Allie Chapter 16A Chapter by Britiney Harper![]() Allie (Chapter 16) Afternoon![]() Chapter 16 Brooke
had never been so nervous in her life, not even when she talked to Jay about
marriage. Or even when she told Wildflower that she'd been secretly dating Jay.
Standing in the quiet hallway across from Cole was nerve-racking and awkward.
It had been 4 years since she'd seen him. If she remembered correctly he'd been
waiting to be deployed when they met. That was why he didn't want to get into a
relationship and that was fine with her. She was 18 and just interested in fun
anyway. The reason she probably never told anybody about him was because Wildflower
was dealing with Daisy dying and all that. Brooke had been friends with Daisy
too, sort of. Her Wildflower and Cody were more of the girls that hung out with
guys a lot and weren't looking to be in the in-crowd. Daisy was the
cheerleader/ two time homecoming queen, so the opposite of her sister. Cole
seemed like the type of guy that would date the Daisies and use the Brookes for
sex. Before Jay she didn’t plan on getting serious, twenties were about fun,
right? “The
guy you were with he’s your boyfriend?” Cole asked after awhile. “Yeah,
um Jay and I have been together for like two years,” she replied. “Wow,
this is kind of weird huh? Your boyfriend is my sister’s brother-in-law,” he
said. “So how’s life been treating you?” “Nothing
too exciting,” she shrugged. “Still
stripping?” He asked and there was definitely interest in his expression. “No,
that was strictly temporary,” she said. “That where you met your boyfriend?” “No, I’ve known him for a long time. His sister is my best friend. So how is the whole army thing going?” “Fine, you know I always hated how things ended with you,” he said. Oh now here they went down the road of things that could have been. “If I remember correctly things ended with us both naked,” she said. “Yeah I remember,” he laughed. “This guy you’re with, it’s serious?” “I guess why?” She asked trying to read his expression. “I’m looking to settle down and if I remember correctly we had something pretty intense,” he said. “Yeah it was very intense, but that was 5 years ago and we’re only speaking by chance. Its not like you were going to come find me or anything,” she pointed out. “That’s not 100% correct, I haven’t been back here at all. Yes I came for my sister, but I would have eventually tracked you down,” he said. Why did he have to say that? “So you were going to find me and what? You wanted to ask me to marry you?” She asked jokingly, but he looked serious. “If we still had that same chemistry, maybe,” he said. He pushed a stray blonde curl out of her face and tucked it behind her ear. “Since you aren’t all that serious about this boyfriend, maybe I have a chance. Unless of course you tell me it’s serious and you plan on marrying him.” “It’s not really that simple and you can’t possibly want to marry me when we just had sex. Not that it wasn’t great, but you haven’t seen me in years,” she said shocked. “I’m willing to bet I would like being married to you,” he said. “Isn’t the army about honor and trust and all that?” “You aren’t married to him and probably never will be. Think about it,” he said. In this family there was always a lot of drama and most of it was soap opera worthy. It was never really her own drama so it was fun to watch. Her life was pretty simple and boring, so she was surprised this was happening. Earlier she was talking to Jay about their future and marriage. Now a hottie from her past wanted her, how random was that? Actually in this family it wasn’t all that random, didn’t this just happen to Wildflower? As far as she knew Cole wasn’t a crazy stalker. But he was Christina’s brother, since she only had two real good friends that was a reason to stay away. Dating one friend’s brother and then the other friend’s brother would never go over well. She hadn’t known Christina when she had her fling with Cole so it wasn’t that big of a deal. None of it really mattered, the past was irrelevant now. Jay was amazing and he loved her and she loved him. There was never love between her and Cole, just sex. For him to say all these things was just crazy. Cole wanted their sexual relationship back because it really was very intense. Marrying somebody just for sex was asking for trouble. While she may have wanted to get married, she wanted something lasting. Jay was her future and Cole was her past. Nothing he said mattered and the lust in his eyes when he looked at her meant nothing. Maybe this whole situation was just God’s way of testing her commitment to Jay. Obviously she was committed if she was giving him all of her money to go to culinary school. Cole was asking for her to just turn her back on the most committed relationship she’d ever been on. For what? For sex? Sex might have been enough in the past but she’d grown up a lot since she was 18. This man had to be crazy, because he didn’t know her at all. Just because he knew her body, didn’t mean he knew anything else about her. Sex was easy and didn’t require feelings at all, it was about want. Maybe she wanted to test drive Cole one more time because she was a horny freak. But she loved Jay and she would never hurt him like that. Just like he would never do that to her, because the Laiez boys were way too loyal. “I just did, we had sex it wasn’t a big deal. You can’t marry somebody for sex and expect it to work. Eventually sex wouldn’t be enough to keep a marriage together. When I get married it will be for love and not sex. Sorry to disappoint you Cole, I love Jay and he makes me happy. If I’m going to marry anybody it would him,” she told him. “Yeah but I wouldn’t want to marry someone I didn’t have mind-blowing sex with. Can you say that about this guy? It’s stupid of me to say any of this and maybe I am crazy or I have ulterior motives. But I can’t help but to want you,” Cole said. “Brooke,” someone called, of course it was Jay. He looked at them suspiciously. “Think about it,” Cole whispered. “Tell me later.” At that he walked away with a satisfied grin on his face. “What were you talking about?” Jay asked her when they were alone. Jay valued honesty pretty high; it was second only to family and just above loyalty. That was just who he was and how Ricky taught him and their other siblings to be. This had been Brooke’s family too since she became friends with Wildflower, so she knew how they worked. So was the truth a good thing in this situation? It would just make things awkward. But lying was wrong and she enough on her conscience right now. She was still concerned that she did the wrong thing with Nicolas and that video. Isaiah had been certain and he would never lie about something so serious that involved his sister. That whole mess aside, Carmen was right that Jay wouldn’t want to know her sexual history. Wildflower knew her brothers though and Brooke knew them too. Awkward was way better than telling a lie. You got over awkward the Laiezs didn’t really forgive lies in her experience. Thinking about that just made her feel guiltier about Wildflower. Considering her guilt over that she had no choice here. “Um like 5 years ago I met Cole when I was stripping,” she said. “And he remembered you?” Jay asked staring at her. “We had a thing,” she explained. “Just sex nothing important.” “Oh,” was all he said. “It was just sex, it wasn’t like what we have,” she went on. “Does Christina know?” He asked and she shook her head. “That was before we knew her,” she replied. “Ok well whatever, let’s go eat,” he said taking her hand. “You don’t care?” She asked before moving. “Not gonna lie it’s pretty weird, but I’ve known you for how long? I know you’ve been with other guys, if it’s in the past then I don’t care. Unless you’re trying to do something with him, then I care,” he shrugged. “Hell no, I love you and it wasn’t an overnight thing like your sister and her hubby or Chris and Isaiah. It took us awhile to get here and I’m happy, I would never mess that up,” she assured him. “Good to know,” he said. He kissed her and then led her back to the dinning room. At least she didn’t have to feel guilty about this. After a minimal drama dinner and zero fighting, Evan was standing outside. It was a miracle; there was no bickering at all. Carmen, Katrina and Rosa had complained about Jose running off to marry his quote: “trashy gold-digging w***e”. But that was their business, he was just a little amused by it. Jay announced that he was going to apply for culinary school, which of course was surprising but a good thing. Christina mentioned they were going to Shreveport for the weekend to visit her dying great-grandmother. Jordan glared at him through most of dinner and he got why, Sammie was staying. What surprised Evan the most was that his mother was on her best behavior and Isaiah didn’t choke her from picking up Ariela. A two year old had no idea why she didn’t see her grandma as much as she use to. Or that the reason her daddy kept her away was because grandma tried to attack her mommy with a butcher knife. But Marguerite did have to excuse herself from the table when she found out that most of her children would be in Brazil for Christmas, without her. Sydney was there fawning over Ricky like she always was. Evan ignored her as best he could. She would periodically give him dirty looks, but he didn’t really care. That kiss had been a serious lack in judgment. And it was her fault; she was the one parading around with next to nothing on. She was the one that had to touch people when she talked to them. Yes, it was still his fault for doing it but she set up the circumstances for it to happen. All he needed to think about now was that Sammie wasn’t moving to New York. He was also thinking about her sleeping in his bed the other day. But for some reason yesterday she start asking him random questions about his plans for after high school. Unlike Tony he was never certain of what he wanted to do with his life. Tony was a planner; he didn’t really leave anything up to chance. The way he strategized and looked at every possible angle and outcome was sort of like Nicolas. That fact was actually pretty amusing to Evan, they were both a lot a like in subtle ways. Both of them were ambitious hard working overachievers who planned out every little detail of their lives. Maybe it was fate for Wildflower to marry Nicolas so Tony could see the grown up version of himself. Evan wasn’t like that at all; he never really planned for the future because he didn’t see that one was possible. There was no doubt that Tony would get a scholarship to wherever he wanted to go. But Evan wasn’t a straight A student and he did play basketball for two years but wasn’t interested anymore. He was an average student and had absolutely no idea what he wanted to do with his life. Everything changed since his sister decided to date a billionaire and then marry him. Nicolas had told them that he would pay for college for them, because everybody deserved a chance at a higher education if they wanted it. But Nicolas was also the only one of his siblings to actually complete college and not get kicked out. Sammie was talking about going to law school. She was a good student; both her and Jordan skipped a grade. Even Allie was a better student than he was, that was sad. What was Evan actually good at? All of his brothers were good at something. Ricky could literally do anything, Van was going to become a firefighter, Ivan was good with cars, Tony was the genius/ athlete, Jay could cook. Isaiah was good at anything he did, because he was the most driven. Dom was in college pursuing a communication degree, he either wanted to go into TV or journalism, he wasn’t sure yet. That left Corey who had like Sammie wanted to go into law. Wildflower had a gift for language and she always tried to teach him but he was unfocused. He was a junior in high school it was well pass the time for him to figure out what he wanted to do with his life. Being the youngest really sucked, especially if all his siblings did something great with their lives. He would forever be the loser. Iris was a nurse and worked a cleaning job in her spare time because her husband was a loser. Was that Evan’s future? Being a loser like Jeff? If that wasn’t an incentive to do something anything than he wasn’t sure what would be. When there were no other viable options there was always joining the army or something like that. Some people made a career out of being a solider; maybe he needed to talk to Cole. He didn’t know the guy but he was the only person he knew that was in the army. Then it occurred to him that he could talk to Nicolas about a job. The man owned an empire with a bunch of companies in it. That idea had possibilities, he was pretty sure Ricky would say no to the army. Not because he was or wasn’t patriotic or because of political views, it was too high risk. “Hello,” he heard and turned to see Sydney. Just when he was trying to think towards the future she had to come bother him. “Hey,” he replied hoping she would go away. Everybody was either in the living room watching football on the big screen or hanging around the kitchen. It was a holiday, women liked to gossip. Sammie and Lexy had gone to take the little one out to see the horses. Evan came outside to be alone and to think. Was it so much to ask to have peace in this house? So far it had been a peaceful day, but not now. Sydney being near him meant trouble. He felt guilty but not because of her, it was because of his brother. Ricky gave up his life for all of them, he could have left and been happy but no. All of them owed him so much and Evan kissed this stupid chick following his brother around all love struck. Ricky could be gay or bi or whatever that was his business and Sydney was his whatever. “I need you to explain to me why you kissed me,” Sydney said. “Stupidity, its over forget it,” he said. “It was a huge mistake.” “I told you how I feel about your brother and you said you were in love with your little girlfriend. Why would you think it would be ok to kiss me? Make that make sense because I can’t,” she said. “Can we not talk about this? It was just a kiss and it meant absolutely nothing,” he said. If only she was a normal sane person she might just let it go. “Is it because you don’t want me to be with your brother? I love him and he loves me, don’t you think he deserves to be happy?” “He does even if it’s with you.” “What’s that supposed to mean?” “Take it however you want I don’t care. If he’s happy with you and your crazy stalker-like self then that’s great. But if I were you I wouldn’t bet on him marrying you like you see in the fairytale in your crazy head,” he told her. He’d really tried not to say anything but she was really annoying and he wanted her to go away. At this point he’d rather go make up with Allie and be friends with her to get away from Sydney. “I’ll tell Ricky that you kissed me,” she threatened. “Go ahead, it was a mistake and most of it was your fault anyway. I wanted to be left alone you had to keep bothering me and running around with no clothes on. The only reason you would dress like the way you did is to get attention. If you have to do all that to get a man’s attention maybe he doesn’t really want you,” he said. “How would your girlfriend feel about this?” She asked, now he wanted to choke her. Why didn’t he see this serious craziness in Sydney before? Were the lack of clothes and perkiness just to distract you from the fact that she crazy? “What do you want from me? It was a mistake and it had nothing to do with anything else other than a little lust. That’s it I don’t want you, and I don’t care what you and Ricky do that’s not my business. Can you just leave me alone?” Until that moment he had been staring out over the grounds, anything to not look at her. But he looked at her now and she just looked desperate. Maybe in her own crazy obsessive stalker way she loved Ricky. And maybe she was afraid of losing him. It wasn’t like Evan was going to tell him or anything. Sydney also looked really upset, and he sort of felt bad. Lately he was good at making females hate him. Then he noticed that they were not out here alone. Leaning over the rail on the patio above them was Ricky. Evan couldn’t read his expression but he knew he’d heard everything. He couldn’t win, once things seemed to be going ok, two seconds later they weren’t anymore. Maybe joining the army wasn’t such a bad idea, it would get him away. Or the navy something like that that would keep him away from home and family. Sydney looked up and noticed Ricky too and she ran up the stairs to go to him. Later Evan could talk to his brother; he went down the stairs and started walking. Going to the stables sounded like a really good idea now. Wildflower had been sneaking outside to get a break from everything. She wanted to have a moment to herself; she didn’t get that all day. Having her whole family over was nice but it was also exhausting. Her mother and aunts wanted to stuff her full of food because she was so “thin”. Though it helped that she’d been craving everything they cooked for most of the week. Her wonderful team of cooks made both turkey and ham, stuffing, tamales, abondigas, rice, an assortment of veggies, Aunt Carmella’s homemade garlic mashed potatoes, Jay’s special chile cornbread. Most of the deserts were made by Aunt Kim who co-owned a bakery. She made both pumpkin and strawberry cheesecake, sweet potatoes turnovers, almond cookies, orange cake and apple pie. There was still a lot of food left, which made her happy so she could snack later. Growing a baby apparently left you tired and hungry all the time. Iris had actually gotten teary when she saw her; she didn’t see her older sister very often anymore. So the last time she’d seen her had been after the hospital and before LA. Jeff, Iris’ loser husband didn’t come over. He made Isaiah’s grouchiness look like that of a kitten. He was always in a bad mood and yelled at Iris and the kids a lot and could even pretend to be nice. The only reason Iris married him was because he got her pregnant and he wasn’t so bad in the beginning. Over time he grew to be a lazy selfish jerk who couldn’t keep a job and treated his family badly. Marrying Jeff was Iris taking a stand against Ricky. That was the whole reason behind any of it; she didn’t want to listen to him when he told her to stay away from Jeff. Because she was stubborn she stayed in a marriage she wasn’t happy with and never would be. With everybody here she realized how much she missed Daisy. And she wondered what Daisy would think of her life. Would Daisy be happy for her that she was pregnant and married? Or would Daisy have tried to draw Nicolas’ attention away the night they met? That was a Daisy thing to do, she’d done it before. But Wildflower never cared in the past, Daisy just liked attention. When if came to Nicolas everything was different, she never cared about other guys. If they wanted her girlie sister that was their deal, and later she’d laugh about it with Ivan. They both made fun of Daisy for her desperate need for constant attention. She missed her sister so much, more than she could admit. Daisy may have been very self-centered and a brat, but she was still her sister. Holidays and birthdays really drove home the fact that Daisy was never coming back. In five years she was no more over it than she had been right after the accident. Thinking about Daisy was why she needed to be alone to collect herself. If she looked sad or shed a tear everybody would be in her face. Sometimes life was a little overwhelming. When she slipped out the patio door she noticed that Ricky and Sydney were having an argument. Or more like Sydney was very upset and Ricky was his usual calm collected self. Wildflower wasn’t going to eavesdrop, it wasn’t her business. So she went to go back to her favorite lounger. Sydney went back into the house in tears and Ricky noticed her. He came over to sit, he looked like Sydney was wearing him out. “I think I remember why it was easier to be without women,” he said. “Oh I bet I would die if I had to be with a woman,” she replied. “Maybe I should just be alone, some men aren’t much better than women. This is why I don’t date,” he sighed. “What were you fighting about?” She asked because she couldn’t help it. “Oh I guess Syd and Evan kissed or something, that explains why he left so quickly. Anyway, she thought I should care more and get mad or something. Guess she doesn’t know me as well as she thinks. Why should I get mad over something stupid? It’s not all that surprising and I don’t care. I never said I wanted to be in a relationship with her anyway. Mostly she’s upset because I don’t feel like going to deal with her family,” he shrugged. “Do you love her?” Wildflower asked, she suspected she knew the answer. “Possibly, but it’s not about love it’s the commitment part. It’s not what I want right now. Anyway, why are you out here by yourself?” “I’m not alone with you here.” “Yeah, what’s wrong? Don’t lie; I can see it in your eyes.” “I miss Daisy,” she admitted. “Of course you do,” he nodded. He wrapped his arms around her and they both laid back with him holding her. Just like when she was little. “I’m just you know thinking of my life and how different it is now. If she was here I don’t think any of this would have ever happened,” she sighed. “It’s ok to be happy, you deserve it,” he said. “So do you, why won’t you commit to Sydney, it’s been awhile.” “Because I’m not certain it’s the right thing for me.” “She seems a little intense.” “Oh she is, that’s the problem she’s asking too much of me. Anyway, how are you feeling?” He asked changing the subject, obviously he didn’t want to discuss his non-relationship and she understood. “Let’s see currently I don’t feel nauseous or like stuffing my face, so I’m good. Nick’s not on my nerves so yeah good, I just would like to be unrestricted. Being in the house all day everyday is driving me crazy,” she told him. “And that is what you get from being pregnant,” he said giving her a look. “We never got to talk about how you let this happen.” “Well I stopped taking my birth control in like June because Nick and I had a talk. We weren’t trying but we decided not to prevent it either. I knew he really wanted a family of his own, so it was ok. Obviously I love kids but it did happen sooner than I thought it would. To find out I was pregnant on my wedding day was a little much for me. I hate thinking about that day,” she told him. “I worry that you haven’t thought anything through since you met this man. You were never impulsive like you are now, you use to think. Once you were the triplet with the resistant, just be careful,” he said. “One impulsive act leads to another and as it appears another and another. I just wanted to know what it was like to be in love. Nick was and is different from any guy I’ve ever known. And I know he loves me but he too is intense only like 10 times more than a normal person. Sometimes it’s too much for me and I feel like we rushed things, but I don’t regret it. I don’t know he isn’t use to having someone around that he can’t manipulate or scare into doing what he wants. Neither of us know much about relationships, this is a lot of work sometimes,” she admitted. There was no one other that Ricky she would say any of that to. Ivan would never understand and her friends might but she didn’t want to talk about it. How could you tell anyone that sometimes you just wanted stab your husband? And she hadn’t been married very long. She knew that some people felt the same in long term relationships. It hadn’t been a year, maybe that was what bothered her. Then there was the fact they never really got the chance to live alone as a couple before going down the road of serious eternal commitment. Yes, she was incredibly impulsive for the first time in her life but she didn’t regret it. Just wished there was more time or they did things a little differently. Or maybe if the girls had responsible mothers and Marguerite hadn’t completely lost it, they could have had time alone. But it was what it was, she responsibilities that didn’t suddenly go away because of marriage. She just needed to adjust to everything and she would be fine. “Maybe you need time apart,” Ricky suggested. “No, not apart but alone together. I’m no relationship expert obviously but go be alone somewhere. You moved too fast and you never thought all this through. Give it time, you’ll figure everything out.” “I think we are going to go to Rio early to be alone, though the whole trip depends on my doctor. Could we drive to Brazil?” She asked and he laughed. “If you can’t go to Brazil you have your beach house,” he pointed out. “Yeah, the house I barely got to spend the night in, wait till you see it. I want to show off my decorating skills,” she said. “There you are,” Rosa said coming towards them. Of course she looked at them like they were weird, she wasn’t a cuddler. “Did you need something?” Wildflower asked knowing that this wasn’t going to be good. “I need you to sign this,” Rosa said. She had papers in her hand and a pen. “What’s this?” She asked when she sat up and took the papers; nope this wasn’t surprising at all. “I think that you will find that it is a fair amount, this is what is best for my son,” Rosa said. “If you would like a lawyer to look over this then feel free to call Luis.” “I’m not signing anything,” Wildflower replied. “What happened to wanting to get along for the baby?” “You say that you don’t want money so why not sign? What do you have to lose if your intentions are pure?” Rosa asked, so much for taking a break. “Go ask Nick if he wants me to sign this, if he says yes than I will,” she challenged. They both knew that when he found out he would be pissed. “These people are crazy,” Ricky said shaking his head. “Is it really Nicky’s child? Or is it your boyfriend’s?” Rosa asked, she was lucky Ricky would never hit a woman. “Ok I really hoped we could at least be civil with each other for the sake of my husband and my child. Since it seems impossible for you to act like an adult I’m done trying. So I want you to get out of my house,” Wildflower told her. “Your house? This will never be your house, my son will soon see the type of person you really are,” Rosa said. “Leave,” she said simply. “Either you go in the house and pack your things and leave on your own or I will have you thrown out.” It wouldn’t have been a holiday without drama; she just wished she didn’t have to deal with this now. Why couldn’t she just curl up with her big brother so he could make her problems go away? When she spent time with Ivan or Ricky it helped her to stay grounded. And it put her more at ease about the choices she made for her life. She was almost tempted to sign the papers that put her worth at $2 million. How did you decide how much somebody is worth? Or how much your children are worth? By this it said that pending a DNA test any of her children with Nicolas were worth $100,000. She’d known she grew up in a whole different world and sometimes it seemed like they were from different planets. Today was one of those days. If she ever got to a point where she would put a price tag on another human being, then she needed an intervention. Or electroshock therapy, whichever was more effective. Throwing Rosa out was pretty gratifying though. Hitting her might have been better, but Wildflower wasn’t violent. “Mother,” Nicolas said looking annoyed. Obviously he over heard their conversation. “Nicky, I am doing what’s best for you. Between this one and your brother’s tramp, they will be the downfall of this family. If she has no ill intentions then signing won’t mean anything, especially if it’s truly your child she carries,” Rosa said. “My wife doesn’t want you in her house so you have to leave,” Nicolas told his mother. They all sort of froze and they got an audience from in the kitchen. A vacation in the near future was definitely needed. Nicolas was annoyed; it had been an ok day until now. He’d gone to find his wife and found instead his mother causing trouble. The sad thing was that he believed she genuinely had tried to be accepting of Wildflower. But the situation with Jose and Jasmine and the one with Delanoz and Caroline was too much for her. Any trust she was trying to have evaporated because of her other sons. Jasmine really was a cause for concern with the way she was in the past. Caroline was too much of a pathetic little mouse to worry anybody. So his mother had snapped after he had hope for her. He had no choice but to take his wife’s side, she was right to tell his mother to leave. This just would have been easier if Rosa could have just kept her mouth shut or showed some restraint. “You would let her throw your mother out?” His mother asked him. “Apologize and maybe she will let you stay,” he replied. “Why should I apologize? Do you even know this girl at all? Nine months you have been together, you only know what she tells you. Are you aware that your wife was once a stripper? Can you imagine what people will think? And can you believe this child is yours with no question? You have a stripper pole in your bedroom,” she said staring at him. “How do you know about the stripper thing?” He asked, for just this reason he’d wanted to keep that information from everybody. But his mother was resourceful. “I take it you know this? Well I have my ways and I expect this of your brothers to lay around with any trash they pick up. America would be ashamed of how you’ve become, she loved you so much,” she said. When she really wanted to guilt him it never failed that she would bring up Abuelita. “My wife is my business and I think Abuelita would have loved her. I thought you were becoming an adult Mother. No you are still a spoiled child, you’re making this impossible. After you flew half way around the world to make peace with Wildflower I thought everything would be fine. Jasmine you can be concerned about if you want but my wife is off limits. Every time you think to start an argument with her just know that no matter what I will always side with her,” he told her. “Why? What is this hold she has over you? You barely know this girl, is it because she’s pregnant?” “Love isn’t a concept you understand I know but that is it. I love her so I will do anything for her. And trust me when I say that it is my child. Mother, maybe you should spend some time thinking about what you want for the future. I’m sure by now with Delanoz’s horde grandchildren are trivial to you, but this is my first child. If you don’t want to be a part of my life or the life of my child then fine, it’s your decision.” Being calm and not arguing was the best way to approach this situation. Her concern was unfounded; Wildflower was the last person on earth to marry for money. Of course she probably thought of the fact that marrying him gave her the security her family needed. All he felt like doing right now was talking to his wife. They needed to get out of this house and away from their family. And unless he was mistaken she looked a little pale when he saw her. She didn’t need to be stressed out; once his mother left everything would be better. He didn’t have a single doubt about his wife, she was exactly who he thought she was. The stripper thing he hated but that was 5 years ago and he couldn’t change that. Of course this baby was his he’d worked really hard at getting her pregnant. If she could be with another man with all the sex they had then maybe he needed to get her in bed more often. Wildflower was his wife and this was his baby and his mother would have to deal with it. Today he was not going to lose his temper. He was however going to take his wife to the hotel tonight. © 2010 Britiney Harper |
1 Review Added on April 11, 2010 Last Updated on April 11, 2010 AuthorBritiney Harperpittsburgh, PAAbout...A Few Things... 1) Hi! I'm Britiney 2) I Love to Write 3) I love to read 4) I'm a nerd 5) i love my Family more than anything else 6) I've been writing since i was 8yrs old (but really b4 tha.. more..Writing