![]() Allie Chapter 4A Chapter by Britiney Harper![]() (Chapter 4) Test![]() Chapter 4
“Are you serious?” Sammie asked and Allie just nodded. “This is really bad.” “Yeah, I know but it’s not the first time I’ve taken one,” Allie shrugged. Maybe if she played it cool and didn’t act nervous everything would be fine. “Did you tell Tony?” Sammie asked following her down the aisles of the store. “Hell no, he’s off hanging out with his friends and I’m not going to worry him. And if he knew then he wouldn’t want to have sex anymore,” she said. Sammie was right this was really bad but she was determined to appear as though she was calm and everything was fine. When the truth was that she was scared. Birth control wasn’t 100% but it had kept her safe before. Well there was that one time a while ago when she forgot to take it but that was why she got shots now. There were things that made birth control less effective but she hadn’t really done anything out of the ordinary. Except she was taking psych meds so that might have done it. All she new was that she was a little late and she was going to take a pregnancy test. Telling Tony anything was just going to end up bad. So she stole her uncle’s car keys, grabbed Sammie and drove a store far away from their house. At her insistence they were both wearing sunglasses too, if anybody found out it was going to be pretty bad. “You have a drawer full of condoms, why don’t you use them?” “We do, sometimes but I’m on birth control it’s supposed to make this not happen.” “And what if you are pregnant? Tony is getting a scholarship and going to play football in college, he can’t really do that if you’re pregnant. Not to mention that Ricky will kill you.” “He could still go to school, it’s not like he has to get a job to support us. In case you didn’t notice Sam, our family is rich. Or I don’t know, I don’t have to have a baby.” “Tony wouldn’t let you do that.” Sammie pointed out. “Are you sure about that? He told me Daisy did it before,” she said. “You and Daisy are not the same person and Tony would never let that happen. And you have to tell him if you’re pregnant,” Sammie said. She whispered the word like it was dirty. Not really, if it’s what’s best for him I wouldn’t tell him,” Allie said. She picked up three different tests and pulled her cousin back to the check out and she grabbed a drink on her way. “Are you going to take it here?” Sammie asked and she nodded. They headed to the back of the store to go to the bathroom. It wasn’t supposed to be like this once she changed her ways. Six months ago she would have expected to be doing this but not now. Allie had gone through a huge change in her life and she was really trying to be a good girl. She didn’t stay out all night drinking and partying and having sex with random guys. No, she rarely went out and barely drank and she had the same boyfriend for almost three whole months. At school she had friends and was a cheerleader and had the best grades of her life. Yet her she was in a bathroom at a gas station taking pregnancy tests. If her therapist found out about this one she was definitely going to tell on her. The sex addiction thing was already on the top of her list of things to snitch about. The doctor-patient confidentiality didn’t exactly exist as far as her uncle was concerned and nobody said ‘no’ to Nicolas Capriani. Tony was a football star at their school and he was a straight A student. He was the type of guy that you could bring home to your parents and they would love him. In her case he was technically her uncle now since his sister married her uncle. They happened to live in the same house and had ever since June. She was completely in love with him and completely addicted to his body. It was weird for her to be a one guy type of a girl, but she liked it. Most of the time they didn’t even have sex, they did homework and studied because he needed to or Ricky would murder him. However there were a few times at school where they skipped lunch to have sex in the shower in the boy’s locker room or a few other places. They were both 17 and the last thing either of them needed was a baby. She was just getting her life together after her suicide attempt a few months ago. Tony had enough problems because of her; she caused a rift between him and his brother Ivan. Maybe she needed to stay away from Tony; she was only going to ruin his life. Despite what she said she was pretty sure she couldn’t get an abortion, if it was somebody else maybe but not when she was with Tony. If it wasn’t for the fact that her uncle was her legal guardian, the fact that she couldn’t stand her mother and her father was trying to kill her mother, then she would go back to her. At least that way she would have distance between her and Tony. Currently they were together often, she was thankful that he was hanging with the guys today. “Sam what the hell am I going to do?” “Stop having unprotected sex?” Sammie suggested giving her a ‘duh’ expression. “It feels good though, wait tell Evan pops your cherry,” she laughed. Of course Sammie wasn’t amused. “ “I’m not anxious to have sex and Evan knows that,” Sammie replied. “Yeah, but Evan does like sex a lot so once you do it he’ll want more.” “Says my cousin who has had sex with my boyfriend and two of his brothers.” “Are you really still mad about that? It was ages ago,” Allie said. “I was never mad about it, you’re just kinda a w***e,” Sammie said with a smile. “Before maybe a little but it’s almost been three months that I have exclusively been with Tony. That is like forever for me unless you count that mistake that was my thing with Aaron,” she sighed. “Don’t say his name or he will like show up or call you, can we say stalker?” “Yeah I know, he keeps texting me like all the time,” she sighed again. Her life was sooo complicated. “Ok, I’m going to take the test.” Wildflower woke up to a sun filled room and a sea breeze coming in through the open patio doors. She had dozed off sometime early that afternoon and since the sun was still shining it couldn’t be that late. This wasn’t a dream; this was real what she’d been waking up to the last couple of days. Either that or life was just really cruel. She got up from the couch and went out onto the deck. Her wonderful husband was setting up a candle lit dinner for her. With the way her thoughts had been so back and forth lately she felt like she was crazy, but he put up with her crazy. The 23 hour drive from home was long and she had to bribe him to make him stop so he didn’t have to drive the whole way in a day. He was the one that decided to take her barely driven practically still brand new gold Escalade. She loved her car but she never went far in it, she had no life and therefore nowhere to go. Being on bed rest she really had nowhere to go. It kind of sucked because they were at the beach and she wasn’t allowed on her feet more than about ten minutes at a time. “Come sit,” Nicolas called over to her. So she went over and he pulled a chair out for her. “Believe it or not I actually cooked this time.” “I’m my dream you cooked all the time,” she said and he laughed. “You should have known it was a dream if I was cooking. Remember when we met I lived in a hotel with room service? Before that I lived with my Abuelita and she cooked all the time,” he said. “Well every time I’ve ever tried to cook for you I get molested,” she said and he smiled. “You never let me finish.” “That’s because you cook with no clothes on.” “I’ve never been completely naked when I cooked.” “Put clothes on and then you might finish, then again I would love for you to watch you cook naked,” he said thoughtfully. “And half way through it you would be in me and I wouldn’t be cooking anymore,” she replied and he smiled deviously. They had a pleasant dinner of chicken stir-fry with a salad on the side. Just like everybody else he was stuffing her full of food. After eating they sat and watched the sunset over the ocean. She loved the ocean, even though she couldn’t really enjoy it the way she wanted to. But it was peaceful being curled up with Nicolas just listening to the waves. It would have been nice to live near the beach, maybe some time in the future they could. Or at least they could take more vacations. “So have you thought of any baby names?” Nicolas asked. “Well in my dream you were certain we were going to have a boy, so I’ve been calling the baby little Nick,” she said and he laughed. “And what if it’s a girl?” “Nikki or Nicole,” she replied. “Really? You want to name our first child after me?” He asked that loving look in his eyes right now made it an easy decision. “Yes, of course I do, this was all your idea anyway,” she said and he kissed her. “I had been thinking of flowery names for girls, like you and your sisters.” “Yeah my mom was definitely on something Iris, Daisy and Wildflower. I could have been a Lilly or hell Sunflower, nope Wildflower she names me. Then she got mad when I grew up to be a little wild,” she shook her head. “If it’s a girl we could always name her Daisy,” he suggested. For a moment she stared at him, that was what he said in her dream. “I like Nikki for a girl, but her middle name could be Daisy,” she said. After having that dream she looked up names on the internet and she mostly liked naming their first child after him. Thinking of her dream made her wonder if the conversation would be the same in real life? “How many kids do you want?” “More than two but I doubt I could handle 12 and I’m the youngest of 5 so that’s not a bad number. How many were you thinking?” “I don’t know, I guess we will see after we have one if we can handle more,” she replied. “But I hope our children have your eyes.” “That’s highly unlikely,” he said as she knew he would. Either he was really predictable or she had a moment of being psychic. The funny thing was she wasn’t sure with option was more likely to have happen. “You never know, maybe you just possess some gene that nobody else in your family does,” she said. “Maybe,” he said tracing a finger around her belly button. When she was in the hospital her belly ring was taken out and she decided not to replace it. Mothers did not need belly jewelry, no matter how young she was. “Something on your mind?” “My mother called when you were asleep, she wants to have lunch with you tomorrow,” he said. “Nick,
aside from the fact that your mother hates
me, she lives in “Well she’s ironically in LA,” he said avoiding her eyes. “Nicolas Capriani, do not tell me your mother flew out here just because we are here,” she said watching him close. “Yeah it looks like it,” he said. “She was at the hospital the first couple days before she had to fly back to her house. When she found out from Katrina that we came out here she took a flight.” “What does she want? Does it involve some type of legal document?” “Hopefully not,” he sighed. “If you don’t want to then its fine.” “Do you want to?” “Uh she wants it to be just the two of you,” he said and she stared at him speechless. “It’s up to you what you want to do.” “You still
aren’t telling me why she would be willing to fly from “She didn’t really say, but I think it has something to do with our little one,” he said while rubbing her belly. “For the sake of our child, I think she wants to try to get along with you.” “Or she wants a DNA test to see if it’s really your child,” she replied annoyed. Ever since
the day they met Rosa Capriani neither liked nor trusted Wildflower. It started
back at the beginning of the summer when she came to “surprise” Nicolas early
and she found out he had a secret. Until that day Wildflower hadn’t met any of
his family except the girls of course and Sammie’s twin Jordan and his sister
Katrina and brother Delanoz. And his family for the most part had no idea he
was seeing anybody and they especially had no idea she lived with him at the
mansion. The house had been in their family for more than 100 years and until
she moved in with him Nicolas (who owned the house) none of the family lived
there. So That nearly
gave poor “If you want I can go with you,” he offered. “It’s cool as long as it’s a public place where she can’t stab me or something its fine. I want to go shopping anyway,” she said. The look he gave her had nothing to do with the situation with his mother. “You do not need to go shopping,” he said. If she was anybody else that would have been taken as an order but he knew better. “I texted Doctor Cam, he said it’s not that big of a deal,” she told him. “As long as I don’t fall or anything its ok and you can come with me, I won’t over do it.” “I miss those days where you didn’t want to spend any money,” he said shaking his head. “Maybe a little while, not that you even need clothes.” “Honey, I could never have too many clothes,” she replied and kissed him. She wondered when things changed so much that she became a shopaholic. It all started when her mother’s house burned down and she lost all of her clothes. Now she couldn’t help herself. Tony had been out with his friends having pizza after they played basketball. Apparently he couldn’t get away from sports, not that he minded. All he really wanted was time out of the house. But because his life was never easy or simple one of his brothers walked in the door. Evan was already hanging out with him but of the choices he had of the other 7 brothers that could pop up anywhere at any time, it had to be Ivan. It was just too awkward to talk to Ivan, even though they were brothers. His brother was in love with his girlfriend so that was difficult. Not to mention that Allie was 16 when she had been having sex with 23 year old Ivan. Nobody talked about it anymore, ignoring it was easy for everybody else. Tony had to live with the fact that Allie had loved Ivan too, even if her therapist reprogrammed her to think she didn’t. It was awful as Ricky told him more than once that a girl came between brothers. The girl in question had also had sex with Evan but Evan was in love with Sammie. Everything about the situation and their family was crazy and dysfunctional. Ivan walked in and stared at him for a moment, then signaled for him to come talk to him. That was the last thing Tony wanted to do but Evan gave him a look. Their other siblings of course didn’t get why the two of them weren’t speaking. Only Ricky, Wildflower and Evan knew about Ivan’s love for a teenage girl. It was supposed to be a secret so that Nicolas didn’t murder Ivan. Reluctantly he got up and followed his brother back outside away from other people. They were about the same height, Tony was darker skinned because he spent a lot of time outdoors, and he worked out so he was a little more muscular. Not that he was going to fight his own brother or anything; he was just acknowledging their differences. He ran a hand through his hair it was pretty long but Allie said she loved it lie that and she lied playing in his hair. “Did you want something?” He asked Ivan, though it might have came out sounding a little hostile. “It’s been a long time since we’ve talked,” Ivan said calmly. “It’s because of her, right? I’m sure she’s told you some things.” There was definitely a bitter look in his eyes that he was trying and failing to cover up. “Does any of it really matter anymore? All of it’s in the past,” Tony said. And he wasn’t surprised that his brother had an expression that suggested he didn’t want it to be in the past. Part of him didn’t blame Ivan because there was something about Allie, she was addictive. She was like a drug it was easy to get hooked on. That wasn’t always a good thing and neither was her love of attention. But if she wasn’t the way she was then he probably would never have been with her, Ivan and Evan either. She was just one of those people with a big personality and he loved her. But so did his brother no matter that he could go to jail for touching, Ivan didn’t care. That was the pull she could have on someone. Ivan needed to get over it though, she was Tony’s now and he’d loved her long before Ivan paid her and her skimpy skirts any attention. “Do you love her?” Ivan asked avoiding the question. “Yes I do,” he replied. “Of course you do,” Ivan laughed. “We are brothers, a girl shouldn’t change that,” he said trying to be the bigger man. Unfortunately Ivan still looked amused. “And when did you decide her? Was it before or after you gay experimenting?” “What?” He asked stunned, there were exactly three people that knew about that other than himself and Ivan wasn’t one of them. “The golden boy doesn’t even deny it,” Ivan laughed again. “I get it, pretty girlfriend on your arm so that no one suspects.” “You have no idea what you are talking about,” he said struggling to keep calm. If he let himself show anger than he would probably fight his brother and Ricky would kill him. One of the number one things Ricky told him was that one stupid fight could ruin all his plans. And this was his older brother, though Ivan should have been the one being an adult. Tony was 17; he wasn’t seeking a fight over nothing. He was trying to take the high road. There was no way he would mention that once he left here he was probably going to end up in bed with Allie. And he definitely wasn’t going to tell Ivan that Allie told him more than once that he was the better lover. Just thinking about that actually made him hate himself a little; he wasn’t that type of person. Ivan however was apparently just that type of person. Right now he didn’t know his brother at all. “Don’t I? Does she know you go both ways?” Ivan asked and what Tony wouldn’t give to wipe that smirk off his face. “I was really hoping that things between us wouldn’t have to be so weird anymore but I guess that’s too much to ask. Grow up Ivan and stop pining over my girlfriend,” he said. “She doesn’t love you, not that it matters with you being gay and all. Just another notch on her bedpost,” Ivan replied. “I’m not gay and you can ask Allie about that, she knows for sure,” he said. It was hard to take the high road when Ivan was doing this on purpose. “Where is she right now? Off with her next victim? You’re stupid to keep following her around like a puppy,” Ivan said glaring at him. “What the hell is wrong with you?” Evan asked when he came out. “Ivan I warned you to stay away from her, but you just couldn’t listen. Now you would choose to be bitter and take it out on Tony? He has nothing to do with your issues. Let’s not forget that she is 17 and you can not be with her even if she still wanted you.” “Guess you would know,” Ivan said bitterly. “Have fun while it lasts.” He said to Tony and shook his head as he walked away back to his car. “You know I thought our family couldn’t get more screwed up than it already was, guess I was wrong,” Tony said. “We are quit Jerry Springer worthy,” Evan said. “Yeah three brothers have sex with the same girl and you end up with her cousin, add in the rest of the family and we got enough material for a month.” “Probably, so what are you going to do about him?” “What can I do? All I can really do is trust her,” he said. It was too obvious that both of them had doubts about that. Allie was lying outside in the grass staring at the sky, the sun was setting. She had a lot to think about. For some odd reason she got a text from Ivan saying he wanted to see her, to talk. The last time they spoke he ambushed her at a football game and told her he loved her. But she did the right thing and walked away. When Wildflower found out that she had been having a sexual relationship with Ivan she was pretty clear about her not being allowed to speak to him. And Allie listened; she hadn’t spoken to him since that day. Now he wanted to talk today of all days. Even if she wanted to, Brooke and Christina definitely knew about her fling with Ivan. They were both in the house and so was Jay, Isaiah and Ricky. And Ricky was always suspicious of her. If Ricky only knew what she had been up to earlier that day. She wanted to stay on his good side because if he told Tony that he couldn’t be with her Tony would listen. All of the Laiez siblings were like that, Ricky’s word was law. The whole reason she came out here was to get away from everybody, including Sammie with her disapproving looks. And Ricky made her nervous, he seemed like he could see through her. Then she needed to figure out what she was going to say to Tony. Her phone vibrated again, Ivan wanted her to come to his apartment right now. Why would she need to do that? There was nothing left to say, she was over him. The sad thing was that she couldn’t force herself to believe that. Maybe she still had feelings for him a little. But it didn’t mean anything, she loved Tony. Everything about Tony was amazing and he was sweet and loving. And he was going off to college way too soon. What would she do without him? He’d always been there, even just as a friend. That was why she had the idea to go to summer school so that she could graduate early to be with him. It seemed like a good idea, but she was pretty sure he hated it. They never really talked about it but college was a time to find yourself and experience life on your own. He wouldn’t want his high school girlfriend following him around; he deserved freedom to hook up and hang out and whatever else. Thinking was a curse for her, she always thought too much about things and she usually ended up in trouble. If she went to see Ivan he would definitely seduce her and she didn’t trust herself enough to be alone with him. So she wrote back that she couldn’t and that he needed to leave her alone. Then he said he saw Tony and he asked if she knew her boyfriend was gay. That made the decision to stay away from Ivan so much easier. Tony was definitely not gay, but one drunk night his ex-friend kissed him. They might have made out a little but that meant nothing. The guy in question was in love with Tony and Tony being his oblivious boy self didn’t know it. Tony told her about it, in fact he confided in her before he did his own brother. A kiss was nothing if you were not attracted to that person or turned on by them at all. She had her proof that Tony was straight; he made a mistake that was all. And she had drunk kissed girls before and she wasn’t a lesbian at all, she loved men. She raised her arm up so she could look at her bracelet with the heart charm. Tony bought it for her and it said their names on it. He was a wonderful boyfriend even though all she brought him was trouble; him and Ivan couldn’t be near each other. And then there was Aaron at school always trying to win her back. Why couldn’t the world understand she wanted Tony? Hadn’t she told him a few weeks ago at homecoming that she loved him? So why was fate so cruel? And why couldn’t she just have a normal simple uneventful life? Another text came; this one was from her friend Abby. It informed her of a party tonight. Maybe she would go and get drunk and forget everything else. Or she could go raid her uncle’s liquor cabinet. The last thing she needed to do was get drunk though, she needed to talk to Tony sober. It was a bad idea for a lot of reasons. “Hey,” someone called; she rolled over to see Tony coming towards her. Now or never, fate was playing dirty today. Especially since at the moment with the sun glowing around him, he looked like a dream. In her opinion he was the hottest guy in their school. When he got to her he dropped down to his knees so he could kiss her. It wasn’t just a peck like she expected, it was all passion and love and it left her breathless. He rolled her over on her back and climbed on top of her straddling her hips and he kissed her some more. She wasn’t sure what had gotten into him but she was loving it. Nothing else in the world matter when he was kissing her. If it wasn’t still light out and if the house wasn’t full of people she would have loved to have sex with him right here in the grass. “Miss me or something?” She asked when he let her up for air. “We should head up to your bed,” he replied. “Maybe you should spend more time with your friends if this is how you are when you get back,” she said. His response was to kiss her again. The buzzing near her ear she knew was her cell phone, he was the one to look at it and his expression told her who it was. “Why are you talking to Ivan?” He asked, he looked down at her pissed. “Apparently he’s a c**k blocker,” she sighed. He of course did not look amused at all, he looked murderous. “Would you prefer the truth or a lie?” “Truth,” he said. “For some reason he wants to see me and I told him no but he can’t take a hint.” “Do you want to go see him?” He asked watching her, the question he wasn’t asking was if she wanted to be with Ivan. “Why would I? Don’t you trust me?” She asked but they both knew when it came to guys, especially Ivan and Aaron he didn’t. “I saw Ivan when I was out and he was being an a*s,” Tony said avoiding the answer to her question. “Don’t tell me you fought.” “Nah, he baited me but he’s not worth it.” “Tony, I love you,” she said. She didn’t care if he read her text messages, she had nothing to hide. “Did you say something to him about Joe?” Tony asked as if she hadn’t said anything. So much for her wonderful loving boyfriend, he was being dumb. “I do not talk to Ivan, the last time we spoke was at your first game and that was it. He texted me out of the blue today, if you don’t believe me go check my phone records,” she said annoyed. “Can you get off of me? The mood is so gone.” “Sorry,” he muttered getting up. He was still going through her phone and that really annoyed her. “If you don’t trust me this much then we need to break up, like now,” she told him. For a moment he just stared at her like she was speaking a foreign language. “I didn’t say that I don’t trust you but you were in love with him.” “I am in love with you or I was before you started your jealousy routine,” she paused. “Maybe we need to take a break, I can even drive me and Sam to school separate from you and the guys.” “Allie stop being stupid,” he said. “I love you and we aren’t taking a break. He just pissed me off, here’s my own damn brother trying to have sex with my girlfriend,” he paused reading something. “Says he wants to lick you all over like the last time you were together.” “Your brother is deranged,” she sighed. She rolled on her stomach and laid her head on her arms, she still had to tell him about earlier. “Tony, stop looking at that phone or I’m throwing it in the pool.” “Sorry,” he said and then he laid down beside her. “Something else wrong besides Ivan the child molester?” “Ivan isn’t a child molester,” she whispered. “Poor choice of words, I’m sorry I wasn’t thinking,” he said. He rolled her over on back again and kiss her, an apology kiss. “I love you Allie and I am a jealous brat but I don’t want to let him have you.” “Now you are being stupid, I keep telling you that you are the only guy for me. When you break up with me I’m going to become a nun,” she told him. “What do you mean when I break up with you? Why would I break up with you?” “Uh because you are going to college and you’re going to be a huge football star and girls are going to throw their panties at you. Its ok I understand,” she said. At the moment she couldn’t look him in the eyes, which would definitely make her cry. “What happened to you graduating early and coming to school with me and us getting an apartment and all that?” “I was being dumb and clingy.” “Allie, I’m not going to break up with you,” he told her. “Unless that’s what you want, but I had no intention of doing that.” “Are you sure? I’ll still be in high school,” she said. “Allesandra, you are crazy,” he said and kissed the tip or her nose. “You are the only person I let call me that,” she said. “You’re usually the only one that calls me Antonio,” he replied. “Are we good now? I love you and I trust you, but I really don’t trust Ivan and definitely not Aaron. “Good cause I don’t trust them either,” she paused. “There’s something we need to talk about.” “Ok, what?” “You know how some times we don’t bother with condoms?” She asked and he stared at her. “I thought you were on birth control? You said it didn’t matter,” he said. His expression was suddenly unreadable; he got like that sometimes all closed off. “Yeah, I know, but I realized I was late and earlier me and Sam went to buy some tests,” she said staring at the multicolored sky. The moon was already visible; she was willing to look at any and everything to avoid his eyes. “Oh God, tell me you aren’t pregnant. Allie you can’t be pregnant, I can’t deal with a kid right now,” he said sounding panicked. She took a deep breath before she spoke; this was why she needed to keep things to herself. Something was seriously wrong with him and he knew it. Picking a fight with his little brother and texting that same brother’s girlfriend. It was all so wrong and he hated himself for it. But no matter what he couldn’t get over her. Which was really bad considering he was in bed with Jessica right now, she was asleep. It was probably also wrong to be with her when he wanted somebody else. That teenage siren was a natural blonde before she died her hair brown, Jessica was a blonde. Somehow he always ended up with blondes. Why was this girl on his mind still? She was like trying to kick a drug habit. There should have been a rehab for her victims. A few months ago his sister had an engagement party; he’d made the mistake of going into Allie’s bedroom. At the time she was called Sugar but that was a long story. The little vixen had planned to seduce him and she did a pretty good job of it too. From that moment he was hooked and they didn’t even really do anything. But he told her that it couldn’t happen and then he changed his mind. They only messed around a little before her mother kidnapped her and she cut her wrists. So for awhile he didn’t see her and he couldn’t talk himself out of this thing with her. Somehow he actually fell for her and it wasn’t just about the sex. Though at first they didn’t have sex because it was crossing a line that they couldn’t go back from, a line that could land him in jail. Their little thing was nice until his sister found out and then it was over and he was forbidden from speaking to her. So he did his best to get her out of his system and days after they were ordered to stay apart she was with Tony. They skipped around holding hands and kissing in public, she wasted no time at all. Here he was a fool to believe this silly little girl and now he was stuck with her in his head. It was pretty bad since he had a naked woman in his bed right now and Jessica was pretty damn sexy and they had good sex. Yet he still thought of Allie, his brother’s girlfriend. Ivan needed to make this up to his brother, it was wrong the way he behaved. And it had been pretty obvious to everybody but Allie that Tony was smitten with her. It probably went back further than a year but she was a wild child and never noticed. He wondered how they all of a sudden ended up together. Of course since it was her it most likely had to do with sex. Everything about her gave off a sex vibe even when she didn’t try. That was part of the addiction. He needed a pill or a shot or some kind of treatment to make him stop wanting her. “Ivan,” Jessica whispered in her sleep when she rolled over. Maybe was a sign. © 2010 Britiney Harper |
1 Review Added on January 2, 2010 Last Updated on April 10, 2010 AuthorBritiney Harperpittsburgh, PAAbout...A Few Things... 1) Hi! I'm Britiney 2) I Love to Write 3) I love to read 4) I'm a nerd 5) i love my Family more than anything else 6) I've been writing since i was 8yrs old (but really b4 tha.. more..Writing