Wildflower (Chapter 29)

Wildflower (Chapter 29)

A Chapter by Britiney Harper

...Chapter 29...


Chapter 29


            It was Monday and Sugar had just come from cheerleading practice, she made the squad. She was waiting in front of the school for Sammie to get off the bus that just arrived from camp. Today was going to be the hardest day on her life, Sammie was her best friend and sister/cousin and she had to tell her the truth. Sammie got off the bus and waved to her soccer friends and came over to Sugar carrying her bag.

            “Hey, where is our ride?” Sammie asked.

            “Tony is our ride but he’s still at practice, so we can put your bag in the car and go watch him,” she said.

            “Sugar, have you had sex with Evan?” Sammie asked when they were at the car.

            “What?” She was pretty stunned, how could she know?

            “Somebody I know saw you with him at a party last year,” Sammie said.

            “Yeah, that was probably the first time we did it,” she admitted.

            “It was more than once?”

            “Yeah, it was a few times, the last time being um right before Christina and Isaiah got married. But it doesn’t mean anything, it was just sex and I swear I had no idea you liked each other,” she said. She watched Sammie who just stood there staring at her.

            “Why didn’t you tell me?”

            “I was actually going to tell you now, but I never wanted you to think it meant anything or that you should have sex with him because I did. We never had any type of feelings for each other,” she assured her.

            “You had sex with Evan and Ivan all in the same summer?”

            “Yeah, I know I’m a w***e you don’t have to tell me that.”

            “But why? Why would you have sex with Evan if you don’t like him?”

            “Honestly because we were bored or because we were distracting ourselves from our crappy lives. Please don’t think badly of him because of this, he loves you.”

            “I’m not mad or anything, it’s just weird. Why would he have sex with you if he allegedly is in love with me?”

            “Those are two completely unrelated things, what happened between me and him has nothing to do with you and him. Sex is easy, you can have sex with people you don’t like and you don’t have to care about them. Loving somebody is hard, letting somebody into your heart and exposing yourself isn’t easy. I thought I was in love with Ivan and he used me for his own pleasure and I was willing to deal with anything to just have him. Evan loves you,” she told her.

            “Are you sure you don’t feel anything at all for Evan?”

            “No, I never have and never will. And so you know I’m completely done with Ivan too,” she said honestly. “Now come on, we have to watch Tony.”

            Sugar pulled Sammie with her back to the field, she loved to watch Tony. They had gone on their date over the weekend and just had fun laughing together. It was different and they weren’t having sex or messing around at all. For once she didn’t care, kissing was enough for her. His practice was about over when they got there. Maybe it was weird that she liked Tony when she had been with two of his brothers but at least it was only two. The guys started heading to the locker room but Tony came over to her.

            “I’ll try to hurry,” he told her.

            “And I’ll try not to come in and look at all the naked guys,” she replied.

            “Try and see what happens,” he said then he kissed her. “Oh hey Sammie.”

            “Hey,” Sammie said looking between them.

            “Go shower, I do not need to smell you,” Sugar said.

            “You weren’t complaining before,” he said and walked away.

            “How long was I gone?” Sammie asked her.

            “Long enough for me to get over Ivan, become a cheerleader, start dating Tony for real and see Wildflower and Uncle Nick’s sex tape. Guess I have been busy,” she shrugged. “Oh and I’m thinking of changing my name back.”

            “What? I thought you could never be called Allesandra again? When we were little you threatened my teddy bear with a knife if I didn’t call you Sugar. Wait did you say sex tape?”

            “Yeah and they have a drawer full of sex toys, but its Brooke’s fault I know this. Anyway I know but I don’t like Sugar anymore, let’s face it Sugar is pretty s****y and I want to start over. So I’m switching to Allie, just Allie for now,” she said.

            “And how did Tony happen?”

            “Um, we were talking and we kissed.”

            “It’s not even that surprising, you two are always hanging on each other,” Sammie said while they walked back around to the front of the school. “Does he know about Evan and Ivan and all that?”

            “Yup, he said he doesn’t care. We aren’t even doing anything, just being us with a little kissing,” she said proudly.

            “So Allie the cheerleader has a footballer player boyfriend?”

            “Looks like it,” she sighed. She knew this was a big change and it all seemed random but she liked having a drama free existence. “Are you sure you aren’t mad at me?”

            “For the Evan thing, not really, it happened before we were together and I know you would never lie to me. But you don’t have to keep trying to protect me from everything, I can except that your s****y behind has slept with my boyfriend,” Sammie said. At least she didn’t look upset.

            “I’m sorry, I really am but he’s never loved me like he loves you. And he’s been seriously missing you,” she assured her.

            “So how did you finally break it off with Ivan?”

            “Well the day you left we did have sex that night, but um after Tony and I kissed I kind of decided I needed to come clean to Wildflower. She figured out that Ivan and I were seeing each other so she told me she was going to take care of it and told me to stay away from him. And she told me that I needed to be honest with you and Tony. I knew I couldn’t keep it a secret forever, any of it I mean but I didn’t want to hurt you.”

            “How did she know about you and Evan?”

            “Because she caught us together, that’s how that ended once and for all.”

            “And you really are dating Tony?”

            “Yeah we went on a date and everything, or more like I took him on a date. We had dinner and saw a scary movie and just had fun,” she said dreamily.

            “Wow, since when do you date?”

            “Since Tony, we have fun together.”

            “Maybe I should go away more often.”

            “No, I was dying without you and I still have to tell you about Katrina, Alvin and Owen the stalker, so much stuff happened,” she said. Before she could say anything else Tony came out, he was drying his shoulder length black hair with a towel.

            “Ready to go ladies?” He asked.

            “We should take Sammie to lunch, since she just got back,” Sugar suggested.

            “No, its ok I’m ready to get home and see Evan,” Sammie said. “You two can go out to lunch.”

            “It’s alright Tammy probably made something.”

            “I think I’m going to go to sleep anyway,” Tony said.

            “If you’re tired then I’ll drive.”

            “Fine,” he shrugged going to open the back driver side door. “I’m thinking of you resting with me?” He whispered and she nodded and he kissed her cheek before getting in. Sammie looked at the amused and then she got in the passenger seat.

            She slid into the driver’s seat adjusting things since Tony was much taller than she was. Maybe she had gone from one brother to the next more quickly than she should have. Or maybe she had liked Tony all along and hadn’t realized it. The past didn’t matter anymore, Sugar was in the past and now Allie was the present and future. So she drove away from the school and back towards home, in another week school would be back in and the new Allie would meet the world.



            Jose was sitting at his brother’s desk at the house, something was wrong. He was looking at the security camera; there were basically cameras all over the grounds and especially at any and all entrances. The most vulnerable spot was the trail, there was a gate closing it off if no one was out riding but someone could climb it. And he suspected that someone had. In the past nosey reporters and photographers had tried to breach the walls around the grounds, that was why there were a lot of hidden cameras. Everybody was in the house at the moment; they were watching a movie in the TV room. The front door was locked since it was dark out but the security system wasn’t on. There was a camera in the TV room, so he could see the permanent residents of the house. Wildflower, her three brothers and the girls, the only person missing was Markus who was in his room. Obviously he didn’t want to sit in a room where his little sister was sitting with her new boyfriend’s arm around her.

            All the summer visitors returned to home or school, it was a Friday so he was surprised the kids were all in. He changed the view of the camera and looked at every room. Then he looked back to the grounds, the horses were on the furthest end of the property. All the horses were in the stables and it appeared nothing was wrong there. But there was somebody, keeping to the shadows in between two cameras. Who the hell was dumb enough to creep around the house? From the computer he alerted the guard at the gate that there was someone around that shouldn’t be there. Now he was going to have to go investigate himself, there was a good chance other doors were unlocked. So he quickly opened the floor safe under the desk and took out a gun, there were actually a few in the safe, but he took a hand gun so that he could hide it.

            Downstairs he waved Wildflower out of the room with the kids. Being stuck in this house a few days had him wanting the company of a woman, so he tried to avoid her and she was usually busy so that helped. But here she was standing front of him in sweat pants rolled up at the bottom, a t-shirt that showed her pierced belly button and her curly hair in ponytail. No wonder his brother loved her, she could never look bad no matter what she wore. He needed to get out of this house; his life meant enough to him that he didn’t want to lose it for being attracted to his brother’s fiancé. But it really wasn’t his fault that she looked the way she did.

            “Somebody is outside,” he told her.

            “As in somebody that doesn’t belong here?”

            “Yes I think so; I’m going to check it out, lock the door behind me.”

            “Alright,” she nodded looking concerned. But she followed him to the kitchen and did as he asked; now at least he wasn’t bored.


            Wildflower stood in the kitchen looking out the window at Jose looking around for the intruder. She was paying him so much attention that she was startled when Tammy entered the kitchen. Tammy had been in bed the last two days sick, so she was pale and in a bathrobe. Her nose was red from being blown so many times and her hair was a big mess. It was weird to see Tammy looking so disheveled and helpless.

            “Something wrong?” She asked.

            “Maybe, Jose says there is somebody out there,” Wildflower told her.

            “Might be a photographer without common sense,” she said dismissively. The gun shots however neither of them could dismiss. “Or maybe not.”

            “I can’t see Jose,” Wildflower said looking out the window.

            Tammy turned on the small flat screen TV that sat on the kitchen counter, it showed the security camera and both of them stared closely at the screen that was split into four different views. They had to change views twice before they saw anything. By then Markus had come into the kitchen having heard the gunshots. It was dark out but they could make out Jose, who was holding a gun and pointing it at a figure on the ground. The man on the ground wasn’t familiar and he had a camera on the ground beside him. Maybe he was just some foolish photographer and Jose had just fired shots to scare him. She’d half expected to see Owen there but that was just crazy. A car pulled around the house, the security guard service that patrolled the gated community that they more or less were a part of. It was more like the other houses were just built around their house. And their house was up a hill and it took up more land than all of the houses down the hill.

            “Maybe more security is needed around here,” Markus said.

            “It has been a long time since somebody tried to get in,” Tammy said. She went to the refrigerator to get her ginger ale and left.

            “I guess we should start locking the doors,” Wildflower said aloud.

            “After years of being away from here that is the one thing that has never changed,” Markus shook his head. “But since it’s your house now maybe you can enforce changes. Too many people know the door is always open.”

            “That just means I have to get everybody keys,” she said. “It’s probably for the best though, that way I can be selective of who comes in.”

            “So you um like living here? The big castle with all the things to do?”

            “Uh honestly I mostly just like having a big bed,” she shrugged. “Its nice and all to have things but I could survive without all of this. Though with Nick gone the girls have been sleeping in my bed.”

            “They really seem to look up to you,” Markus said.

            “The little sisters I never got,” she replied. It was weird to have a conversation with Markus who mostly kept to himself and mostly looked like he disapproved everything about her.

            “It must have been hard growing up with so many boys.”

            “I always liked hanging out with boys more; I guess it’s from having so many brothers. The only downside is that they all want to be protective and they always have to know everything I do.”

            “How was it that you met my uncle?”

            “Oh in a bar,” she said and wasn’t surprised by his skeptical look. He was suspicious of her; probably a lot had to do with the amount of time his sister spent with her. But she was so use to people being suspicious of her.

            “You are young, why are you so anxious to get married?”

            “I wouldn’t say anxious, he asked and I said yes. If I wasn’t with Nick I definitely wouldn’t be getting married, I mean I understand that he’s ready to settle down and I’m fine with that,” she shrugged again.

            “I apologize if I seem rude, so much has changed. Most of the time I feel like a stranger in this family,” he admitted.

            “I’m use to questions; everybody questions me and thinks I’m a gold digger. I really wish I was the evil genius a lot of people think I am, but truthfully I’m just boring.”

            “No one in this family has ever liked change,” he said. “I guess I’m no better, I expected my sister to be the same as I remembered her but she’s grown up.”

            “If it makes you feel any better she’s always missed you,” she told him and he nodded. It looked like he wanted to say more but Jose knocked on the door.

            “Well that was uneventful,” Jose said when he came in.

            “Do you know who the guy was?” She asked, noticing Markus slipping out of the kitchen.

            “He wouldn’t say, had a camera though but oddly nothing was on it. Maybe he was going to come in the house and try to get something interesting, who knows,” he shook his head. “I’ll go put the alarm on.” He walked out of the kitchen leaving her alone.

            Wildflower decided to go upstairs to her bedroom to call Nicolas; she wasn’t too worried about what happened. There wasn’t anything interesting to take a picture of anyway. Now she was really happy she decided to lock that disc away, the last thing she needed was for anybody else to see it. This was exactly why she didn’t want to do it in the first place but he was always very persuasive. She hated that he was gone, it had been a week already and she had no idea when he would be home.

            Once inside her bedroom she closed the door and turned on the light. A few minutes alone was what she needed, it had been a stressful enough week. She laid across the bed and pulled out her cell phone, it rang and rang and went to voicemail. For a second she debated leaving a message and decided she should.

            “Nick, I’m seriously miss I want you back home now,” she said. Before she could say anything else she looked up and realized she wasn’t alone. “Owen? What are you doing here?”

            “Hang up the phone,” he ordered. There was a crazed look in his eye so she did as she was told.

            “What are you doing in my house?” She asked him, he went over and locked the door. There were no coincidences this big; he had to be connected to the other guy.

            “We need to talk,” he said.

            “Owen, you are trespassing,” she said. He was coming to the bed and she didn’t have many options of what she could do.

            “Not if you invited me,” he said sitting beside her.

            “I did not invite you,” she said firmly. It was worse than talking to one of the kids.

            “He isn’t right for you, why are you with this guy? All he does is hurt people, Cody has a friend and the things he has done to her it’s awful.”

            “And it’s probably all made up, Cody is bitter she would say anything. You need to leave and you need to stay away from me.”

            “Why? I’ve been thinking about you since that day we ran into each other, it was fate. We were meant to be together, I may not have as much money as this guy but I can take care of you. Don’t you remember we use to talk about the future?”

            “That was a long time ago, and I never said I planned to be with you. It was high school and we had sex it’s not that big of a deal.”

            “I loved you and I still do, don’t you remember how it was?”

            “But I never loved you and it wasn’t even a real relationship,” she told him annoyed. What was wrong with him?

            “You told me you loved me,” he said looking desperate.

            “I must have been really drunk if I ever said that to you or I was high or something. There is no way in hell I ever told you I loved you.”

            “You’re lying,” he said.

            “Leave Owen, this is pointless, I’ve never loved you. I am getting married to someone else; you really need to get over this.”

            “Where is he? Are you sure he’s even on a business trip? He could be with another woman and you would never know.”

            “How do you know he is on a business trip?”

            “Because I’ve been watching you, I’m trying to keep you safe.”

            “Get out of my house Owen.”

            “Not without you,” he said taking her hand. His finger traced over her ring and when he tried to pull it off she yanked her hand back. “Take off his ring.”

            “No,” she said glaring at him.

            There was only one way out of the room and that was through the door he locked. The balcony was up too high for her to jump but if she opened the door the alarm would go off. In the closet there was a little security console and there was a gun in the safe. But he was too close to her for her to have time to do much of anything. Owen got up from the bed and began pacing and whispering to himself. Maybe he was on drugs; it seemed like it from the way he was acting. He wasn’t the sweet guy she use to know anymore and she needed to focus on that because in his current state he could try to hurt her. And since he was pretty big and muscular fighting back would be pretty hard. She was trying to remain as calm as possible, it wasn’t in his nature to hurt somebody, or it wasn’t five years ago. Maybe or more like hopefully, she could just talk to him.

            While he paced she slowly inched her fingers towards her cell phone. Jose was somewhere in the house and obviously could get into the gun safe in the office. It was funny now that she had been concerned about having guns in the house with the kids. But Nicolas ignored her concerns and instead made her memorize the codes for every safe in the house. Not that knowing the numbers was doing her any good right now. Never in her life could she have imagined she would end up in a situation like this. Unfortunately for her before she could reach her phone it rang. The tone told her it was Nicolas and she tried to answer it but Owen was quicker and grabbed it.

            “Shall I answer it? Tell him that you’ve decided to leave?” Owen asked her, he waved the phone at her. It stopped ringing but started up again a few seconds later. At least she knew Nicolas would keep calling if she didn’t answer.

            “Give me the phone,” she ordered and he laughed.

            “Only if you tell him that you are leaving him,” he said.

            “I am not leaving him, especially not for you,” she said. It was probably bad to say that but she wasn’t going to lie and get his hopes up.

            “Fine,” he said and he took the battery out of the phone and threw it on the floor.

            When he came back to the bed he pushed her back and got on top of her. Of course he was too heavy for her to move. He stared her in the eyes; his eyes were bloodshot and crazed. Again she wondered what had happened to suddenly make him so crazy and a stalker. This just made no sense; it wasn’t the person she use to know. And it wasn’t like they had some loving relationship. If she remembered correctly she had been looking forward to him going off to school do she could be free of him. Daisy was the one who use to say that Wildflower was going to marry Owen one day when he was a big important doctor. Was that it? Did he remember Daisy’s joke? It was never a serious thing and she never once told him they could be together beyond that summer. In fact the reason she stayed with him was because he was leaving and there had been no future to their relationship.

            “I love you,” he said. “We should make love.”

            “Hell no, get off of me Owen,” she said. Instead of listening he started to kiss her neck and she tried to get away from him which was hard with him being heavy.

            “Once we make love again you will remember how in love we were,” he told her.

            “Get off of me,” she said pushing him. He didn’t budge at all; he started to pull up her t-shirt.

            “Stop fighting, I know you want this,” he said reaching down to untie her sweat pants. When he shifted a little she kneed him and he rolled off of her.

            She jumped off the bed as fast as she could and went into the closet and shut the door behind her. Before she asked Nicolas why there was a lock inside the closet now she was happy it was there. What she wanted to do was run out the door but Owen was too close to the door for her to actually get away. This was like a scene from a horror movie. He was banging on the door yelling for her to come out. She had to take a minute to stop shaking and calm herself so she could find a way out. The gun was there but she didn’t want to use it on him, the thought of shooting somebody was too much for her. So her options were to set off the alarm, shoot him or call for help. There a phone in the safe, why she didn’t know but it came in handy. It took her two tries to get Jose’s cell phone number right because her hands were shaking.

            “Are you ok?” He asked before she even said a word.

            “More or less,” she said sitting on the floor as far away from the door as she could get. “How did you know it was me?”

            “Honey, there are a lot of things you don’t know about this family,” he replied. “I was looking back at the security footage and I noticed something I missed. And Nicky called, he’s all pissed cause he’s not here. But you know I won’t let anything happen to you, right?”

            “Yeah,” she said.

            “So stalker boy doesn’t have any weapons does he?”

            “No,” she replied.

            “Ok, I was getting everybody out of the house and the slow a*s police are coming. I am going to come in and get you or you could just shoot him,” Jose said. His calm tone was calming her down a bit but Owen was still banging on the door.

            “Ok, I’m going to need you to hurry,” she whispered. Outside the door Owen was hitting something against it and it seemed as if the lock was going to break.

            “Get the gun out of the safe,” Jose told her. “If he comes in shoot him.”

            “I can’t do that,” she said.

            “You probably won’t have to do anything, but just get it.”

            “Fine,” she said. Slowly she got up and went back to the safe. It took three tries to unlock the box and she took the gun out and went back to where she was before.

            “Calm down, I’m not going to let him hurt you,” he promised.

            “Jose, stop talking to me and come in here.”

            “Ok, I’m coming,” he said and hung up.

             Wildflower sat there in the corner hiding and holding a gun, this was not how her life was supposed to be. It was silent for a moment, Owen had stopped making noise. Then suddenly there was a loud bang against the door. He was throwing his body into the door trying to force it open. The third try he go it open and he came inside. Now he looked even crazier than before. Her hands shook with the gun held tight in them. He stared at the gun shaking in her hand; of course he knew she couldn’t shoot him. By the time he got close her whole body was shaking and she squeezed the gun a little too hard and it went off. She wasn’t sure which of them was more surprised, but she had actually shot his arm. Stunned, he just stood there staring at her.

            “How could you do that? I love you,” Owen said.

He started forward again and grabbed her leg before she could move. She hit her head on the floor when he yanked her leg and dragged her halfway through the closet. This time she shot at him on purpose and hit his shoulder, somehow that didn’t stop him. He was on top of her again, penning her down on the floor. With a smile on his face he took the gun out of her hand and threw it on the floor. Where the hell was Jose? She reached out to grab a shoe or anything to hit him with but he grabbed her wrists and held them down. Kicking and squirming wasn’t really that effective, but she kept doing it anyway and screaming.

When Jose pulled Owen off of her at first she couldn’t move. Then she crawled away back into the corner because she couldn’t do much else. She closed her eyes while Jose handled the problem. The whole thing was so surreal, how could this have happened to her? Even when it was quiet she didn’t open her eyes, this was just way too much for her. Someone tapped her and she jumped but she opened her eyes to see Jose. He held out his hand and she took it. And when he put his arms around her it was a huge comfort. The police were in the bedroom, but she just sort of blocked them out and buried her face against Jose. Nicolas would probably hate that she was this close to his brother but at the moment she just didn’t care.



Ivan knew something was wrong with his sister, he could feel it. But he tried to call her and her phone went straight to voicemail. So he tried one of his little brothers, none of them answered either. Before he could get out of the apartment Brooke came running to him. She said Tammy called her because she didn’t know anybody else’s number. Tammy told her that Owen had somehow got into the house and had locked himself and Wildflower in her bedroom. Brooke was kind of hysterical, so while Jay tried to calm her down Ivan left. He made it to her house in record time and was surprised the guard let him in. There were police cars in front of the house.

His sister was in the kitchen talking to the cops. Or it was more like she was sitting with her knees pulled up shaking and Jose was kneeling in front of her trying to calm her down. She looked ghostly pale and scared out of her mind. There was never once in their shared 23 years of living that she looked like this. Nothing ever scared Wildflower, until now at least. When she looked up and saw him she jumped out of the chair and ran to him. He held her, like he had so many other times. But he had no idea what to say and he didn’t know what happened to her.

Loud sirens announced the ambulance that pulled up outside, but they didn’t come into the kitchen, they went upstairs. He just stood there with Wildflower clinging to him. They had been close all their lives, ever since they were born. Their mother liked to tell people that when they were born he came first and she came out after holding onto his foot. Daisy came last and had a little difficulty. Maybe that was why they were always closer and sometimes it was them vs. Daisy. Now it was just the two of them and he could have been there for her except she was upset with him so he had been giving her space.

From what Jose was explaining to the cops, he saw someone outside on one of the security camera. He investigated and found a guy with a camera; the security took that guy away. It was when he went back to look at the cameras that he saw that someone had gotten into the house. By the time he found where Owen was at he had already locked himself and Wildflower in the bedroom. Then Jose called the police and sent everybody out of the house. Wildflower called him when she locked herself in the closet. And when he started talking about how she was the one that shot Owen twice in self defense, Ivan blanked everything else out. No wonder she was freaked out she shot somebody. Not just somebody but a guy that use to be her sort of boyfriend. A guy that he use to tease her about and that Daisy said that she was going to marry. Now he was in shock.

Even after the cops were gone and they took Owen away, Wildflower wouldn’t say anything or let him go. Everybody else was over at the house that belonged to their mother but only Van stayed there. So Jose thought it might be best for them to take her over there to get her out of the house. Jose drove while Ivan sat in the back holding his sister. All of their siblings (except Iris) were already there. But she didn’t say anything; Brooke and Christina tried to at least get her to lie down. Ivan had to carry her upstairs and lay with her; it wasn’t long before she fell asleep in his arms. From that moment on he vowed never to let her down again.



Nicolas was ready to kill somebody by the time his plane landed. Someone had broken into his house and terrorized his fiancé while he was away, that was unacceptable. And he kept thinking of what would have happened if he hadn’t had his brother stay there. As soon as he heard her message he was trying to get back home. Of course it had to be storming in New York and it took way too long for the pilot to be cleared for take off. During most of the flight he paced and was going stir crazy. It was going to be a long time before he went away without her again.

The plane landed after midnight and his brother was there to pick him up. Jose told him everything that happened, including how Wildflower shot Owen. That was going to be the least of Owen’s troubles when Nicolas got to him. He was going to choke the life out of that man and he didn’t care about consequences. The lights were still on at Marguerite’s house when they got there. Brooke, Christina, Isaiah, Ricky and Jay were all up talking in the living room. They informed him the Wildflower was upstairs asleep and that Ivan was with her. All of them were still in shock that she had shot somebody. He wasn’t, he knew if given the right circumstances she would protect herself and anybody else she loved.

Upstairs in her mother’s room she was laying in the bed with Ivan. While she was asleep Ivan was not. It surprised Nicolas that Ivan actually untangled himself from his sister so that he could be there with her. That was completely unexpected. On his way out Ivan gave him a nod and he left closing the door behind him. When the door closed Wildflower sat stair up and opened her eyes. The only light in the room was coming from the bedside lamp. He went her and put his arms around her.

“I am so sorry, I’m not going to leave you alone again,” he told her.

“Nick,” she whispered. “I shot him.”

“I know and don’t worry about it, none of this was your fault,” he said.

She fell silent after that and he laid there holding her. It only took seconds for her to fall back asleep, but it was obvious she wasn’t going to be getting over this any time soon. And he needed to fix this so that she could feel safe again.

© 2010 Britiney Harper

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Wow! Wow! Wow! A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!!!

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

wow this was one of the best chapters! love the action!

Posted 15 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

Like this chapter has alot of drama and action going on.
Very well written.

Posted 15 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

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3 Reviews
Added on November 19, 2009
Last Updated on January 5, 2010



Britiney Harper
Britiney Harper

pittsburgh, PA

...A Few Things... 1) Hi! I'm Britiney 2) I Love to Write 3) I love to read 4) I'm a nerd 5) i love my Family more than anything else 6) I've been writing since i was 8yrs old (but really b4 tha.. more..


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