![]() Allie Chapter 6A Chapter by Britiney Harper![]() (Chapter 6) Bliss![]() Chapter 6 Allie hated
Mondays, it wasn’t just the beginning of a whole week of school, it was much
worse. It was the day she had family therapy with her mother and brother. Of
the two of them she preferred her brother but only because her mother had done
a pretty good job screwing them both up. Markus ran away years ago and had
decided to pop up over the summer with her long lost father. Then it appeared
that her father decided to try to kill her mother. First he attacked her when
she was hiding out from their family in What was preferable was getting naked with Tony or doing homework. If her stupid therapist said anything about her problem to her mother Allie was going to hurt somebody. Her personal life was not Katrina’s business. It wasn’t like her mother ever even cared what she did when they lived together. She in fact let her do whatever the hell she wanted to. Of course Uncle Nick was not having that, if it was up to him she would never leave the house. Pretty much that was her summer but she found trouble inside the house by having sex with Evan and then Ivan and now she was with Tony. But Tony was different because she loved him and he loved her and they were happy together it wasn’t just a fling. At lunch Tony dragged her into the weight room to have sex with her. She was never opposed to having sex, but she was surprised at him. He was such a good boy she wondered what he saw in her. Even when she was good she was still bad. But most of yesterday she spent in Tony’s bed. It was sort of odd considering her little scare. And there was the fact that she was still late. Today was obviously a good day to wear a dress; it made things so much easier. There was a certain thrill to doing this in school where they could get caught. Though if they got caught it was Tony that had everything to lose, it made her want to stop so that he could stay out of trouble. But you just couldn’t say no to him, all he had to do was look at you and you would just melt. And she was melting all over him while he took her against the wall. Afterwards they both cleaned up and then ended up making out. “Almost time for class,” she told him trying to be responsible. “Yeah,” he shrugged and kissed her again. “I love you Allie.” “I love you too,” she replied. “I got offered my scholarship,” he told her. “Oh my God, that’s amazing,” she said and hugged him. “That’s why you wanted to have sex?” “No I just wanted you,” he said. “We need to celebrate,” she said. “No need to, I think we just celebrated enough,” he said pulling her to the door. As usual he walked her to her class and kissed her before she went in. Her Monday was looking up now. It never failed that sex put her in a good mood. Sammie looked at her and shook her head like she knew. Allie just rand her fingers through hair and took her seat. She pulled out her compact to check to see if she looked like she’d just had hot steamy sex, her make-up was still good. It was obvious that her brain was not going to focus on U.S. History today. All she could think about was Tony, part of her wanted to skip her next class to see him again. “You should take another test,” Sammie told her being a buzz kill. “I know, I will but it doesn’t matter,” she sighed. “What is that supposed to mean?” “Just means that its unlikely, stop worrying I’m totally bliss right now I can’t think of anything else.” “Maybe you should tell someone about this,” Sammie suggested. “Bliss Sam, besides our adopt-a-parents are still gone and aren’t coming back till next week. By then I will be in the clear and Tony got his scholarship so everybody will be distracted with that,” she told her cousin. “Tell your mom,” Sammie said very unexpectedly. “Hell and no, I can’t stand Katrina and the feeling is obviously mutual. I don’t even know why she agreed to this crap, none of us want to go. I would rather spend that time with my sexy boyfriend,” she sighed again. “Just wait Sam, when you finally give in you will not regret it.” “I’m not doing that any time soon so shut up about it. Last week you were bliss because Tammy got your favorite ice cream at the store,” Sammie shook her head. “Ask me what I did with the afore mentioned ice cream and some Reddi whip,” she said with a smile. “That really was bliss.” “Maybe “Of course I am and that’s why you love me, I do all the things you wish you could. No reason to hold back Sam your judgy brother isn’t here to scowl at you.” “To you it’s not a big deal because you’ve been with a lot of guys but it is to me,” Sammie whispered. “I just never got a chance for it to matter,” she replied losing her blissful mood completely. “So maybe you’re right.” “I’m sorry,” Sammie said now looking at her with concern. “Hey, don’t look at me like that I am good and I promise to be nicer about your decision,” she said. Their teacher threw at dirty look at them, they talked through most classes. But like a lot of people the school was afraid of her uncle, with reason. It was
early in the afternoon when Wildflower managed to get out of bed. She had
mostly been in bed for the last two days. Her plans with “Nicolas, you have to let me up I need a shower and to get dressed,” she told him. “Why do you need to get dressed?” He asked like he didn’t already know. “Because I am leaving and if I don’t call home today my mother will go crazy,” she said. “Your mother is already crazy,” he said. “Yes she is, but considering the way the last few months have gone I need to call everybody back,” she said while he was feeling her up. When he said they were going to stay in bed a few days she didn’t take him seriously. “We’re going to dinner with them huh?” “Yes, it won’t kill you, besides I need a break and air,” she told him. “Fine, tomorrow we’ll go look at houses,” he said. “You don’t have to buy me another house Nick.” “Yes I do the other one is near the beach but not on the beach.” “Is there anyway I can talk you out of this?” “Did you talk me out of giving your mom a house that nobody uses now?” “She doesn’t want to live alone, and you said Brooke, Jay, Ivan and Van can live there. Do you regret buying it?” She asked and he considered her a moment. “Not really, it will be used now,” he shrugged. “Remember I own a house I didn’t use to live in, it’s not a big deal to me. They are going to pay for the utilities in the house, it’s not my problem.” “But I’m just saying you just bought a house that we can’t even go to,” she said trying to be logical. Though she knew better whenever he wanted to do something he did it no matter what she said. “It’s not really a house exactly anyway, it’s more of a villa,” he said as if that made it better. “I even had Gloria fly down there to check it out before I bought it, that’s where the pictures came from.” “I can’t wait to see it, I know I said I want all of us to go down for Christmas, but I think you and I should go down before everybody else.” “Oh yeah? Why is that?” “So we can test out the house and the pool,” she said innocently. “Sounds great,” he said and kissed her. “Want company in the shower?” “If we can just shower and not have sex,” she said. “Fine,” he said. They got out of bed and he definitely did not keep that promise. “So are things going good now?” Holly asked and Jasmine shrugged. “He’s guarded, he doesn’t trust me anymore,” she sighed. “Well you did hide your pregnancy and tell him that his son might not be his. That’s a lot to deal with,” Holly said. “I know, but I’m going to make this work,” she vowed. They were watching Jose sitting on the living room floor playing with Joseph who was laughing. It was amazing to watch them together; this was why she needed to keep them together. Ever since the Oliver incident the other day things were ok at least. Her parents were being really nice to Jose for some reason. Tomorrow they were flying back to move into their nice new house. And she was planning for them to get married very soon, why wait? Jose wanted to marry her for awhile so she was giving him what he wanted. This had nothing to do with money; she just wanted to be a family for her son. Maybe she was being paranoid but she felt like everybody thought she did. As long as Jose didn’t think that it was fine, but part of her felt like he did. “So what are you going to do? Just be a stay at home mom?” Holly asked. “For now yeah, it wasn’t even my idea Jose says it would be best.” “Are you sure you want to move?” “No, but I have to its where his work is.” “And you’re sure you are ready to marry him?” “Yes,” she said. That was the only thing she was certain of. “Well I’ll come down and help you with all that,” Holly offered. “You are amazing; you’ve always been my favorite sister.” “I know,” Holly replied. There was a knock at the front door their mother came out the kitchen to go answer it. “Are those cop cars out there?” Holly asked getting up to get a better look, Jasmine looked too. “Officer, there’s been some kind of mistake,” she heard her mother say. Both her and Holly went to join her at the door. “Mom what’s wrong?” Jasmine asked, she had a bad feeling. “They say they are here to take Joseph,” her mother told her. “What? Why would they be here to take my baby?” She asked but she had a feeling that she knew. “We have a report that Joseph Scott was taken from his father’s home without his permission,” the officer said. “Who? For one thing that is not my son’s last name and his father is with him right now,” Jasmine said angrily. Of course Oliver was an a*s and whole do something stupid like this. “Ma’am you are going to have to give us the child, his father has the proof of his full custody.” “Hell no, that jackass isn’t the father of my child and he’s not going anywhere,” she said. “Please don’t make this more difficult than it has to be,” he said. “You can’t just take him,” her mother said. “How can you just take the word of that liar?” Holly asked. “Jas,” she heard Jose behind her. “Why don’t you let me handle this?” “Ok,” she nodded and moved away and took Joseph from him. Jose lead the officer back out on to the porch to speak to him. At that moment she wanted to murder Oliver and she really was planning on it. Why couldn’t he understand that Joseph was not his son? What kind of person made up false legal documents and lied to the police? When she got her hands on Oliver she was going to murder him. She just hoped Jose could make this go away because there was no way in hell she was letting anyone take her baby anywhere. “So you are
enjoying your honeymoon?” “Oh yes, sorry I bailed on you the other day,” Wildflower said. “Its fine,
you haven’t stopped smiling and you are definitely glowing,” “Yes,” she smiled thinking about it. The last two days had been pretty amazing. “You’re
dangerously close to being a glowy woman I hate,” “Just for a
little while, I vaguely still feel nauseous if that helps. Do you think I’m
getting a belly?” She asked and “You are so
tiny it’s ridiculous, only you could lose weight by accident and then find out
you are pregnant,” “What?” Wildflower asked and looked to where she was pointing. It was a billboard and she was on it. “I am going to murder Carmen.” “Well at
least you look good,” When she modeled for Carmen she never thought that any of the pictures would end up on a billboard. But there she was wearing a dress from LAO’s new fall line. One thing she knew for sure was that Nicolas was going to hate it, he was very possessive. In his mind no man had the right to look at her and there she was larger than life in a tight fitting dress. And to make it worse there was a male model and he had his arm around her waist. He was modeling for Carmen’s new men’s line. The weekend this photo shoot was done she had been annoyed at Nicolas and wanted revenge for him neglecting her and standing her up on his birthday. This was going to end badly. So much for her wonderful honeymoon, he was going to flip out. “I was so happy but now I can’t go back to that house,” she sighed. “Why? Are you thinking your hubby will be mad?” “Remember when we went out together the first time and he stalked me and we had that big fight? I do not want to fight right now, I was happy and he was buying me a house tomorrow.” “I’m sure he will be ok with this, its just an ad for his sister’s clothing line.” “You’ve known him longer than I have do you honestly believe that? That dress is tight and short and the guy was touching me,” she shook her head. “Ok I guess
I see the problem, how bout we just don’t tell him?” “Wonderful, I get to start my marriage off lying,” she replied. “Come on
you need to sit, you’ve been on your feet too long,” “You know I have a weakness for stilettos and I can’t wear them,” she said. “After your restriction is up you should be fine, just be careful. I wore heels both times I was pregnant.” Shopping in
high end expensive stores had its perks. There were nice comfy chairs; the
sales girls brought them drinks. It was
weird that the girls in the store were treating her like she was a celebrity
when she was anything but. A few pictures did not make her a model all of a
sudden. She was a translator, and that was what she did well. And she could
take care of kids. Before Nicolas she got most of her clothes from Goodwill and
second hand stores and whatnot. It wasn’t until the fire that she even really
started buying designer clothes and somewhere along the way she got hooked on
shopping. Mostly she loved shoes. So she got a new pair of Manolos and a pair
of Jimmy Choos. Jose was having a bad day and it was going to get much worse. It took way too long to straighten things out with the police. He was a revenge minded person, it ran in his family it was a genetic default. So he already planned on bashing that Oliver guy’s face in. Actually he planned to ever since the loser forced his way into the house and upset Jasmine. After the police came she was a little hysterical, which of course she had the right to be. What women wouldn’t freak out when someone was trying to take her child away? It was her that wanted to go find Oliver and kick his teeth in. And of course he could not let her go anywhere alone, Holly tagged along too. They were in the car headed over to Oliver’s parents’ house. Jasmine was fidgety the whole way there. Jose squeezed her thigh to try to calm her a bit but there was no calming an angry mother. She laced her fingers through his and gave him a half smile. This was his woman, the one he’d wanted forever. He liked her better fired up and murderous, he fell in love with a woman that always got her way because she refused to acknowledge the word no. The old Jasmine was fierce and could charm any man, sure charmed him. Having a baby changed her, being hurt and afraid changed her. When he found out how she cried all that time she was pregnant because of him, he couldn’t keep being mad at her. The last few days were actually really good for their relationship, which really surprised him. More surprising was her family being almost nice to him and that was just downright bizarre. “There he is,” Holly said from the backseat. Oliver was in the driveway obviously having just gotten out of his car. Jasmine didn’t wait for Jose t o stop the car she just jumped out. Somehow she kept her balance and ran over to him. Apparently messing with a mother could get you killed. He parked and got out with Holly following. Jasmine and Oliver were yelling loudly at each other and then she hit him. Not like a girly smack, she punched him in his face and he stumbled backwards and lost his balance. Before Jose could decided if he wanted to stop her or not she was kicking Oliver while he was on the ground. That was when he decided to just let her handle it herself, it was quite amusing. All the noise of course made people look outside to see what was going on and Oliver’s parents came out and they were shouting at her to live their son alone. “Are you going to stop her before or after someone calls the police?” Holly asked. “I guess I’ll get her,” he sighed. He went over and pulled Jasmine away; he literally had pick her up and drag her away. “Jasmine! What has gotten into you?” A woman who was obviously Oliver’s mother asked while helping her son up. “Stay away from my son,” Jasmine said glaring at Oliver. “Why are you so afraid of the truth? He is mine and I’m going to take him far away from you,” Oliver said. “What are you talking about?” The mother asked looking back and forth between them confused. “I’m the father of her baby,” Oliver told his mother “No you are not,” Jasmine said struggling to get away. “Jasmine, stop,” Jose said looking her in the eyes. “Pam,” Holly said calling to Oliver’s mother. She put on her sugary sweet smile. “Oliver is mistaken about who Joseph’s father is and we would really appreciate it if you got your son some help. He’s obsessed with my sister and tried to have to police take her baby away.” “Oliver, what have you done?” His mother asked. “Me? She came on to me and was complaining about her loser boyfriend and his trail of w****s. Then we spent the night together and the next thing I know she’s leaving the country to be with him again. And I find out later that she’s had a baby and the time makes sense. Let’s not forget that Jasmine thins she’s so entitled and she isn’t above lying about a pregnancy when there’s a rich guy involved,” Oliver said angrily. There was something to that, Jose could see it in the way Jasmine looked and Holly too. “Stay,” Jose told Jasmine when he let her go. He walked over to Oliver, this needed to come to an end. “Look, I had a test done and Joseph is my son. I would never raise somebody else’s child, if you want proof you can ask my cousin’s wife about that. Joseph is my son, you need to understand that. If you ever come near my son or Jasmine again I will kill you. That is not exaggeration I will kill you and who knows if anyone will ever find your body. I have enough to deal with right now and I’m trying to be nice here even though you pulled your little stunt. So you know I don’t make threats and I’m not joking either. You’ve been warned,” he told him in a low tone so that only he could hear. “You are a fool to marry her,” Oliver replied. “Maybe but that’s my business,” he said and turned to walk away. “Get in the car,” he said to Jasmine and Holly. Jasmine looked lie she was going to argue but he gave her a look and she complied. “What are you going to do about him?” She asked on their way back to her parents’ house. “What do you want me to do?” He asked her and she glared at him. “I want you to protect our son.” “That’s what I am trying to do.” “But you aren’t doing anything.” “Well maybe you shouldn’t have had sex with him,” he shrugged. Of course she was pissed, but this was her fault. “You blame me for this? I never told him anything about Joseph until his stupid b***h mother told him that I had child,” she said furiously. “Just like you never told me I had a son. And since we’ve been here I’ve had to hear about how upset you were and all the pain I put you through. All I can wonder is if you would have ever told me about him? You know if I had known I would have been with you, if you needed to be here with your family I would have stayed here with you. All your blame is getting on my damn nerves, so what if I was with other women? Why was I with them Jasmine? Because you wouldn’t be with me and I wasn’t going to sit around waiting for you to grow up. So maybe you should take some responsibility for the things you have done,” he told her. Both Jasmine and Holly looked shocked, but it all needed to be said. “J, I can’t change the past, I tried to make it right with you,” Jasmine said. It was weird she didn’t show any emotion at all, that worried him. “Yes, I am aware of that,” he said. “I love you J and I just want to keep Little J safe,” she said pouting at him slightly. One thing he could say was that this woman sure new how to work him. “I love you too and I won’t let anything happen to our son, I promise,” he said and she smiled at him. The sad thing was that he fell for her pouting and smiling every single time. This woman was going to be the death of him. Nicolas had
gone out to pick up something for his wife that was when he saw it. The “it”
was a billboard advertising his sister’s clothing line and there was his wife
looking amazing. The little scrap of material Carmen was passing off as a dress
looked great on Wildflower, he could admit that. But the man with his arm
around her waist was unacceptable. If he wanted to marry a model he would have
but he didn’t want a model. He knew when Carmen talked Wildflower into that
fashion show that something like this would happen. This little shoot must have
been that weekend after his birthday that Wildflower took the girls back to He could admit that he was controlling and possessive but what man wanted to see his wife of a few weeks like that? Once he had been a little crazy and spied on her when she was out with her friends and his crazy sister but that the past. He more or less was ok with her going out or he was before he found out she was pregnant. That solved his problem with her going out; pregnant women did not belong in night clubs and bars. So what was he going to do about this billboard? What could he do? It was there and people already saw it. The thing pissed him off but there was nothing he could do about it, strangling his sister would help a little. Getting angry was only going to ruin the last few days he had to spend time with her alone. So he had to let it go. When he got back to the house he found her in the bedroom a long with a lot of shopping bags. It amused him that once upon a time she had to be forced into buying anything for herself and now she abused his credit cards. Not that it mattered how much money she spent, he liked to see her happy. If clothes and shoes made her happy then she could have whatever she wanted. She was lying in the bed on the phone with Carmen; obviously she had been surprised by the billboard too. At least she had good common sense; his sister was seriously lacking any at all. He was distracted while looking at his wife laying there in the camisole she wore out and her panties that were the same color. So he moved things off the bed to crawl up to her and she smiled at him. “Carmen, I’m going to have to call you back, Nick just got her,” she said into the phone. “Yes, I promise to answer calls from now on.” “Hang up,” he told her. “I have to go Carmen,” she said. He took the phone while his sister was still talking and hung it up. “She’s only going to call back.” “Then I can tell her what I think of her new ads,” he replied. “You saw that?” “Yeah, you look amazing in it,” he said and she looked shocked. “Are we really talking about the same thing?” “Yes, I think you look beautiful, but I don’t like it. You never told me that you posed with male models.” “Uh yeah I was kind of pissed at you when I did that and I kind of didn’t really think about it after,” she admitted. “Are you mad?” “No, I don’t like it at all but I guess I deserve it,” he said. “So I see you had fun shopping today.” “Today was so weird people saw me on the billboard and kept complimenting me. I’m no model and though Carmen says she wants me to do more for her, it’s not me,” she said. That was the perfect answer and he didn’t have to influence her at all. “Do we have to go out tonight?” He asked and than began kissing her neck and moving lower to run his tongue along her cleavage. “Yes we do,
I spent the day with “Tell her you don’t feel up to it,” he told her. He kissed her down over her shirt and stopped at her belly button. “Nick,” she sighed. “Um these are our friends and Richard was in our wedding, it would be rude.” “They’ll get over it,” he said while pulling the band on her panties with his teeth. “Nicolas,” she whispered. He reached up to slowly pull her panties down over her hips and off her body. “We’ll see then back at home,” he pointed out. Placing kisses on the inside of her thighs had her speechless, so he teased her a little. “We’re still going,” she said. She was looking down at him with lust in her eyes. “Fine, we can get ready after I’m done with you,” he said and she smiled. At least he knew that no matter who looked at her, no man could ever touch his wife. Actually having dinner in a restaurant with another couple was a new experience for Wildflower. For one thing she never really went out to dinner; most of her meals were had at home. And it was rare for her and Nicolas to actually go out somewhere together. In fact now that she was thinking about it before this vacation they hadn’t gone out together in months. He was a workaholic and she spent most of her time with the kids and her family. Everybody always came over to the mansion so they ordered in a lot. Being an adult and doing adult things was different, but in a good way. Maybe they needed to get out more. Of course
Nicolas and Richard talked about business type things all through dinner. So Dinner was nice but Richard and “Are you feeling ok?” Nicolas the worrier asked. “Yes and I haven’t even been on my feet long,” she replied while staring out at the ocean. “You wore heels earlier; didn’t the doctor tell you not to do that?” “Hush, they weren’t even stilettos like I like and I didn’t have any accidents. You worry more than my mother.” “It’s my job to worry and take care of you,” he said. He wrapped his arms around her waist and she leaned back into him. “I love it here, I can’t wait till we get a house,” she told him. “Now you want a house? I guess miracles do happen if you aren’t fighting me.” “What’s the point? You would do it anyway and at least this way I can choose which one I want and decorate it accordingly.” “It would be nice if we could live here,” he said thoughtfully. “Really? I would so love it,” she said. “I feel like we need a change of scenery, maybe we could stay here next summer.” “Then we would need three houses to fit all the kids.” “You realize we are not responsible for all of D’s kids right?” “Yes, but they never get to see each other except for holidays and summer and I don’t mind them being around. I’m sure they would love to spend a summer at the beach,” she told him. “We’ll see when the time comes,” he said. “So what are we going to do with the whole 10 days we have left here?” “Buy a house and get it furnished and make love everywhere in this house.” “I like that idea,” she said. Just ten more days and they had to go back home to their real life. And she had to work on planning dinner for Thanksgiving. © 2010 Britiney HarperReviews
2 Reviews Added on January 9, 2010 Last Updated on April 10, 2010 AuthorBritiney Harperpittsburgh, PAAbout...A Few Things... 1) Hi! I'm Britiney 2) I Love to Write 3) I love to read 4) I'm a nerd 5) i love my Family more than anything else 6) I've been writing since i was 8yrs old (but really b4 tha.. more..Writing
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