![]() Wildflower (Chapter 17)A Chapter by Britiney Harper![]() ..Chapter 17...![]()
Chapter 17 Wildflower really needed to yell at Nicolas for always ripping her panties but at the moment she couldn’t tell him. After what happened in his office he followed her into the shower and now after she’d finally pried him off of her so she could get dressed, he got her again. He was on his knees with his face buried between her thighs and was griping her hips. She was definitely going to be late for dinner. At least she managed to get dressed, though her panties were gone, again. This man was dangerous to her health. “Nick,” she purred. She was trying not to be noisy with all the people in and out of the house, but it was hard. “Come for me baby,” he commanded. And that was all it took really. “God, Nick you are so freaking bad,” she panted when he was done. “Don’t ever say no to me again,” he said climbing on top of her. “I’m going to be late,” she told him. “Do you really want to go out?” “Yes, stop trying to make me stay.” “Fine, but I swear you better not let any man touch you or I’ll kill him,” he said seriously. He had that look in his eyes, that dark look, it sent chills down her spine but it also turned her on. “Honey, I only want you and you better not go on a murdering spree before we get married, I’ll kill you,” she said. He rolled off her and she finally got up. “Didn’t you just take the girls out to the club? Why do you need to go again?” “Um that was the kiddie club, mama wants to drink and dance with adults. Does this really bother you?” She asked while pulling out a fresh pair of panties from the dresser. “If it does, would you stay home?” “No, I was just asking,” she shrugged. She slipped in the bathroom to freshen up and put on her panties. Looking in the mirror she decided she was just going to wear her hair down in all its curly glory. The dress she had on was a gift she bough herself over the weekend, so were the new gold hoops she was wearing and her new stiletto knee boots. Sometime over the weekend she stopped feeling any guilt about buying things for herself, after the crappy life she had she deserved to have nice things. Her dress was a little short, it was a maroon shirt dress that fell a few inches below her butt and she was wearing a gold belt over it. In her opinion she looked hot, which was how she ended up on the bed with her legs spread open. “Can’t you at least wear something else?” Nicolas asked from the doorway. “I barely have cleavage,” she said turning away from applying lip stick. Before she never really cared about looking good or wearing make-up, now here she was. “Bend over and I can see your a*s,” he grumbled. “I thought you liked my a*s?” She asked, it amused her that he was behaving like this and it wasn’t going to make he change her mind. “Oh I do but I don’t need anybody else looking at it,” he said. He came over and slipped his arms around her waist. “You better be home at a decent hour.” “I’m not a child Nicolas; I don’t have to listen to you.” “A child you are not but you are mine and I don’t share,” he whispered in her ear. He pulled her tighter against him, she knew what he wanted but she really needed to go. “I guess I see why you have been in here so long,” Carmen’s amused voice came from behind them. “I’m being held prisoner,” she told her. “Oh I bet you are,” Carmen nodded. “If you’re ready though we do still have to pick Brooke up.” She stopped and looked at herself in the mirror; her little black dress was very tight and rather short. But Carmen did not exactly look like a woman in her thirties, and she wasn’t married so she was free to do whatever she wanted. “I love you Nick, but I’m leaving,” Wildflower said. She turned to kiss him quick then moved away. Since she hated carrying purses she had her cell phone and money in her bra. “I’ll see you later.” She waved as Carmen pulled her out of the room before he could stop them. “And how many times did you have sex?” Carmen asked when they were in the hall. “Don’t even deny it.” “Twice,” she admitted. “Then I got dressed and he felt like pleasuring me a little.” “Was he bribing you to stay home?” “Probably, but I am going out and having fun tonight.” “That’s my girl, ignore Nicky and do your own thing.” “Where are you going?” Sugar asked when they were at the bottom of the stairs. “Out, don’t you have child things to do?” Carmen asked. “Carmen are you drunk?” Wildflower asked and Carmen giggled. “I had like two drinks, I’m not drunk yet,” she replied. “Sug, we’re going out, don’t wait up,” Wildflower told her while they headed for the door. “Keep an eye on your uncle for me.” “Who’s watching Ariela?” “Marli volunteer,” she shrugged. “Carmen I’m definitely driving,” she said as they went out the door. This night was promising to be interesting. Nicolas felt like punching a hole through a wall. For one reason or another he was very angry. He did know why and she was the reason. Instead of damaging his house he paced in his office. The office where he’d just been with her, and where her panties were still on the floor. Maybe he really needed to calm down and then maybe he could really think about this. She was just going out to have fun with her friends; it wasn’t like she would ever cheat. But he was possessive and he knew that and he knew he should calm down. However he was so annoyed that he couldn’t calm himself. “My God, you are a pathetic sight,” Jose said when he came in. “Stomping around cause your woman is out? I am ashamed of you.” “Go to hell,” Nicolas growled. “Yeah I probably will but then again so will you,” Jose shrugged. “I don’t know if I like you with a woman, you’re too edgy.” “Did you want something?” He asked, he poured himself a drink to hopefully calm his rage. That was what he felt welling up inside him. “We’re going out, you can’t sit home all pathetic like this, I can’t allow that. Do you remember before she came along? We use to have fun, now all you do is find ways to convince her to get in bed with you.” “She makes me crazy,” he admitted. “One minute I’m this pathetic puppy wanting to see her every second and thinking about her all the time. Now I feel like killing somebody just because she wanted a night out. Logically I know I’m being stupid and that there’s nothing wrong with her going out, even in that outfit she had on. And I know she would never dare let another man touch her. But still I feel absolutely crazy.” “That is love little brother, it makes you crazy,” Jose said with a dreamy look in his eyes. He was the king of falling in love. “I do not like this and I need to stop this, I cannot deal with having feeling.” “You love her and you aren’t use to her going out without you, not a big deal you can get used to it,” Jose laughed. “Though she was looking really sexy when I saw her.” “I hate you, do not look at her again or I will cut out your eyes.” “Calm down, why don’t we go check up on her? I might have inquired as to where her and Carmy were headed because I figured you would be up here like this. So come on baby bro let’s go spy,” Jose said looking amused. Of course the smug b*****d was amused, but he wasn’t going to say no. “I need to change first,” he said going off to his bedroom. Just a peek that was all and then he would calm down. A half hour later Nicolas was in the club with Jose, scanning the crowd for his bride. He found her dancing with Brooke and laughing. Maybe this was a bit much; he was acting like a crazy person. But he did love watching her with that smile of her face, she seemed to glow. When he was about to tell Jose they needed to leave and get a drink somewhere else, a man approached Wildflower. The guy grabbed her hips and tried to get her to dance with him. Before Nicolas could react his brother was dragging him away. Maybe he allowed it because in his fury he was sort dazed. How could she let another man touch her? And he hadn’t even seen if she actually danced with the guy. All he could think of was killing that man whoever he was. “That was a bad idea,” Jose shook his head when they were outside. “Nicolas listen to me, you can’t kill somebody because they touched her. I’m sure she told him to leave her alone. Think of your future with her, don’t do anything stupid.” “Let’s go somewhere away from here,” Nicolas said. His brother was concerned and he was probably right to be. He needed to get a grip on reality and stop this insanity. It was after two in the morning when Wildflower entered her bedroom. She hadn’t meant to stay out so late but she had fun and she needed fun. In a few hours she had to visit her mother again and that would suck the life out of her. When she opened the door she was trying to be quiet and not wake Nicolas, she was surprised he hadn’t called her. With the way he was acting before she left she figured he would call her every five minutes but he didn’t call or text her. She’d taken her boots off in the car so she wouldn’t make too much noise and because her feet hurt. But she didn’t have to be quiet because Nicolas was still awake. “Hey baby, what are you doing up so late?” She asked, she laid her boots on the floor and went to the bed to kiss him. “I was wondering where the hell you were,” he said. He did not look happy and he didn’t kiss her back. “Sorry, we kind of lost track of time,” she explained. “I was surprised you didn’t call me or anything and threaten to spank me.” She was being playful but he just looked pissed off. “Yeah well I figured you were busy,” he grumbled. “Nick you are not seriously mad at me still for going out, I just wanted a little fun,” she told him. When she tried to climb on top of him he pushed her away. “What the hell is wrong with you? If you really wanted me to come home you could have called me. We left the club hours ago anyway.” Instead of dealing with him being bratty she got up and went to change. Was it so wrong for her to have a life? By the time she came back from inside the closet dressed for bed she was annoyed. She hadn’t done anything wrong, and she’d been with his sister and it wasn’t like she was cheating. So why did he obviously not trust her? That really made her angry, but it also made her think of why she avoided ever having relationships. Until then Nicolas was sweet and carrying and he practically worshipped her, now he was being so weird. “If you weren’t at the club then where were you?” He asked her when she got in bed. His expression was still the same, he didn’t trust her. “I was having sex in the back seat of this guy I met’s car,” she answered. In second he was on top of her pinning her down, his eyes were almost too intense to look at but she wasn’t going to back down. “Nicolas I swear I’m so never letting you touch me again, you’re such an a*s. We went to “Are you sure you didn’t pick up any men?” “Ok you need to get off of me right now before there is no ‘us’ anymore,” she told him. Surprisingly he listened and got up to pace. “I saw you,” he whispered. “What? You were watching me?” She asked in disbelief, he didn’t say anything but she knew. “If you I don’t know opened your eyes you might have seen me dancing with the women I was with and that’s it. Out of respect for you and our relationship to dance with any men, but I guess that was stupid. Everything is fine when I’m sitting in the house waiting for you to come home but God forbid I have a life.” “I saw a man touch you and Jose made me leave,” he admitted. “So you admit you don’t trust me?” “I didn’t say that,” he said. “I just don’t know how to do this.” “Do what exactly? Treat me like an adult? Like your equal? Trust me? What is it that you don’t know how to do?” She asked she was so mad at him she knew she couldn’t sleep with him. And right now she didn’t want to sleep in the same house as him. “You are right to be angry with me but I’m not use to being with someone. This relationship it’s hard, ok? I don’t do things like this, ever.” “Nicolas, I have never been in a relationship before but I trusted you. Silly me I thought you trust me to not cheat on you but I guess that’s too much to ask. Why the hell would you ask me to marry you and make all these stupid plans if you can’t trust me?” “I trust you,” he told her. “Really I do and I want to marry you and I love you. Things have just been mixed up in my head lately. All I do is think about you every second of the damn day and I’m not use to feeling these strong emotions. And I just keep thinking of stupid s**t all the time like reasons for you to leave. I don’t want you to leave; I’ve been doing anything and everything I can to keep you with me. You are everything to me and I’m really sorry.” “I need to be away from you right now,” she said. She got up from the bed and started for the door but he grabbed her wrist. “Where are you going to go?” “Anywhere you aren’t,” she replied. “Come on please don’t go, I’m admitting that I’m stupid and crazy and I have a bad temper. But it’s all because I love you so much and when I think of another man touching you it makes me want to kill somebody. I know you would never cheat I know that and I swear I do trust you. This is just a lot to get use to that’s all,” he assured her. “Maybe we shouldn’t get married in October,” she whispered. “No, please don’t say that, I swear this will never happen again.” “Nick if you seriously have a problem with me going out then I’ll stay home with the kids,” she said. Saying that made her hate herself a little. “No, don’t do that, I’m sorry I don’t want you to be a prisoner in your own home. Just come to bed and we can forget about this, ok?” He looked so desperate and he did look sorry and she was stupid. “Fine,” she said and he pulled her to him and kissed her forehead. The way he held her tightly made her wonder about why he was being so crazy. For now she would let this go because she was tired and she hated fighting with him. But she had every intention of digging up some dirt on him later. What good was having his siblings around if she couldn’t use them for information? In the morning Wildflower got up and showered before Nicolas woke up, she didn’t really feel like talking to him. Her day was already going to be bad enough, she didn’t need more stress. When she got out of the shower he was awake and watching her, like usual. Silently she got dressed in jeans and a tank top, she half expected him to complain that her shirt was too tight or showed too much. But thankfully he stayed silent. “I’m going to see my mother,” she informed him. “Do you still intend to keep an eye on Ariela today? If not I’ll get Evan to watch her.” “Yeah I’ll do it,” he said. “Are you still mad at me?” “Nope, I don’t care anymore,” she shrugged. “I shouldn’t be gone too long, but you know if you don’t believe I’m going to see my mother feel free to follow me.” She couldn’t help but to say that even though she didn’t want to think about it. “I’m sorry,” he said. She knew he was but she was still annoyed. “If you want Ariela she’s probably with Marli right now,” she said. “I’ll see you later.” At that she got up and headed for the door and it wasn’t a surprise when he stopped her. “I love you,” he whispered in her ear when he pulled her close to him. “Will you let me make this up to you?” “Can you please not do this to me? My mother is sick and for a little while I’m going to go focus on her,” she paused. “Maybe we need some space, and then you can figure out if you really want to marry me.” “I told you I do, we don’t need space I can’t be away from you,” he said. He was still holding her and she really wished she could just forget everything. But she couldn’t. “I love you Nick, I really do but should we even have an engagement party when we aren’t sure we are getting married?” “We are getting married and we’ll have the party as planned. I’m not letting you go, I messed up and I know that. But I will not let this ruin our relationship,” he told her. “Just give me some time, ok? I need to clear my head and deal with my mother and not worry about this,” she told him. “Alright,” he nodded. “Just make sure you come home.” “I will,” she assured him. “Ok um Monster’s stuff is like all over the house, everybody adores her so she’s been moving from person to person; I’m like not allowed to take her. By now somebody probably fed her breakfast, I mean she’s one and a half you don’t have to do that much.” “Don’t worry I know how to care for a child,” he assured her. “Ok,” she nodded and he finally let her go. “I really do love you Nick and I want this to work with us.” “I love you too and I swear I’m on my best behavior,” he said. They kissed and she left their room. Today was promising to be a very stressful day; she needed to see someone before she went to see her mother. There wasn’t really a question of who she needed to see, and as luck would have it she knew he was home. She knew talking to Ivan who hated Nicolas was probably a really bad idea but she needed to talk to him. So she drove over to his apartment and hoped Brooke wouldn’t see her, she knew what Brooke would say. Truth be told she knew what Ivan would say too but she didn’t want to hear Brooke spin everything to make it not a big deal and make Nicolas out to be such a great guy. Maybe she just needed to hear somebody say mean things about him without her actually having to do it herself. “I am off today and I planned on sleeping in,” Ivan told her when he answered the door. He was shirtless and in boxers but living with nine brothers she’d seen worse. “Then let’s get back in bed,” she said walking pass him and going to his room. “Not like I’m going to get rest, I feel you and you are upset,” he said. Even so he closed the door and they laid in bed together. “What did he do? I can kill him and you would still have everything of his.” “Do you think I’m untrustworthy?” She asked choosing to ignore his comment. “No, I think you’re the most trustworthy person I know and I’m not saying that because you are my sister. Again I ask what did he do?” “Last night when I got home he was being really weird and he was like mad at me. Apparently him and his brother were spying on us and he saw a guy approach me and it like made him crazy jealous.” “He thinking you’re cheating on him?” “I guess, I mean we argued and he is sorry I know he is, but I just don’t get it. I knew he didn’t want me to go out, he made that very clear,” she said. Though she didn’t mind at all how he attempted to keep her home, but she was still mad. “Just leave him, is he really worth all the stress you’ve been under with his crazy family? You’re in the house with like 20 kids every day and you’re planning a wedding you know you don’t want. His mother is a b***h to you and his sister is a b***h and his brother definitely wants to have sex with you.” “How would you know that?” “I’ve seen him look at you, he wants you cause he can’t have you.” “Why would you tell me that? Now it’s going to be awkward.” “You had to know,” he shook his head. “Why are you with this guy? Really, all he does is throw his money around and why do you think he does that? Not just because he loves you, I actually believe he does love you but he’s buying everybody that’s important to you. The boys they were too easy, and oh Brooke he’s paying her to do nothing all day with you. No wait he’s paying her to go shopping with you where he’s paying for whatever she wants to buy too. He’s always got to be the hero, he gives out houses and education and everything, but why?” “I know, don’t you think I’ve thought of all that? And you know Cody likes to be super suspicious of everybody. He’s doing it because he can and because he wants me to be happy and not have to worry about everything.” “Yeah yeah but are you really happy with him?” “I was, since his family has been in town everything is complicated. And I’m so tired of fighting with his mother and he’s doing these crazy things to prove to his family that they can’t get rid of me. I mean what if I really did marry him and divorce him? He always tells me that I deserve everything and that I should take him for everything. Who says that? I would never do anything like that but he doesn’t care if I do it.” “The guy is crazy,” Ivan told her. “Have you like thought to ask about his past relationships?” “Yeah, but there are none he’s never been in a serious relationship.” “Oh then that explains everything. He knows how lucky he is to have you and he’s afraid of losing you. God, I’m defending him I must be tired.” “So you think I don’t have anything to worry about?” She asked surprised he actually was sympathizing with Nicolas. “I still don’t want you to marry the guy and I think he’s shady but he does love you like maybe obsessively. That explains why he’s so anxious to marry you, he doesn’t know any better.” “Gee thanks for making me feel great,” she said sarcastically. He pulled her closer to him and held her. “I do not like this guy but you are the most important person in my life and I owe it you to be honest. Nicolas loves you and he’s obviously willing to do anything for you and I’m sure he’s not use to feeling like he does. He’s just insecure and knowing him and his whole control issues he hates feeling out of control,” he sighed. “The idiot is just afraid to lose you and even I can’t fault him for that.” “Do you feel like you’re losing me?” “Maybe a little, we were a team you and I and it’s weird that you’re his now.” “He wants you to be in our wedding,” she told him and he laughed. “Why? I’ve made it pretty clear that I can’t stand him.” “Because he knows I love you and you are a part of me.” “And I guess you want me to accept his offer?” “Yes, he wants to ask Evan too.” “Why Evan because he’s your baby?” “Yeah and he’s going to be living with us permanently, I will be telling mom that later but yeah. Evy needs me and well Sammie and Sugar both want to stay with us.” “You need to quit babying that boy,” he shook his head. “What are you going to do when he gets a girlfriend?” “Shut up, it’s not my fault he’s attached to me and I don’t care if he has a girlfriend as long as it isn’t Sugar.” “Wait, did something happen? Is that why she was crying?” “Apparently they’ve been having sex, a few times in the house and I guess a few times before that. I walked in on them and yes I’m scarred for life.” “That is hilarious; the way he’s always up under you I never thought he would have sex. And with Sugar? She’s a pretty girl but I would never have thought she would be with him. Why would you keep them in the same house? They’re just going to do it again, oh how I need to tease him,” Ivan laughed. “They both swear they won’t be doing it again and they don’t even have feelings for each other. Basically our little brother and my soon to be niece are friends with benefits, or they were. After I saw them they were both ashamed and you saw how she was, when you got there that was after I caught them.” “Damn, that girl was crying her eyes out, and I guess that’s why you looked at me crazy when you found me with her.” “Yeah, she’s been with guys older than we are and she has a lot of issues,” she explained. That day she had been shocked to walk pass the bathroom and find her brother there with his arms around Sugar. “I would not touch that little girl, not that she looks like a 16 year old and she acts like she’s grown.” “It’s not her fault,” she sighed. “I shouldn’t tell you this but when she was like 10 or 11 her stepfather did some things to her. Then her brother ran away because he couldn’t take being with Katrina and he was planning on taking Sugar with him. Obviously that didn’t happen but she was really close to him and she hasn’t seen him in 5 or 6 years and she’s had to put up with Katrina’s stream of husbands. She’s been through a lot and her latest stepfather tried to do some thing with her too. It’s not her fault she’s so erratic and does stupid things, she reminds me of me at that age.” “Wow, poor kid, but why was she with Evan?” “Because Nick won’t let her go out like she’s use to at home and he’s been moody because of mom and they just you know leaned on each other.” “You were kind of a s**t in high school; do you know how many fights I got in because of you?” “I was the s**t? Uh I think you slept with every girl in our class, I’ll be the s**t but you were a w***e,” she said and they both laughed. “I miss you.” “Is that a hint that I should just move in too and Nicky the rich can adopt me too?” He asked and she kicked him with her heel. “We use to spend time together and now you hate Nick so you don’t spend time with me,” she pouted. “You are such a brat,” he said and bit her shoulder. “I guess I could fit you into my non existent social life, I go out with Jay since you stole his girlfriend. But from now on we are going to relocate to your house to hang out and drink. So you better tell your man to stock up on liquor.” “I will buy it myself, please come spend time with me. That would be amazing then it can be like home.” “So you’re ok now? I still would love it if you left him.” “Yeah, I just needed to be close to you and for you to make it all better.” “You know you two a beyond weird,” Brooke said when she opened the door. “I’m here thinking maybe Ivan finally had a girl over but he’s in bed with his sister. Do you know how you look? He’s in his underwear and you’re like all close and stuff, hello incest.” She said that but she climbed on the bed to lay beside Ivan too. “Shouldn’t you not be in my bed? Jay would probably kill me,” Ivan said. “I like to cuddle,” Brooke pouted. He rolled over on his back so that both of them could lay on him. “To anybody that doesn’t know us this would be so weird,” Wildflower said. “Nick didn’t think it was weird when Evan was sleeping in your bed,” Brooke said. “He just went off to sleep on the couch.” “Evan was sleeping in your bed? He’s really needs to stop spending so much time with you. That boy is going to die when you have your own kids,” Ivan said. “No, we already talked about that,” she said. “And your fiancé didn’t think it was weird that you 15 year old brother was sleeping with you?” “Not really, well he didn’t say much about it. I’m lying in bed with you right now, is that weird?” “There is a difference, you and I were born together and we’ve been like this forever. It’s weird for a 15 year old boy to be the way he is with you, that’s beyond like a mama’s boy. He’s going to be living with you forever,” Ivan said. “Jay!” Brooke called when Jay was walking by the door. He stopped and looked at them and shook his head. “Come cuddle with us,” Wildflower told him. “Uh no thanks, this is not what I need to be looking at in the morning or ever. I expect this from you but Brooke why the hell are you in my brother’s bed?” Jay asked, he didn’t look mad he just looked at them like they were crazy. “I wanted to cuddle,” Brooke said. “And I want a new family where this doesn’t happen,” he replied. “Ivan you could have at least put pants on, even if you were just with Wildflower.” “Yeah well I didn’t invite her over, I just wanted to sleep.” “Maybe we are a little weird, but come love us Jay,” Wildflower said. “Hell no, I’m not getting in a bed with my sister, brother and my sister’s friend,” Jay said and Brooke glared at him. “I thought I was your girlfriend?” She asked him. “Not when you’re doing that,” he said. “I wished all my life to not be apart of this weird a*s family. Do you do this at home with Evan too?” “See I’m not the only one that thinks the boy has issues,” Ivan said. “You really lay in bed with him like that? And where is Nicolas at when this happens?” Jay asked, all of her brothers liked to pick on Evan because he was so attached to her. “Why do you have to make it seem like it’s all the time and it’s so wrong?” “Does Evan know you aren’t his mommy?” “Shut it Jay, I will steal your girlfriend from you and not return her.” “I don’t want her, take her please,” Jay said. “You won’t be saying that when you want some,” Brooke said. “Realize that you are threatening not to have sex with me while you’re in bed with my brother and sister. I think all of you are crazy,” he said then went to get the door because someone was knocking. “Are either of you going to get out of my bed any time soon?” Ivan asked. “I’m supposed to go see mom but I’m comfy,” Wildflower said. “I’m liking making Jay jealous, its fun we have great sex after he’s jealous,” Brooke said dreamily. “Ok now I agree this is weird and don’t talk about having sex with him,” Ivan said. “Why not? Does it bother you?” “Maybe.” “Hey Wildflower remember how you told me about yesterday when you and Nick were having sex in his office and then in the shower and-” “Finish that sentence Brooke and we are taking about your sex tape,” Wildflower said. Ivan just made disgusted noises and they both laughed. “I hate both of you right now and you should get out of my bed.” “No Ivan we love you,” Wildflower said hugging him and Brooke did the same. “What the hell is going on in here?” Van asked when he came in; apparently he was the one at the door. “I told you not to go in there,” Jay said. “You’re ok with your girlfriend doing that?” “I don’t have a girlfriend.” “We are just lying in bed; it’s not a big deal.” Brooke said. “Yeah but those two weirdos do that all the time, you should not have got involved,” Van said in obvious amusement. “They did that before they were born too, I saw the sonogram thing,” Jay said. Even with her brothers teasing them this all made Wildflower feel a lot better. She could admit that maybe some people might think they way she was with Ivan was weird. But they just shared something special between them and being close to each other just made everything bad go away. When they were young and things were bad at home they always had each other and she would sleep every night with Ivan holding her. Daisy didn’t really cuddle with them that much, she was a bit more independent. “Wildflower I think you should take us all out to lunch,” Brooke said. “Ok,” she shrugged. “Let’s go, but yeah I gonna need ya’ll to put some clothes on first.” Brooke was only wearing a t-shirt and Jay only had on shorts and of course Ivan was still just in his boxers. “Nope, I’m just going out like this,” Brooke said. “Liker hell you are,” Jay said. “Why do you care, I’m not your girlfriend.” “Shut it both of you and get dressed,” Wildflower said. Today she was not going to visit her mom, but she couldn’t make herself care. “Nick Nick Nick,” Ariela chanted as they entered the jewelry store. “You are definitely my favorite girl,” he told her. “Hello again Mr. Capriani,” the saleswoman greeted him with a big smile. Of course she was smiling the last time he was there he spent a lot on Wildflower’s engagement ring. “What can I help you with today?” “I need a gift,” he said. He sat Ariela down on the glass case and she looked down at the jewelry. “Pretty,” Ariela said. “Are we looking for a gift for your daughter?” Beverly the saleswoman asked. “Oh, she’s actually my niece,” he said. “Do you want something nice Ariela?” “Yes,” she nodded happily. “Nick, love Nick.” “Well I was coming to get a gift for my fiancé but I think my little helper needs something nice too,” he told her. “What type of gift did you want to get?” “Uh something that says ‘I’m sorry’,” he said she nodded. “I think I have something she might like,” She unlocked one of the cases and showed him a diamond necklace with a butterfly pendant and came with matching earrings. Wildflower loved butterflies and he had obviously mentioned that the last time he was there. He did appreciate “What do you think Ariela? Will you auntie like that?” “Yes yes,” she nodded and smiled at him. “Ok then, I guess we are taking that,” he said. “What would you like Ariela?” “Kitty,” she said pointing at a Hello Kitty locket. “Kitty, kitty kitty.” “Are you sure you want to get this for her? These are real diamonds,” “Its fine,” he shrugged, Ariela deserved something nice. “Do you want to wear your necklace Ariela?” “Yes,” she nodded. He took it and put it around her neck and she smiled happily. “Nick, love Nick.” She wrapped her arms around his neck hugging him tight so he picked her up. He paid for the jewelry and gave Jewelry wasn’t the only gift he had for Wildflower; he would give her that on Saturday before the party. Her other gift was going to be arriving today. A gift he had purchased awhile ago but it had to be custom made so it took some time. Today he was calm and filled with regret; last night was not a good night. Occasionally he did let anger get the better of him and usually someone got hurt. Thankfully he didn’t do anything too stupid, this love stuff made no sense to him. Jose had basically saved his life last night because he could and would kill and he had in the past. The thing about it was that he felt nothing about that; he never really felt anything until he saw Wildflower. He was a logical man and he thought of things in logical terms and he was a strategist, nothing about love made sense. All his life science fascinated him and science didn’t really explain emotions did it? Love was too complex a thing to fully understand and that was the problem. Nicolas was a control freak and he could admit that, but he was out of control a lot lately. All of this because of a girl he met in a bar. Wildflower had become the center of his world and maybe he was feeling certain things because no matter how wicked she could be she was still like an angel to him. She was goodness and love and morals and he was the blue-eyed devil his siblings referred to him as. There was no getting around the fact that he didn’t deserve her and he knew he should not keep her. But when he saw something he wanted he had to have it and he had her and there was just no way he could let her go. Though after she met the rest of his family at this engagement party she might change her mind about being a part of this family, these people were not nice. The kids loved her, they actually didn’t mind being there for the summer for the first time in the many years they had been forced to stay there. She was making them act like a family and that in itself was a miracle. After a trip to the toy store and going out for ice cream he headed home with Ariela. She was so happy the whole day, he loved it. That just made him more determined to get Wildflower pregnant. In the back of his mind there was a thought about how if she had his child he would definitely never let her go. That was just his darker side trying to make sure he knew certain things. Of course he would never let her go, even if he had to chain her to the bed to keep her he would. This was why he needed to be more careful of his newfound emotions, he had to control them. Jealousy was a powerful thing, more powerful than he had known, but now that he knew he could handle it. Everything in life was a learning experience and he was going to learn from his mistakes. And it didn’t hurt that she could always look him in the eye and not back down. He still wasn’t sure if that really was a good thing but it proved how strong she was, nobody ever stared him down. Halfway home he got a text about her gift, perfect, it was ready. © 2010 Britiney Harper |
2 Reviews Added on October 31, 2009 Last Updated on January 5, 2010 AuthorBritiney Harperpittsburgh, PAAbout...A Few Things... 1) Hi! I'm Britiney 2) I Love to Write 3) I love to read 4) I'm a nerd 5) i love my Family more than anything else 6) I've been writing since i was 8yrs old (but really b4 tha.. more..Writing
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