![]() Allie Chapter 19A Chapter by Britiney Harper![]() Allie (Chapter 19) Hurt![]() Chapter 19 Sammie was lying in her bedroom alone. She'd wrongly assumed that finding out her boyfriend kissed someone else was the worse that could happen. No, getting thrown of her horse and waking up in the hospital was worse. Once she had been pretty lucky and never broke any bones now that wasn't so. Her arm was in a cast, her head her and her body was sore. Of course she had fallen before but when that happened she'd had the proper gear on. Stupid Evan and his bad timing for a confession, she hadn't spoken to him. What was the point? And why was she letting her situation with him dictate where she lived? He could leave this house belonged to her family, she was a Capriani not him. Eventually she would have no choice but to talk to him but she was avoiding it. For now she didn't want to be bothered but she could feel Jordan. Or he was just that predictable; he was in his room pacing she knew for sure. She always wondered if the belief that twins shared a special connection was what made it real. If you believed in something enough it would become real to you. So did she feel Jordan because they had a mystical connection or was it because people believed this type of thing? Obviously she had too much time to think and the other twins she knew had special connections. Her brothers Chris and Carlos for instance or Wildflower and Ivan. It was in her nature to be curious about things, maybe she needed to go into psychology. She was always interested in things involving twins, mostly because she was one. But for some reason she wanted to be a lawyer. The future was always what she'd looked forward to because it meant getting away from her mother. Her and Jordan made plans now those plans were pretty up In the air. Jordan was being moody because he wanted her to come to New York. Right now that just wasn't something she wanted. It was time for Sammie to focus on Sammie's life. There was a knock at the door then it opened to reveal her mother. "Sammie baby I heard about you’re accident and came right home," her mother said. It was weird she actually came to hug her. "Mom," was all Sammie could say. Angel Memphis didn't really do the "mom thing", but she was a shameless man chaser. She was everything Sammie was not, despite her best efforts. What type of mother encouraged her 15 year old to "date" a lot of guys to gain some "sexual skills"? Actually she'd been saying that since Sammie was 12. Just because her mother was a w***e didn't mean she was one or would ever be one. That was probably why at a young age she hated dresses and anything girly. Angel's sudden appearance was definitely cause for concern. "Look at you baby, so pretty," Angel said smiling. "What is different about you?" "I don't my arm is broken?" She shrugged knowing that this wasn't going to be good. Nothing involving her mother was good, ever. "Hmm I think I remember you have a boyfriend now? Is that what it is? Baby, you're a woman now aren't you?" Angel asked excitedly. "I um don't really want to talk about that I'm kind of tired," she replied. How could her crazy mother even know that she had sex? "Come on talk to me, I missed you so much. No more worry baby, I'm home now," her mother said happily. "For how long?" Sammie asked fearing the worse. "Well for good, I need to find us a new place of course but don't worry. Now have you seen your father lately? He and I really need to talk," she said. There was the answer, the reason she was there. Since she had neither of her children living with her the child support stopped. This was after all a woman that decided not to pay bills because she wanted liposuction and breast implants. Angel looked younger than she was, thanks to surgical intervention. She was only 30 so she wasn't technically old. But she dressed like a 16 year old girl might with belly baring tops and skin tight jeans. There were a lot of times she pretended that Sammie was her tomboy little sister when they went out. This was why she avoided her mother and Jordan was going to be pissed. The last time those two were in the same room there were a lot of curse words and some things being thrown. "I haven't seen him but I heard he's married again," she told her mother. "Of course he is," Angel shook her head. No she was not above having sex with Delanoz for money, she'd done it before. "She's really young like 20 or 21," she went on. "Really? Damn, oh well it matters not, daddy and I have an understanding," Angel said. "Sammie," Wildflower called when she came in the room. She too stared at Angel shocked to see her. "Oh my God! Look at you! I never thought I would see the day where you're married and pregnant," Angel said. Then she got up from the bed and went over to her. "Angel, I didn't know you were coming," Wildflower said smiling. "I got your message about my baby and came right home. Oh but yeah do you mind if I stay here a few days? I just have to get things together so my twinzies can move back with me," she said. "Oh," Wildflower said she looked at Sammie. "Sure, it’s no problem at all." The truth was that both her and Sammie knew that it would end up being a problem. Where Angel went trouble always followed. Nicolas wanted to spend the day with his wife because she needed it. But no he was on his way to the hospital. His father was awake and asking for him so there he was going. This year had been the most stressful and most family crazy year ever in his life. If he could get away from these people he would, it would be best for his wife. The way she was acting seriously concerned him. How had he missed the fact that she was miserable? He'd been certain she was fine when they took their trip. But thinking back to that day she was upset with him for cancelling their plans, he should have known. If finding out that his wife was never happy marry him and currently was miserable wasn't bad enough. Now he had to deal with her request. Of course she wouldn't want him to kill for her. Knowing that he would was security enough. She had to know that if she asked him very seriously that he wouldn't have a choice but to let it go. That would probably kill him but he would do anything for her. Which of course she knew so she could get whatever she wanted. Why couldn't she understand that he needed to do this? Nobody messed with him and got away with it, he couldn't possibly let this go. Why was it that when he wanted to just focus on his wife that he had a million other things to do? Normal people got married and spent time together building a life. They had teenagers having sex in the garage and nearly getting skulls cracked open horseback riding. One of them was on the brink of being forced into a psychiatric hospital, it never ended. He didn't mind focusing on the kids, especially Allie. Family was most important and he knew that. His wife and the kids that adopted them needed his attention. Going to the hospital meant his father was going to drag him back into the past. Emilio would have some order that he expected Nicolas to do with minimal objection. This also meant it was judgment day for Delanoz. Why were all the decisions up to him? When did he become the sole responsible person for this family? It wasn't a job he wanted. All he wanted right now was a long vacation. Just a couple weeks and he would at least have that wish. Drama had to stay here and peace was waiting in Rio. By the time he got to the hospital he decided he wanted nothing to do with his brother's execution. Wildflower would have a fit about it anyway and he needed her calm. Jose had just got in today and was of course dealing with his own issues. It seemed to be the season for too much family drama. He was on his way over too. Whatever daddy dearest had to say required both of them to be there. As far as Nicolas knew Delanoz was still at home with Caroline. What he realized was that he'd promised his wife that he would mind his business. With a baby on the way he needed to change a lot of things in his life. There had already been enough security issues and near misses to last a life time. The safety of his family was his number one priority. That included the kids, and saving Allie from herself. At the hospital his father actually looked a lot better. Which wasn't necessarily a good thing, a strong Emilio wasn't one to mess with. No wonder Nicolas was so screwed up he learned it all from his crazy father. There was a laptop beside the bed and he was on the phone, he was planning something. The bruises were starting to fade and for an old man he sure bounced back quickly. Nicolas took a set and soon Jose joined him. Silently they waited for their father to get off the phone. Of course Emilio thought his time was more important than anybody else's and that they were available whenever he wanted. In the past because they were raised to be pretty obedient, the two of them listened. Everything was different now, they have wives and families. "Boys," Emilio said when he was off the phone. "Where is your brother?" "At his house with his wife," Nicolas answered. "Have you spoken to him?" He asked and the both shook their heads no. "We've both been busy," Jose said. "Right you recently got married, congratulations on that. You’re aunt Josephina called me to say you've been having another affair with Liam's wife." "Yeah Liam and his crazy wife showed up at my house. Jasmine isn't very happy about that but I haven't done anything with her in awhile," Jose shrugged. "Playing catch up is fun and all but why are we here? And where were you?" Nicolas asked, he had better things to do. "I think you know the answer to those questions," Emilio replied. "Do you have somewhere to be? Does your wife need you?" "Actually yes she does, I haven’t spoke to D since before both of you disappeared. I have more important things to do than to babysit him, you are awake now you pass your judgment, leave us out," he said. "You've become so impatient Nicky," his father said. "Would this have anything to do with the people that hurt your wife?" "Do you really have to play these games?" Jose asked. "I have things to do as well, we aren't children anymore." "No I suppose you aren't," he nodded. "Well I thought to myself, what would be an appropriate gift for my sons after their years of devotion? Up until of course you wanted to get rid of me. But we can forgive that small matter, it was a brilliant move and I must say I taught you well." Something was up with the old man and they both knew it. Only Emilio could come out of a coma and straight into revenge plots. That was just further proof of how truly disturbed this family was. This just wasn't the time for all this, he needed to be home. Maybe being with Wildflower had made him go soft but he didn't care. Not when his wife needed him, if he lost her nothing else would matter. Yes, his life was a little off track but he would pull it all together soon. Once this weekend was over and life got back to relatively normal and he was able to take his wife to see someone. Carmen insisted that Wildflower was depressed and he couldn't exactly disagree. And he couldn't say that it was all that surprising. In his quest to have her he did whatever was necessary to get what he wanted. But she wasn't really happy and she hated being dependent and not working. She hated the person she had become because of him. And she felt like a prisoner in their house. Marriage seemed simple in theory when it was anything but. His mind worked in logic but life worked on a whole scale. All he needed to do was take a step back and fully analyze the situation. Maybe everybody did need this Brazil trip to calm things down. Though he never considered it before maybe as a family they needed therapy together. It was a thought but for him also a last resort. Nobody truly wanted to know the things that went on inside his head. "My wife is a very moral person and she has requested that I do not retaliate," Nicolas admitted. Both his father and brother stared at him stunned, he really was changing. But he kept the same calm casual tone and expression so they couldn't attempt to read him. "Seems like something the princess might say," Jose shook his head. "Specifically she said she doesn't want to be involved in murder, correct? I'm assuming knowing her that would be what she would say." "You are correct in you’re assumption, brother," he replied. "There are worse things then death," Jose said giving him a look. And here he thought that being a father changed Jose too. "I'll have them found," their father said. And just like that they were in agreement about something, for once. But Wildflower did say she didn't want him to kill anybody, the rest was a grey area. Jose did not want to go back home. If it wasn't the In-laws that pissed him off he was certain his wife would. Just thinking that he now had a wife was still a little crazy for him. But he was quickly learning that wanting something you couldn't have was more fun than getting it. Jasmine had become a pain in the a*s since she came back to him. Patience, he needed patience for them to adjust. This would be easier once it was just the three of them again. Though he suspected Holly wasn't going anywhere, which posed a problem. For the moment he was satisfied with being with just Jasmine but he didn't trust himself to have another woman in the house. He wanted to be 100% faithful but this was going to be a struggle. After Liam and Cheyenne left he had to deal with Jasmine's parents' outrage. Not about the situation with his stupid cousin but the agreement. They wanted to know why it stated that he would have full custody of Joseph and any children they had together. Katrina got it, that was shocking since they never agreed. But since Alvin was a vengeful psychopath he knew why she understood. Though he sort of pitied his sister, she would never have her children back. He still thought she was stupid and deserved to be punished but he couldn't imagine being in her place. His mother thought that Jasmine wasn't worth so much money of course but she got her wish. She believed Jasmine was the type of person to sell out her child for a million dollars. Jasmine's parents didn't get any of it because they didn't know their daughter. There was no going back from this it was a legally binding contract. He wanted this to work with Jasmine, mostly for his son. It was funny how only a few months ago the most important thing to him was having fun. Now he was married and marriage and fun didn't necessarily got together. Even though this agreement shut his mother and sisters up for the time being, there was the in-laws. He could never make everybody happy and soon he wasn't going to try anymore. Tomorrow they would be leaving and he could work on building a life with his crazy wife. When he got home he went straight up to his bedroom to avoid conflict. Conflict was waiting for him in the room. Jasmine was sitting on the bed looking troubled. The papers from their copy of the agreement were spread out over the bed. This had been her idea. He was never going to make her sign anything but she wanted this. So why did he feel like he was about to pay for agreeing with her? Oh the way she stared at him was the clue. And he'd given her multiple opportunities to back out but she was persistent. One day, he just wanted want simple day. Maybe he needed to take Joseph on a guys only vacation. That Idea had so much promise, but of course that would just kill Jasmine. "How is your father?" Jasmine asked him. "Alive, just as evil and determined as ever, maybe more so," he shrugged. "Why didn't you tell me you were with Cheyenne last week?" She asked as he expected she would. "Because I didn't want to upset you, it wasn't really a big deal. I was not going to wait till the kid was born to prove it wasn't mine. We both know how you feel about Cheyenne, but you have nothing to worry about," he told her. "I realized too late that this agreement gives you everything. You know I would never leave Joseph so I can never leave you. No matter what you do or who you decide to have sex with," she said. That one he didn't see coming. "What? When I have I ever cheated on you? The way I remember it I cheated on other women for you. You wanted this agreement and I told I would never make you do it. It was you that insisted, do you recall? I knew somehow you would make it seem like I manipulated you into this," he shook his head. "I can't lose you both," she whispered. There was that stupid weak spot he had for her. So he went over to her and lifted her chin to make her look at him, she was crying. "Jas, listen to me, I want for the three of us to be a family. Why would I want to take my son from his mother? Why would I marry you if I didn't want this? You know I love you and always have, stop being paranoid. This paranoia is going to destroy our relationship," he said gently. "Seeing Cheyenne and how she looks at you, it just made me worry. If this doesn't work out I lose both you and our child. And I know you've never cheated on me but you've also never been serious in a relationship. Neither have I but this has to work," she whispered. "The sooner your family leaves the sooner we can get things normal," he assured her. He kissed her hoping to end this discussion. Mostly because he feared that she was justified in her concerns. Patience, he needed a great deal of patience. Caroline was still working on plotting her escape when the doorbell rang. Nobody visited them, so much for her hope of being saved. So who was at the door now? Before she could consider answering it Delanoz was up and at the door. When he came back into the living room with a woman she was surprised. The woman with her dark brown hair, nice body and belly baring t-shirt looked familiar. Maybe she was one of the mothers of his children? There were so many she couldn't keep up. This woman was beautiful and confident, Caroline had zero confidence and even less self-esteem. Would this woman help her get free? Probably not, the woman wanted something it was kind of obvious. Her short skirt said she wanted something sexual, or she just dressed like that. Could she be a prostitute? He wasn't above hiring one for his entertainment. "You must be the new wife," the woman said visibly sizing her up. "I'm Angel, Samantha and Jordan's mother." "Caroline," she replied. "Angel, I'm surprised to see you in town," Delanoz said. "Why? Of course I would come after our daughter got hurt," Angel said. "What do you mean hurt?" Delanoz asked obviously he knew nothing about it. "Samantha had an accident the other day; she just got out of the hospital today. Do you not talk to your brothers?" Angel asked staring at him. "Not recently, what happened? Is she alright?" He asked though he didn't truly seem concerned. "She was thrown from her horse and had a concussion and broken arm," Angel explained. "Anyway, she is ok and back at the mansion resting. I really needed to talk to you about getting the kids back. First I need a little money to find a place for us." "How do you suppose you will get them back? I can guarantee you that Nicolas will not give up his guardianship. For that matter nor will Carmen," Delanoz said. "Once I get everything ready I'm sure Wildflower could talk your brother into it. I've known her forever, she's Samantha's godmother. Besides she's pregnant now I'm sure she needs a break from all the kiddies," she said. "What do I get In exchange for helping you?" He asked, they acted like Caroline wasn't in the room at all. "Should we discuss specifics in front of your wife?" She asked and he looked at Caroline with those cold dead eyes of his. "Doesn't matter, my Caroline is a good girl and does as she's told. Isn't that right?" "Yes," Caroline replied hating herself for it. "Interesting," Angel said giving her a strange look. "This amuses me Angel; I assure you that my brother and sister will never let you have them back. But you are the mother of my second set of twins so I'll humor you. Find a place, I'll pay for the first three months, after that you're on your own. If you succeed in getting them both back then you'll get your child support," he told her. "Now come here." Caroline watched speechlessly as Angel got up from the chair she'd been sitting In and came to the couch. She climbed onto his lap and they began kissing. This man was evil and cruel but she was sitting right next to them. When would this ever end? Maybe it was a blessing in disguise. If he was distracted she could leave. If her heart hadn't already been broken beyond repair this would have killed her. But at this point she felt nothing; he couldn't hurt her more than he already had. If this was her chance she was going to take it. As soon as she got up he grabbed her arm and yanked her back. "I thought you might want privacy," Caroline said. "Sit you’re a*s down," he said. "You want her to watch?" Angel asked him, she seemed surprised by that. "She might learn something," he replied. "You get up again Caroline and I will make you regret it." Then he went back to Angel who laughed. So she sat there with tears in her eyes watching him have sex with Angel. The tears weren't because she cared what he did. No, they were because she was losing hope that she would ever get out of this house. It was very possible that she would die here. Either by his hand or her own, it was best for her and this baby. What child deserved to grown up with this? Penny was so lucky that she'd never met this man. Caroline said another silent prayer, she was just about out of faith but another one couldn't hurt. Tony spent all day Sunday working, he was pretty much giving up the rest of his evenings and weekends from now on. Working was a lot easier than being home or dealing with life. Allie had truly succeed in scaring him. The things she told him were haunting him. So he couldn't imagine how she kept getting up everyday and living. This girl was more screwed up than anybody could have imagined. And it did change his view of her now. He hated that it did but that was the truth. Now he was at a loss for what to do and what to think. When he got home he showered and went down to grab dinner, she wasn't there. In fact he hadn't seen her all day. Last night he laid in bed with her until she fell asleep then he got in his own bed. After the garage incident the other day he was trying to stay out of trouble. In the morning he'd gone to check on her before he left but she wasn't there. So he assumed she was back out at the stables. Earlier he was content to think she just wanted space, now he was concerned. Could he really live like this? Wondering if he left her alone too long that she might hurt herself? In the kitchen the TV also showed views from some of the security cameras. He got lucky and saw that she was in the garage so that was where he went. Allie was laying in the back seat with her legs hanging over the edge of the car. Her mother bought her a really nice car, not that he didn't like his truck. Since Ricky dropped him off he didn't come into the garage that was how he missed her. "Hey, I was looking for you," he said. "I spent most of the day at the stables," she replied. "How are you feeling today? I wanted to see you before I left this morning," he said. He leaned against the side of the car and looked down at her, she had her eyes closed. "Couldn't sleep," she said. "I had nightmares so I came out here early and later went to the stables." "You should have woke me up, I'd have gotten up for you," he said. "No reason to," she whispered. "Allie, are you ok?" He asked every second he was worrying more that something was wrong with her. "Just tired, do you want to come in?" She asked finally opening her eyes. "Would you like to go in the house?" "No, you don't have to stay." "I will," he said and he climbed into the backseat. For awhile they sat in silence, she was curled up with her head on his lap. This thing with her was a lot to deal with in a time when he needed to focus. His life was about focus and order, Allie was chaos. They were opposites and maybe he needed a little bit of wild and crazy because he could be uptight. No mater who she was before or now or in the future he made a commitment to her. Wasn't this part of her problem everybody disappointing her? Before he'd been concerned about her cheating on him now that was the last thing on his mind. How was he supposed to leave her behind? She was definitely suicidal no matter what she said. Maybe she could come with him, she could finish school online. They could get an apartment and he could take care of her. Allie needed him way more than he needed a football career. All his life he was certain he knew what he wanted and he worked for it. Just like that just because of a silly crush he had, everything changed. He could remember the day he fell for her vividly. It had been late one night and couldn't sleep so he was sitting outside enjoying peace and quiet. Allie and Sammie had spent the night with his sister like they liked to do. There was no room in the house but that didn't stop them from staying. She came out wearing black cotton shorts and a tight fitting white tank top. When she saw him sitting on the steps she smiled at him. She came up behind him and wrapped her arms around him and leaned into him. Her head rested on her shoulder and her blonde hair hung over him. That was the moment he stopped thinking of her as just a friend. She'd nuzzled her nose against his neck and whispered in his ear. "I love you Tony, I was thinking today sucked and I wanted it to be better and here you are. No more nightmares tonight, you'll protect me." At the time he didn't think much of what she said. But that night they fell asleep together on the couch. It had been completely innocent, not that his brothers thought so. That had been over a year ago and now here they were. She was asleep and he watched her. His mind was pretty much made up, either he was going to stay here or she was coming with him. If he had to marry her to do that then he would. Allie needed him now more than ever. He could take care of her and make sure she was ok. Eventually he was going to take her upstairs to her bed. Tomorrow they had to go to school; she was grumpy if she didn't sleep enough. At some point he must have dozed off because her screaming woke him. "Allie," he whispered and she opened her eyes. "I had another nightmare," she said. Then she turned over and went back to sleep. Now that he was awake again he was going to take her in the house. Somehow he would, if they weren't locked in as a punishment again. Though technically the punishment was worth it after what they did. It was probably wrong but he was a guy and he liked sex. When Allie needed him to have sex with her it had been pretty amazing. And because he could never let himself have a moment, he thought of what have happened if he hadn't been there. Of course that led him to thinking of the fact that before he came out she'd been talking to Ivan. His stupid brother wouldn't have hesitated to give her what she wanted. Well maybe he would have with the cameras everywhere his secret would be out. Going to Brazil for Christmas seemed like a dream, it would be a nightmare. Maybe he needed to go tell Ivan that he didn't want him to come. But doing that would be admitting that he was a tad bit insecure. At some point he was going to have to learn to trust Allie completely. When it came to other guys it was really hard and harder now after what she told him. No wonder she had nightmares, he was ready to have nightmares thinking about all that. It seemed like almost everything bad that could happen to a person happened to her. How she kept going he didn't know but he was going to make sure she was never alone again. A beeping sound meant that someone was on the other side of the door. Probably someone was setting the security system for the night. Perfect, he was going to be trapped in this garage all night. At least he could take her to the truck bed to sleep. There had to be a blanket somewhere in the garage. The door opened and he squinted against the light. He was surprised to see his sister standing there. She came out quietly and turned on the brighter lights, the one that was on was pretty dim. "I do not think that it is a good idea for the two of you to be having sex, especially in my house. That being said, take her upstairs and I might look the other way if you stay with her," Wildflower said. "Uh what? You're saying that I can sleep in bed with her?" He asked needing clarification. "If I was a real parent I would say no, but since I'm not it can't hurt for one night," she shrugged. "Why?" He asked still very confused. "Because if you plan to be a husband you have to start taking care of her now," she said. "When you leave I'll take care of her you know? I see it in your eyes; you don't want to go because of her." "If she doesn't get better I won't leave her," he told his sister. Instead of arguing like he thought she would she just nodded. Then she opened the car door. Wildflower definitely should have gone home; she wasn't supposed to be up running around. Pretty much all of Monday she spent in the house with Melissa, who apparently made house calls. Most of the day actually wasn't about her own problems it was about Allie. This week Allie was going to get a break from school. Melissa feared that if something set her off it would get pretty bad. There was a good chance that Allie was going to be staying home the rest of the year. Her problems were getting out of hand and the stress of school wouldn't help. Going out to lunch was probably a bad idea, but here they were. Angel wanted to them to try out an Italian restaurant she use to love. She also suggested that maybe Allie should get out of the house. In the end Angel got her way so they were having lunch out. Wildflower, Allie, Brooke and Angel, it really was good to get away from the house. Allie seemed to be fine and she'd said she wanted to go. Angel had somehow gotten Delanoz to give her money to "find a place to live". But she was a bit delusional because Nicolas made it clear that Sammie wasn't going anywhere. The fight between Angel and Jordan when he found out she was in the house was pretty bad. Today should have been simple; they were just going to lunch. How much trouble could Angel get them into in a public place? With her track record it was actually possible and wouldn't be the first time. Angel changed a lot after Ricky "broke her heart". So far the two hadn't seem each other, yet. The only reason for that was that Ricky was busy. Yesterday he wanted to come over because Nicolas informed him of her problems. Apparently her husband was a tattletale and he knew Ricky would worry. Ivan called her because he said he could feel her distress. But she told him not to come over, not when Allie wasn't doing so well. The plan was to have lunch and go back home, no stops in between. Planning wasn't exactly the problem, the problem was the restaurant. Angel had walked in first so she didn't Immediately notice that the three of them froze. At the exact same time they all stopped talking and moving. Why? Because the hostess was Sydney and nobody wanted to tell Angel that Ricky was seeing someone. A female someone, for that same reason Wildflower hadn't wanted to tell her brother about Angel. But her wonderful uninformed husband had mentioned Angel's presence. When the two of them were near each other Angel's crazy was at its worse. Most of the time she seemed perfectly fine and normal, but that wasn't the case at all. "Hey," Sydney greeted happily and she hugged the three of them. "Did Ricky tell you this is my family's restaurant?" "He um never said the name," Wildflower told her. "This had to be fate," Brooke said. "Oh I'm sorry, I didn't meet your friend," Sydney said smiling. "Or wait are family? I can never keep up." "Yes, I do believe we are actually family now, huh?" Angel said, she looked at Sydney like she was weird. "Who are you? I'm Angel, Sammie's mother." "Oh wow, I'm Sydney, Ricky's girlfriend," she said. "Excuse me? Ricky who?" Angel asked looking between them. "I'm so glad I came," Allie mumbled. "She means you know my brother," Wildflower answered. "Oh hell no, how the hell did that happen?" Angel asked very angry of course she was going to cause a scene. "Angel and Ricky dated in high school," Brooke explained to Sydney. "Ok now I remember he mentioned you," Sydney said still smiling. In her eyes you could see that she wasn't happy about this chance meeting either. "Let me show you to a nice table." Thankfully Angel was silent when Sydney found them a table. Of course it couldn't last long. The whole reason Angel was so close to their family was because she'd been in love with Ricky. So in love that she wanted to marry him, much like Sydney. But Angel was his first girlfriend and he was her first time. Even after they broke up she wouldn't go away, she hung around all the time. At first because she said she wanted to "help" around the house. Then later she needed help when Delanoz, one of the many rebounds, got her pregnant. And she wanted Ricky to take care of her and her babies. By that time he came out so that seemed ridiculous. He did let Wildflower help Angel out with the babies though and he was with Angel when she gave birth. She never stopped loving him and everybody knew it. For her to hear that Ricky was with another woman had to hurt more than the fact that her kids didn't want to live with her. No matter if they got along or not she would always be their mother. With Ricky it was different he was the man she wanted and dreamed of. And she chased other men trying to find love like it was with him. Ricky did love her, but Angel did change a lot and he didn't like the lifestyle she lived. And he especially didn't like how she treated her kids. That was how they finally grew a part, until last Christmas he still tolerated her. But when she just left and neglected to tell Sammie and Jordan, he was pissed at her. He loved them like they were his family too and family was most important to Ricky. In the last year she'd increased her search for a rich man to take care of her because she gave up on love. "One of you better tell me what is going on," Angel demanded after Sydney left. "If it makes you feel better he found her by accident," Brooke offered. "You should probably talk to Ricky about this," Wildflower suggested. "I waited all these years hoping it was just a phase or just stress. Why is he with her? I have loved him my whole damn life, this can't be true," Angel said. "They are together," Wildflower told her. "But you have to talk to him about it, you know how he is. Ricky likes his privacy and its best that he explain it to you." "Does she um know that he is gay?" Angel asked, there were definitely tears in her eyes. "Yes, and she doesn't mind if he gets some on the side," Brooke said. "How long have they been together?" "Since August," Allie answered. "Him and Ivan went out and picked up women." "Allie," Wildflower said giving her a look. "Its not a secret, Evan told Tony that the two of them are always having sex. Sorry Angel, too bad he didn't realize he was bi until after you were gone," Allie said. "This makes no sense to me at all," Angel shook her head. To make matters worse Sydney was on her way over with another woman. "Everybody this is my mom, Angela," Sydney said. "This is Ricky's sister Wildflower and her niece Allie and her friend Brooke." She said to her mother. "Oh how funny you're Angel and my mom Angela." "Yes that is funny," Angel said making a face. "It's nice to meet you all, we are very fond of Ricky," Angela said. "He talks a lot about his family, especially you I'm." She said looking at Wildflower. "When are you due?" "June 11th," Wildflower answered. "You must be so excited," Sydney said smiling. "I can't wait till Ricky and I start a family of our own." When she said that she did look at Angel, it was challenge. "Sydney, you would have to get married first," her mother said. "Of course, we've already talked about it," Sydney said. The looks she was giving Angel were subtle if you didn't sense the tension. "I'm moving into his apartment." "You should wait until after you're married, but I guess I am old fashioned," Angela shrugged. "Enjoy your lunch ladies." At that she walked away back to work. "He'll never marry you," Angel said to Sydney. "Ricky tells me things and he told me all about you. Maybe he loved you once but I assure you that he's over it. Why would he want you? You sleep around and use men for money and don't care about your children. He has values and morals and you have none. So stay away from him," Sydney said. Her tone and expression were not that of the perky happy chick she appeared to be. No, she was a woman who would do anything to keep her man and wasn't going to play fair. For that she deserved respect, she fooled everybody. Sydney seemed like a total doormat and was definitely clingy, but there was another side to her. It was pretty shocking to Wildflower, Brooke and Allie. Obviously you didn't want to mess with Sydney, but Sydney didn't know Angel. This was going to get bad, it was also pretty funny. Ricky was supposed to be gay but he had two women willing to fight over him. Wildflower was starting not to regret coming out, this was entertaining. But then because the drama still needed to unfold Ricky came in. Sydney did not look surprised to see him, which meant she called him. He was obviously surprised to see them and he slowly approached. Sydney ran over to him and kissed him, she really wanted to prove her point. It was amazing that Angel was holding it together so well. The old Angel would have already been fighting with Sydney, not caring that they were grown women. This was why Wildflower hated going out with Angel in the past, she liked to fight. "I'm going to kill that b***h," Angel said under her breath. "I never knew she was like that," Brooke and Allie both laughed. "Angel, you have to let it go," Wildflower warned. "They are together and it’s not about you. Let my brother be happy." "Happy? That conniving b***h is so fake and he'll regret being with her. She's all doe-eyed and sweet around others but you heard what she said," Angel grumbled. "Doesn't matter it’s not our business and you two haven't been together in a very long time," Wildflower said. She was trying to be the voice of reason but Angel was beyond reason right now. Where Ricky was concerned Angel never saw reason. "Hey," Ricky greeted when he came over. Of course Sydney had to drag him over to her mother first. He kissed Wildflower's cheek and whispered. "We are going to talk later little sister." "Ricardo," Angel said and got up to hug him. "Angel, I heard you were in town," he said. She would not let him go and pouted at him, this was like a real live soap opera. "And you didn't come see me?" She asked sweetly but still pouted. "I've been busy," he said. "How long are you staying?" "Forever, I gotta find a place for me and the kids to live. For once their father is going to be helpful," she told him. "You want your kids back?" He asked and looked at Wildflower who subtly shook her head. Of course he would be concerned about Sammie and Jordan going back to live with their mother. "The moment I heard my Sammie was hurt I came right home. You know I love my babies, just like you love them," she said. "I missed you a lot Ricky, I'm getting my life together now." "That's good for you," he replied. "Now explain to me how you are with that sneaky little w***e over there?" Angel asked, now she wasn't hiding her anger anymore. "Angel, you and I haven't been together in a very long time," he said carefully. "I love you and I always have, think about that. We know each other completely or we use to, you don't know her. If you wanted to switch back to women then you knew I would do anything to be with you," she told him. The whole thing was actually a little sad and amazing that she was still in love with him. "I do love you Angel and I always will but I'm with Sydney now," he said. It took months but he was finally acknowledging the fact that he had a girlfriend. "This isn’t right; I spent my life loving you. I've loved you since kindergarten, do you remember? Do you remember the night you took my virginity? I remember and when you held my hand when the twins were born. We could have been a family and they should have been yours," Angel said. Her voice was slightly raised now and she was drawing attention to herself. "Things have changed and I am truly sorry, I was going to come talk to you. Later I'll come over and we'll talk, ok? Nothing is going to changed Ang, but I at least should explain. This is neither the time nor the place," Ricky said calmly. "Fine," Angel nodded and he wiped her tears away. "I need to go," he said. With a wave he left and Sydney looking pissed followed him out. "I'm going to win him back," Angel said smiling mischievously. Trouble was coming and there was no avoiding it, poor Ricky. The drama was only just beginning.© 2010 Britiney Harper |
1 Review Added on April 18, 2010 Last Updated on April 18, 2010 AuthorBritiney Harperpittsburgh, PAAbout...A Few Things... 1) Hi! I'm Britiney 2) I Love to Write 3) I love to read 4) I'm a nerd 5) i love my Family more than anything else 6) I've been writing since i was 8yrs old (but really b4 tha.. more..Writing