Wildflower (Chapter 21)

Wildflower (Chapter 21)

A Chapter by Britiney Harper

..Chapter 21..


Chapter 21


            It was morning and Cody realized she wasn’t at home in her bed. A few minutes were needed to recall the previous night and what she remembered was not good. She remembered drinking and laughing with Jose and then things got out of hand. Since she was currently naked in his arms and in his bed, she knew what happened. This was very bad; she was seeing someone, sort of. She liked Luke, even though they had been on a few dates and never went pass first base. It had seemed like a hopeful situation but now here she was in bed with another man. A man that if she remembered correctly made her feel pretty damn good, all night. But she could not be involved with one of these people; it went against everything she believed in.

            “If I were a mind reader I might say you have regrets,” he said without opening his eyes. “Would I be correct to assume so?”

            “Well considering the fact that we just met and I sort of have a boyfriend, you might be a little right,” she said. Not that any of that made her get out of his bed or out of his big strong arms. One thing she could admit about the Caprianis was that they did turn out very good looking men.

            “Boyfriend? Didn’t seem like you had one of those last night,” he said still with his eyes closed.

            “Maybe you took advantage of my drunk and horniness,” she said and that got her one eye.

            “The way I remember it you where the one that pounced on me,” he said. Remembering back she knew he was right.

            “You did get me drunk,” she pointed out.

            “Indeed, but we weren’t bored anymore,” he said. And then his hand slipped between and legs and two of his fingers found their way inside of her body. “Would you like to stay here for awhile? Before you run off to pretend nothing happen, I can tell you want to forget.”

            “Uh huh,” thinking was not an option while he fingered her.

            Why did she need to forget this anyway? Luke hadn’t really asked her for a commitment and he wouldn’t have sex with her despite her best efforts. Her friends had assumed she was having amazing sex with her new man, but that was not the case at all. At first she just liked being liked and now it was getting old and boring and she wanted some attention. Like the attention Jose was paying to her body at the moment. The last time she’d been with a man he was definitely more into himself, Jose was different. And she was starting to think that maybe this could be a little more than a one night stand, not that she was asking for a relationship. But why not?


            Wildflower was tired, but she had to go see her mother today. Marguerite had been calling her for days begging her to come see her, so she had no choice. So she was heading out to drive her wonderful new car for the second time and air it out a little since she was going to drive tonight. While coming from the kitchen to go to the garage she did not expect to see Cody coming down the steps. She stood watching her friend trying to be a little sneaky, it was amusing and it explained why Cody disappeared last night.

            “Walk of shame much?” She asked Cody who looked startled to see her.

            “Give me a ride home, please?” Cody asked with her flushed cheeks.

            “I’m going to assume that it was Jose that you spent the night with, right?”

            “Maybe,” she nodded.

            “Come, you haven’t gotten to see my new car,” Wildflower said and led her to the garage. “And don’t think I’m not going to want details about you and Jose.”

            “Wow, that is definitely not a car, how much did that thing cost?”

            “I have no idea, I didn’t ask and he didn’t tell me,” she said when she climbed into the drivers seat.

            “Well I may be suspicious of this man’s motives but he must love you to do all this, having an expensive SUV engraved with butterflies,” Cody said when she climbed in. She touched the dashboard and traced her fingers over the design.

            “Yes my honey loves me,” she said with a smile. She pulled out of the garage and drove down to the gate where the guard waved them out.

            “The guy I was dating, Luke, we haven’t had sex and he hasn’t ever really made a move. So last night when Jose was offering me drinks and getting away from that party, I said why not hang out with this hot guy? I needed attention to make me feel good, you have Nicolas, Brooke has Jay and Chris just got married. Jose is a good looking man and we got a little drunk and we had sex. Like a lot of sex, all night and twice before I told him I had to leave,” Cody told her. She was glowing like a woman that was completely satisfied, it was good to see her happy for a change.

            “So are you going to see him again?” Wildflower asked and at that she saw her friend’s expression change.

            “Only when I come to visit you and shamefully run into him, he didn’t even ask for my number or anything,” she sighed. Poor Cody she wanted to be liked.

            “Maybe he’s going to ask me for it and surprise you,” Wildflower suggested. She hopped so but she knew Jose wasn’t looking for a relationship he told her that himself.

            “It doesn’t really matter, I just got to have a night of good sex and it was non strings attached fun, not a big deal,” she shrugged. The as if it was a sign her cell phone rang and she sat staring at it. “Um I think it is him.” She showed Wildflower the phone, the picture on the screen Jose must have taken of them last night.

            “Speaker phone please,” Wildflower said.

            “Hello,” Cody said when she answered and put it on speaker phone.

            “Hey, you left before I could ask if you wanted to do something later,” Jose said.

            “Um something like what?” She asked with a big smile on her face.

            “Dinner or something I don’t know,” he said.

            “She’s busy tonight,” Wildflower said and Cody stared at her.

            “Ah my favorite new sister-in-law,” he laughed “So why is she busy tonight? Got a date with the boyfriend?”

            “No, we are going out tonight, tomorrow Cody is free,” she told him.

            “Well then, Miss Cody will you let me take you out tomorrow?”

            “Yes, she accepts, I’ll give her address when I get back home.”

            “Any further negotiations you want to make Mrs. Capriani?”

            “I’m thinking that you better take my girl out somewhere nice if you expect me to let you back in the house.”

            “Yes ma’am, I’ll call you later Cody,” he said and hung up.

            “Why did you do that? I’m not trying to date your new family members; don’t you have enough of that with Brooke and Chris?” Cody asked, though she was acting annoyed it was pretty obvious that she wasn’t.

            “Technically Chris was Isaiah’s girlfriend before she was my friend, but it’s not that big of a deal. Could be worse you could be with Ivan, that might be a little weird. Though he hasn’t had a girlfriend in age,” she shrugged. “You know you want to go out with him Cody I don’t know why you are trying to deny it.”

            “I’m seeing someone else and he knows it I don’t know why he would want to take me out,” Cody said. Only she could turn everything into something bad.

            “What does a guy like that want with me? It was so one night standish, he’s not supposed to want to see me again.”

            “Live a little and so what if you’re hanging out with this Luke guy, he didn’t want to have sex with you so you got it somewhere else. You aren’t married or in a relationship, have fun Cody.”

            “Maybe, but what do you mean we’re going out?”

            “Oh I’ll pick you up later, Carmen and some of Nick’s cousins want to go out and Brooke and Chris are coming. We can have fun together like we use to.”

            “I have to go to work in the morning; I can’t be out all night. You might not have responsibilities or bills to pay but I do. Sorry I don’t have the privilege of staying home all day or shopping like you and Brooke and you pay her to do it. And I guess Chris doesn’t have to work anymore since Saint Nicolas bought your family?”

            “Here we go again, I try with you Cody but you make everything so difficult. I didn’t really get a choice in if I was keeping my job and Brooke quit because she didn’t like the way I was treated. It was my idea to pay her because I am the reason she quit. And she is helping plan my wedding that is in a few months and she is over everyday with me and the what 15 or 16 teenagers that I am responsible for. Sorry if right now I need to focus on my family and my friend Brooke wants to help me. And Chris is starting school soon so she wants to spend time with her daughter and of course that’s a crime to you right?” Wildflower was trying really hard but there it was again, Cody being Cody.

            “How would I even know what goes on in your life? You exclude me from everything and I was your friend a long time before you even met Brooke. I had to find out you were engaged from people at work.”

            “Well let’s see when you sat and bitched about Nick for a whole day I didn’t feel the need to tell you anything. I have enough negativity from his mother and his sister, I want to be happy that I’m getting married, you can’t be happy for anybody. I am not going to be miserable forever like you. After everything I’ve done and everything that has gone on with my family, I deserve to be happy and I deserve to be loved.”

            “I never said you should miserable but this guy has made you change so much. The friend I use to have would never just sit and let some man control her life,” Cody said watching her eyes.

            “He doesn’t control me, I do whatever the hell I want to and yeah I am different, I’m sick of being nice to everybody. What good has that ever done? Everyday I’m arguing with somebody because I’m called a gold digger for letting Nick take care of me. I’ve been taking care of my brothers all my life and Nick wants to take care of me. And he would do anything for me because he loves me. I didn’t ask to be responsible for my little brothers when I was like 7 because my mom lost her freaking mind, but I did what I had to. Do you think my dad wanted to die and leave us? I’m sure you can find a way to make that Nick’s fault too. Why are you still friends with me? Why did you come to my freaking engagement party?” She was so annoyed that she hit the brakes a little too hard when she pulled up to Cody’s apartment building.

            “Because I care about you and I know you life has been sucky and I know you want to be happy. But things have just changed too much. All of a sudden here you are in designer clothes and driving a very expensive car and hiring your friends to work for you? You want people to come hang out with you in your mansion? And you don’t see any problem here?”

            “Yeah I do see a problem and you are it,” she said and Cody stared at her. “I told you before that I can’t do this, I won’t do this. There are so many more important things I could be doing, arguing with you about money isn’t one of them. Isaiah had to witness his own mother attack his wife and child and she told Evan she’s wishes he was never born and Ricky can’t handle things anymore. Oh and I have to take care of Sugar who is borderline suicidal some days because he mother likes to marry child molesters. So the last thing I am going to do is argue with you about how I spend my time. And gee I wonder why I had to get new clothes? Oh right because our house burned down. Now please get the hell out of my car.”

            “So what that’s it? We’re not friends anymore?” Cody asked staring at her shocked.

            “You made that choice. So good-bye I have to go check on my mother because nobody else will,” she said.

            “Fine,” Cody said and she got out. As soon as she closed the door Wildflower drove away. It was not a good day for her to go see her mother.



            “I’ll take a check for my new Aston Martin,” Jose said when he came into Nicolas’ office.

            “You really had sex with her?” Nicolas asked without looking up from his computer. His brother dropped a disc on his desk.

            “Watch it you might learn a few things,” Jose said. “Check or cash?”

            “And how did you get her to have sex with you?”

            “Easy, I’m the charming one,” he said and laughed. “A few well placed comments, listening to her babble about her boring life and a few good shots. I’m thinking of taking her on as my new plaything, at least until I find someone more interesting. The boyfriend isn’t taking care of her needs so I might until it bores me.”

            “Don’t go down that road, if you break her pathetic little heart I’ll have to hear about. And if you interfere with my sex life you won’t ever have one again,” Nicolas told his brother.

            “Your girl is ok with it, I called to ask Cody if she wanted to go out and it was Wildflower that told me I better take her friend out some place nice. So I will and then I’ll have sex with her,” he shrugged.

            “Oh how I was hoping this would get her out of my life and out of my business. Though every time you take a bedmate it always ends in violence and property damage so this might be interesting, but if my house gets damaged I’ll kick your a*s.”

            “What can I say? I’m a ladies man,” Jose said. “Why are you so uptight today? The missus ain’t give you none last night?”
            “She did, a few times but it’s not her that I have a problem with. It is your sister Katrina, she is being difficult. Katrina was here upsetting her daughter yesterday and it bothers me. So I have decided to keep Sugar here because let’s face it Katrina is an unfit parent and I don’t trust her taste in men. Well today your sister has hired a lawyer to try to fight me for her daughter,” he said annoyed.

            “Why the hell would she even do that? Kat has never taken care of that girl, not even after what happened to her. And especially not when Markus disappeared,” Jose shook his head.

            “My guess is that she is a vindictive b***h who only wants her so that she isn’t here with us. She thought she could call Luis to help her but good old cousin Luis called me after he turned her down. Seems like no lawyer in this family would entertain her revenge plot and Luis is even going to do what he can to keep Sugar away from Katrina. Don’t I have enough to do without her causing trouble in my home?”

            “Public humiliation will do that and she can’t do much more than taking Sugar away. No court in the world would leave a child even as wild as Sugar is in her care. All Sugar has to do is open her mouth and everything would be worse.”

            “Indeed, but I don’t want her dragged through a public mess, she’s already falling apart,” he sighed. “I hear her, crying in the bathroom at night, she thinks nobody knows. She waits until Sammie is asleep and she goes downstairs and cries.”

            “And you haven’t done anything about it?” Jose asked shocked.

            “For now she can have her secret, she sees that damned therapist three times a week but she refuses medication. Once it gave her nightmares so she refuses anything else. Well her medicine is drinking and sex but if she’s in the house she can’t leave unless I say so and when she does I have her watched. She is trying at least,” he said. The whole thing pissed him off and he wanted to strangle Katrina. “Would it be wrong to put a hit out on our sister?”

            “Give me the gun and I’ll do it myself,” Jose said. “For a long time I couldn’t get that look off her face when we found her. Funny our parents think you are being reckless when Katrina is free to do what she wants.”

            “That’s going to change soon,” he said. He tried so hard to being nice to his sister, but he was sick of being nice and he was sick of Katrina. And the excuse of her being his sister was quickly becoming irrelevant.

            At the moment he was doing some research into how to properly help his niece. Obviously nothing had been working in the last six and a half years, so something needed to change. And after all these years he finally had a lead on Markus. Maybe that was what Sugar needed, her brother. What Nicolas needed was a very long vacation, October couldn’t come fast enough. A month focusing on nothing but his most prized possession. Thinking about that distracted him for a second but he needed to help his niece now otherwise there wasn’t going to be a honeymoon. There was no way he could leave her if she was still as bad as she was and Wildflower wouldn’t leave her either.

            “I hear the women are going out tonight, can you handle that?” Jose asked him.

            “I trust her so I can deal with it,” he said. Hopefully that was true, he wasn’t exactly sure yet.

            “She loves you Nicky, it’s pretty obvious if she would come to me to figure you out. Actually I think she’s perfect for you, someone that doesn’t fear you and stands up to you and did I tell you she ordered me around? You have truly met your match; I’m not worried about her she can take on the whole family. And let’s not forget that she has more friends in our cousins right now than me, you and D put together,” Jose said he seemed to be impressed.

            “You don’t fear me,” he replied.

            “Maybe I’m too stupid to? No I know you and some parts of you do scare me, but I’d rather be your favorite brother rather than your enemy.”

            “Enemy or cousin? These days they are the same damn thing,” he sighed. “I didn’t ask for this or to be the ‘chosen one’ but I accept the path they laid out for me and I will do whatever it takes. I’m thinking that’s what they fear about me because I’m always willing to go all the way and do what they are afraid of.”

            “And you wonder why people compare this to mafia type families,” Jose shook his head. “Tonight we need to do something so that you won’t be here clawing at the walls. I’m making it my personal mission to make sure you don’t screw up this relationship and that you actually marry her. Then I can just let her deal with you, its pretty clear who controls your relationship.”

            “Why do you care so much?”

            “Because you are in love and I like her and a happy you means less bodies piling up, we are so mafia.”

            “A little, but as far as anybody knows we just make drugs and research stuff.”

            “Says the golden boy that actually went to college and you took what 100 credits per semester? And I lasted two years and go bored, D lasted a semester before he got kicked out, what a wonderful family we are.”

            “That’s what happens when you sleep with the dean’s daughters and wife.”

            “The good old days,” Jose laughed.

            “Indeed,” Nicolas shook his head. Sometimes it wasn’t so bad to have his family around, at least they amused him.



            “How was your party?” Her mother asked.

            “Oh it was ok, I never realized just how big Nick’s family really is. I thought having all the kids around was a lot but there are nearly 100 of them,” Wildflower told her mother. This was awkward and she was tired and needed to sleep if she was going out tonight and Cody put her in a bad mood.

            “All of your brothers were there?”

            “Yeah and Iris, Jeff and the kids, Brooke, Cody and Christina, Monster pretty much tries not to go home, she loves Nick.”

            “Isaiah still isn’t ready to speak with me, I called him and she answered. My son got married and didn’t even tell me,” she said looking like she might cry.

            “He just needs some time and they just got back and are in the process of moving, he has a lot going on. So is everything ok here?”

            “Yes, they don’t think I’m ready to come home yet. I suppose that doesn’t matter much I have no one to go home to. Ricardo has made it clear that he can not see me for a while and Evan hates me as well,” she sighed.

            “Mom it’s going to be ok, just give it time and focus on getting better. Until you are well I’ll take care of the boys,” Wildflower assured her mother. 

            “That’s what you have been doing all of your life and when you finally find someone to take care of you I ruin it.”

            “You didn’t ruin anything with me and Nick, we are fine and he’s happy to have to boys around. We want you to get better,” she paused because she was about to lie. “I don’t want you to be stuck her and miss our wedding. October will be here before you know it and I need my mom there?” The truth was that she wouldn’t mind her absence.

            “Have you gotten your dress already?”

            “No, Carmen is working on the design and has to have it sent back to her office so that her people can make it. She is in negotiations with Vogue to do a spread on my wedding party because she is designing everything. Um in like two weeks we’re taking the kids to Paris for a shopping trip, I don’t know if the boys want to go but they might.” Wildflower said, it was amusing that she was talking about going to Paris like it was perfectly normal or going to another state.

            “That would be nice,” Marguerite nodded. “You’ve grown up so much, I’m so happy for you. Despite what I may have said before I am happy you found love.”

            “Yeah,” she said. She couldn’t stop thinking about Cody; it hurt her that their friendship was over. Right now she wanted to go home and have Nicolas make everything better but instead she sat there with her mother. A mother that she just didn’t want to be bothered with, but it was her responsibility to care for.

            “Is something wrong? You seem distant today, are you upset with me?”

            “No, I just had a fight with Cody before I came here, it’s not you.”

            “What did you fight about?” Marguerite asked and actually looked concerned.

            “A few of Nick’s cousins and his sister wanted to go out tonight and I asked Cody if she wanted to go with us. She just went off about how I quit my job and how Brooke and I don’t do anything and a bunch of crap. I told her I can’t be friends with her anymore, I’ve tried so hard but I can’t do it.”

            “Maybe you just need some time apart,” her mother said patting her hand.

            “Yeah I guess,” she said but she wasn’t so sure. Their friendship was pretty much over and there might not be away to go back.

            After talking to her mother a little while longer and filling her in on things with her siblings Mackenzie left. All she wanted to do was sleep. The drive home was quick and she didn’t even park in the drive way, she just parked in front of the house. As if he could sense her Nicolas was the one to open the door. Without a word he picked her up and took her up to their bedroom. They didn’t speak he just laid her down and laid beside her and held her. That was when she knew for sure she made the right choice. She knew Cody and the way she thought and in her mind Wildflower chose him. And maybe she really had.



            He laid on the bed watching her get ready to go out, he wanted to tell her not to go. But he was going to be mature about this and just let her do what she wanted. Even if what she wanted involved a black corset, low-rise jeans and stilettos. She sure as hell looked sexy and she wore her hair down. It took all of his will power not to get up and throw her down and strip her and have his way with her. They hadn’t had sex at all that day unless he counted last night in her car. After the last time she went out and his issues with that and their fight, he decided to just keep his mouth shut. It was already bad enough she had a fight with her friend earlier. Not that he wasn’t happy to be rid of Cody, but he didn’t like his Wildflower upset.

            “Should I wear my hair up or down?” She asked turning away from the mirror.

            “If you’re going to be dancing you might want to wear it up,” he said.

            “Good idea,” she agreed and started pulling her hair into a ponytail. “Are you really ok with me going out tonight?”

            “I’ll find something to keep myself occupied so that I’m not tempted to behave like a stalker,” he told her.

            “Baby, I love you and I swear I would never let a man that isn’t you touch me inappropriately,” she said. She came over to the bed and crawled on top of him. “And you better be naked in this bed when I get home.”

            “Something seems wrong with the fact that you’re always going out and I’m waiting at home for you,” he said.

            “I’m a party girl that hasn’t been out in years, I need some fun. How about you me go out tomorrow? Just the two of us,” she said. “Did you ever move out of your hotel room?” She asked with a mischievous look in her eyes.

            “No I hadn’t gotten around to it, why?”

            “And you are still on vacation right?”

            “If that’s what you want to call it then yes, again I ask why?”

            “Because we need a night out and a night away from everybody and all of our responsibilities, so do you want to?”

            “Hell yes,” he nodded eagerly. He was so weak and pathetic for her, normally this would disgust him but he needed time with her alone.

            “We are going to have some fun,” she said and then kissed him.

            “Wildflower step away from my brother,” Carmen said from the doorway. “We are leaving now and you are not having sex.”

            “Go away,” Nicolas said to his sister.

            “I’ve gotta go honey,” Wildflower told him. “But I’ll let you know when I’m on my way back and you can be ready for me.”

            “Alright,” he nodded. She kissed him promising something wicked later and left with Carmen.

            For awhile he laid in bed waiting for a certain part of his body to no longer be hard. Then he got up and went to his office so that he could drink and not think about Wildflower out with his cousins. What he needed to do was go back to work instead of sitting around this house that was driving him crazy. He was not somebody who could just sit around and do nothing. But his father who was technically in charge of the company wanted him out of the office. He didn’t have to listen and could pull rank if he wanted to but he chose to just do as he was told. The door to his office opened and in came Jose but he wasn’t alone, Ricky was with him.

            “What are you doing here?” Nicolas asked, Ricky was never hostile towards him like Ivan but he never randomly showed up at his house, unlike Ivan.

            “I’ve given some things a lot of thought and you are marrying my baby sister and I think we should get to know each better,” Ricky said. He was always more proper and formal and basically more grown up than his brothers. That obviously came for a lifetime of taking care of his siblings like he was their father.

            “Really?” Nicolas asked very surprised.

            “Yes,” Ricky nodded.

            “Good, we’re going out,” Jose said. “If the women can go out then so can we, and we can pick up your other brothers on the way.”

            “Would they really come out with us?”

            “If I say so,” Ricky shrugged. The man was always so serious; this was going to be interesting.



            Sugar was laughing and sitting in the TV room with the guys. Since Sammie was off somewhere making out with Evan, she had nothing else to do. The guys were playing video games on the big screen and she was sitting on the couch with her legs draped over Tony’s lap. She was not going to start anything with him, he was just one of her very few friends. It was nice to hang out with guys and not catty girls. Today she just needed a calm day with no drama and no Katrina. When she looked up and saw Ivan standing in the doorway staring at her she was surprised. Last night he made it pretty clear that what happened between them could never happen again and she agreed. So why was he standing there looking like a jealous lover? And why did he subtly gesture for her to come out into the hall.

            “I’ll be back,” she told Tony when she got up and he nodded.

            “What was that?” Ivan asked her when she joined him in the entrance hall.

            “Excuse me? I’m hanging out with the cousins I can stand and your brothers. Why do you care?” She asked surprised, he still looked kind of angry.

            “Are you eyeing up another brother of mine to seduce?”

            “No and again why do you care?”

            “I just thought you were laying off that,” he said.

            “Can I not just hang out without everybody thinking I’m up to something?”

            “Sorry, you were just pretty cozy with him.”

            “Tony is my friend, the guy I have actual feelings for wants nothing to do with me. And I am not complaining about it,” she said. For once she felt grown up, she was doing the right thing. So why was Ivan looking at her like this?

            “Where can we talk in private?” He asked her, that question took her completely off guard.

            “Well we can go up to my room where I doubt you want to go or there is a guest room down the hall,” she said.

            “Lead the way,” he said and she nodded. The guest room was probably safer, but she had no idea why he wanted to talk to her.

            “Ok, enough being weird and tell me what you want,” she said when they were in the room. It took her completely by surprise when he kissed her. “What the hell?” She asked pulling back.

            “I’ve been thinking about you since last night,” he admitted.

            “And that means what exactly?”

            “It means I have lost my damn mind that’s what it means.”

            “We talked and we agreed that it was better if I left you alone.”

            “Yeah I know but I can’t stop thinking about you and I don’t know what to do about it,” he said. She sat down to process what he was saying while he paced.

            “It’s funny that I’ve been dreaming about being with you and you are saying that you want to what exactly?” She had never been more confused in her life.

            “I don’t know,” he admitted and sat beside her. “Why couldn’t you be just a little older?” He asked while looking at her with lust in his eyes.

            “Because fate sucks,” she replied.

            “I was thinking that if we don’t have sex then its not that illegal,” he said.

            “Unless one of my uncles find out and they kill you and by kill I really mean kill you I am not exaggerating. And your sister would blame me for it and I can’t go back home,” she said. Since when had she become so responsible?

            “Alright, I’m sorry it was a bad idea,” he said.

            “But I guess if nobody finds out its not that bad,” she admitted. This was what she wanted more than anything.

            “I’m definitely going to hell for this,” he said. But that didn’t stop him from pulling her into his lap or from kissing her.

            “So we’re picking up where we left off?” She asked while he kissed down her neck, oh how she was turned on.

            “Are you wearing panties this time?”

            “Yes, but that could change if you want.”

            “Don’t tempt me,” he said and he kissed her again.

            She knew this was wrong and that he could get in a lot of trouble for this but she couldn’t make herself care. Ivan was the one that sought her out and he was the one who kissed her first. His hands on her body felt like nothing she had ever felt before, it was like she was being touched for the first time. They were both careful to keep clothes on so they weren’t tempted to do more, mostly they just made out. But it was the steamiest make out session she had ever had and it left her wanting more of him. Now all she had to do was keep the biggest secret of her life.

© 2010 Britiney Harper

My Review

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Uh oh seems like more trouble is coming. The whole story is just so addictive.

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Great job I really love your paragraph structure you have excellent format.

Posted 15 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

This is so wonderful, And well written,
I really like this, Everything holds together well and reads wonderful.
I like your characters. This is full intruiging moments as well as drama
unfolding. Very well written!

Posted 15 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

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3 Reviews
Added on November 7, 2009
Last Updated on January 5, 2010



Britiney Harper
Britiney Harper

pittsburgh, PA

...A Few Things... 1) Hi! I'm Britiney 2) I Love to Write 3) I love to read 4) I'm a nerd 5) i love my Family more than anything else 6) I've been writing since i was 8yrs old (but really b4 tha.. more..


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