![]() Wildflower (Chapter 4)A Chapter by Britiney Harper![]() ...Chapter 4...![]()
Chapter 4 “Disappearing in the middle of the night?” Marguerite asked when she entered her daughter’s room. Wildflower opened one eye; she was enjoying the silence in her empty room and trying to get some sleep. That was always too much to ask for in this house, she moved closer to the wall so that her mother could sit down. “He felt bad about canceling on our dinner,” she replied closing her eyes. “So what are you getting serious with him?” Marguerite asked while looking around her daughter’s room that looked so depressing. Since the day she laid eyes on Nicolas she knew that everything would change. “I don’t know,” she said honestly. After lunch she didn’t hear from Nicolas again so she wondered if he was mad at her. “Why don’t you leave here? I know he wants you to stay with him,” she had been giving the whole thing a lot of thought. “Why do you stay in this dump when you can finally get out of here?” Wildflower sat up and stared at her mother, though she wasn’t exactly that surprised. “I just met him,” was what she said to her mother for lack of something better. “That didn’t stop you from going home with him and all that the day you met him. I’m just saying that this could be good for you and I know you feel like staying here is helping. But with you gone there would be more space and then Ivan and Jay are moving out this weekend. Just give it more thought,” she told her daughter. Really it was best for Wildflower to run off to the palace of her prince charming instead of sitting around in the zoo that they lived in. “I think about it all the time, but everything just moves so fast with him,” Wildflower admitted. Though she knew that once her mother had her mind made up about something that was it there was no going back. She of course would never really throw out her own daughter, but she’d be all disappointed. And Wildflower was sick of always being the disappointment. Everything in her life changed after her sister died and so maybe she looked for love in all the wrong places and acted like a w***e. She’d learned the error of her ways and had made a complete change. But this thing with Nicolas, whatever it was or would be was no doubt giving her mother some hope. And that she could never take away from her mother. Her family was everything to her; they were basically all each other had. “Well you could always come home if he turns into a monster, I’m just saying give it a try,” she pressed on. “You aren’t like Iris or Christina; you’ve always just been more then everybody else. The boys are all reckless and it’s ok to be one time or another, but you changed,” she told her. Marguerite really felt it was the absolute best thing for her daughter’s future if she got out of that house. There was a knock on the door and Nicolas’ head peered in before they could finish talking, he had such perfect timing. “I have some things to do, I’ll leave you two alone,” she said getting up and hurrying out and closing the door behind her. “I was about to head out, I just wanted to say good bye to you,” he said sitting down on the bed next to Wildflower. “Have you been here long?” She asked and he nodded. “Why didn’t you tell me?” She asked though she was pretty sure she knew and her mother’s behavior now made a lot more sense. “Your mom said you were asleep,” he said just as she knew he would. “I wish I was asleep,” she said lying back down. He lay down with her and pulled her into his arms. “I’m so sleepy,” she whispered. “Close your eyes and go to sleep,” he told her and she smiled at him. “I can’t sleep, this is the last time I’ll see you for a week,” she said even though she knew she had no energy to do anything. “Don’t worry about it,” he said kissing her forehead, “Just sleep.” Reluctantly she listened to him and drifted off to sleep. When Wildflower woke up she was in some kind of daze, she didn’t know how she came to be in Nicolas’ hotel room, but she was there. The last thing she could really remember clearly was falling asleep in her bed at home with Nicolas. Looking over at the nightstand it was obvious that they had a few drinks; there was 2 empty bottles of wine and glasses. She started to get up quite a where that she was only in her underwear, but then realized she wasn’t alone. In a chair by the window sat a man, who wasn’t Nicolas but sort of resembled him. He smiled and waved at her when she realized he was there, she just scramble around for some clothes. All she could find was the button down shirt Nicolas had worn to work the day before, so she put it on. “Good morning,” the man said to her in a bemused way. “Sorry if I scared you, but I thought I’d keep an eye on you while Nicky is in a meeting. It’s a shame we’ve never met and you’re all serious with my baby brother,” he said then it dawned on her. “You’re Sammie’s father?” She asked in slight shock, here was the man that she’d heard so much about but never actually met. Even though he was across the room she could still feel his magnetic charm, but she knew what kind of person he was. “And you are my little brother’s most well guarded secret; you also must think I’m a monster. But you are the best thing that ever happened to both Nicky and my Samantha. I know I must seem horrible and neglectful of all my children, but I assure you it’s for the best. I’d rather not have them grow up to be like me, besides they turned out well so far. Samantha has you, His laid back manner was so apparent; she could even see how women just threw themselves at him. But Wildflower already had her own prince charming and had no use for his man w***e of a brother. She tried not to think badly of him, but between Angel, Sammie and even Nicolas, she’d heard some pretty bad things. “You do look young, of course you really are young, almost young enough to be one of my kids,” he said with a laugh, but she didn’t see the humor. “But from what I’ve heard about you I can see why Nicky loves you so much,” he went on. “So what have you heard about me?” Her curiosity got the better of her; Delanoz was an interesting person despite everything. Plus she wanted to get to know Nicolas’ family; he was already a part of hers. He told her that he didn’t want his family to meet her too soon because he didn’t want them to interfere. But of course since she spent a lot of time with both Katrina’s and Delanoz’s daughters, it had only been a matter of time. “Well Kat was concerned, not to say there’s anything wrong with you, but she’s just a control freak. And most of the women Nicky has been with Kat hooked them up or at least knew her whole family history. Kat can be pretty hardcore, and well all of a sudden Nicky has a secret girl. He’s being smart keeping you at a distance from this family. It took forever for me to get him to even tell me your name, when I went over to his office yesterday. I in fact showed up a little after you left, I’ve heard of you before from Samantha, but had no idea you were Nicky’s girl. “The biggest shock was when Kat told me that he had your whole family over for dinner at the mansion. That was why I figured I had to get the dirt; Nicky never does things like that. Yes he is Mr. Perfect Prodigal Son, but he barely lets us go there. So I knew he had to be pretty serious about you, though you’re in luck since Mother hasn’t heard yet. Once she does she’ll be on a plane and knocking at your front door. Everybody kind of has stakes in Nicky’s love life, he is the only one of us that hasn’t been married multiple times or had some big scandal,” he said. It only served to peak her curiosity but she nodded and took in every word. “So what are your intentions for our dear Nicky?” “Honestly, I’m not sure; this whole thing has gone so fast. But he is amazing and he’s the type of guy that my mother has always wanted for me, even without the money. And I’m just hoping that this dream with him will never end,” she said and Delanoz nodded. The way she smiled and the look in her eyes told him that she was just as love sick as his brother. “What’re you doing here?” Nicolas asked his brother when he came in, Wildflower hadn’t even heard the door. But she did hear something in Nicolas’ voice and she did see something in his eyes as he looked at his brother. He was carrying two big gift bags and set them down at the foot of the bed. “Just keeping this lovely young lady company,” Delanoz replied, though he knew his brother was pissed. “I didn’t know you had a meeting,” Wildflower said and both men looked at her. She had 9 brothers and knew very well when a fight was coming on. The way Nicolas looked at her when he sat down on the bed next to her made her feel naked. But he didn’t say anything about what she was wearing, instead just kissed her. “I didn’t want to wake you, since I know you haven’t been getting too much sleep lately,” he told her. “But since you’re up, I got some gifts for you,” he said. “Nicolas,” she started to say, she knew it was crazy, but she hated for him to buy her stuff. “I didn’t really buy it, it’s just a gift that I got and figured you could use it more then I can,” he explained careful to avoid looking at his brother. “Oh yeah people give gifts all the time, kinda like a bribe,” Delanoz said and Nicolas glared at him. “It’s a bunch of electronics stuff, nothing too big,” he went on ignoring his brother. “You can look at it later,” he said dismissively. “Well thanks,” she said still a little unsure, but it was sweet of him. “You’re leaving soon,” she whispered pouting at him. “Oh don’t look like that I told you to come,” he knew what his brother must’ve been thinking at that moment. “Well as entertaining as you both are, I think I’ll take my leave,” Delanoz said getting up and with a wave he was gone. But he didn’t actually leave; he just went in the other room to be nosy. “What’d he say to you?” Nicolas asked Wildflower when they were alone. “Not much really, he seems nice,” she told him. There was still some tension hanging in the air and she considered asking him what was the deal with him and his brother but thought better of it. “So what happened last night?” “What’d you mean?” He asked, she decided that this was a better topic of conversation. “I can’t remember anything past being in my room, I don’t know why though,” she told him and he nodded. “Well you woke up and decided to come spend the night with me here. We had dinner and a few drink and we had a little fun,” he said winking at her. “Do you have to leave?” She asked him, still confused about pretty much everything. But he was leaving and she didn’t want to make a big deal about anything stupid and little. “If I could stay with you I would,” he told her as he pulled her into his arms. “I do have a few things to give you that are important for while I’m gone,” he said knowing she’d refuse him. “Oh no, should I be worried?” She figured it must be more gifts, but he had this serious sort of look in his eyes. “I’m leaving you keys to here and the house and my car, so you can have you pick of where you wanna stay and you have a way to get around. And before you argue I’m also leaving you with one of my credit cards,” he said and she was speechless. “Spend whatever you want, there’s no limit, so you could buy a car or a house with it if you want. Whatever you want, I wanna make sure that you have everything you could want and need while I’m gone,” he went on. “Nick, I can’t,” she told him getting up from the bed. Here she was being given the world and she couldn’t take it. She stood at the window with her back to him trying to calm her racing mind. “Baby, don’t fight me on this, if I can’t be here to take care of you, then I want to know for sure that you’re taken care of. Will you please just take it?” He said coming over and slipping his arms around her waist. “Fine,” she said, but only because she couldn’t stand to fight with him before he left. It was sweet that he wanted to take care of her so much, that also made her think about moving in with him and all that. “Good girl,” he said turning her around and kissing her. “Don’t worry so much, it’s not a big deal,” he told her and she nodded. “Now I think I need to say good-bye properly.” He picked her up and carried her to the bed. “What you want a quickie?” She asked when he was on top of her. “No, I just want you to think of me every second I’m gone,” he said. He pulled off her panties and slowly lowered himself on to the floor. “And I want you on my mine every second.” “Nick you are so bad,” she said as he spread her legs. She was in heaven while he had his face buried between her thighs. One thing about Nicolas was that he was great at everything her did. “I love you,” she whispered. He looked up at her frozen a moment. “Good, because I love you too,” he said. Then he returned to his task. Maybe it was in that moment that she finally made her decision about their living arrangements. “Is that smart? She seems like a sweet girl, but you’re really tempting fate here,” Delanoz asked his brother in the car on their way to the airport. He was usually the reckless one, but what Nicolas had done was insane. “If I’m lucky she’ll spend a thousand on that card, I’m pretty sure she’ll only use it if the girls encourage her. She’ll probably stay at the hotel and only go to the house if they really beg. This girl is like un-human, that’s why she’s so perfect,” Nicolas aid dismissively. He’d given the whole thing a lot of thought before he’d decided on what he’d give her. “You better marry her then, hell I would rip you off and you’re my brother. You gave her all access to everything and you’re 100% sure that she won’t take you for all you’ve got? I mean she is poor, right?” He was still in shock and barely believed what happened back at the hotel. If he hadn’t seen it how Nick had just given up his credit card, car, house and hotel keys and showered her in brand new electronics, he wouldn’t have believed it. The fact that she refused it all was just as crazy. “First night I meet her, I bring her back to the hotel and the next day tell her that she can have anything on me. I even invited her best friend over, they went to the hotel spa, had lunch, bought bikinis to wear at the pool and a dress for Wildflower to wear on our date that night. The next day I take her, Sammie and Sugar shopping, the girls of course went crazy and she only got something because they encouraged her to. If I didn’t know she was such a good person for sure, I wouldn’t believe it either. I mean she willingly gave up having her own room because her cousin needed a place to stay with her 4 kids. She has to share a bed with her cousin and if you saw the rest of the living conditions in that place, you’d get it,” he told him. “I wish she would go crazy and buy a car or something; it would be interesting at least. What she’ll do is buy stuff for her mother and probably the kids in her family. Her brothers will want things when they find out, of course Sammie and Sugar and her friends. She’s unbelievably selfless, I don’t know what she’s doing with me,” he went on. He knew his brother was still suspicious, but he knew for sure nothing would happen. Eventually once his family found out about her then they would be suspicious too. But this little test here was to prove a point and if he could convince Delanoz that she was a really good person, then everybody else would be easy. Mr. International Lover never trusted women, especially when it came to money. “Nicky, you act like a love sick little boy around her of course she’s eating it all up. Just wait till you start acting like you usually do and she’ll get the shock of her life,” Delanoz replied. Of course Nick was a good boy and did whatever he was supposed to, but there were things that his bride to be obviously had no idea about. And if she was such a good girl, then she wouldn’t think too highly of Nick soon enough. “I have a plan, don’t ask but I know how to work this. I know her and it’s easy,” Nicolas said. “I love her and I know what’s best for her, even her mother pressured her to move in with me. Everything is set up perfectly,” he said and Delanoz stared at him. “Oh you love her now?” He asked slightly shocked, it was flighty Jose that fell in love every other day, not Nick. Of course he wasn’t a hard core cynic like Delanoz, but he loved this girl? Even though Nick was “the catch”, he was never in love or loved the few women he brought around. “Love at first sight to sound like our dear brother,” he replied as if it were nothing. “She’s hot and all and seems like a sweet girl, but Nicky she is a little girl. The law might say she’s an adult but really she looks and acts like a child. Plus she’s almost my kid’s age, this is a dangerous game you’re playing,” Delanoz said for once trying to be the voice of reason. “Old man don’t worry so much, I have a plan for her. She’s not a child and unlike you I can control what’s going on. You sleep around and have 11 kids, most of which have psychotic mothers, but I have something different. I can make her into whatever I want to; she’s never had a man show her love and attention, other then her brothers. You brother just don’t know how to work things like I do,” Nicolas said. His plan was almost fool proof, but he was afraid Delanoz would interfere. It was the women’s job in the family to do so, but when something interested Delanoz enough, he would get involved. The way he was looking at Wildflower earlier in the bed with just that shirt on, made Nicolas want to strangle him. Delanoz had a serious problem when it came to women; he didn’t know when to say no. “I guess we’ll just see, but I’m telling you little brother don’t underestimate this little girl. I’m pretty sure she’s going to surprise you, but not in a good way,” Delanoz said as they got out of the car and walked towards the plane. “Don’t say anything,” Nicolas whispered as they approached their father. “My boys,” Emilio greeted with a big smile on his face. “Nicky, you’re my brains here, after this morning I’m expecting great things,” he said and Nicolas forced a smile. He hated being called “Nicky”, but his family insisted upon it. “Delanoz you should be more like your little brother,” he went on, and then boarded their family’s private jet. Both brothers gave each other a knowing look, while they had their differences; they were still brothers and cursed with an insane family. After Nicolas left Wildflower couldn’t help but to play with the stuff he got her and call her friends so they could get ready. She was planning a slumber party and it would be so much more fun since she had a car for the next week. When she turned on the computer she couldn’t help but to smile, the desktop background was of her and Nicolas. Sammie had taken it the one day by the pool; they were looking at each other smiling. When she turned on the camera she realized there were pictures already on it of her sleeping that Nicolas must have taken earlier. All of which proved that these weren’t just random gifts. But she couldn’t be mad at him, he even put a bunch of pictures on the computer for her, it was sweet. The iPod even had all of her favorite songs on it and was engraved with their names and the day they met which was her birthday. She did love the gifts, but the credit card was too much. It was eerie knowing she’d be in Nicolas’ hotel room without him, but it was also peaceful. She rolled around on the bed and snuggled with the shirt of his that she was wearing. It smelt just like him and she loved it, but it made her feel like a love sick teenager. Eventually she got up and went to take a shower, this time she had to take out her own clothes and everything. This was a sign that Nicolas really was spoiling her too much. The credit card was on her mind the whole time she was in the shower, even though she knew he wanted her to spend a lot of money on it, she really couldn’t. But since he was such a sweet heart she figured she could at least buy him something, even though it was his own money.
“You skanky w***e, the sex must be amazing for him to give you his car!” Brooke said when Wildflower showed up at her house. “You are crazy,” she laughed. In reality the details of last night were still a little fuzzy and she figured it had to be because of drinking mixed with her exhaustion. “What else did he leave you?” Brooke asked as she crawled into the front seat and they headed down the street to Wildflower’s house. “Pretty much everything,” she said, which was very true. “He bought me a computer, a camera and an iPod and left me keys to his mansion and access to all his cars and a credit card with no limit. He told me to go crazy and buy a car if I want,” she told her. Even though she knew Brooke would go crazy with the news of the credit card. “Marry him,” was her response as they got out and headed into the house. “Nick let you drive his car?” Evan asked when they were inside; he was obviously shocked by this. “Yup,” she said simply and walked past him, of course he followed her and Brooke into the kitchen. “Ready Chris?” She asked when they reached the kitchen where she was sitting at the table with Marguerite, Aunt Maria and Sarah. “Mom Nick’s letting her drive his car,” Evan said obviously envious. “I guess he wanted to get rid of that car,” Sarah said with a smile on her face. “I can drive just fine thank you,” Wildflower said sitting down at he table. “So what will you do while Nicolas is gone?” Aunt Maria asked her and she shrugged, she really had no idea of what to do. “We’re going shopping with his credit card,” Brooke said sitting down on Wildflower’s lap. “He showered our girl here in gifts before he left,” she went on. “He left you his credit card?” Christina asked “Yeah, but I really didn’t want to take it but he insisted,” she said noticing everybody in the room had a look. Of course they all wanted something, when you have nothing and something is possible all of a sudden you take it of course.
© 2010 Britiney HarperAuthor's Note
4 Reviews Added on October 20, 2009 Last Updated on January 5, 2010 AuthorBritiney Harperpittsburgh, PAAbout...A Few Things... 1) Hi! I'm Britiney 2) I Love to Write 3) I love to read 4) I'm a nerd 5) i love my Family more than anything else 6) I've been writing since i was 8yrs old (but really b4 tha.. more..Writing
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