![]() Wildflower (Chapter 18)A Chapter by Britiney Harper![]() ...Chapter 18...![]()
Chapter 18 “You up now and follow me,” Wildflower ordered. Jose raised an eyebrow at her but he still obeyed. She needed to know some things and she wanted the information from a reliable source. It seemed to her that Nicolas trusted Jose more than his other siblings so she was going to interrogate him. “Aren’t we a demanding one?” He asked when they sat outside on one of the many sets of furniture out there. “I can be and I need to talk to you about Nick so you will tell me what I want to know,” she said looking him in the eyes. “Well I did wonder what it was he liked so much about you, you’re beautiful of course but now I see. You have that same fire in your eyes that he does, a born leader,” he nodded looking half amused and half impressed. “But I fear that what you want to talk about is last night and I am really sorry about that. I knew better I really did but I thought seeing you would calm him.” “Explain to me why he got so angry in the first place.” “Nicky is a possessive person and he has never liked to share and you are what he loves more than anything else in the world. He has a temper and I’m sure you know that, but he’s usually so in control. Everything about you throws this whole world out of sorts. And he’s not use to feeling too many emotions. He can be the coldest cruelest business man you ever meet but you confuse him,” Jose explained. “I’m going to need further elaboration,” she said careful to keep her tone even and her face expressionless. Some things she learned from Nicolas and some things she learned as survival traits. Gathering information was always an important thing. “He’s never once in his life been in love, never, not even close. And he finds himself in love with you and that confuses him because love doesn’t make sense. Nicky is all about facts and logic, there is nothing logical about love, it just is,” Jose sighed. “This is my fault really; I just had to open my big mouth. I pointed out to him the other day how I could tell that he didn’t think he deserved you and that kind of set this whole thing off.” “That’s why he was acting so weird when you guys came back from the boat trip, right? What is it that anyway?” “You are a special person I see that and he isn’t what you think. I assure you he has never followed a woman around with that loving look in his eyes. Before you he was pretty cold and closed off, I don’t know why exactly but something happened he won’t talk about. So he basically swore of women and he focused on nothing but work,” he paused. “There are a lot of things that have happened to make him have trust issues and he’s just a controlling person by nature. Some things have happened in the past and he would never believe that he would deserve to be loved by a good sweet person.” “Ok new question, why hasn’t he ever had a serious relationship?” She asked because she could tell Jose was dancing around some sort of secret and she wasn’t going to make him betray his brother’s trust. At her new question he actually laughed. “That’s an easy one, because he never met a woman that wasn’t intimidated by him or wanted something from him or just pursued him for all the wrong reasons. And all those women in the past were boring and they were the exact type of women that mother and Katrina could bully and make do what they wanted. Nicky never had time for weak women,” Jose said. “You, my lady, are fierce I see it in your eyes and you won’t let anybody make you do anything you don’t want to. It’s good that he has met his match, trust me nobody wants to mess with an angry Nicky. Some don’t live to tell the tale.” Why did he look serious when he said that? “So why is everybody in your family afraid of him?” “For the reason I just said, nobody wants him angry bad things happen when he is. I’m not trying to taint your image of him but him being mad at you last night is nothing compared to the full extent of his wrath. The thing with Katrina that was just kid stuff and well everybody wanted her husband gone,” he paused looking unsure. “When Markus told us what happened to Sugar, it was really bad. One second he was calm and the next we had to stop him from killing the man, not that he didn’t deserve worse but he almost killed him. But I don’t want you to fear him or anything or worry that he’s violent, anybody could be violent when something like that happens. He would never hurt you, he loves you.” There was a lot to think about, maybe she shouldn’t have asked. It didn’t exactly surprise her that Nicolas was capable of murder, that look in his eyes told her that. And for some reason she liked that he would do anything to protect his family, she would want the same for her children. She also liked that she was the first women he ever loved and that she seemed to have power over him. The man nobody could take on, she could get to do whatever she wanted. That was power and maybe that was what she secretly liked about him, he had an air of power, she’s felt that the night she met him. Nicolas was hers, he belonged to her and she wouldn’t have stood for any woman going near him. So maybe she understood that. Both Jose and Ivan told her the same thing basically that Nicolas was confused by his emotions. A big strong man like him that everybody was afraid of was basically brought to his knees by her, she liked that. “I see it in your eyes, you like the power, right? Its ok to like it and to use it, you want something you take it. The one thing everybody knows about Nick is that he can always get what he wants, no matter what. And I mean you’ll always be safe with him.” “Yeah I guess, but I still don’t get why he doesn’t think he deserves me.” “Because he’s done some many things that some might consider evil, and you are anything but evil. You’re like an angel to him, you are everything to him. Nicky boy is lucky to have someone like you. Give him time he needs to adjust,” Jose said. “I thought you were supposed to be the slacker brother?” She asked and he laughed, he was anything but that. “People underestimate me and I like it that way, besides I am lover not a fighter. I prefer to find my a nice woman to spend time with, they never last though I get bored. Guess I’m like him in that way waiting for the perfect woman that challenges me. But my last girlfriend was an actress and well I couldn’t help it if I hung out on the set of her movie and I attracted attention. I didn’t have sex with her friend, I swear but I might have done something else. Anyway that got me a brick through my car window and I decided to lay off for awhile. Monogamy isn’t my best friend; I love to spread my love. I figure I’ll hang out here awhile and lay low, the actress she was seen by the paparazzi breaking my window and well they snapped a million pictures. Needless to say she is not happy with me,” he shrugged. Obviously he didn’t care he just looked amused. “You Caprianis are so weird,” she shook her head. “Indeed we are love, but you are going to be one of us soon enough. I would advise you to run while you still can but then if I told you that Nicky would have my head,” he said amused. “Why does everybody cal him ‘Nicky’? He hates that.” “Oh yeah everybody knows that, well actually some how the parents are a little oblivious of that fact but they’re old. I’m sure he prefers it to blue-eyed devil, that’s what we’ve called him since he was born with those wicked blue eyes. Nobody in this family on either side has blue eyes and the old man actually had a DNA test done because he was concerned mother cheated. But she didn’t and nobody knows why he has blue eyes. And I swear he was born with that look in his eyes like he was going to take over the world, I think that’s why good old abuelo gave him everything. Isn’t it funny that we’re all latinish and nobody really speaks Spanish? And mother lives in “Why don’t any of you speak Spanish?” “The honest answer is that daddy dearest thought it made us seem like poor immigrants, he was teased as a kid or something. So he forbade it and what did abuelita do? She tried to teach us in secret, and he in turn made sure we went to the whitest schools he could find. Weird I know but who ever accused this family of making sense?” “I’m thinking I like you Jose,” she said. “Good, we’re going to get along just fine and you need some allies with this engagement party coming up. But I’m not worried about you; you can hold your own.” “Wildflower?” She heard a familiar voice call; she looked up to see Nicolas. When she got back she found out that him and Ariela had left. “Hey,” she said deciding she wasn’t going to be mad at him anymore. He looked between her and his brother and there was an evil glint in his eyes. Ariela was holding his hand and let got to throw herself at Wildflower. “Auntie auntie,” she said happily when she picked her up. “Look kitty,” she said showing her a necklace around her neck. “Love Nick, love Nick,” “Guess you even have that effect on the little ones,” Jose shook his head. He got up to leave without another word. “Don’t tell me these are real diamonds,” Wildflower said looking up at Nicolas. “I won’t tell you then,” he said. “Nick she’s almost 2 she doesn’t need a diamond necklace,” she told him. He of course shrugged like it wasn’t important. “Sam!” Ariela yelled when she saw Sammie and Sugar coming up from the tennis court. “Sweetie!” She yelled, for one reason or another she always called Sugar “Sweetie”. “Monster face did you have fun with Uncle Nick?” Sugar asked when they came over and she picked Ariela up. “Love Nick,” Ariela nodded happily. “We are kidnapping her,” Sammie told them and they took her in the house with them. “So how was your mother?” Nicolas asked when they were alone. “I never made it to see her, I stopped to talk to Ivan and I ended up staying there for awhile,” she told him and he nodded. “It’s nice that you got to spend time with your brother,” he said. For the first time since they met he hadn’t greeted with a kiss. And he wasn’t touching her like he normally would; obviously he was afraid she was still mad at him. “Yeah and I talked to him about being in our wedding and he more or less agreed to do it,” she said causally. Making him sweat was fun; she really did like having power over him. “That’s good,” he nodded. This was getting boring and she hated the look in his eyes, she preferred it when he was looking at her lovingly and worshipping her. “Ok so I was doing some thinking,” she said getting up from her chair. He was sitting in the chair Jose had previously occupied, she sat in his lap. “I am kinda still annoyed about last night and you better never let that happen again. I would never hurt you, I love you, ok?” “Yes, I know that and I’m sorry,” he said. “Well I talked to Ivan and to Jose and they both think I should forgive you so I guess I might have to. But when I want to go out you are not going to try to stop me again, agreed?” “Yes ma’am,” he nodded trying to hide his smile. “And you are going to make this up to me, do you understand.” “Yes ma’am,” he said. The heat between them was almost instantaneous. “I’m thinking I would love that to start like now?” “Damn, I would love too and I really love how demanding you are but we can’t.” “Really? I don’t think I like being said no to either.” Though she had loved saying not to him and the way he reacted, that was amazing. “I have something for you and I want you to see it first and then I can make this up to you in the bed and the shower and the office and maybe the bath and we could take a ride out and take a swim in lake tonight,” he said. Just the thought of all that made her want to get started on that right away. “I can see later,” she said and he shook his head. “Come with me,” he said. They got up and he took her hand and led her back through the house and to the garage. Two of his cars were in there but it could fit at least all of five of his cars. But he didn’t stop in the garage he pulled her outside to the driveway. The car he had been driving was there, so was Tammy’s car, but there was another car. He pulled her towards the unknown new looking car, it wasn’t a car it was a gold escalade. “This is yours,” he said pulling keys out of his pocket. “Shut up, are you serious?” “Yes, I had it made a few months ago it just arrived today, a lot of work had to be done on it,” he said opening the door for her. “Didn’t I recently agree to you buying me a car?” She said while climbing in the drive’s seat. “Oh my God.” “I was going to buy you one even if you didn’t say yes,” he said from the passenger seat. There were butterflies engraved all over the dashboard and the steering wheel and on the inside of the doors. On every seat was a monogram of the letters W and C. She suspected it that stood for ‘Wildflower Capriani’. There was something about SUVs that she loved and she loved that he got this for her. There were no feelings of guilt at all, she loved this. The GPS, the DVD players and everything was so amazing and this car cost more than a house or two. She didn’t feel guilty she felt something else. So she climbed over on top of Nicolas and kissed him. “So you like it?” He asked between kisses. “I am going to f**k you so hard in this car,” she whispered in his ear. “Damn, I should have got you it soon,” he said. “I am very hard right now; I wish you weren’t wearing pants right now.” “Tonight we are so coming out here,” she told him. “I love you,” he said there was a lot of lust in his eyes. “Love you too honey,” she replied. She really wanted to do some x-rated activities in her new car but some of the kids were coming out to see it. Later she was going to do very naughty things. “You really think so?” Lexy asked Sugar who just nodded. They were lying on a lounger watching Sammie and Evan play soccer. “I just can’t believe she didn’t tell me but they so want each other,” Sugar said. “So what are you planning on doing?” “We are going to give our dear Sammie a makeover and try to undo all that mess “Oh I’m game for a makeover, and I know the perfect dress she can wear to the party but she isn’t going to wear heels,” Lexy said. “Yeah I know we can get her some flats,” Sugar said. She had decided to enlist Lexy’s help with her Sammie project, mostly because Lexy was the daughter of a fashion designer and had her own line. And she was the only female cousin that Sugar could stand being around for longer than 5 minutes, other than Sammie of course. Everybody’s favorite aunt and uncle were over in the pool swimming with Ariela, Olivia and Anna-Maria; they looked so perfect with kids. With the amount of sex they had she was sure they would have kids soon and she loved to play with babies. Some of the boys were over playing basketball; it had been a long time since anybody was happy to spend the summer in that house. And then she looked up to see Ivan coming towards her, how perfect was that? “Hey,” she waved him over. “Hello ladies,” he greeted. The man was so sexy; she wanted to pounce on him. “I need to talk to you about Evan,” she said. Out the corner of her eye she definitely saw Lexy checking him out. “What about Evan?” He asked and he sat on the edge of the lounger next to her. She could feel his body heat and that made her almost forget her purpose for talking to him. “Has he ever talked about Sammie?” “Sammie? What about her?” For some reason he surprised. “Sug you are so bad to ask him that,” Lexy told her. “Hush,” she told her cousin. “I’m thinking he has a crush on Sammie and I think she feels the same,” she told Ivan. “Oh I see and you think you’re a little match maker?” “Exactly, I love them both and they are cute together,” she said. At the moment they were both laying in the glass talking, if only she could hear them. “And you don’t think it would be weird to be dating in the family?” Ivan said. “Not really I mean we aren’t blood related so it’s not a big deal,” she shrugged. What she really wanted to ask was how he felt about her, but that would come in time, she had a plan for his seduction. “Alright maybe he use to talk about her a lot, you live with him now why don’t you just ask him?” “Oh I will in time, first we’re going to make Sammie a girl.” “Don’t say it like that,” Lexy hit her. “What do you expect, her twin is a boy.” “Yeah Wildflower was a tomboy for awhile when we were young, wish she still was then maybe she wouldn’t be getting married,” Ivan said. “That’s nice of you,” Lexy shook her head. “Ask Sugar I’m not that nice,” he told her. “Hey I am going to be in their wedding that is a big step for me.” “You’ll look good in a tux,” Sugar told him. When he gave her a half smile she nearly died. “Think so? Maybe we’ll walk together,” he said with a wink. Then he got up and headed to the basketball court. “You are so obvious,” Lexy said. “Am I? He is just so sexy, I have to have him,” she admitted. “That has bad idea written all over it, his twin sister is marrying our uncle and he’s a lot older than you. And your mom’s husband was exposed as a child molester, bad idea you could ruin his life,” Lexy warned. “Don’t worry I would never dream of getting him in trouble, but I would like to get him in bed,” she sighed. “And you wonder why everybody calls you a s**t.” “Once you have sex you will understand it, sometimes it’s so amazing.” “Yeah I’m not going to be having sex with anyone any time soon, but I do agree that he is very good looking. All of her brothers are sexy, but we are going to be family.” “Uh huh so tell me why I saw Sonya doing a walk of shame, she definitely slept in Dom’s room last night,” she saw. “Shut up, are you serious?” Lexy asked shocked and she nodded. “There is so much sexual frustration in this house.” “Indeed and I want Ivan and I will have him,” she said but not too loud. “He kind of flirted with you,” Lexy admitted. “Yup so it just proves that he wants me,” she said. “Or he was turned on by looking at you laying around in booty shorts and a bikini top, even though you haven’t been in the pool. You make all our male cousins wish they weren’t related to you. Do you realize that?” “Think so? I’m hot; I like to be looked at, besides I’m betting Uncle Nick will kick my a*s and send me in the house soon. He is such a kill joy sometimes, meanwhile he’s feeling Wildflower up all the time and they have sex everyday,” she said. She was jealous of them a bit, but she would have Ivan soon enough and she couldn’t have sex with Evan again. That would be stupid when she wanted to get him and Sammie together. “They are in love; I want to be that in love one day, don’t you?” “Yeah, I would love that, I am in love and he’s going to be in love with me.” “Be careful with that Sugar,” Lexy warned. “Always,” she replied. She watched him, he was now playing basketball. He looked back and caught her eye and he smiled at her, yup she was going to have him. “Oh I love you,” Christina said to Wildflower. “I’m jealous you sent her to “Shut it we’re going to “This b***h is all tan and glowing from having lots of sex and I’m here working,” Brooke whined. “I just got married, maybe you should marry Jay,” Christina said. “Yeah right his evil a*s tried to lock me out of our bedroom last night.” “Still mad about the cuddling thing?” Wildflower asked and she nodded, he brothers did not like to share. “What cuddling thing?” Christina asked looking between them. “I found this w***e in Ivan’s bed so we all cuddled and Jay said he has no girlfriend,” Brooke explained. “You were cuddling with Ivan?” “Not just me, Jay said he might have cared less if Ivan had been wearing clothes.” “What? I go away for a week and I miss everything.” “He had boxers on,” Wildflower said. “Brooke! You were in your boyfriend’s brother’s bed when he was in his underwear? Isaiah would murder me.” “Is it really that bad?” “He’s my brother so I can lay in his bed.” “It’s bad Brooke.” “Well Jay never wants to cuddle with me, so maybe I should get in Ivan’s bed more often.” “Do not do that,” Wildflower warned. “I love my brothers I don’t need them killing each other, stay away from Ivan’s bed.” “Meanwhile you encouraged me.” “I know but it was funny.” “So what else has been going on while I’ve been gone?” “I got a new car.” “That ain’t no car that thing is money on wheels,” Brooke said. “Oh but you never told me why you were with Ivan yesterday.” “What? Why would he do that?” Christina asked, they were both visibly shocked. “Because he is crazy and I guess he saw some guy come up to me so he was just being an a*s. Seriously I was ready to be done with him,” she told them. “Wow I didn’t know he was crazy like that,” Brooke shook her head. “But wait you two seem fine today.” “We talked, I talked to Ivan about it and I even talked to Jose,” she said. “You talked to his brother but not me?” Brooke asked looking offended. “How could I? We weren’t alone yesterday and Jose knows Nick best.” “So he bought you a car as an I’m-sorry-gift?” Christina asked. “No, it just happened to come yesterday, he’s been talking about buying me a car forever,” she said. “Come on you both have to see it.” They got up from the table and she took them around to the driveway where she beautiful SUV was parked. “Oh my God,” Brooke said when she climbed in. “Wow, he must really love you,” Christina said. Brooke went all the way to the back and laid across the seat and Wildflower and Christina sat in the middle seats. “Why can’t I have a man that would buy me a car?” “Because only Wildflower could pick up a rich guy in a bar by accident.” “That is so true,” Brooke shook her head. “What is this?” She said and leaned over the seat, she picked up a pair of panties. “Oh that’s where those went,” Wildflower said grabbing them from her, she was a little embarrassed. “You are such a w***e,” Brooke said. “What? I liked the car so we had sex in it.” “It is a nice car,” Christina said. “So tell Chris how you are trying to have a baby.” “You are?” “Brooke, remind me to never tell you anything,” she said glaring at her. “We aren’t trying we just aren’t doing anything to prevent it.” “Really? You think you’re ready for that?” Christina asked looking concerned. “I don’t know I guess,” she shrugged. “Is he pressuring you? Because having a baby is a huge step, I was not ready to have Monster but I had her.” “He said it’s my choice and I mean I love kids and it’s not like I would be alone raising a baby. Besides Chris you had a family that loved you so you were never alone.” “Yeah, but Isaiah did not want to have a baby,” she admitted. “At first he said maybe I should just listen to my parents.” “You never told us that,” Brooke said sitting up. “Why would I tell anybody that the father of my child didn’t want her? He was mad at first, even after I moved in. Some days he looked at me like I stole his life,” she said with tears in her eyes. “How did I not know this?” Wildflower asked, she was completely shocked by this. But then again if she really thought about it things were tense when Christina moved in, her mother was not happy about it. Though Marguerite would never have turned her away and she never would have told her not to have the baby. “Because Isaiah is grouchy all the time so you would never have known. I’m sorry for bringing it up, I just want you to make sure you are really ready,” Christina said wiping her eyes. Wildflower kneeled on the floor between the seats and put her arms around her sister-in-law. “We love you Chris,” Brooke said leaning over the seat. “I love you girls too,” she said. “But you are happy now, right?” Wildflower asked. “Of course, he got over it and he loves his daughter more than anything. And I am happy we got married, it wasn’t a fairytale wedding like yours will be but I love him.” “You say fairytale I’m predicting a bloodbath,” she sighed. “Everybody is saying that I do not want to meet the rest of the family, they all hate him.” “Why?” Brooke asked. “Business stuff, apparently most of them don’t get along. And I heard something about their cousin Liam’s wife and Jose and DNA test for their baby.” “I’m so happy we are going to be at this party,” Brooke said excitedly. “Glad I’m back for this, it’s like an episode of Jerry Springer.” “No that will be when Evan gets Sugar pregnant,” Brooke said. “What!?” Christina asked. “Brooke, do you know what a secret is?” “Yes, but Chris is family.” “Ok I’m going to need you to tell me what that’s about.” “I walked in on Evan and Sugar having sex,” Wildflower said. “Really? They are a couple or something?” “Nope, they just felt like having sex.” “And she’s letting them both live here with her. I guess I see why little Evy likes it here so much, there’s a pool and basketball court and horses and a booty call down the hall,” Brooke laughed. “I hate you.” “So wait Evan isn’t a virgin? Isaiah always said he was going to die a virgin, in your house,” Christina said. “I know Jay and Ivan said that too,” Brooke laughed, they laughed. “I don’t know if I should be happy he’s had contact with a female or if I should like lecture him,” Wildflower said. Mostly she tried not to think about it. “Is she the only one he’s been with? She definitely looks like a girl that would like taking virginities,” Christina said. “No idea, I didn’t ask that and he didn’t share but they did it like all last week. But they both swear they are done,” she sighed. This really wasn’t a good situation to have going on in her house but she couldn’t tell either of them that they couldn’t stay. “I think it’s a good thing, Evan is always up under you and he just needed to grow up and start dating or well in his case hooking up. Though I never thought he could a girl like her,” Brooke said. “Christina are you pregnant?” “What? Why the hell would you ask me that?” “Because you’re all glowy and I don’t know you look different.” “I can’t just be happy and I did get a tan so I’m not the pasty white girl in the family, I’m not pregnant. Monster is going to be two soon why would I have another baby? Brookey you are crazy.” “So how was “Are you saying that because I look fat?” “No, I wasn’t saying that Chris I swear.” “ “Christina, why did you marry my brother?” “Isn’t that obvious? I love him and I always have.” “But does he even make you happy?” “Yes, sometimes, we aren’t you and Nick fawning over each other all the time. He’s your brother you know he doesn’t express emotions, ever.” “Sounds like she just married him because he asked,” Brooke said. “No, I love Isaiah and he is a difficult person to live with but he loves me and he loves our daughter and that’s all that matters. I married him because we love each other, we’ve been together a long time,” Christina said defensively. “I know you love him and that Isaiah is weird about everything, I love you both and I just want you to be happy. And yeah when I asked him why he suddenly wanted to get married he told me he wished he asked you a long time ago,” Wildflower said. “Sometimes I wish he was more affectionate I can admit that, but he thinks I’m crazy if I say something about it,” Christina sighed. “Though we did have a lot of sex while we were away, my body is still sore, hmm maybe Monster should stay another night.” “Can I have a honeymoon just minus the marriage? I want to have hot sex with Jay in a nice place,” Brooke sighed. “Can I borrow this car?” “Hell no, nobody is having sex in here but me.” “So how is my baby? I’ve been here for awhile and I have not seen her.” “That’s because Nick took her somewhere with him, she adores him. She slept in our bed last night and she pushed me away so she could cuddle up with him. Oh and wait until you see what he bought her,” Wildflower shook her head. “Oh God, what did he buy her?” “A Hello Kitty locket with diamonds.” “Real diamonds?” “Yes they are real.” “Why would you let him buy her that?” “I wasn’t there; they spent the day together yesterday.” “Can I spend the day with him?” “I don’t think Jay will like that.” “How much was it?” “I have no idea.” “Stop worrying about it Chrissy, Uncle Nick likes to spoil, I wish he would spoil me. Hmm I might seduce him away from you.” “Try it w***e and I will kill you.” “So what’s this I hear about “You have to come, we are taking a shopping trip,” Wildflower told her. “I don’t have a passport.” “So? Neither did I the first time I went, Nick can get around those things.” “I sure don’t have a passport,” Brooke said. “But I have to go, it’s my job as an assistant, I work so hard.” “You don’t really do anything,” Wildflower pointed out. “Yes but I get paid for that nothing.” “I think I’ll be moving soon,” Christina told them. “Really? He found a place that quick?” Wildflower asked surprised. “Yeah he says he wants to surprise me.” “I’m thinking we should go for a ride in this shiny new money mobile.” Brooke said. “And I want to drive.” “Hell no, I haven’t driven my own car yet.” “Fine, drive then.” “Let’s go,” Wildflower said climbing up into the driver’s seat. Spending time with her friends made her happy and she really needed that right now because tomorrow all of Nicolas’ family would be watching her. They were going to be judging her and talking about her, she really didn’t need the stress. Everything in the house was fine and as normal as it could be, so why did things need to change? Wildflower just wanted peace and quiet, but the party was going to be right there at her home. The event planner had already been there earlier talking to Carmen about the set up for the party. While they were driving to an unknown destination and Brooke was telling Christina about their girl’s weekend. Wildflower started thinking about being a mother. She loved kids and she had been taking care of her younger brothers for years. The thought of having a child that truly belonged to her made her happy, so maybe she really did want to have a baby. Nicolas would make an amazing father, Ariela was completely in love with him and she followed him around. As long as she wasn’t pregnant when she got married she saw no reason not to have a baby. And it was obvious that the Capriani family liked children. There was so much to think about, there always was. For now she was going to focus on her friends then tomorrow she would deal with the rest of the crazy Caprianis. © 2010 Britiney Harper |
2 Reviews Added on November 1, 2009 Last Updated on January 5, 2010 AuthorBritiney Harperpittsburgh, PAAbout...A Few Things... 1) Hi! I'm Britiney 2) I Love to Write 3) I love to read 4) I'm a nerd 5) i love my Family more than anything else 6) I've been writing since i was 8yrs old (but really b4 tha.. more..Writing
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