Allie Chapter 23

Allie Chapter 23

A Chapter by Britiney Harper

Allie (Chapter 23) Arrival


Chapter 23


            Wildflower was waiting on the front porch for her family to arrive. The last few days had been a little crazy for her. She loved her husband so much, but sometimes she couldn’t understand the way his mind worked. Since that day at the beach he was perfect and there wasn’t another problem. But she couldn’t understand why he was so afraid she was going to leave him. And she feared that because she admitted having been with Eric that he was going to dig around and stir things up. It was what he did looked into people, that was how his crazy parents were too. Why they were so suspicious and everyone she didn’t get. At least for now things were normalish with Nicolas and he didn’t ask anymore questions about her sexual past. In fact he was wonderful; mostly he was fixated on their baby. How could she be mad when he loved their child so much?

Then she started thinking of how he said he was lonely before. She didn’t really know what it was like to be alone, she always had her family. He had a family that wasn’t anything but warm and loving. So she could forgive his mixed up emotions, he wasn’t use to having a family for real. Hadn’t he already had to deal with her messy emotions? They were quite a pair and like everybody kept saying they did need time. The time alone was good even if a little bit of it wasn’t. And she did miss her family so she was glad they would be joining them. It wasn’t like she could be alone with her husband; they had a whole floor to themselves.

The more time she spent here the more she wanted to stay. Maybe after all the kids graduated then they could move. It was a nice thought but could she really live so far away from her family? She’d never ever considered it mostly because she never went anywhere else. Home was what she knew and her family was her life. Maybe Nicolas was right to wonder about what she wanted. Not that she regretted getting married but she was young and she was never free. Even now when she was thinking about the future she factored in what her family would think and how they would feel. Wildflower’s home had always been with her brothers. Iris left to have her own life a long time ago. Daisy would have left too if she was alive. Not Wildflower, like Ricky she would have stayed to the end.

It was nice to think and dream of moving here but it could never happen. She could never leave her family hadn’t it been a huge struggle just to move out? If it hadn’t been for the fire she would have resisted Nicolas. Even though he had already bought a house and she had agreed to live with him. Her nature was just to do what was best for everybody else and she always came last. She was still doing that because when Nicolas said he wanted children she eagerly gave him what he wanted. Was it wrong to be like this? When it was clear that her mother couldn’t keep the boys she was offering them a place to say. The same thing went for Allie and Sammie; she took them without a second thought.

When she really thought about it she wouldn’t change herself at all, nothing was wrong with loving others. So what if she couldn’t go out and hit up the bars and clubs? What was the point of that? She had a man that loved her so much that he would do anything for her. And a family that she loved and loved her. Why would she want to miss out on love to have a life? That was one thing she couldn’t understand about her sisters. Why were they so willing to run away and leave the family behind? Maybe there was something missing in Iris and daisy that the guy got and Wildflower got it too.

Some people might think she’d have a lot of regrets and wished things could have been different but that wasn’t the case. She wouldn’t have had her life any other way. And that included everything with Nicolas. Nobody deserved to be alone, that was unimaginable for her. So was the fact that one day her little brothers and nieces would go off to college. Yes she would have her own little one to keep her busy but she was use to being surrounded by family. Maybe a little calm and quiet would be good. It wasn’t like she would never see them again, she would just miss them. Being pregnant and overly emotional pretty much sucked, she felt like crying for no reason. It was beautiful Saturday afternoon in paradise, no tears allowed.

Nicolas had gone out to pick up some food from a local restaurant for their guests. Wildflower stayed behind in case everybody arrived before he got back. She was sitting on a bench with her feet up silently waiting. Actually being alone was odd for her, these days she was absolutely never alone. So it was nice to just have this time to herself. She was starting to think that maybe she needed more Wildflower-time to keep herself sane. It gave her time to think and put things into perspective and she needed that. Her belly was getting bigger but then against she’d been eating a lot so it shouldn’t have been a surprise.

“Iago, you will surely be loved,” she said aloud rubbing her belly. “And you can go anywhere in the world, you are one lucky boy.”

Helping to raise her brothers was completely different from having her own child. She loved her brothers but this was her baby. He would always be hers and nobody could take him away. A child hadn’t been in her plans with her being 23, but she wanted this baby. She was starting to wish June would hurry up and come so she could see him and hold him. Nicolas was going to be so happy to see their child. Iago was something that only they could share, they were his parents and that was a big thing. As if called by her thoughts Nicolas pulled into the driveway. Before he could get out of the SUV, the taxis filled with family arrived. Now it was time for this vacation to really begin.



It was late and Allie couldn’t sleep, which was weird since she was in bed with Tony. Maybe it was the time change, for whatever the reason she felt a little restless. She slipped out of bed carefully and went down to the kitchen. The first thing Jay wanted to do earlier when they arrived was buy nice fresh food. So she had a several choices for a late night snack. Before she could figure out what she wanted, she heard a noise outside. Since she was nosey she went out to investigate and found that someone was swimming. Not just anyone it was Ivan having a pleasant 2 am swim. She wanted not to notice how good he looked all wet underneath the moon and the stars. It was just human nature to notice such things, which had nothing to do with her wanting him. Or so she was telling herself, he came over to the edge when he saw her.

“Guess you can’t sleep either, huh?” Allie asked him, she sat down at the edge and put her feet in.

“Pretty much, thought a few laps might help,” he replied.

“Is it helping?” She asked and he shrugged.

“I thought you slept with Tony to help you sleep?” He asked, this was a little awkward.

“Yes that is true but tonight I can’t sleep,” she shrugged.

“You could come swim,” he suggested.

“Do you not see how that would be a bad idea? The two of us alone in a pool with not much on?”

“I was trying to be nice; I’ll remember not to do that again.”

“Tony wouldn’t like it, ok? I love and respect him too much to make him worry over nothing,” she said. That was more grown up than she thought she was capable of.

“Can you tell me how you and him happened?” Ivan asked, he looked curious not jealous at least.

“We were talking and we kissed and that was kinda it. I always loved him like a friend and we always had fun together. Then I went on my first real date with him and I don’t know he makes me happy,” she admitted. “Did you tell your girlfriend about me?”

“No, there’s no reason to, you’re just my little brother’s girlfriend,” he replied.

“I really am going to marry him you know,” she said and he laughed.

“Have fun with that, he does seem pretty committed to you,” he said.

“He is and he’s amazing considering I’m crazy,” she sighed.

“Are you going to go back to school?”

“Yes, I need to learn to function around other people. Well other people who aren’t family. As long as I don’t see Katrina I will be fine.”

“What about Markus?”

“Let’s not go there he told me some things about his life when he was gone that didn’t make me feel any better. The reason he came back had little to do with actually caring about me, he had nothing better to do,” she said bitterly.

“So where was he all those years?” Ivan asked.

“I’m not sure about all of those years but the past few he started a family of his own and lived in Florida somewhere. He got involved with some bad people or something and his precious girlfriend and kid are gone missing probably dead. I should care because he’s hurting over that but he acted like he came back here for me. If they were alive he never would have come just continued to forget me. And I wanted to forgive him so bad but now I really can’t, he moved on,” she told him.

“I’m sorry,” he said and patted her leg. “Don’t let them get you down; you don’t really ever have to see either of them again.”

“I know, but it’s like when will it ever end? All they have ever done was make things worse for me. It took way too long but now I have parents that love me. Your sister is willing to sit and watch me all day just because she loves me even after everything I did. I’m a horrible influence on Sammie; I’ve had sex with her brothers and generally disturbed her life. Honestly I’d have given up on myself a long time ago,” she sighed.

“Then I guess its good that Wildflower never would, you know how she is.”

“I do and I need to get it together before the baby comes, she can’t be worried about me. The baby should come first and I should help with him, not distract her.”

“I still can’t believe she’s having a baby.”

“Who better to be a mother than her?”

“It’s not that, I know she’ll make a great mother. Even with the whole marriage thing I didn’t think she’d end up pregnant so soon.”

“Ivan, my uncle lived alone ever since my great-grandmother died. She was a mother to him and me too, after that he avoided the mansion as much as possible. All he did was work and he barely dated. When he met her he changed so much, he wanted a family and that’s what she’s given him. He couldn’t live in an empty mansion and with her he has a family there. Trust me when I say that there isn’t much worse than being alone,” she told him.

That was something she really believed, being alone was one of the worse things to happen. Everybody needed love and family no matter who they were or what they did. Hadn’t her stupid irresponsible mother been desperate not to be alone? Allie however would never sacrifice children for her own happiness. Someday maybe she would have children and she would love them and protect them no matter what. Katrina and Markus deserved each other, they were the same. They both threw Allier under the bus for their own happiness. That was why they were both miserable and alone. She had to let go of her anger so that she could move on and be happy. Never again would she be alone and she had to keep reminding herself of that. Maybe talking to Ivan was a good thing for her, that wasn’t actually shocking.

“It’s hard to see her so different,” Ivan admitted. “Growing up and moving out on your own changes everything.”

“You don’t think I know that? Tony is leaving and I can’t go with him. It’s really going to suck,” she said.

“What you think he’s going to meet somebody else? Unlikely since he’s so crazy about you,” he said. That was a little surprising considering their history, maybe he really did move on.

“So do you love her?” She asked mostly out of curiosity.

“Jess? I don’t know that we’re at that point yet,” he shrugged.

“She doesn’t seem like your type,” she replied and he laughed.

“Woman is my type, normally I don’t date or get attached but Jess and I have fun we work. Love is a concept I’m not so sure about, we’re talking it slow,” he said.

“Slow? It’s not slow when she comes to dinner with your family on Thanksgiving. And it really ain’t slow if you brought her on your family’s Christmas vacation. Face it Ivan you are serious about this chick,” she said.

“Maybe a little, why do you care?”

“Because I’m bored and have no life so I can analyze other people.”

“Ok then maybe I can admit that she might be in love with me but I don’t know.”

“Well lucky you I’ve had so much therapy that I can so be your Dr. Phil. Only I’m way cuter than he is,” she said and they both laughed. The other day she went with Angel to a hair salon and dyed her hair back to brown because she wasn’t ready to be blonde again.

“Since you think you know so much why don’t you become a psychiatrist?” He asked looking amused.

“Easy, because I don’t like to deal with my own problems so why would I want to hear other people whine? I want to model that requires being pretty and looking good in front of a camera. But since I should go to college I’m thinking of being a publicist, it’s so a me job,” she said.

“Ivan,” a female voice called. It was of course Jessica, she was wearing what looked like one of his t-shirts.

“Hey Jess,” he said finally getting out of the pool.

“I woke up and you were gone,” Jessica said pouting at him. She handed him a towel then seemed to notice Allie.

It wasn’t that Jessica didn’t seem nice or that she was bad looking. The opposite was true; she was a gorgeous big breasted blonde. The fact that she was in love with Ivan was obvious to any and everyone. She wrapped her arms around him and waited for him to kiss her, which he did. This was weird for Allie to see, it wasn’t that she was jealous she had broke up with him. Still there was something about Jessica that she didn’t like and she wasn’t sure what it was. Ivan obviously cared about the bimbo because he seemed to actually forget Allie was there for a minute. That was fine with her she didn’t really want his attention he just happened to be there when she couldn’t sleep. Talking to someone was better than sitting alone in the middle of the night.

“Oh Allie I think we’re gonna head back to bed,” Ivan told her.

“Have fun,” Allie replied.

They said goodnight and headed off back to one of the guesthouses. Of course they were going to have sex; this was a vacation after all. Allie still sat there by the pool and looked up at the stars. Silence wasn’t always bad, she liked it some times. After a while she pulled off her sorts and got into the pool in her panties and tank top. Swimming calmed her mind usually but she wasn’t feeling crazy. No right now she felt peaceful with a side of restless energy. The long flight was the reason she was restless and she was sleeping in an unfamiliar place.

A late night swim actually was a very good way to work off excess energy. Maybe when she got home she could swim more often so she wasn’t too crazy. And she had been thinking of going out riding more often, you couldn’t crash a horse. A horse could throw you but she could ride her horse without having to worry if in a moment of insanity she tried to kill herself. It was going to be a long time before she drove her car. Someone was calling her name so she stopped a moment and saw that it was Tony. Obviously he woke up like Jessica and went to figure out why he was alone in bed. At least Jessica didn’t have to worry if Ivan was off harming himself. Tony would always worry no matter what; it was in his protective nature. He went over to get her a towel from the shelf and held it for her when she got out the pool.

“If you couldn’t sleep I would have got up,” he told her.

“Actually when I came out here Ivan was swimming, however he’s probably having sex right now,” she said.

“You were swimming with Ivan?” He asked staring at her.

“No, I only got in after they left,” she shrugged. “You have nothing to worry about he’s like so in love with his bimbo. And I love you, you’re my future husband.”

“I just don’t like you alone with him,” he admitted.

“We are all family that stuff with him is the past. All we did was talk and then she came to bring him back to bed. Forget everything that happened with him, you are my life. I love you Tony.”

“I love you too,” he said pulling her to him. He kissed her like he meant it and she hated this self-imposed celibacy.

“So I need to wash the chlorine off of me, care to join me in the shower?” She asked knowing she was catching him off-guard. “Doesn’t mean we have to have sex, we’ve showered together before.”

“Let’s go,” he replied as she knew he would. Maybe after a shower with her sexy fiancé would help her sleep. In a month he was going to be 18 and she was considering what she wanted to give him. Was it really a bad idea to break the celibacy thing again? The last time she did technically she was out of her mind. It was a good sign if her biggest conflict was if she should have sex with Tony or not. Progress was definitely being made, that made her happy. That really meant there was hope for her future.



Caroline was awake late sitting on the bed alone. Ever since her sisters’ tried to rescue her she was locked in the bedroom. Sadie and Tina were captured as well and Heather managed to get away. Delanoz locked her sisters in the basement and wouldn’t tell anything else. She was being punished and he said he was protecting her by locking her up. He also said maybe when she learned to behave she would be allowed out. She’d hoped that she would at least get out of having to see him much except when he brought her food. No such luck, he made her have sex with him still. The only upside was that there was a bathroom attached to her prison. So she could sit in the shower and cry for awhile.

The last time he came in she told him that she really needed to see a doctor about their child. His response was that he would think about it. But he made it clear that he didn’t trust her and he would kill her if she tried anything. At least she could get out of the house for a little while. Breathing fresh air would be wonderful. And she did care about the health of her child even if she was having the devil’s baby. This reminded her of that movie Rosemary’s Baby. Only her actual husband was the devil he didn’t just offer her up to have a kid. Still if she was going to have this baby she at least wanted it to be healthy. Even if once this child was born he or she was going to live a life of misery.

There was noise coming from downstairs. Maybe Delanoz picked up a hooker or one of his baby mamas came to visit. She actually welcomed that idea so he wouldn’t be having sex with her. A scream that wasn’t a pleasurable sound made her worry. What was he doing to her sisters? They had come to save her and now they were in trouble. But what could she do? The front door definitely opened so she when to the window. Delanoz was not alone, some men were dragging her sisters to a waiting SUV. It was too dark to see much of anything. The car drove off and Delanoz came back in. Was he going to have them killed? His footsteps on the stairs and in the hall told her he was coming to her. The last thing she wanted to endure right now was sex.

“If you want to see your sisters alive again then you will get in my bed and keep your mother shut,” he said. He grabbed her arm and yanked her down the hall.

“What’s going on? Where did you send them?” She asked even though she wasn’t allowed to ask questions.

“To a temporary place, they aren’t going to be killed. Unless of course you do something stupid. Heather called the police and they are coming here,” he told her. Finally a real glimmer of hope, the police could protect her. “Don’t look hopeful you say anything and I will kill your sisters and make you watch. Is that what you want?”

“No,” she whispered. “How do you know the police are coming?”

“I have connections and they tipped me off. If you’re good I’ll take you to the doctor, that’s what you wanted right? Can I trust you Caroline? I have to be able to trust my wife and if you haven’t learned how to behave I can’t let you see a doctor. And those sisters of yours will have to die and by that I mean all four of them. Then Penny can come live with us,” he said. Hope, she had none of.

“I’ll be good,” she agreed.

“That’s my good girl,” he said patting her head like a dog. “Get in the bed and pretend to be asleep unless I say otherwise.”

She did as she was told because her life meant nothing to her anymore. Her sisters deserved to live and her niece should never have to know this man. The sirens came not long after she got in the bed; he left her there and closed the door. Downstairs she heard voices and then she heard them on the stairs. So she closed her eyes and thought of how Penny didn’t deserve this. Maybe he was telling the truth and wouldn’t kill Sadie and Tina. But as she very well knew there were worse things than death. Living in this house was one of those things. She couldn’t understand how he’d seemed so charming and loving in the beginning. This man was truly a psychopath.

“As you can see my wife is just fine, she needs her rest,” Delanoz was saying to somebody in the hallway.

“Why don’t you wake her up so we can ask her if she’s fine?” A male voice said and after and annoyed huff Delanoz came in the room.

“Caroline, honey, wake up,” he said nudging her gently.

“Hmm,” she replied doing the best acting she could.

“Mrs. Capriani, is everything alright here? One of your sisters seemed to think you needed help,” one of the officers said.

“I’m fine, everything is just fine,” she lied.

They didn’t look like they believed her but they let Delanoz usher them out. Alone in again she closed her eyes and tried not to cry. There was more talking downstairs and the door opening and closing. Then Delanoz was on his way back up. When he came in she knew what was going to happen. He got in the bed with her and praised her for being a “good girl”. Then he pushed up her nightgown so he could have sex with her. One of his rules was that she couldn’t wear panties because he wanted quick access. Some days he didn’t let her wear clothes at all. Death she would have welcomed, anything was better than this. All hope was completely lost now and she had to accept that.



Evan felt like a stalker the way he was watching Sammie. She still wasn’t speaking to him. But she was sitting on the edge of the pool while her mother and Allie were playing with Ariela in the pool. It was weird how she suddenly enjoyed spending time with her mother. Then again she was obviously willing to hang out with anybody that wasn’t him. Maybe it was time for him to give up; she was never going to forgive him. He knew he didn’t deserve to be forgiven but if his brother wasn’t holding it against him why did she? Yes, what he did was wrong but it was just a kiss. Sammie was hurt and he felt awful about that.

“Why don’t you try to talk to her again?” Tony asked him.

“Because it wouldn’t do any good,” Evan replied. He’d come into the gym to be alone and watch Sammie without her knowing.

“What’s one more time added to the other thousand?” Tony pressed; he wished his brother would mind his business.

“Its over, I need to move out she’s never going to forgive me,” he said. This was only inviting Tony’s unsolicited opinion but at this point he didn’t care.

“Show her you want to be forgiven,” Tony suggested.

“Don’t you have a psychotic girlfriend to babysit? Why don’t you go make sure she doesn’t drown herself or jump off a roof,” he grumbled.

What was wrong with him? This wasn’t who he was. Even if he wasn’t exactly friends with Allie anymore he still cared if something happened to her. He didn’t usually lash out like this but he was frustrated and couldn’t help it. Now he felt bad for what he said and Tony just shook his head looking disappointed. That was what Evan did best, disappoint. Lust made him kiss Sydney that was it simple and plain nothing more to it. Sammie was who he loved and he’d loved her his whole life. The whole thing was a little tragic and a little too familiar. Stupid Angel coming back to make him think of things he didn’t want to. Could he spend his life loving her when she refused to even speak to him?

“Did that make you feel better?” Tony asked calmly, his calmness just annoyed Evan even more.

“No,” he mumbled.

“Evan you’re acting like a child, time to grow up. You screwed up with Sammie so fix it. Otherwise please do move out and just forget her. Not that you can forget her with us all being family and going to the same school, but stop bitching about it,” Tony told him.

“What am I supposed to do? Tell me then I’ll do it,” Evan said a little desperately. Looking back out at her smiling her made him feel worse, she would never smile at him again.

“Try some romance little brother,” Tony said.

“Sammie isn’t a girl that likes that type of crap,” he replied.

“She is a girl; they were born wired to want that type of thing. Come on, I’ll help you,” Tony sighed.

“Alright,” he agreed. At this point he was willing to do anything.



As the sun set Angel was taking a walk in the orchard, she wanted to be alone. She really didn’t like Carmen, she knew all the things she’d done wrong nobody needed to remind her. Everyone else was polite about it and they knew she was making an effort even if they didn’t believe it was genuine. What others thought didn’t matter, she only cared that her children knew. Well one of them anyway, Jordan wouldn’t come near her. Carmen had to make a big deal about her being there and especially not warning Jordan that she would be. Sammie wanted her here she’d told her so and they were making progress. Her daughter actually wanted to talk to her and spend time with her, which was a first in a very long time. And it made her happy, then that b***h Carmen came to ruin her day.

It was quiet out here and she could think and not be tempted to go out anywhere. Brooke and Carmen were talking about going to a bar or something, she was staying here. If she was going to be committed to changing her life she had to stay sober. In the past when she drank she made bad decisions, which in fact was how she got pregnant. Getting drunk all the time was the reason her mother tried to get the twins taken away from her. Well she did succeed but Angel had gotten Delanoz to help her get them back and she paid for that. This time she didn’t want them to be forced to come to her she wanted them to come on there on free will. That task was going to take a lot of work and when she got frustrated she tended to drink. Carmen was annoying her and she wasn’t going to let her ruin this.

Angel took vacations a lot they just usually weren’t with her kids. The more she thought of things the worse she felt. What was wrong with her? Truthfully she didn’t deserve to be forgiven. The truth was also that she never wanted to be a mother in the first place. It was wrong but true, she knew the reason she had them and it wasn’t a good one. When she’d found out she was pregnant she told Ricky. If she had an abortion he would never have stuck around for her. Another of his father’s beliefs, everything his father taught him was law to him he couldn’t differ from it. That was why being gay was a death sentence for him. Some of the things Vance believed were way too conservative for modern times.

Even though the objection of 26 years of obsession was right here in the same place, she wasn’t bothering him. First she was going to get her daughter back and then worry about Ricky. She was pretty confident he would just come back to her on his own. Maybe she did act like a drunken s**t for a very long time but he loved her. Love like they shared didn’t ever go away and he admitted it. Ricky was going to come back to her and at least one of her two children would too. Then they could be a family, the way Sammie was the other day with him gave her hope. Her daughter wanted this too, it was perfect.

And though this trip was the perfect time to seduce him with the girlfriend not around, she wasn’t going to. No more games, either he was going to come back or not. If he didn’t eventually she would get over it. Sammie needed her, she knew for sure because a lot happened when she was her age. Soon her twins would be 16 and she was going to be there for their birthday. At least with all the holidays she neglected to remember she never once forgot their birthday. Just like she couldn’t forget that when they were born the first one to hold them had been Ricky. She had all these memories of some really times and he was in all of them. Somehow she was going to have the family she was meant to.

She stopped walking and leaned against a tree. It was getting dark and she knew she would regret coming out here because she would be lost. For one reason or another she didn’t exactly care. Eventually she would find her way back and go see what her daughter was up to. Jordan would most likely be gone because he was angry with her. Someone was coming, she could hear footsteps but she didn’t care. Maybe it was her son coming to murder her, that wouldn’t even be surprising. And he would be justified in those actions. Now she knew she had completely lost her mind when she was thinking like that. Whoever was coming had a flashlight, she didn’t move from the tree and she didn’t really want to go in yet.

Ricky was the one who was coming towards her, she knew him in the dark or in the light. He didn’t say anything so neither did she. When he got to where she was he came very close and cupped her face in his hands. It took her completely by surprise when he kissed her. And this wasn’t just a friendly kiss; of course she kissed him back. This was like before when they were young and he was in love with her. Why couldn’t it be like this now? She hooked her leg around his waist and pushed up with both her legs wrapped around him. If this moment never ended she would happen, she wanted this so bad. Nothing else in the world was more important than this right now.

“Mom,” Sammie was calling and then there was a gasp. That was what ruined the moment her daughter standing there looking shocked.

“Sammie,” she whispered.

She wasn’t angry at Sammie for ruining Ricky’s lapse in judgment, not she was angry at herself. When she was supposed to be here fixing her relationship with her children, she was being selfish. Sammie turned around and hurried away like she’d done something wrong. Hadn’t this poor child had to go through this a million times? She would walk in on Angel with a guy and Angel would yell at her. What a horrible mother she was. So even though she wanted to be with Ricky she went after Sammie. Nothing came before her children, not anymore and never again.

“Samantha,” Angel called when she spotted her.

“What are you doing?” Sammie asked her.

“I know, I really swear I came here to be with you. He completely caught me off guard and I won’t go near him again while we’re here. I’m sorry,” Angel said.

“No, Mom go back,” Sammie said.

“What? No I want to-”

“Please, just go back to him, this could be your chance,” Sammie cut her off. “You want us to be a family right? Well make him take you back he still loves you. Sydney is nice or whatever or she was before she made out with my boyfriend, but he loves you. He has always loved you why else would he love me and Jordan too?”

Angel just stood there for a moment staring at her daughter. Her children pretty much hated every guy she ever dated and they were right to. It never once occurred to her that they might want Ricky as their father like she did. Now there was no denying that fact or the look on Sammie’s face. Then she thought back to that day she found Ricky in Sammie’s room, she hadn’t thought much of it. But now she was starting to, her daughter looked happy that day. How had she really never noticed that Sammie felt this way? She should have known Delanoz never paid Sammie or Jordan attention or any of his other kids for that matter.

“Oh Sam,” she sighed a little too shocked to move.

“If you got back with him then we could be a family and Jordan would know you’re committed and come home,” Sammie said. It just kept getting worse.

“Sam, I want nothing more than for that to happen but I know how he is. Now that he’s had a moment to think about what he did Ricky won’t talk to me again the rest of this trip. He’ll feel guilty because of that girlfriend and his stupid morals,” Angel told her daughter.

Oh yeah she knew him and how his mind worked, yet not why he came out and kissed her. That made absolutely no sense to her. Why would her good overly moral Ricky cheat on his airhead girlfriend? Open relationship or not it was how he was and this was a setback not a step forward. If this was what her kids wanted didn’t she owe it to them to give them the family they wanted? Before their conversation could continue Ricky emerged from the orchard and the three of them awkwardly stood there. What could she say to him? And it wasn’t like she threw herself at him, he sought her out and he kissed her. Maybe it would have been easier if the airhead was there, then there would be clearly defined boundaries. Right now with the kissing that was getting pretty heated and her daughter’s confession the lines were blurred. What choice did she even have anymore? She’d promised Sammie she would do anything to make everything up to her and this was what she wanted. They wanted the same exact thing.

“Angel, can we talk?” He asked showing absolutely no emotion.

“Um I guess so,” she replied.

“I have to go find Allie so I’ll see you both later,” Sammie said smiling. She gave an encouraging look and dashed off to the main house. Angel followed Ricky towards one of the guesthouses and wasn’t sure what to expect. And she definitely didn’t know how to proceed with the future.


Sammie ran into the house and dragged Allie out of the upstairs lounge and into her bedroom. She was about to say something that she knew was crazy but maybe she hit her head really hard. Ever since she started thinking about her mom and Ricky she really wanted that to happen. So when she went to find her mother and saw them together it gave her hope. What was wrong with her? Was she trying so hard to ignore her own problems that she was focusing on something crazy? It was a crazy idea and she knew that logically. But logic meant nothing when your silly childhood dream could come true. And he was kissing her mother; they looked like they were bedroom ready. Normally it would disgust her to see her mother making out with her sleazy boyfriends, but this was Ricky. Everything was different and she actually wanted her mother with this man.

‘What’s wrong? I thought you were going to find your mom? Did you have a fight?” Allie asked staring at her.

“I found her and we didn’t fight, she was up making out with Ricky,” Sammie told her.

“For real? What’s up with that?” Allie asked in obvious shock.

“I don’t know, but I want them to be together,” she admitted.

“What? Wait no it’s so Parent Trap, should I call you Lindsay? Oh but you are a real twin, except said twin hates your mother,” Allie laughed.

“I’m serious and I know why it’s crazy but I also know they love each other. So I think we should do something,” she said.

“This has nothing to do with the fact that Sydney is the reason you broke up with Evan?” Allie asked looking concerned.

“No, he admitted that he was the one that kissed her so I don’t care. Ricky is good for her and she’s always been in love with him, I could have an actual mother for once. And its stupid but we could be a family,” she said. It sounded worse aloud than in her head.

“Ok then let’s get you a family,” Allie said.

“Seriously? You don’t think I’m crazy and should accept that my mother will always be the way she is?” Sammie asked and her cousin shook her head.

“Hello I held out hope that my daddy and Markus would come rescue me until oh a few a months ago. I was better off without them and they suck. Mama Angel obviously wants to be different unlike Katrina so I’m all for it. Ricky has very obviously loved her forever and if playing house will make you happy, I’m for it. Besides you know I like a little drama it keeps things interesting,” Allie said.

“Ok, so what the heck are we going to do?” Sammie asked because she obviously knew nothing about love and less about relationships and romance not at all.

© 2010 Britiney Harper

My Review

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Full of drama, I like this chapter alot. amazing detail and wonderful imagery.
This is a very well written chapter.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on April 29, 2010
Last Updated on June 11, 2010


Britiney Harper
Britiney Harper

pittsburgh, PA

...A Few Things... 1) Hi! I'm Britiney 2) I Love to Write 3) I love to read 4) I'm a nerd 5) i love my Family more than anything else 6) I've been writing since i was 8yrs old (but really b4 tha.. more..
