![]() Allie Chapter 9A Chapter by Britiney Harper![]() (Chapter 9) Guys![]()
Chapter 9 Evan was in a bad mood when he woke up on Sunday morning, just like he had been in a bad mood all of yesterday. And it didn’t help that he felt like if he choked Allie at least a little of the tension would go away. Who was she to judge him? Wasn’t she the school s**t before? It was wrong of him to take his issues with Sammie out on Allie but Allie asked for it. But he played that night over and over in his head and he had no idea what he did wrong. Other than actually having sex with Sammie when he knew she wasn’t ready. Part of the reason he agreed was because he wanted to have sex, he use to like it. Now he pretty much never wanted to do it again. He wasn’t sure what he did to offend Sammie like this but he knew he did something wrong. Why else would she be crying? That was not what he expected to happen. If he ever did have sex again he was never going to have sex with a virgin. His relationship with Sammie was obviously over. This was why he needed to leave. If his sister knew what he did then she was going to tell Ricky and Ricky was probably going to murder him. All of this was another example of why he kept his business to himself. If stupid Allie hadn’t interfered he could have continued loving Sammie in secret. Once they were a couple things got complicated. He could have dealt with not having her and just silently admiring her. Before he could consider getting out of bed figuring out how to talk to Sammie, there was a knock on the door. He wanted to ignore it but of course it didn’t matter since the door didn’t lock anyway. Of course it was Ricky coming in uninvited and closing the door behind him, this wasn’t going to go over well. Years ago before Ricky came out the closet as gay, he use to date Sammie’s mother. So he always loved Sammie like she was family. And Ricky was the strict brother, the one who got the privilege of telling all of them what to do and they all listened. That came from the years that he was the head of the family and took care of everybody. Ricky was the only father figure Evan had ever known, their father died before he was born. Then after he was born their mother lost her mind completely. Marguerite liked to tell Evan (when she was off her meds) that she never wanted him. She told him that his father made her have another one because he loved his boys. What she wanted was to have an abortion, but she couldn’t afford it and then he died. Evan didn’t really deal with his mother; Wildflower was the one that always took care of him. After Marguerite’s episode in the summer he had enough of her and never wanted to see her again. Which his sister understood and that was why he was here, then she ended up keeping Tony and Corey because it made sense at the time. Now nothing in this house made any sense. And he would still have to see Marguerite because there was no way to keep her away when her daughter was pregnant. Iris was lucky; she never had to deal with all of this stuff anymore. If he didn’t dislike her husband so much Evan would have gone to live with her. “Here to help me pack?” Evan asked. “Hell no, you’re staying here because I don’t want you bothering me,” Ricky said. He sat down in the chair at the desk. “Wildflower called you?” “Yup, care to give any explanations?” “What’s there to say? I had sex with Sammie and now she won’t talk to me and she spent half of yesterday crying. Then Allie came to get on my nerves and we argued and yeah that’s it,” Evan said. Why couldn’t his life ever be simple and uncomplicated? “Did something happen with Sammie for her to be so upset?” Ricky asked carefully, first he gathered facts and then he would render his verdict accordingly. This took him back to the days when they actually had family court when someone was in trouble. “Not that I know of, I mean I knew we shouldn’t have done it. She wasn’t ready, but all her friends are s***s so ya know,” he shrugged. That was probably mean to say but it was kind of true. “And this was her idea?” “Yes, she told me she wanted to just go for it and that she was tired of waiting. I didn’t pressure her into anything.” “Alright,” Ricky nodded. “Just give her some space; she’ll talk to you eventually.” “That’s it? You aren’t going to tell me I’m stupid and I should have known better?” He asked shocked. “Fifteen year old girls can be overly emotional,” Ricky told him. “She’s just confused that’s not your fault. Besides I don’t have to punish you, because you live in Nick’s house so he can handle that.” “He’s going to kill me for making Sammie cry.” “Could be worse,” Ricky shrugged. “Come stay with me a few days and let her get herself together.” “Fine,” Evan agreed. Maybe some time apart would be better for his dying relationship with Sammie. For now he would leave her be but he wasn’t going to give up on her, he loved her. Jose woke up to the smell of food cooking. Joseph was tucked into his side, at some point during the night he got up to check on him and brought him out of his room. After the last few weeks of having Joseph in the room with them, it was weird for Jose to put him in another room. Jasmine told him he was spoiling Joseph but he didn’t care, he preferred to have his son where he could see him. Considering the fact that Jasmine’s crazy one nightstand wanted revenge on her, he had a good reason to be protective. That was why he had the whole house wired with surveillance equipment. So when he went back to work he could watch over his family. Maybe it was a bit much but his brother had all those security issues so it paid to be vigilant. Having access to all this technological things was nice. He laid Joseph down in the middle of the bed before he got up. Joseph was still peacefully sleeping. Jose slipped his video monitoring device in the pocket of the shorts he was wearing and went downstairs. Jasmine was in the kitchen making breakfast; it was different to wake up to a woman cooking for him. In the past his girlfriends were more of the ordering-out-for-every-meal type of women. Supposedly he was getting married in two weeks; this was the biggest commitment he was ever going to make. She smiled at him when he entered the kitchen and he knew this was the right thing. He loved her and he was willing to make this work. “I was going to bring you breakfast in bed,” she told him. “I might like this married stuff if it gets me breakfast in bed,” he replied. “I’m being domestic it’s weird,” she said. “So um I kind of have something to talk to you about.” “So breakfast is a bribe?” “Sort of, but its not that big of a thing, it’s just that well Holly wants to come help me make wedding plans.” “Oh that’s fine just buy her a ticket with my credit card,” he said dismissively. She kissed him then set a plate of food in front of him at the table. It was weird for everything to be normal between them, so normal that they were eating breakfast together at their new house. For him to actually have bought a house to be his permanent residence was very strange to him. He’s been pursuing Jasmine all these years and he never bothered to think what it would be like to actually have her. Not only did he have her but he had a son too and he was still having trouble believing that. He was settling down with a family, now that was just starting to sink in. No more picking up women in bars and defiantly no more threesomes and he was going to have to be completely faithful. Not that it would be hard to resist her sisters, Desire hated him and Holly was way too loyal. She was probably right to worry about other women, they did approach him often. But he was going to be faithful even if it killed him. What did he need other women for anyway? He had the one he wanted. It was funny that everybody thought of him as the flake that was always falling in love. There was only once that he fell in love for real. Now he was starting to understand Nicolas’ obsession with Wildflower. A lot of things were starting to change now. Maybe he should have thought this through better. And he was going to have to tell his family that he was getting married very soon. His parents weren’t going to let him get married without some type of legal document, not after Nicolas did. And especially not with Jasmine’s colorful history, but he would worry about that later. For the moment to was going to enjoy breakfast with his bride-to-be. Delanoz’s hands were shaking when he washed the blood off of them. He stared in the mirror and barely recognized himself. Usually he was well put together; you couldn’t impress women looking a mess. His eyes were sort of crazed and he was still shaking. In the past some women he got involved with had accidents. Starting with Hannah who was killed in a car accident. There was a woman he had been with that might have been pregnant and she accidentally fell down a flight of stairs and broke her neck. The times when he was accused of forcing himself on a few women was mostly true and generally not all that exaggerated. And there were some other things that happened over the years. He wasn’t a stranger to violence, death or murder, but this time it was different. An opportunity presented its self and so he basically kidnapped his father. Emilio was so stupid to have come over; he obviously had a death wish. And so for the last two days they were having some father-son-time in an empty warehouse owned by the family’s company. Everybody thought that most of what his family did involved pharmaceuticals and that was neither true nor untrue. A lot of things went on with the company that was full of smaller companies. No one person knew all of what went on in the business, but today Delanoz knew more than he ever had before. His father was chatter today than he had been yesterday. That summer he spent learning torture techniques was finally really coming in handy. Some things could not be unheard and some things could not be undone. He had been so sure that he wanted to kill his father. At the moment he was having second thoughts, but there was no going back he had no choice. There was no way to trust the old man, not after what he did to him. For some stupid reason he thought this would be easy, he’d been so angry before. He was in over his head and it took way too long to realize it. Nothing about this was going to be easy but he couldn’t exactly tell his brothers what he had done. Maybe he needed to so they could put him out of his misery. Delanoz stood and took a deep breath to calm his nerves and went back to his father. “Are you sure you want to leave?” Tony asked his brother. “I need to,” Evan replied. “I’m just saying it might be better for her if you were here,” Tony told him. “She’s avoiding him,” Corey pointed out. “Even if I could go talk to her, Allie the pain in the a*s won’t let me near her,” Evan admitted. “Allie is just looking out for her cousin,” Tony said slightly defensive. “Only you could have something like this happen,” Corey said shaking his head. It was extremely rare for the three of them to talk about relationship type stuff, they all liked their privacy. Anything too personal was off limits; it worked pretty well most of the time. But this thing with Evan and Sammie made all the rules invalid. Tony sort of felt guilty for teasing Sammie the other night; even he could see she had been very nervous. Maybe he should have been responsible and said something. Instead he encouraged them. Now everybody was basically dealing with the odd situation in the house. Sammie wouldn’t come out of her room and as Allie told him she kept crying. Everybody knew now because Brooke couldn’t keep a secret to save her life. Evan was currently packing his stuff so that he could go stay with Ricky for awhile. And Wildflower and Nicolas were on their way back early. The house was pretty tense; nobody really knew what to do. So here he was trying to talk Evan into staying to try harder to talk to Sammie. It was extra shocking that Corey cared enough to give his opinion. They were brothers not sisters they just didn’t really talk about stuff. In 17 years that worked just fine, but today things were different. “I swear I’m never having sex again,” Evan said. Both Tony and Corey laughed. “You’ll have sex again, it’s not that serious,” Corey said. “Have you ever made a girl cry?” Evan asked looking annoyed. “Maybe the sex was just bad,” Corey joked. “Shut up Corey,” Tony said. “Ev, she’ll get over it, running away isn’t going to help any.” “Its just a few days and I can’t stand to be in this house with everybody staring at me like I raped her or something,” Evan sighed. It was pretty obvious that he was stressed out and Tony felt really bad for him. He remembered back to the first time he had sex, she had been a virgin. It definitely wasn’t like this mess here. In the last 3 years he’d had a good amount of lovers, never one that got upset and cried. Now he had Allie and she was pretty wild and she liked sex a lot. Even though in the beginning they both said they didn’t want their relationship to be all about sex, they had sex almost everyday. Some times it was a few times a day. He was addicted to her and she was addicted to him, having an addictive relationship probably wasn’t good. And he was thinking about that more and more everyday, what was going to happen when he went away to school? It was almost a 7 hour drive from here to the school. That wasn’t terribly far but it was a distance. All the time Allie was spending with Sammie gave him time to think without her all over him. Unless they were in school they basically spent most of their time together. Tony had never had a relationship like this, but he did love her. So what was he going to do? He didn’t want to break up with her but the more he thought about it, that seemed like the best thing to do. And it wasn’t because he couldn’t control himself because he could, but he doubted she could. This was probably why he was focusing on Evan’s problem right now; it was easier than dealing with his own life. And he did feel bad for his brother and even worse for Sammie. Maybe he needed some time away from this house too. Isaiah was sitting outside on the front porch with his daughter; she was sipping on a juice box. His wife had gone to the grocery store and she preferred it if they didn’t come with her. She complained that he was just as bad as Ariela and always wanted something they didn’t need. Grocery shopping was his least favorite thing to do so he didn’t mind staying home. He liked spending time with his daughter, he always felt like he needed to spend more time with her. That was probably just a result of growing up without his father; most of his siblings didn’t remember their father. So he spent all the time he could with his child. When Christina had told him she was pregnant he wasn’t happy and he didn’t want a child. So much had changed since then, now Christina and Ariela were his whole world. Life was too short sometimes; he knew that his father and sister were both dead. With that in mind he probably should have let this thing with his mother go but he couldn’t. If it was anything else he probably could have got over it but she attacked Christina. That was when he realized just how much he loved her, so maybe his stupid crazy mother did him a favor. Still there were a million other reasons to dislike his mother so it didn’t really matter. And it was almost time for the holidays and he was going to have to deal with Marguerite, in that he had no choice. Ricky the pain in the a*s was really good at blackmail. “Done Daddy,” Ariela said handing him her empty juice box. She jumped up to go back down in the grass to play with her toys. A car slowly creeping up the street caught his attention, then he realized why. The car was familiar and not in a good way. He got up to go collect his daughter and take her in the house. It was obviously too much for today to just be a calm quiet uneventful day. The car parked in front of the house and a man got out. A man who he’d hoped and even prayed he’d never see again. The best thing about Christina getting pregnant other than Ariela was her parents disowning her. It was definitely wrong of him to feel this way but it made him incredibly happy not to have to deal with her parents. He did feel guilty about it before when Christina cried about it all the time. But he should have expected this with her encounter yesterday. “This is the child?” Howard Evers asked looking at Ariela disapprovingly. “Chris isn’t her so just leave,” Isaiah replied. Then he noticed that Michelle and Megan were in the car, this wasn’t good. “I have a right to see my grandchild,” Howard said and Isaiah laughed. “Since when is she your grandchild? I seem to remember you telling Chris to have an abortion, so if you got your way she wouldn’t be here.” “Where is my daughter? Did she come to her senses and leave you? And your offspring?” Howard asked looking disgusted. “Even if she was here Chris doesn’t want anything to do with you,” he told him. “My daughter was good and she was obedient until she met you and you influenced her. She has spent enough time away from her family, she needs to come home. Feel free to keep the girl, I just want my daughter,” Howard said. None of what he said was a surprise; it was just the type of thing Howard would say. But Isaiah was not going to lose his temper, not with his daughter right here. Part of him wished he owned a gun so he could just shoot Howard a few thousand times. To make this better or worse Christina pulled into the driveway. That was when her hysterical mother got out the car and came running to her. What was wrong with these people? She’d seen Christina yesterday so why was she running around crying? And Christina wondered why he was so anti-emotions, they made you look stupid. “Ariela,” he said. “Go play on the porch.” “Ok,” Ariela said picking up her dolls and walking back up the steps to play. “Howard you can go to hell, my wife is staying here,” he said in a low voice. “Michelle said that you were married, how did you talk her into that?” “What are you doing here?” Christina asked when she came over. “Christina, you need to come home,” Howard said simply. “Little late for that,” she replied. “I am home, I don’t get why you’re here.” “We are you family,” Michelle said. “He stole you away from us and poisoned you against us.” “Wow and I thought my mother was crazy,” Isaiah said amused. “You threw me out because I was pregnant, nobody stole me away,” Christina said staring at them like they were crazy. They definitely were crazy, very crazy. “Why are you throwing your life away like this Christina? I am giving you the chance to come back to your family that loves you,” her father said to her. “Why? What’s different now? I’m still with Isaiah and I have a daughter.” “Please,” her mother said taking her hands. “We need you back; it’s not the same without you. Come back to your family we miss you and we need to get to know Ariela.” “Something isn’t right; if you wanted to be in our life then I would have accepted that. But you there has to be some reason you want me to actually come back to live with you. That just seems crazy to me and if throwing me out didn’t get me to leave Isaiah why would you randomly popping up change my mind? You make it seem like I’m his prisoner but I’m just his wife,” Christina said. He sure did love his wife. “We are your family why you think we have ulterior motives? Do you see what you have done to your mother? All she wants is for you to come home to your real family. Christina you are hurting your mother staying with him, your little rebellion needs to end. You made your point when you laid around with that trash and had his child. After you have disgraced our family we are trying to offer you another chance,” Howard said. It was very obvious that he was angry. “Leave,” Isaiah said he was reaching the end of his patience. “My wife is done with you and she doesn’t need you people stressing her out.” “Christina,” her mother looked at her pleadingly. “If you can’t be honest then yes I’m done,” Christina said. “No, please I need you Chrissy,” her mother sort of pouted. “You need me? I needed my mother when I was pregnant but no my mother didn’t want me then. All of you pretended that I didn’t exist so you might as well just keep doing that. I am happy with my family,” Christina told them. “Once again you are making a huge mistake,” Howard told her. “No, I made the right choice,” she said looking at Isaiah. “Come on Chris,” Isaiah said and she took his hand. “Nice of you all to visit, please don’t come back.” He pulled his wife up the steps and Ariela came to get his hand and they went into the house. Something was up with the Evers family and he was pretty sure that this wasn’t over. But what could they possibly want Christina for? Driving home gave Nicolas a lot of time to think. Having time away from home was good but he didn’t mind going back, he hated not working. Once upon a time he was basically married to his job but everything changed when he met Wildflower. From the day he met her on work was no longer his top priority, she was. He planned and strategized how best to win her over and win over her family. And here he was now married to her, just like he wanted and like he planned. He always got what he wanted, so part of him wondered if he would be bored now. She was his; she belonged to him, just like he wanted. So now what? What was he going to do now? He wanted to head the company and he was, except he hadn’t been working recently because too much was happening with his family. Now he was free to go back to work, that was a lot easier than dealing with the teens in his house. Aside from laying down some rules, he didn’t want to be involved. They were not his kids but they were his problem because he married a woman that loved too much. It wasn’t really a bother that they were in the house; it would have been weird for the house to be empty anyway. But there was always something going on with them and he just wanted there to be no more drama. Teenagers were all drama all the time, especially considering the relationships with these particular teens. Having time to think about things wasn’t necessarily a good thing. Wildflower was asleep curled up in the passenger seat. When she was awake she was often changing music on her iPod, which annoyed him or she would watch a movie half way through and find something else to do. She was very edgy and restless; he’d never really seen her like this. Obviously the troubles with her children was bothering her. For a long time he didn’t exactly get why she just had to take care of everybody, but it occurred to him that was just the way she was raised. She’d been taking care of her younger brothers her whole life and couldn’t stop if she wanted to. He admired her and the way she put her heart into everything she did. They were very different people she was all love and he was not. He loved her and he did for the most part love his immediate family. The other outrage amount of people in his family was mostly a nuisance. Most of them hated him anyway, but he didn’t mind being hated. What other people thought of him was irrelevant; he didn’t want to be lied. Having people be afraid of you got better results and most of his family was afraid of him. Though considering how he changed since Wildflower came into his life nobody would be afraid of him. She got her way with him all the time and he loved her so nothing else mattered that much. These days he was type of person he hated in the past. His phone rang distracting from his thoughts; he was surprised to see his step-mother’s number come up. What could she want? They interacted very little; the last time they spoke she just asked if Wildflower was. “Hello Martha,” he answered. “Nicolas, have you spoken to your father recently?” She asked and she actually sounded like she was concerned. “Maybe a few days ago, is something wrong?” “He hasn’t been home,” she said. “For how long?” “The last time I saw him was Friday morning and I spoke to him that afternoon because we were going to dinner with friends. He left work at a decent time, I already checked but he never made it home.” “Did you check with his assistant?” “Yes, there were no meets or anything that would keep him away.” “Alright, I’ll call around and see what I can find out and call you back, ok?” “Ok, I’m worried, we both know he can be inconsiderate at times but he’s never just disappeared,” Martha said. “I know, I’ll find him,” he told her. “Please do,” she said and hung up. Thinking back to his last
conversation with his father was probably Thursday. Wildflower was out shopping
with Right before the wedding he started being uncharacteristically nice. Which later once Delanoz was arrested made sense. Nicolas had been the one to tell his father that they needed to quit cleaning up Delanoz’s messes and they argued about it. Emilio never condoned the thing Delanoz got into but he tried to keep the scandals to a minimum. The only way to keep things quiet was to keep Delanoz out of trouble and that was impossible so they ended up covering up for him. Nobody expected Emilio to actually wash his hands of Delanoz and sell him out to the police. Not that Nicolas personally thought it was a bad idea; his brother deserved it and much worse. Torture at the hands of the many women he’d raped or traumatized or whatever would have been an appropriate punishment. The Hannah thing technically wasn’t the worst thing, it was just another thing on his list of reasons he was going to Hell. Hannah’s death was an accident but the fact that she was buried and it was covered up made it a bigger crime. The funny thing was that Emilio was the one to orchestrate all of that once he found Delanoz drunk and high next to a wrecked car with a dead girl in it. If his father was missing then he was pretty sure Delanoz was getting revenge. He didn’t have to say it but they were a family of revenge minded people, of course he wanted revenge. And Delanoz was out of jail and the last time he checked in with him was Wednesday. That day he had said he was just staying in with Caroline, nothing else. Since he could hear Caroline in the background giggling, he didn’t really think much of it. In fact he wasn’t paying much attention to Delanoz lately, why would he? Caroline kept him out of trouble and Nicolas had better things to do than baby-sit his brother that was almost ten years older than him. Before he jumped to conclusions he called Jose. “I heard you’re coming back,” Jose said when he answered. “I’m driving now,” he replied. “Have you seen or heard from your father recently?” “Uh he called a few days ago, asked when he was coming back. He said he might stop in to see the new house probably to suggest a prenup,” Jose said. “Do me a favor and go over D’s house, Martha said the old man is missing and I have a feeling it’s him.” “Don’t we still have the house wired?” “Yeah, but I don’t have the thing near me it’s buried somewhere.” “What are we doing if he did something?” “Well I doubt at this point if D would even care if he was caught.” “Old man did have him arrested but hell it was only a matter of time. You don’t think he would actually kill him right?” “I would hope not because he could probably get off on the whole Hannah thing, so it would be pointless. But he doesn’t think like a rational human being so its possible.” “I’ll go over; you know I would have thought his airhead girlfriend would call if something happened. Then again he killed her sister and she just loves him so much,” Jose sighed. “Can I shoot her?” “Can Jasmine hear you saying that?” “No, she’s downstairs on the phone with her sister who is coming to stay with us. They are planning a wedding for next week, so I hope you don’t have plans best man.” “Do you even want to get married?” “Eh doesn’t matter either way because it’s going to happen.” “You sound so happy; tell her to have Carmen bring her a dress.” “I know Carmen is supposed to be the nice sister but I’m not stupid I know she doesn’t like her. I’m not involved with any of this I’ll just show up.” “Well at least I won the bet I had with Carmen,” Nicolas laughed. “What bet?” “She bet that you would never get married and I said someone would tie you down eventually, we made the bet 5 years ago or so.” “Thanks little brother you are wonderful.” “Do you remember the last bet I made cost me a lot of money?” “Yeah and it’s in my garage, don’t think I’ll drive it over to D’s though. You never know when I psycho Mandrake will pop out of the bushes.” “No they wouldn’t dare, not after I visited them they are running. I almost forgot that I having hunting to do.” “Hunting can be fun,” Jose replied. “I’ll head over and let you know what I find.” “Thanks,” he said and hung up. “What did your brother do now?” Wildflower asked, she was awake watching him. Lying was pointless, she could always read him. “Emilio is missing and D wants revenge,” he told her. She knew way too many things about his family to even be surprised anymore. “Which side are you on?” She asked, he didn’t expect that question. “What the old man did wasn’t bad enough to die over, Delanoz has done much worse. The old man is a pain but he doesn’t deserve to die for it,” he answered. “One day I’m going to kidnap you and we will move away and change our names and nobody will ever find us,” she said. “We could do that instead of going home,” he suggested. “As tempting as that is I have a 15 year old girl that needs me,” she sighed. “Yeah I figured you’d say that,” he said. Home was where the drama and chaos was and they were going right back to it. © 2010 Britiney Harper |
1 Review Added on January 16, 2010 Last Updated on April 10, 2010 AuthorBritiney Harperpittsburgh, PAAbout...A Few Things... 1) Hi! I'm Britiney 2) I Love to Write 3) I love to read 4) I'm a nerd 5) i love my Family more than anything else 6) I've been writing since i was 8yrs old (but really b4 tha.. more..Writing