![]() Wildflower (Chapter 31)A Chapter by Britiney Harper![]() ....Chapter 31....![]()
Chapter 31 At lunch Allie was going to make her move and steal Tony’s phone. He was waiting for her outside of her math class and they held hands walking to the cafeteria. People whispered as they passed but she didn’t care, eventually people would think she wasn’t that interesting anymore. Though she was sure a lot of it had to do with the fact that she was definitely not the type to have a boyfriend, but she liked having a boyfriend. They got food and went to sit outside at an empty table; of course it wasn’t going to remain empty for long since they had friends. “Can you remind me when we get home to bring a new sports bra tomorrow?” She asked him, which thoroughly distracted him. “I need it for cheering,” she explained. “What if I told you I think we shouldn’t come to school tomorrow?” He asked watching her closely. “And what would we be doing?” She asked, she was curious what he wanted to do. Maybe skipping school wouldn’t be such a bad idea. “Something together and alone,” he shrugged. “Bribe me,” she said and he smiled. “I’m going to surprise you,” he told her. “Maybe,” she said smiling. She leaned in to kiss him and while he was distracted she slid his phone out of his pocket and he didn’t notice. Their new friends joined them at their table Bianca and Danika from the cheer squad and Rob, Zack and George from the football team and of course Sammie, Evan and Abby. It amused her how easy it was to steal his phone and she was anxious to go through it. After lunch her and Sammie had US History so she took that time to do her investigating. Sure enough most of the text messages were from somebody named Joe. Most of them were asking why Tony was avoiding him or saying he missed him or that he really needed to talk to him. She excused herself to go to the bathroom and used Tony’s phone to call this guy and was surprised that he answered. “Tony?” He asked sounding desperate. “No, this is his girlfriend and I think you need to leave him alone,” she said. “Girlfriend?” He asked sounding completely shocked. “Yes, and I’m calling because you are stressing him out so leave him alone.” “Why would Tony have a girlfriend?” “Duh dumb a*s because he likes only females.” “That’s what he told you?” “It’s what I know,” she paused. “I assure you that when we made love he was thinking only of me.” She hoped that was true, if it wasn’t she couldn’t handle it. “He’s had sex with you?” He asked with his voice trembling, now she felt a little bad it was obvious he liked Tony. “Yes, he feels nothing for you so just let it go,” she said more gently. “No, you’re lying,” he said. “I’m not, he doesn’t know I’m calling you but its not I what you’re doing to him.” “Fair? He won’t talk to me and I am in love with him, do you love him?” He asked her and that gave her pause, she didn’t expect this. “I’ve always love him,” she answered. That was true, she did love Tony but as a friend and like a brother but now it was different and it was too soon to love him like that. “What does that mean?” “It means that he wants to be with me and not you and he doesn’t deserve to be harassed by you constantly. Just get over it,” she told him. “I can’t,” he said sadly. “You don’t have a choice,” she replied and hung up. Why did everything have to be so complicated? This guy was in love with Tony, she could tell he was really hurt. But Tony wasn’t gay and she knew that for sure, oh how she knew that. Part of her wanted to prove it again. She’d been friends with gay guys before and hung out with them and drunkenly tried to seduce one and it had no effect. Unless she imagined his eagerness or the whole incident, she had sex with Tony. Part of her was annoyed and another part was confused. What did this mean? Tony was her boyfriend and she wasn’t going to share him with anybody else. And he obviously wanted her, unless he just was doing all this to prove to himself that he wasn’t gay. But he wasn’t that type of guy, he wouldn’t hurt her. Still confused Allie left the bathroom, now she felt sick. Was it even possible for a guy to like her just for her? Obviously not, it was always about what she could do for them. She couldn’t bear to stay at school no matter what the truth was, she needed to get away. Why was she always so stupid? She could not even imagine getting in the truck with him or going home to a house where they lived together. “Allie,” someone called and she turned. It was him coming up the hall like everything in the world was perfect. “Hey, I lost my phone, did you see it?” “Here,” she said and handed it to him. “Why do you have my phone?” He asked staring at her. “Curiosity? I’m stupid, that’s why,” she said. “I called him.” “And why the hell did you think that was a good idea?” “I don’t know,” she whispered. “You think what he says matters? I’m ready to break the damn phone,” he told her. “Do you see why I can’t forget it? Shall I give you proof that I only want you?” “If you want time to think about it-” “I already thought about it enough,” he said angrily. He took the phone and threw it against the wall. “I wouldn’t lie to you.” The phone was in pieces on the floor and she stared at it, she went o pick it up and put it in the trash. “Tomorrow we don’t have to come to school,” she said. She kissed him and turned to go back to class. Tony was her boyfriend and he wasn’t gay. She was just going to have to keep remembering that. Wildflower was in the kitchen with Christina having lunch; it was her sister-in-law’s day off from school. They were supposed to go take a self defense class with Brooke later so Nicolas volunteered to watch Ariela. It was odd that she hadn’t heard from Brooke all day. Of course Brooke wouldn’t be over the one day she was acting relatively normal. At least she wasn’t in the bed all day; she figured Brooke was probably plotting something crazy for them later. “So are you really ok?” Christina asked her. “I guess so, if I could sleep it would be nice,” she said. “Nick wants to take me shooting so that if I am ever in that situation again I can shoot to kill. Those were his exact words too.” “He is worried about you, everybody is,” Christina said. “I know, I’m trying to stop jumping every time I hear something,” she sighed. “Carmen wants us to come to “That would be nice, you should go.” “Maybe, since I’ve never been there and Nick is always there for work.” That made her think of when he asked if she would want to move there, the idea had appeal now. But she couldn’t leave her family, if it wasn’t for them she would have probably completely lost it. Everybody was so worried about her but today she was determined to just have a normal day. Taking a self defense class was a good idea, and then maybe she wouldn’t have to shoot anybody again. Not that shooting Owen had much effect, he just kept going. As she suspected he had been on some kind of drug, but she didn’t exactly now what. All she knew was that he was out there somewhere and he would most likely come after her again. Unless Nicolas found him first, which was the plan but the he would kill him. She couldn’t exactly admit that a small part of her was almost ok with that. How could she be ok with someone dying because of her? Mostly what she worried about was Nicolas getting caught and going to jail. Jose assured her that they never would get caught. And that revelation just brought up a lot of questions about what had gone down in the past. It was best she realized just not to think about it or ask too many questions. That way she wouldn’t be an accessory to their crimes. Part of her was happy to have a man that loved her enough to kill for her and another part of her was freaked out by it. And that was why she needed to quit thinking so much. “Let’s go drag Brooke out of bed,” she suggested. “I’m game, my daughter can’t speak to me anyway,” Christina shrugged. Ariela was of course upstairs in the office with Nicolas. When they went up to tell him they were leaving they found him on the couch asleep with a sleeping Ariela on top of him. Instead of interrupting she took a picture with her phone and wrote him a note on a post-it and stuck it to his computer screen. They slowly and quietly crept out of the room, seeing Nicolas with Ariela just made her want a baby for him even more. She sometimes dreamed of what their children would look like, but she mostly kept that to herself, nobody needed to know about her secret fantasies. When the time was right she would have a baby of her own, the thought inspired her to take control of her life. Sitting around moping was letting Owen win and being a victim. By the grace of God she wasn’t physically hurt, just freaked out. If she saw Owen again she didn’t know what she would do. Cody was calling Wildflower’s brothers trying to talk to her, but she didn’t want to speak to her. As far as she was concerned Cody didn’t exist, she did blame her for encouraging Owen to talk to her. As they drove away from the house she decided that once and for all she was going to stop thinking about Owen and Cody. Those were unimportant people that were a waste of time to spend anytime thinking about. She was better than this and she was not going to let them ruin her life. Brooke didn’t answer her phone, that was odd, but Wildflower had a key. The door to the apartment was partially opened, so they went in. It was odd because it sounded like the shower was on in Brooke and Jay’s bedroom. Wildflower called out to Brooke but nobody answered, so they cautiously went to the bedroom. The bathroom door was open and the shower was on. Christina was the one to scream when they found Brooke slumped over the side of the tub. She wasn’t moving or responding to them. But she was still alive. Sammie suspected something weird was going on with her cousin all day, now she new for sure something was wrong. Allie was avoiding going out to watch Tony’s practice which proved that he was the reason she was acting weird. Ever since the day she came back from soccer camp her cousin had been a complete different person and she was completely obsessed with Tony. Now for some reason she was hiding in the locker room and Sammie was sitting in there with her. “What is wrong with you?” Sammie finally asked because it was driving her crazy. “Don’t lie; you’ve been weird all day.” “Fine,” Allie sighed. “I’m not supposed to say anything and its embarrassing to admit but Tony like made out with a guy.” “What!?” She asked staring at her and she nodded. “It was a while ago, but he told me about it and I told him to kiss me and that would prove if he was straight or not. And here we are two week later together,” Allie said. She laid back on a bench. “The guy is in love with him and I know because he told me when I stole Tony’s phone and called him. He is totally being stalkery, there were like a million texts from him. When Tony found out I had his phone he was kind of pissed and he broke it and it’s in the garbage. Oh and we had sex in the truck yesterday.” “Evan and Corey were hinting that you did,” Sammie said. “Why did you have sex with him? I thought Allie was the good girl?” “Allie doesn’t know up from down right now. Why did I think it was ok to have a boyfriend? He wants to skip school tomorrow,” she sighed again. “The whole sex thing happened mostly because he keeps thinking about this kiss and I did not mean for it to happen. One minute I was on his lap kissing him and I might have touched him a little and the next thing I know he’s in me.” “Only you could accidentally have sex,” Sammie laughed. “Remind me to put some condoms in the truck.” “Wait, you didn’t use any protection?” “No, I’m so serious that he caught me by surprise and I couldn’t exactly say no.” “Yeah you could have said no or got out of his lap.” “Virgin Sammie, its really hard to say no if a guy is inside of you. It was so amazing though, would you totally hate me if I said he was the best of the brothers?” “I said I wasn’t mad at you for having sex with Evan, I did not say you could ever mention it. Especially since he has no idea that I know,” she said. At that Allie sat up and stared at her stunned. “Why didn’t you tell him you know?” “Because I want to see if he tells me himself and so far he has said nothing. Then again since I’ve been back he barely kisses me,” Sammie sighed. “What? Why not?” Allie asked obviously glad to talk about something else. “Well was he having sex with you while I was gone?” She asked with a little tinge of bitterness, maybe she was a little jealous. Guys always wanted Sugar-Allie, it didn’t matter what she called herself. “Hell no, and I told you it’s been over for awhile. I would never do anything to hurt you, don’t you know that?” “Yeah, but you can’t say no to sex, you just said that.” “Sam, I love you, I would never have sex with Evan again. I want to be with Tony if his boyfriend would leave us alone.” “Maybe neither of us need a boyfriend,” Sammie said. “Too much drama and too much stressing over nothing, I miss being boy free.” “Talk to Evan, I bet he’s just trying to give you space to you know do what you are comfortable with. You should just get naked and hop in the shower together and then everything is out in the open.” “Um what? Why would that be a good idea?” “Because then you’ve see everything and there’s nothing left to hide, you would be completely exposed. Just try it,” Allie suggested. At the moment she sounded more like Sugar than her new persona. “And what are you going to do about Tony? That is way more complicated than me and Evan,” Sammie said. For some reason she didn’t hate that idea. “What can I do? I feel bad for this guy because he told me he’s in love with him and sounded really hurt. But Tony swears he wants to be with me, so I guess we are skipping school tomorrow,” she shrugged. “So not that I would do this shower thing because it’s crazy, but do you really think it would help? And keep in mind I’ve never been naked in front of a boy.” “I did it when I was 14 and stayed over my one friend’s house, he brother was so cute. Anyway it’s like an ice breaker and it’s not like you are going to have sex with him,” she paused smiling. “I’m suddenly picturing Tony wet in a shower and I love that image.” Someone cleared their throat over by the door and they both turned to see Tony. “Eavesdropping w***e,” Allie said and he smiled lazily at her. “Don’t talk about me then,” he replied. The way they looked at each other just proved that they were crazy about each other. “I’m out of here before you do it on the floor,” Sammie said grabbing her bag. When she left out Tony went in, and she didn’t turn to be nosey. Evan was over by the truck when she got out the parking lot. He was the type of guy girls dreamed about and she had overheard girls whispering about him. Most of the girls weird curious about the Laiez boys, it wasn’t often that three incredibly sexy guys transferred in at St. Ivy. Then of course since two of the three were dating girls that were going to be their nieces-in-law, it was gossip worthy. How maybe girls got to have their boyfriends live in the same house as them? But them again how many girls were going out with a guy that their extremely sexually active cousin had sex with? “You left me alone to watch my loser brother,” Evan said. “Allie was having a life crisis,” she explained. “Yeah I think Tony is too, guess they are perfect for each other,” he shook his head. Was that look supposed to mean he didn’t approve? “You don’t think they are good for each other?” “Didn’t say that, I just think it’s random. One minute she’s so in love with Ivan and the next she is all into Tony. I mean I kind of figured them two would get together eventually since they obviously wanted each other. But I doubt it will last,” he shrugged. “I think you are wrong,” she said. “Tony should just not have girlfriends, it’s a bad idea,” he said. “Anyway, I don’t really care what they do. You and I should I don’t know do something together?” “Yeah we should,” she agreed. “And I have an idea for what we should do.” Maybe it was a bad idea to do this shower thing but she was curious. And she was tired of being so safe and careful. It was time for her to stop being so timid about everything and just live a little. So she kissed Evan and hoped everything would work out for the best.
“You stink,” Allie told him. Not that it made her move her head off his lap. “If you want to come talk to me in the shower I wouldn’t mind,” he said. “I bet you would love that,” she replied. “Maybe, so are you ready to go home?” “What are we doing tomorrow?” “Buying me a new phone?” They were sitting in the girl’s locker room, where he wasn’t supposed to be but he was anyway. Nobody else was in there and he was sure most of the football team had left already. Tony was sitting on the floor with Allie lying with her head in his lap. It was peaceful, the most peace he’d gotten all day. Especially after her conversation with Joe, he should have known she would do something like that. He admired her fearlessness and how she wanted to take charge of the situation, but it was a bad idea. At least now maybe he could get his sister to change his cell phone number. Joe was being a pain in the a*s so at least this would keep him from calling him. “Are you mad at me?” She asked looking up at him. “No, but I need you to trust me, that whole thing was a huge mistake and I only want you. Maybe we shouldn’t have had sex but I don’t regret it.” “Neither do I,” she said. “I have nail marks on my thigh from you.” “Good, I’m marking what is mine,” he said and she smiled. “We should get home, I can shower there.” “With or without me?” “Oh I would love to shower with you, but I thought you didn’t want to have sex?” “Who said anything about sex? I said I shower,” she said with a wicked smile. “Why didn’t you put your dress back on?” He asked, not that he minded her little shorts. The part of him that was under her head loved the shorts. “Didn’t feel like it,” she shrugged and sat up. “What you wanted easy access?” She was up on her hands and knees and was looking straight into his eyes. “I just thought you looked beautiful today,” he said and she smiled. “But out of curiosity, did you wear a thong for me today?” “Silly, I didn’t wear it for you yesterday,” she said and kissed him. “If you want to know what I have on, you’ll have to take my clothes off.” “Damn,” he said. “I’m thinking we need to get home.” “Yes, but so you know I’m not having sex with you.” “I’m getting to see you wet and naked, that is enough for me.” “Maybe we do need to go,” she said. He was on his feet seconds later pulling her up too. “Let me go put this crap away and get my stuff and we will leave,” he said. They both gathered up their things and she looked out the door to make sure nobody was in the hall. “Wait for me right here,” he told her and she nodded. As quickly as he could he went into the nearly empty locker room and exchanged his things. He pulled on his jeans and t-shirt and grabbed his book bag. It was probably a bad idea what they were planning to do but he didn’t care. She was leaning against the wall when he came out; he was definitely falling hard for her. This was what he wanted; he wanted her and had for awhile. How could he not? Being with her did help him to forget the past, if she could put her past behind her than so could he. After watching her a moment because he could never help himself, it was an old habit, he had been watching her for a long time. He went over and scooped her up into his arms and she giggle and wrapped her arms loosely around his neck. Tony carried her out to the truck, where Sammie and Evan were making out in the backseat. Life was just so random now. This was like a nightmare and she knew it had to be her fault this happened. Brooke was lying unconscious in a hospital bed because of her. If it wasn’t for their friendship Owen wouldn’t have attacked Brooke. Of course it was Owen, who else would attack Brooke? Or more specifically who would attack Brooke that had access to drugs that you could only find in a hospital or pharmacy? Owen worked in a hospital and it appeared that he stole some things and he injected Brooke with something. Wildflower sat next to her brother in the waiting room, he hadn’t said a word in at least an hour. Brooke’s Aunt Kim was there pacing, she raised Brooke and her brother Brendan, he was there too. Christina, Ivan, Ricky and Isaiah were there too, Ariela was with Tammy. Nicolas had been there but he was at his lab now. Whatever it was that Owen gave Brooke was a mixture of different things. Since Nicolas happened to have a lab with more high tech equipment than the police and the police were happy to use it. When she looked at the clock she realized the kids would be probably be home and she should call them. Nobody was home, but they were teenagers it wasn’t like they needed to be babysat and they all had house keys now. Jay needed her more right now, and it wasn’t like there wasn’t food for the house. Nobody was had spoken in awhile, nobody knew what to say. Brooke was the one that would break up the silence and make everybody laugh even if they didn’t want to. That was just how she was and that was what everybody loved about her. About 11 years ago when Brooke was 12 and her brother was 10, somebody broke into their house and killed their parents. The only reason they were still alive was because Brooke got her brother out of his bed and they hid. It took a long time for Brooke to get over what happened and even longer for her brother to. After their parents died they moved in with their Aunt Kim who happened to leave in the same neighborhood Wildflower had and she became friends with Brooke. Ever since the first day she was there they had been best friends. And when Daisy died Brooke was over everyday trying to help everybody. Though they didn’t talk about it anymore, they had been strippers together too. Brooke was just the type of person to do anything for somebody she loved. A nurse came out to tell them that Brooke was awake. Wildflower looked at her brother and he didn’t move, he just stared at the floor. Nobody else moved either; the nurse just stared at them like they were all crazy. Aunt Kim asked Jay if he wanted to go see her first but he didn’t answer, she went with Brendan. The rest of them were just looking at Jay waiting for him to move. When he did get up he didn’t go to see Brooke he went outside. Ricky went out after him, Christina got up and took Wildflower’s hand and dragged her down the hall to see Brooke. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to see her, she just felt too guilty to face her friend. “Stop blaming yourself,” Christina told her. “Easier said than done,” she replied. “Just because you dated the guy five years ago doesn’t mean you’re responsible for what he does. He knew Brooke too,” Christina said. Then they entered the room and Brooke made a face at them. “My brain hurts,” Brooke said. “Where is Jacob?” She asked, nobody ever called Jay by his actual name anymore not since he first started school and there were three other Jacobs in his class. “Um he needed to get some air,” Wildflower told her. “Do you remember what happened?” “Yeah,” Brooke said and she closed her eyes. “Cody came over to annoy me and we argued of course and I threw her out. Then I went to take a shower and I heard a noise but I thought it was just one of the guys trying to scare me. So stupid me I ignored it and I opened the curtain to find Owen.” “He wasn’t with Cody, right?” Christina asked, Wildflower couldn’t speak her brain was sort of frozen. “I don’t know,” Brooke said. “But it was like 10 or 15 minutes after she left. She kept asking for your number, Wildflower.” “I’m going to go have them call the police back,” Aunt Kim said dashing from the room. She looked as if she might cry; Brendan nodded at his sister and left the room too. He wasn’t much of a talker, but that wasn’t surprising after seeing your parents be killed. “I’m so sorry,” Wildflower said coming to her side. “And you are sorry why?” Brooke asked. “It’s the queen of guilt you know why,” Christina said. “Oh,” Brooke said opening her eyes. “W***e it ain’t your fault, I blame Cody. Even if he wasn’t with her, he definitely followed her.” “But this is all because of me, both of them have issues with me,” she sighed. “Has she been doing this all day?” “Pretty much, Ricky told her if she didn’t shut up he was going to smack her. Then Jay got here and she stopped speaking,” Christina said. “Where is that loser anyway?” Brooke asked, there was a look in her eyes like she was hurt that he wasn’t there. “I’m here,” Jay said from the door. He came in slowly, like he was afraid to come near her. “Are you alive?” “Sorry I am,” she said and he kissed her forehead. “I love you Brooke,” he told her and she smiled. It was very un-Jay-like to do, he absolutely never expressed emotions, like all of the Laiez brothers. “Back at ya,” Brooke said closing her eyes again. The good thing was that Brooke was ok, at least for now. But the problem was that both Owen and Cody were still out there. Before Wildflower thought maybe the Cody thing would pass eventually and they would be friends again. Now she was going to improve her shooting because she was ready to kill someone. Especially if Cody was actually helping Owen, that she hoped wasn’t true but with the way Cody was now she wasn’t so sure. The police came in to ask Brooke questions about what happened; they now wanted to talk to Cody. Part of Wildflower wished she hadn’t chickened out when she could have shot Owen in a more damaging place. At least then he wouldn’t have been able to hurt Brooke or anybody else. Next time she saw Owen, and she knew eventually she would, she was going to make him regret ever meeting her. Allie giggled; maybe this wasn’t such a bad idea. She had her legs wrapped around Tony’s waist while he carried her into her bedroom. They had just gotten out of the shower; it was a very interesting shower. Somehow the managed not to have sex, even though the evidence that he wanted to still showed. Still wet, he laid her down on her bed and he leaned down over her. He shook out his long wet hair on her and she laughed. Her boyfriend was very sexy and very into her, she could tell with 100% certainty. The look in his eyes made her stop laughing; she knew exactly what he wanted. And she knew the reasons not to do it, but nobody ever accused her of having self-control or good common sense. “I know what we agreed,” he said while leaning in to kiss her neck. “But I really want you right now.” Looking down between them she could see just how much. “Ok,” she whispered. “Are you sure? I don’t want you avoiding me again,” he said watching her. “That wasn’t because of you; it was because I was a little freaked out.” “You can say no to me,” he said seriously. “Baby, I want you,” she said. She wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled him closer and he kissed her. He rolled over so that he was on the bed and she was on top of him. “Condom?” He asked and her answer was leaning down to kiss him. Nobody ever accused her of being responsible either. “I could grab one,” she said. “But it felt good without it.” “Are you serious?” He asked staring at her like she was completely insane, maybe she was. “Yesterday I wasn’t thinking, you want to do it on purpose?” “I’m on birth control,” she shrugged. Normally she was not this irresponsible, but thinking about yesterday made her want to do it again. “Next time we will use a condom,” he said and she nodded. They started kissing and rolled again so that he was back on top on her. Tony was definitely a better lover than his brothers, at least the two she had been with. The fact that she was with him after being with two of his brothers was probably wrong. And in comparison he was more gifted in a few ways that his brothers were not, from her experience. If she had been with him first then she never would have wanted Evan or Ivan. Spending the day with Tony tomorrow was going to be amazing, even if they didn’t have sex. Just being near him was enough for her. She knew she was falling too hard way too fast but maybe she had already liked him before but was too stupid to see. “Allie!” She heard and turned her head to see her horrified looking brother standing in the doorway. “I forgot to lock the door,” she sighed. Markus turned away but didn’t leave so they rushed around getting dressed. “Uh I’m gonna go,” Tony said hurrying out of the room pass her brother. “What happened to you?” Markus asked staring at her. “Define that for me a little,” she said. “You wear skimpy clothes, hang all over boys and I’ve heard about your promiscuous behavior. How did you get like this?” “I like sex, so what?” She shrugged but he looked angry. “Do you not care how people think of you? Or what if you meet the wrong guy and he kills you? Do you care that you are putting your life in danger?” “Tony is my boyfriend; I can have sex with him if I want to. I am alive so obviously I haven’t had sex with any axe murderers. What I do to deal with life is none of your business,” she paused. Saying what she was about to say was mean. “If I want lessons on how to runaway and abandon people, I’ll ask your advice.” The stunned way he was staring at her should have made her feel worse, but she didn’t. Not only did he interrupt her having mind-blowing sex with her hot boyfriend, she was just sick of him thinking he knew her. Just because she decided to change her name back didn’t mean he could control her life. And it was unrealistic for him to think she was going to be that same little girl she was when he left. Maybe she was holding onto some resentment from him leaving her, but she had a right to. He was selfish and left her alone for multiple years and now he thought he had a say in what she did. She was trying really hard to change her image for herself; she wasn’t going to try to please him or anyone else. Allie needed to please Allie and no one else. “I am sorry that I left but that doesn’t give you an excuse to behave like a s**t,” Marcus said surprising her. “S**t I can be if I want to and in fact I can be who I want to be and do what I want to do. You don’t need to stay here for me, do what you do best and runaway. I got over needed you a long time ago,” she replied. She got up and went to grab a towel to dry her hair, she was really annoyed. “Allie, I’m just confused as to what happened and why you behave like this,” he said more gently. “Ask my therapist,” she said. She walked out of the room pass her brother and down the hall to Tony’s room, this time she remembered to lock the door. © 2010 Britiney HarperReviews
2 Reviews Added on November 21, 2009 Last Updated on January 6, 2010 AuthorBritiney Harperpittsburgh, PAAbout...A Few Things... 1) Hi! I'm Britiney 2) I Love to Write 3) I love to read 4) I'm a nerd 5) i love my Family more than anything else 6) I've been writing since i was 8yrs old (but really b4 tha.. more..Writing