Wildflower (Chapter 13)

Wildflower (Chapter 13)

A Chapter by Britiney Harper

..Chapter 13...


Chapter 13


            “I am so sorry,” Brooke said the next day over lunch. “I didn’t think she would tell your mom and she would freak out.”

            “You had no way of knowing an neither did your Aunt Kim. She had to be off her meds for awhile,” Wildflower sighed.

            “Is everybody ok now?” Brooke asked, that was a good question.

            “I don’t know, Isaiah doesn’t want to stay there anymore so they are getting a place of their own. She attacked Christina last night while she was holding Ariela; he doesn’t want anything to do with her after this. Evan is acting weird but that’s because she said all this stuff to him and Ricky has reached the end of his rope. This whole thing is just a huge mess and I’m supposed to meet with this wedding planner today,” she sighed again. At least for now her family was ok, Tony and Corey were staying with her and her mother was sent off to some expensive place that promised to fix her.

            “What are you looking at anyway?” Brooke asked referring to the notebooks she’d been flipping through all through their lunch date.

            “Daisy was the one with the dreams of getting married, I have no idea what I want for this wedding,” she said.

            “So you’re reading her old journals to steal her ideas?”

            “Yes, by some miracle these and family pictures survived the fire so it must be for a reason. Daisy wants to help me with this wedding,” she said. The book she was reading now actually had cut outs from wedding magazines.

            “There has to be something you want for your wedding that you don’t have to steal from Daisy. I’m betting she wanted the big white wedding in the church, right?”

            “Yeah and that’s the last thing I want, I don’t want to get married in church its so overdone. I want something different, like maybe a beach or something.”

            “A destination wedding and shut up don’t tease me because I watch wedding shows. We should watch them you know since we have no jobs and a lot of time on our hands,” Brooke pulled the book out of her hand to look at it.

            “I could pay you to help me plan my wedding, or don’t rich people and famous people have personal assistants? I’m hiring you for that,” Wildflower said.

            “Really? Good, pay me to hang out with you and do whatever I would have done anyway because we’re friends. Speaking of life I am officially moving in with Jay and Ivan. They say as long as I cook for them and do a little cleaning I can live there and well Jay wants more than that but I’m guessing you don’t want to know about that,” she said with a smile.

            “I know that you and Jay have a sex tape that is enough info for me.”

            “Nobody is ever going to see it, besides you gave Nicky boy a live show.”

            “That reminds me, I need to make sure he didn’t record that. I would die if anybody ever saw that and I’m thinking with what happened to Katrina’s husband people would love see it. I’m not some famous girl and I don’t want anyone to see me playing with myself for Nick.”

            “It still amuses me because its so not you, the last few years you’ve been boring. Now something is different about you, guess that’s what love and great sex does to you,” Brooke shrugged.

            “We do have sex a lot, I feel like he’s become an addict, every time we’re near each other he’s trying to get me in bed,” she said thoughtfully.

            “Why are you complaining? Your man is hot and he did wait to have sex with you to try to build a happy healthy relationship. Meanwhile I had sex with Jay and then it turned into a relationship and he’s never really took me on a date. I think we were drunk when we had sex the first time, in the backseat of his car,” Brooke said and they both laughed.

            “I wanted to have sex with Nick the first night and he just wanted to make out; it was a long 3 months. Maybe when he comes home I’ll wear something revealing for him. Though its hard though we have kids all over the house, he doesn’t seem to really care but I don’t need to traumatize my brothers,” she shook her head.

            “Speaking of that what are you going to do with all these kids here all summer?”

            “I don’t know, they’ve been swimming and playing basketball and riding horses. Its like the house is a hotel and everybody is doing their own thing, I want us to be a family and do family things.”

            “We could have like a girl’s weekend and then send the boys camping or something. Don’t boys like camping?”

            “I guess, who knows but a girl’s weekend sounds good. And I can tell Nick to take the boys somewhere to do boy things,” she nodded.

            “So how are things with Katrina’s huge scandal? Her husband had to step down as senator and he was arrested

“Sugar is thrilled that this story came out, she’s been giddy ever since yesterday. Rosa is staying with Katrina to help her, so I get a break from her glaring.”

“Just think you’re going to be stuck with her for the rest of your life.”

“At least she lives far away and she will be gone at the end of the summer and I will get my house back. Sammie and Sugar have been begging me to let them live here permanently. But Katrina hates me and Angel keeps the kids around so she can get money from their father. I would love for them to stay, Evan is staying and they are all pretty close. They are like little sisters to me,” she said thoughtfully.

“No more like you are like a mother to both of them,” Brooke shook her head. “Why don’t you tell Nicolas that you want to keep them? He can make anything happen for his precious Wildflower.”

“Shut up, but maybe you are right I should tell him I want to keep the girls here, they need someone to look after them. And I bet Angel would take a payoff, Jordan is going to stay with Carmen after the summer,” she sighed.

“So poor Sammie is going to be alone with that mother of hers? Didn’t Angel date Ricky for awhile?”

“Yeah in high school, that’s how I got to know her. Then she had Sammie and Jordan when she was like 18 and as she tells it Delanoz made her go crazy. She still loved Ricky though, but he didn’t have time for her or the type of money she wanted.”

“She so turned him gay,” Brooke said.

“You can’t turn somebody gay; he’s never even really let us meet any of the guys he dates. Probably because Marguerite would be a b***h and say something insensitive, she doesn’t accept that he’s gay,” Wildflower said annoyed. She loved her brother no matter what and her other siblings felt the same; everything negative always came back to their mother.

“Hey,” Carmen called; she came out on the patio with a woman following her. “This is Scarlet Davies the top wedding planner in this state.”

“Hello,” Scarlet said. She was tall thin and blonde, and had an air of professionalism about her. And she had on a white blouse, black pencil skirt and black stilettos and a pair of rectangular framed eye glasses perched on her nose.

“Hi, I’m Wildflower this is my friend Brooke.”

“Good to meet you both,” Scarlet said with a smile. “So let’s get down to business, a year can go by very quickly.” She sat down at the table with her a binder and a notepad and pulled out a pen. “July the 14th of next year is your date, correct?”

“Yes,” Wildflower answered. Carmen gave her an encouraging look.

“And have you thought about what you envision for your wedding?”

“Actually no,” she said and Scarlet looked up from her notepad.

“No idea at all?”

“Well I kind of like the idea of a beach wedding but we don’t live near a beach.”

“Beach? Really?” Carmen asked. “I hadn’t realized you were thinking about a beach wedding.”

“Just a thought, I really have no clue what I want this wedding to be like,” she admitted and Scarlet nodded while taking notes.

“That is fine since it is still very early, we can meet in a few weeks after you’ve have proper time to think. I have with me a few wedding magazines, some brides find that helpful,” Scarlet said. She reached into her bag and pulled out a stack of magazines. “The first thing you really need to do is get a guest list together and an estimate of how many people will be attending. Then after that we can think about ceremony and reception locations, I’ll get a list ready once you have an estimate. We can visit some places and then we can work on getting invitations and so on. Have you thought about a dress? Or the size of your wedding party?”

“Carmen is going to make me a dress and no I hadn’t even thought of anything.”

“Well I have a list for you now so you can get on track. First time brides often don’t know what to do, that’s why I’m here,” Scarlet said. Then she placed a piece of paper in front of Wildflower, there were a lot of things for her to do. “I’ve sent a contract and a fee agreement for my services to your fiancé, so that’s it really until next time.”

“Alright I’ll get started on this list,” Wildflower said.

“Good, now I have another appointment,” she said and stood.

“I’ll see you out,” Carmen said leading her away.

“Wow, she seems fierce,” Brooke said when they were alone.

“So much for us to do assistant of mine,” Wildflower said.

“Yeah, so how many bridesmaids were you thinking? I bet Ricky would love to give you away.”

“That’s a good idea, I’ll ask him. But as far as bridesmaids go there are you and Chris and you know Sammie and Sugar want to, but then we have Cody,” she sighed.

“Oh s**t, speak of the devil,” Brooke said and Wildflower turned to see Cody coming out the door. As usual she looked annoyed about something.

“Hey Cody, I didn’t know you would be by,” Wildflower said.

“Yeah and neither of you b*****s told me that you quit and that your w***e a*s is engaged. What’s up with that?” Cody asked, she was visibly pissed off.

“Sorry Cody, I was going to call you but I’ve been having some family issues,” Wildflower explained. “My mom is in the hospital, again.”

“What? When did this happen?” She asked now concerned, she sat down at the table with them.

“She went off her meds and came here to yell at me for quitting and she was horrible to Evan. Then Ivan and Jay came to get her and she when home and attacked Chris and the police came and Nick got her sent to some nice place that can help her,” Wildflower explained.

“Oh wow,” Cody said. “Um ok when did you decide to get engaged?”

“That happened Thursday night after Nick’s mother came to town and started a campaign against me and then both parents were freaking out and his sister came in town. Everything has just been so crazy and I would have talked to you Sunday when we went out but Brooke said you had a date and yeah yesterday was a mess. That b***h Higgins decided that because I’m going to marry a Capriani and suggested I quit so I did and Brooke is just a follower,” Wildflower said.

“Hey I got a new job that I want to be paid a lot for,” Brooke said.

“I guess I can forgive you since you’ve had a bad few days,” Cody said. Then she got up and hugged her which was a surprise. “Congratulations w***e, I may not be that fond of Nicolas but I am happy if you are happy.”

“I told you she got some that’s why she ain’t go to work yesterday,” Brooke said. “You have never been this nice, especially not since Nicolas came into our lives.”

“Our lives? Are you marrying him now too?” Cody asked.

“Yeah right, Wildflower would claw my eyes out.”

“Indeed I would and that would suck because I would have to replace you.”

“So what are you two doing about jobs?”

“I’m going to devote myself to my family for awhile and Brooke has decided to be my personal assistant,” Wildflower answered.

“For real? What could you possibly need an assistant for?”

“Shut it w***e, I deserve to get paid to do nothing.”

“Anyway, Cody do tell us about your date,” Wild flower said. She wanted things with Cody to be like they use to and she was happy that Cody was making an effort. They spent the rest of the afternoon talking; it felt good to do something normal.



“Nicolas,” he heard and he looked up to see his father standing in the doorway of his office. He was holding a newspaper.

“Yes,” Nicolas said. He felt not guilt at all whatsoever about what happened to his sister’s husband, as far as he was concerned he did the world a favor. Katrina didn’t feel the same and called him crying.

“Your sister Katrina is very upset,” his father told him when he came in and shut the door. “She believes that you leaked this story to the media to punish her.”

“I won’t deny I did it but it was more to save her. The man has a taste for young girls, Sugar isn’t safe living with someone like that,” he said.

“Has he tried to touch Sugar?” Emilio asked concerned.

“Yes, she told me so herself and Katrina does nothing to protect her daughter so I had to. The man deserves to be in jail,” he told him.

“Well I suppose I agree,” his father nodded. “The other matter I wished to discuss with you is why you felt the need to go behind everyone’s back and put your fiancé’s name on the deed to the house. The house that has been in this family for more than 100 years. I tried to support you in this marriage you are so determined to have, but this is too much. If this girl divorces you then she can take the house and she can have a part of this business, is this what you want? You play a lot of games and I turn a blind eye because you get good results, but I don’t think you know what you are doing. And you have once again paid a lot of money for her family.”

“Why is it so hard to trust me? I would never do anything to hurt my family, and she isn’t going anywhere. Trust me, I can handle things I would never make these decisions if I wasn’t 100% sure,” he paused. “Maybe I have done drastic things to prove to everyone in this family how committed I am. Wildflower will be my wife and we will be together permanently, I wouldn’t get married if it wasn’t permanent.”

“How can you be certain that she will not leave you? Anything can happen, nobody gets married intending for it to end.”

“Nobody else is me, I only take necessary risks and I always get the outcomes I anticipated. And if I’m wrong then I’ll be screwed,” he shrugged.

“I always thought it would be you that took over once I retired; now I am not sure. This reckless behavior I expect from your brothers but not you. Until now you’ve been the perfect model son and I don’t know what happened to that person. And I am starting to wonder if your mother is right to think this girl will be the undoing of this family. She already has too much power over us,” Emilio said. He shook his head looking disappointed, and then his expression changed like he realized something. “That was you intention, you wanted to level the playing field?”

“Exactly, it is unfair that mother and Katrina think they are better because what they were born with money? Wildflower is an amazing person, she does a lot for the people she loves and never asks for anything in return. She’s never asked me for anything, I’ve tried to get her to let me buy her things and she always refuses. Tell me when was the last time anyone else in this family turned down an expensive gift? She is completely selfless and I think she deserves a lot more than she has. Mother and Katrina think they can say what they want and behave like spoiled children so I’m proving my point,” he told him. “And as for my latest expenses Wildflower’s mother has health issues so I got her the care she needs. All the thing I purchased for their family were my idea, Wildflower nearly killed me when I told her I bought a house for her family. She said it’s weird to buy real estate as a gift.”

For a while his father considered what he was saying. Emilio Capriani was a smart man; he could figure the truth out. Nicolas was amused by his family, he always had been. He watched them make mistake after mistake that could have easily been avoided. Katrina could have put her children first and loved them more than herself, but she didn’t and that was why her life was a mess. Delanoz always wanted what he couldn’t have, women threw themselves at him, there was no reason he should have forced himself on anyone. The trouble his siblings had was that they never thought things through or looked at the bigger picture. And since they knew him they should have known that he was completely in control of his relationship. He could admit he was a bit of a control freak, but rather to be that way then have his life spinning out of control.

“I still think you should be careful,” his father said. “Women are interesting creatures and they surprise you sometimes. I think she will surprise you in a way you can’t anticipate. But I understand why you are doing the things you are, I myself would never take the risks that you do. And that is what makes us different. This thing with the house I will trust you on for now, but I think you should really consider a prenuptial agreement. Anything can happen and you should protect yourself.”

“Trust me there is no need for that,” Nicolas said. With all the things he dug up on her family, she couldn‘t leave if she wanted to. He loved Wildflower and he hoped more for her sake that she never became his enemy.



Sugar was bored and she knew she shouldn’t do what she was planning to. When she was bored she did things she knew where bad. But since her uncle was being a jailhouse warden she couldn’t party. So how could she vent her frustrations with life? Evan was a really good friend of hers and awhile ago he became more than a friend. She loved Evan like family only she didn’t have feelings for him and he didn’t have feelings for her. It was perfect, except he needed some persuading sometimes. After she talked him into having sex with her last night, she wanted more. Actually she really would love to be with his brother Ivan, but Ivan didn’t look at her the way she wanted.

Her therapist said she had issues with sex because of the thing that happened years ago with her stepfather. The thing that caused her brother to leave and her uncles to nearly kill her stepfather. She tired not to think of the past but just be in the moment. And doing that usually got her in trouble and she had sex with guys way older than her. It was a problem and she knew it and she wanted to stop. But she couldn’t, she liked to have fun and get attention. In a house filled with her nosy judgmental stuck up cousins, she was going crazy. So she slipped on a mini skirt and a tight tank top and no panties and wondered down the hall to Evan’s room.

When she knocked he opened the door and stared at her a minute. She leaned in the doorway and watched him. He couldn’t say no to her, no man could say no to her. Evan shook his head and moved aside to let her in then he closed the door. She laid on his bed but he didn’t immediately come over like she would have liked. He looked guilty like he was about to do something bad. It was probably bad since they were going to be family soon and she really wanted his sister and her uncle to adopt her. If they found out it probably wouldn’t be good. But that didn’t stop her.

“Come on Ev,” she said twirling her blonde hair around her finger.

“We can’t keep doing this,” he said.

“Probably not but I need you right now. At least I’m with you and not some stranger, would you prefer that? And you know you want me,” she said.

“I hate that you do this to me,” he said. But he came over to his bed anyway and when he sat down she climbed into his lap.

“I’ll make it up to you,” she said and kissed him. Even though he was a bit resistant, he always kissed her back. She really liked getting her way.




After looking at 5 different wedding magazines Wildflower still had no idea what she wanted for her wedding. Brooke said she would buy some more magazines before she came over tomorrow. They looked online for ideas but she still wasn’t inspired. She went out onto the balcony off her bedroom and stared out of the grounds. Some of the boys were playing basketball, some of the other kids were out on the trail riding horses. There really was a lot of land for there to be a basketball court, a tennis court, a pool and hot tub and the horse stables. She liked going riding, it was peaceful and something she never thought she would do. This house was her new home and the place she was starting her new life. And that thought gave her an idea.

She heard the bedroom door open and close. Of course it was Nicolas trying to sneak up on her. He was home later than usual but that wasn’t anything new. Once he told her he never truly got off work. That was an understatement because he was always doing something for work; he even got calls in the middle of the night. If she was more insecure she would be suspicious of him, but she wasn’t. She knew he was working and he had absolutely not reason to cheat on her. When he came out and wrapped his arms around her waist she smiled and he kissed her neck.

“I missed you,” he whispered in her ear.

“I missed you too,” she said and turned to kiss him.

“How was the meeting with the wedding planner?”

“Um brief, she gave me a list of things to do before our next meeting.”

“So what have you decided about our wedding? Do we have a theme or whatever?” He asked and she smiled.

“I just thought of what I want for our wedding,” she said. “I want us to get married here; I think it would be good for us. This is our home where we are starting our life together and this place means so much to your family.”

“This is really what you want?”

“Yes, well if you think it’s a good idea.”

“I think it’s a great idea, a lot of things have happened here, but never a wedding. I like it, a new beginning for our family right here where our history is. My bride is brilliant,” he said and kissed her.
            “The idea literally just occurred to me, but I’m glad you like it. Before I was so uninspired, I even read Daisy’s journals to steal her ideas. But she was a big white church wedding kind of girl and I’m not.”

“That’s fine, I don’t know if I would like the churchy thing either. This family has too many sins for us to all be in a church.”

“Ok so the other thing we need to talk about is doing something with the kids. My brothers and all your nieces and nephews are here and I feel like we need to do thing together you know? Brooke and I were thinking of having a girl’s weekend and you could do something with the boys,” she said with a smile.

“You smile at me when you want to get your way,” he said. “It’s a good idea, I’ll make D get involved they are his kids. Jose should be in tomorrow but I’ll warn you that he’ll probably bring whatever woman he is obsessed with this week.”

“Another thing, um you wanted us to take a trip but why don’t we take the kids somewhere too.”

“Just because my family is here doesn’t mean we spend time together. Delanoz’s kids are basically strangers, they see each other at holidays and summers otherwise they don’t all speak. Well except Sonya and Marli, their mothers are best friends and raised their daughters together, weird I know. My family isn’t close like yours,” he told her.

“Well that’s going to change, at least with the younger ones; I can’t help your mother and Katrina.”

“Oh you haven’t met Martha yet, she’s still out of town. But I guess you are right and we can take a trip in a few weeks, figure out where and I’ll make it happen.”

“I do always get my way with you, don’t I?”

“Yeah you do,” he said then he picked her up and carried her back inside to their bed. “I was thinking about you all day.”

“When aren’t you thinking about me?” She asked because he had that look in his eyes again; he had become a very sexual person.

“Pretty much I think of you all day, and usually when I do you don’t have any clothes on,” he said while undoing her jeans.

“Can I ask you something?”

“Go ahead.”

“Why do you have random drugs around here?” That she had been wondering since last night when he just randomly pulled out a needle.

“Oh that,” he said pausing in undressing her. “A lot of things happen in this family, I’ve had to use it before. I don’t keep anything illegal or harmful in the house.”

“Do you know how random you are sometimes?”

“It’s my job to know about different drugs as you say, what do you thing a pharmaceutical company does?”

“Ok yeah that seems obvious but what is it you do exactly?”

“I went to college for biology and genetics, sometimes I do research type things in the lab but mostly I just do boring paper work and meet with potential investors and healthcare companies. Nothing exciting I assure you,” he shrugged. “Anymore questions? I would really like to get you out of these clothes.”

“Oh yeah there is something else.  I kind of decided to hire Brooke as my personal assistant so she can help me with you know life,” she said and he looked amused. “Ok I know I don’t need an assistant since I have no job but-”

“Its ok pay Brooke to be your assistant, I think it’s cute. Am I paying Cody to be your second assistant?”

“No, but she did stop by today and she’s making and effort to be a good friend.”

“Does that mean she’s going to be in our wedding?”

“Yes, do you mind?”

“Nope if that makes you happy,” he shrugged. “Anything else you want to say?”

“Yeah, I’m thinking this would be so much hotter in the shower,” she said watching his eyes.

“And I think I like that idea,” he said. Then he resumed undressing her. It was amazing how being with him drowned out the rest of the world and all her problems.



Christina had just gotten Ariela to sleep when Isaiah came in. He was acting weird lately. After his mother had her “episode” last night she told him she couldn’t deal with it anymore. And he said ok and that was it, he left before she woke up in the morning. When she called him he didn’t answer the phone. This wasn’t normal behavior for him but then again he was moody sometimes. Most of the day she spent thinking about her family and how she missed them. And how she wished they could see that her daughter wasn’t a mistake. But that wasn’t a situation she was going to be able to fix.

“Where have you been?” She asked Isaiah, he had an odd expression and didn’t answer her. He just walked pass her and into the kitchen. “So you have nothing to say to me? You haven’t returned any of my calls today.”

“Because I didn’t feel like talking to you and I don’t now,” he said.

“What is wrong with you?”

“All you do is nag; did I question you when you went out the other night?”

“Yes you did, first you complained that I was going out and then you complained that I was coming home too late.”

“Well you should be home with your child and not out hanging in a bar,” he said.

“But it’s ok for you to just disappear on me? What if there had been an emergency? God forbid you call back,” she said annoyed.

“I was busy and I didn’t feel like hearing you b***h and complain,” he said.

“What is wrong with you?”

“Let’s see my f*****g mother is a psycho and she attacked you and Ariela,” he said surprising her. He walked away again and she followed.

“That’s what’s bothering you?”

“Yes, I am supposed to take care of you and I didn’t,” he said and sank down on the couch. She sat on his lap and was surprised he didn’t push her off but instead he pulled her close to him and held her. “We are moving out before she comes back.”

“Ok,” she replied. She enjoyed having him hold her for once; he was so grouchy lately they never had moments like this.

“Chris,” he whispered. “I want to marry you.”

“What?” She asked sitting up and staring at him.

“You heard me, I’ve been thinking about it for awhile.”

“Um so what you’re proposing?”

“Do I have to?”

“Seriously? I don’t think you thought this through, you don’t even like being around me anymore. Why would you want to marry me?”

“Why do you have to make this difficult? Can’t I just want to be with you?”

“Isaiah I don’t even remember the last time you told me you loved me.”

“I don’t talk about that stuff, you know that and you know how I feel.”

“You are making my brain hurt, one minute you are avoiding me and the next this? Sometimes I don’t think we’re going to stay together and now you want to marry me? Can you not see a problem with that?”

“Why do you say that? We are good together,” he said and she laughed.

“Not really, we use to be but you’ve been so weird lately.”

“I just feel guilty, because I should be taking better care of you and our child. And you know I don’t talk about how I feel, but I love you Christina Evers. Please, will you be my wife?” He was watching her with love in his eyes and that was a rare thing for him. That meant he really thought this through and was serious.

“Alright, I’ll marry you,” she said.

“Good, cause I kind of bought you a ring,” he said.


“Yes and I think we should get married tomorrow.”

“Um how is that going to happen?”

“We can just go to the court house and just get married.”

“I have like nothing to wear. Wait, are you going to tell everybody?”

“Do you want to?”

“Um I don’t think we can keep it a secret, they would kill us.”

“Yeah you are right,” he nodded then he kissed her. “I love you.”

“I love you too,” she said. This wasn’t what she expected but she was actually happy about it, it took years but Isaiah finally expressed his feelings. And she was going to be married, she really like that idea.

© 2010 Britiney Harper

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So much going on! And another wedding? Plus these kids that sounds like trouble

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I think Evan and Sugar are going to be in big trouble once someone figures out that they're together.......I see trouble somewhere near the future.

Posted 15 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

Here comes the bride

Posted 15 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

This is such a wonderful chapter here,
Wonderful imagery and detail in this chapter,
Proposing what a excellent idea!
I like this alot...wonderful chapter.
Very well written.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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4 Reviews
Added on October 25, 2009
Last Updated on January 5, 2010



Britiney Harper
Britiney Harper

pittsburgh, PA

...A Few Things... 1) Hi! I'm Britiney 2) I Love to Write 3) I love to read 4) I'm a nerd 5) i love my Family more than anything else 6) I've been writing since i was 8yrs old (but really b4 tha.. more..


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