![]() Allie Chapter 20A Chapter by Britiney Harper![]() Allie (Chapter 20) Remember![]() Chapter 20 The last week was not as peaceful as Wildflower would have liked. Not with Angel around, she was plotting how to get Ricky back. Ricky was avoiding both Angel and Sydney by working a lot. At least Allie seemed a little better than she was before. Today there would be no drama, today was going to be a great day. It was the day of her appointment where she would get her ultrasound and hopefully her freedom. If everything went well she would know if she was allowed to fly. And today she was spending with her husband, who had been working a lot recently. She could sympathize with Sydney because she knew what it was like to have an ex suddenly messing with you. Though she was pretty sure that neither Sydney nor Angel would actually kill each other. Dr. Kennedy was an old friend of Camden's so he referred Wildflower to her. Nicolas of course was happy that her doctor was female. It was all still so surreal, she was really pregnant. When she saw the image from the ultrasound she actually cried. There was her baby, a baby that belonged to her. Maybe she was too young and they moved way too fast, but this was their child. Both of them took care of others, but this one person in the world was all theirs. Dr. Kennedy told her she was allowed to go to Brazil but that she should still be careful. The "bed rest" wasn't really strict it was just meant to keep her still so she didn't fall again. With no Sadie to push her she was fine. To make the day, or at least the morning amazing they found out it was a boy. Nicolas definitely got teary but he tried to hide it. They were having a son. Considering the fact that she had 9 brothers sort of made the odds favor a boy. Another boy to add to her crazy family, her brothers would be happy. Sammie and Allie had been hoping for a girl to be their "little sister". Boy or girl it didn't matter to Wildflower as long as her baby was healthy. And he was just perfect, even after her fall. Of course he strong, like his daddy. Now nothing could ruin her day, she was free and was having a boy. "Are you happy?" Nicolas asked her when they were in the car. "Yes," she said honestly. For some reason she couldn't stop smiling. "And you're happy we're having a boy?" He asked watching her out the corner of his eye. "I wouldn't even know what to do with a girl; I'm use to the guys. Besides I don't think Monster would appreciate her Uncle Nick giving another girl attention," she said. They both laughed, it was good to laugh and not worry. "Monday we're leaving," he told her. "I don't know about leaving Allie," she said. "Letting Tony sleep with her seems to have helped her to improve. She will be fine; you can watch her on the cameras all you want. We need to be alone and you need to be away from stress," he said carefully. "I'll talk to her but the last time we took a vacation, Sammie had a breakdown. And she isn't the one we normally would have expected that from. Allie is unpredictable and Brazil is a hell of a lot further than California," she said. “We’re letting two 17 year olds share a bed in our house, which should be the cause for concern. I worry about her too but she will not be alone,” he said. “Alright, I don’t want to fight with you. Today is a good day I am free to leave the country and the house and we are having a boy. Maybe a little blue eyed boy?” “Again, highly unlikely but I’m betting he will look like his mother.” “So we’re still playing the name game, Nicolas the second?” She asked playfully, nothing would ruin her good day. “We could name him after one of your brothers,” he suggested. That surprised her but she appreciated the gesture. “Maybe a middle name and obviously it would be Ricky, I love them all but I’m his favorite,” she said. “Well I don’t like my family so we can just work with yours, what about you dad?” He asked and she laughed. “That would be a no; half my brothers have “Van” in their names. Ivan, Evan, Vance jr. and his middle name was Dominic. Ricardo comes from my grandfather who died before I was born. I don’t know how they decided 9 different names for boys. At least we know what we can’t name him Antonio, Corey, Jacob or Isaiah, wow I really have a lot of brothers. This is why we should have known,” she laughed. “What about your Abuelo? By the way I find it funny that all of you non-Spanish speaking people called your grandparents names in Spanish.” “That was mostly to spite their children, especially my father. And while I loved my Abuelo, my uncle is named after him and my uncle resents me. So no to Fernando and hell no to Emilio, I do at least like my brother well on of them. Don’t like him enough to name my kid after him though and Jasmine beat us to it. Why does Sammie always call you Tia? I’m doubting Angel was teaching her Spanish,” he said. “Well I did with all the kids when they were little and she calls me that instead of mommy. For a long time she kept calling me her mommy and Angel hated it but they called Ricky their daddy. Though I guess your brother didn’t like that, or so Angel said I of course never met him back then. But now that I know him I guess that really does explain that black eye she had,” she sighed. “How is it you helped out with them but never once saw him?” “Easy, if he was coming over he was using her for sex. So she would bring the kids to our house if he didn’t want to see them. In the beginning she cried after every visit he made and would end up spending the night with Ricky.” “Do you realize that we’ve been living parallel lives? You’ve been taking care of my brother’s kids, my sister’s kid and your brother was with D’s baby mama. So eventually we might have met,” he said thoughtfully. “The girls were plotting to get us to meet then we just did. Angel loves Ricky and has since they met in kindergarten. If it wasn’t for my dad dying they were getting married after high school,” she shook her head. “Wait you said Angel has sex with him to get money, right?” He asked and she nodded. “And she said he gave her money to find her a place to live, right?” “Oh yeah, eww that means she was with him. Have you talked to him or seen him? How could she have had sex with him if Caroline was there? Unless…” She trailed off not wanted to finish the thought or picture it. “What unless they had a threesome? Doesn’t seem like something Caroline would do but who knows,” he laughed. “Have you ever done anything like that?” She asked slightly curious. “No, how about you?” “Sort of,” she said looking away. Probably a bad topic for when he was driving. “What the hell does that mean? It’s a yes or no type of question,” he said. There was definitely a twinge of anger in there. “Then yes, but I only have sex with one of the guys. Yes, it was two guys they were friends of mine we were hanging out and drinking. Then um we start messing around, it was forever ago like when I was 17. My brothers have no idea so don’t ever say anything,” she said. Thinking about that night definitely made her cheeks heat up, it had been a good night. Waking up in the morning in a tangle of bodies was sort of hot. While her husband could be very adventurous sexually, he would never do any of that. His jealousy was too strong for her to ever be allowed around men that weren’t family. Not that she had male friends anymore or did he have to worry. If a man looked at her he was ready to attack. So he definitely would never participate in watching another man touch her. That would be inviting death but she sort of would have minded reliving that experience. All of that was in the past when she was wild like her name suggested. How she got away with so much stuff she didn’t know. If any of her brothers had known those guys would have been dead. Especially since they were Ivan and Jay’s friends too, Daisy had at least been amused by the whole thing. “Why didn’t you have sex with both of them?” He asked after a bit of silence. “Oh um I don’t remember,” she shrugged. “I would kill any man that tired to touch you,” he said confirming what she knew. “Yes I know but you don’t have to worry about it. I’m yours and I don’t want to be touched by anyone but you,” she told him. “I never thought you would do something like that, Jose does it all the time,” he said. His voice was emotionless, which could mean he was upset by this. “Nick, I love you and it was the past. I had fun it was a once in a lifetime experience. Are you mad about it?” “No, just surprised and it’s not like I can do anything about it. I have to accept that you’ve been with other guys but just out of curiosity how many guys have you had sex with?” “Isn’t this a question you ask when you’re dating not after you’re married with kids?” She asked hoping to dodge this question. “Probably, so are you going to tell me?” He asked, of course he wouldn’t let her out of this. “Um like 6 including you,” she answered. “How old were you when you lost your virginity?” “Again that’s a dating question not a married one.” “Humor me a little.” “Fifteen I think, why do you want to know?” “Curiosity, trying to know everything I can about my wife.” “I see, so how did we go from baby names to virgins and threesomes?” She asked hoping he wasn’t going to ask more questions. It wasn’t that she wanted to keep anything a secret from him; she just didn’t feel like talking about it. One of the guys she had her threesome with was her first. During that he didn’t have sex with her and just wanted to make out and give her pleasure. Those guys definitely worshipped her body. And though he didn’t have sex with her that night he did after the other guy left. She couldn’t tell her husband their names because he was crazy and would look for them. But the other reason was because her brothers could never know. This wasn’t like Brooke and her Cole situation, one of these guys was still friends with her brothers. Even though he was the past in her teens and on her 21st and 22nd birthdays and a few other occasions, they were crazy too. Just like her husband her brothers would make a big deal out of it. And nobody needed to know that had she not met Nicolas the night of her 23rd birthday would have been with him, it was a birthday tradition. Messing around with your brothers’ friends was a bad idea for anybody but it was dangerous with her brothers. It was sort of ironic since her two best friends were with her brothers. The past was the past and she was satisfied by her husband. “You know thinking of you with someone else makes me crazy. So um baby names didn’t you make a list of boys’ names?” He asked thankfully changing the subject. “Nathan, Ian, Iago, Christian and Xavier,” she replied. Talking about their son was a safer subject. But it occurred to her that having a son meant that she would have another man to be protective of her. Allie went out to the stables after everybody left. It was a school day and her aunt and uncle went to a doctor’s appointment. Her friends didn’t understand why she quit coming to school and why they couldn’t visit her. Sammie made up an excuse; she forgot what it was though. Lately she felt like she was permanently in a daze. Melissa thought it was best for her to have limited contact with the outside world. That was why she came to the house for their sessions. Well that and the fact that she paid more for it. It was probably the medication that made her feel hazy. Having so much free time wasn’t necessarily a blessing. Though with Angel staying in the house it was at least interesting. She’d always liked to hang around her cousin’s useless mother, probably because they were a lot alike. Angel was wild and crazy and Allie had always thought she’d grow up to be just like her. Except that she wasn’t in love with a gay man that fell in love with another woman. That whole situation was very entertaining. Angel was on a mission to win Ricky back and since Allie was home all day anyway she listened to her crazy ideas. Sammie was adjusting to having her mother around but she made it clear she would never live with her. Especially when Mama Angel wanted to talk to her daughter about sex. Considering that Sammie wouldn’t talk to Allie about it, there was no way it was going to happen. Listening to Angel was better than focusing on the reasons she was confined to the house. Mostly it was the nightmares, they wouldn’t go away no matter what. When she was awake it was memories. Some nights she didn’t sleep and would wander around the house or the grounds. Uncle Nick was tired of her going out after the first week, so he let Tony sleep with her. They all found out by accident that he was the only was to keep her in bed at night. Her uncle was very reluctant but of course his wife could talk him into anything. There was no reason to worry though, since the garage incident she and Tony were back to celibacy. Things were a little weird with him right now, but when he was home he wouldn’t be away from her. He started working again and he told her it was so he could save for their future. What was wrong with him? Why did he still want to be with her? It just made no sense but he still he text her all day while he was in school. How could somebody love her after everything? Or more like how could a good person like him love her? Every day it seemed to get worse, her doubt. She was starting to question everything because this all seemed too good to be true. Logically she knew her family loved her and that Tony loved her. But the less logical side of her was trying to win. This was why she was medicated to try to balance her crazy mind. One minute she could be fine and the next not so much. What woke her up last night was a dream or a memory or maybe it was a nightmare. There was an incident that she was only just getting a clear memory of. Before it had been pretty hazy but these days she was remembering a lot of things more clearly. Most of it she didn’t want to remember at all. But the thing last night made her feel dirty, so she’d gotten up to take a shower. Tony woke up and offered to join her but she declined. He was of course reluctant to let her go but she convinced him she was fine. Nothing really was fine about a random shower in the middle of the night where you scrubbed your skin red. Last New Year’s Eve she’d gone to a party with Abby who ended up ditching her to hook up. It didn’t really matter she planned to find a way to entertain herself. There was a guy that was hitting on her and once she was drinking she’d been willing to be amused. He had some friends, two guys and they pulled her into a room. She remembered drinking and there was a chance that she took a pill or something. That night she’s had sex with all three guys. In the morning she woke up dazed and confused barely remembering most of it. When she got home she’d showered for hours, crying. It was a low point for her even when she didn’t much care about life. Now she was seeing it clearly for the first time and the things she’d done and let them do to her were disgusting. Last night she cried and cried, but couldn’t tell Tony. She was pretty sure she didn’t confess this to Tony before. Probably because she didn’t really didn’t remember or think about it that day. If he knew she was pretty sure he would react to it, he hadn’t reacted to anything so far. Things were different and she knew it was because of what she said to him. What would he say if she told him she was with three guys at once? Guys whose names she didn’t know and probably never had. Thinking about it now made her feel dirty again and she wanted to wash the past off her skin. Maybe bleach could make it go away, she couldn’t take this feeling. “Allie,” someone called and she turned to see her brother. Tammy must have told him where she was. “Go away,” she replied. She felt bad enough today why did he need to come make her feel worse? “I can’t, I’m worried about you. Why aren’t you in school anymore?” He asked, he sat down in the grass beside her. “That wasn’t exactly my choice; I’ve taken a sort of medical leave. Not that it gets me out of homework; they just e-mail it to me. I have been told that school is too stressful of an environment for me right now,” she explained. Having Markus right here in front of her hurt. When he’d first come back she was so happy to just have him, now not so much. Maybe it would have been better if he acted differently and quit trying to treat her like a child. Hadn’t she been taking care of herself for years now? He didn’t have to leave her, if he really loved her he would have stayed. She had more reasons to hate Katrina than he did, but he let that witch chase him away. No man related or not could stand that screw for very long. Still he had every opportunity to come back to her, to protect her from the world and herself. And she knew for a fact that Uncle Nick never stopped looking for Markus, for her. Forgiveness wasn’t a concept that she understood very well. It was in her DNA to be stubborn and hold grudges, these grudges were well deserved. “I’m so sorry Allie, I really really am, I should have been here. If I hadn’t left you then things would have been different,” he sighed. “No turning back now, besides you just think I’m a dumb w***e like everybody else. Sorry to disappoint you but you will never have your little sister back,” she replied. “You could come stay with me for awhile, I know you’re mad. But maybe you need to get out of this house away from these people,” he suggested and she laughed. “These people are my family and these people have been here for me. You just mean you don’t want me near Tony. Which makes no sense because you don’t know him at all. And you think nobody pays attention to what I do, you have no idea. I have parents that love me for the first time in my life and I would never give that up. They are here trying to figure out how to fix me; they would never leave me no matter what. Tony loves me and he wants to marry me. What can you offer? You don’t know me or anything about me, we are strangers. Go back to your daddy and leave me alone,” she told him. Silence, there was a very long silence. Yes she did resent the fact that her father and brother were together and didn’t care to come for her. She always dreamed that they would rescue her. Nope she had to save herself and do whatever it took. Her phone vibrated signaling another text message from Tony. He said he loved her and missed her and wished he could stay home with her. Afterschool today he was working so she would see him late. The other day when Tony was at school she’d gone on his computer and some things worried her. Not that he would tell her directly, but he had no intention of leaving her. Which meant that she had to get back on the right track before he did something to stupid trying to protect her. The last thing she wanted was for him to give up his life for her, the gesture was too much and just knowing he would do it was enough. “I wasn’t with him very long and he has a family of his own now. Trust me I wasn’t there by choice,” Markus said. There was a look in his eyes that made her wonder. What was it that happened between her father and brother? “Markus you don’t have to sick around for me, I’m sure you have your own life to get back to. Why are you still here? We don’t speak to each other and you moved out of this house. The only way I’ve seen you is that stupid therapy crap,” she said. Once again she was met with silence, he was considering her. Even though she wanted him to leave her alone she sort of liked the persistence. It meant that he cared and eventually she would forgive him. She knew he was sincere and that he felt awful. Logic still wasn’t exactly wining with her so it would take awhile. And she wanted to forgive him more than anything. The look on his face made her really wonder where he had been all these years. Maybe her brother hadn’t had it so easy, before he’d refused to tell her anything. All he said was that when her suicide attempt made the news he knew he had to come back to her. Of course that wasn’t long after her mother’s senator ex-husband made the news too. Though that was partially Allie’s fault. Months ago Uncle Nick asked her about how things were going at home. She had been completely honest and she knew he would something if she told him. The good senator did like young girls; she’d been 16 at the time right in his age range of 14 to 17. People knew what happened to her when she was young so he thought she was easily manipulated. First he started out by trying to get her to trust him and bought her gifts and gave her money. The dumbest thing he ever did was give her a credit card. She’d already had one but the one from her mother didn’t have a limit. Step-daddy’s card did have a limit and she went way over that limit. He was pissed but he still wanted to win her so he let it go. His acting skills were definitely Oscar-worthy but she knew better, men were never to be trusted. The father-daughter crap he wanted to do to fool Katrina was a little pathetic. Allie had played along for a little while until he made his move. She’d just gotten out of the shower and there he was in her room waiting. A few compliments and he thought he could really get to her. Maybe it worked on the other little girls and it might have been funny to go through with it to get back at her mother. She would have liked to say he learned his lesson when she stabbed him in the leg with a big knife but he didn’t. Oh no he put a camera in her shower, so she’s keyed his car and slashed his tires. By the time her uncle asked her about the situation at home she had already been considering telling him. First she stole his laptop and gave it to her uncle. When she returned it the thing was in pieces. Hitting things with a baseball bat could be very therapeutic. Uncle Nick promised that he was going to go dig some things up that were way worse than the naked pictures and videos of young girls on the laptop. June was when he put it all out there for the public to see and bye bye went the senator. She never used names to talk about the husbands; they didn’t deserve to be acknowledged as human beings. Her uncle had been willing to negotiate letting the senator leave without the big public spectacle. But Katrina being a b***h made that impossible. Besides Allie liked it better this way, he deserved to be punished. At the time since her family was involved in another scandal there was no way to hide what she did. And some people speculated that the reason she tried to kill herself was because she was being abused. They already knew she was before, you couldn’t keep secrets secret forever in this family. The small matter of her uncles beating someone to near death couldn’t be hidden. Of course there was evidence that they did anything. Not that anybody would think they were unjustified in getting revenge for her. Pretty much Katrina would forever be thought of as the worst mother in the world. Even now people still stared and whispered about her. Going to Spain to hide was pretty much all she could do. People really hated her; it was quite amusing to see. Not that it really made anything better but she liked to see her mother suffer. Then it occurs to her that Katrina had once again did something stupid. Alvin couldn’t get in this country but Europe was fair game. Not that he couldn’t get a fake passport and come here anyway, but she practically delivered herself. Allie wasn’t sure if she actually cared if her mother was dead or alive. No, she did think Katrina deserved to live and sever. Would it be so wrong to tip off daddy dearest and make a small request? Her uncle would probably tell her she was brilliant and that Katrina deserved it. But she was going to restrain herself and just let karma have Katrina. “I got into some trouble and asked Alvin to help me, that’s how I ended up with him. And I had to learn the hard way that I was right not to have found him before. He did want to know you at least, I was a disappointment. Doesn’t really matter, he’s been plotting how to get Katrina for 14 years,” he paused. “The things she said about him were true. I suppose I blocked it out and you were too young. At first I just thought she was being dramatic but his new wife is terrified of him. Well Katrina was number one and number two disappeared so the current is number 3. You and I look like him, his other kids don’t. Which I hear is a problem for him; he wants his kids to look like him.” “If you were in trouble why didn’t you call Uncle Nick? He would have helped you,” she said. Now she was more curious than anything. “Well I hadn’t exactly realized how powerful he had become. I wasn’t sure how this family would receive me and I thought our father would help. But I guess I never really knew the man and now I wish I didn’t. Though when he went to Mexico to attack Katrina I had no idea about that. All I knew was that he said he would bring me to you and I was all for it. Before I think I was afraid to come here,” he admitted. “Why? I waited for you, I prayed for you and I don’t pray. Everyday that you didn’t come back it got harder, I needed you and you left me. You have no idea how it was to live with her,” she said. And here came her angry tears, they never failed to show up at an inconvenient time. “You weren’t even living with her at first; I thought the family would take care of you. Had I known you were with her I would have come for you,” he said. “Katrina is an evil b***h she made me come back to live with her. I was fine living here at the mansion but she ruined that. Her and her husbands were lucky I didn’t steal a gun and shoot them. I could have gone for an insanity defense, they were driving me crazy,” she said. Her moods changed very quickly so now she felt empty again. Another text from Tony made her smile; he should have been paying attention in school. “You’re talking to that boy?” Markus asked and she rolled her eyes. “He’s not just some boy, we’re getting married,” she told him. Mostly it was to gauge his reaction, predictably he was shocked. “What do you mean you’re getting married? You are 17 years old you can’t get married,” he said. “Tony turns 18 in January, and I can get married with permission from my parents.” “For one thing they aren’t even your parents and why would they agree to that?” “They are my parents; I legally belong to them now. And unlike you and your mother they have always been there for me. Tony loves me and him and my parents make me feel safe. Markus please just give up trying to find your little sister. You do not have a little sister anymore, all the pieces of her are dead and buried. Now maybe you should take a hint from your mother and go to hell,” she said pleasantly. “I need neither your love nor approval.” “Why do you have to be so difficult, huh? I’m trying and you are a completely different person and I don’t understand you. I want to and maybe I am judgmental of the way you’ve become and the influences of your so-called parents. They aren’t old enough to be your parents and they let you live in the same house as your boyfriend. Now you tell me that they are going to allow you to get married? What about school? How can this boy take care of you?” Markus asked and her fighting instincts were what had her answering. “After you left and I came to live here, Uncle Nick would stay up all night if I couldn’t sleep. He was here for me when nobody else was, except Abuelita. And when I use to get drunk and high and party all the time and nobody cared, Wildflower was there. She would come in the middle of the night to pick me up; she did everything she could for me. I practically lived in her house that was overcrowded but she still took care of me. They may not be old but they are the ones that have always cared and always tried to help me and at one point I was too far gone to except help,” she told him. “And what she had you introduce her to your rich uncle?” He asked, she wanted to hit him but restrained herself. “No, they met on their own before Sam and I could figure out how to get them together. They met by fate because they were meant to be together and they rescued me,” she said. Her brother was starting to bore her; maybe she needed to go in the house. “Some people died because of me,” he said staring her in the eyes. “What?” She asked knowing he was serious. “You aren’t the only person I failed Allie, but I thought maybe I could fix it with you,” he said. Before she could figure out how to respond he pulled a picture out of his wallet. It was of him and a woman and a toddler with the same dirty blonde hair they were born with. The next day Wildflower was going to volunteer for a few hours. Since Brooke was her assistant she was coming and Allie had nothing else to do. Thankfully Angel slept pass noon so she couldn’t go. She was leaving for Brazil in a few days so she could only go once. This was sort of a test run to see if this was something she was interested in doing for awhile. Tara was excited for them to come see where she spent her time. Well when she wasn’t being a veterinarian and mother of two. The Saint Mary Children’s Home wasn’t a bad looking place. It sort of looked like a school. Tara gave them a tour as soon as they got there. From what she could tell it was a bit crowded and some kids shared beds. There were more kids than people to watch them so the class rooms were pretty full. This was why they needed volunteers. A lot of the kids were young like preschool age or younger. Older kids went to public school. Wildflower couldn’t understand how there were this many small children without parents. If she could adopt them all she would, but she already had a house full and a baby on the way. So while it might be noble it was pretty impossible, she’d never be able to care for so many kids anyway. “Tara did she tell you what they are naming the baby?” Brooke asked. “No, what will he be Nicolas part 2?” Tara asked jokingly. “You would think so but nope,” Brooke shook her head. “He will be Iago.” “What?” Tara asked and turned to Wildflower. “We were going for different,” she explained. “Brooke is just mad because she wanted him named after her,” Allie added. “I like Iggy, I always wanted a younger brother or sister.” “Well at least he will be the only one in his class with that name,” Tara said. “Ok so where would you ladies like to help out.” “Outside,” Brooke and Allie said at the same time. “I’ll stay in,” Wildflower answered. Of course Brooke and Allie were eager to go play on the playground. Since Wildflower couldn’t exactly run around she was content with staying in. She went in one of the class rooms, almost immediately two little girls came to ask her to read to them. They told her they were sisters Tabitha who was 4 and Amber who was 3. Little Amber sat in her lap while they read several books. The girls asked her if she was having a baby and so she told them about him. A few other kids joined them so she could read to them. Pretty much she was certain she was going to have to continue coming back. It was almost Christmas and there was a toy drive going on but there were not enough toys for the amount of kids. So after volunteering Wildflower decided to go shopping. For once her shopping addiction was going to be for good. She also donated money, but that she had been planning to do anyway. Her husband thought of an adequate amount and she wrote a check. It was a good cause and she loved children and this sort of made her think of the way she grew up. If it wasn’t for Ricky this was where she and her siblings would have ended up. Maybe not a nice place like this because it was nice even crowded. No matter where they could have ended up if it wasn’t together, it would have been worse than anything else. There was nobody in the world that world adopt 12 kids at once, that was just a fact. The name Iago was a little random but they both agreed on it. Iago was different and with the family they had it paid to stand out. Nicolas stood out because of his blue eyes and Wildflower had been a triplet. Iago Ricardo Capriani, yesterday Ricky came over when Angel was out hunting for a place. Sammie only agreed to go with her to shut her up and said maybe she would visit with her mother. Ricky was avoiding Angel with good reason not that it would work for very long. But at the end of next week everybody else was coming down to Brazil so he could get away. So far Angel didn’t express and interest in going and was going to most likely stay at the mansion. Which was only fine because Tammy would be there with her boyfriend. Ricky was touched that they were giving their son his name as his middle name. Brooke thought that he should be named after her since she was the one to encourage Wildflower to go have sex with Nicolas in the first place. It was true that Brooke had urged Wildflower to leave the bar with Nicolas. But her brother came first, even though had any of her brothers known what she was doing that night they would have stopped her. The names Brooke came up with were Brooks, Brock, Bronx or Brooklyn. Iago still won but she promised that Brooke could pick their next child’s middle name. Yesterday had been a good day so had today, it was nice to have days like this. And in a few days she would finally get to see her dream house that wasn’t as she learned exactly in Rio, it was in Búzios. Which was still seaside and beautiful and there was a lot they could do. As long as it was Brazil she didn’t care it would be three blissful days away from drama. All of her brothers were going except for Dom who wasn’t coming home for Christmas. Carmen and her family were coming and Jose and his little family. They would all get to be away from parental drama, no Marguerite who had been a lot better lately and definitely no Rosa. “So why did Nicky pie look a little tense yesterday?” Brooke asked when they were in the car heading home. “Oh a stupid conversation we had yesterday,” she sighed. Telling her husband what she did was going to bother him forever. “What was it about?” Brooke asked because she was way too nosey. “You remember how I told you years ago about spending that night with Eric and Ryan?” She asked and Brooke stared at her. “Shut up, you had a threesome?” Allie asked leaning forward in her seat. “Wait you told your crazy a*s husband that you were with two guys at the same time?” Brooke asked in shock. “It wasn’t at the same time and we were talking about something and he asked if I’d ever had a threesome. Technically it was a 2 and a half some,” she said with a laugh. “Oh s**t, your birthday, you were supposed to be with Eric that night,” Brooke said. Of course she knew everything. “Who’s Eric?” Allie asked. “Another guy that loves Wildflower,” Brooke replied. “Not even, he was a friend and I haven’t seen him in a long time. He use to hang out with Ivan and Jay. And he was the last guy I had sex with before Nick,” she explained. “Eric was never in love with me but none of my brothers know about it so don’t even open your mouth to Tony.” “I’m not Brooke, I can keep secrets,” Allie said. “So you really were with two guys at once?” “No, I had sex with Ryan and I just messed around with Eric. Yes that happened at the same time and we all slept together. The next day when Eric and I were alone we had sex,” she shrugged. She’d given up on treating Allie like a child and not having these types of conversations. “I knew you were a freak but not this freaky,” Allie laughed. “No wonder I haven’t seen Eric since your birthday,” Brooke said thoughtfully. “He doesn’t hang out with the guys?” She asked and Brooke shook her head. “Nope, guess he didn’t like it that you ditched him for someone else,” Brooke replied. “I thought you hadn’t been with anybody in awhile before you met Uncle Nick?” Allie asked, she knew way too much though they weren’t too far apart in age just 6yrs. “Oh I hadn’t I wasn’t in a relationship with Eric we just liked to have sex. But he did get jealous those few regrettable months I was with Owen. We just sort of had sex with each other mostly on our birthdays. He was at the bar that night but I was drinking a lot and Nick was staring at me. When Nick kissed me my brain went offline,” she said thoughtfully. “At least Eric didn’t become a crazy stalker,” Brooke said. “So was he hot? Have I ever seen him?” Allie asked. “Yes and maybe,” she replied. “How does a threesome randomly come up in a conversation anyway?” Brooke asked her. “Well we were talking about Angel and I said that Delanoz use to make her have sex with him before giving her money for the kids. And well she did just get money from him so you know unless he’s changed from the pig he is she had sex with him. So we know speculated as to what Caroline was doing if he was with Angel. Stupid kind of set myself up for it,” she sighed. “Oh eww, Angel is such a w***e what was it Ricky saw in her? She can be fun to party with before she gets drunk and wants to fight,” Brooke shook her head. “He knew her when she wasn’t like that, all of that crazy happened after they broke up,” she explained. “So is Nicky going to be hunting Eric and Ryan down?” Brooke asked looking a little concerned. “I was careful not to name names and I told him my brothers could never know. Besides he would never asked them about guys I had sex with maybe you Brookey but never them,” she said. “My lips are sealed and I mean it this time. How come we don’t go out like we use to and hang with the guys?” “Because I’m pregnant?” “We need to go out before you run off,” Brooke said. “Maybe,” she replied. “Can I go out?” Allie asked and they both laughed. “You my love will be in the house, unless you want to go somewhere they don’t serve alcohol and give me your fake ID,” she said. “Fine Mommy, I think Tony and I will go out,” Allie said thoughtfully. “Don’t come back pregnant,” Brooke warned. “That’s highly unlikely, we aren’t having sex. Thanksgiving was just a compulsive thing after Katrina pissed me off,” Allie said. There was that look in her eyes again, like every time she talked about her mother. “Still haven’t driven that nice new car have you?” Brooke asked her. “No, if I drive it I will run it into a tree or a building or water,” Allie said casually. “Allie, will you be ok if we leave on Monday?” Wildflower asked, casual statements like that were what worried her the most. “Yeah, don’t stay because of me I really want you to go. I’m not going to do anything crazy because I want to go on this trip too,” Allie assured her. “Besides I won’t be home alone, Angel can tell me the ways in which she plans to kill Sydney.” “You are not making this any easier,” she said. “Really, I will be fine Brookey will keep an eye on me won’t you?” “Of course child, what else do I have to do?” “Would you actually tell me if you didn’t want us to go?” Wildflower asked because she knew the answer. “Trick question, I want you to go and I think you and Uncle Nick need time away. Its just a week I swear I will stay away from sharp objects and I won’t drive. You are with me everyday and I appreciate that more than you can ever know. But I need to learn to deal on my own too so that I can go back to school. Unless of course we’re moving to Brazil,” Allie told her. “That we’ll see about, but just
tell me if you need me ok? I’m always here for you.” “Expecting visitors?” Brooke asked when they got to the house. Somebody was parked out in front of the house. “No but I swear if Angel has men in my house I will kill her,” Wildflower said. Though she was thinking it would be unlikely since angel was obsessed with Ricky. Someone waved them down in the drive way, it was Kati. “Hey, we’re taking you out to dinner,” Kati told her. Carlynn and Persephone were both there too; the three of them were the only cousins of Nicolas’ that she was friends with. It had been awhile since she’d seen any of them. Since she was free now there was no reason to spend the evening in the house. © 2010 Britiney Harper |
1 Review Added on April 21, 2010 Last Updated on June 11, 2010 AuthorBritiney Harperpittsburgh, PAAbout...A Few Things... 1) Hi! I'm Britiney 2) I Love to Write 3) I love to read 4) I'm a nerd 5) i love my Family more than anything else 6) I've been writing since i was 8yrs old (but really b4 tha.. more..Writing