The Seer (Chapter 12)

The Seer (Chapter 12)

A Chapter by Britiney Harper

Chapter 12


“What are you doing here?” Rose asked.

“May I come in? We need to speak about your daughter,” Ana said pleasantly. She’d come to see Rose Jordan at her old rundown looking home because of her concerns for Lynn’s health.

“Is something wrong with Evalinda?” Rose asked after she’d let Ana in. The house wasn’t much better inside than it was outside.

“Oh well I’m concerned about the amount of stress she’s under. It appears that you are the source of a lot of that stress and well with the wedding, being pregnant and her sister, she’s going through a lot,” Ana said. She sat down on a sofa that had seen much better days. And she’d thought growing up on her father’s farm was bad, even without much furniture their home was better looking.

“Which sister? I have a lot of children you have to be more specific,” Rose said.

“Sarah,” Ana replied. After years of living a privileged life maybe she’d become a bit snobby, but this house was bothering her. All of the furniture was ancient and worn.

“What about Sarah?”

“Oh, you don’t know? How odd I assumed she would tell you. I guess I have a bad habit of speaking of matters you don’t know anything about.”

“Are you going to tell me what you are talking about?” Rose asked she was actually getting irritated, it amused her.

“Well a few weeks ago your daughter was attacked in her apartment, and then she went to stay with Mackenzie and Javier for awhile. I believe she just moved out of her apartment too,” Ana told her.

It was strange that this woman didn’t know anything about what was going on with her daughters; Ana made a habit of knowing such things. And that wasn’t easy when she had 10 children of her own and 15 stepchildren. Five of them were exiled by their father for one reason or another, but it was her motherly duty to keep up with them. Some of her stepchildren were actually older than she was, in any other family it would be odd but not in hers. The fact that her husband made cheating on her a sport and enjoyed throwing it in her face surprisingly didn’t make her feel any different about her stepchildren. Anyone else wouldn’t have handled having their husband’s pregnant mistresses living in their home or raising their children. Maybe she was crazy, but it wasn’t like she was ever delusional enough to think Zenis loved her or would ever be faithful.

“That can’t be true, Sarah would have told me,” Rose insisted.

“Believe what you want, but she was attacked and is still recovering from it emotionally. Anyway, I came because in just a week Lynn is getting married and I think she would like her family there. My family could fill half of the temple but I think it would make her happy,” she said.

“Evalinda doesn’t want me there,” Rose said staring at the floor. “She hates me now and I can’t blame her for it.”

“You had an affair, so what? Life goes on, you need to make up with your daughter,” Ana said.

“It isn’t so easy, I’m sure you know nothing about such things,” Rose said. Ana couldn’t stop herself from laughing.

“Honey, my husband cheats as a hobby and I’ve raised his mistresses’ children and even cared for them while they were pregnant. So yes I know about affairs, but I never let that stop me from loving my children. There is no difference between my biological children or my stepchildren, I love them all.”

“Why would you stay with a man who cheats on you?”

“Because I love my family and the children needed a mother. I did not marry my husband because I love him, nor will I ever love him or leave him. My stepmother more or less sold me to him when I was 14, so I didn’t get a choice. As I understand neither did you, its interesting to see what happens when others choose our lives,” she sighed. “Anyway like you I don’t have the option to opt out of marriage, but I get joy out of my children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.”

“I don’t understand how you could live like that,” Rose shook her head. The truth was that nobody understood it.

“How do you live knowing that there was a man who loved you and you let him get away? If I had a choice I wouldn’t really stay with my husband, he’s not a good man at all. But you had the chance to get away with a man that loved your children too, that I don’t get. My life is more complicated I promise you,” Ana shrugged. Dwelling on things she couldn’t change never did her any good, but she was envious of anybody that found love. If she had an out she would have taken it in a heartbeat.

“My parents have always controlled my life and I was scared. I’m terrified for Lynn that she will be trapped in a marriage that she shouldn’t be in. Your son is a lot older than her, what if he changes his mind once these babies come?”

“There is no changing anybody’s mind, my family doesn’t believe in divorce. Sebastian has had a difficult life,” Ana paused. Was the truth appropriate? “He never knew his biological mother and he wasn’t too happy growing up so he left home at a young age. I was surprised when he brought Lynn to meet our family; he’s never really dated much. You’ve seen them together can’t you see the love between them? He adores her and since she’s pregnant he’s been so happy, he’s always wanted a family of his own. And he just bought them a house so they have a place to stay. ”

“How can he afford a house? Shouldn’t he be saving money for the babies and he’s paying for this wedding,” Rose said concerned.

“For all my husband’s faults he has provided for our family very well, so Sebastian has a good deal of money saved. Nothing to worry about, besides we take care of our own, Lynn and the babies will be taken care of no matter what,” Ana assured her.

“It’s just hard to believe that she’s having babies and getting married, she’s so young and I worry about her. I would feel better if she had more time to think over what she’s doing, but pregnant women don’t exactly get many choices,” Rose sighed. “She’ll never forgive me for the things I’ve done. I never loved her enough because she was a reminder of what I could never have, but I did love her. From a young age she was made to feel different because she’s just not like my other children and I should have done something. I was just so afraid of what my husband would do and my parents.”

“Lynn will get over the shock and the past, but she won’t get over not having her mother at her wedding. My mother died when I was young and my stepmother was happy to get rid of me, you’re daughter needs you. And what happens once the babies come? A girl needs her mother during that time.”

“You’re right,” Rose said. She got up and went to the mantel and picked up a picture. “I just hope it really isn’t too late for us to rebuild our relationship.”

“No, I’m sure she will be happy that you’ve made the effort.”

“I pray she will,” Rose said still staring at the picture in her hands.

She handed the picture of Lynn from her graduation to Ana. If you looked really close in the back of the pictures just beyond Lynn and Sarah hugging, you could see Sebastian. He must have gone in secret to support Lynn, Ana wondered if she knew. Obviously her parents hadn’t noticed it. It just proved to her that Sebastian loved Lynn, especially if he would go to her high school graduation. Now that she convinced Rose of coming to the wedding, she needed to get a few other parents there and she was running out of time. Every girl deserved to have her father walk her down the aisle on her wedding day.



It was late so I was asleep. My husband had to know I was sleep, but I could feel his lust from the moment he entered the house. I was tired, but there was no way around this it was only a day away from the full moon. And he had been out running and patrolling. We always have a lot of sex the week of the full moon, even when I was pregnant. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to do it, I was just tired and I still wasn’t able to fully charge from projecting.

“Are you asleep?” He asked, he knew I wasn’t so I don’t know why he asked.

“How could I be sleep with you lusting like this?” I grumbled while he rolled me on my back.

“You want me to leave you to rest?” He asked but of course he was already undressing me.

“Since when do I actually get a choice?”

“If you say no then I’ll leave you in peace.”

“And how am I supposed to say no? A she-wolf could sniff you out a mile away and would gladly jump on you,” I said watching him.

“I only want you,” he growled in my ear.

“Good,” I replied. “So how was patrolling, find anything?”

            “No, but Zkar is a werewolf he has to change tomorrow night and I fully intend to find him then or at least one of his minions. If I wasn’t such a nice person I would take Mercedes and keep her until he shows himself, but I doubt you would allow that,” he said. He was more focused on getting me naked.

            “Javi,” I hissed when he buried his face between my legs. This is exactly why I don’t mind so much. After giving me a good deal of pleasure he entered my body and worked his magic.

Once we were done, we curled up together, I was exhausted. But there was something I needed to tell to my husband. Something was stirring in the air and I was affair of what might come. Some days I would be trapped in almost endless visions and others I wouldn’t get a single vision but everyday I had an overwhelming sense of dread. For the first time in my life being a seer was failing me completely and I was feeling completely helpless. If it weren’t for the security of my family I would have gone crazy. That was probably why I was so determined to focus on Lynn’s wedding; it was something I had control over. In the morning I was going to the coven to attempt another binding so that I could have temporary sanity.

“Javi,” I whispered. “Are you still awake?”

“Hard to sleep with everything that’s going on. Are you going to tell me that you want to take the kids and stay at the farm for awhile, until its safe? If you are please take Lynn and Sebastian, that way I have less to worry about,” he said.

“I’m going to the coven to see if all of them together can bind my powers,” I told him. He sat up and turned me over to face him.

“Is that really a good idea?” He asked me, honestly I wasn’t sure.

“I don’t know, but I can’t keep this up or I’ll completely lose my mind. Sierra is half crazy because of her powers and mine are a lot stronger than hers, nobody can really help me channel them properly, it keeps getting worse,” I sighed. “Most of it will just be my gift of sight; I will still be able to do little things like teleport. It should keep the projects at bay, besides it may not work and if it does I don’t know how long it will last.”

“Ok I get why you want to do this, but I’m worried that once you do something is going to happen and you won’t be able to fight back,” he said. “I need more guards on you, Tyson is distracted now and so is Orion.”

“Everybody is distracted Javier,” I said. “This is for the best and I swear I’ll stay close to Phineas when I leave home. Our house is so spelled that nobody could get in here unless I let them. But if it will make you feel better I can have my dad come over while you run, he literally could take out the whole pack.”

“If I were you dear wife, I wouldn’t say that too loud or too often, it will make people nervous. We know that he can, and we know that you could possibly change into a demon, nobody else needs to know,” he sighed. “Speaking of that I suppose it’s ok to bind your magic since you do still have you demon powers to fall back on, I just need you to be safe.”

“Honey don’t worry, I do have our little spell casting toddler,” I said trying to lighten the mood.

“Yeah let’s not even go there,” he said. He pulled me close to him. “I’m going to keep you safe Mackenzie, I swear.”

“You never call me Mackenzie,” I replied.

“No, but I’m very serious about this, you and the children are my life.”

“I know, don’t worry your demon wife can handle herself if the need arises.”

We laid in silence after that. I hoped that my demon abilities could protect me; until he mentioned it I hadn’t thought much about it. Once my father found out that I could create and manipulate fire like the demons, he had me trained. Though it’s been awhile I can throw a fireball pretty good, it’s kind of like pitching a baseball. Before I went to sleep I said a silent prayer for the protection of my family and Zara’s safe return home. The bad feeling I had seemed to just intensify, I wished for once I could see my own future.



The moon was high in the sky glowing brightly while I stood outside of the Lunar Temple. Everybody was around chatting and gossiping. I was with Auri, Lynn and Sarah; we brought Sarah along just in case. As usual Auri and I were dressed identical; instead of our usual black we were wearing white halter dresses with white capes. The capes are traditional attire for the Alpha and second’s mates; the point to them I don’t get but it’s cute with my outfit. Both Lynn and Sarah also wore white, along with our other sisters. All of us were wearing white in honor of Lynn’s upcoming wedding.

Tonight Lynn was basically the center of attention, it’s near impossible to keep secrets in our town. Everybody knew she was pregnant with Sebastian’s twins, so a lot of people stopped to wish her well. Then there was the fact that the last time she was there she slammed Dimia’s head into a mirror. She was adorable with her little belly under her tank top and a white flower in her long blonde streaked black hair. She’d been upset when the doctor told her not to dye it, so I spelled it the way she wanted it. The coven combined their powers to bind me earlier that day, but the hair color spell was beginner stuff so it was easy. And I liked her new multicolored look.

“Why is everybody dressed like they are going to a nightclub? I thought this was your church,” Sarah said looking confused.

“Because it’s the only time the whole pack is in one place so some people want to show off a bit,” Auri explained.

“Ask Lynn why the b*****s are afraid of her,” Erora said to Sarah. She’d just come over to stand with us.

“They are not afraid of me, besides she was asking for it,” Lynn said.

“What did you do?” Sarah asked.

“I got into a fight,” she shrugged. “Oh wow I just realized I was pregnant then.”

“That’s even worse,” Auri laughed.

“Why were you fighting?” Sarah asked, she didn’t look as amused as we did.

“Sarah, you have to understand that most things in this town are about territory. Dimia, the b***h in question, invaded Lynn’s territory and attacked her so Lynn had to show her who was the better b***h,” Erora explained. “Oh and I’m not saying that to be offensive it’s just how we talk being wolves and all.”

“Dimia is Sebastian’s ex and she can’t stand that he doesn’t want her,” I said.

“That’s no reason to fight, what if she had you arrested Lynn?” Sarah asked and we all laughed.

“Who would arrest her? Javier owns the police in this town, fighting is the way of our people and even the human police know that. Besides she’s not stupid enough to report it,” Auri answered.

“It wasn’t a big deal Sarah, and it was her fault because she started it. I was just minding my business, and she needs to know he’s mine,” Lynn shrugged. She was definitely becoming one of us; the first sign was not reacting to the violence.

“Wow,” Sarah said shaking her head.

“It’s not a day at temple without a few fights,” I said.

“Hello ladies,” Loraine said when she came over. Her belly was protruding a lot more than Lynn’s was. She confessed to me that she used magic to hide her pregnancy until got married and she was ready to tell the family.

“It’s so weird to see you pregnant Lo, I always thought Stella would give in before you,” Erora said.

“Like anybody thought you would end up with 3 kids,” Loraine replied. “Lynn are you ready for the big day?

“More or less,” Lynn said. “I’m ready for it to be over though and I know Kenzie is too, there are just so many details that go into a wedding.”

“It’s fine; I didn’t really plan my wedding because my mom and aunts were living through me,” I said.

“So I guess it’s true,” someone said. We all turned to see Dimia glaring at Lynn.

“Don’t you dare start with her Dimia, or I will be the one to kick your a*s,” I said. None of the she-wolves would ever dare fight me, but I would have loved to fight her just to prove a point. They were too afraid of Javier to do anything to me.

“I just seeing if the rumors were true,” Dimia said. “The human is pregnant; it can’t be Sebastian’s baby.”

“Babies,” Lynn replied. “I am having his babies.”

“Dimia, Mackenzie has already warned you to stay away from our sister. I do think you value your life enough not to challenge Mackenzie, right?” Erora asked, I knew she would love for Dimia to try to fight me.

“They won’t survive human, or better yet let’s pray to the moon that you don’t,” Dimia growled. The girl didn’t have a brain in her head because she moved forward as if to attack. Before any of us could react Javier was there and threw her to the ground.

“Watch your back tonight little girl,” he growled. She quickly ran away terrified.

“How did you get here so fast?” Auri asked.

“Gift from my wife,” he replied. He wrapped a finger around a leather cord around his neck.

“He is the first wolf to have the power to teleport,” I said proudly. Being such a powerful witch came in handy every now and again and Sierra helped me a bit. I figured it would come in handy with all the things he had to do and the war coming.

 “Regina,” he called motioning to his sister.

“Did you need something?” Regina asked when she came over.

“I need you to keep an eye on Sam, because I can’t tonight.”

“Not a problem, where is our girl anyway?” Regina asked.

“Taking the little ones to the bathroom,” I said. “Amanda went with them.”

“Ok, I’ll go see if I can find them,” she said then headed inside.

“Kenz, I need to talk to you a minute,” my husband said pulling me aside.

“Something wrong?” I asked, I was still sensing that something bad was coming.

“Under the moon I have stronger senses; we’re going to search for Zkar. And Jared is missing, I know he’s looking for Zara, but I have to find him before he gets himself killed. An old wolf in love is apparently dangerous,” he shook his head. “Once you get home, don’t leave the house. I’ll try to be home before dawn.”

“Be safe for me Javi, I just can’t shake the feeling that something is going to happen,” I told him.

“You worry too much Princess, I’ll always come back to you,” he assured me. If only I read my husband’s future before I had my powers bound. Something was going to happen and even if I knew what, I couldn’t stop it. Fate was cruel.



Zara opened her eyes when she felt someone touch her. Hadn’t her captures gone out? The moon was full; they were werewolves they had to change. If only these stupid cuffs weren’t spelled to keep her from doing magic. No teleporting or even something simple like conjuring a glass of water. It really pissed her off, the only thing she could do besides being miserable was see the future. Hadn’t her mother told her that associating with ‘beasts’ would be the death of her one day? She knew that her life was going to end, because there just wasn’t anyway out of this. The only regret she had was getting involved with Jared, he didn’t deserve anymore pain than he’d already had in his life.

“Zara,” the person whispered. It took a minute for her vision to clear.

“I must be dreaming,” she said. “Or I’m dead and you just look like Jared so I will go to the light. Trust me I had no intentions of sticking around to haunt, I don’t have much fight left in me.”

“Never thought I’d see the day that you couldn’t fight,” he said.

“Are you really Jared?” She asked trying not to be hopeful, it would hurt more when she was disappointed.

“Yes I am me,” he said and kissed her forehead. “So you know I’m going to kill Zkar, I actually use to like him when I was a kid.”

“How did you find me?” She asked while he was inspecting the cuffs and chains.

“Well you are my mate Zara, we have a connection I will always find you,” he told her. “I think I can break these chains.”

“I love you Jared, I knew you would come,” she whispered.

He was half changed when he yanked the chains apart. The cuffs he managed to part in the middle and then he picked her up. Zara fought to remain conscious while Jared carried her from the building. It was a good thing that she’d finally found the right guy. Who else but someone who loved her this much would come to save her? Jared had been right there in front of her for years and she even realized. When she started hanging out with him she never expected that she would be his mate. Now all she had to do was live, and she could have the happy family with kids running around like most people she knew. But she could feel herself slipping further and further away.

“Zara, you will not leave me,” Jared said. “I love you.”


© 2010 Britiney Harper

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Added on January 14, 2010
Last Updated on January 14, 2010


Britiney Harper
Britiney Harper

pittsburgh, PA

...A Few Things... 1) Hi! I'm Britiney 2) I Love to Write 3) I love to read 4) I'm a nerd 5) i love my Family more than anything else 6) I've been writing since i was 8yrs old (but really b4 tha.. more..
