Wildflower (Chapter 28)

Wildflower (Chapter 28)

A Chapter by Britiney Harper

...chapter 28..


Chapter 28


            “What is this?” Brooke asked and Wildflower looked up. 

            “What does it look like?” She was lying on her bed and her nosey friend was snooping in her dresser drawers.

            “Looks like you have a drawer full of sex toys,” Brooke laughed.

            “We were busy when we were alone,” she said with a smile. That had to be the best week and a half of her life.

            “Damn, he really brought out the freak in you,” Brooke said dangling handcuff in the air. “What’s on this unlabelled disk?”

            “Mind your business Brooke,” she warned. Of course Brooke didn’t listen and she took the disk out of the drawer.

            “I knew after the live shows you would end up making a movie,” Brooke laughed and came to lie beside her. “Play it, I have to see this.”

            “We are not that good of friends that you should see me having sex.”

            “Come on we are practically sisters,” Brooke said. She pulled the laptop away from Wildflower and put the disk in.

            “Iris would never want to see this and she is my sister.”

            “That’s because Iris is a prude, Chris would watch.”

            “And that is because you are both insane,” Wildflower said but it was too late it started playing.

            When Nicolas had suggested doing this she told him no, but he could always convince her to do things. It was erased from the camera and the only copy of what they did was the one that was playing now. She never thought she would be this type of girl that did things like this. While she watched with very red cheeks, Brooke gasped and laughed. The door opened and Sugar came in, she looked at the computer screen and she gasped. Nobody was ever supposed to see this, so she got up from the bed and closed the door and locked it.

            “Turn it off,” she told Brooke.

            “Oh my God this is so great,” Sugar laughed. “No wonder you’re marrying him.”

            “What’s that supposed to mean?”

            “Oh I bet I can guess,” Brooke laughed.

            “She is a child she shouldn’t be watching this.”

            “Please, I am basically an adult, though I’ve never recorded myself having sex,” Sugar said. “It’s not that bad of an idea.”

            “That’s what I said, but mine isn’t like this. I’m so jealous,” Brooke said.

            “You have a sex tape too?” Sugar asked and Brooke nodded.

            “Sugar, if you made one it would be child pornography,” Wildflower said.

            “You are really flexible,” Brooke said. “No wonder you prefer him to Owen.”

            “Do not say his name,” she sighed. They weren’t going to quit watching so she gave up trying to make them.

            “Wow, I don’t know how Uncle Nick has never had a real relationship.”

            “Why do you say that?”

            “Oh I can answer that, because any woman would be crazy to give that up.”

            “Our relationship is not just about sex,” Wildflower told them.

            “Yeah we know he wouldn’t have sex with you at first,” Brooke said dismissively.

            “I can’t wait, I’m going to be a big sister soon,” Sugar said.

            “Since when is Katrina dating?”

            “That old hag does not need to have any children,” Sugar laughed. “You are my new mommy and you are so going to be pregnant soon.”

            “I completely agree with that,” Brooke nodded. “Just better not be before the wedding or Carmen might kill him.”

            “If she kills him we still have the house and the business,” Sugar pointed out.

            “That is true,” Brooke said.

            “Are you done watching this?” Wildflower asked them, this was definitely inappropriate for sugar to see. Then again the girl probably had more experience than she did but that didn’t need to be said. “We do need to go, Chris, Carlos and Lailoni need to get to the airport and Sugar has an appointment.”

            “We are so finishing this later,” Brooke said and Sugar nodded.

            “Hand me the disc,” Wildflower said holding her hand out.

            “Why? Don’t you trust us?” Brooke asked, she handed it to her anyway.

            “It’s not you two that I don’t trust, I just would feel safer if it was locked up,” she said. She took the disk into the closet where there was a safe.

The only thing in the safe besides some important papers was a locked box that contained a gun and another box that had money in it. Why those things were in the safe she never cared to ask, she just figured Nicolas had his reasons. He tried to teach her to shoot because he said you just never knew when you might need to, but she wasn’t that good at it. Eventually the lesson turned into something sexual, as most things with them did. With the amount of people in and out of the house she felt safer with the disc locked away. Nobody knew the combination to the safe besides Nicolas and her. He told her she was the only person he trusted completely.

“Let’s get going so we can make it back from the airport for your appointment,” Wildflower said when she came out of the closet.

“Oh I came in here to steal from your closet,” Sugar said jumping up from the bed. “Is that a drawer full of sex toys? Mommy, you are my hero.”

“I’ll go collect the departing children,” Brooke said getting up and leaving.

“I am thinking of trying out for cheerleading,” Sugar told her she leaned her head out of the closet.

“Does that have anything to do with Tony making the football team?”

“A little, I mean we totally don’t like each other like that but we would so make the best power couple,” Sugar said. She picked out a long maroon skirt and pulled it on over her shorts.

“Why would you want to be the power couple if you don’t have feelings for each other?” Wildflower asked while Sugar was picking a shirt.

“Because I am currently the school s**t and I’d rather be reigning queen, you are my inspiration.”

“And Tony is fine with this?”

“Yeah, hello I am hot; he gets to have the hottest girl in school as his pretend girlfriend. I bet half the heifers in that school will be falling over themselves to steal him from me,” Sugar said while changing her shirt. “I’m going for a little more conservative because if Markus says something about my clothes again I will hurt him.”

“He is a little much but you’re his little sister, I have four older brothers and trust me they were way worse. But I find it amusing that you want to be a cheerleader now when before the thought disgusted you,” Wildflower said. They headed out of the room and downstairs.

“I know, but I’m going to be a total loser joiner and its something to do,” Sugar said. “So do you remember any of Daisy’s cheers?”

“Hell no, but Brooke was a cheerleader,” she said.

“Really? She seems so anti-cheering, like you,” Sugar said.

            “You’d be surprised what we got into in high school,” she said. It was good to have a relatively normal day. All week she was going to be taking the kids to the airport to go to their homes.



            Nicolas had just come out of a meeting and he wasn’t exactly happy about it. He was going to have to go back to New York for at least a week, but he wasn’t allowed to complain about it. Being the dutiful son was starting to get old. Delanoz disappeared two weeks ago and nobody knew where he was or if he planned on coming back. That of course meant he met a woman and was in hiding with her and he would probably be getting sued for child support soon. At least for now Jose was sticking around and they were working on possibly giving Markus a job since he planned on staying in town. But since they knew they couldn’t trust Markus’ father, they couldn’t be sure about their nephew either.

            From what they gathered Alvin was doing mostly illegal things in Italy, which wouldn’t concern them if he went back to Italy. Alvin was staying to allegedly spend time with his daughter, not that he was doing much of that anyway. They also had to assume that he was plotting revenge against Katrina. It was all too much drama and another of his sister’s relationships where they had to clean up the mess. Maybe if somebody had done a better job of getting rid of Alvin in the first place it wouldn’t have been such a problem. When Katrina married Alvin Nicolas was only 7 years old and when she divorced the loser he had only been 15. So he didn’t get the pleasure of disposing of him. It was obvious that this needed to be dealt with on a permanent basis.

            “I have news,” Jose said when he came into his office.

            “Better be something good,” Nicolas replied. He just wasn’t in a good mood today and that he mostly blamed on their father.

            “The reason we couldn’t find Markus for so long was that he ended up a part of a street gang when he first left. They were into minor crimes and selling drugs, nothing too big, but I think what sent Markus running to his daddy was a murder,” Jose said.

            “Great, did he do it?”

            “From what I can tell he didn’t but he fell out with the gang and left them. For awhile he was in some small town in Florida working and something happened there that left him with Alvin as his only choice. I’m betting he didn’t think he could ever come back here to his real family, until of course he had to for his little Allie.”

            “We can give him something easy to do that doesn’t involve him knowing too much about anything. But we need to get Alvin out of town, I don’t trust him and I don’t want to leave with him still here,” he told his brother.

            “Be nice if we could get him deported,” Jose suggested.

            “Have you found anything interesting in his business? We could always enforce Katrina’s restraining orders that keep him away from Sugar and Markus. That would probably piss him off and make him do something crazy though,” he sighed. October was not coming fast enough for him.

            “Can’t I just kill him? Then we wouldn’t have to deal with him at all,” Jose said.

            “Why are you so anxious to try to kill somebody? Thought you were the lover not the fighter?”

            “D use to be the muscle, but he’s become completely useless lately.”

            “Yeah don’t I know it, his kids are leaving and he hasn’t made an effort to at least say goodbye,” he shook his head. He wasn’t sure why he was surprised.

            “Who’s still at the house?”

            “Marli, Sonya, Jason, and Jordan, Carmen’s leaving next week so Sammie can see Jordan before they leave. I think Marli and Sonya have a flight tomorrow so that they can go home before going back to school and Jason is going back to school Friday or something. Just one more year and he’s coming to work for us,” Nicolas said.

            “So you still don’t get the house to yourself, huh? You got the girls and most of your future brothers-in-law.”

            “Dominic is leaving for college in two more days and that just leaves the three still in high school.”

            “I’ll probably be around soon; I think I’m getting bored with my little actress, again. This is why I didn’t want to get back with her, but she begged to see me. Cheyenne keeps calling me, I probably should stay away from her,” Jose said thoughtfully.

            “That’s what you said before and after you found out she was pregnant and when you had sex with her the day before and day of her wedding. Just tell her to divorce him.”

            “Hell no, I’m not taking care of Liam’s kid.”

            “What happens when she cries to you that she’s pregnant again? Stay away from her before Liam shoots you, again.”

            “Good thing he can’t shoot for s**t,” Jose shrugged. “So how are things with the princess and her stalker?”

            “He stopped texting her, well for the day anyway. If he comes near her I’ll kill him,” he said seriously. “But maybe he has a little common sense and is going to leave her alone.”

            “That’s probably not going to happen,” Jose shook his head. “How are you going to go to New York with Alvin and the stalker around?”

            “Well your a*s better be at my house to make sure nothing happens,” he said. Truthfully he thinking about this made him really not want to go to New York.

            “I will stay in the house and even work from your office if anybody needs me.”

            “Good, thank you brother,” Nicolas said. He just hoped that it wasn’t necessary for his brother to do anything.





While Sugar was at her appointment Wildflower and Brooke went to a new smoothie place to wait for her, since they knew Owen lurked at Starbucks. They even sat on the inside so that there was no way he could just walk by and find them by chance. It was a great idea, but some how it didn’t work. Owen came through the door and she almost had a heart attack when he did. He scanned the room and his eyes fell on her and he waved with a big smile on his face and started in their direction.

“We need to go,” she whispered to Brooke.

“Ok even I’m starting to worry about this,” Brooke said and they both stood.

“Hey, what are the odds that we would run into each other again?” Owen asked when he was in front of them.

“Strange how this keeps happening,” Wildflower said. “But we can’t stay.”

“Yeah, sorry we have a million things to do,” Brooke said.

“Sit for a minute,” he said. There was definitely a weird crazed look in his eyes. It meant they really needed to get away from him.

“Maybe another time,” Wildflower said politely. He was basically trying to block them from walking away.

“We really need to talk, you can’t marry this guy. For one thing he’s wrong for you and there are things you don’t know about him,” Owen said.

“You don’t even know him, just because Cody said something doesn’t mean it’s true,” she said. She was starting to lose her patience.

“It wasn’t what Cody said, there are a lot of people out there that know pieces of the truth, you need to find out the truth.”

“I was never accused of being the nice one so I’ll tell you the truth Owen,” Brooke said. “She does not want you, not as a friend and especially not as a lover. Wildflower never loved you, so what you use to have sex 5 years ago. Get over it, stop calling and texting and conveniently popping up everywhere we go. I’m sure Nicolas would love to make you regret bothering his fiancé.”

“I’m sorry Owen but Brooke is telling the truth. I never loved you and I never will. We can’t be friends and I really don’t want to hear from you,” Wildflower said.

Without waiting for a response she and Brooke walked around Owen and left. People had been staring at them, this was just bad. At least he didn’t follow or try to say anything more. They went back to get the car and drove back down the street to the building Sugar was in.

“When Nick gets home tonight I think I’m going to tell him about this,” she said.

“Good, so that Owen can be sleeping with the fishes,” Brooke laughed.

“Not funny,” she sighed.

“We could always kill Cody too; she’s such a jealous b***h.”

“She’s mad cause Jose was just playing with her. I would care but she’s to blame for Owen stalking me, besides everybody knows Jose has relationship ADD. And Carlynn says that he is still sleeping with Cheyenne anyway.”

“How does she know like everything that happens?”

“They all gossip, my new family is Gossip Girl grown up addition.”

“So speaking of gossip, what’s up with the hot nephew?”

“Nothing, he just sits watching his precious little Allie all day scowling when any of my brothers go near her. She wants to be a cheerleader because Tony made the football team,’ she told her. It amused her but at least if Sugar was hanging out with Tony she wasn’t crushing on Ivan.

“What? So now she has a thing for Tony?”

“No, she just wants them to be the “power couple” of the school; she wants to change her image. I trust Tony he would be good for her, she needs support.”

“Does Tony know Nicolas is giving him a car?”

“Not yet, I would say I’m against it but I’m not driving to school every morning.”

“What a lazy mother of five you are,” Brooke laughed.

“I’m guessing the boys pretty much are mine now since Marguerite is going to be away until she can be a responsible adult. Auntie Marie and Auntie Carmella can visit her, I can’t do it. And I don’t even know if I should give these letters to everybody, Ivan said to burn them. I think I’ll talk to Ricky about it.”

“Speaking of big brother, how is Ivan doing with potential boyfriends?”

“Not that well, its too hard because he doesn’t exactly know the type of guy Ricky likes and of course Ricky won’t tell him.”

“Only in your family would your brother be gay but not like to be around gay guys. Is he sure he’s gay?”

“I don’t even know, there’s no reason to lie about that. And when he told us it was hard for him, especially with Marguerite and Iris and Jeff is an a*s,” she shook her head.

“Your sister is a b***h and she deserves that loser,” Brooke said.

“Let’s not talk about Iris, I haven’t really heard from her since my engagement party. I guess Jeff getting up off his a*s for a half a day was way too much.”

“She doesn’t even check on your mother does she? You’ve always been the one taking care of everything and everyone while Iris just does her own thing.”

“It’s whatever now I gave up on her ever doing anything Jeff didn’t tell her to do a long time ago.”

“If she were my sister I’d choke her,” Brooke said. Then the door opened in the back and Katrina got in.

“What are you doing Katrina?” Wildflower asked, it was very odd that Katrina just got in her car.

“I need to talk to my daughter and this was the only way I could do that without Markus or Alvin around,” Katrina explained. “She is not safe with Alvin around.”

“And what might he do? Is he going to try to kidnap her?” Wildflower asked staring Katrina in the eyes, she looked away ashamed.

“I was wrong to do what I did but I was angry and she is my daughter. But none of that matters now, Alvin is a dangerous man. Do you think what happened to me was random? I can assure you that it wasn’t, imagine my surprise when I opened the door to find him standing there. Alvin did this to me, just like he use to hurt me when we were together. And when my father tried to make him leave, he decided he wanted to kids. The only reason he wanted them was so that I couldn’t have them. He doesn’t love them he just wants them to hate me. They already do hate me but he will try to take Sugar away, that’s why he’s here to ‘get to know his daughter’, he has a family in Italy,” Katrina told them. “I don’t blame Markus for hating me or siding with his father but there are things they don’t know.”

“Like how they don’t know that you got pregnant when you were 15 and on vacation?”

“Nicolas told you that right?”

“Yup, why would you lie about that?”

“Because I was ashamed, and well it sounded better the way I told them it. Who tells their children that they barely finished high school because of a one-night-stand that resulted in me getting pregnant? Alvin never wanted to be with me, he resented me for getting pregnant. For awhile he was at least nice to me and made me feel loved. But after Sugar was born things changed and he became really violent,” Katrina said. There were actually tears in her eyes. “And I guess once he was gone I just kept trying to find a man that I could rely on and that would love me and make me feel safe. Instead I lost my son and my daughter was permanently damaged.”

“And you think Alvin will try to do what exactly to Sugar?” Wildflower asked.

“I don’t know but I think it could be very bad,” she admitted.

Though Wildflower wanted so bad to hate Katrina for what she caused, she couldn’t. Especially not when she was looking at this woman that had been beaten by the father of her children and all she cared about was protecting her daughter. It was 17 years too late but at least she was sincere. And Wildflower had been there and saw real fear in Katrina’s eyes when she saw Alvin. Now she was going to help Katrina so that they could keep Sugar safe. She definitely did not want Alvin in her house anymore. This was just another thing for her to talk to Nicolas about.



Sugar was in her room alone with her thoughts; her mother had said some things to her that day that had her worried. She wanted to talk to her brother about it but he wasn’t home when she got back. Part of her wished he was so that he could tell her everything was going to be ok and protect her. But that was her problem she always wanted somebody to protect her, she needed to learn to protect herself. Her bedroom door opened and she was surprised to see Tony. He came in and came to sit on her bed and hugged her.

“Looked like you needed a hug,” he said.

“Yeah I think I did,” she agreed.

“Are you really trying out for cheerleading tomorrow?”

“Yup, I’m going to be your own personal cheerleader,” she told him. He had a strange look in his eyes when she said that. “Something wrong?”

“Uh well I know you are having a bad day and you had to talk to your mom, so I won’t bother you,” he said.

“Talk to me,” she ordered.

“I think I have a problem,” he said staring at the floor. “I’m uh starting to think maybe I sort of like guys.”

“What!?” She stared at him, but he wouldn’t look at her. “Why wouldn’t you talk to Ricky? He knows about this stuff.”

“Yeah, I was going to after football today but I saw something weird.”

“Weird like what?”

“Like some woman was coming out of his building and he was kissing her.”

“Ok that is weird, why would he be kissing a woman?”

“I have no idea, but I don’t really want anybody to um know about this.”

“My lips are sealed,” Sugar said. “Kiss me.”


“If you kiss me and you like it then you can’t be gay, I’m a really great kisser.”

“You are crazy,” he laughed.

“Yes I am certifiable, but you’re still going to kiss me.”

“Fine,” he said and leaned in to kiss her. It was a habit to kiss him back.

“So?” She asked, it felt a little too good to kiss him.

“I am so confused,” he admitted. There was lust in his eyes.

“Kiss me again,” she told him. And without hesitation he did and they started making out. This was such a bad idea, she had sex with two of his brothers and he was questioning if he was gay.

“Maybe you are a good kisser,” he whispered. They kept kissing and it was a little too steamy.

“Wait, Tony why would you think you are gay?” She asked, at the moment he was sort of on top of her and she sort of liked it.

“Uh, something that may have happened,” he said avoiding her eyes.

“Start talking Antonio,” she said.

“I had this um friend and he might have kissed me,” he said. “So I just questioned if I liked it or not and I think not.”

“Why did you let him kiss you?”

“Um I might have been a little drunk at the time,” he said.

“Seriously? You drink?”

“Sometimes, I do a lot of things nobody knows about.”

“Yeah and that includes making out with guys.”

“We are going to forget that.”

“Find it’s forgotten, I think you just wanted an excuse to kiss me.”

“Not really that was your idea but I like playing football and I can’t exactly be checking out guys in the locker room.”

“Oh I so love that you are playing, so I can come hang out in the locker room,” she said and he shook his head. “So are you going to take me to try out tomorrow?”

“Don’t you have a license?”

“Yeah, but you have to go to the school anyway so you can drive me.”

“Fine, I’ll drive you.”

“Good,” she said. For some reason she wanted to kiss him again, so she did and he kissed her back. Whatever was wrong with her to make her do this, she couldn’t care about she liked to kiss Tony.



“You talked to Katrina today?” Nicolas asked because he was having trouble believing it.

“Yeah, and she thinks that Alvin is going to hurt Sugar,” she told him.

“Well yeah I knew she didn’t want him around her I just didn’t think he would try something,” he sighed. Tomorrow he was leaving for New York and he had no idea where Alvin disappeared to, he checked out of his hotel room that morning.

“And I saw Owen today,” she said. “He is starting to creep me out; there is no way it’s a coincidence that he showed up where we were.”

“You are telling me this because you want me to fix it, correct?”

“Want is a very strong word but I don’t know what else to do.”

“Come with me to New York,” he suggested and she rolled her eyes.

“You know why I can’t do that,” she said.

“I figured you would say that, Jose will be here while I’m gone. But I will handle your stalker, I’m glad you finally trust me to take care of things for you,” he said.

“It wasn’t that I didn’t trust you, I just thought I could handle it.”

“So you wouldn’t care if I accidentally hit him with my car?”

“It wouldn’t be an accident if you’re talking about it now,” she pointed out. She was lying on the bed while he was packing, which just made him not want to go.

“I’m going to talk to the guard, nobody can come up here while I’m gone, except of course your brothers and Brooke and Christina. The kids can’t have friends over, ok?”

“Not a problem,” she said.

“I don’t want to go on this trip, I’d rather stay here with you,” he told her.

“I know, and I really don’t want you to leave.”

“October is almost here,” he said. He gave up on packing to kiss her.

“Not soon enough,” she replied. “Oh there’s something else that happened today.”

“What? Should I be worried?”

“Brooke found that um disc,” she said.

“Don’t tell me she watched it,” he said. From her expression he knew she did.

“Sugar saw it too,” she admitted.

“Why would they want to watch us have sex?”

“Because they are both crazy.”

“And what did you do with it?”

“I put it in the safe.”

“Good, I’d rather not have it just lying around the house.”

“Um did you ever delete the stuff off your laptop?”

“No, should I?”

“Uh yeah, what if something happens to your laptop?”

“If some stupid person tried to hack into it then it’s programmed to delete everything that’s on it and it won’t ever be recovered,” he told her. She still of course looked worried, but he would never let anybody see her without clothes on.

“Do you have to keep going to New York?” She asked staring up at him.

“Yeah, I’m ready to tell the old man to just go there himself but it might look bad. He couldn’t fire me or anything, well he could try but it would never happen,” he shrugged. “Would you ever consider moving to New York?”

“No, my family is here I couldn’t leave and especially not with the boys just started a new school and Sugar and Sammie. Are you trying to hint at something?”

“Not really, I just wondered if you would be up for relocating and I see you are not. But its something to think about for the future, we won’t always be playing parents to kids that don’t belong to us,” he said. It wasn’t even that he wanted to move to New York, he just sort of wanted to get out of the same place he lived all his life.

“Is it a problem for me to keep the kids here?” She asked, there was a challenge in her eyes, even if she might not know it. There was no way he was going to argue with her before he left.

“I didn’t say that, I just think that at some point you have to stop taking care of everybody else and take care of yourself. You can take in as many kids as you want to, but you can’t do this forever,” he said. “I’m a selfish person and I’m going to want my wife to myself eventually.”

“They will all graduate in the next two years and then they will be in college and out of the house. Sound good?”

“That’s fine,” he nodded. He had a bad feeling that this would never be over no matter what. But he was going to have her to himself as soon as possible. Two years he could wait, but it wouldn’t just be two years.

“Nick, we have forever to be alone,” she said. Then she pulled him down and kissed him. And before he could have his way with her there was a knock on their door and Sugar stuck her head in.

“I’m sorry to interrupt especially since I’m all for babies, but I need help,” she said looking at Wildflower with pleading eyes.

“Guess that means I’ll be packing, “he said getting up. This just proved his point.


“What’s wrong?” Wildflower asked after they were alone in her room.

“I did some things that were really stupid and I can’t keep the secret anymore,” Sugar told her. Her brain could not handle this anymore; maybe if Sammie wasn’t away she could keep her secret. That was a nice thought but she knew eventually.

“Would this involve any of my brothers?”

“Yeah, actually it does and you are going to probably throw me out when I tell you this and you should. I knew I shouldn’t have done what I did but I don’t know I am really stupid,” she said. She was pacing while Wildflower sat on her bed, the bed she’d just been with Tony in.

“You’ve been having sex with Ivan, is that it?”

“What? How do you know?” She asked in complete shock.

“We are twins, some things don’t have to be said and I’ve seen the way he looks at you. And I know my brother and he’s an idiot,” Wildflower said and she did not look amused. “Since he is the adult I would have thought he had better sense but of course he doesn’t. And don’t think nobody would ever notice him sneaking out of here in the morning more than a few times.”

“I tried to end it but he wouldn’t let me and now it’s an even bigger mess.”

“Do not tell me you are pregnant,” Wildflower said staring at her.

“Oh God no, that would actually make this less complicated.”

“Start talking girl before I draw my own conclusions.”

“Ok um I have been seeing Ivan or more like we’ve had a physical relationship. But I um made out with Tony,” Sugar said.

“Can’t say I didn’t see that coming,” Wildflower shook her head.

“I don’t know what to do now because I think I sort of like Tony but there is still the Ivan thing. And yeah I’m a total s**t,” she sighed and sat down on the bed.

“Leave Ivan to me, you will not see him anymore and I do not want you alone with him ever again, it’s done. And well if you want to be with Tony then whatever but you have to tell him about Evan and Ivan.”

“He is never going to speak to me if I tell him that,” she said.

“And you are going to tell Sammie the truth too.”

“What? Why? There is no way she could even find out.”

“She will find out when you tell her, it’s not fair to her.”

“But that will just freak her out and make her think that she has to have sex with him for him to like her. And he never even liked me,” sugar said. it was obvious that she wasn’t going to budge on this.

“You’re going to do it, especially if you want to stay here,” Wildflower said.

“Can’t I be punished in some other way?”

“Nope, you wanted me to mother you so that’s what you will do.”

“This sucks, Sammie is never going to speak to me again and neither with Evan or Tony, they are all going to hate me.”

“Then don’t let them hate you,” she shrugged.

“That’s easy for you to say, you haven’t had sex with the brothers of the guy you like and your best friend’s boyfriend,” Sugar said.

“It could be a lot worse; if Nick finds out that Ivan had sex with you he would kill him. And these are my brothers,” she said. “I’ve given up a lot in my life and I don’t want to choose between them because I don’t know who I would choose. Ivan doesn’t know how to keep his damn pants zipped, he knew better.”

“I’m sorry, it was my fault,” Sugar said feeling very guilty.

“Sugar you are a child, a child with a list a mile long of problems. All summer you have been vulnerable and I believe that led you to seek comfort in someone that made you feel safe. He is an adult despite the way he behaves and he knew what you were going through and he took advantage of you. From now on don’t talk to him, don’t look at him and if he tries to talk to you walk away,” Wildflower told her. “Now I suggest you talk to Tony, I need to go spend time with Nick because he is leaving tomorrow. And I have to deal with my stalker and your creepy father.”

“Do you want me to move out?”

“Where on earth would you even go? Your mother has never been quite fit enough to take care of you and right now she’s even worse. I promised you could stay here and you will, you are my responsibility and I definitely should have never left you alone with Ivan for even a few seconds. Now go do as I say and everything will be fine,” Wildflower said. She kissed her forehead and waved as she left the room.

This definitely wasn’t what she expected. Just like she never expected to make out with Tony or to like it as much as she did and for the first time that summer she wasn’t thinking of Ivan. Not that it mattered because she was going to lose everything. Sammie was going to hate her for having sex with Evan and he was going to hate her for telling Sammie and Tony was going to hate her once he found out she slept with two of his brothers. Maybe trying out for cheerleading was a bad idea; she was mostly doing it for Tony. But until now she thought she was just doing it for fun, she pictured being with Tony as school royalty to repair her damaged reputation. Now she was going to just be the school s**t with no friends.

Tony knocked on her open door and she waved him in. He closed the door behind him and came to sit on her bed. The only way to get on with her life and change from that girl she hated was to take charge of her life and tell the truth. Maybe she needed to do something else to be different too.

“Tony, about what happened earlier,” she began.

“It’s why I came back, I’m sorry,” he said.

“Why are you sorry?”

“Because I think I crossed the line with you.”

“No you didn’t, I told you to kiss me,” she said. “Look, I have to be honest with you about some things.”

“I can bet I know what you are going to say,” he said looking away.

“No, you can’t,” she assured him. “I’ve um had sex with two of your brothers.”

“What?” He asked staring at her shocked. “Which two?”

“Um Evan and Ivan,” she said staring at the ground. It was him that lifted her chin to make him look her in the eyes.

“You’re serious?”

“Yeah, but with Evan it was just sex and well Ivan that was just a big mess.”

“Why are you telling me this?”

“I don’t know because your sister told me that I have to be honest to everybody about the things I’ve done. And I liked our plan for school and I wanted us to have fun,” she told him.

“Does Sammie know that you’ve been with Evan?”

“No, but I’m going to tell her when she gets back. Its been like two months though and it was nothing more than just sex.”

“And my sister knows you’ve been with both of them?”

“Yeah and she knows we kissed.”

“Ok and what’s going on with you and Ivan?”

“Nothing, I am forbidden from speaking to him. Besides I was trying to get out of that because I’m so sick of being used, I thought I was in love with him but clearly that was a mistake,” she explained.

“And I thought kissing a guy was complicated or Ricky having a girlfriend, nope you are the most complicated person I’ve ever met,” he told her.

“I know and I understand if you never want to speak to me again, it’s what I deserve. I’m a truly awful person and I’m such a w***e.”

“Why wouldn’t I want top speak to you? It’s not like you’re my girlfriend or anything, we kissed it wasn’t that big of a deal. Who you had sex with is your business, I can’t judge you for that,” he shrugged.

“The problem is though I liked kissing you,” she said and he actually laughed. “Is it really that funny? Lots of guys liked to kiss me.”

“Yeah and my brothers obviously know about that,” he said.

“Screw you,” she said glaring at him.

“You are cute when you’re angry.”

“Go kiss your boyfriend then Antonio.”

“Uh that will never happen again, besides you are more fun,” he said. The look in his eyes surprised her.

“So are you saying you still want to rule the school with me?”

“Maybe I could be persuaded.”

“How about I take you on a date, I’ve never been on a date before so I’m going to take you out,” she suggested.

“That is a first, but I’m game,” he laughed.

“Really? After what I just said you would go on a date with me?”

“Sure, why not? As long as you aren’t still having sex with my brothers I don’t care, but at least tell me you washed your sheets,” he said and she laughed.

“Yes, you have been the only guy on these sheets,” she told him.

“That’s good to know,” he said. He was the one that kissed her.

“Tony, what would you think if I changed my name back to what it use to be.”

“I think that would make your brother happy, but is that what you want?”

“Well Sugar sounds like a stripper or porn star’s name, maybe I should be Allie again. I’ve been thinking about it,” she said.

“If you want to be Allie then be Allie, we’ll all just have to get use to it.”

“Maybe I will,” she said thoughtfully. It was time for a lot of changes and maybe finding that girl she was before everything else was where she should start.



Ivan was surprised when his sister showed up at his job. Before she even said a word he knew she was pissed at him so he knew what it was about. Especially since Sugar text him to inform him that she didn’t want to see him again. She didn’t give him an explanation but now one was walking towards him. Even though his sister was smaller than him and was coming towards him in blue jean shorts and a pink t-shirt and jeweled flip flops, she looked scary. They never really fought in the past; ironically it was Daisy he fought with the most. It was like the two of them was programmed to fight constantly and Wildflower was the peacemaker. A lot had changed in the last five years, being triplets with one missing was not a good feeling. It was like carrying a weight around every single day, he felt where Daisy should be every second of everyday. But the problem was that Wildflower felt it twice as hard. That was why they leaned on each other, but he violated her trust and could possibly have ruined their relationship forever.

“You’re working so I will make this quick,” she said staring him in the eyes. “Do not come near her again; do not speak to her on the phone or text her or anything. You will never be alone with her again and don’t come to my house unless you know I am there. She is a child Ivan.”

“I know,” he said. There was no excuse and no defense. “Did you tell Nick?”

“No, I just came from taking him to the airport. If I told him you would be dead and I would be planning your funeral. I love him and I love her and I love you and I won’t choose between you. So stay the hell away from her,” she told him.

“Alright,” he said. She was upset, and he felt horrible, he never wanted to hurt her. “I am so sorry it will never happen again.” He pulled her to him and hugged her even though he knew she didn’t want him to touch her.

“How could you be so stupid?” She asked him, that was a good question.

“I wasn’t thinking properly,” he admitted. “Never again, I swear.” For the sake of their relationship he hoped that was true.

© 2010 Britiney Harper

My Review

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So many secrets revealed

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

action here, nothing but pure action and drama, even got a luagh in a few places.
This is a most enjoyaing chapter here. It seems sex is the answwer here
I like this one alot. Very well written.
Nice detail as well as imagery. Enjoyable read.

Posted 15 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

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2 Reviews
Added on November 17, 2009
Last Updated on January 5, 2010



Britiney Harper
Britiney Harper

pittsburgh, PA

...A Few Things... 1) Hi! I'm Britiney 2) I Love to Write 3) I love to read 4) I'm a nerd 5) i love my Family more than anything else 6) I've been writing since i was 8yrs old (but really b4 tha.. more..


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