Allie Chapter 15A Chapter by Britiney Harper![]() (Chapter 15) Morning![]() Chapter 15 Nicolas
hated holidays. That meant family and family meant drama. The first bit of
drama he was confronted with came in a message from his brother. Jose was
letting him know that him and Jasmine decided to elope. It wasn't that he cared
about if Jose had a wedding or not, because he didn't. This just meant that he
had to tell everybody. And everybody included their mother that arrived last
night. Thankfully she'd been tired and gone straight to bed. Today she would be
well rested and up complaining. When she found out what Jose did she was going
to have a heart attack. Or fake one like she'd done before, but that was another
story. The next call came from
Jasmine's hysterical parents once they found out she was gone. There wasn't
anything he could do about that, except maybe strangle Jose for giving them his
number. Next was Katrina, she called him and was upset because her daughter
hated her and asked about the car. She wasn't sure if she could bear to come
over. Apparently she was under the misimpression that he cared, his concern was
for her daughter and not her. Markus most likely wasn't showing up either, he
had some colorful words with his mother the other day too. As long as they
weren't fighting in his house he didn't care. The
Laiez half of the family was obviously more disciplined than the Capriani half.
Ricky obviously was a better parent to his siblings because they did whatever
he said. It was actually kind of amazing to observe, most of them hated their
mother but they would still all be here. If he said jump they said how high.
Maybe he needed Ricky to teach him how to be a parent. Thinking about the baby
and Allie made him want to do this right. Yesterday he promised to help Allie
to find away to not let the past effect her future. No matter how much you
pretended to get over it eventually it caught up with you. And no matter how
much you wished you could change it never really happened. He was living proof
of that. Trying to change for his wife was never going to work and he could
accept that. For
some reason he was up early today so he was in his office while his wife slept.
The house was silent as it rarely was and he liked it this way. He checked
e-mails and figured out what work needed to be done. This weekend he no longer
had to attend his brother's wedding so instead maybe he could spend alone time
with his wife. Taking her to the hotel to spend the weekend was a good idea.
Not that the kids needed a babysitter but Carmen could keep an eye on things
around the house. After he checked his email account for business he checked
the separate one he kept for more discrete matter. Like matters involving his
idiot oldest brother. It was completely shocking
when he saw that Delanoz was home. There were some cameras outside in trees
that Delanoz had no idea about. The ones in the house were all offline. Most
likely because Delanoz destroyed them, that was a lot of wasted money. Maybe he
would send Delanoz a bill for that. These cameras were monitored by a security
service and they emailed him days ago but Nicolas was busy. He accessed the
outside cameras; there was one that looked in through the bedroom window. There
were bars over the windows now. Odd but not too unexpected with those crazy
Mandrakes running around. Delanoz was in bed asleep
with a brunette woman. Since it would have been too much luck for Caroline to
have left, he zoomed in on her face. Of course it was her, she just dyed her
hair. They were not on his list of things to do today. The happy couple could
have their time together, as long as there was no trouble he had more important
things to do. Sorting through the emails he found one with a picture of
Caroline and Heather with some pregnancy tests. It was good to have other
people sort through this crap before he had to see it. So Caroline was
pregnant, interesting, that meant Delanoz wasn't going anywhere. Before he
could think to call Jose, his phone rang. "I'm
married," Jose said when he answered. "D
is back and Caroline is pregnant," he replied. "Damn,
he always has to be center of attention," Jose said. "Oh
thanks for leaving my number with Jasmine's crazy parents, they called a few
times." "You'll
get over it, we'll be back on Saturday morning." "Should
I throw a party?" "If
you want to, any other issues?" "Other
than Katrina's war with her children no, nothing exciting. Well not until I
tell your mother how you ran off to marry you're baby mama. Now at least I can
collect my money from Carmen. And you'll be delighted to know that Carmen is
marry the good doctor." "I
feel bad for the doctor," Jose said and they both laughed. "That's
what I said and she got mad, enjoy your new wife brother. Once you come home it
will no longer be fun, now I think I'll get a little drunk to get through this
day," Nicolas said. "Good
luck," Jose replied. "You
too," he said and hung up. After
getting off the phone instead of drinking he decided to return to his bedroom.
Drinking was starting to lead to trouble for him. The last time he got drunk
would forever be the last time. Thinking about that had him anxious to get back
to his wife. He'd almost lost her from indulging in things he shouldn't have.
The past would forever stay with him; it wasn't something that could go away.
And he was so desperately trying to be the person she wanted. Seemed like the
harder he tried the less it worked. He'd been trying since the day they met
back in February. Sooner or later none of it was going to work anymore. His
family feared him, strangers feared him, but he couldn't stand it if his wife
or child did. So he slipped back into the bed and held her hoping that if he
could help his niece, then maybe there was hope for him. Doubtful though it
was, he had try for everybody's sake. Christina opened her eyes
and smiled. Isaiah's head was resting on her bare stomach, he was watching her.
Last night she'd been up talking to her brother late. It wasn't often that she
stayed up late anymore, mostly because Ariela would still wake her up early. So
it was surprising that Ariela wasn't in the bed with them. But since she knew
why her husband was laying here patiently. When she'd gone to bed she had
clothes on, now she didn't. Her relationship with
Isaiah may have started out as very sexual but it wasn't like that now. Maybe
it was just the stress of life or the fact that their daughter was often in
between them. She couldn't even remember the last time they had sex at all.
Though this wasn't the first time she'd woken up naked and wouldn't be the
last. And she didn't exactly mind, as long as her husband was with her and no
one else. He started kissing upward until he reached her lips; this was nice to
wake up to. "Why
did you let me sleep in so late?" She asked him, his response was kissing
her again. "Because
you needed to rest," he replied. "You
haven't made love to me in the morning in a long time," she said. "We
haven't done anything in a long time," he said with a laugh. "I
must be a horrible wife," she replied. "Only
if you say no," he said. "We
do have a guest and our daughter could come in at any time," she pointed
out. "No,
I took care of that. Ariela is having breakfast with her new uncle," he told
her. "You
thought of everything so I can't say no," she said. Without
another word he was inside her. Before Ariela they had quite a sex life. Isaiah
would spend days in her dorm room at school. Her room mate always complained
that he never went home but she thought it was funny. That room mate also went
out with Jay a few times so she didn’t really care. Christina remembered coming
back to her room from class and Isaiah would be in her bed waiting for her. One
day while she was getting ready to go out with Isaiah and he was in her room,
her parents surprised her by visiting. Margret, her younger sister came up
first and saw her kissing him. Big mouth told on her and so her parents wanted
to meet him. So that very night they all went out to dinner. And right away
they decided they didn't like him so they wanted him gone. Too
bad she'd already fallen in love with him but her parents did succeed in
causing them to grow apart. Isaiah started working more or spending more time
with his family. Their relationship wasn't the way it was in the beginning
anymore, but she loved him. Back then she let her father control her life like
everybody else did. When she saw Isaiah he would have sex with her but wouldn't
stay the night anymore. She wasn't sure why they were still together at that
time and had been planning to just break up with him. Why would she stay with
somebody that didn't want to be with her? Since it was Isaiah of course he
didn't want to talk about her feelings. The very first time he told her that he
loved her had been the first time they saw Ariela. When
she was pregnant they had a lot of issues so sex was definitely out of the
question for the first four months. After that though things changed and they
started to reconnect. On their honeymoon trip to Hawaii back in the summer, it
had been amazing. Isaiah was more like he was in the beginning of their
relationship. He was against PDA in any form but for that week they were gone
he couldn’t keep his hands off of her. No matter where they were. Things were
different since they got married and she could deal with a little grouchy, she
was use to it. She loved when he woke her up like this no matter how rare it
had become. It was a great way to start the day. "We
should get ready," she whispered. They were lying in the bed together
afterwards and she was in a very good mood. "Why?
Couldn't we just skip this thing? I'll cook for you," he said. If her life
hadn't already taken a turn for the odd, that statement would have taken her
there. "While
I love that you would offer to cook, Ricky made me promise to make sure you
go," she replied. "And
you think I care what he says?" "Yes,
besides there will be no fighting today." "So
is your brother coming with us?" "I
don't know, but are you ok with taking this trip tomorrow?" She asked,
last night she finally asked him to take her to Shreveport and he agreed. "Why
not? My life won't be complete until every member of your family hates me and
thinks our daughter mistake. I may not have been thrilled about you getting
pregnant, but I love my daughter," he said. "They
aren't all like that," she said. Though she couldn't be sure how they
would react. "I'll
take you, its ok I promise to be on my very best behavior," he said. She
kissed him very grateful for that. After
showering and getting dressed Christina went downstairs. Ariela was on the
couch with the remote in her hand flipping through the channels. Cole was
sitting next to her smiling. At least he didn't seem to think negatively of
Christina's life. She went in the kitchen to grab a bite to eat. Isaiah must
have gone out earlier; there were cinnamon rolls from the bakery. And he made
coffee, she wanted to kiss him. Sometimes he could be randomly thoughtful.
Nobody understood how she could be with him, not even his own family. But he
really wasn't as bad as he seemed, he just hated to be nice. Cole came into the
kitchen after she sat down. "She
reminds me of you," he said. "It’s weird that you have a kid." "Sometimes
it’s still hard to believe," she admitted. "That
necklace she has looks like the diamonds are real," he said and she
laughed. "Oh
they are real alright, I didn't buy it though. Her Uncle Nick adores her so
he'll buy her anything she wants, I'm afraid the next thing will be a pony.
Since he has horses I'm sure he would say yes," she sighed. "This
is the rich guy that married your husband's sister?" "Yup,
so um we're going over to the mansion today do you want to come? I know it’s
kind of weird but it’s my family." "Don't
worry about it, it’s the past and it all worked out," she said. Now she
just hoped everything else worked out. "Are
you getting ready?" Jay asked and she shrugged. "Don't think I won't
leave you." "Leave
then," Brooke replied. "What
the hell is wrong with you now?" He asked standing there dressed and
ready. "How
do you really feel about me?" She asked and he stared at her. Ever
since Carmen announced her engagement Brooke wasn't in the best mood. Why
couldn't she get married? Yes she was still pretty young but everybody seemed
to be getting married. Christina, Wildflower, Carmen and Jasmine, why not her?
Granted that Christina had a child and both Carmen and Jasmine were over 30.
And well the thing with Wildflower was just a wannabe fairytale. She just was
wondering if this was going to happen to her. Crazy a*s Caroline was
married and she was younger. Even if she was married to a psycho serial killer,
she still was married. Maybe Brooke was being stupid and irrational but she
felt left out. If she had other friends then maybe she wouldn't be so anxious.
Or if she thought there was a possibility that some day in the future Jay would
want to marry her. The men of the Laiez family may have all been quite
attractive and total catches but they didn't really do long term relationships.
Though at this point she was willing to believe Ricky would marry Sydney before
Jay would ever think about it. "Why
are you asking stupid questions?" He asked instead of answering. "Humor
me," she replied. "Do
we have to talk about this crap? Can't you just get dressed and quite being
annoying?" Of
course he wasn't going to answer, Laiez men didn't talk about feelings either.
Which probably also had something to do with that lack of long term
relationships. Christina was currently the longest lasting relationship in the
family. Coming in second would be 17 year old Corey who'd been with his
girlfriend Jenny for almost three years. And then came Brooke and Jay that had
been together almost two years. Their two year anniversary was on New Years,
not that she was keeping track. That night two years ago she'd had a party,
they were both drinking and ended up in her bed. But she'd known him forever
since his sister was her best friend. If she was honest with herself she'd
liked him but could never admit that. Then alcohol made it so that she didn't
need to worry about telling him, he admitted it first. "Jacob,
please just tell me, ok? It's important," she insisted. With a heavy sigh
he sat down on the bed beside her. "Brooke,
I love you," he said. "Are you happy?" "Do
you love me enough to marry me, one day?" She asked and he stared at her
for a long time before answering. "Honestly
I have no idea, why? I'm sorry that's probably not what you wanted to hear but
I'm not going to lie about it," he said. While she appreciated the
honestly, she hated it. "The
last time you told me you loved me was when Owen drugged and I woke up in the
hospital," she said. "Are
you hinting at something? You know me Brooke and you know how I feel," he
said. But he did look like he was sorry for that. "Everybody
I know is getting married and I was wondering if that will ever happen for
me," she admitted. "Damn,"
he whispered. "Brooke, I really do love you but I'm not at a place in my
life where I've thought about that at all. Just because other people are
married doesn't mean we have to. It’s not good enough that we're just
together?" "It
is, I love you Jay but I feel like I'm missing out," she said. "So
what do you want me to do? I can't promise that I'll ever marry you, it was
never in my plans." "Just
forget it ok? I'm just being stupid." "I'm
not mad; I just need to stop hanging around married people. Besides it can't be
impossible that you'll marry me if Chris and Isaiah got married," she
said. They both laughed at that and he kissed her. "However if Ricky
marries Sydney before I get a ring, we will have problems." "If
that were to happen I would buy you a big diamond," he said. "Jay,
do you ever think about going to culinary school?" She asked, if they were
talking about the future she figured they might as well go the whole way. "Too
expensive, I'm not borrowing money from my sister's husband," he said.
Another Laiez trait: pride. "How
bout if I pay for it?" She asked and he just stared, the idea literally
just came to her. This would be her investing in their future. "I'm
not asking you to do that either," he replied. "You
didn't ask, besides why shouldn't you? Haven't I been living with you for
months and you pay for like everything? Let me do this, it’s not just for you it’s
the both of us," she told him. "I
thought you were saving to buy your own car?" He asked, it wasn't going to
be easy to convince him. "Jacob,
don't argue with me, this benefits me too." "How?
I'd just be draining your savings." "Because
you're talented and you should do this and you can cook for me twice as
much." "I
can't," he said firmly. "Yes
you can, think about it one day you could have your own restaurant and I can be
the hot hostess. It’s your dream and I can make it happen, I get paid to do
things I would have done for free. Somebody should benefit from that and you
work hard," she said. "I
wouldn't want you to regret giving me your money. What if break up? Then what?
How would I pay you back?" "Better
not break up with me; just call me your Sugar Mama." "Do
you want to do this so I'll marry you?" He asked and she considered the
question. Was
the only reason she wanted to pay for him to go to school because she wanted to
get married? This was something that some women might use to hold over a man to
keep him. That wasn't what she wanted; if she got married it would be because
they both wanted to. And if it never happened with Jay it would be ok. Even if
they weren't together they had still been like family. Growing up the Laiez
brothers treated her just like they did their sisters. She was going to do this
because she loved Jay and because he deserved it. It wasn't like she deserved
to get paid to hang out with Wildflower. But since she was getting paid for
that, it should go towards something important. A car would be convenient but
it wasn't a necessity. Together or not Jay deserved to go to culinary school so
that he could be more than a bartender. "No,
I want to do this because I love you," she told him. "I
will pay you back," he assured her. "Oh
I know you will," she replied and kissed her again. "Thank
you," he said. "I love you Brooke and if I did want to get married in
the very distance future it’s you or nobody." "Good
to know," she said. She didn't need to be married to be happy, she already
was happy with him. Still if he asked her in the near future there was no way
she would turn him down. Jose was still a little in
shock that he had actually gone through with this, he was married. Last night
was full of surprises. First when Jasmine went to tell Holly that they were
leaving so she could later tell their parents, she volunteered to come. She
said that she could watch Joseph so they would have a little alone time. That
was incredibly helpful. When he'd called to see if the pilot of the family jet
was available for a quick trip, he found out something interesting. The pilot
who had been employed by the Caprianis for years was able to marry them. Though
these days anybody could become an ordained minister in 5 minutes on the
internet. Still it was handy so he set it up so that they could be married
right on the plane before take off. The co-pilot was into photography so that
was a plus. Jose even had a dress sent over for Jasmine. For once everything
turned out the way it was supposed to. So
after a very good wedding night he had to now look forward to the future. Once
his mother and sisters found out what he did they were going to flip out. Not
that he cared much about what they thought, and he couldn't change their minds
about Jasmine. Much like Jasmine could never change the way her family felt
about them. John jr. had volunteered to be the one to tell everybody that they
left, he liked pissing people off. The Black family was always going to hate
him and find fault with everything he ever did. Jose never wanted anybody's
approval so it really didn't matter and maybe like John jr. he liked to stir
things up. That way at least he wouldn't be bored. He stood out on the balcony
of the hotel suite and watched morning happen in Miami. Because a few minutes
of peace was way too much to ask his phone rang and he knew who it was. Since
he already talked to his brother and the number was from the mansion it had to
be his mother. "Where
are you?" His mother asked before he could say a word. "Good
morning Mother, Happy Thanksgiving," he said. "Joseph
you better not have married that girl," she said angrily. Nobody had
called him Joseph most of his life so it was weird to hear her say that. "Have
you been talking to Nicky?" He asked unphased by her bad mood. "Nicky
knows about this? Jasmine's father called and told me what you were up to.
Please tell me you did not marry her without some type of legal
documentation," she said. It sounded like she was pissed enough to cry. "She
is the mother of my son, I'm not going to make her sign anything," he
replied. "You
were not always certain he was your son, I know you had a test done. It is bad
enough that Nicky decided to be the most irresponsible person on the planet; I
will not let you do it too. What happens when these girls get together and plan
to get rid of you and him? They will take everything and then drag in the
halfwit that is with Delanoz too. Does it matter that your brother's wife is
allegedly having his baby? No, that little w***e is starting to show her true
colors. And we both know that this Jasmine is the type that will take your
child and your money," she said. The angrier she got the more of an accent
she had, it was actually funny. "Mother,
I understand you have concerned but you should watch what you say. Nicky
wouldn't be happy if her heard you talking about his wife, she is a good
person. And as for the past indiscretions of my wife I know everything, I'm not
worried," he said calmly. He could practically hear the steam coming from
her ears. "Good
person? She's a gold digger just like the rest of them, she is just better at
hiding it. That girl is young and she sought out your brother to help her family,
maybe it started out slightly noble. But she's in his bed, in his house, in his
will and now having his child. What happens when Nicky finds out about her
little boyfriend? He's suddenly a stalker, that girl is smart and calculating.
At least she is discrete about her intentions; your so-called wife is anything
but. What if this isn't really your child? Then what will you do when his real
father comes for his child?" His mother asked, Rosa had quite the
imagination. "I
know you think I'm stupid and useless but I did the test myself, he is
mine." "Unless
she had sex with someone in the lab." "Mother,
I will see you if you are still around when we come home Saturday. If not than
I'll see you whenever your next visit is," he said. This conversation was
boring him so he hung up. There was no way she would leave until she saw him,
especially now. "I'll
do it," Jasmine said. He turned to see her standing in the doorway. "Do
what?" He asked, he had some things in mind with her standing there in a
tiny silk gown. "Sign
a prenup or postnup whatever; I'll do it so your mother will shut up. I'm not
going anywhere and its ok," she said. "I'm
not going to ask you to do that," he replied. "You
didn't ask, I want to do this so everybody knows I'm here because I love
you," she told him. That wasn't something he expected, but he wasn't sure
about it. "Jas,
I trust you," he said. The sad thing was that he was pretty sure that was
a lie. "I
know, but I still want to do it. Call Luis have him write something up,"
she said. Jose
understood exactly why she wanted to do this and he should have just accepted.
His mother and sisters were right to be concerned about Jasmine, she was with
men for money all of time. It wasn't that he thought she married him for money
or anything, but he knew her. Eventually she would start to feel trapped like
she always did and would run. That was her nature and he still loved her but
trust was a whole other thing. Money didn't matter, Joseph did though. The only
thing he was afraid of was losing his son. He really loved Jasmine
despite of everything she'd done but he was pretty sure he couldn't trust her
anymore. As long as she didn't take his son he didn't really care what she did.
It was a sad fact but it was the truth, not that he would tell her that. But
nothing good lasted very long with her and it wasn't like things were all that
good now anyway. She was trying and she was making this grand gesture and he
did appreciate it. In the event of a split she could take anything except the
one thing he never knew he wanted. "I'm
not going to ask you to do that because you will not like my terms," he
told her. "Oh
I can guess what they or should I said it might be. If I were to leave you then
you want Joseph," she said. "I'm not going to leave you Jose so I'll
agree to whatever your terms want." "Are
you sure you know what you're getting yourself into?" He asked, now he
wasn't sure what to think or how to feel. "Should
I call him myself? It will go something like in the event of a divorce of
separation any and all current and future children will remain in full custody
of their father. Sound good? I think I'm worth a least a million though,"
she said. "Fine,
I'll call Luis tomorrow," he said. This whole thing was pretty shocking
but if she insisted he had no choice. "Now
I think you need to come give your new wife some attention," she told him.
I do need to attend to my beautiful wife," he said. She smiled and came
over to him before he could move and he kissed her. He'd never really pictured
how marriage would be. Now he didn't have to picture it, it was time to live
it. So
far the day was peaceful, but that wasn't necessarily going to last. Wildflower
was sitting outside on a lounger watching the guys playing football. In the
past her and Brooke would have played too but for obvious reasons she couldn't.
Allie and Sammie were both watching with her. She found out that a few of her
guests wouldn't be attending but it didn't matter. Though she was jealous of
Jasmine and Jose, she wished she had eloped. How simple her life would have
been if she hadn't convinced herself she wanted a wedding. Because of that
situation Jasmine's family of course wasn't coming over and Rosa was
indisposed. Rosa was pissed and didn't hide it at all and glared at Wildflower
when she saw her like it was her fault. So much for their talk in LA, she
hadn't expected too much anyway. "I
have a problem," Brooke said when she came to sit down. "Are
you pregnant?" Allie asked and Brooke glared at her. "Are
you little girl?" She asked, and then turned back. "I've had sex with
Christina's brother." "What?"
Wildflower asked and both girls gasped too. "You're
cheating on Jay?" Allie asked, the three of them stared. "No,
not today but it was a long time ago. Like before we met Chris," Brooke
explained. "Does
he remember you?" Sammie asked. "He
stared at me but didn't say anything, at the time I was with Jay," she
sighed. "Ask
Jay is he’s up for a threesome," Allie suggested. "Child,
go play somewhere, I'm not you," she said. "Come
Allie let's let the adults talk," Sammie said. She got up and pulled her
cousin with her, they went down to sit in the grass. "Ok
when did this happen?" Wildflower asked when they were alone. "Um
I don't know, before Isaiah was with Chris. He was hot and you know I'm a
sucker for a guy in a uniform. Oh I met him during our dancer days, s**t that
means he's seem you naked. Wow, this family just gets weirder," Brooke
said and laid back. "Wait,
what? I blocked those days out; you dated someone you met there?"
Wildflower asked, she really didn't remember much from that time. All she
remembered clearly was the time Owen flipped out when he saw her. "Dated
is a strong word, more like one night I was working and you weren't and he came
in alone. The first time he came was with a group of guys, he came back to see
me. So like the w***e I am I had sex with him in his car that night, in the
parking lot. Then like we went out like two days later, he took me to the movies.
We had sex in a movie theater and then in a park, guess it makes sense why I
couldn't go to his house. Oh I think he came over my house once when Bren and
Aunt Kim weren't home. Now that I'm thinking about it I had sex with him like a
lot," Brooke told her. "Well
I have no idea what you should do in this situation," Wildflower said
trying not to laugh. "What
are we talking about?" Carmen asked when she came over with her glass of
wine. "How
much you want to give me a drink," she replied. "Take
a few sips honey, Nicky need never know," Carmen said handing her the
glass. Brooke took it instead. "Uh
no, little Nicky doesn't need this, I do," Brooke said and she took a
gulp. "What
did I miss?" Carmen asked while Brooke finished the wine. "I've
had sex with Christina's brother multiple times," Brooke told her. "Oh
my God! Seriously? Today? Aren't you all serious with Jay?" "It
was years ago, Carmen you're kind of a s**t what should I do?" "Thanks
for the compliment; I'll go tell Jay for you." "I
shouldn't tell Jay, right?" "Hell
and no, it’s not his business if it happened before you were together." "If
it was me and I didn't tell Nick and he found out it would be really bad,"
Wildflower pointed out. Though none of her brothers had a temper like her
husband did. "Nicky
is a psychopath," Carmen replied. "There is no reason to tell him,
you think Cam knows all the guys I've been with? Not hardly, how could he even
find out? Long lost brother over there ain't gonna be telling his sister he had
sex with you." "No
need to create drama around here, there’s usually enough to go around,"
Brooke said. "It's
best to be honest," Wildflower told her. The
three of them shut up when Cole came walking towards them. He wasn't playing
with the other guys, it seemed because he was a stranger and not use to them.
If he was going to be a part of Christina's life again maybe he did need to get
to know her family. Wildflower thought back to her suppressed memories of her
stripping days. Vaguely she remembered army guys coming in, but she didn't
remember Cole. That was also after Daisy died so it was the worst time in her
life and 5 years of suppressing wasn't going to help. Cole was a very good
looking guy; he looked like a guy in the army. He had the shaved head, he was
muscular and lean and a little tan. His eyes were the same shade of hazel like
Christina's and Ariela's. As he approached all business like, he stared at
Brooke. Something in the way he looked said that he would have liked to get
Brooke naked again. "Hello
ladies," he greeted. "May I speak with you Brooke?" "Sure,"
Brooke said but there was a panicked look in her eyes. She got up to follow him
back into the house. "Nicky
might want to know everybody you so much as had a crush on or ever spoke to
you, because he's insane. But I'm willing to put money on the fact that your
brother isn't going to want to know about this. Normal men don't want their
girlfriend's sexual history unless she's pregnant or has an STD," Carmen
told her. "I
know Nick wants to know too much sometimes but I know my brothers and Jay especially is all about honesty,"
Wildflower replied. She hoped everything went well for Brooke but with the way
her ex situation went down she worried. Cole didn't seem like he was a crazy stalker
but you never knew, Owen wasn't like that in the beginning. Her mother came out
to announce that it was time to eat so her focus went elsewhere. © 2010 Britiney Harper |
1 Review Added on April 10, 2010 Last Updated on April 10, 2010 AuthorBritiney Harperpittsburgh, PAAbout...A Few Things... 1) Hi! I'm Britiney 2) I Love to Write 3) I love to read 4) I'm a nerd 5) i love my Family more than anything else 6) I've been writing since i was 8yrs old (but really b4 tha.. more..Writing