Wildflower (Chapter 8)

Wildflower (Chapter 8)

A Chapter by Britiney Harper

..Chapter 8...


Chapter 8


            Nicolas was in his home office doing some thinking. In another week his family would be flying out and staying here in his home. He still hadn’t told them about Wildflower. And he still didn’t propose to her. The ring he bought was right here, but he couldn’t find the right time to ask her. It was definitely a good idea to do it before his family descended upon their home and invaded their lives. If he didn’t do it before they came, she might not want him by the time they left. Katrina was already circling and complaining about his generous acts for the Laiez family. The money he spent on them including the house and schooling, he made that in a month. A sign of trouble came when his sister Carmen Instant Messaged him.


FashionistaCC: Nicky

NickCapriani: Big sister…

FashionistaCC: I heard you have a secret.

NickCapriani: Oh who have you been talking to?

FashionistaCC: Kat and D and Dad…

NickCapriani: Wow…

FashionistaCC: So the rumors are true?

NickCapriani: What rumors would that be?

FashionistaCC: You’re in love and she lives in the mansion.

NickCapriani: Oh that…

FashionistaCC: Nicky!!!

NickCapriani: It’s quite true sister dear.

FashionistaCC: Why does Kat know but I don’t?

NickCapriani: Kat lives down here.

FashionistaCC: Delanoz!!! Dad??

NickCapriani: Kat told D and Dad just sort of found out on his own.

FashionistaCC: Mom doesn’t know?

NickCapriani: Nope.

FashionistaCC: But Sammie, Sugar and Jordan do?

NickCapriani: Yup.

FashionistaCC: You’re dead.

NickCapriani: Ehh… idk about that.

FashionistaCC: She’s gonna be so pissed.

NickCapriani: True.

FashionistaCC: You really love this girl?

NickCapriani: Indeed I do.

FashionistaCC: But you’re a Capriani…you don’t love.

NickCapriani: Well I saw her and everything changed.

FashionistaCC: You sound worse then Jose.

NickCapriani: So I’ve been told.

FashionistaCC: Does he know?

NickCapriani: Nope.

FashionistaCC: So Mom is on Jose’s level?

NickCapriani: You make it sound so horrible.

FashionistaCC: Well it’s flighty Jose, who’s in love everyday.

NickCapriani: I’ll call her tonight.

FashionistaCC: So I hear this girl is young.

NickCapriani: Ya’ll act like I’m so old.

FashionistaCC: She is legal right?

NickCapriani: She’s 23…

FashionistaCC: So she’s young enough to belong to Delanoz.

NickCapriani: You wonder why I don’t tell you anything.

FashionistaCC: Oh Nicky, don’t get offended.

NickCapriani: Don’t call me that.

FashionistaCC: Everybody calls you Nicky.

NickCapriani: I’m not a child anymore.

FashionistaCC: Yet you’re sneaking around with some young girl.

NickCapriani: It’s none of your business who I’m with.

FashionistaCC: But you love her.

NickCapriani: That I do.

FashionistaCC: She must be amazing to have caught you dear brother.

NickCapriani: That she really is.

FashionistaCC: So when do you debut her?

NickCapriani: I’m avoiding it.

FashionistaCC: You can’t avoid the world forever…it’s your life.

NickCapriani: I know.

FashionistaCC: If you want her to be a part of your life…then you have to do it.

NickCapriani: I know.

FashionistaCC: It will be a scandal though.

NickCapriani: It’s beyond scandal now.

FashionistaCC: I’m flying out in the morning.

NickCapriani: Carmen.

FashionistaCC: You have to let me do it before Kat tries.

NickCapriani: Kat thinks she won’t last.

FashionistaCC: Oh but she’s wrong…isn’t she?

NickCapriani: Yes Carm…I plan on marrying her.

FashionistaCC: Does she know that?

NickCapriani: In time dear sister…

FashionistaCC: Of course… Mr. Strategy…

NickCapriani: That’s me…

FashionistaCC: Are you sure about this?

NickCapriani: Would I do anything if I wasn’t 100% sure?

FashionistaCC: But Nick… she’s some young girl you barely know.

NickCapriani: I know everything about her.

FashionistaCC: But does she know everything about you?

NickCapriani: She knows enough.

FashionistaCC: Be careful with that Nicky dear…you’ll lose her.

NickCapriani: Trust me… I won’t.

FashionistaCC: I heard you’ve been spending a lot of money on her family.

NickCapriani: They lost their home in a fire and everything they own.

FashionistaCC: Wow and you replaced everything? Including a house?

NickCapriani: Yeah. You know me, I like to give.

FashionistaCC: Since when? Katrina is really worried about you.

NickCapriani: Katrina should go find out where her son has disappeared to.

FashionistaCC: Yes she should. But are you sure about this girl?

NickCapriani: Indeed I am.

FashionistaCC: Nick, what are you up to?

NickCapriani: I did buy a ring. I’m looking at it now.

FashionistaCC: No! Nick you barely know her. What’s dad going to say?

NickCapriani: Oh probably that I’m being reckless and crazy.

FashionistaCC: Which you are. Especially since everybody is coming home.

NickCapriani: My life, I can do whatever I want with it.

FashionistaCC: I’m in shock. I can’t believe this is you.

NickCapriani: So was D.

FashionistaCC: You’re playing with fire Nicolas.

NickCapriani: Oooh Carmen calls me Nicolas.

FashionistaCC: Everything isn’t a game little brother.

NickCapriani: It is… life is a game and I’m securing my win.

FashionistaCC: But at what cost?

NickCapriani: She’s being taken care of so everything will be fine.

FashionistaCC: But once she finds out about everything…you’re over.

NickCapriani: No… trust me…I’ll handle it if a problem should arise.

FashionistaCC: What will you do?

NickCapriani: Let me worry about that. I’ll have rooms prepared for your arrival.

FashionistaCC: Oh little brother… heir to our future….

NickCapriani: Carm… you have a successful business w/o all of this.

FashionistaCC: Fashion is so unstable…my children need a future.

NickCapriani: You have all girls Carm… its not like they’ll be in the office.

FashionistaCC: It could happen.

NickCapriani: Lexy is already just like you.

FashionistaCC: I know….but still you know what I mean.

NickCapriani: I do indeed… but realize I’m the baby as everybody points out.

FashionistaCC: You are the only one Dad trusts.

NickCapriani: He’s pissed at me now.

FashionistaCC: No…he’s surprised.

NickCapriani: You didn’t see the look he had.

FashionistaCC: Mom will be pissed… oh but sooo will Martha…

NickCapriani: I don’t even want her in my house.

FashionistaCC: Your house? I heard you referred to it as such these days.

NickCapriani: Well it is mine…

FashionistaCC: But you never wanted to live in it…

NickCapriani: I never said that.

FashionistaCC: You’ve lived in that hotel for the past what 3-4 years?

NickCapriani: Why stay in a big empty house alone?

FashionistaCC: Kat could have moved in with you.

NickCapriani: Why so she could get in my business?

FashionistaCC: Well you’ve put an end to her favorite past time.

NickCapriani: Finally.

FashionistaCC: Well your life is important heir.

NickCapriani: I’m not the sole heir.

FashionistaCC: You pretty much are Abuelito basically picked you.

NickCapriani: All he did was give me the house.

FashionistaCC: The house that he didn’t give to his own children.

NickCapriani: That’s because with the exception of one… they’re noting.

FashionistaCC: Nicolas!

NickCapriani: You know what I mean… Dad’s the only one that’s done anything.

FashionistaCC: Yes… him as oldest son followed in his father’s footsteps.

NickCapriani: I’m the youngest son.

FashionistaCC: But you are the only one able…

NickCapriani: D and Jose are able…

FashionistaCC: Are you kidding? D is good for making babies and Jose…

NickCapriani: We don’t give Jose enough credit.

FashionistaCC: He acts like a love sick puppy all the time.

NickCapriani: Love is a powerful thing.

FashionistaCC: Nick you’ve been in “love” once.

NickCapriani: That’s all I need.

FashionistaCC: How is it that after 28 years…you’re suddenly head over heels?

NickCapriani: I just saw her and knew she was the one.

FashionistaCC: Love at first sight? Ok Jose…

NickCapriani: I know… I thought it was crazy too… but I really just knew.

FashionistaCC: What your whole future just unfolded before you?

NickCapriani: Pretty much…she’s special.

FashionistaCC: I really need to be there then.

NickCapriani: I should probably go before she gets home.

FashionistaCC: Where is the princess?

NickCapriani: Picking up her niece I think…

FashionistaCC: In a car belonging to you?

NickCapriani: She won’t let me buy her one.

FashionistaCC: D said you princess was selfless…

NickCapriani: That she is.

FashionistaCC: And she’s Sammie’s mother figure?

NickCapriani: Yup.

FashionistaCC: What a small world.

NickCapriani: Yeah that’s what I said when Sam and Sugar told me.

FashionistaCC: So have you told her you love her?

NickCapriani: Yup.

FashionistaCC: And she loves you?

NickCapriani: Indeed she does.

FashionistaCC: You’re sure she’s not in it for the money?

NickCapriani: I’m sure.

FashionistaCC: Kat said “trailer trash”…

NickCapriani: Our dear sister isn’t the best judge of anything.

FashionistaCC: Are you referring the situation with her children?

NickCapriani: That and her choice in men.

FashionistaCC: Well I guess if she could win over D…

NickCapriani: I hate him being near her.

FashionistaCC: It’s understandable with how he is…

NickCapriani: When he met her…she was practically naked…

FashionistaCC: Oh that’s bad… how did that happen?

NickCapriani: He came in my hotel room while I was at a meeting and she was 

                        sleep… she threw a shirt on… but still I wanted to kill him

FashionistaCC: D wouldn’t do anything to hurt you.

NickCapriani: Maybe… but when it comes to women…

FashionistaCC: Yeah I know... he doesn’t think.

NickCapriani: If he ever touched her…I think I would really kill him.

FashionistaCC: You’d kill your own brother?

NickCapriani: You didn’t see that look.

FashionistaCC: I know he’s an idiot… but he’s still our brother.

NickCapriani: Who’s going to grow up first Delanoz or his kids?

FashionistaCC: Was it that bad?

NickCapriani: If she hadn’t gotten my attention…I might have done something.

FashionistaCC: Nicolas! I’m sure if she loves you she wouldn’t have…

NickCapriani: And Delanoz always listens when girls say no?

FashionistaCC: I know…

NickCapriani: I would just feel better if he kept his distance.

FashionistaCC: Has he made it difficult?

NickCapriani: No…he likes the idea… wants to help out.

FashionistaCC: That’s a big change.

NickCapriani: Hardly… I’m not being good so he wants me to do bad things.

FashionistaCC: Loving her isn’t bad… it’s just slightly scandalous.

NickCapriani: You know what I mean.

FashionistaCC: Yeah I do Mr. Perfect Prodigal son…

NickCapriani: I’m sick of that.

FashionistaCC: It’s who you are.

NickCapriani: The phone is ringing.

FashionistaCC: Answer it then…

NickCapriani: S**t.

FashionistaCC: What?

NickCapriani: Mother.

FashionistaCC: Oh… I’ll call you later.

NickCapriani: I’m screwed.

FashionistaCC: Pretty Much… bye baby bro…


“Nicky, I miss you,” came the voice of his mother through the phone. He’d been meaning to call his mother for sometime, to tell her about Wildflower.

“You’ll see me soon,” he replied. It was true; preparations were already being made for his whole family to come like they did every summer.

“But Nicky you’re my baby and I haven’t seen you since New Years,” Rosa said to her son. “I need to take better care of you and I hear you finally moved back into the mansion. I was worried about you and this whole hotel thing,” she went on.

“Who told you I moved back in?” Now he was ready to panic, did she know about Wildflower? It wasn’t that his mother’s behavior was a new thing, but it was suspicious.

“You father, he was calling to confirm my flight and what not. Did I tell you Amy-Lynn is coming?” That was one little detail she hadn’t mentioned, his cousin Amy-Lynn was a infamous party girl. Of course as a part of the Capriani family she was rich and well known, but to Nicolas she was just another silly little girl.

“No you didn’t,” he said as he mentally rearranged some things. The door opened and in came Wildflower with a big smile on her face. She came over and sat down on his lap and kissed him, without saying a word.

“Oh yes, she’s been visiting with me and so I told her to come. Anyway, your father said you’ve been acting weird,” she said. Nicolas was trying to focus on his phone call but there was Wildflower leaning over him and peeking at his computer. The conversation he had with his sister was still open, so he quickly pulled her away.

“Who are you even talking to? I know it’s not business or you wouldn’t have let me in,” Wildflower said.

“Nicky, is that a woman’s voice I hear? What’s going on?” His mother was firing off the questions over the phone and Wildflower was too.

There wasn’t much he could say to either, he was cornered. To make matters worse there was a knock at the door to his office; he made a mental note to start locking the door as it opened to reveal his mother standing there on her cell phone. Never had he imagined she’d do what he did to Wildflower, but there she was staring straight at them in shock.

“Mom,” he said in a mild shock as she entered the room.

“Nicky,” Rosa replied looking over the girl who had her legs wrapped around her son while he sat in his chair. When her ex-husband had said their youngest son was acting weird, she never imagined this. Here was a gorgeous young girl with long curly black hair hanging down her back and Nicolas had an arm around her. “Who are you?” She asked the girl, not caring much that she forgot her manners.

“Mom this is Wildflower, my girlfriend,” Nicolas answers so that Wildflower didn’t have to say anything.

“Oh God, Nick you didn’t tell me your mother was coming,” Wildflower said getting up from Nicolas’ lap and straitening her skirt.

“He didn’t know I was coming,” Rosa replied. “And I take it you’re what has Emilio so worried,” she went on.

“Mother,” Nicolas said finally rising from his seat. This was very tense and he knew it was his fault, but she had no right to be rude to Wildflower.

“You know what? I’ll leave you two alone, since you obviously have a lot of catching up to do.” Wildflower wanted to get away from this situation so bad, it was awkward and his mother that he was sure would love her was snobbier then Katrina.

“That’s best, go on home now,” Rosa said and she noticed how both the girl and her son exchanged looks, but didn’t look her in the eyes. “You can’t be serious, she lives here?” She asked her son even though Wildflower hadn’t moved.

“Mother,” he repeated, this was a disaster. “Baby I’m sorry, my mother is just tired and is having trouble remembering her manners. But uh we’ll talk in a minute, ok?” He said to her and she simply nodded, he kissed her quick before she left.

“You have that trashy little girl staying here?” Rosa asked when they were alone.

“What’s wrong with you? I’d expect this from Katrina, but you? I told her she didn’t have to worry about you, but I guess you became a b***h in these past few months,” Nicolas said taking a seat back behind his desk.

The tension in the room only got worse, but he wasn’t sure who was more surprised by what he said, him or his mother. Never in his life would he have imagined he’d talk to her like that. But then again never had he been so in love he was willing to risk everything.

“Nicolas Andrew Capriani! Are you trying to kill me? How can you speak like that to me?” Rosa was so in shock she nearly fell into the chair across from her son.

“Look at the way you treated Wildflower, she said nothing to you even though you were rude,” he replied.

“Why is she here? Nicolas you haven’t stayed in this house regularly in years, but you decide to move some young girl in here, for what? And please don’t tell me she’s pregnant,” she said and Nicolas shook his head in shame at his mother.

“She lives here because we are together and because I love her,” he said trying to contain his anger.

“Love her? Oh Nicky did she seduce you or something? How can you possibly love this little girl? And how old is she? I was thinking about 17 or 18, oh is she threatening to go to police?”

Rosa’s mind was going crazy at the moment; she’d known there had to be something up with her son. Lately he never called her or was too busy to take any of her calls. It didn’t help that her other children seemed to know something that she didn’t. After speaking with a concerned Emilio, she decided to fly out early. Nobody had prepared her for Nicolas’ little girlfriend. And the way he was acting now was even worse, she was just so confused.

“She’s 23,” he was so tired of everybody asking how old Wildflower was. It made no sense for him to want an under aged child when he could have whoever he wanted. “And she’s not pregnant, no lawsuit or seduction. Is it so hard to believe that someone would want to be with me and not just my money?” He finally saw a good angle to play and he was going to use it to fix this.

“Oh Nicky! I didn’t mean that, not at all, I’m just surprised. You barely ever date and all of a sudden you have some girl living here and everybody is worried. Plus you tell me nothing about the whole thing, what am I supposed to think?” She felt bad for her reaction; it was obvious that her son was taken with this girl.

“I didn’t know what to say to you, before you called Carm and I were talking about telling you about this. And before you say anything I didn’t tell any of them about her, she’s Sammie’s god mother. Sam and Sugar spend a lot of time with her so Katrina found out and she told Delanoz and dad saw some pictures on my desk. And some how all three ended up telling Carmen about this, I don’t think any of them wanted to be the one to tell you. But really I love her and she’s a great person and you need to get to know her,” he told his mother and she nodded. She reached across the desk and took his hands and sighed.

“My baby boy in love,” she said in such a motherly tone. Nicolas felt accomplished; he really could take control of any situation.


“What are you doing?” Nicolas asked Wildflower when he went back to their bedroom. She was packing clothes and looked startled to see him.

“I think it’s best if I go stay with my mom, I don’t wanna cause trouble with your family,” she told him. Of course she would remove herself to make things easier for him; she was just that type of person. He loved that about her, she had such a good heart.

“This is your home now,” he replied sitting down on the bed and she joined him.

“Nick, I just think it would be easier,” she said refusing to look him in his eyes. “You should spend time with your family, I could come back after they leave or…” she trailed off. He lifted her chin to make her look him in the eyes.

“Or what?” He asked a little more harshly then he’d intended. Again she looked away from him.

“I could go stay with my mom for good,” she said in almost a whisper. “Really I wasn’t lying when I said I loved you, and you’ve done so much for my family. But maybe we just had a good thing and now it’s over,” she went on and he was floored. Silence stretched between them and he pulled her into his arms.

“You’re staying; I want my family to get to know you. I love you and nobody will keep us apart, you’re mine and I couldn’t ask for anybody more perfect,” he said and she finally looked up into his eyes. There was just too much drama for him, first Carmen, then his mother and now her. If there was one thing he hated it was drama, he was a simple guy and liked to make life appear as normal as possible.

“Nick, I’ve been giving this a lot of thought and maybe we should spend time apart,” she said to his surprise. So her leaving was more then just his family and the way his mother was acting.

“What are you talking about?” He asked, so much for his control over everything. Sometimes things in life were really and truly surprising and he hated those times.

“You say you love me and I’m the best thing that’s ever happened to you and all that, but you don’t act like it. Instead you hide me from your family and friends like you’re embarrassed of me,” she said.

 “I just wanted you to myself,” he said. “Rich people can be stupid and snobby, worse than Katrina, so I wanted to give you time. Carmen’s coming out tomorrow to uh prepare you I guess you’d say. But I’m not embarrassed of you, I just don’t want everybody else’s interferences to drive you away,” he told her and she didn’t know what to say. If it wasn’t for the fact that he could think on his toes, then Nicolas would have been in trouble more often then not. “Look, you don’t have to say anything, it’s my fault. Had I actually talked to you in the first place about all of this, then you wouldn’t have had to worry. The same goes for my mother; if I told her the truth about you then she wouldn’t have had such a bad reaction.” When she turned and looked at him so sympathetically, he knew for sure he’d won. Putting all the blame on himself was a move he got away with more often then he thought he would.

“I’m sorry I’m being such a drama queen,” she said. “But if your mother hates me and your father’s mad at you because of me, then it’s hard. Katrina hates me now, before she at least pretended to like me,” she went on and he nodded taking her hands in his.

“Don’t worry about a thing, everything will be fine,” he assured her. He pulled her down on to his lap and kissed her. “There was something I wanted to ask you, but I can’t seem to find the right time.”

“What are you talking about?” She asked staring at him. He took the box with the ring out of his pocket and opened it. “Oh my God, Nick, what are you saying?”

“I want to marry you,” he said calmly. He could actually feel her blood pressure rising, there was just no right time for this. “I wanted to do something special, but I couldn’t make a decision. “

“Are you sure about this?”

“Yes, I love you and I can’t live without you. I’ve known since I first time I saw you that you were meant to be my wife,” he told her.

“Nick,” she whispered. There were tears in her eyes.

“I know I’m not the easiest person to live with I can be pushy, controlling and I think I know what’s best for everybody when maybe I don’t. But I want to spend forever with you and I’ll work on it,” he said.

She wasn’t answering and that was making him a little panicky. What if she actually said no? That was never something he figured into his plans. He always assumed she would say yes. The silence stretched on as she stared at the ring in his hand. What would he do if she turned him down? Hadn’t he proved to her that he was worthy of her? And that he would do anything for her?

“Baby, you are killing me, please give me an answer,” he said after awhile.

“Sorry,” she said looking him in the eyes. “I love you so much Nick. I just didn’t expect this.”

“Yeah, I know but I’ve given it a lot of thought and we can wait till whenever you want to get married. I just want you forever,” he said.

“Um ok, yes I’ll marry you,” she said a little dazed.

“Are you sure?” He asked watching her closely.

“Yes, I am, I want to be with you forever,” she nodded. He kissed her and slipped the diamond ring on her finger. “You realized now you have to tell your mother this, right? If she didn’t like you having a girlfriend what will she say about engagement?”

“Let me worry about that, I want you to know for sure that I am committed to you. No matter what might happen in the next two months,” he told her.

“Are you asking me now because you think your family will scare me away?”

“Maybe that’s part of it,” he admitted. “But I’ve had this ring for the last month or so, Brooke and Christina helped me pick it out.”

“They did? And they kept a secret, that is a miracle,” she laughed. “Now I have to tell my mom and my brothers and Ivan isn’t going to be happy.”

“Of course not I’m stealing his other half from him, he hates me for that. But I guess I understand. Sammie and Sugar are going to be happy,” he said.

“You didn’t tell them? They are not going to be happy you kept this secret from them. But our girls are going to be so happy, they’ve been saying we were going to get married since they found out we were together.”

“I’ll let you tell them,” he said. “Now, I think I should celebrate with my future wife.” He kissed her and she laid back on the bed, he felt so much better since she said yes. And he had been thinking about getting her naked all day, she was definitely becoming an obsession.

“Oh my God,” they heard. He turned to see his mother standing in the doorway.

“Mother, did you need something?” Nicolas asked, he rolled over so that he was no longer on top of Wildflower.

“I wanted to talk to your friend, but I guess you’re busy,” she said in a disgusted tone. “Maybe we could talk later.”

“Actually now is good, we need to tell you something,” he said. Both women stared at him confused. He got up from the bed and gestured for Wildflower to do the same, when they were standing he took her hand.

“Is something wrong Nicky?” His mother asked.

“No, but we would like you to be the first one to know that we are engaged,” he told her. The look on her face of shock and terror amused him.

“And that happened in the last few minutes?”

“I’ve been thinking about asking for awhile, so I asked and she said yes.”

“Well if that’s what you want,” she said in a disapproving tone. “I’m going to go lie down, it was a long flight.”

“Your mother hates me,” Wildflower said when they were alone.

“Oh not yet, but she surely will soon,” he said with a mischievous look.

“What are you going to do? I want to be liked not hated.”

“As soon as her and daddy dearest get together and blame each other for our relationship, they will call in the lawyers. They will insist on negotiating a prenuptial agreement, but I’m not doing that. We are forever so I won’t insult you by putting a price on you and any children we may have,” he said. The way he said it with that look in his eyes worried her. Chaos was going to descend upon their home and their lives.

“Can I point out that I never seduced you? That’s what they think right? You were the one eye raping me at the bar, I just said hi and you grabbed me. Does any of that count for anything? Why do they have to hate me for what you started?” She asked rather annoyed, why did this have to be so complicated? Wasn’t love supposed to be easy?

“I’ll hire a sky writer and make posters to tell them the truth, but they won’t see it that way. But it might be fun for you to get pregnant before we get married, that would be entertaining,” he said with a laugh.

“Are you marrying me to piss them off? Is that why you were at the bar?”

“No, I was at the bar because I was bored, you were not in my plans. When I saw you I knew I had to have you, I wasn’t thinking about them,” he paused. “You know how you’ve been trying hard to be the perfect daughter and sister since Daisy died?” He asked and she nodded. “I’ve had to do that my whole life, I can’t afford not to be perfect at all times because Delanoz is such a screw up and Jose is a joke. Why should I marry someone I don’t like just because she came from the ‘right’ family? You are a real person not some plastic Barbie doll that has a big trust fund; I’d rather have somebody I could talk to. Maybe I’m getting a little pleasure out of doing something for myself that I know they will hate, but I love you. I’m marrying you because I love you, but I’m going to enjoy this fight. Baby, I never back down from a fight and you have to be strong with me. The next couple months are going to be brutal.”

“Sounds like we are going to war,” she said and he nodded. What had she gotten herself into? But she understood that if you want something you had to fight for it and if he was willing to take on his family just to be with her then she had to stick it out.

“Love is a battlefield, or so I’ve heard,” he said.

“I’ll fight with you, since I don’t have a choice anyway, but because it might be interesting. Wow, I think I’ve been hanging around you too long,” she laughed. He pulled her to him and kissed her hard, he was all passion.

“I think you just got sexier,” he told her.

“Weren’t we in the middle of something? I think your mother is going to need to learn how to knock first, I won’t stand for rudeness in my house.”

“Damn, I love it when you’re assertive,” he said. He picked her up and threw her on the bed. “You are my queen and this is your castle, don’t let them think otherwise.”

“Of course not baby,” she said wrapping her legs around him. “You make me want to be so wicked.”

“I like you wicked,” he said while ripping her panties. She squealed happily when he thrust inside of her. Something changed between them; Wildflower was starting to feel like her old self again. The person she once was would never let anyone walk all over her; it was going to be an interesting summer.



“What did you want everybody here for?” Ivan asked when Wildflower came into the kitchen. They were at her mother’s house where she had called a sort of family meeting.

“I have something to tell you and it’s easier if everybody is here,” she said.

“Oh are you dumping Mr. Rich?”

“No, why would I do that?”

“What’s different about you? Something doesn’t feel right,” he said staring at her.

As triplets they could all sense things about each other, so they both felt a hole where Daisy should be. As twins it seemed that they could sense each other better, but they never talked about that. There was no need to they shared something that words couldn’t make sense of. Something special.

“Well I could be annoyed by you being a pain in the a*s,” she shrugged.

“Oh God, I know what it is,” he said then he yanked her wrist.

“That hurt,” she said but he wouldn’t let go. Of course he was staring at her diamond ring.

“Why? I was hoping it was a phase you were going to grow out of,” he shook his head. “Don’t do it.”

“Ivan you know I love you and nobody could replace you in my heart, right?”

“Don’t start that, it’s not about that. I don’t trust that guy and you shouldn’t either. There’s something off about him and you know it too, even if you ignore it.”

“Triangle,” she said and he glared at her.

“You’re such a b***h,” he replied.

“I love you too,” she said throwing her arms around him. She was surprised he actually hugged her back.

“Be careful for me, ok? I want to be wrong for you, but I’m worried. Don’t let him change you,” he whispered in her ear. He held her tight; she loved to be close to her brother. They had a lot of secret rules between them; there were more when Daisy was alive. She always loved being a triplet.

“What’s all this about?” Their mother asked when she came into the kitchen.

“Your daughter did something stupid,” Ivan said when he let her go.

“Oh my God!” Christina said when she came in through the sliding glass door with Ariela on her hip. “He asked you?”

“Asked what?” Marguerite asked looking between them.

“I was trying to tell everybody at once,” Wildflower said. Christina hugged her anyway. “And I can’t believe you kept a secret from me.”

“It was hard! Ok I’ll shut up and let you tell your mom,” Christina said.

“Mom, Nick asked me to marry him,” she said. Her mother stared at her for a moment; Christina pulled her hand out to show the ring.

“Well I guess I shouldn’t be surprised,” Marguerite said.

“That’s all you say? Why not tell her not to marry a guy she’s known for like four months?” Ivan asked their mother.

“I am happy for you Wildflower,” she said ignoring Ivan and she hugged her.

The rest of her brothers came in next along with Brooke. Her family was happy for her for the most part. Of course her brothers were trying to be protective of her and Ivan kept complaining. At least she didn’t have to worry about her family doing something crazy to keep her from marrying Nicolas. They respected her decision and would never interfere. Nicolas couldn’t come over with her because his mother called his father and told on him and his father wanted to see him alone. After talking to her family she planned to pick up Sammie, Sugar and Jordan, they were moving in for the summer. Evan was also moving in, he was supposed to be “keeping an eye” on her for the other brothers. That just meant she had another alley and she needed some badly.



“I have looked into your accounts and I noticed you have been spending a lot of money recently. Would you like to explain this?” His father asked when he entered his office.

“What’s to explain? You can clearly see what I’ve spent the money on,” he paused. “Oh right I’m supposed to tell you why. It’s not the reason you think.”

“Are you certain about that? These past few months you have been spinning out of control. All since you met this girl who you suddenly want to marry.”

“She never asked for anything, I did this because I wanted to. Have you questioned your other children about their choices in spouses?” Nicolas could talk his way out of most things, his father’s temper, he wasn’t sure about. Only because his father had never been angry with him before and right now he was really angry.

“This isn’t like you, I count on you to be the responsible one and until now I was never disappointed. You are being reckless. Why would you marry a woman who’s affection comes at such a high price?” Emilio asked staring him down.

“I didn’t have to buy her; she has nothing to do with my decision to help her family. They lost everything in a fire, I was just being nice. What’s the point of having money if you can’t help those in need? Was I supposed to turn my back and ignore the suffering of her family? I spent my own money on them so I don’t see why that is a problem,” he said. He never backed down from a challenge and his father knew that.

“Why did you feel the need to keep this woman a secret from your family? If you care for her as you say then you should have introduced her to your family. You moved her into our family home and never once attempted to let us meet her.”

“Honestly, the reason I didn’t have her meet the family is because I knew how you would react. You are suspicious of everybody, but she is the most loving and caring person I’ve ever known. Katrina has already proven just how stuck up this family is and I wasn’t going to have her put up with that for no reason. I didn’t banned everybody from coming home this summer because I want everybody to get to know her. I am a grown man and I can make decisions for myself, you trust me to make decisions in business but not in my own personal life?” This was way too easy.

“Alright,” his father nodded. “Tomorrow night you will bring this woman who has won your heart to dinner with your mother and I. If you intend to marry this woman then we will have to get to know her.”

“That’s fine,” Nicolas nodded.

When he left the office he laughed to himself, he was very amused. It appeared he really could talk his way out of anything. That would be put to the test once the premarital negotiations began. His parents and his father’s annoying wife would never settle for what he was planned. What they didn’t know was that he was willing to do anything to ensure that Wildflower would never leave him. In fact he already had. She was too moral to leave him after all the money he invested in her family.

For the first time in years he was happy to have his family coming home. The summer was promising to be interesting. And Wildflower was proving to be much more than he originally thought. She might have been playing good girl for a few years but there was a bad girl itching to get out. He didn’t want a boring wife, and Wildflower was anything but boring. When he thought he had her figured out she surprised him, usually he hated surprises, but he loved everything about her. Just thinking about her made him want to race home and get her in bed.

“Hi,” she answered when he called.

“I’m picturing you with no clothes on,” he said.

“Do you ever think of anything else? Maybe I’m tired, you want me too much.”

“There’s no such thing as too much. So are you going to give me what I want?”

“I can’t, the kids are here tonight.”

“Damn,” he said. He completely forgot about that.

“We ordered pizza and picked up movies. Tonight is so PG-13,” she said with a laugh. “Oh and so you know my family is informed of our engagement.”

“Let me guess Ivan will be over with an axe for my head, right?”

“No, he promises to be good and respect my decision.”

“Did you tell Cody?” He asked, he didn’t like Cody at all.

“Not yet, I really don’t want to.”

“Why are you still friends with her?”

“Habit I guess, we’ve been friends forever,” she sighed. “Well I’ll see you when you get in, I’m going to put on something more comfy.”

“You’re a tease, just let me have you really quick,” he said.

“No, it’s never quick with you. That’s how I was late for work today.”

“Why do you still have that job again?”

“Nicolas I am hanging up the phone. I love you.”

“Love you too,” he said and hung up.

He was disappointed that he couldn’t do what he wanted but he didn’t mind having the kids over. Soon enough his house would be full of them. His sister Carmen had 3 kids, all girls and Delanoz had 11. While Katrina technically had two kids, her son Marcus had been missing for two years. He ran away because of her third husband and no one ever heard from him again, Sugar took his disappearance the hardest. Sometimes Nicolas wondered if Katrina cared that he was gone. He was the one who didn’t give up the search and he never would. Once upon a time Marcus lived with him and was more like a son than a nephew. His family had a lot of skeletons.


“Why are you here?” Rosa asked. Wildflower turned to look at her. All she’d wanted was to get a drink in the kitchen, but here was Rosa.

“I live here,” she replied.

“How much will it take for you to leave my son alone?”

“That’s a good question,” she said. “Well let’s see I’m thinking that there is nothing you can give that will make me go away. I want to like you because you’re Nick’s mother but I’m telling you right now that I’m not going anywhere.”

“I’ve seen plenty of girls like you and I won’t let you do this to him,” Rosa said. Obviously this was where Nicolas got his stubbornness from.

“Do what? I love Nick, I would love him if he had nothing, and everything isn’t about money. Why would you think that he is so gullible as to fall for just anybody?”

“My son is a good man he doesn’t deserve to be tricked. I will pay anything to ensure that you leave him alone.”

“This is getting old very fast,” Wildflower told her. “I don’t want money.”

“Then what do you want?”

“I wanted a peaceful summer but apparently I’m not going to get that,” she shrugged. It was very apparent that she was going to have to really fight these people.

“It isn’t right for you to be here.”

“Since this is Nick’s house that means it’s also my house,” she said with a wicked smile. She really missed the days when she would never let anyone mess with her. This was basically high school all over again, it was actually very sad.

“Your house? Just because you bring you trashy behind into this house and what you give Nicky sexual pleasure, does not mean you are a part of this family. Only family belongs in this house,” Rosa said glaring at her.

“She is family,” Sammie said. She was standing in the doorway and came to stand by Wildflower. “Why are you acting like this?”

“Do not think you can speak to me anyway you like Samantha. And to answer your question I am trying to protect our family. Manipulative women will not bring us down, I will not allow it,” she told her granddaughter.

“Nobody makes Uncle Nick do what he doesn’t want to do. Nobody manipulated him,” Sugar said when she came in. The girls stood as a united front against their grandmother and Wildflower loved them for it.

“And I should take the word of you girls? Samantha your mother tried to extort money from this family and I put a stop to that. Oh and you Sugar, I know the many activities that you have and I’m talking with your mother about sending you somewhere they will help you with your problems.” That was a threat and they all knew it, apparently Rosa liked to play dirty.

“My girls aren’t going anywhere,” Wildflower told her. “My house, my girls, my Nick, guess that means you’re out numbered.”

“You aren’t going to marry my son. I will not let that happen.”

“Good thing you don’t get to decide that,” Nicolas said looking annoyed. So much for movie night, Rosa pretty much ruined it.

“Nicky, I am just concerned for you,” Rosa said. Her tone definitely changed for Nick’s benefit.

“Girls,” he said. “Why don’t you go back and watch the movie.” Sammie and Sugar didn’t argue, his tone warned against it. “Mother, I guess our conversation earlier was pointless, I’m trying really hard here but I can’t have you in my home talking to my fiancé like this. You are a visitor and this is her house, you will be respectful or you can’t stay here.”

“What?” Rosa asked stunned, she wasn’t the only one.

“You heard me,” he said staring her down.

“Nicky, what has she done to you?”

“Nothing, I’m the same person I’ve always been, you changed. My mother wouldn’t behave the way you have, I don’t know who you are anymore,” he said. The stony expression and the cold tone wasn’t something Wildflower had never seen from him, it was like he was a different person.

“You would let this person come between you and your family? The people that love you, she’s more important?”

“Don’t ask me to choose because you won’t like my answer,” he told her. “Maybe you need rest the flight was really long and maybe in the morning we can all start over.”

“Maybe,” she said with an annoyed look she left.

“Sure you can handle this?” Nicolas asked when they were alone and he wrapped his arms around her waist.

“She offered to pay me to stay away from you. I’m wondering how high she’s willing to go,” Wildflower said.

“Are you tempted?”

“No, I could marry you and divorce you and take you for all you have,” she told him. He smiled and kissed her.

“That’s my girl, always go for the bigger pay day,” he said.

“We’ve become so dysfunctional like in the last 6 hours,” she laughed.

“I know, I like you this way,” he told her and grabbed her butt.

“Nick, I can’t have sex with you. We need to go back to the kids.”

“Why did you wear this little tank top?” He asked tracing a line down her cleavage. “Keep teasing me and I’ll tie you to the bed.”

“Nicolas, movie and children, we are spending time with them.”

“I could just take what I want,” he whispered in her ear.

“And I’ll beat you,” she said. She pulled him out of the kitchen and back to watch the movie. Sammie got up to curl up with her; it was like this since she was a baby. Spending time like this with the kids made her curious about the future. Now all she had to do was make it to the end of August.

© 2010 Britiney Harper

Author's Note

Britiney Harper
..editing...I'm the queen of typos

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Very intersting chapter here
Ilove the layout of it.
This is wonderful,
I liked the plot and imagery.
The detail and imagery is just wonderful.
This is a very well written chapter here.
Enjoyable read here.
I didn't really see any typos or anything while
reading. It is very well written.

Posted 15 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.


Wow! Here comes the drama!

Posted 13 Years Ago

I wanted to read the next chapter that I forgot to comment on the previous chapter..... loved it. It's 12 in the morning and I want to read more.....so sleepy.

Posted 15 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

Wow trouble in paradise families do be hatin,its not always about the money,I can't blame any woman for wanting her man to be able to deliver the three p's
protect provide and please

This is a great story hope you've got a great publisher

Loving it,


Posted 15 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

Very intersting chapter here
Ilove the layout of it.
This is wonderful,
I liked the plot and imagery.
The detail and imagery is just wonderful.
This is a very well written chapter here.
Enjoyable read here.
I didn't really see any typos or anything while
reading. It is very well written.

Posted 15 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

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4 Reviews
Added on October 20, 2009
Last Updated on May 28, 2010



Britiney Harper
Britiney Harper

pittsburgh, PA

...A Few Things... 1) Hi! I'm Britiney 2) I Love to Write 3) I love to read 4) I'm a nerd 5) i love my Family more than anything else 6) I've been writing since i was 8yrs old (but really b4 tha.. more..


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