![]() Allie Chapter 2A Chapter by Britiney Harper![]() (Chapter 2) Reality![]() Chapter 2 Nicolas paced back and forth in his office early the next day, waiting for a very important call. Wildflower was still asleep in his bed, thinking of her made him smile. Here was the absolute perfect woman and he had her or he would have her. He was going to officially start today. Before he was just trying to figure her out, but now it was game time. So what could they do today? Somehow he had to entertain her and keep her from leaving. And also resist temptation, it was very hard last night but he could manage. There was a knock at the door, then a blonde head poked out from behind the door, he smiled and waved her in. Maybe this was fate. “My girls,” he greeted, the blonde girl was followed by a brunette, and both came and hugged him. Somehow he had forgotten that his nieces came to stay here on the weekend, even if he wasn’t there. “I’m sorry that I haven’t been able to spend time with you girls lately,” he told them. “We know you’re busy Tio,” Sammie, the younger brunette one said dismissively. She always used the Spanish word for uncle when she talked to him. “So who is the woman you have here?” Sugar, the older blonde one asked and Sammie giggled. “You’ve been talking to Tammy I see,” he said they nodded. “She’s asleep, you’ll meet her later,” he told them and they pouted. Before their conversation could continue the phone rang and he signaled for them to go. After he got off the phone and he went back down to his bedroom where the once closed door was now open. Of course it had to be the very curious girls. And as he suspected they were creeping closer to his bed to get a better look at Wildflower. These girls were his favorite nieces and the closet he ever got to having children of his own. When your siblings had a lot of kids what was the point in having your own? “Oh my God,” Sugar said, that got his attention and he went into the room. “Tia,” Sammie said, Wildflower sat up and was staring at both girls then she turned to Nicolas. “I wasn’t thinking,” she was saying as both the girls climbed into the bed with her. “It didn’t ever occur to me that you might be related,” she said still in a daze. “Uncle Nick, you hooked up with Sam’s godmother,” Sugar said turning to him. He was in shock, but he wasn’t sure if it was because the world seemed so small at that moment. Or because of the way Sammie was curled up against Wildflower like she was her mother. “Small world,” he said coming out of his mild daze. “So how bout if I take all of you out for breakfast?” He asked and the girls nodded right away, Wildflower of course agreed, but he could tell she was in shock. After she got out of the shower Wildflower was hoping her head would stop spinning, but it didn’t. It never occurred to her that even with the same last name that Sammie was connected to Nicolas. She wrapped a towel around herself and wasn’t surprised that when she went back into Nicolas’ room, there were clothes laid out for her. She just got dressed and by the time she was done Nicolas had come back in. At least the girls being here distracted her from thinking about how he wouldn’t have sex with her. Well for a moment anyway and with them around she couldn’t say anything about it. Funny how that worked out. “So we share my favorite nieces?” He asked looking amused as he crossed the room and sat next to her on his bed. “Maybe it’s a sign,” he went on. “A sign of what? Are you saying we were meant to meet and end up together?” She asked he smiled and nodded, she wanted to believe that. Here was this perfect guy who led her into this perfect dream world where her two favorite girls lived. Could this be a coincidence? Or was it really fate that had her here? His offer to stay was so tempting, but she knew she’d have to go back home. Even if the reasons to go didn’t seem so important now. Why go back to poverty when she was living in luxury right now? How could she ever get use to sleeping in her own bed or living in her house after this? It would just be so depressing, but she had to go home. She couldn’t really stay with a man she didn’t even know. “Maybe we are,” she said and he pulled her into a kiss. “This is why you need to stay here,” he whispered. “The girls would love it.” And as they sat there on his perfect bed, in his perfect room, in his perfect house, she was in love. She was pretty sure it wasn’t just all of the money and it was more that she just wanted to be with him. Was it wrong to want love even if it was with a stranger? He just seemed like the type of person to put everything into love. But what did she really know? Was she falling for the man or the dream? Nothing could be this perfect all the time. Getting attached was a bad idea, she needed to remember that. If he really knew where she was from and where she lived he wouldn’t want her anymore. Not to say he was materialistic and a snob, but she couldn’t be his type. So she really needed to be careful in the interest of self-preservation. “Tio, Tia,” Sammie called poking her head in the room. They pulled apart and Wildflower got up to go to Sammie. “If you marry him, then I can come live with you,” she whispered. Wildflower smiled; right now if she could she’d bring Sammie to live with her. But she knew Sammie was better off home with her mother and brother for now. Soon Wildflower was planning on moving out of her own mother’s house. It was something she had been thinking about for awhile. The plan was for her to get a place with her two best friends. First she had to save money and then she had to force herself to leave her family. Both things would end up being very difficult. “I gotta run in my office real quick, but after we’ll go,” Nicolas said slipping out the room. “I just met him like two days ago, when we were out for mine and Ivan’s birthday,” she told Sammie who was hugging onto her like she often did. Sammie needed to feel the affection of a mother since her own mother wasn’t really emotionally available for her. “But I’ll admit that he makes me feel like a princess,” she went on. “Me and Sug were trying to think of a way to get you together with him. We knew he’d be perfect for you and it’s obvious since you met on your own,” Sammie said excitedly. “He’s in love with you, I can tell, he wouldn’t bring you home with him if he wasn’t. Did you stay in the hotel? Isn’t it amazing? He must really be in love with you,” the look in her eyes said it all. “What makes you think he’s in love with me? We’ve known each other two days. It’s been an endless fairytale, but it’s not love,” she couldn’t help but to smile. “You’re in love with him,” Sugar said when she entered the room. “Really Tia, he doesn’t bring just any girl back here and truth be told he doesn’t take them to his hotel room either. If he just wanted sex then he wouldn’t let you in his life.” “Well I guess I can believe you, because we haven’t had sex,” she said and they both stared at her in shock. “Not that I should be telling this to either of you,” she added. Though she wasn’t much older then they were and she did forget herself many times when she told them things. “Is it that big of a deal? I wasn’t sure what to make of that, but you two are making me worry. Is he like a sex addict or something?” The looks on their faces worried her, but at the same time she was curious. “We aren’t saying that, it’s just that we haven’t ever seen him in love and its obvious he already loves you,” Sugar said and Sammie nodded. “So what have you been doing these past few days? Ev said you haven’t been home.” “Nothing really just hanging out in his hotel room and well he treated me and Brooke to whatever we wanted and we had dinner last night. Now I’m here having a heart attack because he’s your uncle,” Wildflower said. None of it seemed possible, but it was some how real. Before anyone could say another word Nicolas appeared in the doorway and he smiled like he knew they were talking about him. “Ready ladies?” He asked, the girls both nodded and went out the door ahead of him and Wildflower hung back a minute. “Hope they didn’t put you off too much,” he said to her. She just smiled and kissed him quickly because she knew the girls were watching them. “So they said good things?” He asked and she nodded and he kissed her. “I’m in heaven,” she whispered, “I might never leave,” she said slipping past him and out into the hall. “I already told you that you can stay. You don’t even have to move your stuff, I’d buy you anything you want,” he said following her out and down the stairs. It was the first time he really mentioned his immense wealth; it wasn’t such a big deal. Somewhere in her mind she’d already known because of the name, everybody knew about the Capriani family, especially around there. “The girls would love it if you stayed here,” he added and they both shouted their agreement. “I do have a life outside of this fairytale you know,” she told the three of them as they headed out to Nicolas’ car. “So? Just forget it and live happily ever after with us,” Sugar told her. “You have to admit that its amazing if my Tio and Tia get married, I mean it’s like fate or something,” Sammie said and of course Sugar agreed with her. “How about if you stay with us today and then if you still want to I’ll take you home tomorrow, sound good?” Nicolas offered when they got to the front gate where the guard waved and opened it. She thought about it for a moment, one more day in this dream couldn’t hurt too much. “Fine,” she said and the girls squealed in excitement. In reality she didn’t really want Nicolas to come anywhere near her house. Here he was one of the riches men in the world and she was living in a house with 13 other people. Thinking about home was the last thing she wanted to do. So she put it out of her mind so she could spend her last day in paradise with a smile on her face. “You really want to leave?” Nicolas asked he knew she didn’t but she nodded. With a heavy sigh and a heavy heart he picked up his keys and started to the door. Of course he knew she was so under his spell and that she’d be back. But still he wanted her here. Since Sammie and Sugar already went home he figured that he’d just go back to the hotel now. The whole way to her house she looked nervous, a big change from the day before when they were out. She shopped with the girls and the 4 of them went horse back riding and swimming and just had fun. Even he could admit that lately he wasn’t much into fun. But the whole time she was with him was amazing and he didn’t want it to end. When he pulled up in front of her house he knew two things 1) she’d be back and 2) this was why she was so nervous. He’d seen a lot of real estate in his life time and this was the poorest excuse for a house he’d ever seen. Of course she didn’t want him to see where she lived they just came from his mansion. He should have found out where she lived before taking her there. From what he could tell she was feeling inadequate because of this. If he wanted a well-bred rich girl he could have had his pick, that wasn’t what he wanted. What he wanted was a real person and she was about as real as they came. When he got back to the hotel he was going to do some serious research on her and her family. “I’ll help you carry your things in,” he said getting out of the car before she could protest. He already had her bags of clothes ready before she even got out of the car. When she did get out, he followed her up to the house silently. There was noise coming from somewhere, he looked around once inside. It wasn’t too bad looking, there were toys here and there and baskets of clothes and there were shoes and such. There was also a baby crawling on the floor in the hallway, immediately Wildflower picked her up and kissed her. “Monster, I’ve missed you,” she said to the baby then turned to Nicolas. “This is my niece Ariela,” she told him and he nodded. Before he could response he saw that a woman was approaching them. “Oh the princess decides to come home,” the woman said. From the way Wildflower reacted he could tell that this was her mother, plus they looked alike. “And you bought company,” she said looking Nicolas up and down. “Marguerite Laiez,” she said extending her hand. He set the bags down and took her hand and kissed it, she seemed impressed. “Nicolas Capriani,” he responded with a big bright smile. “I’m sorry I’ve kept your daughter away from home for so long,” he said knowing he had already charmed her. Two more women appeared from around the corner and they were introduced as Wildflower’s aunts Maria and Carmella. After them came what he was most curious about, the brothers. Until he actually saw them he couldn’t believe she had 9 brothers. But they had streamed in the house all suspicious of him; he tried really hard to remember their names. The youngest was Evan and after him it went: Corey, Tony, Dominic, Van, Ivan, Jay, Isaiah and Ricky. Her sister Iris had just come over for dinner with her two kids Jeremiah and Isabel. Then there was Christina who was Isaiah’s girlfriend and Ariela was their daughter. It was such a whirlwind, but he was fairly sure he knew who was who by dinner. Marguerite insisted that he stay for dinner, where he was grilled about pretty much everything. Wildflower was silent most of the time and looked uncomfortable, after dinner she pulled him upstairs to her room. Instantly he could tell the room was smaller then his closet and it was made smaller by the 5 different dressers lining the walls. She had a small twin bed against the wall under the window and pictures all over the walls. There wasn’t much else in her room except two baskets of clothes, a bookshelf, a chair covered in clothes and a full length mirror. “You see why I didn’t want to come home?” She said slumping down on her bed. “I live in hell,” she went on avoiding his eyes. “Oh baby its not that bad,” he said sitting beside her, she just stared at him. “At least you’re close to your family and get to spend time with them. The most family I see is Sammie and Sugar and occasionally my brothers. You can come live with me in the house or hotel,” he suggested laying back in her bed and closing his eyes. She laid back against him and he held her in his arms and kissed her forehead. “I’ve only just met you,” she whispered after awhile. He looked at her like she said something crazy or silly. “How could I possibly come live with you?” “Just don’t think too much about it, you let me kidnap you for a few days already,” he said it all so matter of factly. As if moving in with him wouldn’t be a big deal, maybe for him, but not with her family. She still wasn’t certain of his intentions. “So it’s true,” a familiar voice said. She opened her eyes to see Brooke standing in the door way with a big smile on her face. “You’ve returned her home,” she said coming in and standing over them. “Jay was so pissed sounding when I called him, but I just had to come see my two favorite people that I haven’t seen in a couple days,” she went on. That was Brooke, she had more energy then anyone could handle. The heavy foot steps on the stairs announced Jay before he reached the room. He didn’t bother to hide the disapproving look he had on his face when he looked down at his sister in bed with Nicolas. From the way he was looking you’d think he’d caught them having sex or something. Her brothers were extremely overprotective with her. That was part of the many reasons she didn’t date it was too much effort. Even her younger brothers were like this. It was funny that they were like this with her but definitely not with Iris. They all sort of gave up on her and her loser husband. “See Jay, I told you that she was in good hands,” Brooke said trying to lighten the tension. It only seemed to make is worse. Because it was a reminder that Wildflower had gone off and stayed with a guy she didn’t know for a few days. “Mom wants you,” he told Wildflower, his tone was so intense. But it was a common thing when you had 9 brothers; they all wanted to protect you. Jay left back out the room shaking his head and Brooke followed him giving them an apologetic look. “I guess I should go,” Nicolas said sitting up and she sat up with him. “Your family wants you back and I guess I can’t blame them for that, because I want you too,” he said. The look in his gorgeous blue eyes made her want to melt; she was having trouble trying to figure out why she couldn’t live with him. “My fairytale is over,” she whispered pouting slightly; he lifted her chin up and smiled at her. “Babe, your fairytale is just beginning.” He told her then kissed her forehead. “I have some work to do and I might be a little busy this week, but I’ll call you so much that you’ll be sick of me, ok?” She just nodded figuring he wasn’t really serious. “I’ll be at the hotel, so if you want to stop by or just go to the pool or spa or whatever feel free to do so. I’ll let them know, I’m sure Brooke would love it and you could maybe take your mom and sisters or whoever. Spend all you like, just make sure you come up to see me,” he said and she just nodded. Speaking wasn’t something she was capable of at that moment. Here was the most perfect guy in the world and he was in her horrible house and he still wanted her. Even with her crazy brothers hanging around just waiting for an excuse to try to rip him apart. How could this be? This all had to be a dream and she would wake up tomorrow and it wouldn’t have happened. “It’s gonna be weird to go back to work and have to actually do stuff. I liked being a bum for a few days,” she said and he smiled mischievously. “You don’t have to work, I’ll take care of you,” he told her. That didn’t surprise her at all, it was so him. It made no sense that he even wanted her. He could have any girl in the world and he wanted the poor one living in a dump with 13 other people? Why wouldn’t he want one of those society beauties that were always in magazines and on TV? Fairytales never made sense, and up until now she didn’t ever believe they could come true. Then he kissed her goodbye downstairs at the door and it seemed as if magic had exploded into the air around her. She stayed leaning in the doorway until after he left and her mother called her from the kitchen. “You hit the jackpot Miss,” Christina said. There they all were her mother and aunts, her sister, Christina and Brooke. No doubt they were all waiting for the juicy details of her amazing fairy tale affair. “Wait,” came a familiar voice once Wildflower had sat down at the table. In came Sammie with a big smile on her sweet little face. “Ok, I couldn’t let you tell all the good stuff without me,” she said sitting on Wildflower’s lap. “Samantha what are you even doing here?” Marguerite asked, everybody was wondering the same thing but Wildflower knew. “Tia’s hooking up with my tio; don’t I deserve to know all the juicy details?” She replied they all stared at Wildflower when Sammie said that. “You got a child to set you up?” Aunt Maria asked, Brooke laughed, and they were all stunned into silence. “Baby girl didn’t get them together, I did,” Brooke said. “They met at the bar the other night and he immediately treated her to the fab life. And called me to join in,” she explained and everyone was eating it all up. “What have you been doing with him all this time?” Aunt Carmella asked the question that was on everybody’s mind. “The first night we just hung out at his amazing hotel room and the next day he treated Brooke and me to a day of being princesses. That night we went to dinner and then to his house, where I woke up to Sammie and Sugar. Then we just spent the rest of the time with them,” Wildflower told the. Of course they were expecting something juicier then a spa day, dinner and playing house with the girls. “And you still didn’t have sex?” Brooke asked Marguerite made a face at her. “There is a child right here,” she said. “It’s ok, Sammie and Sugar already asked that yesterday,” Wildflower told them. “And no we haven’t had sex.” At that they all looked shocked. “He’s in love with her,” Sammie piped up. “Why else would he take her to his house that he doesn’t even ever go to and come to dinner here and everything? We knew you’d be perfect for each other.” Everybody kept asking questions and offering their unsolicited opinions on the situation. All Wildflower could think of was how amazing last night had been. The girls stayed over and the 4 of them lay in Nicolas’ bed, which Sammie called the emperor sized bed. They watched movies on his big flat screen TV that was built into the wall. When she woke up she was in Nicolas’ arms and she was holding her two favorite girls. It was the perfect way to end her perfect fairytale. And even the fact that her crappy house and crazy family didn’t bother him was amazing. Sammie explained to everybody how her uncle stayed in a hotel and that he was lonely and about his success and all that. All Wildflower really wanted to know if she would really see him again. All day it was answer the phones,
take messages. Translate something or another into Spanish and Portuguese with
the occasional French. Focus wasn’t there at all, Wildflower worked for an
international company as a type of multitasking translator. Her working
knowledge of 3 different languages helped since a lot of the business was based
in “Lunch time doll face,” Brooke said wheeling her chair over. Time had gotten away from her, everything had really. “I needed a break,” she said getting up from her desk and taking her headset off. Before she could get away from her desk she felt someone’s arms wrap around her waist, she turned to see Nicolas standing there smiling at her. “What are you doing here?” She said struggling to keep her thoughts straight and in English. Her father’s family was from Brazil and his mother had taught her to speak the language. Her mother’s family was from Mexico so Spanish was the first language she learned. So it was a struggle at the moment to think in any one language. It also didn’t help that she also fluently spoke French so it was also in the mix. Language was her best subject in school and she’d taken extra classes because this was her passion. “Thought I’d surprise you ladies with lunch,” he said with his shining smile. “Perfect, you can meet Cody, she’s been dying to meet you,” Brooke said looking suspicious. Wildflower had the sinking suspicion that Brooke had arranged this. It was true that her other more critical best friend Cody wanted to meet him. That morning over breakfast she’d lectured Wildflower more than her mother had. After all the gossip died down and everybody went home, her mother told her how stupid it was that she’d gone off with some guy. Even though it was obvious that her mother saw potential where Nicolas was concerned, still she was wrong. Cody had run through the whole rapist, axe murder type of lecture. It was true that it wasn’t the best decision to make, but she was glad she’d made it. Working at the same place as her best friends was straining sometimes, but it was better than nothing. They were after all just like sisters to her. They met Cody downstairs and she didn’t hide her disapproval at all. But she did accept that Nicolas was treating them all to lunch. And afterwards he escorted them back with the promise that they would be seeing him again really soon. If she was honest with herself she was surprised she’d seen him this soon. Maybe he was really serious about this. Could that really be? “You just met him,” Cody said when they were in the elevator. “Yet you act like you’re married to him or something.” “Hush, he’s perfect and if we’re all lucky they will get married,” Brooke said. “How would it benefit you if I married him?” Wildflower asked but she was sure she’d regret it. “I’d come live with you and be nanny to your kids, I mean really you already share kids so I already have a job,” she said brightly and Cody stared at her. “I mean Sammie, she’s Wildflower’s baby and everybody knows it. Her mother is insane and those kids need to get away before she drives them crazy too. And then there’s Sugar and let’s not get started on her issues.” “There’s something I don’t like about that guy, he seems like he has ulterior motives,” Cody said being the buzz kill as always. “His only motive is to love our dear Wildflower and take her away to his palace,” Brooke said dreamily. “I looked up his house online its amazing and he’s a freaking billionaire! I’m ready to marry him,” she went on as they headed back to the lovely cubicle area that they were slaves to. “Do you ever do any work Brooke?” Wildflower asked trying to change the subject. She already knew any hope of focus had disappeared a long time ago. “I’m planning your future,” she replied. “Cody really if he wanted to do her harm why would he show up here? Or have dinner with her family? He could have killed her days ago, but Mr. Billionaire wants our girl,” she said then walked away back to her desk. “Cody don’t worry, in her own crazy way Brooke is kinda right. I mean he actually survived dinner with my family. The crazy thing is he still wanted to see me after that insanity and he even put up with you being rude,” she said. What she hoped was that Cody would stop this. It was bad enough everything else in her life she had to deal with; added stress would probably kill her. “Fine, just be careful,” Cody said then with a wave she headed off to her work. Wildflower sank back into her chair and put her headset on and went to work at translation messages. She tried so hard not to daydream, but it was so hard. After work Wildflower, Brooke and Cody stood on the sidewalk in front of the building, watching people breezy by on the busy street. Then finally Isaiah pulled up in his beat up old car, with Ivan is the passenger seat. In a house of 14 they had 3 cars carpooling was a way of life for them. At moment Ivan’s car was out of commission so he had to ride with them. The 3 of them climbed into the backseat, next they picked Christina from her waitress job. Driving in and out of the city everyday in a hot and cramped car wasn’t fun at all. It was almost as bad as living in a cramped house. Everybody thought Wildflower was lucky because she had her own room. But her room was really just where everybody stored their stuff. That was why her room was full of dressers, they couldn’t fit anywhere else. Her younger brothers were sharing 4 to a room since Christina moved in. The happy little family got the basement to themselves, though nobody at all got privacy. Three other brothers shared a room and Ricky currently slept on the couch. But he was planning to move out for awhile, something always happened to prevent that in the past. By the time they got home everybody was aggravated and tired. They all notice Nicolas’ car parked out front. Brooke insisted she was coming over to see Jay, but it was obvious she was just curious like they all were. Even Cody wanted to stick around. They found Nicolas in the kitchen sitting at the table with Evan, Corey, Sammie, Iris’ kids and Aunt Maria. Marguerite and Aunt Carmella were cooking; it was kind of a bizarre scene. He was even holding Ariela, everybody looked at Wildflower. She was wondering if she’d fallen asleep and this was some strange dream. When Nicolas saw her he smiled and got up from the table and kissed her. It was so weird to be kissing him in front of her family. “Sammie wanted to come over and I couldn’t say no,” he explained. Wildflower was in so much shock that she could only nod and smile. He gave Christina her baby and a lot of conversation when on all around her, but her brain was on overdrive. She excused herself upstairs for a moment, leaving Nicolas there now with a larger audience. She went up to her room to try to breathe a second and gather her thoughts. Christina came in shortly after she got there. “Ok Monster loves him, we have a keeper,” she said flopping down on Wildflower’s bed. “I bet this is all so crazy for you right? But I mean your mom likes him and she just barely likes me. He is a charmer and even invited the whole family to his house for dinner at the end of the week.” That got Wildflower’s attention it was news to her. “Chris does it seem like this whole thing is moving a little fast? I mean it was great to just be crazy and staying with him a few days. But he’s acting like a member of the family or something,” she said. Christina took her hand and smiled. “Don’t ask me about fast, I was with your brother how long before I became a part of this family? It’s your fairytale, run with it,” she told her. Shortly after they went back downstairs where everybody was talking and smiling, even Cody. So maybe he was just the perfect guy and this was just how it worked in his world. © 2010 Britiney Harper |
1 Review Added on December 30, 2009 Last Updated on June 4, 2010 AuthorBritiney Harperpittsburgh, PAAbout...A Few Things... 1) Hi! I'm Britiney 2) I Love to Write 3) I love to read 4) I'm a nerd 5) i love my Family more than anything else 6) I've been writing since i was 8yrs old (but really b4 tha.. more..Writing