![]() Allie Chapter 27A Chapter by Britiney Harper![]() Allie (Chapter 27) Accusations![]() Chapter 27 Sammie was in her room trying to think after school. Her life had taken an odd turn recently so she needed a moment to reflect. She was back with Evan and their relationship was a lot different. Before it was more like friends and now it was more couple like. She wasn’t sure what really brought about this change and was afraid that it was the sex thing. That night she slept with him had been an out of body experience. After talking to her mother and Ricky that night she had been upset and there Evan was. Her thoughts had been scattered and she needed a distraction and so she kissed Evan and went back to his room. Everything after that was a little hazy. It truly was an out of body experience because she had initiated all of it. When she woke up naked in bed with him her first instinct was to run. But the way he was looking at her made her stay. There had been so much love in his eyes and she couldn’t run from that. Evan loved her and she didn’t want to let him go. Her mother spent all of her life loving Ricky and they weren’t together. Sammie had also spent her life loving Evan only she did it in secret. With her mother it was big and public and very dramatic. She wanted to believe that her mother would get a happy ending with Ricky and that they could be a family. But just like she wasn’t sure of her future with Evan, she wasn’t sure that the happy ending was going to happen. Sex had freaked her out completely the first time but the second time was very different. It wasn’t that she was really ready to go for a third time but she didn’t mind certain things anymore. Like making out a little and getting close and relationship type stuff. Maybe her relationship changed because of the things that went down on the trip. There was a knock on her door and her mother came in. Since they came home she was pretending everything was fine for Sammie’s sake. But it was obvious that she was really hurting. Sammie didn’t always like her mother in the past but she always loved her and she hated seeing her like this. What Ricky did was wrong and there was no getting around it. She didn’t want to think of him as a bad person but how could she not? He was home with his girlfriend worshipping him and her mother was here with her heart broken all over again. “How was school?” Her mother asked. “Boring and school like,” Sammie said. “Nicolas told me that they need a new front desk person at his hotel so I can have a job,” she told her. “Really? That’s great, we can look at apartments again,” Sammie said. “Does that mean you still want to live with me?” “Yes, Allie would hate it but I want to.” “Sam, I’m sorry that I dragged you into another mess.” “I’m not mad at you; it’s him I thought so much of him before.” It was true that she always looked up to him and now everything she believed seemed like a lie. Her father was everything that Ricky wasn’t that was why it was so easy to choose between them. Men always hurt her mother, it was kind of tragic. Sammie never wanted to be like her mother because she’d thought that Angel was selfish and sometimes deserved it. This time it just wasn’t right. If this was her father that messed around with her mother for a couple weeks out of boredom it would be normal. Delanoz Capriani used and abused people as a hobby. It really really really bothered her that the man that taught her about morals and values and love and family, would be so cruel. Everybody that knew her mother and people that didn’t knew how she felt about him. Sammie couldn’t get over the fact that he used her mother and tossed her aside like that. Because of him she was afraid that she was going to lose her mother all over again. Now when she was being a real mother and she wanted to be with her, everything was a mess. Sooner or later Angel would fall apart again, it was inevitable. This time she wouldn’t come back and Sammie knew that in her heart. Life was so unfair sometimes. “Don’t be mad at him ok? I knew what I was getting into or well I figured it out. Just don’t ever be like me, never depend on men for anything. My life revolved around a man I couldn’t have and because of that I made yours and Jordan’s lives miserable. I know I can’t fix everything or really make it up to you but you are my life,” her mother told her. She had tears in her eyes and Sammie hugged her. Sammie wanted to say something to make it better, but there was nothing to say. She couldn’t mend her mother’s broken heart. And neither of them could change the past or have that dream family they envisioned. The one thing she could offer her mother was herself. Even though she’d been very disappointed in the past, she had to go back to her. It wasn’t going back this time it was moving forward. This time if her mother went down in flames, she would be going down too. All she could really do now was hope for the best and say a few prayers. Caroline was still afraid, and had nightmares to prove it. Delanoz was going to find her and kill her. That man got revenge on everybody and she stabbed his penis. If being afraid for her life and the life of her child wasn’t bad enough there was her sisters. They were staying in a motel and Sadie stayed curled up in bed all day and all night. Tina told her that Delanoz thought it would be fun to torture Sadie and just let her watch. It made Caroline sick to hear what he’d done to her sister. Her sisters came back for her and this was her fault. Why had she been so blind and stupid? If not Delanoz wouldn’t have raped her sister, repeatedly. And he’d gave her to two different friends. Sadie was damaged beyond repair; you could see it in her eyes. Why her sisters didn’t foresee serious repercussions in their revenge plot she didn’t know. Just like she didn’t know when she’d become so clingy, needy and gullible. She was none of that now; no Delanoz killed a part of her too. All she wanted to do was go home and forget about all of this. But how could she go home to her parents now? Pregnant and married to the devil, that was not who they raised. How would they react when they found out? Tina was trying to hold it together for everyone else. The truth was that she felt guilty and had also been traumatized by what happened to Sadie. Soon they would get in touch with Heather and figure out what to do next. She completely emptied Delanoz’s bank account. He’d thought she could never escape him so he never took her off his account. Though he’d thoroughly beat her down so much that she was surprised she finally fought back. This wasn’t what life was supposed to be like, running and hiding. Why was her life like this? The need for revenge destroyed her family. They should have let go of Hannah a long time ago and moved on. Normal people moved on after deaths in the family. Her parents tried to move on and so had Vivian, why hadn’t she? Sadly she didn’t remember much about her oldest sister and should have found it the easiest to move on. Maybe that was the exact reason she couldn’t let go, because she didn’t really know Hannah. Now she wished she’d just moved on and had a life that had nothing to do with the Caprianis. If she never saw another Capriani again it would be too soon. Not that she blamed all of them for her misery; no this was because of Delanoz. It all was because of Delanoz. She looked over at her sisters, Tina was pacing and Sadie was staring blankly at the wall. Part of her wished she’d killed Delanoz and stabbed him through the heart. It was what he truly deserved but of course she couldn’t become a murderer. She prayed constantly during her imprisonment for her life and for her family and for her child. Hopefully this child would never meet his/her father and would be nothing like him. The future was so uncertain right now and the danger immanent and ever growing. All she could hope for was that her prayers could be answered at least one more time. What else could she really do? Delanoz won again, he always won. Even if they never saw him or another Capriani the damage was done. How did you start over after all of this? What she was afraid of was that you couldn’t and neither would her sisters. Angel opted out of volunteering because she was bad with kids. So she was home alone, everybody was out. Except that the maids that cleaned and did laundry were buzzing about the house. She was out on the patio staying out of the way looking for some place to live. With the current state of the economy she’d thought maybe places would be a little cheaper, no such luck. Even though she had money from deadbeat Delanoz, she wanted something affordable. Something she could possibly pay for on her own. But she also needed to stay close to Sammie’s school. Something was going to turn up, she knew it. The when was the problem. Nicolas and Wildflower didn’t complain about her staying but she wanted to get on with her life. She hadn’t spoken to Ricky since they came home. But that wasn’t because he didn’t call and text her because he did. It was just best to ignore him for now. If she let herself think there was hope for them she was going to get hurt. He wanted her forgiveness but she didn’t blame him, there was nothing to forgive. At least not for her, Sammie was the one he should have focused on. No matter what she said her daughter could never understand and sometimes she didn’t get it either. This was just life and life wasn’t always fair. Now she had to focus on making good choices and doing what was best for her children. Jordan was going to come home and she needed a home for him to come to. “Are you planning on living here forever?” Someone asked and she turned to see Jay standing in the doorway. “No, and your girlfriend isn’t here,” she replied. “You think I came here to see Brooke? If I want to see her I live with her, I’m making dinner for Antonio’s birthday,” he said. He came out and took a seat. “Oh good, I do like your cooking,” she said. “So how are you surviving with the Ricky thing?” He asked that surprised her. “I thought that was a closed subject in your family?” She asked, she knew about that and she completely understood. It was a bad idea for anybody to get involved including her. “The rules obviously don’t apply anymore,” Jay said. “I’m facing the fact that it’s never going to happen. Anyway when do you plan on marrying Brooke?” Changing the subject was for the best. “Why does everybody feel the need to get married? It’s like contagious or something, only I’m immune. She wants to, how could she not? Her only friends are married one with a child the other pregnant.” “You have so much love in your relationship you better marry her before someone else does.” “Christina’s brother wants her,” he admitted. “What? I thought Christina didn’t talk to her family?” She asked surprised once again, maybe she wasn’t the only one with love drama. “They use to have sex, he was here on Thanksgiving. I told her I didn’t care it was the past and before any of us even knew Chris. Then he was looking at her all through dinner like he wanted her. She told me later that he said he would marry her because I never would,” Jay said bitterly. “Brooke could never cheat on you, it would be too awkward. Your sister and sister-in-law are her best friends that’s a lot to give up. And its Christina’s brother that would be asking for trouble. Even I’m not that crazy,” she said. “I’m not saying she would cheat, I just don’t want to get married, ever. If she wants to be with somebody that wants to marry her then she should. Brooke knows how I feel about marriage and that it could never happen. Not everybody wants to get married when they are young. How am I supposed to know if I could seriously commit for however long?” He was obviously struggling with the decision and she felt for him. “What do I know? Never been married cause I’ve been saving myself for your brother. Live a little Jacob before you get old,” she said. “If you want to be with Ricky why don’t you fight for him? Sydney is ok but she’d never make him happy.” “He knows how I feel and how my kids feel, it’s his choice. If he wants simple and easy and less drama he’ll stay with her or just give up women. I’m not mad about it, Sammie is but I’m fine. Love isn’t supposed to be this hard, I shouldn’t have to force someone that tells me he loves me to be with me. The fact that he loves me should have always been enough,” she said. Now she felt angry and she also felt the anger was justified. “Not that it’s an excuse but I think he’s just confused and conflicted. You how he is he has to do the right thing all the time even if what’s right isn’t what’s best for him. But he knows where he should be, it’s just going to take a while for him to get there,” he told her. “If you really love Brooke then you should marry her because there’s nothing worse than loving someone you can’t have. Or watching them with somebody else when it should have been you,” she said. “I just don’t get why everybody wants to get married young. And why is everybody getting married all of a sudden? I never in my life thought Isaiah would get married or that Chris would stay with him this long. Wildflower disappears for a weekend and a few months later she’s engaged. And Tony wants to get married? What the hell is wrong with everybody?” “Love, when you’re in love for the first time nothing else matters. Logic goes out the window and only returns at an inconvenient time. Have you ever watched your sister with her husband? Looking at them makes me sick with envy. And Brooke is over here every day and you wonder why she wants to get married. I more or less knew him from before but he just never seemed like the type of man to love so fiercely and he completely worships her like she’s a goddess. There is nothing like being that in love, it’s the best feeling in the world. I had that with Ricky once but it’s faded now.” “I love Brooke but what if we get married and find out that we don’t love each other enough? Ricky, Chris, Wildflower and even Tony are the types to want to marry one person and stay with that person no matter what. And ok maybe I can get behind that type of thing, that’s why I don’t want to marry her now. If we’re still together in a few years then maybe. but I’m not doing it because she hangs around married people or because some guy she use to screw around with wants to marry her. Those are the wrong reasons and it wouldn’t be right.” “I understand completely I do, that’s why I’ve never gotten married. Probably never will, that’s ok though not everybody is meant to be married.” “Come cook with me,” Jay said. “Sure, why not? Maybe you can teach me so that I can be a real mother and feed my kids,” she said. It was meant to be a joke but she felt guilty. “They are your kids, they know you can’t cook,” he said and she smiled. “It’s good to be home,” she said. She followed him back into the kitchen, this was good for her. While she may never have the perfect family she wanted, at least she wasn’t alone. This was her family too Ricky or not. And this was where she belonged. Thursday afternoon Wildflower was sitting at her husband’s desk in his office. They were actually going to have lunch today, mostly because she was craving food more than sex. While he was on the phone she was online looking for nursery ideas. She wanted Iago’s room to be different and creative. When someone knocked on the door se looked up, Gloria stuck her head in. Something was wrong it was written all over her face. Nicolas ended his phone call and went to the door. They were whispering and Gloria looked at her nervously. What was going on? “I’ll call security,” Gloria said. Before she could close the door it was yanked open. There was a man that came in followed by a blonde woman. The man looked pissed off. Neither of them were people she’d seen before. Since she was nosey she wanted to know what was going on. Gloria was out at her desk calling security and she looked worried. What was all this about? Wildflower looked at her husband who was staring at the woman as if trying to remember something. But the woman was staring at her and she smiled. “Get out,” Nicolas told them. “No, I’m thinking we make the rules now,” the man said. “You’re the wife,” the woman said. “Do I know you?” Wildflower asked and she looked back to her husband. “Not yet but your husband knows me pretty well. I’m Mindy, your hubby and I had an interesting time at his bachelor party. And I’m pregnant,” she said. “Yeah that’s nice for you but I couldn’t have gotten you pregnant,” Nicolas said. “Now why don’t you and your friend leave?” “You couldn’t? Really? Your wife looks pregnant,” Mindy said. The rest of the conversation involved Mindy and the guy she was with arguing with Nicolas. Apparently the guy was her brother and they wanted money. Wildflower tuned them out and eventually they were escorted out. Mindy the stripper who left her thong and phone number with Nicolas months ago. It wasn’t a lie that she was pregnant it showed. Suddenly she wasn’t hungry anymore and felt sick. When the whole stripper thing happened she’d believed that Nicolas loved her enough to never cheat on her. Drunk or not, it wasn’t him. Everybody that knew said that there was no way he could cheat on her with all 9 of her brothers at that party. Silence filled the room after the intruders left. “Say something,” Nicolas said staring at her. “What should I say?” She asked, she truly had no idea what to say at this point. If this was true then she didn’t know what was going to happen. “We talked about this, I didn’t have sex with her,” he said. “I’m going home,” she replied. Jose came in before Nicolas could say anything else. Wildflower put her shoes on and grabbed her bag, she needed to leave. Obviously Jose heard what happened and came to see what was up. He agreed to take over for his brother because Nicolas said he was going to take her home. Walking was preferable to getting in a car with him but she didn’t drive today. Jose looked like he wanted to say something to her but Nicolas pulled her out of the office. Gloria wouldn’t make eye contact with her and the assistant Gerard stared. People knew what going on it was obvious. The only reason she let her husband led her was because she couldn’t do it herself. Her brain wasn’t able to fully process this situation. Mindy, the bleach blonde fake breasts and bad looking spray tan, had succeeded. Even if what she said wasn’t true the damage was done. Just the fact that it was a possibility at all said everything. Anything could have happened at that party. Nicolas was sneaky he could get away with anything if he wanted. Wasn’t it proof that she still married him knowing there was a chance? She had wanted to believe in love but love was wearing her down. Didn’t loving Nicolas almost cause her to lose her baby? Loving him was going to be the death of her if she wasn’t careful. Cheating was unforgivable especially when that w***e ended up pregnant. And drinking wasn’t an excuse either. All she’d wanted was to have lunch with her husband and now everything was falling apart. When he pulled into the driveway at home she jumped out as soon as the car stopped. Talking to him right now wasn’t a good idea. Right now she wanted to stab him with something. They needed serious distance if he didn’t want violence. Even though he called her she didn’t stop or turn she just went into the house. Before she could go upstairs Brooke came running towards her from somewhere. “What are you doing here?” Brooke asked, obviously something was wrong. “I live here,” she shrugged. “I meant that I thought you were spending the afternoon with Nick,” Brooke said. “Did you have lunch? We could go have Jay cook you something.” “Brooke I have a massive headache so whatever you have to say just say it,” she said annoyed. “There’s something online about Nick,” Brooke told her. “I didn’t want to upset you because you’ve been so happy lately.” “This can’t be happening,” Wildflower whispered. “I know the stripper said he got her pregnant she told me so herself. She came to his office for some money promised that he would regret not giving it to her.” “Oh God,” Brooke said. “Wildflower,” Nicolas called when he came in from the garage. His phone in his hand told him he’d probably heard about it too. “Go to hell,” she told him and went up the stairs. They both called after her but she went into the bedroom and slammed the door. In a daze she went into the closet to take off her shoes and change. Just when everything was good and fine everything was torn about. What she wanted to focus on was her son and planning for his nursery. She didn’t want to be deciding if her marriage had a future. Something had always told her she should never have gotten married. Finding out she was pregnant on that day sort of made no an impossibility. Right now she wasn’t sure what to do. It hurt so much that she was afraid that this was going to be the end. “Can we talk?” Nicolas asked her when she came from in the closet. “What’s there to talk about? The whole f*****g world knows about this. What can you say to make it better? Because we are right back where we were before, you claim not to remember. She is pregnant and that could be your baby. Are we done talking now?” She was pissed and she’d tried to hold it in but he wanted to talk. “I was drunk that night but I would remember having sex with somebody. That w***e wants money and she could have had sex with anyone. And it’s perfect because she was in a room full of people I share DNA with. Everybody knows I took over the company I run this family, she is lying,” he assured her. “Is she lying? Doesn’t really matter the fact is that it’s possible. It shouldn’t be possible at all for this to be your child. What would I tell my son? Oh you have a brother or sister from some w***e your father cheated on me with?” “We’ll do a DNA test and I will prove it to you. Then we can move on with our lives. Why are you letting her come between us?” “What us? Nick we can’t just get past this, I’ve never really been past it. I chose to believe that you loved me so much that this was impossible. Guess what? It’s possible and worse yet is that she could be having your baby. I am having your baby and I should be the only one. We should never have gotten married.” “I told you we could have waited to get married. Don’t let her win, you are my wife and I love you and you are carrying our son. Nothing else matters, we have built a life together and family, does that mean anything?” He asked searching her eyes. “How could I not marry you? You made sure it was impossible for me to live without you. And I’m pregnant what was I supposed to do exactly? I married you because I love you and I mean it. For you I’m just a possession, something you saw and wanted and did whatever it took to get me and keep me. Shall we remember that you bought my family a house so I would live with you? The first time you had your jealous tantrum I should have known better. You are the first man I ever loved and coincidently you’re also the first to break my heart,” she said. Silence came and she sat down on the bed. This couldn’t be happening. Why was this happening? Was she ever meant to be happy? What she said was a little true but she hadn’t realized exactly how she felt until now. Neither had he from what she could tell. How could the man she loved with all of her heart hurt her like this? Tears came because she couldn’t hold them in anymore. How could they ever get past this? Especially if this was true, there would be a future for them if it was. And she didn’t want to think about what her brothers would say. Though knowing that they would kill Nicolas for her made her happy. “I love you,” Nicolas told her. “You are my life and we are married and we are having a child together. I’m sorry if I made you feel trapped into marrying me. Everything I have done was because I love you and I’m sorry for this.” “What are we supposed to do if it is your child? Did you think of that? If we stayed together I would not want anything to do with the child or its mother. And they would have nothing to do with my son,” she said. The tears were gone and her anger came back stronger than ever. “That is very unlikely but if it was then we’d work something out. I don’t know, but we aren’t going to need to think about that. Jose’s already setting up a test we can have her out of our life in a few days and we never have to think about this again,” he said. He came to sit beside her so she stood up. “No its not that simple and I don’t want to be near you right now. You should leave,” she said. “Alright I’ll sleep in another room,” he said. “Oh no Nick I mean I want you out of the house,” she told him. “What? You want me to leave my house?” He asked staring at her in disbelief. “Well actually if you recall this my house too. I don’t want to see you,” she said. “I’ll be exploring my options and you can leave go to your hotel. I’m sure Mindy would love to keep you company.” “Fine, I’ll leave for a few days so you can have time,” he paused. “There are no other options, you are my wife and you will remain my wife. I’m only with you and I don’t trust myself to be near that w***e because I might kill her. It would solve all of our problems but I’m not going to do that for now.” “Leave, I can’t talk about this-” She stopped feeling a sharp pain in her stomach. He was up off the bed quickly and guided her over to sit. “Are you ok? Let me take you to the hospital,” he said sounding concerned. “No, I’m fine and I will be better once you’re gone,” she said. “Just cause you’re pissed at me don’t our son pay for it,” he said. “You have some nerve saying that, I’m stressed out. Nicolas you stress me out and you are a danger to me and my son. So do us a favor and get the hell out,” she said. Now she was angrier than she was and she’d thought she’d reached the full extent of her anger. “Can you please see a doctor if you are having pain? This is my son too and I know you would never do anything to hurt him.” “Yeah right about now I don’t really consider him your son.” “I will leave, but I won’t stay away for very long. You need time and I will give it to you but it’s in no way permanent,” he told her. The bedroom door opened and standing there was Ricky and Ivan, both looked murderous. She had never been happier to see her bothers and got up when they came in. Ricky wrapped his arms around her and she wished he could make it all better. Brooke most likely called them and she was incredibly grateful for that. Right now she didn’t want to be alone and her brothers would keep Nicolas away. Having so many brothers did come in handy sometimes. Nicolas sighed and looked like he was about to argue with her and try to sweet talk her. For the first time since she’d met him he was speechless and he actually looked like he was scared. Of course he wasn’t afraid of her brothers he thought he was untouchable in that aspect. No he was afraid of losing her and she knew it. Knowing that didn’t make it any easier. Nothing could make this easy not even if he was telling the truth. “I will call you,” he said and then he left the room. Ivan shut the door behind him and Ricky sat with her on the bed. “He’s leaving?” Ivan asked and she nodded. “Yes, I told him I didn’t want him here,” she said. “Good,” Ivan said and he sat on the other side of her. “Are you ok?” Ricky asked. There was no answer to that question, she was never going to be ok again at this point. And it was a miracle that neither of her brothers said anything to Nicolas, they didn’t want to upset her. Everybody these days was afraid to upset her. Everyone except of course the stripper that may have succeeded in ruining her marriage. Thinking of that made her cry again and both of her brothers held her. She needed them like she never had before. Nicolas was being kicked out of his own house and it sort of annoyed him. But his wife needed time and he had to do what was best for her. Somehow he knew that eventually that stripper thing would come back to haunt him. He never imagined it would be so soon or she would be accusing him of getting her pregnant. It was sort of funny that he lived a scandal free life until he decided to have an actual life. Being alone might have been miserable but at least he didn’t have any trouble. Not that he would trade peace and sanity for his wife and family. But at the moment he wasn’t going to have a family because they would all be pissed at him. This was his fault he should have known better and been more careful. “What?” He asked in the phone when it rang. “Just checking in,” Jose said. “I’m on my way out,” he said. Currently he was in his office, he couldn’t exactly even go back into the bedroom to get his clothes. Good thing he kept some things in his office. “Shouldn’t you be sucking up to your wife?” Jose asked. “No, she wants me to leave,” he said. He couldn’t be bitter about it he put them in this situation. “Uh oh have her brothers come to string you up yet?” “Ivan and Ricky are with her now.” “Come stay at my house.” “That’s probably a bad idea.” “Not really, think about it at least your wife wouldn’t have to wonder what you are doing. Jasmine would tell on you.” “Maybe,” he sighed then looked up when the door opened. “I’m on my way.” “Good,” Jose said and hung up. “You’re leaving?” Allie asked, she stared at him like he was crazy. “Yes,” he replied. “Why? I heard what happened but why are you leaving, it’s not true, right?” The way she looked at him made him feel guiltier than he already did. “No it isn’t,” he said hoping he wasn’t lying. “Your aunt wants me to leave so I will just for a few days, ok? I’m going to stay at Jose’s and I’ll be back.” “Why would she believe this?” Allie asked she looked so confused. It hadn’t occurred to him how she would take this. For the first time she had a stable home and she considered them her parents. “I’ll be honest with you, I messed up. At the bachelor party I was drunk and I don’t remember most of that night. So there’s a chance-” “No,” she interrupted. “There is no chance you would never do something like that. I know you wouldn’t. I’ve done a lot of things when I was under the influence and sometimes I didn’t remember but you would know if you had sex with someone.” “Well as far as I know I don’t remember having sex with anyone. Though I barely remember coming home so who knows. What I do know is that I’m not going to let this ruin our family,” he told her. She came across the room and hugged him. He never expected anyone in this house to take his side but he was grateful for it. For a moment he thought of when Allie was young and scared and how he should have done something. Now he was doing everything he could for her. There was no way he was going to give up his wife and family. Maybe never really wanted all these people in the house but they grew on him. Being away from home right now was going to be hard. Allie was fragile and his wife was stressed out and pregnant, this was the worst possible time. He kissed her forehead and promised her he would fix this and wasn’t going to break that promise. © 2010 Britiney Harper |
1 Review Added on May 14, 2010 Last Updated on May 14, 2010 AuthorBritiney Harperpittsburgh, PAAbout...A Few Things... 1) Hi! I'm Britiney 2) I Love to Write 3) I love to read 4) I'm a nerd 5) i love my Family more than anything else 6) I've been writing since i was 8yrs old (but really b4 tha.. more..Writing