The Seer (Chapter 13)

The Seer (Chapter 13)

A Chapter by Britiney Harper

Chapter 13


I knew something was wrong in the morning while I was serving breakfast. Javier hadn’t come home and that had me edgy. After awhile my mother made me go upstairs to lie down. None of the wolves returned to my house, not Sebastian or even Phineas, so I was worried. Usually there are at least 4 wolves guarding my house, so it is very strange that there are no wolves at all. Thankfully Sam came home, so that was one less thing to worry about. Amanda came with her and they were both still asleep in Sam’s room.

The binding seemed to have worked better than I could have hoped because I couldn’t pull a single vision. There were just so many questions floating around in my mind that I started pacing the room. Sooner or later my mom would come up and spell me to sleep; she’d done it a few times before. Was I really just being paranoid? With everything that’s been going on I couldn’t exactly helped it. What if Zkar captured my husband? If that happened I would kill both Zenis and Zkar myself. My bedroom door opened and I turned to see Javier casually flipping through the mail.

“Where the hell have you been?” I asked, my worry quickly changed to fury.

“Jared found Zara; she’s pretty bad and is in the hospital. He took her to her coven but they couldn’t do anything and neither could I or Vince. Someone broke into Leo and Erora’s house while she was home with the kids. They are all fine, she got them out but there’s damage to the house. Rob and Theo are both injured and Uncle Zypher is missing,” he said.

“Oh good Goddess,” I whispered. No wonder he didn’t come home.

“On the bright side we took out 3 of his men and at least Zara is alive,” he said.

“I want to go see Zara,” I said.

“No, I want you in the house today,” he said. I could feel something strange in the air while he was opening a big yellow envelope.

“Javi, I’m going to see Zara, she’s my friend and I have to go,” I said.

“No you don’t, you will do what I say,” he growled. Before I could argue he was in front of me.

“Javier I am not afraid of you, most people around here are but I am not,” I said.

“Mackenzie, have you been with another man?” He asked, I stared at him because I knew he was dead serious.

“Why would you ask me that?”

“Answer the question.”

“I will not answer your idiotic question, you know the answer,” I said. His eyes were changing colors so I knew he was ready to change. But I didn’t know why.

“I’m out here doing everything I can for this family and for you to be happy and you go behind my back. Of all the people in the world I never thought you would be the one to betray me,” he said.

“Javier what the hell is wrong with you? I never betrayed you.”

“You don’t call f*****g some other guy a betrayal?” He asked and I was stunned, what was going on?

“Are you insane? You know damn well I’ve only ever been with you, besides no man within a 100 miles would come near me,” I said. Very unexpectedly he pushed me back on the bed and actually sat on top of me straddling my hips.

“This explains why you wanted to go on birth control, never mind that it’s embarrassing to me and my family. You just didn’t want to get pregnant by your lover.”

“What lover? We talked about this, I told you I’m not ready for another baby and you said that was fine. Have you lost you mind?” I asked, I was actually worried because of the crazed look in his eyes. But my husband would never hurt me, right?

“Look at this yourself,” he said handing me some 8x10s.

The pictures showed a couple having sex. What caught my eye was that the woman had curly brown hair like mine, only maybe a few shades lighter. She also had a tattoo on the back of her neck, the same one as me. Why would another woman have “Javier” tattooed on her neck? Were there that many coincidences in the world? But no I never believed in coincidence, only fate. So what the heck did this mean? There were only profile shots of the woman’s face and she was a bit similar to me. Since I knew it wasn’t me I was wondering who the hell this was and why somebody sent these pictures to my husband. The thing that pissed me off more than this obvious set up was that Javier was so quick to believe it. What did that say about our marriage? I trusted him totally and completely, even with his history with woman, but he couldn’t trust me? That was what hurt most of all, and I never once gave him a reason to doubt me.

“Get off me and get out of my face,” I said shoving the pictures back to him. “If you’re dumb enough to believe that’s me then we don’t need to be together.”

“My wife is a damn w***e and she wants to run off to her lover,” he shook his head. “Well I’m not letting you go anywhere and when I find him I will kill him.”

“You will not ever refer to me as a w***e again Javier Alonso or I will make sure you regret it,” I said. I was well passed pissed and on my way to choking him.

“I’ll call you whatever I want, and when you act like a w***e you deserve to be called what you are,” he said. I tried to get up but he held me down.

“Javier, get off of me, right now,” I told him.

“No,” he growled. “Tell me Mackenzie is Noah my son?”

“How can you ask me that? I’ve only ever been with you Javier and you know that. If you want to believe this crap then go ahead, but I will not listen to this anymore.”

“You belong to me Mackenzie, so you will do as I say and you will learn the proper way to be a wife.” He paused and reached under my night gown to rip my panties. “Did you like it when he touched you? Shouldn’t surprise me that you would turn out like this, you come from a long line of s***s and w****s.”

“Don’t touch me, you will regret it,” I warned. I kicked and wiggled as best I could and tried to get him off of me, but he’s heavy. Since he was on me and holding my wrists I couldn’t teleport anywhere.

“Stop trying to fight me, I think I deserve to take what I want from you. Especially since it appears that all my wife is good for is laying on her back and spreading her legs,” he said. That really pissed me off so I really had no choice in what I did next.

“You have one last chance,” I told him and he laughed.

So I called for help, not aloud or telepathically, I used the gold band on my arm. The one that my dad said would alert him if I needed him and I really needed him. It took little concentration for me to light the band and had Javier been paying attention he would have noticed the glowing ancient inscription. Good thing my parents stayed over last night. Sadly nobody came up before my husband, the love of my life and father of my child, began trying to rape me. I screamed and fought but he was stronger than me, he didn’t get to be Alpha by being nice and sweet. Never in my wildest dreams or nightmares could I have imagined this.

When my dad teleported in the room it took him a minute to realize what was going on. He reacted quickly and dragged Javier away from me. Of course Javier fought him which made him throw Javier into the wall so hard that it left a big hole. Tyson appeared on the other side of my bed; I got up and went to him. He held me to him while I cried and my husband and father fought. Poppy appeared in the hallway along with my mother and Lynn. Sebastian stepped around them and came in to try to break up the fight. But you don’t piss off a demon king, especially not this one. He warned Javier of that before he asked me to marry him; he told him that he would never hesitate to kill to protect his family.

“Tyson, take my daughter to our house,” my dad growled. He’d beaten Javier bloody and he laid on the floor glaring at me. “Eden, you and Poppy get the kids and take them home.” They silently complied.

“What is going on?” Sebastian asked, then he spotted one of the pictures on the floor, he stared at it for a moment. “Javier, what the hell is wrong with you? How could you not smell the magic on these pictures? This doesn’t even look like Mackenzie.”

That was the last thing I heard before Tyson teleported us to the farm. Truth be told I didn’t even smell the magic, I was just so shocked and hurt and angry. Still even if the pictures were spelled there is no spell that could control what you think. If Javier honestly believed I would never cheat on him then he it wouldn’t have had any effect. But it did and that hurt me all the way to my soul. How could he ever think that? I never even considered being with someone else, I loved him for the last 17 years. I loved him even though his father kidnapped me and even though he changed so much from the man I fell in love with. I loved him even when I wasn’t certain we should be together. I supported him in everything, every decision no matter how much I hated it. And this is how he repays my devotion? I put up with so much and he would dare think I would betray him? At that moment I wasn’t sure that I could ever forgive him or if I even wanted to. My marriage appeared to be over.


All he could picture in his mind was Tyson holding Mackenzie. The demon had his jeans undone and he was holding her. If he wasn’t chained to the floor of his basement with enchanted cuffs, he would kill that demon. It didn’t even matter that he was bleeding and he got his a*s kicked by his father-in-law. What mattered was getting his wife away from that demon. Mackenzie belonged to him and no other male of any species was allowed to touch her. Especially not pressing her against him when she had no panties on, that thought made him fight his restraints.

“Where is everyone?” He heard his mother’s voice at the top of the stairs.

“At the farm, I sent Lynn and Sarah too because I don’t know what to do about him,” Sebastian said.

“If Maddox hadn’t been here we wouldn’t have got him chained,” Vince told her.

“And Mackenzie how is she?”

“Not good, I mean he tried forcing himself on her,” Sebastian said.

“What kind of spell makes a man rape his wife?” Vince asked.

“It wasn’t really the spell, it was him,” she said. “He was having doubts and thoughts of her being unfaithful before he saw those pictures, the spell just enabled him to let it out. It was only a suggestive spell, since the thoughts were there they were just intensified and he really believed it.”

“I don’t get why he would think she would do anything like that, Mackenzie isn’t like that, she loves him,” Sebastian said.

“Being the Alpha is a lot of stress and it does things to your mind,” she told them. “I just pray to the moon and the Goddess that they will be able to reconcile.”

“After what Maddox did to him, I don’t think that will be possible,” Vince said.

“You didn’t see that look on her face, she was terrified, hell I wanted to knock him around for that,” Sebastian said.

By the time they came down Javier was really pissed off, he wanted to kill somebody. But his mother cast a spell on him which completely paralyzed him. That just made him madder and he fought so hard that he broke her spell and the cuffs. Before they could attempt to restrain him again he teleported, good thing his wife gave him this gift. He went to her bedroom at the farm, a room he’d spent a lot of time in the past 5 years. She was alone curled up on the bed; he’d expected Tyson to be there with his paws all over her. How he wanted to slaughter that demon. After Javier let him and his human stay in his house and all the times he’d treated him like a brother. And all that time he wanted to steal Mackenzie away.

“Get out,” Mackenzie said when she turned to see him.

“No, you belong to me and I want you home now,” he told her.

“Stay away from me Javier, I don’t belong to you and I can’t forgive you,” she said. There were tears in her already puffy red eyes.

“Forgive me? You should be begging me for forgiveness, I saw you with that demon. How dare you flaunt your affair in my face! All this time I’ve been faithful to you when I don’t have to be, I can have any female I want, I could do so much better than you. But I guess Zenis was right about what you’re good for, stupid w***e,” he said.

“Javier I swear you better leave right now,” she told him.

“Where is Tyson? He and I need to talk.”

“Leave,” she said again.

“And what will you do call daddy again? Don’t daddy’s people believe that a female should be beaten until she knows her place? I’m thinking they had the right idea, so after I teach you how to be loyal I think I’ll tie you to our bed until you learn how to be a good wife. That way I know you aren’t out whoring around.”

The fire came out of nowhere in a spiral and hit him hard in the chest. He actually fell back into the wall. It was Mackenzie; there was this look in her eyes that had changed to black. She was changing into a demon, a very angry demon. To his surprise she actually sprouted black wings and horns. She hit him hard with a fireball that burned through his clothes and left a circular mark on his chest. He was too stunned to move. The door burst open to reveal an enraged looking Maddox and both Sebastian and Vince.

Maddox went to Mackenzie who looked ready to attack again and pulled her into his arms.

            “What the hell did you do to her?” Vince asked, he was just as surprised to see her as the rest of them.

            “Oh good Goddess,” Eden said as she rushed to her daughter. She whispered in Mackenzie’s ear and she went limp in Maddox’s arms. He laid her down on the bed before he got up and pulled Javier up by his hair.

            “If you value your life boy you will not come near my daughter or grandson. I will kill you,” Maddox growled.

            “She’s my wife, you gave her to me and I will do what I see fit with her,” Javier replied.

            “Not when this is what you do,” Eden said furiously. “You fool with you’re insecurities about the one person on this planet that loves you more than anything may just be the death of her. She’s bound by powerful magic and with you causing her to change like this, she could be damaged permanently. Of course you are a selfish brat who doesn’t even care. Didn’t you already hurt her enough? You tried to rape her you disgusting beast, I hope you get what you deserve. And you should pray that I’m not the one that gives it to you.”

            “You are no longer welcome in my house, step foot on my property again and you will die,” Maddox said. He yanked the leather cord off Javier’s neck and threw him in the hallway. “Take him out of here now.” He told Sebastian and Vince who listened without objection.

            They dragged him away from the room and met his mother down the hall. She shook her head at him and teleported the four of them back to his house. He felt weak and everything that happened finally settled in his mind. It was then that he fully grasped the situation and he couldn’t breathe. How could he hurt his wife like that? He knew in his heart that she would never in a million years betray him; she was the only one he always could trust. What the hell was wrong with him? Vaguely he remembered something about a spell, but he wasn’t sure. Then he remembered the pictures that came addressed to him in the mail, that woman wasn’t his wife. Mackenzie had that stupid gold band on her arm that never came off. And when he recalled the look on Mackenzie’s face and the things he did and said, he felt the worse pain of his life. In less than an hour he ruined his family, Mackenzie would never trust him again and she shouldn’t. Her parents were never going to let him near her or Noah. He blacked out from not being able to catch his breathe and the excruciating pain he felt.



            “Come to bed Vince, I won’t see you the next few days so I want to be with you tonight,” Auri said.

            “I just have a feeling something is wrong,” he replied. Other than his mother still living in his house everything appeared fine. Unless Javier was off getting himself in trouble, which was exactly what nobody needed right now, especially not him.

            “There are a lot of things wrong, that’s why I’m staying out at the farm,” Auri said. “Right now I should be with Kenzie but I’m here with you because I wanted to spend the night with you.”

            “I know, I’m just edgy because of your brother,” he said. He left the window and got back into bed with her. “You are going to come back right? With you I never know what you might do, I might have offended you or something.”

            “Stop worrying, I’m just going to help Kenzie with the wedding plans, she can’t leave the house. She won’t even leave her room, she cried all day today, I could kill him,” she shook her head.

            “Yeah I know, Sebastian came close to it twice. The spell wore off with painful side effects, now he’s just obsessed with getting her back. He’s not able to focus on the Zkar thing at all, which I suppose was the desired effect. Jared is with Zara so he’s useless, Sebastian is torn between his wedding and taking care of Javier, it just leaves me. Your uncle is pretty smart, take out most of the key players and distract everybody. Warren is too messed up with his issues with Stella and his brother so he’s out too,” he paused. This plan was brilliant. “I’m actually happy you’re going out to the farm, naturally I’ll be the next one to get hit.”

            “Think it’s even safe to have this wedding with everything that’s going on?”

            “Honestly no, especially not with Javier so messed up. With him and Jared so off it’s throwing the pack’s balance, there’s too much unrest in the pack,” Vince explained. “Maybe the wedding can bring everybody back together but I don’t know what can happen in 5 days. And I don’t know if Mackenzie could forgive him, or if she should. I just never thought Javier could ever think those things nor do what he did.”

            “Yeah I know,” she sighed.

            “Enough about their drama, tell me about when we’ll be getting married,” he said.

            “Kenzie said she’ll start planning after Lynn’s wedding, I told her she doesn’t have to but she said give her a month and we’ll have a fabulous wedding.”

            “Good, then mother can leave soon,” he grumbled. His mother was driving him crazy so he avoided home at all costs.

            “She’s not as bad as you make her seem,” Auri said and he laughed.

            “That’s because she wants us to stay together so she’s nice to you. If I screw this up she knows I’m dead so she doesn’t need to be nice to me,” he shrugged. His relationship with his mom was very complicated, mostly because he was more down to earth and she was stuck up.

            “Right about now my brother can’t judge anybody and you are the glue holding together the pack so I think you’re safe. You and I ran from each other for the last five years, I think it’s time for us to settle down,” she told him. His response was just to kiss her, that always made everything better.

            Vince felt like he never got any alone time with Auri anymore. Not with everything going on with her family and his mother hovering. The rest of this week was going to be chaotic to say the least; he was after all in the wedding. A wedding where the maid of honor and best man couldn’t be in the same room or even look at each other. It seemed that when Vince finally got his life together that everybody else’s was falling apart. Something was going to happen though, he knew it. That was part of the reason he wanted to marry Auri as soon as possible. He was tempted to offer to help Mackenzie and see if he could get it done in two weeks instead of a whole month. Maybe he should, that way his mother could leave and he could try to get things back to normal.

            “Damn,” he hissed when he heard his cell phone.

            “Ignore her,” Auri said but he was already getting up. “Really you would answer her call when we were about to have sex?”

            “Hello?” He asked into the phone, he was probably wrong to answer now but Diana wouldn’t call late unless it was important.

            “Vincent, there is someone in my house,” Diana whispered. “Can you please come? I’m hiding in a closet and I’m scared.”

            “I’m on my way, I’ll get Auri to call the police,” he said.

            “Ok,” she whispered and hung up.

            “What does she want? Is she going to provide you with condoms?” Auri asked, she was of course annoyed.

            “Somebody is in her house, call the police for me,” he said. He pulled on jeans as quickly as he could and threw the phone to her as he headed out the door.

            “Vincent, what is all that noise?” His mother called to him from the doorway of his room.

            “I gotta go across the street, stay with Auri,” he said. Before she could respond he was already downstairs and out the door.

            He walked across the street barefoot and noticed that Diana’s front door was open a bit. Some non-human person broke in, he could tell from the door. In the doorway he listened to see who or what was in the house. There was a crash and a scream and he ran up to Diana’s bedroom. Someone was standing over her. Without giving it much thought he charged at the attacker and knocked him to the ground. It was a werewolf half changed and apparently he was a very new wolf. After rolling around a bit on the floor he easily overpowered the wolf who was attempting to complete his change. It took one slam of his head into the floor to knock him unconscious, it was too easy.

            Diana laid crumpled up on the floor, he crouched down to get a look at her. She didn’t look so good. There were cuts and bruises but that wasn’t the reason she was unconscious. Something more was wrong; she did have a weak heart. So he suspected the terror of being attacked by a half changed werewolf might have caused a heart attack. Sirens sounded outside and he could hear people enter the house. Diana’s pulse was weak, he was afraid she wouldn’t make it. All because she cared about him. It was so hard to think like a doctor at that moment. But he silently vowed to avenge her. Zkar messed with the wrong wolf.

© 2010 Britiney Harper

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Added on January 14, 2010
Last Updated on January 14, 2010


Britiney Harper
Britiney Harper

pittsburgh, PA

...A Few Things... 1) Hi! I'm Britiney 2) I Love to Write 3) I love to read 4) I'm a nerd 5) i love my Family more than anything else 6) I've been writing since i was 8yrs old (but really b4 tha.. more..
