay here with me for a few minutes?” He asked, the emotion in his eyes made her feel awful. “Ok,” she nodded and snuggled against him. One thing she truly feared was for him to stop trying to fight to get home. What would she do if he got tired of waiting for her to take him back? She’d dreamed about him living in the house with the stripper and their child. While she brought Iago to visit a house that he would never live in. Then her son would resent her for taking away his birthright. Allie would hate her too, she knew that. But she held on to the fact that Nicolas wanted her and only her. And that even being drunk and possibly drugged wouldn’t make him have sex with another woman. It was too hard and she was afraid that if she let him come back before this was settled that it would hurt more. Why couldn’t this mess just be done and over? It was wearing on her everyday and she couldn’t take much more. Laying here with him was torture, it went both ways. She wanted more than anything for him to come home and for everything to be normal. But letting him come home and possibly sending him away again wouldn’t work. All she had to do was be patient and she would have the truth. Wasn’t it already obvious what the truth was? The stripper was in hiding because she knew the truth would come out. Maybe after this trip she would just give in. He could come home and they could work on things together. Her mind was pretty much made up, but she would wait to tell him. And she was curious what this construction he was having done was about. For the moment she was going to curl up with him and pretend everything was perfect. Hopefully in a few short days this would be her reality again. Jasmine was sitting out by her pool staring at the water. Joseph was asleep in the house so she had the monitor next to her. Lately she’d been doing a lot of thinking; most of it could be blamed on her brother-in-law. Nicolas’ presence in her house had been a little unwelcome. He’d been grumpier and meaner and more short-tempered than she’d ever seen him. She understood it was a pretty bad situation, but that wasn’t everybody else’s fault. When he was there it was a little annoying and she understood why he had to stay there. But she’d also seen how hurt Wildflower had been. This whole situation had her wondering what she would do. What if Cheyenne’s baby was really Jose’s? How would she have handled that? Cheyenne hadn’t gone away she still wanted Jose and always would. For now she was contained within the family and being counseled. Liam obviously didn’t want her anymore but would listen to whatever his mother told him. It was sort of amusing that Rosa was afraid of coming in to get involved in Nicolas and Wildflower’s situation. Everyone was afraid of Nicky, nobody took Jose seriously. So if it was her then his mother would have encouraged him to leave her for anybody. Living here away from home and family she didn’t know what to do with herself. While she was a little lazy about work she never pictured being a housewife. It was a boring solitary existence and she hated it. What was she supposed to do about it? There was the whole hanging out with people in the Capriani’s social circle. That would probably annoy the hell out of her. Her best friend was very very wealthy and she’d been around snobby people enough. Jasmine just never fit anywhere, especially not in her own family. So what could she do to occupy her time? There was only so much cleaning, laundry, cooking and tending to Joseph that she could do. Wildflower was volunteering to take up her time, Jasmine didn’t feel like it. Since Brazil her new family tried to include her more and pull her in. She really appreciated it and finally didn’t feel like such an outcast. Jose told her she could do whatever she wanted. Too bad she had no idea what that was. When she researched things to do in the area for a mommy, she found a few things. Nothing truly of interest though. She was starting to miss home and was seriously considering a trip back. By the time Jose came home she’d made up her mind. No matter how much she loved him she couldn’t sit here waiting for him to come home every day. Didn’t she deserve a life too? The first thing Jose did when he came home was go up to Joseph’s room. Not to come see her but to go see their son. It was what he did every single day. So she followed him upstairs and found him looking down at their sleeping child. For a moment she just watched him watching Joseph. It was amazing how much he loved their son and she loved that about him. She was older than him and a lot less mature and she was still trying to find herself. In an instant he found out where he was meant to be. The trouble was that she was lost and she needed to figure out some things still. Looking at them she realized something that would hurt them both. “Jose,” she whispered and he turned. “Hey,” he said and came over to kiss her. “Can we talk?” She asked and he nodded and followed her from the room. “What’s up?” He asked, they went into their bedroom. “I love you and I love our son but I think I need some space,” she said. “What? Explain this to me,” he said. He sat on the bed watching her and she sat on his lap. “Ever since you found out about Little J you have stepped up better than I could have ever expected. You are such an amazing father and husband and I’m so lucky to have you. But I don’t see where I fit into any of this. Some days I feel trapped and its not your fault or his. This is a huge adjustment starting a family getting married and moving to a different state,” she paused. “I just think I need some time away to myself to figure out how to make this work. I’m not saying I’m breaking up with you or anything or that I don’t want all this. Just a little time is all I’m asking.” He was silent for a long time and she waited patiently. There had to be something wrong with her if she couldn’t accept this amazing life. Not many women could say that they married had a wonderful man that would love them no matter what. After all these years he was still here and still in love with her. He forgave her from keeping Joseph from him. And he married her when it was probably the worst idea ever. This man was so loving and giving and she didn’t deserve him. She needed to take some time so that she could learn to deserve him and be worthy of his love. Everybody thought the worst of Jose, there were too few people that knew the real him. Even most of his family had no idea who he truly was. “Alright,” he nodded after awhile. “Seriously? You don’t mind? If you don’t want me to then-” “Jasmine, I want you to be happy and I want you to want to be here. If you have to spend some time away from us in order for that to happen I can accept it. Do I like it? Hell no, I want my wife here where she belongs,” he said. There was unconcealed anger in his voice and she felt guilty. “I’m sorry; I was never prepared for all this. Before I got pregnant I didn’t think I ever wanted kids. And I don’t regret having him, or marry you. Jose I love you so much,” she pleaded. Though he said it was ok, the look in his eyes was so unforgiving and hurt and betrayed. “When do you plan on leaving?” He asked cold and emotionless. “Um I don’t know,” she whispered. This was stupid and a huge mistake, what was she thinking? If she wasn’t around then Cheyenne would be circling and ready to pounce. “Figure it out and let me know so I can make arrangements for Joseph,” he said. Gently he pushed her off his lap and on to the bed. “Let me know if and when you plan to return. And when you’re going to decide to grow up.” Without looking back at her he left the room. Jose was pissed and she regretted this so much. Why did she think he would understand? If he said this to her she would never have accepted it or let him go. That was Jose the lover and the pleaser. She’d spent so much time worrying if he would leave her and take Joseph away that she never expected this to be it. If she lost her husband and her son it was totally and completely her own fault. She basically just gift wrapped him for other women. Who could resist a heartbroken single father? With one stupid decision she may have just ruined everything. Wildflower was happy to be here on the beach again. It was late and she came out to take a walk by herself. She was seriously considering moving here. What was really keeping her back home? The kids would be moving out soon and going off to college. Her siblings didn’t need her and they could fly out at any time. She wanted a change after everything that happened and was still happening. If she ended her marriage she would definitely move. There was no way she could stay in that house or anywhere there were too many Caprianis. Hopefully she wouldn’t be getting divorced but she wasn’t certain of anything. Maybe that was why she wanted to escape. Nobody really knew her here, except for her modeling pictures. If she stayed away from Carmen’s L.A. store and wore sunglasses she’d go back to being the nobody she was born to be. At least she wouldn’t be the silly wife of a cheater. That was how the world saw her now, she was the scorned wife. She never understood the world’s obsessive need to know every detail in the lives of celebrities. So she really didn’t get why anybody cared about her. Her husband and his family were rich and powerful and public figures, she was not. Never did she actually consider herself rich, it wasn’t her money. So she really if she had to leave Nicolas she had a lot to figure out. But money would not be a part of her decision to stay or go. After spending time with him today she couldn’t stop thinking of him. In the past he was the one who went away on business trips leaving her behind. Now she was the one away, it was different. Everything was different and upside down and generally wrong. There was no right decision here, no matter what she chose she could be setting herself up to be hurt. Hadn’t she felt enough pain in her life? If she had a time machine so many things would be different. She’d tried to think of what Daisy would do in this situation but she wasn’t sure. Sometimes Daisy was the tragic lover getting her heart broken and letting guys walk all over her. Other times she’d be the heartbreaker and in control. There was a balance to Daisy and her love of love. Times like this she really missed her sister. While Daisy could be spoiled, selfish and bratty and felt entitled, she was her sister and a part of her. Pretty much at this point she was 100% certain that she would never get over Daisy’s death. Sometimes she was surprised that she’d been functioning like a normal person for so long. It was truly sad when the only thing in her life she was sure of was that she could never really move on. “Should you be out here alone?” Ivan called. She knew it was him, she knew his voice better than her own. Then there was that fact that she could fell when he was close by. “I’m not alone if you’re here,” she replied. He sat down beside her in the sand. “What if I was a serial killer?” He asked, she leaned into him and he put his arm around her. “Why would a serial killer be prowling here? Though that might make my life a lot easier,” she said thoughtfully. “You never know,” he shrugged. “So are you back together with Nick?” “No, why?” She asked turning to look at him. “Because earlier you were smiling like you just got some and I heard you disappeared today. If its not him than who is it?” “Don’t tell anybody but I was with
Nick today, but we are still separated.” “It’s not like that we just miss each other. Sorry if that’s not what you want to hear but I love him and I can’t stop.” “This one time Jess was watching this Law and Order SVU marathon on TV. There was a woman that was drugging men stealing their sperm or something. It’s TV but it made me think of your hubby. Anything could have happened at that party, not that I’m defending him. I still don’t trust that loser but obviously you love him.” “Maybe the home-wrecker was watching that same episode and got an idea.” “These days I think the things they put on TV make it easier for psychos and killers. It’s like a how-to guide on getting away with crimes,” he shook his head. “Eric came over the other day,” she told him. “Yeah? How did that go?” He asked looking a little too hopeful. “I always thought you guys wouldn’t have liked the fact that I use to hang out with Eric. Now you’re wishing I would be with him instead of Nick,” she said. “Maybe a little but probably because I never knew you were with Eric. Was it like some relationship thing?” He asked, maybe she should have had a little more faith in her brothers. “No, I sort of had a tiny crush on him and we hung out one night and it just happened. I never wanted to tell you because I know how you are and I knew Jay would have been pissed. We just had fun and then I backed off when he got Tracy pregnant. As Eric would tell you I am against being with a guy that has kids its way too much drama. Eventually we ended up having sex with each other again, but it was never more than that. He was a good friend,” she explained. “Since when do we keep secrets from each other?” “Oh hush you’ve kept secrets before too, we can’t share everything.” “I know, so tell me what you really think of Jess.” “I think you could do so much better, she’d nice but you aren’t as serious about her as she is about you.” “She tells me she loves me,” he admitted. “Are you surprised? Sydney is her best friend,” she replied. “We can’t all find our soul mates by accident,” he said. “Since when do you believe in such things?” She asked and he shrugged. “No matter how much I wish you would get over this thing, it’s you that makes me a believer. I’m jealous of you,” he told her. “You’ll work it out with him and everything will be perfect. It’s what you deserve.” “I hope you’re right, if nothing changes by the time we go back home I’ll let him back. I’m not going to let some trashy a*s w***e ruin my relationship with my husband,” she said. Yup her mind was made up. She wanted things to go back to normal. DNA test or not she never had a reason not to trust him other than involving this woman. If her brothers could believe in his innocence and they were very critical, then she needed to. She was just afraid of getting hurt. Nicolas was her first love and the love of her life, he was everything to her. Losing him would destroy her, how could she ever move on? It was time to take a stand and show the world that her husband was a good man and that woman was trash. It was late but she planned to call him when she went back to the house. First she wanted to sit and listen to the waves for a little while longer. Nicolas was in a good mood even though he had to get up early to get over to his house. After his grandparents were both gone he begrudgingly took over the master bedroom. There was another room next to it that was pretty big. It had once been Abuelita’s hobby room. She had a lot of hobbies, the room had been empty since after she died. Most of her things were packed up and in storage downstairs. At some point he planned to go through it all again. The room was perfect for a nursery. When his parents lived in the house his mother wanted to be as far away from her children as humanly possible. Good thing Wildflower was nothing like his mother. He was having a few things done and it had to be ready by the time his wife came back. First he had the stripper pole removed from the bedroom. The next thing was having a wall knocked down to make a door into the next room. Last would be the painting. Getting it done in two days was going to cost him a lot but he didn’t care. He couldn’t put a price tag on making his wife happy or doing something for his son. When she came back they could buy the furniture and everything else. The decorator was helping and Allie had left him with a lot of ideas. All day he was there overseeing the work and making sure for the money he paid that these people were working. He would not tolerate laziness or excessive breaks; it wasn’t what he paid for. Halfway through the day he got a visit from his brother and nephew. It still amazed him how well Jose took to fatherhood. What he hoped was that he could be a good father too. They never exactly had a good role model for that in their own father. Today Jose did not look happy so naturally it was probably Jasmine. “What did she do now?” Nicolas asked his brother. “Right about now my wife is packing her things to leave,” Jose replied. That was definitely not what he expected. “She needs time away to ‘find herself’ or some dumb s**t like that.” “You are letting her go?” He asked shocked. “Do I want my wife to leave? No, but I’m not going to force her to stay with me. I gotta figure out what to do with Joseph while she’s gone for however the hell long,” Jose sighed. “I’ll have Gloria set up some interviews with nannies,” he suggested. “Thanks,” Jose nodded and picked up Joseph from his car seat. “So how goes the construction?” “Good, it better be done tomorrow especially since we have a delivery. Allie had the decorator order something special,” he said. It was actually a brilliant idea he would never have thought of. “Your wife still hasn’t agreed to let you move back in?” “Not yet, in time, I can be patient.” “I don’t think I could be so patient.” “Now you get to find out.” “I’m trying to be understanding, but I don’t really get her. She kept my son from me because I’m so irresponsible, meanwhile she’s taking off. I’m starting to question if it was ever a good idea to marry her. This isn’t even all that shocking,” Jose shook his head. He was hurt and it was pretty obvious, this was what women did. “I text Gloria, she said she’ll have some nannies come to the office Monday. Just bring Joseph to work with you,” Nicolas told him. Women were interesting and frustrating creatures. Jose may have done a lot of things in his past but he didn’t deserve to be treated this way. He loved Jasmine and gave up anything and everything for her and she just leaves? In a way that was worse than Nicolas’ situation. The only reason he left the house was to lessen the stress on his wife. This was his house and she was his wife, he could do anything he wanted. But he chose to give her some time. Didn’t he prove he could still get what he wanted from her? She was his and that was never going to change. Last night he woke up when she called him. What did she want? Just to talk to him because she missed him. When she came back tomorrow he was moving back in and didn’t care what anybody had to say. She missed him and she wanted him back, it was quicker than he expected but good. But he felt bad that when his life was coming back together his brother’s was falling apart. This was what families were for to be there when you needed help. In the Capriani family there was always a lot of division but among his siblings they would help each other. Even though they weren’t the closest they would always help each other, that was what family did. Just like Jose would help him out he was going to help him. If Jasmine never came back they would deal with it. Having their new extended Laiez family drove home the importance of families sticking together. The blending of families had been a good thing surprisingly. So much had changed in the last year it was sort of amazing. It seemed like since he met Wildflower things not only changed in his own life but in the lives of everybody close to him. Change wasn’t a bad thing; most of the changes were for the better. And maybe even Delanoz learned some things and would change. That was pretty amazing but Delanoz didn’t really have a choice. Times were changing this family was changing, Nicolas himself was changing. Now all he had to do was locate a certain pregnant stripper and make sure she would never be a problem again. This was Allie’s fault, it was her idea. She’d thought it would be nice for everybody to do some baby shopping. There was no way she could have known what would happen. It wasn’t fate or coincidence, it was intentional. The day had been good; they had a nice lunch and were browsing at a high end super expensive baby store. She was the one to pick the store, but only because the decorator suggested it. While her aunt, Christina and Brooke were looking at cute little clothes she saw her. Nobody else noticed at first, so she pulled Sammie aside. “Sam, we have a problem,” Allie told her cousin. “What? I thought you had secret plans from the decorator,” Sammie said. “That trampy stripper w***e is over there,” she said. “What?” Sammie turned to look. “How could she know where we are? We’re in a whole different state.” “I don’t know, she’s probably stalking our family,” Allie sighed. “Can I go kick her in the face?” “No, let’s just do our best to keep them apart,” Sammie the levelheaded said. “Yeah,” Allie agreed reluctantly. What she wanted to know was how anybody could know where they were. But the answer was pretty easy. Caprianis attracted attention, they flew commercial to get here. Anybody could have seen them in the airport or out and about today. Nicolas Capriani’s pregnant wife was a juicy topic right now. Of course she was in L.A. without her husband she was separated from. Since people liked to talk about Caprianis and get into their lives, sometimes they got celebrity-paparazzi-treatment. There was no noticeable people following but that didn’t mean they weren’t out there. This was how people knew all her personal business; sometimes she hated having this last name. She could never suffer in private; it was like living in an eternal episode of Gossip Girl. “Ok, so before we go crazy and buy all these clothes let’s look at cribs,” her aunt was saying. “Yes let’s go Mommy so you can see my amazing decorating skills,” Allie said pulling her towards the back. “What do you even know about baby stuff?” Brooke asked but thankfully they followed her and Sammie brought up the rear. “It’s really not that hard to shop for babies, they have no preference,” Christina offered. “Teens are the picky ones.” “I don’t even know what color we’re going to paint the nursery yet,” Wildflower said. “Then we can get everything in neutral earth tones,” Allie suggested. “Can you come decorate my house?” Christina asked laughing. “That’s like my dream job for when I’m done being a model,” she said. “Oh right I forgot you want to be a model,” Brooke said. “Speaking of modeling I heard that a certain someone still has huge a*s billboards up around here.” “I feel like that was a lifetime ago,” Wildflower sighed. “Anyway, Allie my little decorator let’s get down to business.” Allie was happy to distract everybody but she knew it wouldn’t last. If the stripper was in the store she was here for a confrontation. She wasn’t sure how or if it was possible to get out of here without causing a scene. This was the last thing they needed, she was expecting for everything to be normal when they got home. The nursery would be started and it could bring their family back together. She waited all her life to have parents and they were on the brink of getting back together. Now this stupid w***e was here to cause trouble. Of course she covertly sent a text to her uncle so he would know what was going on. His advice was to try to avoid a confrontation. “Mrs. Capriani,” someone called. They literally all turned at the same time and there she was. She smiled her evil devil child smile and she did the streetwalker she was with. “Do you remember me? We only met that one time but we have so much in common.” And she had the nerve to pat her belly. “Oh please you trashy stalker, just because you don’t know who your baby daddy is doesn’t mean it’s our problem,” Allie said. “Let’s just go,” Christina said. “Are you afraid of the truth? I hear your husband is lonely at night in his hotel room. Shall I go keep him company?” She asked still smiling. “Honey, my husband is none of your concern and your child is not our concern. You can follow me around thinking you can bait me into something but I’m better than that. Nobody is giving you any money so you can go to hell and stay away from my family,” Wildflower said calmly. At that she walked away as if nothing happened and they followed. “You are my hero,” Allie whispered to her aunt. “You won’t think so once we get home,” she whispered back and refused to look at her. In the car she warned her uncle that this was definitely a setback. Hopefully the nursery could help a little. Tony was out on the beach watching the sunset when Allie came out. He’d been doing some thinking and it was appropriate that she was here. Right now their family was a huge mess. So he shouldn’t have been thinking what he was. Not when his sister’s marriage and life were falling apart. But he couldn’t help but to hope for the future. His future was with Allie and he was going to marry her. “They were arguing on the phone,” Allie said. “I knew she was going to let him come back and now she’s upset again. It’s not that I don’t get why, but now I have to figure something out.” “You do realize that it isn’t your job to fix their marriage?” Tony asked and she turned to glare at him. “What else would I do? Maybe you don’t understand but these are the only parents I’ve ever had and they love each other. They should be together and Iago deserves to grow up in a home with both parents and his family,” she said. “This wasn’t what I wanted to talk to you about,” he said. “I do think my sister deserves to be happy but your uncle isn’t making her happy is he? Maybe what’s best is for him to back off before she really does divorce him.” Oh how he knew he should have kept his mouth shut, he couldn’t help it. “So at the bachelor party did you have some stripper giving you a lap dance?” She asked and he knew it was out of anger. “No and you know that because I was texting you the whole time,” he sighed. “I’m sorry,” she whispered. “Allesandra, I wanted to say that it would be really nice to get married here in the summer,” he told her. “What?” She asked staring at him. “It’s nice here I thought if you still want to get married we could come here once school is out.” “Wow, I didn’t expect that.” “So that’s a no? I knew it was stupid just forget it.” “That wasn’t a no it was more like I’m shocked and I think it would be amazing,” she said smiling. “We can work on the details later,” he said. “I love you so much.” “So do I,” she said and they kissed. The idea was much better before his sister came home upset. He wanted to stay out that situation because the last thing she needed was more people’s unsolicited opinions. It wasn’t the time to ask if they could get married here in the summer. Especially not when nobody actually believed they would get married anyway. Timing in this family was never quite on point. Tony had a feeling that though things were bad now and had been awful in the past, the worst was yet to come. How he hoped his was wrong. He was nobody’s prophet but he just couldn’t shake this feeling. Like his family would be completely torn apart. It could just be paranoia, and he hoped it was but he just didn’t know. Nicolas was pacing waiting for his wife to get home. The flight already landed he knew that and he’d sent a limo to pick them up. He’d been up half the night working on fixing this situation. The painters were finished and the construction was done. Today he’d planned to move back home but it was unlikely happening. Yesterday he’d spoken to his wife and she wasn’t happy. Neither was he and that was why he was putting an end to all of this. Mindy the stripper was going to do the DNA test, in fact she was probably strapped down somewhere getting it done now. It paid to have connections and a lot of money. But being that he was who he was he couldn’t let this go. Hadn’t he done his best to keep from doing anything drastic? That did count for something, right? He exercised a lot of restraint when a lot was on the line. This was definitely going to secure him a spot in hell. Though when he weighed the risks and benefits it was worth it. What was eternal punishment in the afterlife compared to having his wife and family back? If he was Delanoz he wouldn’t care about the consequences and would just kill Mindy himself, pregnant or not. The court order was taking care of the DNA stuff that he had to pay for. But he needed to punish her from trying to scam him in the first place. What he was about to do went against any morality or humanity he had left. It went against everything he was taught by his grandparents. They would be disappointed in him, as they should be. But that wasn’t going to stop him; he wasn’t the person they knew anymore anyway. He needed to think of the future and what was most important. Hadn’t they drilled into his brain that family came first and family was most important? He could justify it in his head forever but he knew what the truth was. And if his wife ever found out what he was going to do she would definitely leave him. It amused him that he was having a crisis of morality caused by some stripper that may have drugged him so that she could have his child and his money. Life indeed was unfair and made no sense at all. Revenge was just something he did well and he couldn’t not do it. The funny thing was that he was trying to be a better person for his wife and to keep her he had to do something evil. This was for his wife and his son and his adopted daughter and the rest of the family. If he remembered that then everything would be fine. Maybe his real problem was that he really wasn’t going to feel guilty about this. So he felt guilty about the absence of guilt. Oh how screwed up he really and truly was. Hopefully his son would be much better than this. Of course he would, his mother was a good person. The door opened downstairs, he could hear it and the voices. There were footsteps on the stairs. He went into the hall to wait for his wife. When she came down the hall she froze when she saw him. Unless it was his imagination the California sun did her some good. She was always beautiful, even if she didn’t know it. Slowly she came down the hall looking thoroughly unhappy to see him. Of course she was their last conversation was anything but pleasant. He didn’t want to upset her but he wanted to show her the nursery. “Nick can we not do this today? I’m tired and I have to be up early tomorrow,” she said. She stopped just short of him, but she was still close enough for him to pull her into his arms. The only reason he refrained was because she looked annoyed. “I’ll leave but I have to show you something,” he said. “Oh right you had construction done, right?” She asked seemingly less tense. “Yes, come on,” he said taking her hand. Nicolas pulled her into the bedroom and over to where there was now doors. French doors to match the ones that led out to the balcony. She gasped when she saw and when she stepped into the nursery. The walls were painted to look like the beach along with a sunny sky on the ceiling. There were some built in shelving that he had added. But the most amazing thing in the room was definitely the gift that Allie picked out. It was a small carousel, she’d seen it in some pictures the decorator had. “Oh my God, Nick!” Wildflower squealed. “I can’t believe you did this.” “I have to admit most of this was Allie’s idea, she’s been helping me. We met with a decorator,” he explained. “It’s beautiful,” she told him. “I thought you might like it,” he said. “This is why Allie wanted to look at furniture, huh?” She asked turning to look at him. “Yes, we can go together if you want?” He asked and her expression told him that it was too soon. “We’ll see,” she replied. “Wow,” Allie said when she came in. “Don’t you love the carousel?” “It is beautiful,” Wildflower said smiling. There was a strain in her smile. “I’m going to head out, I’ll call you tomorrow,” he said. He kissed his wife’s cheek and started to the door. Since she looked pretty tired he was going to let her have some time. Besides he had to mentally prepare himself to help Jose with the nanny interviews tomorrow. That would definitely be pretty boring. But he would do it for his brother, not that either of them knew anything about nannies. Gloria would obviously help with that, she was always helpful with everything. As she would say that was why he paid her so much and she had her own assistant. “You’re leaving?” Allie asked staring between the two of them. “Yeah, I have a lot of things to do,” he said. There was a disappointed look in her eyes and he felt guilty. “Allie, its ok I’m just going back to the hotel.” “Why? Everything was going fine until that w***e followed us,” Allie said. “Allie, why don’t you go stay with uncle tonight? I’m sure he would love the company and you can tell him about our trip,” Wildflower said. She seemed to look more tired in the short time they’d been there. “That’s a good idea,” he said. “I can drive you to school in the morning before I go to work.” “Can’t we just be a family again?” Allie asked them. “Just come with me and we will talk,” he urged. “Allie, it’s not that we don’t love each other or you, we just aren’t getting along. Starting the nursery is a nice gesture but it won’t fix everything,” Wildflower told her. “Why are you mad at me today anyway? Is it still about the stripper? Because I can assure you that she’s being tested,” he said. It was a bad idea and he knew it but he wanted to come home. “I’m tired Nick,” she said. There was more to the meaning of that and he understood it on a logical level. She did look very tired and she winced and rubbed her belly. “Are you ok?” He asked his wife. “For the thousandth time Nicolas I am tired,” she said and went back to the bedroom. “Yes I know you’re tired but are you in pain?” He asked following her, she sat on the bed and the answer was obvious. “I’m a little cramp,” she admitted. She laid on the bed and closed her eyes. “Do you need anything?” Allie asked sounding afraid. “I don’t know,” she replied. “I’m taking you to the hospital,” Nicolas told her. “Don’t argue with me.” “Ok,” she whispered. The look of fear in her eyes was probably mirrored by his. All this stress was definitely bad for her and the baby. What if they lost their child over this mess? He couldn’t let that happen. © 2010 Britiney Harper |
1 Review Added on May 24, 2010 Last Updated on May 24, 2010 AuthorBritiney Harperpittsburgh, PAAbout...A Few Things... 1) Hi! I'm Britiney 2) I Love to Write 3) I love to read 4) I'm a nerd 5) i love my Family more than anything else 6) I've been writing since i was 8yrs old (but really b4 tha.. more..Writing