![]() Allie Chapter 1A Chapter by Britiney Harper![]() (Chapter 1) Brazil![]() Chapter 1 Wildflower
Capriani woke up after a familiar dream that had bee plaguing her constantly
the last few weeks. She was alone in bed; her husband was probably off
somewhere pretending that he wasn’t working when he was. After awhile she got
out of bed and went out on to the balcony to breathe in the sights and smells
of Maybe she could just bring the kids here and they could fly home for the weekend and holidays. She was even willing to home school them, anything to be able to stay here. Or they could come down for Christmas, which was a good idea. It was right then that she decided that was what they were going to do, Christmas and New Years right here. Her wonderful husband bought this house for her as a wedding gift. Last weekend their honeymoon was interrupted by visitors from home. Three of her nine brothers lived with them Evan, Corey and Tony and two of her husband’s nieces lived with them as well Sammie and Allie. They came down with her best friend Brooke who was dating her brother Jay who came as well, Christina her sister-in-law who was married to her brother Isaiah, who also came and their daughter Ariela and her husband’s brother Jose and his fiancé Jasmine and their baby Joseph and Corey’s girlfriend Jenny. It had been a three-day weekend for the kids so they came down on the Capriani family jet. Having
honeymoon crashers actually wasn’t a bad thing, she loved her family. This was
the furthest she’d ever gone away and the longest she’d ever been away from
home. After the disaster that was her wedding day she was happy to get some
peace and quiet and then have a weekend of chaotic family-ness. More than
anything else in the world she loved her family. And now she really loved “My beautiful wife,” he greeted. “My wonderful husband,” she replied and she went to kiss him. He sat the tray down on the bed and pulled her to him, he held her tight like she liked. “Have you started packing?” He asked, unlike her he was anxious to get back home. As CEO of the Capriani Empire, he needed to be home to run things. “No, but it’s not my fault I love it here too much,” she pouted at him. “We can come back soon but I really have to get back to work,” he told her. “Whatever,” she stuck her tongue out at him. “We are coming back for Christmas and don’t argue with me.” “Fine,” he nodded. She was really good at getting her way with him. “How is my baby today?” He asked changing the subject and rubbing her belly. “Perfect, I don’t even feel sick today it’s a miracle,” she said. Oh how she loved that look in his eyes when they talked about their baby. “I have a feeling we are going to have a boy,” he said. It wasn’t the first time he said it but she knew he would be happy either way. “What would we name this boy of ours?” “I hadn’t thought of that,” he admitted. “Would you like a Nicolas jr.?” “Maybe, but I’m open to other options.” “We can buy a baby names book when we get home.” “Eat, you barely touched dinner last night,” he said pulling her over to the bed. “You worry too much, I just haven’t been that hungry,” she shrugged. He just gave her a look, he was taking such good care of her and he was so attentive. Having him all to herself was amazing, even if he was sneaking and doing business. This vacation was completely stress-free, except for those dreams. But she didn’t actually want to remember her wedding day. The photographer had mailed the pictures to them and they were beautiful pictures. That day just wasn’t exactly a happy day for a lot of reasons, but it was all made up for now. This was paradise and none of the bad stuff mattered now. Once they went back home it would be a different story, which was probably why she was so desperate to stay here. While eating her fruit, yogurt and pancakes she lost her appetite, she didn’t want to leave here. That was why she didn’t pack anything, going home just meant stress. Why couldn’t she just stay here where she had no problems? Why wouldn’t she want to stay here where she was alone with her husband and he made her breakfast in bed? At home they could never be alone and there was always something they needed to do. Here it was so different and she loved it, here she was just his wife and it was so simple. But they did have to go home, where they both had responsibilities. Since she wasn’t making an effort to pack, he started while she was picking over her breakfast. If she refused to eat she would never hear the end of it so she pretended as best she could. It was just that she would be hungry until she went to eat by then she wouldn’t be hungry at all. Usually she was feeling nauseous half the day, but she didn’t complain because she was deliriously happy. And she watched him folding clothes and neatly packing them away, he was so amazing. She loved her husband so much. While napping in the afternoon the dreams came on again. They came almost every time she closed her eyes. She was running up the long hallway from the
west wing of the house. The master bedroom was in the west wing, it was because
the original mistress of the house liked to watch the sunset. She fell before
she could reach the stairs; he caught up to her and pulled her up by her hair. The
flowers from her hair crumpled and fell to the floor. There was this look in
his eyes; they use to be beautiful eyes she loved to look into, now it was like
he was dead inside. She couldn’t see him in those eyes anymore, they were
glazed over and she realized that he was on drugs. That explained some of this,
but it didn’t get him off the hook. She was literally hanging in midair, he was
only holding her with one hand the other held a syringe with some clear liquid
in it. She kicked him in the stomach and he dropped her. Almost there, she ran and he was
behind her again. She grabbed the rail at the top of the stairs and looked
down. Nicolas was there and so was Ivan, they ran towards the stairs and before
she could take another step she was falling. Sadie pushed her and looked
satisfied about it. Everything was in slow motion but at the same time it
seemed to be happening really fast. She hit the stairs hard and she felt the
pain shoot through he body and when she wasn’t falling anymore, she was just
still. There was a commotion going on around her but she wasn’t aware of what
was going on. Her head hurt so bad and her vision was going and everything went
black. The next things she remembered were
all in flashes. There were paramedics and then she was in an ambulance and then
a hospital. She vaguely heard someone calling her name more than once. But she
couldn’t keep her eyes open for very long. Somebody flashed a light in her eyes
and she remembered trying to make them go away. That was it, it was all she
remembered. She didn’t remember getting out of the hospital or the plane ride here. Maybe her memory was just a little fuzzy; it was a miracle that she hadn’t lost her baby in the fall. Wildflower got up from the bed and looked around. The suitcases were on the floor pretty much packed. Nicolas wasn’t there; he never was when she woke up. He was too much of a busy body to sit still. So she got out of bed and went to find him. She loved this house more than the mansion, it was just homier here. Nicolas was on the phone outside pacing near the pool. The sun was setting, how long had she slept? Maybe they could go out tonight, she loved to go dancing and soon going to clubs wasn’t going to be happening. Since it was just the two of them she walked around the house in her underwear and he was shirtless most of the time. She leaned in the doorway watching him; he’d gotten a lot tanner since they had been there. He was darker than her now and his skin seemed to glow in the setting sun. His hair had gone wavy because she talked him into growing it out; she wanted to see how he would look with long hair. Her husband was a very delicious looking man; he was muscular without trying much. He rarely went to the gym or worked out at home, yet he still had abs to die for. Everywhere they went women drooled over him and she didn’t mind because he was hers. When he turned and saw her he smiled and mouthed that he was talking to his mother. Those gorgeous blue eyes of his looked her up and down with lust. The lust was definitely contagious because she felt it too. He got off the phone quickly and dropped it in a chair, he stalked towards her like he was a lion and she was his prey. “God, how I want you,” he whispered pulling her to him. She could fell that he was already hard for her. “I’m yours to have whenever you want me,” she replied and a slow smile spread across his face. He picked her up and carrier her to the couch and then he kissed her. She lived for his kiss and his touch. His kisses moved down to her neck and lower they went. It was his tongue that made circles around her belly ring; she couldn’t stand waiting any longer. And they were so connected he just knew, so he yanked off her panties and threw them on the floor. Off went his shorts and in seconds he was inside her. Her legs were draped over his shoulders as he took her hard like she liked. This was definitely one of the reasons she wanted to stay here. They could make love when ever they wanted to and wherever they wanted to. Which happened to have been pretty much in every inch of this house and she loved every second of it. On the plane ride home she definitely wanted to love him all over the place. They came together and she felt like she could touch the stars, her husband was the most amazing lover she ever had. And the trouble was that he knew it, she couldn’t stop smiling the whole time they were here. He rolled them over so that he was on the bottom and she was on top of him, but he stayed inside her. His fingers combed through her wild curly black hair, and he kissed the top of her head. She listened to his fast beating heart and let him hold her, their bodies both slick with sweat. They didn’t need words, it was just pure bliss. His hand left her hair and slide down her back; he lightly smacked her butt and start rubbing it with just his thumb. “Maybe we could stay an extra day,” he said surprising her. She looked up at him and he stared into her eyes. “I hope our baby has your eyes,” she whispered. “You just had to say the b word,” he shook his head. “I’m always afraid I’ll hurt the little one but you turn me on so damn much.” “Its fine, everybody has assumed me that it’s ok. The last time I talked to Carmen she had Dr. Cam tell me that, it was really embarrassing,” she told him. “You know it’s unlikely that our children will have blue eyes, remember I’m the family freak,” he said. Of the over a hundred members of the Capriani family living today and all the ones that had passed on, he was the only person in the family with blue eyes. In her opinion they were beautiful eyes, but others didn’t see them that way. Other people were frightened of his blue eyes and as a child his siblings called him a blue-eyed devil. He was a fierce business man and nobody could ever stare him in the eyes for too long. Except of course her, she could always stare him down. “Honey, you aren’t a freak, well at least not in that way. I love your eyes and it would be nice if our baby had your eyes,” she paused a second. “You said children; we never did discuss how many we want.” “Well I am the youngest of 5 and you are 1 of 12, any number will do as long as it’s more than two,” he said. “Let’s see how we do with one first,” she replied. “Despite what you may think wife, I have enjoyed our time together here,” he told her. “I’m sorry we can’t stay longer.” “I know, we have responsibilities back home, I have the kids and you have work. And aren’t Jose and Jasmine moving out soon? Oh and my mom is like so worried about me being so far away, she calls me everyday and she even begged Ricky to tell me I had to come home,” she sighed. Her mother was a drama queen and Ricky her oldest brother literally could get her to do anything he said. Good thing he thought it was good for her to be away. “My mother wants to try to get along with you; she even says she wants to apologize for her behavior.” “Babies change everything.” “Indeed, but I wouldn’t put it pass her to try to get you to sign some legal document so that she feels she has some control. If it’s alright she wants to come for Thanksgiving, even though she doesn’t understand why we aren’t having dinner catered.” “Oh joy holidays with the in-laws, Carmen is bring the doctor so I think that’s a good sign,” she said. His sister had quickly become her sister since the day they met and they were closer than she was with her older sister Iris. “Do you think with you being a triplet that we could have multiples?” “Good question, I have no idea, my mother was very surprised to end up with triplets but I hear that my father was very excited. Two more girls and another boy, he was very happy.” That just made her think of Daisy for a moment she lost her blissful mood. Wildflower was the middle triplet; Ivan was first then her and last Daisy. She had heard the story a million times that when Ivan came out she was holding on to his foot. The two of them were closer than they both were with Daisy; it was because they were twins. The three of them were inseparable all their lives. Then when they were 18 Daisy died in a car accident. It had been five years but she still felt the loss every single day. Now she and Ivan really were twins, but they both wanted the other piece of them back. Both of them felt a hollow space, they were three people who shared one soul at least they use to all believe that. They were connected in ways they were not to any other people and both of them felt it when Daisy left them. “If we have a girl and I’m not saying I believe it’s a girl, but um why don’t we name her Daisy?” “Really?” She asked looking up at him and he nodded. “Husband, you so amazing and I really like that. And if we have a Nicolas jr. I will not let your family call him Nicky.” “Thank God,” he laughed. His family still called him Nicky most of the time even though they knew he hated it.” “Can we live here? You can let your dad take over again and the kids would love it here anyway,” she said. It wasn’t the first time she suggested it. “No, I think I would prefer this to be our special place where we can be alone. Coming for Christmas is fine, but I just keep picturing you naked all over the house. And I don’t need our adopted children ruining that,” he said. “Good point,” she agreed. Her teenage babies were couples and that made things in the house interesting. “Ok, talking time is over,” he said. She could feel why he said that between her legs. So she sat up and kissed him, she wanted a honeymoon every weekend, it was so wonderful. Later that night they walked on the beach after going out to dinner. Wildflower found that she loved the beach. Growing up her family only ever took one vacation and that was to the beach. It was when she was six and her father was still alive. She remembered running into the water with Ivan and Daisy and playing in the sand. That was one of the last happy memories she had of being a child. After her father died everything went downhill and her mother was sick. Being here made her want to bring her family here so they could make new happy memories to replace the very many bad ones. Maybe one day she could actually
live near the beach, it would be nice if it was here. She spoke Portuguese
fluently and also Spanish and French, language was something she was good at.
Her father’s family had been from “What are thinking?” Nicolas asked her. “Just thinking what I’m going to do with my life,” she said. “I thought you were doing the charity thing?” “Oh I am, I was just thinking beyond that more long term.” “So you’re planning on working after you have the baby?” He asked there was an odd tone; of course he would ask that. “I don’t know, maybe like a few hours we aren’t having a nanny or anything. I’m sure Tammy wouldn’t mind babysitting a little,” she shrugged. “Where you worried that I would want to leave our child with a nanny?” “Not exactly and there’s nothing wrong with nannies unless Delanoz is your brother. Maybe I would prefer it if we raised our own child though,” he said. His mother never worked a day in
her life but her five children were raised by nannies. Until an incident
happened with Delanoz, the oldest son, with a young nanny and the grandparents
decided to take over. From what she heard Grandma “Don’t worry honey, I will be taking care of our children,” she assured him. “Do you know how happy you make me?” He asked stopping, he pulled her to him and kissed her. “I’m not saying that because of what we were just talking about, you just really make me happy.” “I love you Nick,” she replied. “I’m so sorry that I didn’t protect you, again,” he whispered. “You did everything you could,” she told him. “It’s never enough, but I swear I will never let anyone hurt you again,” he promised. “Nick, I don’t blame you for what happened how could you have done anymore than you already did? Sadie and Owen are just crazy and they would come after me no matter what,” she said. Sadie Mandrake and her sisters had a vendetta against Nicolas and his brothers; the day of the wedding was the first time Wildflower met her. Owen had been a high school almost boyfriend. Their relationship had been completely physical and temporary. He was going off to college in the fall and she was staying home working to help out her family. It ended and then soon after Daisy died, so Owen was the last thing on her mind. Until this past summer where he popped up again, it was nice to see an old friend but she was engaged and the wedding plans were already made. Owen made it clear that he was in love with her, which she hadn’t known before and five years had passed. She made it clear to him that he had no chance with her. Since her life was never easy or uncomplicated Owen didn’t go away. Her ex-best friend Cody gave him her number and it all went downhill after that. He would call and text her constantly and she ran into him everywhere she went. Then one night he broke into the mansion. His attempted assault on her ended with her shooting him and Jose fighting him off. The police arrested him but he managed to escape the hospital and was missing after that. It became obvious later that he was plotting with the Mandrake sisters. At least it was obvious to her when they cornered her in her own bedroom. It was the second time an unwanted guest was in her bedroom. It was Owen the last time too. She hoped that she would be able to sleep in her own bed once she was home again, of course Nicolas would be with her. So maybe it wouldn’t be too bad. After walking on the beach the returned to the house, it was so quiet and peaceful. She realized then that all she’d been doing the last few days was comparing her actual home with the vacation one. Living here would probably get boring after awhile. They laid in bed with a movie on that she knew she wasn’t paying attention to and she suspected he wasn’t either. So she got up out of the bed, she wasn’t tired but she was bored. Nicolas watched her as she began to undress; of course he was interested in anything that involved them being naked. “What are doing?” He asked with lust in his voice. “I was thinking of taking a swim, want to join me?” “Hell yeah,” he nodded eagerly. In seconds he was out of bed and naked. The water in the pool was nice and warm; she swam around first trying to get rid of some restless energy. Then she came back to her sexy naked husband and kissed him. This was a familiar scene the night they met they made out in a hotel pool in their underwear. While they made out he slipped inside of her, she loved that he was always ready for her. After loving each other in the pool they went inside where he built a fire in the fireplace and they did it again on the living room floor. One thing she really was going to miss was the freedom they had here. The next afternoon Wildflower woke up with a sore body from too much loving. She slept in pretty late today and of course her busy body husband wasn’t in bed with her. There was no need to worry he was never very far away. Tomorrow they were taking an early flight home so today was her last day in paradise. There was still some packing that needed to be done but she didn’t feel like packing. Before she could decide what she wanted to do her growling stomach made the decision for her, so she got out of bed. Downstairs she found that her husband wasn’t home, he left her a note saying he was going down the street to the café to get pastries for her, he was so sweet. She looked in the refrigerator and found that there wasn’t really anything to eat in there, since they were leaving. Since her options were limited she poured a glass of milk, Nicolas would be back soon. Nicolas had left his laptop on the kitchen counter along with the camera; he had obviously been uploading pictures. There were a lot of pictures; she sat down to look through them. A lot where of them in the house and a whole lot of her in a bikini or in her underwear and some of her with no clothes on at all. Any other time it would have been embarrassing but it didn’t really bother her. Knowing her husband he had some high tech security on the computer to make it impossible for anybody to ever see these pictures. He was protective like that and there were worse things than these pictures on there anyway. Her wonderful husband had recently developed a fetish for video taping them in bed together. The first time was months ago and they had done it a few times here. It was stupid and irresponsible but it was a bit of a turn on. Everything was saved on his laptop that he swore could not be hacked into. Though she knew one other person that probably knew the password and that was his brother Jose. In the past that might have been cause for alarm but Jose had a fiancé and a son, he was no longer into his wild ways. Once he even had a fling with one of her friends, but she was no longer friends with that person so she never really cared. Going through the rest of the pictures there was the days they actually went sightseeing and to the beach and in town and on their boat trips. They both looked so happy in these pictures and she loved that, because they were happy. Their marriage was starting out with enough happiness to block out any of the bad from the past. As far as she was concerned their new life together was going to begin when they went back home. This was just a short trip to Heaven on the way to married life. When she thought about what life would be like now that she wasn’t the girlfriend or the fiancé, she was the wife now. Since they lived together their living arrangements wouldn’t be changing and really all that changed was her name. She was no longer Wildflower Laiez, she was Wildflower Capriani. The name Capriani basically meant wealth and power that was what people associated the name with. People also thought the Caprianis were almost mob like and there were a lot of rumors about what they really did. But how suspicious could a pharmaceutical and research company really be? They did other things like real estate and something with security and computers and they had their own law firm. The Caprianis were business people; she wasn’t so she wasn’t into knowing everything about whatever they did. All she needed to know was that her husband was the boss and if something was to happen to him then everything went to her. That was a fact that the family hated but Nicolas made that decision long before they were married. She was not going to think about tension in the family or how they thought she was a gold digger, none of that was important. His mother hated her most of all and especially hated that they got married with no prenuptial agreement. Only a few members of the family even knew she was pregnant, she told her own family who she loved and only a few Caprianis knew. And she wasn’t that pregnant, she could still wear a bikini. For weeks she had been sick and never suspected that she might be pregnant and in fact being sick and stressed she lost weight. Thinking about things was making her want to plead for another day, but she couldn’t she had to go back to her real life. The front door opened and a few
seconds later Nicolas appeared. Not only did he get her pastries for breakfast,
he bought some to take back home. After putting everything in the kitchen he
told her to get dressed because he was taking her on a picnic. Maybe being
married was going to be different, he was doing a lot of sweet things that she
was surprised at. It wasn’t that he wasn’t romantic, he was but he’d been
working more the past few months and she understood that and it was fine. But
when he was courting her all those months ago he sent her flowers, took her to © 2010 Britiney Harper |
1 Review Added on December 28, 2009 Last Updated on April 10, 2010 AuthorBritiney Harperpittsburgh, PAAbout...A Few Things... 1) Hi! I'm Britiney 2) I Love to Write 3) I love to read 4) I'm a nerd 5) i love my Family more than anything else 6) I've been writing since i was 8yrs old (but really b4 tha.. more..Writing