Wildflower (Chapter 1)

Wildflower (Chapter 1)

A Chapter by Britiney Harper

Love at first sight???


Chapter 1


            When he saw her he actually paused, this wasn’t what he expected. Boredom led him to this bar, it was a place where no one would know him and that was what he needed. But this woman, she intrigued him. So he watched her. She was about 5’7 with long curly black hair and honey colored skin. The low-rise jeans she had on hung low on her hips and the blue and white halter top barely existed. She was beautiful and he wanted her. When she laughed and danced with her friends, he watched and waited for an opportunity…


            Wildflower leaned over the bar while waiting for her drink. Maybe she should stop drinking because she was pretty sure she was drunk already. It was her 23rd birthday, hers and her twin brother Ivan. Tonight was all about fun, she needed some badly. She turned and looked around and noticed a guy looking at her. So she drank her shot and went over to him. It was definitely the alcohol that was making her bold. The last time she’d even conversed with a guy she wasn’t related to or didn’t work with was at least six months ago.

            “So I’m wondering why you were staring at me?” She asked him, she sat down next to him, curiosity getting the best of her.

            “Just admiring the view,” he said. His smile was to die for. Why would a guy like this want to look at a girl like her?

            “I bet your girlfriend wouldn’t like you staring at my a*s,” she said and he laughed.

            “Good thing I don’t have a girlfriend, because I really like looking at you,” he replied. “You’re too beautiful to be in a trashy place like this.”

            “Good line,” she giggled. “This definitely isn’t my scene anymore, but it’s my birthday and my twin insisted we go out.”

            “Well it was my good fortune,” he said. “Would you like me to buy you a drink?”

            “I think I’m drunk enough, thanks though,” she said. The last thing she needed to do was try to pick up a guy, even though he looked pretty edible. There was something about him like an air power and it didn’t hurt that he was sexy. She stood up and the next thing she knew he had her in his lap and he kissed her.

            “Happy birthday,” he told her. Though she knew better and that this was a very bad idea she kissed him back. There was no denying there was a spark and that was what led to them making out.

            “I shouldn’t be doing this,” she whispered. At this point she was straddling him and one of his hands was squeezing her thigh.

            “Are you involved with someone?” He asked while playing with the hem of her top. “I guess I should have asked that.”

            “No, but I’m kissing you and I don’t even know your name,” she said.

            “I’m Nicolas, you are?”

            “Wildflower,” she said and wasn’t surprised by his raised eyebrow. “It’s my name I’m not that drunk.”

            “I bet it suits you,” he said and kissed her again.

            “Wait,” she said pulling back. It was funny her mother said she had no self control, apparently she was wrong. Though to be honest she was surprised at herself, it had been a long time since she’d been with a man. And right now she was very horny.

            “What’s the problem?” He asked, he didn’t seem to be annoyed or angry.

            “I don’t do things like this,” she said.

            “Neither do I, but I feel like maybe we have a connection.”

            “I can agree with you there.”

            “Good, so why don’t we go some place we can be alone,” he said suggestively.

            “Oh that is a bad idea,” she shook her head.

            “Why? I won’t hurt you I swear,” he said. There was so much lust in his eyes she was drunk from it and the sexual tension between them was burning hot.

            “That’s not why, my brothers would flip out. I’m surprised they haven’t caught me and dragged me home,” she sighed. With nine brothers who made it their mission to be as protective of her as humanly possible, she knew this would end badly. Aside from that leaving with a stranger was a bad idea, even if he had the most intriguing set of blue eyes she’d ever seen.

            “And why do they need to know what you’re doing? Aren’t you an adult?”

            “Not if you ask them,” she murmured.

            “What can I do to get you to leave with me right now?”

            “I don’t know,” she sighed leaning her head against his shoulder. He held her for a minute and the world seemed to slip away. What was it about this guy? When he started kissing her neck she was really tempted to go and say to hell with responsibility. “You are so tempting,” she whispered in his ear.

            “I’m thinking it wouldn’t be considered as kidnapping if I just pick you up and take you. It’s pretty obvious you want to come with me,” he said.

            “Maybe,” she said sitting up to kiss him. Kissing him made her forget everything else; he was a very good kisser.

            “Ok then, I’m taking you,” he said and she nodded.

            “Wildflower?” Someone called from behind her, she knew that shocked voice. Of course they would wonder why she disappeared; thankfully there were a lot of people in here tonight.

            “Hey,” she said to her friend, at least it wasn’t one of her brothers.

            “Who’s this?” Brooke asked with a smile on her face.

            “This is Nicolas,” she replied. “And that is Brooke.”

            “Nice to meet you,” Brooke said extending her hand. He had to take his hand off Wildflower’s thigh to take her hand.

            “You as well,” he kissed her hand.

Wildflower felt a slight pang of jealousy in that moment, it was the first time he stopped paying her attention. And it didn’t help that Brooke was prettier than her, any man with a pulse would want her. Curly blonde hair, tan skin, hazel eyes and an amazing body, that was Brooke one of her best friends. She smiled hiding her momentary trip down insecurity lane. It wouldn’t matter if he wanted Brooke anyway, she was taken.

            “I’m going to borrow her for a minute, do you mind?” Brooke asked and he shrugged.

            “Make sure you come back,” he whispered in Wildflower’s ear. She nodded and let Brooke pull her towards the line for the bathroom.

            “Damn, he is a fine piece of a*s,” Brooke said.

            “Indeed he is. So what’s up?” She asked knowing that there was something on her friend’s mind; for one thing she kept biting her lip.

            “I think I’m in love with Jay,” she said.

            “And I think he feels the same, you two are made for each other,” Wildflower said. She looked over at where her brothers Ivan, Jay, Ricky and Isaiah were laughing with their friends and her friends Cody and Christina (who happened to be Isaiah’s girlfriend). Then she looked back to Nicolas who was on his cell phone and still watching her.

            “You should go have hot hot hot sex with that guy, he is sexy,” Brooke told her.

            “He wants me to leave with him, but I don’t know,” she said.

            “What is stopping you? When was the last time you had sex? Live a little, besides I’ve seen him he can’t kidnap you.”

            “He is totally yummy,” she admitted.

He was with his short dark hair and blue eyes and he was a few shades lighter than her in skin tone, muscular in a non-gross/gym-addict way and he had dimples to die for. The man had to be a model in his spare time, or so you would think. In jeans and a t-shirt he looked like maybe he belonged in a suit, maybe he was a business man. So what did he want her for? That made no sense, just like why was he even in this stupid bar? Maybe he was just looking for an easy lay and though she knew she shouldn’t, she was going to do it. How could she say no? And he looked like the type of guy you didn’t say no to.

“Go, you can’t be a good girl all the time and clearly he has good taste if he wants you. I will cover for you,” Brooke said.

“Ok,” she nodded.

“I’ll be on cell phone stand by,” Brooke said as they headed into the bathroom.


Nicolas was a patient man, especially when he saw something he wanted. Never in his wildest dreams did he think he would find someone here. But here she was coming back to him laughing with her friend. The friend left and she came to him. He had to admit she looked very good in her little outfit; a lot of men were looking at her. That was no good; he didn’t want anyone looking at what was his.

“Ok, I’m all yours but we better leave before my brothers see, 4 out of 9 are here and they will kill you,” she said.

“Let’s go,” he said. He slipped his arm around her waist and led her out. Tonight was a very good night and he would make sure she would never want to leave him.


“You live here?” She asked looking around the luxurious penthouse suite at the hotel he bought her to.

            “Most of the time,” he said as if it were nothing at all.

To her this place was better then her whole house and it was definitely more expensive. But it was nothing to him which was further making her wonder just who was she dealing with here. Suddenly he turned to her and pulled her close, she couldn’t help but to smile. It had been a long time since a man gave her so much attention. Or since one made her smile like this, too bad this couldn’t last. A guy that could afford all this wasn’t going to want her around for very long. Instead of dwelling and being depressing she kissed him.

“I didn’t just bring you here to try to get in your pants. If I wanted that I’d have just got you in the backseat of my car,” he laughed.

            “So how are you going to entertain me?” She asked trying to figure out what his intentions were. This was a very stupid idea, but it was obvious that he wasn’t going to kill her or anything. Who would bring someone to such a great place just to do them harm? That would be crazy, but then again there were crazy people out in the world.

            “Well if you’re hungry we could start by ordering room service,” he said stepping away to grab the phone and a menu. “I happen to have a menu, but really they’ll bring up anything you could possibly want,” he told her. “And while we wait I could give you a tour of the hotel,” he suggested. “Whatever you want, it’s your birthday,” he went on.

            “It all sounds good,” she said kicking her shoes off and laying back in the bed.

She looked over the menu and was sure at the same time he was looking over her. This was promising to be a very interesting night, though she was still a little unsure. They ordered a bunch of food then he led her out and around the hotel. The first place they visited was the pool, which he said was his favorite place. If she lived in a hotel with a huge pool it would be her favorite place too.

            “Wanna go for a swim?” He asked her, there happened to be nobody around, but that was because it was pretty late. Before she could even think to respond he was already taking his shirt off.

            “I guess I don’t have a choice,” she replied slipping out of her pants and tossing them in a chair with his.

By the time she took off her shirt he was already in the pool, still she wondered what his intentions were. Before she could even feel the cold from the water, his body was against hers keeping her warm. This was like some dream, making out with some handsome stranger in the pool of a 5 star hotel. It was very surprising that he didn’t go for more than kissing. But maybe he was saving that for later.

            “We should head back up,” he told her after a while, he got out before she could respond.

The fact that he didn’t even try to have sex with her was pretty odd. Back in the bar it seemed like that’s where this was heading. Ever since they had arrived at the hotel, she wasn’t sure what to expect. So she didn’t know if she should stay guarded or even stay at all. Though she was curious where this all would lead in the end, so she got out of the pool and he handed her a towel. Curiosity was seriously getting the best of her. Hopefully she wouldn’t regret letting her curiosity lead the way. One night of reckless fun couldn’t hurt, right?

“You can just wear this until we get to my room,” he said handing her his shirt. They headed back up, her in just a slightly wet t-shirt and her soaking wet underwear.

“I have a surprise for you,” he told her once they were outside the door of his room. He led her in and back into the bathroom, she was in shock. The room was filled with candles and roses and there was a huge Jacuzzi tub that was lit up with candles around it. It was something men did for their women on TV, not something a stranger did for a girl he picked up in a bar.

            “You really know how to make a girl feel special,” she replied, he just shrugged.

            “This is only the beginning,” he said kissing her cheek. Then he pulled his shirt over her head and start undoing her bra.

Once Wildflower was in the tub he took her clothes out of the room and she closed her eyes and relaxed. The water was hot and there were bubbles everywhere that smelt heavenly. Eventually he came to join her and she just laid against him, they had so much chemistry that words weren’t needed. It seemed like they were in there forever either just relaxing or making out. They got out after there was a knock at the door; Nicolas just said not to worry about it. They both put on the big comfy hotel robes and went back into the living room. There was all the food they ordered arranged on several different push carts.

            “Where have you been all my life?” She asked after they had gone through most of the food and were lying in his bed. All time seemed to be forgotten and nothing else really mattered. It was like being a kid all over again; there was nothing to worry about.

            “Waiting for you to find me,” he mumbled. She choose not to respond because she didn’t know how to, so she just closed her eyes.


When Wildflower woke up the next morning it was because someone was knocking on the door. It took a few seconds for her to realize she was in Nicolas’ bed and not her own. She stumbled out of bed and went to the door, Nicolas wasn’t anywhere in his suite. At the door was a room service person delivering food. The guy came in pushing his cart and set the food on the table. Then he looked at her with a raised eyebrow, she was only wearing a t-shirt Nicolas lent her.

            “Will you be needing anything else Mrs. Capriani?” He asked and it took her a minute to realize he was talking to her.

            “Oh um, no,” she said. “Am I supposed to tip you or something?” She asked, she’d never stayed in a hotel and didn’t actually have any money anyway.

            “No, it has already been taken care of,” he said. With a nod he left closing the door behind him.

            Wildflower first went to look for her clothes or at least her cell phone and came up with nothing. She did however find that Nicolas was definitely a suit and tie kind of man. So she was left in a very expensive penthouse suite with no clothes and no idea where her host was. What if this was all some joke? What she didn’t want to do was call one of her brothers to come get her. How was she going to explain this to them? Ditched before she even had sex with the guy, this was humiliating. At least he ordered her breakfast, how wonderful.

            Last night was like a dream, he was so sweet and attentive. They talked half the night; mostly he wanted to know about her. She couldn’t eat because she felt so foolish. Falling back into the nice comfy bed she looked at the clock, it was only just after 11 am. Too bad neither Brooke nor Cody owned a car and Christina would never be able to get out of the house with a car without a good excuse. After she wrecked Isaiah’s car he basically never let her drive, even though the accident technically wasn’t her fault. If only she had clothes she could just walk home or something. Where did he put her clothes? Better yet why would he take them? And her cell phone? This was so frustrating. Someone opened the door; she could hear it but did not feel like getting up.

            “You’re awake,” it was Nicolas. He was holding a garment bag and a shopping bag. “I was hoping you wouldn’t wake up before I returned.”

            “Where were you?” She asked sitting up, he laid the garment bag next to her on the bed.

            “Doing a little shopping, it was your birthday yesterday,” he said. Then he leaned in to kiss her. “I thought you might like something else to wear and well I might be over stepping but the cell phone you had was really old and beat up.” He set the bag down and pulled out the latest Blackberry cell phone first, then a shoe box and a smaller bag from Victoria’s Secret. Last he unzipped the bag to reveal a white gauzy sundress and a cardigan sweater.

            “This is too much,” she said.

            “Can I tell you something?” He asked when he sat beside her on the bed.

            “Go ahead,” she replied.

            “I have trouble meeting women, usually my sister sets me up and that never ends well. Last night was the first time I actually tried to meet someone on my own. I work a lot I don’t really have time to go out and try to meet women. But I met you and we have a connection and I’m not going to ignore that,” he told her. “If you however think I’m pushy and crazy, I understand and I’ll take you home.”

            “And if I don’t think you’re that crazy?”

            “Then I would like to pursue something with you,” he said looking her straight in her eyes. It was easy to get lost in his blue eyes.

            “You want to what date?” She asked watching him closely.

            “If that’s where it starts then yes,” he said with no hesitation.

“Alright, but to be warned I’ve never really done the dating thing and I haven’t had male contact in a very long time,” she confessed.

“No, I can’t believe that,” he said and pulled her closer to him. “From the moment I saw you you took my breath away.”

“I looked like a w***e last night,” she said and he laughed.

“No, you looked like you were meant to be mine,” he said. When he kissed her she welcomed it, the things he said were just too much for her. Kissing was easy, no words needed and she liked kissing him.

He laid back in the bed with her on top while they made out. It took her a minute to remember she was naked under the t-shirt but she remembered when his hands were cupping her behind. Last night all they did basically was kiss, so she assumed he was going for more now. And she wasn’t exactly ready to stop him. It had been a long time and this man made her want to have sex with him. Staying in bed with him for at least a week would do for her but he was the one to stop.

“I want you badly, but I haven’t even taken you on a date,” he told her.

“Honey, it’s taken a lot less than a date to get me in bed,” she said.

“Not anymore,” he said.

“You are killing me, I’m horny,” she replied.

“I wish I had all day to help ease that problem but I actually have a meeting,” he said. She wasn’t sure who hated that fact more him or her. “But I am going to take you out on a proper date tonight. That being said I think you should hang around here today; whatever you want tell them to bill it to me. They have a restaurant, a spa and a boutique and I don’t know all types of things around here.”

“Oh I can’t spend your money,” she said.

“Why not? Trust me I’m not hurting for cash, my family owns a pharmaceutical and research company. Just think of it as a birthday gift, besides if everything goes the way I hope today I’ll have more money to burn.” The way he said it, like money was nothing, wasn’t something she was use to.

“Maybe,” she said.

“Let’s have breakfast and we can negotiate while we eat,” he said. He got up and pulled her up too, and then he kissed her again. How could she say no when he did that? First she needed to get dressed.


“I’m so glad that I told you to go last night,” Brooke said turning her head to her friend. “I’m jealous,” she went on.

            “I’m still surprised that he called you,” Wildflower replied. They were getting massages at the hotel spa. Nicolas had surprised her before he left for work with a visit from Brooke. He gave Brooke strict instructions that he wanted them to live like princesses for a day, no matter what Wildflower said.

            “Why does he have a lot of money and live in a hotel?” Brooke asked, of course she wasn’t complaining but things like this didn’t happen everyday. Especially not to girls like them, so it all seemed like a miracle.

            “He said it’s convenient for work,” she replied. That had been one of the many questions she had for him. Between last night and up until he left they talked about a lot of things and she felt like she’d known him forever.

            “And if you didn’t have sex with him why is he being so generous to us?” Brooke asked and she nodded it was hard for her to believe too.

            “Oh he said that he was closing a deal or something, so he wanted us to celebrate ahead of time. His father owns the company he works for I think,” she said. He never really went into details about what he did exactly.  

            “Keep him or I’ll have to leave your brother and marry him,” Brooke said with a laugh. “Oh by the way your brothers aren’t happy you disappeared last night, but if they knew you found your future husband…” she trailed off thoughtfully. “Ok well that still wouldn’t save him, but he’s obviously got money. So that can’t hurt, rather live in a hotel then in a trailer like Iris.”

            “I hate that my sister has to work and take care of those kids with her a*s of a husband and live out there. She deserves so much more, but since she’s married with children my mother won’t complain. Its no matter to me though, I just met this guy, he’d come to his senses if he came home with me. I’m surprised he wants me around this long,” Wildflower said.

She’d given everything a lot of thought; all she ever did anymore was think. And maybe she did tend to overanalyze everything. This little 24 hour fling she was in the middle of would probably end soon once Nicolas realized how much of as waste of time this was. Thinking about this was too depressing because while she didn’t want to jinx it, she also didn’t want to expect too much of this. She never had much luck with men and never with relationships. That was part of the reason it had been so long since she’d last been with anyone.

            “We’ve always known you were meant for better things then a 4 bedroom house with 13 people or cramped into a trailer park. There’s no rule that says you have to be some stuck up rich girl to have a man with money,” Brooke told her. “Stop worrying, we’re going to go make you fabulous for this great guy and you’re going to have fun. First I need like 5 more minutes of this. I may never have another so this one has to be perfect,” she closed her eyes.

Wildflower chose not to respond, there wasn’t much to say. Besides she really couldn’t argue with Brooke, it was impossible to do so. And maybe she really wanted it to be true, anything so that she wouldn’t have to go back to her depressing life yet.



            After a nice dinner and some good conversation Nicolas took Wildflower to his house. It wasn’t some place he spent a lot of time these days but he wanted to show her. Maybe it was a bad idea and she might think he was trying to tempt her by showing her his wealth. Technically this house had nothing to do with how much money he made personally. He was curious as to how she would react and wanted to see how she looked in his house. She didn’t know it but he had plans for her. When she saw the mansion with its gate and guarded entry and long driveway, she gasped. Of course it was impressive it was one of the biggest houses in the neighborhood and there was a good bit of land attached. That was mostly because of the horse stables and riding trail.

            “This is your house?” She asked turning to stare at him in shock.

            “My family’s house, but yes technically it belongs to me,” he said taking her hand and leading her up the stairs and into the house. “My grandfather willed it to me when I was 16 and it’s been a big deal with my family ever since. They also think it’s a waste that I stay at the hotel when they could be living here. We can save the tour for later.”

            “This is pretty amazing,” she said looking around.

            “I grew up here so it’s kind of whatever,” he shrugged. “Come let’s have a drink before we go upstairs.” He pulled her down the hall to the kitchen.

            “My mother would kill for this kitchen,” she said looked around it. The kitchen was a culinary dream, his grandmother loved to cook.

            While she looked around the kitchen he considered what to drink before bed. He was also trying to figure out what was going to happen in that bed. This had to be played just right. All day he’d considered the best course of action. And he thought about earlier that day and what could have happened. Finally he had a good challenge, he loved a good challenge. If he was going to keep her he had to do this the right way. No matter how tempted by her he was. The decision was made so he wouldn’t go back on it.

            “Oh I feel like an adult, a scotch nightcap,” she said smiling. She was so beautiful, he couldn’t help but to kiss her.

            “How about if I show you my bedroom?” He asked and he knew he was in trouble from the look in her eyes.

            “Alright,” she said and finished her drink.

            “Hello?” Someone called from down the hall. A woman appeared in the doorway and she was of course relieved to see him.

            “It’s me, I should have called,” he said. “Wildflower this is Tammy, she runs the house. Tammy this is my new friend Wildflower.”

It amused him that both women were looking at each other like they were sizing each other up. He never brought women to his house, because that was too personal. Even if she didn’t know it this meant something. Tammy was basically the caretaker of the house. She was the one who dealt with the staff and did whatever needed to be done. But since nobody lived in the house there were no longer maids to clean and do laundry. Obviously she’d been asleep; she stood there in sweatpants and a t-shirt. Her dark brown hair was in a messy ponytail and she had on bunny slippers. Tammy was pretty attractive, but he never mixed business and pleasure. She’d been here for a long time; use to help his grandmother around the house. And just stayed on after she was gone, he trusted so it was fine.

“Nice to meet you,” Tammy said. “Sorry to have interrupted, good night.” She didn’t wait for a reply just left.

“Let’s go,” he said taking her hand. This was going to be the ultimate test for him, but in the end it would be worth it. That was what he had to remember.  


Wildflower silently followed Nicolas to the west wing of the house. She’d never been in a house that had wings. Then again this wasn’t exactly a house was it? This was a mansion and somewhere she never pictured she would end up. His bedroom like everything associated with him was like a dream. For one thing the room was as big as the whole first floor of her house. The bed was the first thing she notices, a huge four poster bed. Everything in the room was in whites and golds. There were huge picture windows and a door that led out to a balcony.

A small sitting area with a couch and two chairs was off to one corner along a TV mounted to the wall. One door led to a huge walk in closet complete with big mirrors and seating. It was mostly empty though since he didn’t live there. The other door led to a bathroom about half the size of the bedroom. This room was also in whites and golds and had a huge tub and a huge glass incased shower. Everything in the bedroom and bathroom was un-humanly clean; he obviously hadn’t been here in a while.

They did a little kissing and she was certain it would lead somewhere, it didn’t. Frustrated she took off her dress and he took it to hang in his closet. She was tempted to sleep naked to see if it would affect him. Why if there was so much sexual chemistry between them did he not just have sex with her? The bed at least was more comfy then she could have imagined. She laid there on his bed in her bra and panties watching him. He undressed and disappeared into the closet and returned in his black boxers. It was extremely rare for her to sleep with a man but this would be her second time with him.

“So is your family worried?” He asked when he got into bed.

“About my sanity yes, and my brothers want to kill you,” she told him and he laughed. When she called home earlier she spoke to her mother who told her how irresponsible she was. Thankfully she didn’t speak to any of her brothers but that didn’t stop them from calling and texting her.

“They want you back, huh?” He asked watching her.

“Guess so, but I don’t think I want to leave,” she replied.

“Good, you don’t have to,” he said pulling her to him. She laid her head on his chest and snuggled up close. “You can stay with me as long as you want.”

“Maybe,” she whispered closing her eyes. Why would she want to go back home? He whispered in her ear as she drifted off to sleep. They might not have had sex but this was getting very intimate. And who knew what tomorrow would bring for her with this man.


© 2010 Britiney Harper

Author's Note

Britiney Harper
..something i've been working on for awhile..

My Review

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this reminds me a lot of 'Pretty Woman' with some subtle changes, no offense, just the first thing that popped into my head when I started reading this. Regardless, it's very well written and I intend on reading more of it.

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Oh I love this I completely agree with all the other reviewers!

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

This is really good, it's so my kind of book. The book would work well as a t.v. show of some kind.... ;-D

Posted 15 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

sounds like my kind of girl!!! I really love the story and cannot wait to read more!!!

Posted 15 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

wow u should try to get this published its a really gd romance story!

Posted 15 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

Nice very sweet,hot tub and all

peace wmelvin

Posted 15 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

This is beuatiful and loving,
Such a longing and wonderful.
Ths is very well written,
Your story flows so wonderful,
Eveyrthing held toegther well.
Well written story.

Posted 15 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

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7 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on October 18, 2009
Last Updated on June 4, 2010



Britiney Harper
Britiney Harper

pittsburgh, PA

...A Few Things... 1) Hi! I'm Britiney 2) I Love to Write 3) I love to read 4) I'm a nerd 5) i love my Family more than anything else 6) I've been writing since i was 8yrs old (but really b4 tha.. more..


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