![]() Wildflower (Chapter 6)A Chapter by Britiney Harper![]() ...Chapter 6..![]()
Chapter 6 “Nicky, who is this girl you’re involved with?” Emilio asked his son, both Nicolas and Delanoz looked at each other. “I’m not stupid you left the other night and went back to your hotel room where you have some girl staying. A girl that I assume was the person that came to your office, whose picture is on your desk,” he challenged. Nicolas was speechless, why was it that this seemed like an impossible secret to keep. “Her name is Wildflower Laiez,” he said, “She is my girlfriend.” He looked to his brother for some help here; this was not part of his plan. All he’d been thinking about since he got on the plane was Wildflower. When he spoke to her last she was laying in his bed awaiting his return. “She’s a sweet girl,” Delanoz piped up. “Samantha and Sugar really love her,” he hoped it wouldn’t seem too bad. Delanoz still had his misgivings about Nick and his lover, but he figured his little brother deserved the chance to try. It was really apparent that Nick loved this girl or was just so infatuated he couldn’t see sense. But Delanoz figured he’d be a good big brother and try to help him out. Nick did deserve to be in love after all the work he did and all he gave up for the family. “Why don’t I know about this girl?” Emilio asked, again his sons looked at each other. He was pretty sure he knew why, but he wanted to hear it from them. “Nicky didn’t want to making a big deal about it, you know how everybody’s going to react,” Delanoz said. “Have you told your mother and sisters about this girl?” Emilio asked his piercing eyes staring straight into Nicolas’, letting them both know who he wanted to answer. “Katrina found out by accident, but otherwise no. I figured that everybody could get to know her when they come in for the summer,” Nicolas said keeping calm. Eventually everybody would meet her and he did plan on calling his mother to give her the heads up soon. Now that Wildflower had agreed to move in, there wasn’t much his psychotic family could do to get in his way. But they would try and he refused to let them succeed in ruining what he worked so hard for. “Nicky’s in love with this girl and she’s a good sweet girl, no need to worry,” Delanoz told their father and he nodded. “It’s just not like you to keep secrets Nicky,” he said. “Well she’s not a secret anymore, plus she’s moving in with me,” he said matter of factly. Delanoz almost choked on his drink and their father just stared at him. “Is that wise?” Emilio asked his son, that he never expected at all. It was one thing for Nicolas to suddenly have a little girlfriend, but living with her? “Well it would give me a reason to actually stay at the mansion,” he replied. “So some girl you hardly know is moving into our family’s house? Some girl who you haven’t told anybody but your brother about?” The way he said it made Delanoz mad, yes he knew he’d done some things, but his father didn’t have to point it out all the time. But he threw it in wherever he saw fit to, Delanoz said nothing about it though. “I love her and it’s my house,” Nicolas said, it had to be the boldest thing he’d ever said to his father. Emilio seemed to be considering him a moment, the moment stretched out into an endless eerie silence. “You kids think you know everything,” he said then got up and went into the other room. “He has to re-evaluate his life since his perfect son is being bad,” Delanoz said. “Grandpa left that house to me and the old man’s always been bitter, but I don’t care. My life is mine to live and I can love whoever I want to,” Nicolas said. At that he went back to his room where his laptop was open on the bed and a picture of Wildflower was on the screen. “Hello lover,” Wildflower answered when he called her. “The old man knows about you,” he told her. “Is that bad or good?” She asked, he wasn’t sure but couldn’t say that. “It doesn’t matter because nothing and no one is going to make me stop being with you,” he said. That was true; no one was going to get in his way. “Good to know,” she sighed. “I miss you even though you haven’t been gone too long.” “What are you wearing?” He asked deciding it was best not to talk about his family right now. “I actually just got out of the shower so just my undies,” she said. “Damn, I wish I was there,” he said. “Will you be there when I get back?” “Yes, I’m waiting here for you; I’m not leaving this room until you get here.” “Sounds good, when do you want to move in?” “Oh I hadn’t really thought about that. I guess it’s up to you really,” she said. “Ok, as soon as I get back you are moving in.” “Then I guess I should go home and pack.” “No, I’m thinking that you want to take off Monday so that I can take you shopping and you can buy new clothes and not argue with me,” he said. After their conversation at dinner two nights ago he felt the need to spoil her. If she wouldn’t do it herself then he was going to have to. His woman deserved the best of everything. “I don’t feel like arguing with you,” she said. Arguing with him was pointless he always got his way in the end. “I really wish you were in this bed with me.” For some reason she was feeling needy, probably because she was she was so use to his constant attention. “Baby if I could I would fly back tonight but we have an early morning thing and the old man would probably kill me. Maybe you should take a week off and I could do so as well and I can get you settled at the house,” he suggested. “Is a week off really necessary?” She asked even though she liked the idea. “No, a month is more appropriate for what I want to do, but I know I can’t get you to take off that long. Though you could quit your job and work for me,” he said. “Yeah, I so want to get paid to be your office booty call. It’s tempting but I told you I like my job,” she said. It wasn’t a lie she liked being able to use her knowledge of other languages for something. Even if that something was translating boring stuff, it was better than nothing. “You could be my assistant, and translate things for me. We do business with a lot of people,” he said. “Yeah I’m still feeling a booty call vibe here.” “Maybe I would like to feel you up and bend you over my desk a few times. But other than that I could find things for you to do,” he said. “I’ll be keeping my job thank you,” she said. Then a thought occurred to her, she was moving in with a man and she didn’t have to pay for anything. They never discussed it but she knew he wasn’t going to let her pay for anything. Besides the house belonged to him it wasn’t like they would have to pay rent or anything. So that meant she could still give her mother money without taking up space in the house. While that was a good idea and probably what would end up happening, she felt guilty. Everything having to do with money made her feel guilty. “You got quiet, is something wrong?” He asked, she considered if the truth was the best thing at the moment. “I was thinking about my job and my family and money,” she admitted. “Don’t think about any of that, I have some things we really have to discuss when I get back. We can’t talk about it over the phone,” he told her. “Now you have me worried,” she said. What could he want to talk about? She hoped he wasn’t going to ask her to marry him or anything crazy like that. It wasn’t that she wouldn’t say yes, it was because she knew she would and it was way too soon. “Don’t be, I think right now what you should do is turn on your computer. It has a webcam you know and I would love to see how sexy you look right now.” “Nicolas Capriani I am not going to do whatever nasty thing you want me to do on camera,” she said. “Why not? Who would see? I’m all alone.” “I’m not your personal porn star.” “Just let me see you, I need to see you.” “Maybe I could do that, but I’m not stripping or whatever else you have in your dirty mind.” She picked her laptop up off the nightstand and opened it. For some reason she had a bad feeling about this. “Seriously?” Brooke asked and she nodded. They were having lunch on the balcony at the hotel. “I don’t even know how I let him talk me into it, that isn’t something I ever thought I would do,” Wildflower said. Nicolas could literally get her to do anything he wanted and that was bad. It was really bad last night. “So there’s no way it was recorded or anything, right? It was just a live show?” “I hope so, I’m such a s**t for doing this,” she shook her. “Not really,” Brooke paused. “Jay and I kind of have a sex tape.” “No! Are you serious?” “Yeah, we were bored one night and yeah that happened,” Brooke said with her cheeks flaming red. “Watching it was kind of hot and well watching it leads to us having sex. Maybe you and Nick should make one. Was he really turned on by watching you?” “Yes,” she admitted. “You know I can’t believe my brother made a sex tape, mom would flip if she knew. Then again I’m not better am I? Touching myself for Nick’s amusement, wow I’m a w***e.” “You are not; he’s so your future husband and you love him, right?” “Yes, I love him and I didn’t expect that when we met. He says he has something to talk to me about when he sees me, I’m worried. His dad found out he flew out to see me and he’s not happy about it. Once his family meets me I bet they tell him I’m not good enough and that he needs to find some rich girl. This is why I haven’t met his family, I bet he’s embarrassed,” she sighed. “Paranoid much? The man loves you and worships the ground you walk on. Why would he be embarrassed of you? He’s over your house for dinner all the time and he spends time with your brothers, everybody loves him. I’m sure there is a reason he’s stalling with the family, that sister of his is a b***h,” Brooke said. “I am paranoid, but it’s not my fault. It still makes no sense to me that he is with me despite what he says. And why the hell was one of the richest men in the world in that crappy bar?” “Maybe he didn’t want to be recognized. He’s the type of guy that if he does anything in public it could turn into a huge scandal and be in gossip magazines and stuff. I bet your wedding pictures will sell for millions,” she said excitedly. “And I will be right next to you in every picture just to get my face out there.” “I feel bad that I’m here and my family is living in that house and have nothing. I’m lounging in this very expensive hotel and I have a credit card with no limit. This is wrong and I can’t live in a mansion that has a staff,” Wildflower said. She got up from her chair and looked down at the outdoor pool. Everybody down below looked so peaceful and happy. Nobody else had to choose between living with their poor family or their rich boyfriend. It was wrong of her to go live with Nicolas or even stay here. Maybe she needed to take a break from her relationship. This just didn’t feel right anymore. There was just barely enough food back at home. And Sarah was having a hard time and needed a lot of help with the kids. “Stop torturing yourself, you deserve this more than anybody. I know you give almost every penny you have to your mom for bills. You do so much for your family and honestly you know you don’t get much in return. Please don’t go back home, stay with Nicolas, I’m begging you,” Brooke said. She came over and stood beside her. “Do not let your family hold you back, they’ve done that enough. What happened to Daisy was not your fault.” “I know,” Wildflower whispered. “Mom isn’t as bad as she was, mostly since Nick has been around I guess.” There were a lot of things that went on in her family that she didn’t want Nicolas to know about. “Everybody is not your responsibility; your crazy a*s mother needs to take care of her own kids. Same goes for your aunts, cousins and sister.” “Stop making sense, I know all of this,” she grumbled. “If he really knew what goes on in my family, Nick would never speak to me again.” “He loves you for you not for your family,” Brooke the voice of reason said. “I know,” she whispered. She was still unsure about what to do. Nicolas was anxious all day; he of course hid it from everybody. All he could think about was Wildflower. He desperate to get back to her, it felt like an eternity. Maybe he could start bringing her on his trips so they didn’t have to be apart. She was addictive like a drug and he was strung out. The plane ride was only three hours but it felt like much longer. His father wasn’t pleased with him and didn’t try to hide it. But for once he didn’t care at all. When the plane landed he took off without a word and headed back to the hotel. He needed to see her and he wasn’t sure why he felt the way he did at the moment. The elevator took too long to get him to his room and when he did he rushed in. She was curled up in the bed asleep, so he slowly approached the bed. Seeing her calmed him a little, he sort of felt like something might be wrong. But no here she was perfect and his. Obviously he was just being paranoid. He sat down beside her on the bed and leaned in to kiss her forehead. Her eyes fluttered open and it took her a minute to realize he was there. “Did I fall asleep?” She asked looking confused. “I’m thinking you did,” he replied. “I really missed you.” “We are pathetic you know, it’s only been what two and a half days?” She sat up and he pulled her to him and kissed her. “Yeah but I’ve never had anyone waiting at home for me, its different. So do you want to stay here or go to the mansion tonight? Whatever you choose is fine and I don’t know if you want to stay here or there, just keep clothes here just in case.” He knew while he was talking that he was right to sense that something was wrong, it was written all over her face. “Nick, I was doing some thinking today and-” “No, you said you would move in with me,” he said cutting her off. “I really want to but the more I think about it the worse I feel,” she said. “I will not accept this,” he told her. This wasn’t good, she was spiking his anger and that was dangerous. Until that moment she never had and that was a good thing. This was what his brother warned him about. When Nick got mad things could get pretty bad. Why couldn’t things just work out the way they were supposed to? The way he planned? “It isn’t about you or our relationship, it’s about my family. They need me more than you do,” she said. There were tears in her eyes, she was really broken up about the situation and that calmed him a bit. “Can you please think about yourself for once? Your mother can take care of your family, let me take care of you,” he said. “I love you so much, you are basically my first love and I want to do this more than anything else. But how can I live in your mansion when my family is living the way they do? Can you not see something wrong with that?” “Actually that is what I needed to talk to you about,” he said. Telling her what he’d done was not going to go over well. So he stood up and picked her up and carried her to the door. “What are you doing?” She asked while he carried her to the elevator. “I have something to show you, its one of those things you have to see to believe. So don’t bug me about where I’m taking you,” he told her. “You could have at least let me put shoes on,” she said. Shoes weren’t really important to him at the moment, he was well aware that her shorts were too short and her tank top was hugging her body in a way that other men shouldn’t see. Maybe he should have let her put clothes on first. People stared at them while he carried her across the lobby, but the staff knew better than to question him. He walked out the door and out to the parking lot, it was nice to have a space reserved for you. So he knew where she parked his car. When he finally put her down it was in the passenger seat. “It was so nice of you to cause a scene in the hotel,” she said. “My room is the most expensive one in the hotel, I’ve lived here for most of the last 4 or 5 years, I might as well own the building. They know better then to get in my business,” he told her as he drove. “Nick, you are acting so bizarre. Why can’t you just tell me where we are going?” “Because it’s a surprise, I was hoping that I could have today with you and we could do this tomorrow. But apparently you decided between last night and now to ruin everything,” he said a little bitter. He hadn’t meant to sound that way and the look she gave him didn’t help matters. “I don’t like your attitude,” she said. “Is it so hard for you to see why I have to stay with them?” “No it isn’t and maybe I’m selfish to want you so much but I do. And I know that if you stay there you will always regret it and you will never leave. I’m trying to do what’s best for you and I’m sorry if I’m a little angry,” he said. His frustration was also making him drive a lot faster than he normally would. Today was a bad day. “You are probably right but that doesn’t make any of this easier,” she sighed. “Wildflower, I am going to take care of you and I know you will fight me but I won’t stop. You are mine,” he said. “Yes, I’m all yours,” she agreed. “And I can be yours from home or from anywhere. Though it would be nice to get away.” “I’m not letting you out of this, you are moving in with me,” he told her firmly. “You know the last thing I wanted to do today was argue with you. I bought some “When you move in you can wear anything you like,” he replied. “Where are you taking me?” She asked when he turned into a residential neighborhood. “You’ll see,” he said as he pulled into the driveway of one of the houses. “Am I supposed to walk around outside barefoot?” She asked and he shook his head. He’d seen her walk outside barefoot plenty of times in their 3 month relationship. “I’ll carry you princess,” he said. He got out and went around to get her, the neighbors were looking at them oddly. Somehow he managed to open the door while holding her. “Nick, whose house is this?” She asked when he let her down and she started looking around. Why would he bring her to a house that had a sold sign outside? A completely furnished house from what she could see. “It’s not for us if that’s what you think,” he laughed. “Well then who does this house belong to?” It was pretty obvious he was up to something; it was a very big house. “Technically I own this house now,” he said. “Why would you buy a house when you own a mansion?” “Because I know of some people who are in need of a new house.” “No, you didn’t,” she said stunned. “Nicolas Capriani you did not buy my mother a house!” “This is why I didn’t want to tell you over the phone,” he said. “You can’t do this, you can not buy a house for my family,” she shook her head. She wasn’t even sure why she was so surprised this was something he would do. “I already did as you can see. What’s the problem? It’s just a house and we both know they need a better place to live.” “Normal people do not give real estate as gifts.” “I did this for you; I knew you would feel too guilty to move in with me. The house wasn’t even that much,” he shrugged. “Why do I bother? You could never possibly understand why you can’t do things like this,” she said annoyed. Maybe it wasn’t his fault because of how he was raised and maybe she needed to appreciate this gift, but she was mostly pissed off. It was a nice house though. “No I don’t understand, we had a problem I fixed it.” “Ok look Nick I’m flattered that you want me so bad that you would buy a house for my family, but it’s too much. I know you heart is in the right place but you can’t give houses as gifts. Besides there’s pretty much no way my mother would accept this,” she told him. “Why don’t we ask her then? If she doesn’t want it then I’ll resell it, is that good enough for you?” He asked and reluctantly she nodded. “It is a nice house,” she admitted. “Can I show you the rest of it?” “Sure,” she nodded and he took her hand and gave her a tour. There was enough room in the house for her whole family and there was even a guest house in back that would be perfect for Isaiah and Christina. Nicolas thought of everything. That included him suggesting that her brothers go to the expensive private school that Sammie and Sugar went to. Of course he would pay for that too. Dating a billionaire was not an easy thing. While Nicolas was able to have anything he wanted all his life it wasn’t like that for her family. She wanted this for her family, a real home. But it wasn’t right for them to accept this gift. Even thought just like Nicolas planned, this house meant she could live with him guilt free. She had to admit that he was a genius, no wonder he was so valuable to his father’s company. “So do you like it?” He asked when they were done touring and ended up in the kitchen. “Yes it is very nice,” she said. “You know I just want to take care of you right? I know how you feel about your family and I just want everybody to be happy,” he explained. “I know, but you Mr. Capriani need to learn about boundaries,” she said. She stood up on her tip toes to kiss him. “You must really want me to move in with you.” “Oh I really do,” he said pulling her close to him. “I thought about moving your family in the mansion but that would make my family become very annoying, not that I’m above pissing everyone off. Really I just wanted you to myself.” “We can figure this out later, I’m thinking we need to get to a bed soon,” she said. She could feel his erection in his black dress pants, and he was holding her pretty close. After last night she’d really been wanting to see him, it was like she was addicted to him. “Can’t wait that long,” he whispered in her ear. He lifted her up on the counter and leaned in to kiss her. “This, what you’re wearing, I don’t think you should wear it out ever again.” “Why not?” “Because I hate that men are always looking at you,” he said. Maybe she could agree that this was a little much, but he was talking her shorts and panties off. “These were my jammies so you know; it was you that dragged me out.” “Yeah I know,” he said. “Why is it that every time I’m near you I’m like drunk on you?” “When you figure that out then I’ll know why I feel the same.” It was probably not a good idea to have sex on the counter in this house that was a gift to her family. But for some reason she could not force herself to say no. There was just something between them that made them want each other badly. © 2010 Britiney HarperAuthor's Note
3 Reviews Added on October 20, 2009 Last Updated on January 5, 2010 AuthorBritiney Harperpittsburgh, PAAbout...A Few Things... 1) Hi! I'm Britiney 2) I Love to Write 3) I love to read 4) I'm a nerd 5) i love my Family more than anything else 6) I've been writing since i was 8yrs old (but really b4 tha.. more..Writing
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