Wildflower (Chapter 14)

Wildflower (Chapter 14)

A Chapter by Britiney Harper

..chapter 14...


Chapter 14


After a day of shopping with Brooke and Christina, Wildflower came home to a surprisingly quiet house. She’d just found out that her brother was planning to marry Christina, finally and she was excited. That was what inspired their shopping trip; Christina needed something nice to wear so she treated her to some nice things. What was the use of having a credit card with no limit if she couldn’t indulge just a little? Tomorrow would be their family only courthouse wedding. She half wished she could do the same but she liked the idea of a having a wedding.

She was going to tell her younger brothers about Isaiah and Christina, but of course none of them were in their rooms. When she went to Evan’s room she opened the door without knocking because she figured he was outside somewhere. But his room wasn’t empty; he was there just not alone. It took her a minute to come out of the shock of finding her brother having sex with Sugar. He stared at her and she just turned and left, this was too much.

“Wildflower,” Evan called after her but she didn’t stop. She went into her bedroom and closed the door. “Please let me explain,” he said when he came in.

“No explanation needed I know what you were doing,” she said.

“Yeah I know that but I didn’t mean for that to happen,” he said.

“Was that the only time?” She asked but she was afraid she knew the answer.

“No, but it didn’t mean anything.”

“Evan you are way too young to be having meaningless sex! Especially not with Sugar and not in this house, what is wrong with you?”

“I don’t know,” he said and he started pacing.

“I guess I shouldn’t be surprised you are 15 and a male, but why her?”

“Because she never gives up, I’ve told her no a million times but once she wants something you can’t say no to her,” he said and shook his head. “There’s no excuse for what I did, but I swear I won’t touch her again.”

“Evan, you know Sugar has problems, I love her to death but this is really bad,” she told her brother.

“Yeah I know,” he said sitting beside her. “It just happened because I was pissed off and she can’t get out to prowl parties and whatever she does.”

“Just because you’re angry with mom doesn’t mean you should have sex with Sugar. What if she got pregnant? Then what? Your whole life would be over because you wanted to have sex to forget about your problems.”

“We were always careful,” he said. “You did the same thing; I know you use to be out partying all the time, before Daisy died.”

“Yeah and that’s why I don’t want you to be like me! I was so stupid and anything could have happened to me and I didn’t even care, just like Sugar. And what did it take for me to quit? Losing Daisy is what did it; would you like that to be what helps you and Sugar? For someone you love to die?”

“No, its not even like that it was just a few times,” he said. He got up and started pacing again. “I really screwed up, didn’t I? You’re trying to make these people your family and I’ve been messing around with Sugar.”

“Don’t worry about it, ok? Let’s just all forget about it and I’ll talk to her. I would really like to get this picture out of my head,” she said. This was for the best nobody needed to know anything about this; she was good at keeping secrets.

“Do you want me to go back? I understand if you do,” Evan said staring at the carpet. She got up and hugged him.

“You are staying here with me like I said you could, just please stay out of trouble and out of Sugar.”

“That was so uncalled for,” he said and she smiled.

“Hey you wanna act like an adult and screw around be prepared for me to torment you,” she said. “Oh and the reason I was looking for you was because Isaiah and Chris are getting married tomorrow.”

“Seriously?” He asked staring at her like she was crazy.

“Yes, so we have to tell Tony and Corey,” she said. Focusing on anything but what she just saw was a perfect idea. She definitely needed to be distracted.



Sugar was sitting on the stairs waiting. She really made a mess this time, so much for her dreams of living here. And she probably ruined that for Evan too. Why couldn’t she just control herself? Earlier that day she had been minding her business out by the pool and her bitchy cousins just had to say something. Why did she even care what they thought of her? Then there was her mother calling her and asking her why she would lie and say the things she said about her stepfather. It wasn’t her fault reporters liked to drop by and ask questions. And he deserved it, why did her mother keep finding these men that kept looking at her? Maybe if she could feel safer at home then she wouldn’t have to do the things she did.

“Hey,” she heard and looked up to see Ivan. He’d just come in, the front door was always unlocked during the day.

“Hi,” she replied. She was sure she was in love with him but he would never be with her. The one man she wanted more than anything and she could never have him.

“Something wrong?” He asked staring at her; she’d forgotten that she’d started crying. It was funny how easy that was to forget.

“No,” she said wiping her eyes.

“Then why are you crying?”

“If you want your sister she’s upstairs,” she told him.

“I’ll talk to her later,” he said. It surprised her when he picked her up and carried her to the downstairs bathroom and set her down on the sink. Then he got a tissue and wiped her tears away.

“Why are you doing this?” She asked, no man ever did anything nice for her.

“Because you look like you need a friend,” he said. “And I heard about your situation at home. Did he hurt you?”

“That one, no but she always picks the ones that want to look at me instead of her and then she blames me for it. So I just quit trying to tell her,” she admitted. She leaned her head against his chest and he put his arms around her. “My life sucks.”

“Most people’s do,” he said.

“I don’t ever want to go back home,” she whispered. She was actually starting to feel a little better while he held her and stroked her hair.

“Why don’t you stay here? I’m sure my sister would want you too anyway.”

“No, she doesn’t, not after what I did,” she said. “She’s never going to speak to me again after this and it’s my fault.”

“Wildflower loves you, she will forgive whatever you did,” he assured her.

“Have you ever done something that you knew was wrong but you just keep doing it?” She asked him.

“I have done a lot of things I regret,” he said. “Trust me when I say you do not want to know the things I’ve done being stupid.”

“My cousins all hate me and think I’m like the biggest w***e ever.”

“Sammie doesn’t think that, isn’t she always with you?”

“Yes, she’s like my only friend and she is the only girl at school that will talk to me, I hate school.”

“Everybody hates school, you’ll have my brothers there at your school now, they are your friends especially Evan.”

“I doubt Evan and I are going to be friends for much longer and I deserve it.”

“Did you two have a fight?”

“No, I wish it was that simple, he hates me so much right now and its my fault,” she cried. “Maybe I should go to freaking boarding school like Katrina wants.”

“Calm down,” he said hugging her tighter.

“Ivan?” Someone called and he turned, that was when Sugar saw Wildflower standing in the doorway. The two of them looked a lot alike, same grey eyes and black hair, they even smiled the same.

“Sugar, why don’t you talk to her now?” Ivan said sounding uneasy, of course this looked bad.

“What is going on?” Wildflower asked and Ivan stepped away.

“I’m sorry,” Sugar said but that she made her cry harder.

“I’ll take over,” she told Ivan. He nodded and left them alone and closed the door.

“I know you hate me right now and you should and so should Evan.”

“Nobody hates you Sugar,” Wildflower said. “What I want is to help you, ok? Honey we both know you have issues and I want to help you get better.”

“I knew I shouldn’t be with Evan but I can’t do anything with Uncle Nick always telling me I can’t go out,” she whispered.

“Sugar, you do not need to be out running the streets and having sex with men you don’t know, that is not ok. I’m not going to let you do that ever again; if I have to I’ll get you a house arrest bracelet to keep you in this house.”

“Why would you do that? I’ve been seducing your brother for awhile now and he tells me no all the time and I don’t listen.”
            “Evan can make decisions on his own and he chose to have sex with you and don’t tell me how many times. I’m not worried about that, I need you to be safe. Sorry to tell you Sugar I am not your mother, I am in fact nothing like her and I love you and I’m going to take care of you.”

“I swear I’ll leave Evan alone,” Sugar said.

“We aren’t going to think about that and we are not going to tell Nick because it would make things weird. But if you want to stay here you need to make an effort too.”

“I will I promise,” Sugar said. Then Wildflower hugged her and she finally felt like maybe everything would be ok. She knew for sure that she was going to have to do a lot of things different.



“What the hell are we supposed to do with eight boys? Only one is old enough to drink, the rest are teenagers,” Delanoz said.

“These are your sons in case you forgot and I have no idea what to do, but she wants us to act like a family,” Nicolas shrugged.

“Fine ok I know a guy with a boat we can borrow, tell your girl we’re taking them fishing,” Delanoz said thoughtfully.

“I’m not going to ask what else you’re planning because when she finds out I can say I had no idea and I was completely shocked,” he said.

“Good idea, I know she’s the one pulling the strings now anyway. All she does is bat her eyelashes at you and you are a puppy for her, its sickening.”

“Why are you coming to my house again? And why am I driving you?”

“Because I need to borrow a car and oh yeah check in with my kids. Thanks for keeping them Uncle Nicky,” Delanoz said.

“Someday you’re going to have to be responsible for your children and paying your ridiculously high child support. If you kept a few of them then you wouldn’t have to pay so much.”

“Yeah yeah but what do I need with kids hanging around? I love my kids; I just don’t want to see them everyday.”

“If there was any justice in the world you would have been born sterile,” Nicolas said shaking his head. He made the turn to go to his house the guard at the gate waved him in and he drove up the path.

“If I was then I’d have a lot more money and a lot less drama.”

“Do you care at all about them?”

“Of course I do, I told you I love them.”

“Can you name all of your kids?”

“Yes, there is Jason, Marli, Sonya, um the twins uh Chris and Carlos, Devivon, Lin, um Krista, the other twins uh Samantha and Jordan and Lailoni. That was all of them right?”

“Yeah that was all eleven; I’m amazed that you could name more than half of them. And I bet you have a few out there you don’t even know about,” Nicolas said, He got out of his car and started up the stairs with his brother behind him. It was because of his brother that he was home late, it was already dark out.

“So when are you going to knock up the princess? I know you want kids, that’s why mine are always hanging around you,” Delanoz said as he followed him to the kitchen.

“Haven’t been thinking about that, I would like to be once we’re married,” he shrugged. In the kitchen he found Wildflower sitting at the table with Carmen. She was sitting in a chair with her knees pulled up and shorts on that were a little too short considering they had teenage boys in the house.

“Hey,” she said and jumped up from her chair to hug him.

“I should make you work for them,” he whispered in her ear. She was already digging in his jacket pocket to get the tickets he bought.

“Don’t worry baby, I will,” she whispered back.

“What’d you do buy her an island?” Delanoz asked and he glared at him. His brother was looking a little too hard at her and Nicolas did not like that.

“No, my brother is getting married tomorrow and we are giving them a honeymoon,” Wildflower said.

“Where to?” Carmen asked.

Hawaii, Chris is going to faint when she finds out,” Wildflower said excitedly. “You are the best,” she said turning back to him and kissing him.

“I’m sorry that I can’t hang around,” Carmen said sipping her drink. “And I’m going to miss hanging with the girls, stupid work.”

“There’s still plenty of things we can do,” Wildflower said.

“Yes including figuring out where on this land is good for a wedding.”

“Wedding? Wait you’re getting married here?” Delanoz asked with a laugh.

“Wasn’t you last marriage only two days?” Carmen asked.

“And what a day two relationship it was,” he replied.

“Delanoz I know responsibility isn’t something you understand, but do not crash my car, again,” Nicolas told his brother. Reluctantly he handed him the keys off the hook on the wall.

“Stop worrying little brother, save that energy for your woman,” Delanoz winked at her. That annoyed him even more, so he picked her up and took her out of the room.

“Nicolas I have feet you know,” she said while he carried her upstairs.

“Yeah I know but you wouldn’t have gotten up here quick enough if you walked,” he told her. “I don’t know why you don’t just wait for me in bed.”

“We aren’t having sex,” she told him.

“What do you mean we aren’t having sex? It’s that time of the day when I usually see you with nothing on.”

“There are some things we need to discuss,” she said when he laid her on the bed.

“Why? It can wait I’m sure,” he said but she just glared at him.

“Sugar is having some problems.”

“What because I told her she couldn’t go out and if she tries the guard will call me and handcuff her to the gate? She doesn’t need to be out running the streets, stop being so nice and friendly with these kids because they will take advantage.”

“Actually despite what you think I wanted to talk about being stricter with her. Do you seriously think I would be ok with her doing the things she does?” She asked and he had a feeling from her tone that he might actually not have sex with her that night.

“What brought this on? Did she have sex with that kid that cleans the pool? I told Tammy to only hire old unattractive people to discourage her.”

“Um no I don’t think she had sex with him, but she is having problems and she’s desperate to get out. And since your sister isn’t going to do anything to help her we need to, but I don’t know where to start. I think she’s addicted to sex.”

“No probably not, she hasn’t gone anywhere all week,” he shook his head. Then he noticed a look in her eyes that she obviously didn’t want him to “What aren’t you telling me?”

“Nothing, I’m just saying she has a problem,” she said refusing to look him in the eyes. That just proved she was hiding something.

“You’re a really bad liar, you should work on that,” he said.

“Fine, I told them I wouldn’t say anything but she’s been having sex with Evan.”

“And how do you know that?”

“Because I saw them.”

“Great, as if this family doesn’t have enough issues she’s screwing your brother,” he shook his head. There was always something.

“Before you say anything she was really upset about it, she just kept crying.”

“Of course it’s my job to fix Katrina’s mess, she did this to Sugar. I’ll see what I can do about her, but I can’t have them having sex here.”

“They aren’t anymore,” she said.

“What about your other brothers?”

“She’s only been with Evan.”

“This is just what I didn’t need today; I just wanted to come home to you.”

“Nicolas the kids are more important then you having sex with me,” she said sounding annoyed.

“Maybe I’m stressed out and I need a release,” he said and she glared at him.

“Then you better go run or something because I’m so not having sex with you.”

“How can you blame me for being a little selfish? I don’t have kids but everybody else’s kids have become my responsibility, I just want to spend time with you. Nobody ever asked if I want my house full of family every summer, they just assume its ok. I have things to do I can’t be bothered all the time, I have my own life.”

“Fine, have your life and I’ll take care of them,” she said. She was mad at him and he knew he probably deserved it but he liked his life quiet and private and not full of kids.

“What do you want me to say? It is an inconvenience; I have to be here for these kids who don’t have parents that care about them. Delanoz can’t be bothered and the mothers were just in it for the money, but who has to keep them all summer? Not their mothers or their lazy father, or Katrina with her child molester husbands, I am here. This family isn’t like yours we aren’t close and we don’t do things together,” he told her.

“Then what’s the point of you all being here?”
            “Good question, when you figure it out let me know,” he said. “I’m going to take a shower; I don’t feel like arguing with you anymore.”

“Whatever,” she said and got up and left. Today just was not a good day for him.



Wildflower hated that her and Nicolas basically weren’t speaking. It bothered her because they never really had fights and every time they did it had to do with family. She speak the morning with her family and Isaiah and Christina got married and where now on a flight to Hawaii for a few days. So that meant she was keeping Ariela, but she had to leave her with Brooke when she went down to see Nicolas. Tomorrow was the start of her girl’s weekend and all the guys were leaving, so she wasn’t going to see him for a couple days. That was why she was going on a peace mission to resolve their issues.

The only times she came to visit Nicolas at his office was when he wanted to have her for lunch. Last time she told him she wasn’t going to do it again, not after she had to get a shower there. That was when she learned chocolate syrup and honey plus Nicolas was very bad. She’d never had a man licking things off of her like that before. There were a lot of things she never did until she met him. When she got to his office his assistant Gloria waved her in saying he was probably finishing up a call. That was exactly what he was doing until he saw her and told the person he was talking to he would call them back.

“What are you doing here? Coming to yell at me for being an unfit uncle?”

“No, I came to make up with you, I don’t like it when we fight,” she said.

“Neither do I,” he said gesturing for her to come sit on his lap. That was always trouble but she did it anyway. “I’m sorry; my family being around just drives me crazy.”

“And I’m sorry I’m so judgmental of the way your family is, I just think it should be different.”

“It should, but nobody ever cared to do anything about it, until you of course,” he said then kissed her.

“Nick,” she whispered. “I am not having sex with you here, again.”

“Why not? It’s the only private place we have since our house is full.”

“That doesn’t stop you from attacking me every 5 seconds.”

“I’m making up for lost time,” he said. “I like this dress, is it new?”

“Yes, I got it yesterday when we went shopping,” she replied. The dress was just a baby blue and white halter sun dress with a flower print, she knew what he liked was the cleavage.

“So you’re over you’re crazy guilt thing? You’re spending money?”

“I could spend my own money,” she said.

“Why would you do that? I’m taking care of you and you know it would be nice if you told me what kind of car you want so I can buy you one.”

“How many times do we really have to talk about this? Just pick one because I’m tired of talking about it,” she said. It wasn’t that she didn’t want a car of her own, she just felt weird about him buying her one.

“My queen needs her own car, so I’ll get working on that. So how was the wedding? Were they happy to get a honeymoon?”

“Yes they both told me to thank you, they are so cute together. I think Chris was starting to think it wasn’t really going to happen, but it all went well. We went for lunch after and then I came here. But I didn’t come here for you to convince me to have sex with you,” she said firmly.

“We are going to be apart for the weekend, I want to think about you while I’m gone. You did kick me out of my own home,” he said. There was lust in his voice, she hated when he was like this because she always ended up giving in.

“My house too, it will be good to do things with the kids. Speaking of that what are you going to do?”

“Oh D has a friend with a boat so we’re going fishing or something,” he shrugged. “Trapped on a boat with males, not my idea of fun but whatever, that’s why I need you right now.”

“Don’t you have work to do?” She asked while he was tracing a line through her cleavage with his tongue.

“Did I ever tell you I own this company? Grandpa didn’t just give me the house, he gave me controlling interest in the company, but nobody likes to talk about that. So I can do whatever I want whenever I want to,” he said. He started to untie the dress when there was a knock on the door. It opened to reveal his mother and she looked angry.

“I should have known she would be here,” Rosa shook her head.

“Good to see you too Mother, did you need something?” Nicolas asked with annoyance in his voice, she tried to get up from his lap but he wouldn’t let her.

“Nicolas I do not think that you are thinking straight, your mind is clouded by this girl. Did you think I wouldn’t find out what you did?”

“I’m guessing you are referring to the house, it’s my house I can do whatever I want with it,” he shrugged. “Anything else you wish to say while you’re here?”

“What happened to you? No son of mine would behave so recklessly and put the future of his family in the hands of some girl he barely knows. What is going to happened when she kills you because you thought it would be fun to put her in your will to have everything you own?”

“Wait, you did what?” Wildflower asked staring at him.

“Did I forget to mention that?” He asked and she just stared at him a moment, his mother looked like she was in shock.

“Yeah you definitely did and it was definitely on purpose,” she said. “I swear I think you want your family to hate me.”

“I’m just taking care of you if something happens to me, not a big deal.”

“It kinda is, and I know you didn’t tell me because I would have told you not to do it, you are so sneaky,” she said slightly annoyed. His family was never going to stop hating her now, she hadn’t even met his aunts and uncles and cousins and all that, and they would be at their engagement party next week.

“Then you know why I didn’t say anything,” he said. “Mother, it’s my life I can do whatever I want. If I want to give everything I have to the woman I love then I will it’s that simple.”

“Am I supposed to believe she really had no idea about this?” Rosa asked, she had an unreadable expression while she stared at them.

“Yes, because that is the truth,” he told her.

“That doesn’t mean she isn’t a gold digger,” Rosa said stubbornly.

“Do you ever get tired of this? God, I am so sick of you right now,” Wildflower said. “I love your son and I am going to marry him and there’s nothing you can do about it. I didn’t seduce him so he would give me everything he owns, I don’t want anything. And I’m definitely not plotting to kill him. You are so crazy I shouldn’t be surprised your kids are so screwed up.” Rosa just stared at her stunned, but Nicolas just looked amused.

“You let her speak to me this way Nicolas?”

“Hey you brought it on yourself, I told you to quit acting like this but you didn’t listen. You’re going to have to get use to Wildflower because she isn’t going anywhere,” he told his mother.

“How can you pick her over your own mother?”

“Easy, I told you don’t try to make me choose, I told you that you wouldn’t like my answer. But to make it clear to you Mother, I will always choose her,” he said. “If you want to be a part of my life you’re going to have to quit behaving like a child.”

“I don’t know what happened to you, but you aren’t my son,” she said and turned and left slamming the door behind her. Rosa was like a child throwing a tantrum because she couldn’t get her way.

“I think this is only going to get worse from here on out,” Wildflower said shaking her head.

“Didn’t I tell you that you would have to fight? It is so sexy when you do,” he said and he kissed her. His hand slid up her thigh and under her dress.

“It is so dysfunctional for you to be turned on by me arguing with your mother,” she said. His lust was too much for her, so she wasn’t going to fight him off anymore.

“There’s just a fire in you that you like to hide by being the girl that you think is more acceptable. I know you are so much more than that and you need to quit trying to win acceptance, you have to make them accept you whether they want to or not.”

“Couldn’t we just run off somewhere together?”

“We could, but we aren’t, I want you to express your true nature,” he said while taking her panties off.

“And what is your true nature,” she asked and he paused a second.

“You don’t want to know,” he told her. He looked in her eyes when he said it and she got the feeling that he was right. “All you need to remember is that I love you and I will always love you and I would do anything for you.” There was a look in his eyes, like something darker lurked there. Maybe she was imagining it?

“And I love you too, even though you are crazy,” she told him.

“Just crazy about you,” he replied. Then he got up from his chair and made her leave over his desk. “Didn’t I tell you I wanted to do this?” He asked before he entered her body. She really needed to learn to say no, sometimes, today wasn’t that day.

© 2010 Britiney Harper

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uh oh! They are caught! That Sugar seems like trouble....

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Ah yeah more sex

lovin it

Posted 15 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

Oh so very awesome! This is a wonderful addition to your book!
Full of action and drama. Very well written.
I really enjoyed this one. Has alot of detail and images.

Posted 15 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

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3 Reviews
Added on October 26, 2009
Last Updated on January 5, 2010



Britiney Harper
Britiney Harper

pittsburgh, PA

...A Few Things... 1) Hi! I'm Britiney 2) I Love to Write 3) I love to read 4) I'm a nerd 5) i love my Family more than anything else 6) I've been writing since i was 8yrs old (but really b4 tha.. more..


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