![]() Allie Chapter 28A Chapter by Britiney Harper![]() Allie (Chapter 28)Separation![]() Chapter 28 Her brothers told her that maybe she would feel better after resting, that wasn’t true. There was no amount of sleep that could make this go away. Even though she’d told her husband to leave she hadn’t really expected him to go so easily. Maybe she really had wanted him to stay and refuse to be away from her. When she bumped her head and fell face first into romance novel delusions, she didn’t know. But the last time she’d slept in a bed with two men they weren’t her brother. That wasn’t something she wanted to think about now while still in said bed with those brothers. Sleeping with them had been comforting. She realized just how much she’d missed her whole family living together last night. Her brothers gave her strength to attempt to figure out what to do with her life. Getting out of bed however was too much of a task for her, especially since they were still asleep. If she got out of bed and had to face the world it would be too much. Her cell phone had to be turned off from all the calls she got. Brooke thankfully kept everybody away from her. “What are you thinking?” Ivan whispered in her ear. “How did you know I was awake?” She asked opening her eyes, they were face to face and he kissed her nose. “I always know,” he replied. “Brooke didn’t need to call you did she?” “No, I knew you needed me, Ricky was just taking forever.” “What am I supposed to do?” She asked knowing what he would say. “Divorce him, I’ll come live with you,” he said. “It’s an idea but I don’t think I could divorce him,” she said. “Why not? And don’t say it’s because he’s the father of your child.” “Then I won’t say it.” “What if this kid is his? You’re going to be step-mommy to your husband’s mistress’ child?” He asked she knew he would say that. “So what he’s the father of your son that doesn’t mean you should be together.” “You never liked him,” she said. “No I never trusted him, there’s a difference. Well now I don’t like him, not when he makes you cry,” he said. He leaned his forehead against hers. “Well I don’t like him very much right now either,” she sighed. “Do you even know where he is right now?” “Brooke said he went to Jose’s house.” “Maybe you should get a lawyer,” he suggested. “Maybe you should stop giving her advice,” Ricky said from the other side of her. “What do you know about being married Ivan?” “What do you know about not cheating on your girlfriend?” Ivan replied. “And you have such a wonderful track record with that right? Oh your last girlfriend was sixteen,” Ricky said. “Boys,” Wildflower said. “Can we focus on my failed marriage?” “The reason you made him leave was more than just this thing, correct?” Ricky asked, he knew her so well. “Maybe,” she shrugged. “I don’t know about any other time but he didn’t cheat on you at that party,” he told her. She turned over to stare at him. “How do you know for sure?” “Do you really think I wouldn’t keep an eye on the man marrying my baby sister? Especially in a room full of strippers? Drunk he was but he couldn’t have cheated on you.” “Why would that chick say he did then?” Ivan asked. “It would be easy for him to prove that it isn’t his baby.” “Not really,” she said. “Until the baby is born they couldn’t know 100% especially if say it’s really a family members baby. They would have some common DNA, especially his brothers. And we all know Delanoz’s track record with women.” “Maybe she just counted on the fact that he wouldn’t want any of this to get out,” Ricky said. “She was hoping for a quiet payout but you were in his office. Can’t threaten to tell the wife if the wife is there.” “Even so, I still think you shouldn’t be with him,” Ivan said. “Marriage is a huge commitment if she didn’t want to be married she wouldn’t have gotten married,” Ricky said. “You will work it out and if you find that you can’t you will have at least tried for your son.” “I know,” she whispered. Of course he would say that, but she knew that was what she had to do. “I have an off topic question for you,” Ivan said. That of course was worrisome. “Ask away,” she replied turned to look at him. “You had sex with Eric didn’t you?” He asked and she just stared at him. “Um not recently,” she answered. She never expected him to ask that. “Why do you ask?” “I’ve been meaning to ask you actually, since the bar,” he shrugged. “It was a long time ago; I hadn’t seen him since our birthday.” “How come I never knew you were with him?” “Uh because who I have sex with is none of your business. And anyway I don’t really need to talk about my sex life while laying in bed with my brothers,” she said. “That didn’t stop you and Brooke from getting in my bed and talking about your sex tapes,” Ivan replied. “Sex tapes?” Ricky asked sounding weary. “Right about now I feel like burning the damn thing, so no worry. Maybe I’ll give it to Nick cause its going to be a long time before I let him near me. Does this conversation make you happy Ivan?” She asked he just looked amused. “How long were you with Eric?” He asked apparently he couldn’t be distracted from the subject. “Not that I would like to participate in this conversation, but since we’re unfortunately on the subject,” Ricky sighed. “Eric was your first, correct?” “How could you know that?” She asked shocked and turning to stare at him. “I have my ways,” he replied. “How old were you?” Ivan asked her. “Fifteen,” Ricky answered for her. “Ricardo how can you know that? I barely wanted to tell Daisy about that,” she said, this was a surprise. “Yeah because she had a crush on him and threw herself at him as a hobby,” Ivan murmured. “I can’t reveal how I know these things,” Ricky replied. “Did Nick tell you that?” She asked, Brooke never would even with her gossipy big mouth and if she didn’t then it could be her husband. “Wait, you told your husband that has jealousy issues about the first guy you had sex with? Now I see why you left the bar,” Ivan laughed. “Sorry sweetheart, I don’t ask your husband about anything that has to do with you and sex,” Ricky said. “It was him, he asked you about Eric,” she said. “That’s a Nick thing to do, and I didn’t want to tell him but he asked and I didn’t lie. Eric and I had a thing, so what? I’m married now and Eric is my past.” “Can’t you go be with Eric?” Ivan predictably asked. “No, it wasn’t your husband that told me I always knew,” Ricky said continuing as if Ivan hadn’t spoken. “But how? Did I just come home and have a glow or a stupid look on my face?” She asked because she was curious and this was better than talking about her future. “Well he just use to look at you a certain way and don’t think I didn’t notice times when you didn’t come home. You “fell asleep” over his house one too many times. I hope your kids give you better excuses,” he said and she laughed. “It’s not my fault you always told us that lying was wrong, especially to family,” she shrugged. “Funny how I told you all that and only half of you listened,” he said. “Which brings us back to why I’m in bed with you two and not my husband,” she sighed. They both turned to hold her. “I like this though; being close to you guys I needed it thank you.” “Anytime,” Ricky told her and kissed her forehead. “Almost 24 years of cuddling with you twin.” Ivan said. “Longer than that, we’ve cuddled sent conception,” she said. “So true,” he said. “Can I stay in bed today? I’m not ready to face anyone yet,” she whispered. “We’ll be right here with you,” Ricky said. Nothing about her future was certain at this point. Ricky was right she had to at least try to work this out. If not for herself then for her son, she had to try. And it really wasn’t only about the stripper it was about a lot of things. Things that she let slide for the greater good of her relationship. One thing she was never honest about was that she did blame him for the thing with Sadie. Not just him Delanoz too but she hadn’t interacted with his brother since the wedding. Maybe it was a sign that so many things happened before and on the day of the wedding. Maybe this wasn’t meant to be. Maybe she should never have left the bar with Nicolas almost a year ago. Everything was a complete mess. She couldn’t forget how much she loved him and how much she knew he loved her. Or that look when they found out about Iago or that he actually cried at their wedding. Did she love him enough to get over this? Other factors were the things he knew about him and his family, things she wished she didn’t. Being a blind, naive pathetic wife was not who she was. Things had to change in a big way. All of this was only if this wasn’t his child. There was no way to repair any of this marriage if that was his child. She was desperate to believe Ricky because he would never let her stay with Nicolas if he believed any of it. Marriage was meant to be permanent, which was what he taught her. In hindsight she realized that she should never have gotten married so soon. Probably shouldn’t have gotten pregnant either but she couldn’t make herself regret Iago. Her son came from love and if she had anything to say about it would only know love. If she divorced her husband she wasn’t going to spitefully take his family’s house away, it would be wrong. She also couldn’t forbid Nicolas from seeing his son. But she just wasn’t going to leave with nothing; she had the power in this situation. Part of her liked the power, it was a little seductive. Her family kept her grounded though and Ricky would help her make good choices. Everything had to be about what was best for her son. Silently she prayed that she could just have her family back the way it was 24 hours ago. Nicolas had watched the video about a thousand times and got surveillance from the club the party was at. Still he couldn’t be 100% certain nothing happened. Three days had passed since he last saw his wife, today was number four. That was about the length of time he’d been trapped in his brother’s house. Jose and their father thought it was best if he laid low for awhile. The stripper today her story to anybody that would listen. All of it was a lie and she tried to make it seem worse than it was. Wildflower wouldn’t speak to him and it drove him crazy. For the first time in his life he had to strategy or back-up plan or course of action. He just didn’t know what to do. What did you do when the truth didn’t matter? If he could just see his wife he knew he could convince her. The brothers were the problem they would probably shoot him with one of his own guns. It didn’t help that Carmen had come in town after she heard the news and was pissed at him too. Everybody was pissed at him. Except maybe Allie, she’d come to see him a few times. Seeing her made him feel worse. Somehow he was going to figure out how to get his family back. Maybe it would help if he stopped looking at the videos. Or if that stripper w***e would just agree to take a test, she was stalling. Of course she was, it wasn’t his child and she knew it. Luis and the whole PR department thought it best if he kept silent and they would handle things. Doing nothing was literally killing him. “Did something magically change?” Jasmine asked him when she came outside. “No, and I still don’t remember anything,” he replied. “Well if you care to know your wife is well,” she informed. Jasmine had just come from lunch at the mansion. “That’s good at least she’s happy while I suffer,” he grumbled. “Happy she is not, she misses you. Don’t you see why she doesn’t want to talk to you? She loves you and you could be having a baby with another woman,” Jasmine said annoyed. “There is no proof that I did anything,” he said. “I thought there was some hope for your marriage but I’m starting to doubt it. Is having an attitude and pouting making you feel better? Your pregnant wife is very stressed out and hurt and afraid that she’s going to be a single parent. Did it occur to you that the stress isn’t good for your son? I thought Delanoz was selfish, both of your sisters, your parents and sometimes Jose, but not you,” she said. “While I love to hear your unsolicited opinion you know nothing. I love my wife and my son and I am worried about them both. There is a good chance my marriage is over and for what? So some w***e can get some money? There was never any chance I would pay anything, this isn’t my child. That w***e has come between me and my wife and I’m being unselfish by not murdering her,” he replied. Obviously Jasmine didn’t know how to reply because she walked away. Later she would probably tell Jose she wanted him gone. It wasn’t like he wanted to be there anyway. Killing the stripper had been at the top of his list of things he wanted to do. The reason he didn’t should have been that it was wrong and that she was pregnant. However the reason was that he didn’t want to upset his wife more. If he did something like that then she would never forgive him. Since she wasn’t going to let him torture and kill Sadie then Mindy was off limits too. This was another reason on the long list of why Wildflower probably shouldn’t take him back. He was a murderer and had blood on his hands more than a few times. “Nicolas,” he heard a male voice and turned. “You coming to kill me? I’ll tell you where Jose keeps the guns,” Nicolas sid to his brother-in-law. “Not at the moment,” Ricky replied. He came out and sat down, this was probably bad. “I’ve wanted to come meet with you for awhile. However my sister needed me to stay with her so I did.” “Did she send you here to tell me its over?” Nicolas asked solemnly. “No, actually I didn’t mention I was coming. So you know I told her that you didn’t have sex with anyone at your party. I also told her that she needs to work this out with you,” Ricky told him. “What? Why? I would have thought you would all be happy to see us slip up.” “Marriage is a serious thing to me and to my sister as well. She married you so she will have to deal with the consequences. I’m definitely not advising her to stay with you if you hurt her in some way but she wants to make an effort. Right now she is just a needs space and for you to prove yourself to her.” “Wait, you told her that I didn’t do anything?” “Yes, unless you have something to say that is different. Had you done something at the party or if I believed you did anything like this I would never have let her marry you. If I tell my sister to do something she will and we both know that.” “How can you be sure? I don’t remember anything; no matter what I do I can’t remember anything. Hell I barely remember coming home,” Nicolas said. There was hope now, if Ricky was certain that he didn’t do anything then he didn’t. “I raised my siblings; I know very well how to keep an eye on someone. There’s no way in hell I wouldn’t have watched you when there was a potential for trouble. And after thinking about the whole night I think there’s a reason you don’t remember anything. Your accuser most likely drugged you,” Ricky said. “I never considered that,” he admitted. That actually made perfect sense, even drunk he should have remembered something. It was a huge black hole. In his 29 years of life he never got blackout drunk, until the party. At any point during that night someone could have put something in one of his many drinks. Even though his family often hated him he trusted them not to kill him. None of that ever occurred to him. He was so grateful for Ricky coming over. There was no way that he would be here if he wasn’t 100% certain. Two steps forward and one step back. Wildflower would believe that he didn’t cheat if Ricky said so. Yet she still wasn’t speaking to Nicolas. So what did this mean? He knew there was more to their separation than just the stripper thing. Sitting around feeling sorry for himself was no longer an option. In fact it had never really been a real option in the first place. Now he had a direction and a plan was already forming. He was going to get his wife back and they were going to get through this. His nature was to always fight back; he was done now with playing nice. Wildflower had been completely shocked when she got a call from the guard at the gate. No unknown people were allowed in without permission. That rule had been in effect since Owen broke in. Today was her calm quiet alone time day. Tammy was out, Brooke was with Jay and Angel was at work and of course the kids were at school. It was incredibly rare for her to have the house to herself, so she’d been happy about today. She needed alone time to think and figure out what her next move was. Carmen had paid her a visit and made her go to see a divorce lawyer. It was funny because Carmen was Nicolas’ sister but Carmen was madder at him than she was. Everybody knew about their situation, since it was suddenly cheater season in the media they were news. Mistresses were on every gossip show and tabloid, including Mindy. Who technically couldn’t really be considered a mistress because she would have only been with him the one time. Which Ricky said never happened and she had no choice but to believe him. Even so she still hadn’t spoken to him since he left even though he left her messages every day. She listened to the voicemails and read the texts but didn’t respond. Part of her wanted him to suffer a little and part of her wanted him to come home. But every time she turned on the TV or got online she saw that w***e and she couldn’t call him. True or not he made it possible for them to be in this situation and she wanted it to go away. If she told him to make it go away then pregnant stripper w***e Mindy would be dead. While that wasn’t a bad idea she couldn’t have that on her conscience. Today she wanted to sort out her thoughts and feelings and figure out how to proceed. But her visitor was a complete shock and she didn’t believe it over the phone. When he parked out in front of the house she was waiting. There was Eric, he slowly approached and he hugged her when he got to her. It was wrong to take comfort from him but she did and lead him in the house. Once he had been a close friend, practically family except for the whole sex thing. The perfect revenge against her husband would be to have sex with another man. Nicolas was lucky that she could never be that girl. “What are you doing here?” Wildflower asked when they were inside. “Checking up on you,” Eric replied. “I knew you married into a rich family I just didn’t know you lived in a mansion.” “The novelty of it runs out quickly,” she shrugged. “So I wanted to call you but I thought what the hell why not just show up,” he said. This was probably a bad idea but that wasn’t going to make her tell him to leave. “Did Brooke tell you that I would be home alone today?” She asked though she knew the answer, it couldn’t be a coincidence. “Possibly, I had to figure out where you lived so I called her. I was thinking that asking any of your brothers would be suspicious,” he shrugged. “They probably all already know about us,” she told him. They went to sit in the TV room where she had been avoiding actually watching TV. “What’s that supposed to mean? You told them we use to have sex?” “Not exactly, apparently we looked suspicious at the bar so Ivan asked me about it. And Ricky always knew about it but thankfully never said anything.” “Your husband knows too, huh?” “Yes, he pretty much knows everything.” “Brooke mentioned that you are separated.” “Sort of, I told him I didn’t want to see him and this will be day number 5 that he’s been gone,” she sighed. Irrationally she wanted him to fight her and refuse to leave her no matter what but no instead he actually listened to her. “Is he staying out of trouble?” Eric asked, he was careful with his tone she noticed. “As far as I know he hasn’t left his brother’s house since he left. I just don’t know what to say to him,” she admitted. “So do you think it’s his baby?” “No, Ricky was at the party and swears it’s impossible. I love Nick so much but it’s still hard even if it isn’t true it’s out there for the world to see. And we’ve had problems, it’s my fault for rushing to marry him.” “Why did you marry a gut you barely knew?” “Because I do know him, I know what he is capable of and I love him. We rushed everything and now we’re paying for it,” she sighed. “Are you going to take him back?” He asked and she just nodded. “There was never really a choice in that, I married him I have to deal with the consequences,” she replied. “I hope he knows how lucky he is to have you,” Eric said. There was a look in his eyes that concerned her; this was not the time for this. “You’re beautiful and smart and I couldn’t think of a better mother. He needs to learn to appreciate you.” “When did you become so sentimental?” She asked instead of figuring out how to reply to what he said. “Oh I’m not you’re just like a prize, I wouldn’t marry you that’s too complicated. I developed standards, you have too many kids for me,” he said and she laughed. “I miss him,” she whispered. “Call him or I’ll take you to him,” Eric suggested. “No, I can’t I just don’t know what to say or do,” she sighed again. “You’re so tense, at least since I’m here let me help you with that,” he said. That was a very bad idea but she moved anyway and he started massaging her neck and shoulders. “I remember what you like,” he whispered in her ear. “Hmm, you should do this professionally you are amazing at it,” she said. Instead of thinking of her husband and her marriage she enjoyed the moment. Eric had in fact remembered what she liked. It was complete bliss; she had been very stressed out. Her life probably would have been easier if she’d been with Eric. If she hadn’t met Nicolas she wasn’t sure she’d have ever really had a serious relationship. The thing with Eric couldn’t have ever led to marriage and she knew that. It was nice to think that it could have but the truth was that it never would have happened. She was in the past and to this day completely apposed to being a stepmother. Guardian of her brothers and niece and adopted mother of the other niece was one thing because that was her family. Being a stepmother was just a job she’d never wanted to have. Hopefully she wasn’t going to have to deal with that with her husband. The front door opened and closed she could hear it. What she figured was that it was Tammy who had a key. The cleaning staff was coming tomorrow. When she turned and saw Nicolas in the doorway she was shocked. He’d stayed away like she requested so it was surprising that he was there. Surprised and a tad bit happy because she wanted to see him. Then she remembered that she was alone in the house with another man. And that man happened to have been giving her a pretty orgasmic massage. There was a slight chance she might have moaned a little. The funny thing was that she was sad when Eric stopped, not worried Nicolas would flip out. “Well you got your wish,” Eric said. He kissed her cheek and got up from the couch. “I’ll be in touch Wildflower.” “Ok thanks,” she replied. There was so much awkwardness and tension in the room that it was hard to know how to proceed. “Um I’m Eric, I’ve known your wife forever, sorry I couldn’t meet you under better circumstances,” he said to Nicolas. “Yeah,” Nicolas replied. With a nodded and a wave Eric disappeared into the hall and left. “What are you doing here?” Wildflower asked her husband. “I thought we should talk, sorry I interrupted your date,” Nicolas said annoyed. “Stop acting like a jealous child,” she replied. “You’re in my house alone with a man touching you, I’m entitled to feel how I want to about that,” he said. “Whatever think what you want but I’ve never cheated on you or it was never suspected. I know who fathered my child, are you sure you didn’t father more than one?” “I didn’t come here to fight with you.” “Then why are you here? I thought you understood that I don’t want to see you?” “We need to talk especially when you’re meeting with lawyers and alone with your ex-lover. Just to clarify is this one going to get crazy and stalk you? If so we should get more security,” he said calmly. His tone annoyed her but still she was glad he was there, even if she couldn’t admit it. “If you’re going to have an attitude then get out of my house,” she replied. She stretched out lying on the couch getting comfortable and pretending to ignore him. “Why did you meet with a lawyer?” He asked forcing his voice to stay calm. “To discuss my options,” she shrugged. Truthfully she never wanted to do it and Carmen tricked her into it. “I’m not going to let you divorce me,” he said. He sat down on the couch and moved her feet so that they were in his lap. “Why not? Are you afraid of what I might take from you?” She asked trying to ignore how he was rubbing her leg. “I would give you anything,” he said looking her in the eyes. “This house, the villa, your beach house, the hotel, the cars, my shares in the company, anything. I would give you every penny I have if you wanted it. Money and things don’t matter to me, my family is what matters.” “Carmen tricked me into meeting him; she said we were just going to dinner. I don’t want a divorce,” she admitted. “Good, we can fix this we just need to talk,” he said looking hopeful. “This is just really hard,” she said. “I know, baby, I know,” he whispered. “Before we get into anything else, I have to tell you that I’m going to court tomorrow.” “For what?” “To force her to do a paternity test.” “Oh,” she said. There it was all coming back, how much this all hurt and humiliated her. “I love you and I want to get her out of our lives, forever. Since murder isn’t an option I’ll be doing this legally,” he explained. “I also think we should do marriage counseling. That’s not something I want to do but I think it would be for the best so that we can move on and work things out.” “Ok,” she agreed. “Good, I’ll pick you up after you volunteer tomorrow,” he said. “Come over here and let me hold you.” She realized just how weak for him she was when she went to him. But she couldn’t force herself not to love being in his arms. He was her husband till death did them part and there wasn’t anything she could do about it. And it was obvious that he was making an effort. Hadn’t she known she would eventually take him back? Going to counseling would help them so she could trust him again. This was good they were making progress. Still all of this depended on the stripper being pregnant by someone anyone else. If only she had a time machine, there were so many things she wanted to change about her life. Nicolas wanted to ask more about that Eric guy but he held his tongue. His wife was letting him touch her and not kicking him out of the house, it was best to be careful. The plan was to slowly work his way back into the house. Her being home alone was very good luck for him. There were no distractions or people with their irrelevant opinions. It wasn’t surprising that his sister was the one getting a lawyer involved, Wildflower wouldn’t do that. Especially not if Ricky didn’t approve or tell her to do it. Never did he think that it would be helpful that his wife was compelled to listen to whatever her oldest brother told her. Even he never had power like that over anyone. “How are you feeling? How is my boy?” He asked rubbing her belly. “Better,” she replied. She snuggled against him with her face buried against his chest. “He misses you talking to him.” “I’ll make up for it,” he said. Before he was thrown out he use to tell his son stories when they were alone. “So can I come back now?” “No,” she said and he stared at her. “Why not? We are married we should be together.” “Because I still need space from you and we don’t know if this isn’t your baby. Honey you can’t sweet talk me into letting you back before we are certain about this. If it’s your baby we are done, I can’t stay married to you. That doesn’t mean I want to take this house or your business, I’ll move out. This doesn’t have to get any uglier than it already is,” she told him. “Are you serious?” He asked because it was truly shocking. “Yes, I love you but I’m not dealing with someone else’s child. I would never ask you to turn your back on your child and I wouldn’t keep you away from our son. But if I was still with you then that child would be a part of my life and my family and it’s not going to happen. No, I won’t change my mind either, sorry,” she replied. “If you moved out of this house then where would you go?” He asked while trying to figure out how to approach this. “I’ll look for a house that would accommodate me and the kids.” “This is not my child and you aren’t leaving. Even if it was I wouldn’t want it you wouldn’t have to ask. Iago is my son and my only child unless you count Allie.” “She misses you, she hates that we aren’t together.” “Then let me come back home, I can sleep in another room.” “No, I can’t have you here until we know for sure.” “What if I don’t accept that?” “If you can’t respect my wishes then we’ll never get back together.” For a moment he considered how to proceed. Going back to Jose’s house wasn’t really what he wanted to do, Jasmine was annoying. He wanted to come home and sleep in his own bed with his wife. She was stubborn so this was going to be hard, or was it? What he’d forgotten was that his wife was often very horny and he could use that to his advantage. Even if this didn’t get him back into the house he’d been wanting her desperately for days. Watching her on the security cameras wasn’t good enough, he wanted the real thing. So he was going to just take what he wanted. When he kissed her she wasn’t expecting it but she responded. Touching her again was like coming home after a long trip and she was eager. It was pretty rare for her to actually turn down sex and they both knew it. Getting her naked was way too easy and no words were really needed. This was his wife and the love of his life they just knew each other. She was open to him like he liked and being inside her again was pretty amazing. For a little while nothing else in the world mattered except the love they shared. “I love you,” he whispered. Once they were finished they laid together naked on the couch. “I love you too,” she replied. “Nick, this doesn’t change how I feel.” “I figured it wouldn’t,” he said. “Just a little more time, ok? It’s not forever.” “Whatever you need, but so you know I’m going to stay at the hotel. I need to get back to working instead of sulking and Jasmine is nerve wracking,” he paused. “If you need me or you want to come over you know where I’ll be.” “What you’re going to be my booty call?” She asked laughing. “Hell yeah,” he replied. “Maybe, but nobody can know I kind of like the idea of doing a little sneaking around,” she said thoughtfully. “How about you just send me a text when you want me and I’ll come wherever you want,” he suggested. “Sounds good,” she said. “I love you Nick and I really hope we can work this out; I want us to be a family again. But I’m afraid of letting you come back until we are sure about this because I couldn’t stay with you if it’s true.” “I may not like this but I understand,” he said. It was true he could understand her reluctance, he just didn’t agree with it. At least this was a step in the right direction. Wildflower made a decision after her husband left, she needed to get away. Staying here in this town where all this crap was happening was getting old. So she made plans to take a weekend off drama and visit her beach house. With Nicolas going to court it was going to just get worse and she didn’t need that. Yes, she wanted this to all go away, but she didn’t need to be here. She was just the silly little wife that was taking her husband back, nobody really cared about her. Except that for one reason or another it was public information that she didn’t sign a prenup so she could potentially clean him out. That was in fact what Rosa assumed was going to happen, she’d left a bunch of messages. It was probably a bad idea to have sex with him when they were supposed to be separated but she couldn’t help it. He knew she couldn’t and so he definitely took advantage of that fact. That was fine with her, she could pretend like it wasn’t her fault. Not that she was going to tell anybody what happened, it wasn’t their business. Everybody had an opinion on what she should do with her future. So naturally not everybody agreed with Ricky telling her she had to work things out with Nicolas. Surprisingly her mother did, marriage was sacred and important. She wanted nothing more than for her life and family to go back to normal. After Nicolas left she went into the kitchen to make dinner. It gave her something to do to distract herself. The kids would be home soon and she wanted something to be normal. Every day they had dinner together as a family and that wasn’t going to change. It was just tragic that her whole life and future depended on if her husband cheated on her. What was wrong with the world? She just didn’t see the point to cheating, if you didn’t want to stay with that person you should just break up. That made sense but apparently it didn’t to a lot of people. Nicolas for all his faults was completely loyal and wouldn’t hurt her like that intentionally. But now him and Ricky were exploring the theory that he could have been drugged. Which was a huge possibility and made sense. She’d been a stripper, it was brief but she knew some women that would do that type of thing. Drugged or not she still couldn’t be with him if it was his child. It wasn’t fair but nothing about this situation was fair. There were just certain things she couldn’t accept and this was one of them. She prayed the hardest she ever had in her life that this was anybody else’s child. If it was then she could start repairing her marriage and work through their other issues. And it was probably a bad idea to have sex with him again. But there was a huge chance it would happen; her body was weak and her mind strong. When it came to Nicolas and the things he did to her body she couldn’t resist. Hopefully this whole mess would be over and done with soon. Either way the truth would come out soon and she could move forward. With or without her husband she would move on. © 2010 Britiney Harper |
1 Review Added on May 19, 2010 Last Updated on May 19, 2010 AuthorBritiney Harperpittsburgh, PAAbout...A Few Things... 1) Hi! I'm Britiney 2) I Love to Write 3) I love to read 4) I'm a nerd 5) i love my Family more than anything else 6) I've been writing since i was 8yrs old (but really b4 tha.. more..Writing