![]() Allie Chapter 8A Chapter by Britiney Harper![]() (Chapter 8) Ladies![]() Chapter 8 Sammie was in the shower trying to hide the fact that she was crying. She wasn’t sure why she was crying but she was and she couldn’t stop. It had been like this since she woke up. Last night she had actually gone through with it and she was no longer a virgin. It wasn’t even that it was so terrible, but she just felt weird. And she did not feel happy at all. Wasn’t sure supposed to be happy after this? All she felt was the need to cry and be alone and far away from Evan. What was wrong with her? After she got out of the shower she got dressed and went back to lie in her bed. That was when Allie peeked in. “Hey, are you ok?” Allie asked when she came in. “Just tired,” Sammie lied. “Come on, we’re going out,” Allie said a little too perkily. “Where? I don’t feel like it,” she said. “It’s a surprise, Abby and the girls are already here to pick us up,” Allie said pulling her out of bed. “Did you tell them about last night?” Sammie asked and Allie nodded. “We are going to celebrate,” Allie told her as she pulled her out of her room. “Can I ever have privacy?” Sammie asked while following her downstairs. “Its just Abby, Danika and Bianca, they are our friends.” “I really don’t feel like going out, I just want to sleep.” “Sleep later,” Allie said pulling her out the door. “Shouldn’t we tell somebody we are leaving?” “I already did,” Allie replied. Abby’s cherry red convertible was parked in front of the stairs. Their three friends applauded her when they got in. This was not how she wanted to spend her day. At least it got her out of the house and away from Evan. She really did not want to see him for awhile. But she wasn’t exactly sure why. Last night he wanted to sleep in her bed and at first it was fine but halfway through the night she told him to leave. Right now she didn’t feel right in her own skin, she felt like a completely different person. Part of her was certain that this didn’t happen to normal people when they had sex, there was just something wrong with her. The absolute last thing she wanted to do was be social. She was surprised when they arrived at the hotel her uncle use to live in, it was fancy and expensive and she’d spent time there over the summer. Before she could ask why they were here she was being pulled out the car and dragged through the lobby. Abby was busy flirting with the valet so she had to catch up. Allie led the way to a private lounge area. There were pink drinks in martini glasses on a table with cherries in them, one for each of them. How on earth did a bunch of teenage girls get a hotel to give them alcoholic drinks? When she opened her mouth to ask Danika told her that they were non-alcoholic. “It’s our cherry popping party,” Bianca told her. “Since both you and Dani have decided to join the world of sex.” “So you know it wasn’t my idea,” Danika told her. A week ago she had announced to the group that she finally gave in to the begging of her boyfriend George and was no longer a virgin. Though Evan had told Sammie that Danika was cheating on him anyway. So Sammie wondered who it was exactly that Danika was with for her first time. Nobody talked about Danika’s other thing and it made her wonder how Evan knew about it. But Evan would never have told her that if it wasn’t true and he also said Bianca had sugar daddies and Abby had a drinking problem. Everybody knew about Abby that one was obvious if you were her friend. “Here Sam, you and Dani are cherry princesses,” Allie said. She handed them tiaras from in a bag Bianca was carrying. “Ok B*****s, let’s drink to our newly unvirgined friends,” Abby said when she finally joined them. Against her better judgment Sammie took her drink and drank it, at least it really was non-alcoholic. The girls chatted away and had lunch sent over to them and Abby offered to spike everyone’s drinks with her little pink flask she took everywhere. Sammie suspected that Allie knew she wasn’t really feeling up to this and that was why she declined Abby’s offer. A week ago she would have thought this was mildly amusing, if it had nothing to do with her. She wasn’t exactly girlie lie her cheerleader friends but she loved them they were actually really good friends. But she couldn’t exactly tell them how she was feeling, she wasn’t sure herself. Whatever she did feel was just wrong, she felt wrong. How did you tell that to someone else? “Come on Sammie, tell us how your night with Evan went,” Abby said. All of them were staring at her and Allie looked concerned. “It was um I don’t know ok I guess,” Sammie shrugged. “Don’t worry its supposed to be weird the first time,” Bianca told her. “Oh yeah but next time it will be better, then you’ll be at it like your skanky a*s cousin,” Abby said and the others laughed. “Abigail, you are just jealous I have sex with the same guy every time,” Allie said sticking her tongue out. “Hell no that’s so boring, I like variety and be careful before I steal Tony away,” Abby said. “He wouldn’t want you w***e,” Allie replied. “Calm it down girls,” Danika said. “Anyway, we are partying tonight the valet was good for something,” Abby told them. The rest of the conversation Sammie blanked out; there was no way in hell she was going to a party tonight or any time soon. All she wanted to do was curl up in a ball and she wanted to talk to Wildflower, who was the closest thing she’d ever had to a real mother. It was before With a sigh and a lot of reluctance she took Ariela out of her car seat and carried her inside. It surprised her that her sister was already there. Megan waved her over as soon as she saw her. She looked the same as she had only a little older, same brown hair and blue eyes. Slowly Christina approached her sister; this was just like meeting with a stranger. Maybe Isaiah was right and she needed to just let go and accept that she wasn’t important enough to her family. She just had a bad feeling about this whole thing. “Chrissy,” Megan said jumping up to hug her. It was an awkward hug for a number of reasons but mostly because she did have Ariela perched on her hip. “Hi Meg,” Christina said. “Wow you look great and tan, why are you so tan?” “Oh um we went to “You went to “Ariela do you want to say hi?” Christina asked and to her surprise her usually very friendly daughter shook her head no and hid her face against her. “Come to Auntie Meg,” Megan said reaching for her. “No,” Ariela said. “She’s probably just ready for a nap,” Christina explained. She sat Ariela down and slide into the booth beside her and Megan sat across from them. “You look so different Chrissy, but I mean that in a good way. I’ve missed you so much and its not the same at home without you,” Megan told her. “Yeah well that’s not my choice is it?” “Well Chrissy you did leave,” Megan said. “I didn’t leave by choice, I guess you forgot that your father told me to get out or get an abortion,” she said annoyed. There was something seriously wrong with the people she use to call her family. “Yes I know and he overreacted big time but it was such a shock. I’m so surprised that you married Isaiah; he never seemed like the type. How did you get him to marry you?” “I didn’t talk him into it, he asked me to marry him,” she replied. She’d forgotten how stupid her sister could be. “Really? And he takes care of you?” “Yes he works and I’m back in school.” “You are? That is so good, is his job legal?” “Megan, why would you ask something like that?” “Wasn’t he lie a drug dealer or something?” “No, he never did anything like that,” Christina said. She took a deep breath and just thought about how Isaiah was going to gloat about this later when she told him. In his opinion her family was racist and she always tried to defend them in the past but they just said dumb things. “Must have been something dad said,” Megan shrugged like she didn’t say something offensive. “Megan was there some reason you decided to contact me after the last three years you and your family pretended that I don’t exist?” “What? No, I wanted to call you so bad but dad said no and then you didn’t have a cell phone anymore. I wanted to try to come to that house you lived in but dad was so strict,” she paused a second. “I think you should come home with me.” “I’m not welcome there and neither is my daughter. All of you have your opinions but she not a mistake, I love her and so does her father,” Christina replied. There was no reason for her to order anything she had no appetite at all. “Things are different now; dad was just worried about you.” “He had a nice way of showing it. What type of parents try to force their daughter into an abortion? Do you not see anything wrong with that?” “Well yes but you should have just stayed away from Isaiah like they wanted and none of this would have happened. I miss you Chrissy and I know what happened was wrong and I know it’s different since you have a daughter. This whole thing is just a horrible mess,” Megan said with tears in her eyes. She was always the drama queen. “I don’t regret loving Isaiah; he isn’t the person your parents think he is.” “Why do you keep saying that? They are your parents too.” “Not really, they made it pretty clear that they don’t care about me,” she said. For some reason it didn’t hurt so much anymore, maybe it was a good thing. “Christina,” she heard someone call from behind her. A hand touched her shoulder and she looked up to see her mother. Timid conservative Michelle Evers was standing there beside her. Christina stared at her mother in shock. Megan would be the one to sneak to see her but not their mother. Their mother did what ever she was told by her husband, always. The night he told Christina to get out Michelle cried and begged her to listen to him. That was when she lost all respect for her mother. What kind of mother let this happen? Her mother was spineless and pathetic and somehow standing right here next to her. All her life even though she loved her mother, Christina never wanted to be anything like her. “Oh Christina, I’ve missed you so much,” Michelle said and she hugged her. “Oh my God, the baby is all grown up.” “Her name is Ariela,” was all Christina could say. Her stupid sister set her up, she should have just listened to Isaiah. “She’s beautiful,” Michelle said. She sat down beside Megan who gave Christina an encouraging look. “Why are you here? Aren’t you afraid of what your husband might say if he found out?” She asked with a bit of bitterness she didn’t try to hide. “We want you to come home Christina, I have spoken to your father about it and we want you home. You can come home right away.” “And what I’m supposed to just leave my daughter behind?” “No, of course not! The both of you need to be with your family,” Michelle said taking her hand. “I’m not leaving my husband,” Christina replied. The shocked look told her that Megan did not share that bit of information. “Husband? You’re married?” Michelle asked and looked down at her hand and her wedding ring. “Yes, Isaiah and I got married over the summer on um June 8th,” she said. “I never expected that,” Michelle said. “It’s alright, we can deal with that.” “You know what this was a huge mistake and I need to leave,” Christina said. She pulled her hands away from the woman that use to be her mother. Nothing changed about these people they were the same and they didn’t get her. “Please, I’ve been begging your father to let you come home with the baby and he finally said it was ok,” Michelle said with tears streaming down her face. “What’s the point? I am married to Isaiah and you and your husband hate him, for no reason. All he has ever done was love me and he loves his daughter and I have a family. They have been there every day of Ariela’s life and have been there for me when my own family threw me out. My daughter is not a mistake, she is a gift,” Christina said. She got up and Ariela reached for her. Obviously her daughter was a lot like Isaiah if she knew better than to go near these people. “Christina,” Michelle called. It wasn’t hard not to look back when she was walking away. She put Ariela in her car seat and buckled her in. Before she got in herself her daughter told her she loved her. This was who she was doing this for. Ariela was the cause of the trouble with her family but she was also the best thing that ever happened to her. So with that in mind she got into the car and drove away. Megan was standing on the curb begging her to come back, but there was no going back. Jasmine was lying in bed at her new house. Five bedrooms, a pool and a nice sized yard, with new everything, she loved this house. They looked at a lot of houses before she fell in love with this one. Jokingly she told Jose they could have enough children to fill the rooms, he laughed and told her maybe. Their furniture had all arrived and the things of hers and Joseph’s they had shipped. She really needed to do a lot of unpacking and arranging things. Last night when they got home the three of them just went straight to bed. Now Jose was laying Joseph down for a nap in his new bedroom in his new crib. In his absence she slipped into something for daddy’s eyes only. Once upon a time she had a very sexual relationship with Jose. But since they got back together they basically didn’t do much of anything. She missed the fire they once had, but now that the drama was over it was time to get it back. When he walked into their bedroom he stared at her a moment, he was on the phone. A slow smile spread across his face and he told whoever he was talking to that he would call them back. She had on a white lace halter chemise, it was basically see-through and she wasn’t wearing panties. “What’s this?” Jose asked, he pulled his t-shirt off while walking across the room. “Daddy, I want to take care of you,” she told him. “I sure missed this,” he said. He took off his sweat pants before he got to the bed and she was happy to see he had no underwear on. “Now you can have me every single day,” she replied. He climbed on the bed and on top of her and kissed her. “Can you handle just being with one woman?” “Yeah, can you handle being with one man?” “Honey, you were the last man I was with and the only one I ever really wanted,” she said honestly. “I only want you Jasmine, no other woman can compare to you,” he said against her neck. This was exactly what she wanted to hear, what he always told her. “J, let’s get married after Thanksgiving,” she said and he stared at her. “When were you thinking?” “The Friday or Saturday after.” “Wow, um that soon huh?” He said rolling over so he was laying on his side and not on top of her. “Is that a problem?” She asked, maybe she should have brought this up after they had sex. “No, if that’s what you want,” he said. “Jose, if you don’t want to get married then just say so.” “I didn’t say that, I was just surprised you wanted to do this so soon,” he shrugged. His expression was saying that this wasn’t a big deal but she saw through his calm façade. “Talk to me J, if you’re having second thoughts then…” “Are we really ready for all this?” He asked surprising her. “I love you and our son and I want to marry you, but I don’t know.” “The drama is behind us now; we can focus on our little family now.” “Yeah, I know but I’m wondering if you trust me. I want this to work with us but I need to know if you are pass your trust issues.” “I trust you but I don’t trust other women and I know they are going to try to go after you, married or not. But I trust you to resist all temptation and come home to me and Little J,” she said. This was a huge step for them, but she felt good about it. “So how is this whole wedding thing going down?” He asked lacing his fingers through hers. “I have no idea, I’ll figure something out later,” she said. She crawled on top of him and kissed him. “I love you J and I think we both need to let off some steam.” “That is a very good idea,” he said and kissed her. “I love you Jas.” While they kissed he slipped inside her so she worked her hips. Their relationship was complicated but she was going to be his wife in two weeks. Finally he would really and truly be hers. Caroline was having a moral dilemma. She though things would be calm for a little while since Delanoz was out of jail, no such luck. Now she was starting to wonder if she made the right choice sticking by him and marrying him. What she suspected was that he was going to kill his father. It seemed like it yesterday when she found him choking his father in the hallway she nearly had a heart attack. Somehow she managed to convince him to stop. But that was where the problems started. She tried to help Emilio and was on the floor gasping for air. So she ran to get him water while Delanoz was pacing in the living room. Emilio was fine when she helped him, he even thanked her. He also whispered in her ear that he came to warn her that Delanoz was not what he seemed. Then Delanoz pulled his father out of the house and she hadn’t seen either of them again and Delanoz wasn’t answering her calls. That was yesterday and now she didn’t know what to do. She knew he blamed his father for him being in jail but was Delanoz a murderer? Was he really all the things her sisters said? His own family warned her against him but it just never seemed possible. But there was a look in his eyes, a crazed look while he was trying to choke the life out of his father. Caroline was all alone in the house and basically in the world. She married a man that her family hated and his family thought she was insane. What was she going to do? It wasn’t like she could call the police on her husband. He was out on bail; they would take him back to jail. And what if he didn’t do anything? Nobody even knew they were married, she sort of felt like a dirty little secret. If she didn’t talk to somebody soon she was going to go completely crazy. So she picked up the phone to call her sister Heather. She was the only one not on the run and the only understanding one. Hopefully Heather could help her figure out what to do now. She didn’t want to keep thinking she married a murderer. Christina drove around for awhile instead of going home. She got something from a drive thru for Ariela to eat and just kept driving to nowhere. Isaiah would say that gas was way too expensive for her to be wasting it with aimless driving, but she didn’t really care. Eventually Ariela fell asleep and Christina went to pick up her husband from work. She was early and just sat there trying to process what just happened. When Isaiah came out she moved over into the passenger seat to let him drive. It was probably for the best; at this point she might not have driven them home anyway. “So how did lunch with Megan go?” He asked, it surprised her that he didn’t immediately head home. “Michelle showed up, told me to come home,” she told him. “What? Your mother actually told you to come home?” He asked in obvious shock, she just nodded. “And what did she think you would do with our daughter?” “Bring her; she says her husband is fine with me and Ariela going to live with them. Then I told her that I am married and she looked like I stabbed her or something. I just told them that Ariela is not a mistake; I have no regrets about having her. Or about staying with you,” she said. He lifted her chin to make her look him in the eyes. “Are you sure you don’t regret being with me? We didn’t get along for a while after you can to live with us and I know I was wrong. I don’t forgive myself for the way I behaved, so I don’t expect you to,” he said. That surprised her completely; they never once talked about this. “At the time I felt like you thought I stole your life from you. But I didn’t have any other choices at the time; it was either suck it up and deal with you hating me or give up my baby. You changed so the old stuff didn’t matter anymore and it does now,” she said. Honestly she just tried not to think about it anymore. “Chris, I just was ready for a family and I shouldn’t have taken that out on you. I regret it everyday,” he paused. “If you want to have your family in your life then its ok.” “I don’t even know if I do or not,” she admitted. I’ve been driving around all day trying to figure out what I want and what’s changed with them. Howard Evers never changes his mind, so why now? It’s been three years and Ariela is two, if they really cared they would have done something before now.” “Stop stressing over it,” he said and kissed her. “I’m here for you, ok?” “Ok,” she nodded. He was definitely being extra nice to her, it was weird but she liked that he was making an effort. When her father decided something as big as cutting her out of her family he wouldn’t go back on that. So what had changed? There was something her mother and sister hadn’t told her, it was kind of obvious. The thing that bothered her most was feeling like she missed something, she really wanted to know why they decided to talk to her now. Thinking about that was going to drive her crazy when she definitely had more important things to focus on. She was in school for elementary education with a minor in child psychology. Basically she picked up where she left off when she was forced to leave school when she got pregnant. Being that all her life she was a devoted student she had already taken most of the classes she needed to, now all she had to do was get through till the end of the next semester and apply for grad school. In January she was going to be student teaching at the school Carlynn worked at. Carlynn was one of Nicolas’ very many cousins and she arranged the whole thing. Christina loved kids but hated being away from her daughter too much. Until recently Isaiah’s mother or aunts watched Ariela when they were working, but they had a falling out with his mother. Isaiah could hold a grudge pretty well and he vowed never to forgive Marguerite and Christina wasn’t allowed to go near her and especially not Ariela. If she was honest with herself it was better when Ariela was looked after by family, but she was in daycare now and she liked it. She looked back at her sleeping child and hoped that she was making the right decisions for her. Wildflower was enjoying her newly furnished house; it was a miracle what could happen in 24 hours for the right price. She realized that she had become really spoiled but she didn’t feel like caring right now. Tonight she was actually going to get to stay her in her new beautiful bed. In a week they had to go home but at least she got a week in her new home. Currently her husband went out to get dinner, so she was lying in her new bed all alone. The peace and quiet was wonderful and so was the fact that she could hear the waves from here. She realized she started dozing off when her cell phone rang. The girls had stolen her phone before and gave everybody different ring tones, so she knew it was Sammie. “Hey baby girl, what’s up?” She answered, she could tell before Sammie said anything that something was wrong, she was crying. “I just wanted to talk to you,” Sammie said. It was a very rare thing for her to cry. “Honey, what’s wrong?” She asked very concerned. “I did something really stupid,” Sammie admitted. “What happened?” “I thought it would be ok, he told me I shouldn’t do it but I can’t tae it back now.” “Samantha, tell me what you did.” “I had sex with Evan.” “What?” Wildflower asked shocked, she was totally and completely shocked. “We did it last night while everybody was at Tony’s game,” Sammie went on. “Oh Sam,” was all she could say. Since she had basically raised the both of them this was very shocking. Especially since Sammie never showed any interest in boys, until the summer when she was suddenly in love with Evan. That wasn’t that surprising considering that they had been very close growing up. But the fact that she had caught Evan in bed with Allie a week before had her concerned. Everybody told her having the boys and the girls in the house was going to be a problem, but she trusted them so she thought it would be fine. It was fine, she knew Allie and Tony had sex, and there wasn’t much to do about that. But now she was foreseeing a huge problem. Sammie was crying, she was crying very hard and was obviously very upset. She should have listened; maybe then Sammie would not be calling her in tears. Or maybe she should have been home. All this time she had been selfishly trying to relive her stupid dream when she was seriously neglecting her responsibilities. She was the one that wanted to keep the kids at the house and she should have been there. Instead she was buying a house she didn’t need and shopping for crap she didn’t need. What the hell happened to her? Maybe she hit her head harder than anyone thought on those stairs, because she was acting like a whole different person. A spoiled rich girl she was not, and Sammie shocked her back to reality. “Ok, tell me why you are so upset?” Wildflower asked, if she remembered correctly her first time wasn’t anything special but she didn’t cry about it. “I don’t know, I just don’t feel right anymore,” Sammie told her. “I’m so sorry I’m not there Sam, but I’m going to come home,” she said. That was the perfect time for Nicolas to walk in. “Since we’re driving it will take awhile, but we can leave tomorrow morning.” “No, you don’t have to come back because of me.” “Samantha, I am coming home, ok? You are more important to me than anything else, you know that, right?” “Yes,” Sammie whispered. “Sam, why don’t you rest and I’ll call you back a little later, ok? It’s going to be ok, I promise you will be ok,” she told her. “Ok,” Sammie said sniffling a little. “I love you Samantha,” she said. “I love you too Tia,” Sammie replied then they hung up. “What happened?” Nicolas asked her, but she was dialing another number. “Hold that thought,” she told him. “Allie, where are you?” She asked into the phone. “At home, am I in trouble for something?” Allie asked sound suspicious. “Not unless you have something to tell me.” “Not a thing, so what’s up shouldn’t you be laying out at your new beach house?” “I need you to go check on Sammie.” “Why? Is something wrong?” “She called me and she is very upset.” “Oh I knew she was lying to me, we went out for lunch with our friends earlier. Please don’t be mad went to the hotel and told them to bill it to Uncle Nick.” “I don’t care about that, I’m trying to get home but until I do please keep an eye on Sammie for me.” “Did she um tell you uh about her and Evan?” “Yes she did, you encouraged her to do it?” “Not exactly, I swear she was the one that told me they were going to do it and I asked if she was sure. Since she said she was going to I gave them condoms.” “Do you know how much of a headache you are?” “Yeah I know, but I will go up and talk to her,” Allie said. At least she could be counted on to look after Sammie, even if she was a bad influence. “Thank you,” Wildflower said. “Does this mean Uncle Nick is going to take off the doors?” “I don’t know, I think the doorknobs were next anyway,” she sighed. “He should just put bars in the place of the doors so we can really be in jail.” “Alessandra will you just do what I asked and try not to get yourself into any trouble. Especially if that trouble involves any of my little brothers.” “I’ve been good, but I promise I will be extra good until you get home. Love you Mommy,” Allie said. “I love you too,” Wildflower replied and hung up. There were still a few calls she needed to make but by his expression her husband was anxious to get in the loop. “What have they done now?” Nicolas asked. “Sammie isn’t a virgin anymore,” she said. Keeping it from him was only going to make it worse, his shock mirrored her own. Ironically while Sammie and Allie had been her girls for years, they were also his favorite nieces. “I told you we shouldn’t have them all in the house,” he said. “Yes, I know, but it would have happened anyway. I get that it’s a big thing for a girl but she’s really upset,” she told him. “This was consensual? He didn’t force her into anything?” “Are you seriously asking if my brother raped her?” Wildflower asked glaring at him, where would that thought have come from? “I didn’t mean it like that, it’s just shocking ok? You expect Allie to run off having sex with anything that moves but not Sammie,” he sighed. “We need to go home,” she said and he nodded. “Are you still going to keep all of them in the house? I know you have to be the favorite auntie and sister but it might be best to split them up.” “You know I can’t do that, we would have to keep the girls no matter what. And I will not tell my brothers they are homeless again.” “Fine,” he shook his head. “When we get back we are going to give them rules that they will all follow or leave. Starting with no more sex, sleeping together, staying out late and especially no co-ed sleepovers, then maybe I won’t remove the doors yet.” “My way isn’t really that bad, I mean I know of a few things I need to work on but they are honest with me. Something happened and Sam called me, I kind of wish she would have told me before so I could tell her not to but what’s done is done.” “Just think our little one will one day been a teenager and we’ll have to deal with this crap again.” “Does that mean you don’t still want five kids?” She asked amused. “Ask me again after we have this one,” he replied. “I don’t know how Ricky put up with all of us,” she shook her head. “And you know I changed both Sammie and Evan’s diapers, it’s weird that they are old enough to be having sex with each other.” “Two is a good number,” he said and she laughed. “We need to pack and I need to call Brooke and Ricky can talk to Evan,” she said. “Back to the real world we go,” he said dragging suitcases out the closet. “This was nice while it lasted.” “Yeah it was,” she agreed. “If we don’t stop we could get home faster, then I can sleep once we get there. After that I can enjoy making the lives of 5 teenagers very not fun so that they want to go off to college and get out of my house.” “They will come home on holidays and weekends and stuff. I don’t think I’m ready for my babies to grow up yet,” she pouted. “This,” he placed his hand on her stomach, “is our baby, those teenage headaches are not our problem after they graduate. I will pay for college and apartments if I have to. At some point I just want it to be us in that house.” “What about Tammy?” “I’ll pay for her an apartment too.” “Its going to be boring in that big empty house with just us and a little Nick.” “Then you’re going to be pretty bored,” he replied and she made a face. She could understand him wanting the house to themselves but that was a long way off. For now she needed to get back to focusing on the full house they had now. Allie went into her cousin’s room to find Sammie crying. Earlier when she said she wanted to stay home maybe Allie should have listened. What she thought was that Sammie was embarrassed that their friends knew. It never occurred to her that Sammie was upset over what happened. This was her fault; she was always saying things she should have kept to herself. Now everybody was going to pay for this once her uncle got home. Everybody adored Sammie, she was the good sweet quiet one and she never got in trouble. Fifteen years with a bad influence for a cousin/sister/ best friend, had finally taken a toll. She had in the past had sex with quite a few different men, but she never really cried about it. Except of course when she was raped by her stepfather, then she cried for days. Other than that horrible experience, sex was just fun for her a way to vent her frustrations in life. Thinking back she might have cried after Aaron broke her heart but after him she learned there was a difference between love and sex. There were a few encounters that she wished never happened, but it wasn’t upsetting. She couldn’t think of why Sammie would be so upset. It had been her idea and she wanted to do it and Evan worshipped her. “You remind me of that Taylor Swift song Fifteen. There’s even a red headed Abby in the song,” Allie said. “Though I’m sure her friend wasn’t a borderline alcoholic who acts out because of her absentee parents.” “What do you want?” Sammie asked while wiping her tears away. “Talk to me, Sam what happened last night? You’re crying, I didn’t expect you to be jumping for joy but I didn’t expect you to be upset. Do you regret it? Did Evan hurt you? Did he do something you weren’t comfortable with?” “Stop asking questions, I don’t want to talk about it,” Sammie told her. “Alright, we can talk later. How about we cuddle now?” “Whatever,” Sammie said. Allie put her arms around her cousin and they laid down, like so many times in the past. “I love you Sam, I’m always here for you,” Allie whispered. “I know,” Sammie whispered back. They laid the silently and she kept trying to figure out what the problem was. Pushing Sammie was a bad idea, she was fragile right now. Fragile and Sammie had never been in the same sentence before but it was true. If anyone knew about fragile mental/emotional states it was Allie. Sammie was always so strong and it was easy to forget how young she was. Of course Sammie hadn’t been ready for all this, even if girls had sex very young these days. With Sammie it was different; she never even kissed anybody other than Evan. She probably felt pressured by her Allie and their stupid friends. It was her job to protect Sammie and she let her down, never again. Once Sammie was asleep Allie slipped out of the room. She needed answers and there was only one person she could get them from. So she went down the hall to Evan’s room. There were no locks so she just let herself in. He was at his desk on his laptop. Her uncle bought them all new laptops before school started so that they had no excuses not to do well in school. When she came in and closed the door he turned to look at her, then looked away like he didn’t care that she was here. What was going on in this house? Everything was so weird over night. “What happened last night?” She asked. “What do you think happened?” He replied turning to look at her like she was stupid. “I’ll rephrase, what did you do to make my cousin cry?” “Nothing,” he sighed. “I don’t know what’s wrong with her, she won’t talk to me. Everything seemed fine until she told me to get out of her bed last night; all she said was that she didn’t want to get in trouble. Now every time I try to talk to her she slams the door in my face. I knew this whole damn thing was a bad idea.” “Sam called your sister and when I say called I mean she was crying at the time. They are coming back early,” she told him. “We need to move out of this house,” he said surprising her. “Sammie won’t look at me and your dumb a*s thought you were pregnant. Don’t ask which of them told me.” “Nobody has to leave,” she replied. “You say that because you want Tony available for a booty call whenever you want. Think about Sammie, this would be better for her.” “Evan, she loves you, I think she’s just a little in shock about what happened. Are you sure you didn’t hurt her or something?” “I would never hurt her,” he said defensively. “Shouldn’t you know that?” “Why because we’ve had sex? I have way more experience than you, Sam had none. Sure there’s nothing you want to tell me?” “There’s nothing I want to tell you, I don’t want to have this conversation with you at all. You were the one that came in here.” “What else was I supposed to do? Sammie is really upset and I want to know why. I have never seen her cry like that before.” “You think I like this? My girlfriend is acting like she’s afraid of me just because we had sex. And I told her half a million times that I would wait until she was ready. Maybe if her s****y cousin wasn’t so obsessed with sex then things would be different.” “Well nobody made you do it, you could have just told her no,” she said. They were glaring at each other now, it was weird she never really fought with Evan. He had always been one of her few and closest friends. “I’m not going to argue with you Allie, I did what Sammie wanted.” “Maybe you were a little aggressive and didn’t realize it.” “We are not talking about this anymore so get out.” “Do you even care you traumatized her?” “I don’t know how Tony puts up with you, sex with you isn’t that great and definitely not worth putting up with you,” he said glaring at her. “Am I supposed to care what you say?” “I don’t care if you do or don’t, but tell me what are you going to do when Tony goes off to college and leaves you? You’ll have to find some other idiot for you to pretend to care about, I never thought Tony was dumb enough to get involved with you.” “You might want to try harder if you want to hurt me Evan, you’re pathetic. Stay away from Sammie,” she said walked to the door. “I hope my uncle throws you out.” She closed the door behind her before he could reply. Getting into an fight with Evan was not her plan. He was really hostile today, though it was sort of understandable. They could make up and be BFFs later, for now she needed to focus on Sammie. It was easy to focus her attention on anything so that she didn’t have to think about Tony leaving. Leave it to Evan to bring something like that up when she had more important things to think about. She Google mapped how far away Tony was going and it was far enough for anything to happen. But that didn’t matter now; she needed to take care of Sammie. © 2010 Britiney Harper |
1 Review Added on January 14, 2010 Last Updated on June 14, 2010 AuthorBritiney Harperpittsburgh, PAAbout...A Few Things... 1) Hi! I'm Britiney 2) I Love to Write 3) I love to read 4) I'm a nerd 5) i love my Family more than anything else 6) I've been writing since i was 8yrs old (but really b4 tha.. more..Writing