![]() Wildflower (Chapter 5)A Chapter by Britiney Harper![]() ...Chapter 5..![]()
Chapter 5 It has been a good few days and finally Wildflower had some peace and quiet. Tonight was the only night she actually got to herself, after her weekend with the girls and then Monday Evan stayed with her and Tuesday Sammie did. Three more days and Nicolas would be back and she was planning on moving in with him. He had no idea that she made that decision, even though he called her ever chance he got. When she turned on her new laptop and logged on to the internet she wasn’t surprised that he instant messaged her. NickCapriani: Hey beautiful. daisyLove3: Hi NickCapriani: Enjoying your new computer? daisyLove3: I love it…really you spoil me way too much. NickCapriani: Are you serious? I don’t spoil you enough. daisyLove3: So how’s business? NickCapriani: Boring…wish I was with you. daisyLove3: Aww my baby… I wish you were here. NickCapriani: Where are you anyway? daisyLove3: Your bed…at the hotel. NickCapriani: What are you wearing? daisyLove3: The same shirt I had on when you left. NickCapriani: Oh really? Why are you wearing my shirt? daisyLove3: It smells like you. NickCapriani: So you’re lying in my bed...in just a shirt? daisyLove3: Pretty much. NickCapriani: You are such a tease. daisyLove3: How so? NickCapriani: You should be in my bed here…in less. daisyLove3: Do you ever think of anything besides sex? NickCapriani: Of course. daisyLove3: Like what? NickCapriani: You. daisyLove3: You Mr. Capriani are crazy. NickCapriani: I’m crazy about you. daisyLove3: I think I’m going to go take a bubble bath. NickCapriani: There you go again you tease. daisyLove3: Not a tease…I just want a bath. NickCapriani: So after this bath you’re gonna be walking around my room naked? daisyLove3: Maybe. NickCapriani: Take the rest of the week off…get on a plane. daisyLove3: No…you’ll see me in a few days. NickCapriani: You better be naked when I do. daisyLove3: Really…stop thinking about sex. NickCapriani: Fine. daisyLove3: I’m loving the silence and getting to sleep w/o 3 other
ppl. NickCapriani: That’s why you should move in with me. daisyLove3: I’ve been giving that some thought actually. NickCapriani: Really? daisyLove3: Yes. NickCapriani: And? daisyLove3: Maybe…when you come back. NickCapriani: Seriously? daisyLove3: Yeah. NickCapriani: I promise you won’t regret it. daisyLove3: Oh I’m sure I won’t. NickCapriani: So why did you change your mind? daisyLove3: I miss you…and I liked staying over with you too much. NickCapriani: I can’t tell you how happy that makes me. daisyLove3: Oh you knew I’d give in eventually. NickCapriani: Yeah, but I didn’t think it would be soon. daisyLove3: I miss you. NickCapriani: Come out here. daisyLove3: I wish I could. NickCapriani: You don’t have to work…I want to take care of you. daisyLove3: I already told you no…besides I like my job. NickCapriani: Nobody ever really likes their job. daisyLove3: Well I do. NickCapriani: Your job is to be mine. daisyLove3: My job is to help my family. NickCapriani: I’m your family now. daisyLove3: I don’t see a ring on my finger. NickCapriani: That could be
arranged. daisyLove3: I bet. NickCapriani: But then again how can I buy you a ring if I can’t buy you anything? daisyLove3: You never listen to me anyway. NickCapriani: It’s because you never tell me what you want. daisyLove3: Maybe I don’t want anything. NickCapriani: With me you won’t have to want…you can have anything daisyLove3: You’re driving me crazy. NickCapriani: You’ve been driving me crazy since I first saw you. daisyLove3: That seems like so long ago…but it really wasn’t. NickCapriani: It’s because we’re soul mates. daisyLove3: Since when do you believe in that stuff? NickCapriani: Since I met you. daisyLove3: Oh I see. NickCapriani: Babe I gotta run…meeting time. daisyLove3: Oh ok…call me later then. NickCapriani: Will do… later baby. Wildflower closed down her laptop and put it back on the nightstand. It was weird staying in Nicolas’ room without him, but having a bed to herself was heaven. She start thinking about the stupid credit card again, maybe she should buy new clothes. Nicolas was rich, his family was in the top 10 richest families, Brooke looked it up online. If she was going to be living with him maybe she needed to look like she was dating a billionaire. Most of her clothes came from either Goodwill, Wal-Mart or Target, it made her feel disgustingly poor compared to him. Of course he never complained about what she wore, but then again he never complained about anything. The thought was tempting but she couldn’t really bring herself to buy a whole new wardrobe. But at the insistence of pretty much everybody she did use the card and she did buy some things. Her little brothers needed new shoes, her friends wanted clothes, Sammie and Sugar wanted everything. And everybody wanted her to get some new clothes. She felt extremely guilty about spending any money. But she did take her family out to dinner and bought a few things for her mother. Buying things for herself was hard, especially since Nicolas had just brought her all new electronics. Not everything was bad about his gifts. Driving around in Nicolas’ car was amazing too; finally she was really free to go wherever she wanted without it being a big deal. Nicolas happened to have 5 different cars at his house, which he told her she could take her pick of, but she resisted that urge. Of all of the cars she preferred the SUV he left her with, the one he drove the most. After lying in bed for a little while longer she gave serious thought to taking a bubble bath. But there was a knock at the door; she had ordered dinner so it was probably room service. She got up from the bed and went to get the door, not really bothering to care that she was only wearing a shirt that just barely covered her butt. When she opened the door, however, she almost screamed, it was Nicolas. “Surprise,” he said stepping inside and pulling her to him. “What are you doing here?” She asked in a mild shock, she’d just been talking to him online. “I had some free time and thought I’d come spend some time with the love of my life,” he said then kissed her. “Perks of having your own jet, you really should let me buy you one,” he went on pulling her back towards the bed room. “Won’t your father be mad?” She asked when they were sitting on the bed, he shrugged. “No big deal really, he probably won’t notice and D says he’ll cover for me,” he said matter of factly. Normally he would never rely on his brother, but in this case of course Delanoz would want to help him do something crazy. “Now what’s this I hear about a bubble bath?” He asked her very suggestively, she just smiled. “I was just about to go run some water,” she told him. Even though she wanted to have one night to herself, she was happy to have him there. “I can’t believe you’re really still wearing that shirt,” he said running his hand over the buttons before he started to unbutton it. “You’re just too cute,” he told her as he pulled her onto his lap so he could finish unbuttoning the shirt. “You only came here to have sex with me?” She asked and he stopped and looked at her sweet innocent grey eyes. “No, I came to take a bubble bath,” he replied. “No really I just wanted to see you, let’s go to dinner I’m starving,” he said. It had only just occurred to him that this must have seemed like something that it wasn’t and he wanted to make sure she didn’t think the wrong thing. “I just ordered room service,” she told him. “I’ll cancel it no big deal, go put some pants on,” he told her while he reached for the phone. Not having much of a choice she got up and grabbed pair of jeans off of the chair and slipped them on and buttoned the shirt back. At dinner Nicolas noticed Wildflower was a little quieter then usual and that worried him. He had perfect plans for her that got better since she agreed to move in. “So when are you moving in?” He asked her and she looked up from her salad that she’d been picking over. “Oh I guess some time after your trip,” she said then looked back down. “Well I figured we could stay in the mansion, but if you want we can stay at the hotel. Doesn’t matter to me as long as you’re there,” he said. “Whichever is fine,” she said and he was pretty sure by the tone that she was upset about something. “Wildflower is something wrong?” He asked, she looked up and smiled an obviously forced smile. “Should I not have come?” “I missed you, I’m glad you came,” she said but he wasn’t at all convinced. “Is this too much? Am I suffocating you?” He was worried, this wasn’t what he expected. Desperately he tried to think of something he might have said or done. “How do I leave my family? I mean its weird that Ivan and Jay moved out and now me?” She was worried about that but she was also worried about being with Nicolas. Who would take a flight just to stay with somebody for a few hours? It wasn’t surprising that he did it, but it was surprising that she wasn’t as happy as she knew she should be. Lately it seemed like he controlled every part of her life and living with him would be crazy, because it might get worse. Or maybe she was just scared of taking this leap that was a huge commitment that she never thought she would make. “Oh baby, it’ll be ok and its better this way. There will be more room with you gone and you aren’t moving too far,” he said relived that it wasn’t his fault. Sometimes she surprised him; maybe this wasn’t exactly going to be as easy as he originally thought. “Nick,” she said looking unsure. “Why are you with me? I mean I know we love each other but I’m like dirt poor and you have a lot of money.” “Money is boring, I’ve always been able to have whatever I wanted, no challenges. The women I use to see were all about the money. But you aren’t and you don’t make things easy for me, I like a good challenge. You are genuine and a really good person and I love that about you. If it would make you happy I’d give everything up for you,” he said honestly. While he enjoyed being able to have anything he wanted he often thought about going off on his own and starting over without his family’s money. “So you like me because I’m not easy? I’d think I was pretty easy since I was ready to have sex with you the night we met,” she said. “I’m not talking about sexually. You are very resistant to letting anyone do anything for you or take care of you, you fight me on everything. One thing I can say is things with you are never boring,” he said. “Unlike a lot of women I know you are strong and independent and really stubborn, you intrigue me. I like a woman that can stand on her own two feet. And let’s not forget you how loyal you are to your family and how you always put them first. The way I see it you’re the perfect woman and I wonder why you’re even with me.” That actually wasn’t an untrue statement, she was perfect and he definitely wasn’t. There were a lot of things she didn’t know about him. Every family had skeletons, right? He was almost 30 and hadn’t ever been married or close to it. No woman he ever met was right for what he wanted and then he saw Wildflower and somehow he knew. Maybe she really was his soul mate, if he had much of a soul left. Wildflower was selfless loving and loyal, loyalty was very important in the Capriani family. He had big plans for her, he didn’t want a girlfriend or a play mate he wanted a wife. And he was going to do whatever it took to have her as his wife. His family wouldn’t approve that was why he kept her a secret, he didn’t want a well breed stuck up rich girl he wanted a real person. Wildflower was as real as they came. The only problem he had was time, while he could be patient and wait forever for her, with his family close to finding out he didn’t have the time. “You always know just what to say,” she shook her head. “I’m nervous about moving in with you and I don’t know if I could fit into your life. And I don’t dress like a rich man’s girlfriend.” “We’ve been together for what three months? I think you fit in my life pretty well. As for how you dress buy new clothes if it bothers you. Though if you want to dress like you were the night met you, I wouldn’t mind if I’m the only one that sees you of course.” “Well you should have known me before, I was pretty trashy and skanky in high school and I was a total party girl. After what happened to Daisy I gave up that life,” she said. There was a look in her eyes when she talked about her sister, a look of longing. “Tell me about her, you never really talk about what happened,” he said. “Daisy was the good girl and I was the wild child. I partied a lot to ignore how crappy my life was. Most of my time outside of school was spent babysitting or trying to work to help my mom with the bills. I was desperate for a release so I drank a lot hung out with a bunch of guys. Daisy wasn’t a hardcore partier but she always came out with me. Everybody thought of her as the saint and I was the devil child. The three of us were always together, Ivan was our protector. He was a partier too. Anyway this one night I didn’t go out because I was sick or something, but she went out with her boyfriend. He was pretty wasted and yeah he lost control of the car and I lost my sister,” she told him. “My mother has always wished it was me and not Daisy, but I couldn’t blame her because I wished it too. After that I was nearly suicidal and it took awhile but I got my life together. And I’ve always regretted that it took losing my sister to set me straight. I truly live up to my name because I was wild, now I’m boring. Before my birthday I hadn’t drank in like 3 years. I miss Daisy everyday; we balanced each other out as a threesome. Ivan hasn’t been too bad,” she said. Thinking about the past made her feel teary, she missed her sister. It had been a very long time since she talked about any of that. She still felt empty without Daisy but lately she’d actually been happy. Nicolas made her happy and he made her smile and he made her want to bare her soul to him. Loving him was easy and it scared her to death, she’d never been in love before. Moving in with him meant a lot of things and she was just afraid he would get bored with her. “Not to be insensitive because I know you loved your sister, but I’m glad it wasn’t you. I love you and I’m going to take care of you whether you like it or not and I will never let anything happen to you,” he said. He took her hands in his and she felt grateful to have him. Having someone love you made everything else seem less important. “So I’m thinking that since you came all this way to see me and it wasn’t to hear stories from my depressing past,” she said feeling like changing the subject. “Was there something you wanted to do?” He asked and she smiled and leaned over the table. “You,” she said. He looked surprised but excited. “I think we need to go,” he said and she nodded. Being with someone was definitely better than random hook ups. And she was very happy they waited to have sex, it made it all so much better.
© 2010 Britiney HarperAuthor's Note
4 Reviews Added on October 20, 2009 Last Updated on February 13, 2010 AuthorBritiney Harperpittsburgh, PAAbout...A Few Things... 1) Hi! I'm Britiney 2) I Love to Write 3) I love to read 4) I'm a nerd 5) i love my Family more than anything else 6) I've been writing since i was 8yrs old (but really b4 tha.. more..Writing
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