![]() Wildflower (Chapter 7)A Chapter by Britiney Harper![]() ..Chapter 7...![]()
Chapter 7 “Evan is calling me,” Nicolas said when he looked at his phone. At the moment he was laying on the kitchen floor with Wildflower on top of him. “I left my phone when you kidnapped me,” she said taking the phone. “Hey baby brother, what’s up?” Whatever Evan said to her had to be bad he could tell because of her expression and she dropped the phone. “What’s wrong?” He asked her but she didn’t say anything so he picked up the phone. “Evan? What happened?” “The house, there was a fire,” Evan said. “Are you still there?” “Yeah, mom is a wreck.” “Ok, we’re coming.” “Ok,” Evan said then hung up the phone. “Baby come on you have to get dressed,” he told Wildflower. She was what looked like frozen in shock. “Nick,” she whispered. “Come on, we will go see your family, Evan didn’t say anyone was hurt.” “Yeah, ok,” she nodded absently. Silently they got dressed and went out to his car. He drove out to her mother’s house in record time. Most of the fire was out when they got there. Wildflower jumped out of the car before he came to a complete stop. She ran to where her family stood watching everything they had be destroyed. It was probably really awful to think but Nicolas couldn’t have planned this better if he tried. Fate obviously wanted him to have his way. On the day he tells Wildflower about the house he bought her family’s house catches on fire. What were the odds that something like this would happen? He knew he needed to focus on being the good boyfriend and being helpful, but he sort of felt accomplished. They had to take the house now and he would have what he wanted. Perfect, but he definitely couldn’t mention that to anyone. “What happened?” He asked Ricky. “The house next door, there was some type of explosion in the kitchen. Fire jumped to our house,” Ricky shook his head. “We’re lucky we all got out.” “Yeah,” Nicolas agreed. He looked over to Wildflower who was kneeling in front of her mother who was crying hysterically. “Where are we going to live now?” Marguerite cried into her hands. Wildflower shot him a look that obviously meant that he shouldn’t say anything. “Why don’t you have shoes on?” She asked her daughter. “Oh um that’s a really long story,” Wildflower said staring at the ground. “How about all of you just stay at my house tonight and in the morning you can figure things out,” Nicolas offered. That got him another look from Wildflower, but it wasn’t like he could take it back. Everybody was looking at Marguerite for the answer, she just nodded. So he called Tammy to get the house ready. It would definitely be interesting to have the Laiez family stay for a few days. Things were working out in his favor, he did feel bad for them but his real concern was for Wildflower. She was going to be his wife; there was no way around that. He did love her; it was easy to love her. Nicolas was just a man that always got what he wanted and he would do anything to ensure that. “Do not mention the house to my mom,” Wildflower told Nicolas when they were alone. “It is definitely not the time for that and don’t even point out how convenient this is. Or that its fate.” “Did I say anything about it? I just offered you family a place to stay, staying here isn’t permanent and you know your mother doesn’t have many choices. No, more like she has no choice, if you want your niece and your brothers on the street that’s your deal,” he said. They were in his bedroom and at the moment she didn’t consider it her bedroom or her home. “She’s really upset right now Nicolas, she lost everything she had. They all did, all I had there was my crappy a*s clothes,” she sighed. “And telling her that she has a place for her and her children and who ever the hell else she wants to take in, isn’t going to make her feel better? The house wasn’t even that expensive, I got a good deal on it,” he said. She just glared at him and turned to get something for Christina and the girls to wear to bed. “I asked you not to say anything, so would it kill you to do that?” “Fine, you can tell her about it, I won’t say a word. Even though I think you should sooner rather than later,” he said. “You don’t know everything Nicolas, you think you do but sorry to tell you, you don’t,” she said annoyed. Before he could say anything else she left the room. “Hey,” Christina said, she was in the hallway. “Oh hey, I was coming to find you,” Wildflower said. “Is everything ok with you two?” “Why?” “I could hear you arguing, I was going to knock on the door but thought I shouldn’t,” Christina explained. “Are you ok?” “Yeah, Nick and I just disagree on some things,” she said. It occurred to her then that today was the first time they actually had arguments, it was weird. “What? The love birds disagree on something? That is shocking,” Christina said. “Come here,” Wildflower pulled her down the hall into Nicolas’ office. “He bought a house for everybody, even has a guest house in the back for you and Isaiah,” she told her. “A house? Are you kidding?” “No, we were there when Evan called,” she sighed and began pacing. While she was having sex in a kitchen her family was losing everything, oh the guilt she felt. Ever since she met Nicolas she had to deal with guilt about everything, it was driving her crazy. “Why did he buy a house for us?” Christina asked staring at her. “Because he knew I wouldn’t move in with him.” “I thought you decided to move in with him?” “Well, I wanted to but, I felt like I shouldn’t be living in his mansion when…” She trailed off, she was tired of this. “Oh, I see you felt bad because we lived in that crappy house. Stop thinking about everybody else, this man loves you enough to buy your family a house. How can you be mad at him for that? I wish somebody loved me that much,” Christina shook her head. “Chris, people do not buy houses as gifts, that is weird.” “Ok, yeah it is, but he wants you to be happy. And hell I’m sick of you always feeling guilty about everything; none of this is because of you. Why can’t you let yourself be happy? Nicolas loves you so much anybody can see it when he looks at you.” “I know, I love him and maybe that’s the problem. You know I’ve never had a serious relationship and this is very serious. More than once he’s mentioned marriage and I’m kind of freaked out. And I just keep thinking that I am not the type of girl he should be with. He should have a woman that doesn’t think anything of money and doesn’t come from where I do,” she said. Saying it aloud made her feel worse about it, maybe she didn’t need to be with Nicolas, it only stressed her out. “Do you know how crazy you are? So what you aren’t a rich girl, obviously that doesn’t matter to him. And clearly he’s willing to go pretty far to keep you and show you that he loves you. Does he ever complain about where you’re from or because you basically have nothing? All I see is him looking at you with love in his eyes,” Christina said staring at her like she was crazy. “This is too much for me,” she sighed. She threw herself down on the couch in the office. All this love stuff was so foreign to her; Daisy was the one with the boyfriends who fell in love. “So um why did you show up with no shoes on and with both of you looking a little disheveled?” “Oh, um well he took me over to the house he bought and we kind of had sex there,” she admitted. “S**t, I think I left my panties there.” “That is hilarious, better hope you get them before Marguerite sees this house,” Christina laughed. “So you think I should tell her he bought a house?” “Why not? It would give her some hope and maybe keep her from you know going to the dark side,” Christina said suddenly serious. “Ok, that means I get to tell Nick he was right and that will not be fun,” she sighed. “Why was I born into this family?” “The better question is why I wanted to be apart of it. Well I guess I had no choice after my parents kicked me out.” “How could you stand living the way we do? You had a sane family and a real home,” she said thoughtfully. The day that Christina found out she was pregnant she came to their door crying because her parents kicked her out. She said it was because she didn’t want an abortion which was the only option her father would accept. Her parents hated Isaiah, because they thought he was trouble and a bad influence. Ever since that day she had no contact with her family and her siblings weren’t allowed to talk to her. That was 2 ½ years ago, she had to drop out of college and work as a waitress. And she went from her middle class working family to the poverty stricken family that welcomed and loved her. She’d once told Wildflower that the only thing she regretted was not being able to finish school. But she was happy to have a family that loved her and her child. “My dad was such a freaking dictator and I don’t know I miss them but I love Isaiah and I love you guys so it’s whatever now. And I couldn’t stand not to have Ariela,” she paused staring at the carpet. “I was thinking you know of trying to take some classes, Isaiah thinks it’s a good idea but we can’t really afford it.” “Do it, one of us should have an education,” Wildflower urged. They both looked up when the door opened to reveal Nicolas; he looked at them, then just went over to his desk like they weren’t there. “I’m going to head off, thanks for the clothes,” Christina said and quickly left. “Nick,” Wildflower said, he was on his desk top computer not looking at her. “I don’t feel like arguing with you so I’m not saying anything,” he said. “I’m sorry, ok? I am just really stressed out,” she said. That was when he looked up at her and gestured for her to come over; she did and sat on his lap. “Maybe you should take a few days off so that we can help your family. I know you hate for me to spend money on anybody, but they kind of need a lot of things. And if I can afford it then I want to do this for your family,” he told her. “Alright,” she nodded. “You’re like our guardian angel.” “Sometimes I like doing good deeds if it’s for a good cause; you are my family so that makes your family my family too. We are going to get married one day, might be one day soon, but I’m never going to let you go,” he told her. “And why would I ever want you to?” She kissed him and let him hold her and she was going to let him make everything better. “Excuse me?” Marguerite said after he explained that he bought her a house. “And you did this before we lost our home?” She stared at him like he was crazy. “My intentions were a little selfish when I purchased the house, I wanted your daughter to myself,” he explained. “You bought us a house so that Wildflower would do what exactly?” Ivan asked. “Nothing she didn’t already want to do,” he shrugged. The brothers amused him, Ivan would never trust him and he knew that, he was her twin. “What’s that supposed to mean?” “Nothing Ivan,” Wildflower said giving them both a look. “Nick knew I wouldn’t move in with him because I felt guilty about it.” “So you bought a house?” Ricky asked staring at him. Everybody was gathered in the sitting room to discuss the situation. “It really isn’t that big of a deal I got a good deal,” he shrugged. These people were very entertaining; he had to care about them if he wanted his woman. “And you want to replace what was lost in the fire?” Van asked looking half intrigued. That was good; he needed them to accept his offers. The three young ones were sold, they were easy. “Yeah, really it’s not a big deal; it’s not a secret that my family has money.” “That doesn’t explain why you would want to help us,” Jay said. “Isn’t that obvious?” Christina asked. “We’re homeless with nothing but the clothes we had on last night.” “Look, I don’t want anything in return. I’m just trying to help,” Nicolas told them. The discussion continued on, Ivan was very suspicious of his motives. Maybe he was right to be a little concerned; it was true that he was doing this for Wildflower. If it wasn’t for her he wouldn’t care, at all. But since her family was important to her, they were important to him. Everybody had a price and fate handed him the perfect opportunity. Christina wanted to finish college; he admired her for that, so he intended to make her dream possible. Dominic was going to be graduating in a few weeks, didn’t he deserve to go to college and have a future? And the young ones, they were in high school and he happened to have connections at a very good private school. Some people might think he was over doing it with doing all of this for Wildflower’s family. For one thing they had only been together three months and he was spending a lot of money on her family. But he needed to ensure certain things for the future. If these were going to be his in-laws they should feel like family. Besides there could be a lot worse people to have as family. He did his homework on all of them, even Wildflowers friends. Wasn’t it his job to know everything so that he could properly take care of her? Nicolas always knew what he wanted and he enjoyed challenges, he knew he wanted Wildflower from the moment he saw her. So he was going to go to any length to get her and keep her. In the end Marguerite agreed to living in the house and enrolling Evan, Corey and Tony into St. Ivy. And he was going to take the whole family shopping for new everything, surprise surprise he got his way yet again. Later he would drop a few hints to Dominic and Christina about college. He was going to help Sarah find a place of her own that she could afford. She was just about done with nursing school so why not help her? Poor baby Ariela had no crib or toys and he couldn’t accept that, babies needed things. And Isaiah spoke with him in private, he wanted to get a better job to provide for his family and how could Nick say no to that? This was almost too easy. The only trouble he foresaw coming was his family. They liked to question him and his decisions. To them he was the perfect son who always did what was needed of him. Once they found out about all of this he knew they would be suspicious, but not of him. They would be suspicious of Wildflower, she was the poor girl that caught him in her web and convinced him to finance her family. That couldn’t have been further from the truth, Wildflower didn’t want him to help or pay for anything. She was truly one of a kind and that was why she was his. His family would be in town soon, they always came out for the summer. Too bad that it would be too late by then to do anything. And he wasn’t going to let them think badly of his Wildflower. Now the question was when he would ask her to marry him, the timing had to be perfect. “Nobody thinks any of that is suspicious?” Cody asked. “Why does everything have to be suspicious?” Brooke asked. “Because spending that much money on people you barely know is suspicious,” she replied. “Wildflower, do you really think he cares about your family?” “Yes I do,” she answered. For some reason she had her friends over to the mansion for lunch, she thought it would be a nice way to spend a Saturday afternoon. “Speaking as her family, so do I,” Christina said. “He gave Isaiah a new better job and he’s paying for me to finish school. Why is he doing this? Because he considers us his family.” At the moment she had Wildflower’s laptop in her lap while she was picking her classes. “Let’s see he buys a house to bribe Wildflower into living with him then he pays for the boys to go to an expensive school, gives out jobs, clothes and college tuition? And how much did you say he spent when he decided on a family shopping spree?” “Maybe he spent a lot when we went shopping but he didn’t want to say no to the boys. Don’t my little brothers deserve to have nice things for once? They’ve never even had new clothes,” Wildflower said annoyed. She loved Cody to death but she was getting pretty sick of her. “That’s not what I’m saying,” Cody said. “Just admit it Cody you are jealous,” Brooke said. “Wildflower meets the man of her dreams and he is willing to do anything for her family. And he happens to be the kind of person that can spend a few thousand at the mall, so what; he bought for the whole family. Which included Sarah and her kids and even Iris and her kids and he didn’t even have to do all of that. Oh and let’s see when was the last time Iris’ lazy a*s husband worked? Nicolas gives him a job and convinces him to actually do something with himself. I’m looking but I don’t see the bad here.” “How do you know he didn’t set the fire?” “Ok, I’ve had enough of this,” Wildflower said. “Cody I love you but if you don’t stop being so bitchy I don’t think we can be friends anymore. Nick has done nothing but be nice to you and he’s done so much for my family, things he didn’t have to do. My family is happy for the first time in a very long time and I just can’t believe you would make that into something bad. Should my little brothers be living in a shelter? And I guess Chris should too with her child?” “That’s not what I’m saying,” Cody said again. “It just doesn’t seem right. Fine whatever I’m just trying to make you see that something is seriously wrong with this guy. Think about it, he just randomly picks you up in a bar and does all this?” “Cody you just sound like a hater,” Christina said without looking up from the computer. “He comes from a big family too, so obviously he knows a lot about being there for your family. What are you going to do when Wildflower marries him? Cause let’s face it, there’s no way in hell he’s not going to marry her after this.” “That is a good question,” Brooke agreed. “And what about when they have kids? Are you going to hate them too because their father happens to be rich?” It took a little too long for Cody to answer, that told Wildflower everything. Her best friend hated her boyfriend not because he was a bad person, but just because he had money. That hurt her a lot because she never would behave the way Cody did or say the things she was saying. Maybe Nicolas went a little overboard on spending but her brothers looked so happy. She never really cared what people thought of her in high school, she never had nice new clothes or trendy clothes. But it was easier for a girl, especially when she was a little promiscuous back in those days. She knew how it felt to be teased for being poor. Before all this mess she had been trying to save money to buy her brothers clothes and shoes for school. They deserved to wear something that wasn’t used and old. At the moment her brothers were out riding horses with Sammie and Sugar. Even though they had been through a tragedy they were smiling and happy and she had Nicolas to thank for that. While she felt like maybe he shouldn’t have gone so far in helping her family, she was happy he did. She was resistant at first, but seeing her brothers and nieces and nephew and little cousins be happy, that was enough for her. And this was all thanks to the man she loved. He saved her family and she would never forget that. “I wouldn’t hate your hypothetical kids but Nicolas is a shady person. He bought your family and you, all three of you. Now with all his good deeds and making dreams come true, he owns you Wildflower. How could you ever leave him after all he’s done for you? Mr. Wonderful took your family who had nothing and gave them everything they could want and why? So that he could do whatever he wants with you,” Cody said firmly. There was obviously going to be no end to this. “Nobody owns me; I’m with Nick because I want to be and because I love him. Yes, he helped my family because they are my family, I know that. And I honestly couldn’t see why I would ever want to leave him,” she said. That won her stares from all three of them. “So if he asks you to marry him, you’ll say yes?” Brooke asked. “I don’t know, I guess,” she shrugged. “I was just saying that I want to be with him and if the whole marriage thing comes up then I don’t see a reason to say no.” “Uh oh, I see a ring in the near future,” Christina said. “I doubt it, we haven’t been together that long. Besides I’ve never even met his family and I’m sure they are going to listen to Katrina who says I’m a gold-digger,” she sighed. Katrina had been over to yell and complain loudly about how she was using Nicolas for money. “Didn’t Sugar say Mrs. Snob has been married like 4 times? What the hell does she know about anything?” Brooke asked shaking her head. “His family spends the summer here so we’ll see soon enough just how they feel about me,” she told them. “What are you going to do if they try to convince him you aren’t good enough?” Cody asked, she was forever the cynic. “I don’t know, I mean I expect them to think that. But he swears nothing could make him not want me. And he said he doesn’t care what they have to say.” She wasn’t so sure but there wasn’t much she could do about it. “Everything will work out, it’s not like Nicolas is a guy that can be told what to do. He’s going to marry you no matter what,” Brooke said. That was one thing that they all knew was true. © 2010 Britiney HarperAuthor's Note
2 Reviews Added on October 20, 2009 Last Updated on January 5, 2010 AuthorBritiney Harperpittsburgh, PAAbout...A Few Things... 1) Hi! I'm Britiney 2) I Love to Write 3) I love to read 4) I'm a nerd 5) i love my Family more than anything else 6) I've been writing since i was 8yrs old (but really b4 tha.. more..Writing
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