The Seer (Chapter 16)

The Seer (Chapter 16)

A Chapter by Britiney Harper

Chapter 16


            “We are getting married tomorrow,” Lynn said looking around the temple.

            “Yes we are,” Sebastian said and kissed her cheek. “Then your name came legally be Lynn Alonso, no more Evalinda.”

            “Sounds good,” she replied leaning back into him. One of his hands automatically started rubbing her belly, he did that a lot and it made her smile.

            The fact that he loved her body still helped her not feel too self-conscious about being pregnant. And it helped her to not feel as stressed and worried about everything. Life was going good for her for the most part, she’d found her real father and was marrying the love of her life. But she couldn’t help but to feel like something was going to happen. Maybe she caught the feeling from everybody else who was trying to pretend that they all weren’t in danger. Being a apart of this family meant she was twice as much in danger since her own sister already almost had her killed. And she was no fool, nobody let her go anywhere by herself anymore, she definitely noticed but didn’t complain. Maybe she was really just crazy nervous because she was getting married tomorrow.

            “I guess telling Javier where to find Mackenzie last night paid off,” Sebastian said and she turned to stare at him.

            “That’s how he knew?”

            “He would have found out, I just saved him time. My brother has to be able to protect his wife; nothing could have kept him away. I’m just happy it worked out.”

            “Well considering that she got really drunk and had sex with him, I guess it turned out fine. None of us tried to stop her from going with him,” she admitted.

            “So you aren’t mad at me for telling?” He asked watching her closely. “I would do anything, as you know, to get close to you again.” 

            “I know,” she said smiling. “And I’m glad you did it, they needed to be together, she missed him and so did their kids. Well ok and I’m selfish because I really needed her to come to our wedding.”

            When Mackenzie told her that she wasn’t coming to her wedding, Lynn wanted to kill Javier herself. She didn’t fully understand what made Mackenzie forgive him; magic was still something she didn’t get very well. But if Mackenzie forgave him and trusted him again, then so would Lynn. Though even pregnant she would definitely hurt him if he messed up again, she was protective of her family. At moment Mackenzie and Javier were in a corner making out like horny teenagers, it was good to see them happy together. Her sister was glowing and smiling, it was a huge improvement over crying so hard she couldn’t get out of bed. Lynn wasn’t so sure she would have been so forgiving even with all the magic involved. She felt guilty that half the problems everybody was having were partially Mercedes’ fault. But for now she really needed to just focus on her wedding.

            “Ok since we are all here let’s get started,” Mackenzie said. “Since I’ll be directing this evening, Sam will be me and Jeana will be Shoshanna and Julia will be our pianist. I need Sebastian and the men to the left and Lynn and the women to the right.”

            After everybody moved to their designated area, Mackenzie arranged everybody in their walking order. Julia started playing music and Sebastian walked down the aisle followed by Javier, Tyson (who had replaced Jared since he was still busy with Zara), Vince, Leo, Alex, Warren and Patrick. Charlie, Leo and Erora’s 5year old son was the ring bearer so he went down next. Bella and Karen (Brianna and Conrad’s daughter) were the flower girls. Sam led the bridesmaids down the aisle, Sarah, Auri, Erora, Loraine, Stella and Brianna.

            “Lynn once all of your bridesmaids are in place the wedding march will play and you make your grand entrance,” Mackenzie told her. She then signaled to Julia who changed to the wedding march.

            Brice took Lynn’s arm and walked her down the aisle. Originally Maddox had offered to walk her down, since until a few days ago she had no father. She was happy to have him here with her, right now when she was starting her new life she needed supportive people around her. And she needed as many distractions as possible to keep her from being upset at things she had no control over. Their rehearsal audience consisted of Ana, Eden, Poppy, Amara, Amanda and all the children belonging to the wedding party. It was nice to be amongst her new family.

            After practicing once more they all piled in cars and headed over to Bella Italia for dinner. The restaurant was pretty busy when they arrived but a party room was already reserved to accommodate their large party. The children had their own table where Sam, Amanda and the older kids were looking after the little ones. As for the adults everyone was pretty mellow considering everything that had been going on. Lynn was happy, though she couldn’t drink. At least she had Loraine and Eden to not drink with. The food was pretty good and she was happy to have made it through a whole meal without gagging or throwing up. Sebastian’s siblings told her stories of him growing up, apparently him and Javier got into a lot of trouble when they were kids. It was good to laugh.

            By the time their party left the restaurant was empty and ready to close. That night the women were staying at a hotel in town that was near Moon Magic with the children. The groom’s men were staying at Javier’s house and were going for a midnight run. It was surreal that the next time she would see Sebastian they would be getting married. Thinking about that had her thinking about her absent family. So what if she was mad at her mother, she wanted her family there. And she knew Mackenzie and Sarah had been conspiring behind her back and sent them invitations, but they didn’t want to come. It hurt to once again be rejected by her family and on the most important day of her life. But she didn’t know why she expected them to start caring after all this time.

            “You aren’t going to stand me up right?” Sebastian asked her.

            “No, I’ll be there,” she assured him. Sixteen more hours and she was going to be Mrs. Sebastian Alonso.



            Everything was crazy the next morning at the hotel. There were hair and make-up people working all around the suite, kids running around and I was all over the place trying to make sure everything went as planned. While I was back and fourth between the hotel and the temple, Stella was often going to Moon Magic to yell at her staff half dressed and with her hair half done. Lynn was too nervous to eat so I had to force feed her. Loraine had the opposite problem and couldn’t stop eating, she had a craving every 5 minutes. Room service visited the suite 7 times in 2 hours. All of it was chaotic and insane, but I loved every minute of it. For once nobody was worried if we were all going to die. So far I hadn’t had any visions to suggest we were, but that wasn’t exactly reassuring.

            Finally I got dressed in my pale rose tea length A-line bridesmaids’ dress. All of us bridesmaids wore a white orchid in our hair and Lynn wore a crow on flowers woven into her hair. My girls all looked so grown up and gorgeous and so did my little man in his little tux. Once we were all ready we went down to the waiting stretch hummer limo that was the only thing that could fit all of us.  My little sister Lynn who I held the day she was born, looked beautiful.


            Sebastian paced in the room set up for the groom and the groomsmen at the temple. He was nervous and edgy and ready to jump out of his skin. Even though he’d gone for a run last night with the guys, he felt like he needed another. It was very hard to believe that this was real, he was getting married. For the last six years he didn’t believe he would ever get married or have a family. Now in just 20 short minutes he was going to married. Lynn was going to walk down the aisle in front of family and friends and she would be his wife. And tomorrow afternoon they were heading up to the beach house for an undetermined amount of time to have some serious alone time.

            He felt guilty that he was leaving now with so much going on wit the family. Thinking about it just made him edgier. What if something happened while he was gone? He owed Javier his life and it was only because of Javier that he was going. Javier had insisted that he should go and had gone as far as to make sure Mackenzie talked to Lynn about it, he was a sneaky one. Since he couldn’t disappoint Lynn, he was leaving town in the middle of a crisis. His brothers and Vince could handle most anything and if it was necessary there was always Maddox and his demons.

            So what if he was pretty sure that Javier was up to something and there were a million and one possibilities of things that could happen he had to go. Sebastian forced himself to just think of Lynn and how beautiful she would be, even with her little belly bump. If he kept being so edgy he was going to change and that would be humiliating. And at this point he wasn’t sure if he would turn back if he did. Now maybe if he stopped pacing he could calm down.


            “You look beautiful,” Brice said.

            “Thank you,” Lynn replied.

She had been sitting alone trying to clear her head for the last 10 minutes and she wasn’t having any luck. Something was definitely going to happen today and that just made her more nervous. She was already nervous enough about getting married she didn’t need more stress. If she fainted on her way down the aisle it would be very embarrassing. Was today even a good day to get married? Since she was less than 20 minutes away from going down the aisle, she couldn’t exactly call it off. But Mackenzie didn’t have a single vision of the wedding or reception even though she tried, so nobody knew if they would be 100% safe.

“Even though I couldn’t be there for you all of your life, I’m glad I could be here for you today,” Brice told her.

“I’m happy to have you here too,” she said. “Do you feel weird being here amongst all the wolves, witches and demons?”

“Well it is a huge change from strictly living around humans or being around my family who mostly all live together. Living with vampires and day-walkers and a few humans isn’t exactly fun or easy. I drink blood, all of us half-breeds do, I suppose you got lucky being only a quarter but you might have to with being pregnant. My family is kind of unusual since they purposely make half-breeds; I try to just pretend I’m human and blend in. Most of us can go out in the day with medicated sun block, I have one cousin that is unaffected by the sun yet his twin sister wasn’t so lucky, he can even tan,” he paused looking amused. “I’ll have to return to the compound to tell my mother about you, she always tells me I need to settle down and start a family. If I tell her over the phone she’ll have a heart attack, she’s human. Though I think I’ll win some points since I now have a daughter and will soon have two grandchildren.”

“I am quite the package,” she said and he smiled.

“For someone who always thought she was human you sure seem to be taking this well. Though I guess since you are marrying a wolf it’s not too hard to accept.”

“Well first I found out Mackenzie was a witch then that Sebastian was a wolf, after that it’s kind of easy. We joked that I was a vampire because I’m so pale; I’m usually paler than this but I was tricked into a spray tan. Then well I found out that Richard isn’t my father I started thinking well maybe its true and here you are. It’s not like they ever treated me like I was human anyway, so it’s an easy transition,” she shrugged. A year ago this would have been cause for a stroke; now it was just normal.

“Brice?” A familiar voice called from the door, they both turned to see who was there and were both surprised.

“It has been long time Rose,” he said with a smile. “Doesn’t Lynn make quite a beautiful bride?”

“Yes she does,” she agreed. “What are you doing here with my daughter?”

Your daughter? I’m here to walk my daughter down the aisle,” he said calmly.

“How did you find out about her?” Rose asked with a shaky voice, she seemed scared. What was that about?

“A little birdy came to me and informed me that I had an 18 year old daughter I never knew about. So I got on a plane and came to see her,” he said.

“Evalinda, you went looking for him?”

“No, actually I didn’t,” Lynn admitted. “Why are you here?”

“You are my daughter and you’re getting married, of course I am here. I know you aren’t too happy with me, but I love you,” she said.

“Lynn, we’re on in 10,” Mackenzie said when she came in the room. She was typing on her Blackberry so it took her a moment to notice what was going on. “Oh, Rose you made it, did you come alone?”

“No, Mary, John, Isaac, Virginia and Mercedes are out in the car. We weren’t sure if this was the right place out here in the woods,” Rose said.

“Alright, I’ll send someone out for them,” Mackenzie said cheerfully. “Do you plan to attend the reception as well?”

“If it is not a problem I would like to but I understand since we did not RSVP,” she said.

“Its fine, don’t worry about a thing, I’ll just do a little rearranging and everything will be perfect,” Mackenzie paused. “Lynn, I’ll be right back to get you, I just have to check on the guys and you know make sure they understand the situation.” She smiled a big smile and left the room with a wave while texting.

“What was that about?” Rose asked.

“You shouldn’t have brought Mercedes here, she has caused a lot of problems in this family,” Lynn explained. “At this point she’s done so much that Sarah may never forgive her.”

“Now isn’t the time for this,” Brice said suddenly. “I won’t have you upset, today is a happy day.”

“He is right about that,” Rose said slowly approaching. “Nothing in the world matters besides you, it is your day. If you don’t want us here then I understand, we haven’t been the family you needed and for that I am truly sorry. There are so many things I wish I could take back, but I swear I always loved you. Showing you was just hard for me, I was weak and left Richard control me.”

Lynn was having trouble staying mad at her mother. Wasn’t this her secret wish? She wanted her mom to be here so bad, but she couldn’t admit it. Instead of saying anything she just hugged her mother, words would just make her cry and she couldn’t do that. The tears came anyway even though she tried to hold them back. All she ever wanted was for her mother to love her.

“Evalinda,” she heard her sister’s voice. “You look so beautiful, oh but let me help you with your make-up.” Mary wiped her eyes and repaired her tear streaked make-up. Since when did Miss Conservative even know anything about make-up? Even so she was very grateful.

“Thanks Mary,” she said. Was this what she’d been sensing? That she would make up with her family?

“Ah, I thought I remembered you,” Brice said looking at Mary.

“Mr. Wakefield,” she nodded. “What are you doing here?”

“My daughter needed me,” he shrugged.

“So it is true Mother? He is her father?” Mary asked in shock.

“Yes, he is her father but I’m still wondering how he found that out,” Rose said. There was definitely something between then that Lynn was dying to find out.

“Does it matter? You should have told me about her 18 years ago. I lost all respect for you but I would have stayed for her,” he grumbled. Though he was obviously mad, you couldn’t exactly tell, maybe it was a vampire thing.

“I found out I was pregnant when I came home, you were already gone. How could I have told you?”

“Oh you very well know that had you tried you could have found me. And you knew I wanted children. I left because you wanted to stay with your husband and pretend to be happy with him.”

“What’s done is done and I regret what was between us and I am ashamed it happened. I will not apologize for taking care of my family the best I could. And I am not ashamed of my daughter, just that she is also your daughter,” she said. Rose Jordan never stood up to anybody; it was amazing to see her do it now.

“So you proceeded to let your husband mistreat her because you’re so pathetic? I never asked for you to come throw yourself at me. But I will spare you further embarrassment in front of you daughters, you know what you did,” he said.

Brice was losing control of his emotions and his calm façade; there was a lot of anger in his voice. They glared at each other; Lynn was desperate to know what happened between her parents. There had to be more to it then just her for them to hate each other.

“Time to go,” Mackenzie called from the doorway. “Rose, Mary, you might want to take your seats so we can start.

After they wished her well and left, Lynn stood in front of the mirror a moment. At least she didn’t look that pregnant, but she definitely had a belly. Part of her family was here and she could live with that. Now all she had to do was walk down the aisle and into her future and destiny. She followed Mackenzie out with her father at her side, music was already playing.

Her bridesmaids were already lined up waiting for her. Mackenzie squeezed her hand on her way to send the flower girls and ring bearer down. Before she knew it the music changed and it was her turn. If her father weren’t there to guide her along she was sure she’d have fainted. All the many Alonsos were there, even as she noticed Jared and Zara were there. Though Zara was pretty pale and was leaning on Jared for support, she smiled at Lynn. Everyone was watching her and most of them smiled encouragingly. And then there was Sebastian, patiently waiting for her, he wiped a tear from his eye.

Lynn was on autopilot after her father kissed her cheek and placed her hand into Sebastian’s. Shoshanna started speaking then, she opened with a prayer. Then she placed a golden goblet on the altar where three long white candles were. Though everything was explained to her in detail about what went on in Lunar Temple weddings, at the moment Lynn couldn’t remember a thing. Some of it came to her when Mackenzie and Javier stepped up to the altar.

“May your union bring eternal love, joy and healthy children,” Mackenzie said and she lit a candle.

“May you always find solutions to conflicts and safety in each other’s arms,” Javier said and he lit a candle.

Mackenzie handed her candle to Lynn, and then tied a ribbon with a Cresant moon laced through a star charm on it around her wrist. Javier did the same for Sebastian. Together Lynn and Sebastian lit the third candle with their candles, which Shoshanna said was for their eternal love. They both sipped from the goblet, there was some kind of wine in it that made Lynn feel odd. Then came the more traditional vowels and they kissed and that was it, they were married.

“I love you so much,” Sebastian told her.

He kissed her again while music played and their family applauded. Unexpectedly Sebastian howled, a wolf’s howl and the other wolves howled in response. Strangely her mother and siblings didn’t react or seem to notice at all, good. Of course Mackenzie probably knew that would happen and cast a spell. That was definitely good because she was not explaining this to her mother.

“I love you Sebastian,” she told him and he kissed her again.

They stopped to have pictures with their parents and the wedding party. It amused her that Sebastian had two mothers now and she had a loving father and a very different mother. So much had changed the last few months. Lynn could honestly say that at the moment she was the happiest she’d ever been in her life. Even though most of her new family glared at Mercedes, but she didn’t care that was her sisters’ fault. It was karma.

“I’m headed over to kick some butt with Stella and make sure everything is 100% perfect for you,” Mackenzie told her. She had Noah perched on her hip and Jeana by her side.

“Ok, I guess we’ll see you there,” Lynn replied.

“Sebastian, take all the time you need,” she said and he nodded. They both looked like they knew something that she did not.

“Thank you,” he said.

“See you soon,” she smiled and walked off to talk to Javier. After handing of the kids she pulled Stella aside and they disappeared.

What was that about?” Lynn asked and Sebastian just smiled devilishly.

“I want you,” he growled low in her ear.

“Why don’t you two head on out?” Ana said suddenly appearing beside them. She was smiling like she knew something too.

Once they were inside the limo, Sebastian was all over her. It reminded her of the day they met; he was all hunger and passion. For one reason or another Lynn felt really horny too. But it wasn’t like they could do anything right here in the limo on their way to their wedding reception still in wedding attire. And there was the fact that Moon Magic wasn’t far enough away for a quickie. Still he was going for it and she was very reluctant to stop him.

“Bastian, we can’t do this now,” she whispered.

“Why not? We have all the time in the world,” he said and pulled her into his lap.

“What has gotten into you?”

“Aside from the fact that I have a hot wife, Shoshanna drugged us,” he said matter-of-factly. 

“She did what!?” Lynn asked horrified.

“Calm down, it was the wine she spiked it with her special herbs, it’s not a big deal. I didn’t think she would do it since you are already pregnant, but I’m not complaining. It’s like her gift to newlyweds to encourage procreation,” he explained.

“But Bastian we have guests to think about,” she said. Obviously he didn’t care because he was taking her panties off.

“Don’t worry, they cast a time spell so we have all the time we need,” he assured her. He kissed her to silence any more protests.

Since everybody went to so much trouble why not? It wasn’t like Sebastian was going to take no for an answer at the point. Her body was definitely responding to him and was not going to let her turn him down. So right there in the limo on the way to their wedding reception, in her wedding dress they made love for the first time as husband and wife.












Chapter 17


            “Everything better be perfect or somebody will lose their job and maybe their life,” Stella growled at one of her employees.

            “Yes ma’am,” he nodded and hurried away.

            “Stop scaring people Stel,” I said.

            “Kenz, I don’t even want to be here, wedding are depressing. All I can think about as my three failed marriages,” she sighed. “My husband is leaving me.”

            “He’s not leaving; we talked about this Stella, just talk to him. Lo said you’ve been working late to avoid going home,” I said.

            “I can’t stand the way he looks at me,” she cried. I pulled her in the restroom so we could be alone. Plus if one of her staff saw her crying she would probably ripe that person’s throat out.

            “Stella, he loves you, just talk to him. Ignoring the problem hasn’t helped and he will never change his mind and its not fair that he should have to,” I said firmly. All the Alonsos had one thing in common, stubbornness.

            “What could I even say? He’ll never forgive me for basically telling him I don’t care what he wants.”

            “Just tell him you needed time to really think about it and you need to discuss this with him and you now have an open mind.”

            “What if that stalker w***e b***h tries to seduce him again and he goes for it? She already has a baby with his DNA so why not?” Stella hated to cry but she was a weepy mess and I wished I could do something to make it better. But telling her the future would not repair her marriage.

            “Warren would never do that to you,” I said. “Look we both know that stalker Rita is going down, I’d kill the b***h myself for the things she’s done.”

            “Wait, I know we’re sisters and all but why would you be so mad at her?” Stella asked watching me, I’d slipped up nobody really knew about what happened. “Does this have something to do with why you and Javier were fighting?”

            “Don’t say anything to anyone Stel, but Javi was spelled. Her son was one of his patients and she spelled him to be paranoid and she was casting love spells on Warren. The love spells as you can see didn’t work but the ones on Javi did, her son had a lot of doctor’s appointments. Anyway the point of the spell was to make him paranoid against his brothers but it just made him paranoid about me. They sent him spelled picture of a woman that looked like me having sex with some guy,” I told her. Saying it aloud was worse than actually thinking about it or remembering that it happened.

            “What else happened Mackenzie?” She asked looking at me concerned.

            “He attacked me, but I’m over it,” I said unconvincingly. It was bad when I didn’t believe myself.

            “Mackenzie! Why didn’t you say anything? I would never have let you leave with him the other night. And you two have been all kissy the last two days.”

            “He was spelled Stella it wasn’t his fault and I can’t leave my husband, it wouldn’t be fair to the kids. I forgave him for what happened.”

            “And I thought I had problems,” she shook her head.

            “Don’t worry about me, I can handle Javi, you need to talk to your husband,” I paused. Going on was probably not best but I did it anyway. “We both know that stalker Rita is going to have to pay for her sins and so will Jake and that leaves the baby. He has to be raised by the pack and you know that Warren will want to take the child; he would never turn away an innocent child. I’m trying to warn you now Stella, you already see what your selfishness has caused, it will be worse. You could lose him forever and since we both know how much you love him, think about it.”

            “This is karma isn’t it? I refused to give him children so I have to deal with the stalker baby,” she sighed.

            “Do the right thing Stella Chase, this has gone on far too long,” I told her.

            “Yeah yeah I know what I have to do, doesn’t make it any easier,” she shook her head. “In the mean time please fix my face so I don’t look like a total train wreck.”

            “No problema chica,” I said and waved my hand in front of her face. Instantly her tear streaked face and make-up were perfect again.

            We left the bathroom to find that people were already arriving. So we parted ways to greet people and make sure everything was in order. When it comes to her restaurant and catering staff, Stella is a crazy meticulous no nonsense drill sergeant. I suppose that’s why she and Warren were made for each other and I didn’t need a vision to know they would work through their issues. My worry over making things perfect paused a moment when I saw my husband. He walked in with our five beautiful children and my heart literally stopped. Then I knew with 100% certainty that I made the right choice in going back to my husband. Watching him with them made my heart melt; he was born to be a father and a leader. So I went to them, I did have an event planner to deal with everything but I’m a perfectionist sometimes.

            “Look at my beautiful family,” I said. Bella immediately hugged me around the waist like she often did and Noah reached for me.

            “Everything is so pretty,” Julia said and everyone nodded in agreement.

            “You did a great job,” Javier told me while I led them outside.

The girls took Noah and ran off to see their cousins. Everybody was happy today, as if nothing bad had been going on the last few weeks. It was nice and made ignoring my overwhelming sense of dread a little better. Something was going to happen tonight, but I had no idea what and didn’t want to worry everybody. Especially since it could be nothing and Lynn really deserved this day.

“We did a spell this morning so in a few hours the wicked witches’ spells will dissolve and they won’t know it,” I told Javier when we were alone.

“I have some guys on Rita’s house, they move when I tell them to and I instructed them not to harm the child,” he replied.

“You know we work well as a team when you aren’t babying me,” I said and he laughed.

“Indeed we do, maybe I’ll have to accept your request for a decrease in guards, one or two just to be safe,” he said.

“One day Javier Alonso I’m going to prove to you that you don’t have to worry about me anymore. Besides how many times can one person get kidnapped? And well the second time didn’t count since it was my mom,” I said and stuck my tongue out at him.

“I’d rather be safe than sorry,” he paused looking around. “Tonight we should be safe, I have guards around and only a fool would attack with all of us here. Zkar I hate to say is no fool. Tomorrow this will be over and I’m going to need you to take the kids out to the farm and stay there.”

“Fine, I won’t fight but once you save us from your evil uncle, you better be taking us on a vacation before school starts. I’m thinking our girls will mutiny otherwise,” I told him.

“You assume I will beat him?”

“No assumptions and no visions required, you will kick his a*s.”

“It’s good to have your support,” he said and kissed me. “Did I tell you that you look delicious in this dress?” He whispered in my ear. It wasn’t even a surprise he was horny, again, even though he paid me a visit last night.

“Javi, did you drink Shoshanna’s wine?”

“No, but I wish you had so I could convince you to sneak off with me.”

“Later, not right now,” I said reluctantly. “Come on greet the newlyweds with me, they are about to arrive.” I pulled him out front to distract him.

“Your sister married my brother; I’m thinking this sounds Jerry Springer-ish,” he said and I laughed.

“I think we were already there with me marrying my kidnapper’s son and I mean Lynn and her parents. I think most of our family belongs on that show,” I said.

“I’ve been thinking a lot about our wedding lately, you were the most beautiful bride I’ve ever seen,” he whispered in my ear.

“Sweet talker,” I said then kissed him. “On our wedding day I kept thinking I was dreaming, I finally had you after all that time. You have no idea how in love with you I was, I’ve been in love with you since the day we met.”

“Oh sweet moon how I love you,” he said and pulled me to him.

“Tonight we start our new life together, where we are equals,” I said and he nodded.

“Anything for you,” he agreed. Then before he could attempt to seduce me again, the limo pulled up.

“I suspect I will be needed to fix some make-up,” I said and leaned against him to conjure my make-up bag.

“Damn, I can smell the sex over here,” he shook his head. The driver opened the door and Sebastian got out looking dazed with a big smile on his face.

“Deal with your brother and I’ll go take care of Lynn,” I told Javier who nodded. While he pulled Sebastian to the side I got into the limo with Lynn.

“You left some details out,” she said when I got in and closed the door.

“If I told you about the wine you wouldn’t have drank it, but it obviously did you some good. Shoshanna sent us some for our wedding night, I was a virgin then,” I told her. Looking at her made me smile; there was a lot of love in the air. “Now I need to get you presentable Mrs. Alonso.”

“I can’t believe I am Bastian’s wife,” Lynn squealed excitedly.

“It’s like that for awhile,” I agreed. I used magic to iron out wrinkles in her dress and fix her hair, but I manually touched up her make-up. “Are you ready for the world?”

“As ready as I’ll ever be,” she said.

“Ok, so you’ll make your entrance and everybody will want to congratulate you both and hug and pictures and such. Next we will have your first dance followed by four more songs and during that time hors d'oeuvres. Then we will have everyone seated for dinner, you and Sebastian will be served from the buffet. During dinner we will have toasts and after dinner we’ll have the cake cutting and serving of the cake. After that everybody can basically just party. Oh and just let me know when you’re ready to change dresses, after the cake might be a good time but it’s up to you,” I told her. Being a wedding planner was hard work.

“Sounds good, thank you so much for all of this Mackenzie, you’ve done so much for us,” she said and hugged me.

“Not a problem little sister, I just want you to have the best day possible,” I replied. Before we could get out there was a knock on the limo door and it opened to reveal Rose, with teary eyes.

“Look at you two, just the same as when you were little,” she said. “I’m so happy you found each other again. And Mackenzie I want to thank you for being there for Lynn. She’s been so happy since you’ve been in her life again.”

“Mom, did you just call me Lynn?”

“I know it is what you prefer and I want to start over with you and have a real relationship with you. I figured you might need a mother since you are going to be one very soon,” Rose said.

“Yeah, I really think I do,” Lynn agreed.

“Good, I promise I’ll be there for you this time.”

“Thank you Mom, for just being here, it means a lot,” Lynn said.

They hugged and we finally left the limo. Sebastian was waiting to escort his new wife in. I followed with my husband and that was when I had a vision of something I knew I couldn’t change. And I couldn’t tell anyone.


“Sarah, why are you avoiding me? I came to make up with Lynn like you wanted me to,” Mercedes said.

“You shouldn’t have come,” Sarah replied. Her sister’s stupid big mouth had nearly caused her her life. But even though she was still going through a lot because of her attack, she was happy it was her and not Lynn that was hurt.

“Why not? And why are all these people I don’t even know looking at me weird?”

“Because you’ve messed with this family and they didn’t deserve it, Mackenzie and Lynn they don’t deserve it,” she said glaring at her sister. Maybe it wasn’t completely Mercedes’ fault but she wasn’t innocent in what happened.

“What are you suddenly apart of this freak show family?” Mercedes asked and that just pissed her off, the Alonsos had been so good to her.

“These people have been more of a family to me than any of my so-called family ever has. I get why Lynn was so happy to be a part of a loving family who aren’t judgmental,” Sarah said annoyed. She looked over to where Lynn was smiling and dancing with Noah, Lynn looked truly happy.

“What is it about these people? Why do they have you both under a spell?”

“They are good people,” Sarah replied. There were so many things she wanted to say but couldn’t.

“Look Sarah I have to tell you that I had Z look into this family and their history and it’s pretty shady. Lynn’s hubby is a murderer and their father is like a big time mafia boss wannabe criminal. And how is it even possible that he has this many offspring? Something isn’t right about this family and I don’t think either of you is safe hanging around these psychos and Lynn shouldn’t have babies by a murderer,” Mercedes said seriously. “Maybe she could get rid of his evil spawn and annul this sham of a marriage.”

“You disgust me Mercedes; you have no idea what you are talking about. I can’t even look at you because of you and your big mouth to your psycho boyfriend that you clearly know nothing about. Want to know what really happened to me? Your boyfriend had someone come to my apartment and after he placed explosives in Javier’s car, he attacked me thinking I was Lynn. This was your fault, you did this to me,” she told her sister. It was mostly because she was angry but Mercedes needed to be put in her place.

“Who told you that? It’s all a lie!”

“No, it isn’t and your precious Z is using you and he’s the real criminal. If you don’t believe me then ask him. Of course why would you believe the only sister that tolerates your evil hateful behind?” It seemed like she couldn’t stop herself from saying what was really on her mind.

“Sarah, are you alright?” Tyson asked, he was suddenly beside her. Had their discussion been that loud? She’d come out front so that maybe no one could hear.

“I’m just fine,” she told him. The funny thing was that she felt better now that she said the things she’d been forcing herself not to say.

“I don’t know what’s gotten into you Sarah but I bet it’s these freak show people and you shady new boyfriend. Don’t cry to me when he dumps you because you’re so homely and clingy and awkward,” Mercedes the spiteful said.

“Say another word and you will regret it,” Tyson said. He glared at her with eyes that were completely black, that startled Mercedes.

“Are you threatening me? I’ll have you arrested! Z knows people in the police department,” Mercedes said.

“It wasn’t a threat, it was a warning, you have done enough to Sarah and I won’t have you upsetting her. I’m being nice compared to what Sebastian will do to you,” he paused watching her a second. “Why don’t you have your boyfriend come here and put me in my place?”

“He has better things to do then watch the destruction of my family because of you and those weirdoes in there,” she grumbled and went back inside.

“She makes me so angry,” Sarah said when they were alone. “Right now I could seriously kill her; because of her my life is ruined.”

“Is it ruined? Do you not want to continue living with me?” He asked looking at her with an almost hurt look.

“Tyson, I’m jobless and I’ve been mooching off of you and Mackenzie since I was attacked,” she said. Of course that was not what he wanted to hear and she wasn’t sure if staying with him at his nice shiny new condo was the right thing.

“Didn’t I tell you not to worry? I can take care of you and I want you to stay with me. Only if that is what you want,” he said. This man just got more prefect every single day, it was why she was so conflicted.

“You drive me crazy with how wonderful you are and I feel like sometimes I take advantage of you.”

“Sarah, you confuse me, everything I was taught about women does not ever go over well with you. I’ve been trying with you but everything I do irritates you,” he sighed. Now she just felt guilty, what was wrong with her? “Maybe we are just too far apart in age or just too different, I am not sure. This is the way my mother raised me and it was in a different time than you live in, so I guess that could be a problem,” he shook his head. Once again she was pushing away the only guy that ever truly loved her.

“I’m sorry I’m just insecure, it isn’t really you. So much has gone on that I barely know up from down and you are amazing,” she paused feeling stupid. “I love you Tyson, I want to stay with you.” At that she kissed him, for once she was just going to keep her big mouth shut.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, but I am going to find a job so I can contribute.”

“Focus on your art for now, money is not a problem for me. When I came here 125 years ago to explore this world with Maddox I did learn how to invest and I can take care of us forever.”

“We can talk about that later, for now let’s just go dance,” she suggested.

Sarah pulled Tyson back inside to dance. For the rest of the night she vowed not to think too hard about the past present or future. This was her little sister’s wedding; she was not going to let Mercedes ruin this night for anybody. So for once she was completely uninhibited and just danced with a very sexy demon. Maybe tonight would be the night they finally had sex.


“You want to talk right now?” Warren asked staring at her like she was crazy. It was pretty much now or never that was why she pulled him into her office.

“We have put it off for far too long,” Stella said. She was beyond nervous, what if he didn’t even still want her?

“Ok then Stella, what is it you have to say?” He asked watching her with curiosity in his eyes.

“Well I know you want children and maybe I have been really selfish and we’ve both been a little childish. If its really this important to you I’m willing to start negotiations. Keep in mind I am not my father and do not want half a million kids,” she said. There finally she gave in to keep the man she loved happy.

“Stella I don’t want you to just do this for me, I would rather you want to have children. You are right that I have been childish and I have been selfish and I didn’t ask you if you wanted children too. I can live without children but I can’t live without you.”

“It isn’t that I don’t want children, I don’t know I thought it would change things. And obviously not having children isn’t working for us so we can do it, I will do it. Well that is if you still want to have children with me,” she said with tears streaming down her face. What if he didn’t? There was a huge chance that he could tell her right now that he never wanted to see her again. And he would be justified in that decision.

“The only person I would want to have children with is you Stella. You are everything to me, you are my whole world, I just lost sight of that for awhile. I am sorry for everything,” he said pulling her into his arms. This was exactly where she wanted to be, always.

“Negotiations,” she whispered. “How many do you want?”

“I don’t know, I never really thought of that,” he said. Then they were both pretty distracted because he kissed her.

“Let’s get working on that now,” she suggested and he nodded.

It was such a Stella thing to have sex at someone else’s wedding; in fact she had done it a few times in the past. She was just glad to have her husband back and she was honestly ready to have 100 kids for him if he wanted them. Maybe being a mother wouldn’t be so bad, she did like kids. The idea of a mini-Stella was actually pretty appealing. A little someone to dress up and treat like a princess.


“I would have come even if she didn’t,” Virginia said. Lynn was dancing with her younger sister, some how she’d forgotten how well they got along.

“Everything was so crazy V, I should have asked you to be in the wedding,” Lynn said. “I’m so sorry I didn’t.”

“Its fine, you can make it up to me by letting me name one of the babies,” Virginia said with an eager smile.

“Deal, but don’t say anything yet, I’ll have to ease Bastian into the idea,” she said.

Virginia was 15 and surprisingly always looked up to Lynn. They spent a lot of time together in school and during summers and family gatherings. Once they had a lot of fun together, this summer however Richard sent Virginia to bible camp because he wanted them separated. In his mind Lynn was a bad influence and it was her fault that a lot of boys liked Virginia. How was it Lynn’s fault that her sister was a beautiful petite blond with ocean blue eyes and a smile that drove guys crazy? Even now she saw some young wolves eyeing her up.

“You know I feel privileged that I was the first to know about you and Sebastian and didn’t I encourage you? See I have a 6th sense about these things,” Virginia said smiling. “So sister of mine, when are you going to introduce me to these hotties?”

“I think you should meet Sam and Amanda they are your age,” Lynn said. “Do you really want to hit on guys in front of mom?”

“Don’t care; I’m following in your foot steps and live the life I want to. And I like boys and I don’t think that’s a sin at all,” Virginia said with a big smile. “I admire you Lynn, you are my hero.”

“Why? Because I got knocked up and married all in one summer?” Lynn asked. She didn’t feel like she was a role model for anybody.

“Because you followed your heart and never let anyone stand in your way. You stand up for yourself always and even when it’s against our family you don’t back down. Lynn Alonso you are amazing,” she said and hugged her.  “And you know I think you should adopt me so I can help with the babies.”

“Oh I knew you were up to something,” Lynn shook her head. “I don’t think mom would allow that, see what happened when she let me live with Sarah?”

“Yeah I see you both got hot guys,” Virginia said smiling.

“When did you become so boy crazy?”

“At bible camp actually, it wasn’t my fault that the most promiscuous girl was my roommate and that we hung out with the guys a lot,” she shrugged.

“Hello Ladies,” Sebastian said when he came over.

“Sebastian you have to hook me up with one of your hot nephews,” Virginia said.

“Guess that could be arranged,” he said and signaled to two boys who were looking at her already. “Dominic, Etienne, this is Virginia and she is my sister-in-law. Why don’t you introduce her around?”

“Sure,” Etienne said. Virginia had a huge smile on her face when the boys led her away. Of course since they were Alonso’s they were both un-humanly attractive, so Virginia was very happy.

“My sister and your nephews, isn’t that weird?” Lynn asked while she danced with her husband.

“You’re in this family and you ask if that is weird?” He asked with a laugh.

“Virginia is a good girl even if she isn’t acting like it at the moment.”

“Let her have fun,” he said then paused. “You know maybe your mom should think about sending Virginia and John to Celestial Day, where all the kids in my family go. It’s not too late to sign up.”

“It’s a private school Bastian; she could never afford to send them there.”

“My family has a long standing history with that school; it’s a really good school and can give them more opportunities. We’ve all gone there, so if your mom thinks it’s a good idea and Virginia and John agree to it, I’ll handle everything else.”

“Bastian, I can’t ask you to pay for my brother and sister to go to school.”

“You didn’t ask, besides Zenis has paid so much money to that school that they could go for free,” he shrugged.

“I’ll ask,” she said. It wasn’t a bad idea, but she didn’t think her mom would go for it. Right now she only felt like dancing with her husband and having fun.


“I am sorry that I didn’t tell you about her, I just thought it was the best thing so you wouldn’t feel obligated to stay,” Rose told Brice. She never imagined she would see Brice again, especially not at their daughter’s wedding.

“If you didn’t love him, then why did you stay with him?” Brice asked, it was the question she’d been dreading.

“Honestly I don’t know anymore, I thought I was doing the right thing. My parents said all these things and I listened because I was afraid. They said you would get tired of me and move on and I would have nothing and no one would want a woman with so many children. In my heart I knew you wouldn’t do that but they made it make sense that I should stay with Richard. And I tried so hard to love him, but I never really could,” she explained. To her surprise he took her hand and squeezed it.

“We all do things we regret, I should have stayed. But you knew I had a secret and I couldn’t risk anyone finding out. Looks like we are both at fault here, I just wish I got to know her as a child. Since I know her now I’ll have to move closer to her,” he said.

“I’ve decided to leave Richard, maybe I can get a job here in town and an apartment so I can be close to Lynn and the babies,” she said. Saying it made it real and she wasn’t exactly ready for that. She never had a job.

“Rose, I can help you out if you will let me. Even though our time together was years ago I still care what happens to you. I’d be happy to help you financially until you get on your feet,” he said.

“Oh I couldn’t ask that of you, not after all that has happened.”

“You didn’t ask but I will help you. Money is nothing compared to the gift you’ve given me,” he replied. He was staring out into the courtyard where Lynn and Mackenzie were being video taped by someone and were laughing. Lynn was so happy that she seemed to glow.

“She fits here with her new family, she’s the happiest I’ve ever seen her.”

“From what I’ve seen they all adore her,” he paused. “My family will be happy to meet her, well some of them anyway.”

“How is it that you met her and Sebastian met his mother all around the same time?” That was something she’d been wondering all day.

“Same day actually, it was the work of Annalia, she tracked us both down.”

“That’s funny, she also came to me and told me I needed to come to my daughter’s wedding,” she said. Later she would have to thank her for this.

“Hi,” she heard and looked up to see Lynn. “You aren’t killing each other.”

“Nope, just talking,” Brice said. He got up to pull out a chair for Lynn.

“Are you feeling ok? You aren’t over doing it are you?” Rose asked her daughter concerned. It was hard to believe her 18 year old was 15 weeks pregnant with twins.

“I’m fine,” Lynn said dismissively. “I actually wanted to ask you something. Well Sebastian’s family has apparently been going to Celestial Day Academy forever and he wanted me to ask if you wanted John and Virginia to go there.”

“Oh, well that would be nice but right now I can’t afford that,” Rose said. She never really could give her kids the best of anything.

“He said if you agree to it he will take care of everything. I know its like a big thing and you don’t even live here in town, but he said he would even buy John a car,” Lynn told her.

“How can he afford all of this?”

“Investments or something, his father set them all up with trust funds and he just works to take care of himself, never touched it. He saves money and like never buys anything except well the house and furniture and everything for the wedding. But most of that came from his saving from working at the club,” Lynn explained.

“Sounds like a good idea to me, since you plan to move here anyway,” Brice said.

Move? You’re moving?” Lynn asked staring at her.

“I need to put distance between Richard and I, so I was thinking of getting an apartment and Brice has offered to help us out.”

“Are you two getting back together or something?” Lynn asked with a bit of a hopeful look in her eyes. All kids wanted their parents to be together, it was just the way they were.

“No,” Rose laughed. “I’m an old woman and he looks the same as he did 18 years ago, besides we are very different now.”

“You know I could help you with that,” Brice said causally.

“I suppose this means you’ve told her what you are?”

“Actually our brilliant daughter already knew.”

“Wait, she knows you’re a day-walker?” Lynn asked looking between them stunned.

“Indeed she does, I confessed my secret years ago,” he shrugged. Nothing had really changed about him, he looked the same and still made her wish for things she could never have.

Lynn, how is it that you aren’t more surprised about this?”

“Oh well being part vampire is the last thing I have to worry about,” she shrugged like it was nothing. “I’m surprised you are so ok with this.”

“Well I figured if God saw fit to have such being walk the earth, then they can’t all be bad,” Rose said. Of course her daughter stared at her like she was crazy. “What do you mean by what you just said?”

“None of the people here are really human, they are wolves, witches and demons,” she said like it was the most normal thing. “At first I freaked out when Bastian turned into a wolf right in front of me but I got over it.”

“We’re all learning things this week, aren’t we? I learned I can actually have children, which is a big thing for my family. Usually you have to turn fully vampire to have children, but somehow you exist Lynn,” he shook his head looking thoughtful. “You truly are a gift, a miracle.”

“I love all the praise, usually I’m getting yelled at,” Lynn said.

“And that’s my fault,” Rose sighed.

“Past is the past, I’m not dwelling on it, especially since you’re leaving that loser. Everything is going to be great, I’ll finally have real parents,” she said smiling.

Rose was now more determined than ever to take charge of her life. She would accept both Brice’s and Sebastian’s offers. This time she wouldn’t be backing down and she wasn’t going to let anyone make decisions for her. At 47 it was definitely time to gain some independence. She felt empowered until she looked up to see Richard at the door.

“Rose, what are you doing here?” Richard asked, then his eyes fell on Lynn and Brice and he didn’t look happy.

“Today my daughter got married,” she replied.

“I thought you were against this? Why would you come here? Is that Virginia talking to those boys?” He looked around seeming to get angrier ever second.

“Richard, this isn’t the time for this. Today is Lynn’s day,” she replied calmly.

“Lynn? Her name is Evalinda,” he grumbled. “So this is what you do? Go behind my back and start up with him again? After I took your sorry a*s back? And I’m guessing you told him that she’s his child, fine then I don’t care I never wanted her anyway. She is a troublemaking little w***e, like her parents.”

“I suggest you take that back,” Brice said his eyes glowing with anger. “Does it bother you Richard that you wife was never happy until she met me? Or that your children once preferred me to you?”

“Why would I care if she is happy? Her job is to do her duties as a wife and obey her husband. Rose, collect both John and Virginia and let’s go, now.”

“No, we are staying here,” Rose said firmly. “It is over between us Richard and it has been for a very long time.”

“He’s putting ideas in your head again.”

“No, I’m thinking for myself.”

“Come now,” he grabbed her arm and yanked her up from the table.

“Dad,” Isaac said rushing over. “What are you doing?”

“Go get your brother and sister so we can leave,” Richard told him. Isaac didn’t move and by this point everybody was staring at them.

“Let her go,” Brice said rising to his feet.

“Mr. Jordan,” Javier said suddenly beside them. “You are not welcome here so I suggest you leave.” He spoke calmly but something deadly flashed in his eyes that made Richard drop her arm and take a step back. Two men then stepped up to escort him outside. “Let us return to the festivities.” Then Javier walked away as if nothing happened.

“Tonight I think you should stay in a hotel,” Brice suggested. Absently Rose nodded, this was only the beginning.

© 2010 Britiney Harper

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Added on January 14, 2010
Last Updated on January 14, 2010


Britiney Harper
Britiney Harper

pittsburgh, PA

...A Few Things... 1) Hi! I'm Britiney 2) I Love to Write 3) I love to read 4) I'm a nerd 5) i love my Family more than anything else 6) I've been writing since i was 8yrs old (but really b4 tha.. more..
