The Seer (Chapter 6)

The Seer (Chapter 6)

A Chapter by Britiney Harper



Chapter 6


Today was the day, I could feel it. When I told my husband about what happen at the mall he wasn’t happy. We never fight but that night we did. I told him if he wanted me as his wife then I’m not going to be a part time wife and go to the farm every time he got scared. So the last few days have been tense at best. And with the full moon coming so close it never is a good idea to argue with a wolf but I’m not going to roll over on this. Don’t I have a right to live my life as I please?

I was sitting on the front porch with Noah and Tyson, waiting and watching the rain. Javier was at work and since I only felt something in the air when I woke up, I didn’t tell him. Messing with fate was way too dangerous and I knew he would try. Why he thought my life was in danger from a few humans is beyond me. More than once I really had to wonder if marrying him was the right thing to do. Nobody forced me to do it, but I think I only did it because he was my life long crush. I love him but he changed so much that sometimes I didn’t think I know him. And that was what I hated most of all.

“Tyson, do you hear that?” I asked him and he nodded.

“Shall I call Javier?” He asked, we could see the police car at the gate.

“No, I need you to stay with me,” I told him.

“Why are the police here?” Phineas asked when he came out of the house.

“I’m guessing the Jordans went to the police,” I said.

“And we aren’t calling Javier, why?” He asked, I didn’t take offense because I know it’s his job.

“Because we all know he will interfere with fate, and if he does bad things will happen. Let’s just see what they say then maybe I’ll call him,” I said. They both looked unsure but nodded; they kind of had to listen to me.

“Mackenzie Alonso?” The female officer asked when they came up the steps. “I’m Officer Delgado and this is Officer Kent.”

“Yes, did you need something?”

“We need you to come with us ma’am,” Kent the male one said.

“What do you need me for?” I asked.

“We need to ask you some questions in connection with a kidnapping case,” Delgado explained.

“And who was kidnapped?” I ask even though I know.

“We believe you were,” she told me and I laughed.

“Do I look like I’ve been kidnapped? You came to my house so clearly I’m just fine,” I said rather sarcastically.

“It’s in your best interest to come with us ma’am,” Kent said.

“Maybe I should call my lawyer.”

“No need for that, you aren’t in any trouble, we just need to ask some questions,” Delgado said sounding slightly impatient.

“Fine, but you better not take up too much of my time,” I said sounding bored. “But I’m not riding in a police car; I can honestly say I’m better than that.” Just because I had to do this because of fate, didn’t mean I had to play nice.

“I’ll get the car,” Tyson said and walked around to the garage.

“Phin, can you get my bag for me?” I asked, reluctantly he went inside to do so. I picked up Noah from his chair, unsure of what exactly was going to happen

“If I don’t call him now, then I will lose my life,” Phineas whispered in my ear.

“Call Javier and tell him where I am and what’s going on, Tyson will be with me,” I told him, he nodded.

“Neither of these men are your husband?” Kent asked me.

“Why would my husband be home? He’s a doctor he works all day,” I said. “Anyway so you know this is completely pointless, but I’m bored so I’ll play along for now.”

Phineas walked us to the car with an umbrella shaking his head, he wasn’t happy to do this, but he was doing it because he had to. I thought it was nice that Noah and I got a chance to wear our new rain boots. While in the car I put my gloves on, yeah they made me look eccentric but I’d rather not go all trancy with a bunch of humans around. It only occurred to me after I put them on that we weren’t going to the local police station. Of course we weren’t because Javier basically owned them. None of them would dare take the Alpha’s wife anywhere, especially when he knows nothing about it. But I wasn’t going to let Tyson or Phineas get in trouble for this, Javier just has to learn he can’t always get his way.

At the station we followed Delgado and Kent to an empty room. It was like something off of one of the many police type shows on TV. Tyson stayed close behind me and didn’t say a word. I suppose he didn’t want to draw attention to himself with the horns and all. They left us sitting in the room with the 2-way mirror and grey depressing walls. I figured they wanted us to slip up and say something that would be useful. But I guess they underestimate the things people can learn on TV.

            “Maybe I should have taken Noah to your mother’s house,” Tyson said.

            “No it’s not that big of a deal, hopefully this will be over soon. Lynn wanted me to help her pick out an outfit for temple,” I said. “Have you called Sarah yet?”

            “Yes, I’m going to take her out this weekend,” he said staring at the table.

            “You should go out and have some fun; I won’t be having any for the foreseeable future, not if Javier has his way.”

            “He worries about you, don’t tell him I said so but maybe he does a little too much,” he half smiled at me.

            “My lips are sealed,” I paused a second looking around. “If these people take much longer we are definitely leaving.”

            “Want me to call Maddox?” He asked, I shook my head that wouldn’t go over well at all.

            “Nah, you know how he is,” I said.

            Seconds later in came Delgado followed by some very familiar women. Rose Jordan the first mother I ever knew stared at me with tears in her eyes. For the most part she looked the same; except her blonde hair had a few too man streaks on grey. Behind her was Mercedes and who I recognized as Mary one of the older sisters. Mary looked almost identical to her mother; complete with the tired blue eyes no doubt they were from caring for too many kids. They stared at me, Mercedes with a triumphant look and Mary just looks shocked. Poor Rose had tears streaming down her face, guilt much? Logically I knew that I have nothing to feel guilty for because I didn’t do anything. But still she lost her daughter and I was that daughter for 5 years of my life even if I couldn’t tell her that. Rose threw her arms around me and my heart broke, Noah screamed when she touched me. He was usually so quiet but he had these strange look while looking at Rose. Maybe my son had visions too or he just knew nothing good would come of this.

            “Oh Mackenzie I thought we’d lost you forever,” Rose said sniffling. “And what a beautiful boy you have.” She reached for him but he clung to me, strange behavior for him he was usually friendly.

            “I’m sorry you lost your daughter, but I told Mercedes that I’m not her,” I said.

            “Why is he here?” Mercedes asked indicating Tyson.

            “Tyson is a friend of mine,” I told her rather annoyed. “We shouldn’t be here, I humored you all long enough but I have things t do.”

            “But you are my daughter even if you don’t remember, I remember you, I could never forget you,” Rose said. Way to drive the guilt home.

            “I have a mother and a father,” I said with as little emotion as possible.

            “Those are probably the people that took you,” Mary said.

            “No they are the people that I share DNA with. I’m not your daughter Mrs. Jordan, I’m sorry,” I told her. Why did she have to burst into tears? This was very bad.


            Javier was driving very fast, he was pissed. Lately that was all Mackenzie did, she pissed him off every day. Yes he knew he shouldn’t be mad at her because she thought she was doing what was best, still it enraged him. Everything enraged him these days. It couldn’t all even be blamed on the full moon, he was just angry all the time. Maybe it was because he was afraid to lose his wife and son. All he really was doing was driving Mackenzie away. Someone like him needed a submissive mate, but gypsy witches were definitely anything but submissive. That was part of the problem. But he loved her so he needed to learn to adjust to the way she’d changed.

            He didn’t wait for someone to tell him where to find his wife, he just scented her. How hard would it be to find a witch and a demon? She was in a room holding Noah with Tyson beside her. There were three women and two cops in the room. He just opened the door without caring to knock. For some reason seeing her here really pissed him off. She should have called to tell him, instead Phineas had. And she probably knew this was going to happen.

            “Javi,” Mackenzie said watching him.

            “Let’s go,” he told her. She got up and so did Tyson.

            “Who are you?” The female cop asked him.

            “Javier Alonso, if you want to speak to my wife you’ll only do it with our attorney present,” he said.

            “Mr. Alonso, maybe you could calm down and help us straighten this out,” she suggested.

            “No, there isn’t anything to talk about except maybe getting a restraining order against these people,” he said. He grabbed Mackenzie by the arm and pulled her out of the room and didn’t care if anyone protested.

            “Javi calm down,” Mackenzie whispered.

            “Oh I don’t think that will be happening anytime soon,” he replied.

            “Did we not talk about this already? You can’t mess with fate,” she told him.

            “Tyson, can you please take my son home?” He asked when they were outside. It really annoyed him that Tyson looked to Mackenzie for approval.

            “Yes, sir,” Tyson said after her subtle nod. He took Noah after Mackenzie kissed him and went to the car.

            “Are you done being crazy?” Mackenzie asked. “You bruised my arm psycho.”

            “I’m sorry. What did you think would happen here? This is why I told you to stay with your parents, if you listened then I wouldn’t be picking you up from here.”

            “Javier how many times do you have to be told? Fate will kick your a*s if you screw with her, I’d rather not tempt her. And its not like you don’t know these things, do you see what happened to your father? Screw your own life up and leave mine out of it,” she said sounding just as pissed. “Do you even care what this is doing to me? That woman cried her eyes out because she thinks I’m her daughter and I had to sit there watching her.”

            “I’m sorry, I know I’m not supposed to interfere but what am I supposed to do? They hired somebody to follow you around, that’s unacceptable. I have to protect my family and you refuse to tell me things. If you stayed at the farm then everything would be fine,” he said.

            “Oh right everything would be easier if the police was making random visits to our house trying to find me, that so wouldn’t be suspicious. And I swear soon I’ll make the farm my permanent home and make sure you can’t get in,” she threatened. “Honestly I’m starting to wonder why we got married at all, we aren’t happy together.”

            What she said cut through his anger, she was right. He was making them both miserable with his paranoia. In their last fight she’d told him that she wasn’t happy, because of him. But how could he not try to stop things from happening? He didn’t know how she was able to live with knowing things she could never prevent. Maybe it was wrong to go find her and force her into a life she didn’t want. A life he didn’t even want. Wasn’t this more of fate? There was no way around this and he couldn’t stop loving her just because things were hard and he was stressed out.

            “We were happy together,” he whispered.

            “Why did you come for me? I keep asking myself that,” she said leaning against his car. Having an argument in the parking lot of the police station was a bad idea.

            “Because I do love you, this is hard. I have to worry if something is going to happen to you or Noah. None of this was what I planned, I just wanted you, I didn’t want to be Alpha they just didn’t give me a choice. And something about these humans has me worried, something is off here and you know it,” he said.

            “Yeah I got that when I was in the room with them and Rose was balling, there’s something in the air in general. It could just be that something is going to happen and they just happen to decide to harass me now,” she paused. “Or it could be Lynn; she’s like the connection between our family and theirs.”

            “Are we going to be ok? Kenzie I don’t want to lose you and I know I have to work on my temper, but I need time to do that,” he told her.

            “Do you ever wonder if I just love you because I don’t know any better?” She asked, he never expected that question.

            “I never really thought about it but I figure you wouldn’t marry me and deal with all it means to be the Alpha’s wife if you didn’t love me. But if you want to tell me something different, I understand,” he said watching her.

            “No, I love you Javi, you just really piss me off a lot. Everything with us just happened so fast that I wonder if it was what was right,” she told him.

            “Aren’t you the one always preaching to me about fate? You are my destiny Mackenzie,” he said.

            “That’s one thing I actually do know, now let’s go deal with Vince’s return,” she kissed him and got in the car. Another troublesome issue that he didn’t want to deal with, he wondered if an Alpha ever just ran off and couldn’t take it anymore. If not there was a huge chance he would be the first.



“Hell no, I’m not going with you to temple,” Auri said getting up from the bed. It was one thing to make a huge mistake that she needed to spell away, but another thing entirely to flaunt it in public. Nobody needed to know that Vince marked her.

            “Sweetie you don’t have a choice, you’ll stand beside me,” he said sounding a little too amused.

            “And what you’ll tell my brother if I don’t?” She asked while trying to sort through her clothes on the floor.

            “No need, I’m sure he’s on his way over here to have some colorful words with me,” he shrugged.

            “I’m not going to temple,” she protested.

            “My female will accompany me to temple,” he said. Why did he have to look so yummy laying there in the bed naked? It made fighting with him near impossible.

            “I do not belong to you,” she said and he actually laughed.

            “Not what you were screaming last night and that’s not what you neck says,” he continued the laugh. “Come back to bed, what do you need clothes for?”

            “We aren’t on a honeymoon, and for all you know I might have a date,” she said and once again he laughed.

            “If you did then you wouldn’t have been waiting here for me and you wouldn’t have let me mark you. Face it we are stuck together,” he said.

            “Once again you seduced me into something,” she glared at him.

            “You say seduced I say I gave my female what she needed,” he said with that devious smile.

            “Why is so cold in here?” She asked choosing to change the subject.

            “I’m getting use to being in my human skin again,” he said. “If you’re cold it’s warm in this bed.”

            “I’m not your mate Vince and I’m not going to temple with you,” she told him but got back in bed anyway.

            “Of course not,” he said pulling her close against him. “Except for the temple part, you don’t really have a choice.”

            “I’m not a wolf I don’t even have to go to temple, especially not tomorrow night,” she protested. Even though she always went to the Lunar Temple on the night of the full moon, it was just the way she was raised. Now it was funny that her mother always said one day she’d go there with her mate.

            “Tell your brother you aren’t going and see what he says, especially after the trouble you’ve cause,” he said.

            “What trouble? Refusing you is my business not anybody else’s I don’t care who’s second you are,” she said.

            “So naïve,” he shook his head. “You threw me off for the last month Aurielle and that affects the balance in the pack, we’re all connected. And with Javier so stressed out and me out of commission, you screwed with the whole pack. If nobody is happy to see you then you know why.”

            “How the hell am I supposed to know what goes on with the wolves? I am not a wolf,” she said. But some of it did make sense; she just never paid attention to the things that went on in the pack.

            “Because I don’t know maybe you are the daughter of the former Alpha? And coincidently you are the sister of the Alpha, and lets not forget the mate of the second,” he said she elbowed him.

            “None of that means that I’m going to temple with you,” she said. Even though she knew she would be going she couldn’t exactly give in too easily. Javier would drag her there by her hair.

            “If you don’t want my mark then why don’t you spell it away?” He asked.

            “Because you wrecked my magic, I haven’t been able to do anything,” she said.

            “Interesting, you screw up the balance in the pack and you also screw up your magic. Don’t blame it on me, you created this situation I just wanted to be with you,” he said. How could she hate him when he said that?

            “Maybe I’ll go to temple this time but do I really have to do the ceremony thing like Kenz?” She asked pouting he just smiled.

            “Yes my bride you have to, but you’ll look adorable,” he said and kissed her.

            “Come on we need to get dressed, I feel Kenz getting closer,” she said starting to get up but he held her.

            “Can you feel me?”

            “Like I do with her? Um kinda but like I said I’m out of commission I might as well be human,” she sighed dramatically.

            “You’d still be mine even if you were,” he assured her.

            Eventually she convinced him to get out of bed and get dressed. This wasn’t what she expected to happen and she was surprised she liked this more than she thought she would. What was wrong with her? And she was really going to go before the pack and her whole family as his mate. There was a little ceremony the Alpha’s mate did before the high priestess held court on the night of the full moon. The Lunar Temple was definitely nothing like human churches, literally anything could happen. It was where Javier first called out their father and where he presented Mackenzie as his wife. A lot of the traditions were old and outdated but the pack elders did tend to like to pretend they were more traditional than they were. Tomorrow night everybody would know that she belonged to Vince no matter if she wanted them to know or not. Her whole life was about to change completely and she wasn’t sure she could handle it.

            “Calm down,” Vince told her. He wrapped his arms around her; it meant this was real if he could sense her like this. “If you don’t want to go to temple you don’t have to, I won’t force you and I’ll make sure Javier doesn’t.”

            “If I don’t then those skanks will think you’re fair game,” she whispered.

            “They mean nothing to me,” he said.

            “I’ll go, cause Javier is never going to listen to you, not after this mess with us. And if you fight I’d lose one of you and I can’t handle that.” As if on cue the front door opened, they were in the kitchen eating. After a night of mind-blowing sex and sleeping most of the day away; it was time to get some fuel in both their systems.

            “Nice to see you Vince, did you enjoy your time away?” Mackenzie asked in an overly cheery voice, so Auri knew that there was trouble in Alpha land.

            “Not as much as I enjoyed coming back,” he said with a sly smile at Auri.

            “Come on Kenz let’s let the boys talk,” Auri said leading her upstairs. Javier never even said a word to her just looked at her with a raised eyebrow; she was only wearing one of Vince’s shirts.

            “Don’t get married, it’s not fun,” Mackenzie told her when they were in the bedroom. She looked at the mess of tangled sheets and the clothes everywhere and with a giggle she waved her hand and the room was perfect.

            “I thought you were pro marriage? What did our jerky leader do now?” Auri asked, while they both sat on the bed.

            “More fate and human stuff, I was kidnapped by the police today and he flipped out. Oh and he bruised my freaking arm,” she told her.

            “What? Oh Kenz why didn’t you call me?” Auri asked in complete shock, she hadn’t even sensed anything and that never happened.

            “I knew you had your own stuff to deal with, no big really. Tyson was with me but Phin called Javi and he literally dragged me out of there. After everything we talked about I was so pissed at him. Yeah he worries but he’s making me crazy, for now we’re good but it won’t last. And I don’t need a vision to tell me that. Nor do I need one to tell me what happened with you and Vince. I know he was all wolfy for the last two weeks, but since you didn’t ask I didn’t tell,” Mackenzie said matter of factly. She always talked about things that bothered her as if they weren’t that serious, Auri knew better.

            “So are you and my brother going to still be together?” Auri asked and to her surprise Mackenzie shrugged, this was bad. “What can I do to help you stay together?”

            “There’s nothing to be done, if we are meant to be then we will stay together if not then oh well. I love him but neither of us is happy together and we both know it. Just because fate threw us together to conceive an amazing child, doesn’t mean we have to stay together. Maybe we were just a convenience type of deal, the universe wanted Noah to be born,” she said.

            “Kenz, you told me when we were young that he was your dream guy. I’m not making excuses for him, but you know he wasn’t always like this it’s the Alpha thing. It sucks the life and good sense out of you, or so it seems,” Auri said. It was weird that she was giving love advice when she’d been depressed after Vince left her.

            “Stop worrying about it I’m not, it is what it is. Sometimes love isn’t enough and I get the Alpha thing is hard on him, but it’s really hard for me and for the kids. I just wish he would quit dwelling on the small things when there are way bigger issues. Something is going to happen, I know it and so does he. And he can’t always protect me, the Jordans aren’t the real issue, the whole thing is hard and upsetting but it’s more than that. He and I are on good terms for now, perfect timing too,” she sighed. “Anyway, will you walk with me a temple?”

            “I don’t want to but I guess I will,” Auri told her. “Vince and I talked about it and I know it’s what I have to do. That doesn’t mean that I’m going to marry Vince, but I can’t have skanks waving their tails at him while I own him.”

            “Oh yes I foresee lots of a haters at temple,” Mackenzie said and they both laughed.

            They talked and laughed and Mackenzie filled her in on her duties for the ceremony. Still Auri wasn’t sure she was ready for this. Could she really go before everybody? And since she didn’t even tell her mother that she was whatever with Vince, she would be upset. Then there were her many brothers and most of them didn’t support her being with Vince. Hadn’t they already made that clear? After talking for awhile, Javier came up requesting to talk to Auri privately.

            “So you let him mark you,” Javier said.

            “Obviously, forget that everything is fine with us for now. You need to focus on your own marriage,” Auri told her brother.

            “That’s not your business, I can deal with that myself,” he said dismissively.

            “It is my business when your wife is my best friend and she’s hurting. What are you going to do when she leaves you? My brother would never let any of this happen; I don’t know who you are anymore. When you left to find her you promised you would bring her back and take care of her, what happened to that promise? I wouldn’t have helped you if I knew you would be like,” she said.

            “Little girl life isn’t as easy for everybody; I’m not that same person anymore. I wanted to devote my life to helping people, but I’ve killed people I’ve known my whole life. Maybe she should leave me, I did everything to get her back and all I do is disappoint her. You don’t have to tell me that I’m wrong Aurielle, I know I am. If you can tell me how to erase the things I’ve done that would be helpful. And tell me how I’m supposed to keep her safe and my family safe when someone is going to come after her,” he was pacing, bad sign.

            “Javier, just trust her she can handle more than you think and it’s not like you can really have a secret from a seer. She knows what you’ve been through, we watched you fight, she patched you up. Mackenzie loves you no matter what and she doesn’t want to leave you but you aren’t giving her a choice. Fix it Javier or you won’t have to worry about protecting either of them. Could you live in that house without your wife and children?” She asked knowing the answer, she knew her brother well.

            “I need to go run and clear my head,” he said turning and walking out the door. Auri sighed; it would be a miracle if everybody made it through the next 24 hours.



Lynn stood off to the side watching the scene around the Lunar Temple. It wasn’t what she expected at all. Her almost mini blue jean skirt and black tank top was actually conservative compared to what some of these women were wearing. She stood next to Mackenzie and Auri who greeted everybody and introduced her to more people then she could remember. A lot of women scowled at her and gave her dirty looks, like Sebastian said they would. There were more members in the pack than she ever imagined, all these wolves lived right here and she never knew it.

            “I’m glowing do you realize? I’m vampire white and I’m glowing in the dark,” Lynn said.

            “You kind of are, you’re white like the moon,” Auri laughed.

            “I could find a spell to give you some color,” Mackenzie offered.

            “That would be amazing,” Lynn said. It was weird that all this magic stuff was becoming normal to her.

            “Can I go home now? I can’t go before them,” Auri said.

            “Aurielle we talked about this, everybody’s already seen you so you don’t have much of a choice,” Mackenzie told her. “Besides we have to look after Lynn because I know the females are itching for a fight.”

            “Would they really attack me?” Lynn asked and both of them nodded.

            “It happens all the time, if an actual werewolf attacks you and you exchange blood and you nearly die, you’ll turn. But most of these b*****s are just born wolves so they won’t turn you but you sure as hell will get hurt. There are some vicious b*****s out tonight, summer is the worst,” Auri explained.

            “But don’t worry if any of them attack you Javi will knock them out,” Mackenzie assured her. “If Sebastian ya know doesn’t kill them first.”

            “How are things with you and big brother Alpha today?” Auri asked.

            “He’s in major kiss up mode, it’s not necessary really I’m over it but what girl doesn’t love breakfast in bed? And massages and bubble baths and expensive jewelry, he’s pretty desperate. So tonight I might have something edible to wear for him,” Mackenzie said with a smile on her face.

            “I’m sorry for Mercedes interfering in your life, she’s a real b***h,” Lynn said.

            “Don’t apologize, I get that she feels guilty for being mean to me when we were little. But I do wish she’d get over this quickly; there are other things going on that I can’t pin down. Some powerful force is coming and I can’t get a clear picture of it,” Mackenzie sighed. “Uh oh here comes Ana.”

            “Aurielle, I can’t believe you wouldn’t come to me and tell me about this,” Ana said. Then she looked at Lynn and stared hard.

            “Mom you remember Sebastian’s girlfriend Lynn, right?” Auri said direction to the attention away from herself.

            “Something is off about this one,” Ana said studying her. “And Sebastian marked you? That’s bizarre; I never thought he would find anyone.”

            “Mother could you be any ruder?” Auri asked glaring at her mother.

            “Oh I do apologize, you look like a nice girl and I would love to get to know you. At the moment I just have a lot on my mind like why my youngest child didn’t tell me she’s been marked as well,” Ana said.

This woman was rather intimidating and this was the woman that raised Sebastian. And the fact that she was completely gorgeous and didn’t look like a mother at all didn’t help much. Ana had long dark red hair in a single braid that hung down almost to her behind. Though she looked rather Irish with the freckles and all, she too had a tan, she looked biracial. All the Alonsos looked like they were multiple races, it was interesting. Another thing Lynn noticed was that they all had random hair colors that genetically didn’t make sense, she was no genius but she’d learned that much in biology. But why did Ana say there was something off about her?

“It just kind of happened, but it doesn’t mean I’m going to marry him,” Auri said.

“What am I going to do with you children? You refused to get married and Loraine runs off and gets herself in trouble. At least I can count on you Mackenzie,” Ana said. “I’ll see you all inside,” with a wave she was gone.

“What’s going on with Loraine?” Auri asked Mackenzie.

“No idea, but Stella did say she went out of town for a few days,” she said.

“Your mom doesn’t think I’m good enough, it’s all over her face,” Lynn sighed.

“Not at all she’s surprised, everybody is Sebastian was a hermit. Seriously my dad start speculating of Sebastian was gay because he refused the many females he sent to seduce him. Clearly he’s not gay,” Auri laughed.

“Gay? Really? I can tell you for certain he’s very not gay,” Lynn laughed and so did they.

“Of course not with the way he is with you,” Mackenzie agreed. “Look there is Loraine and she’s not alone.”

“Hello loves!” Loraine said excitedly when she came skipping over waving her hand at them. There was a diamond ring on her finger and she was holding hands with a very tall and sexy man, with horns sticking out from under his long dark hair.

“I didn’t see this coming,” Mackenzie said inspecting the ring. “Since when are you two even together?”

“We’re good at keeping secrets, except mom might have come over when we got back and found out. Anyway we went to Vegas and now I’m the second witch to join your demon clan Kenz,” Loraine explained.

“Congratulations,” Lynn said.

“Thank you Lynn, have you met Orion? Sometimes he guards our little Kenzie Kenz, and so does his brother Tyson,” Loraine said.

“Tyson? My sister Sarah is going out with him tomorrow,” Lynn said.

“My brother is going out with a female? A human female?” Orion asked in shock. What was that all about?

“Well she doesn’t know what he is yet but I have a feeling she’s open minded,” Mackenzie said. “I wish you both many blessing in your marriage and may our mother the moon fill your union with love and light and many children.”

“Thanks Kenz,” Loraine said hugging her.

“It’s Mackenzie’s job to bless marriages,” Auri explained.

Loraine and Orion went inside; a lot of people were starting in. But Lynn had no idea where Sebastian was. Both Mackenzie and Auri had on short black dresses and black hooded capes, apparently they were doing some type of ceremony. After all this the wolves would change and go run in the woods together and Lynn was going to Mackenzie’s house. Lynn wasn’t sure she really belonged here, but then again she never felt like she fit in with her family and she hated going to church. When she finally spotted Sebastian he was coming towards her with a woman following him. Not that she would admit it but the woman was just as pretty as all the rest of the she-wolves. Through Lynn wasn’t sure how she knew that the woman was a wolf, she just did. Sebastian looked irritated and the woman looked very upset.

“Uh oh, drama,” Auri shook her head. “That’s your boy’s ex.”

“Dimia, she’s such a royal b***h,” Mackenzie told her. “She was his first girlfriend and ya know first time, but you know he left and didn’t want her when he returned. Stay close, she will try to fight you and Sebastian will kill her.”

“I can fight ya know, I was always the weird pale kid at school,” Lynn said.

“You fought humans Lynn, she’s not human and she wants to rip your throat out and eat your heart, literally,” Auri told her.

“You underestimate how much I don’t like to share,” Lynn replied. She walked away from them and straight over to Sebastian, even though Dimia was talking Lynn kissed him.

“So this is the human? Pathetic pale little thing,” Dimia said rolling her clear blue eyes. “She won’t last and like I said before she can’t give you children it would kill her.”

“Don’t worry about my female, it’s none of your business,” Sebastian growled.

“And sweetie my man isn’t your business either,” Lynn added. Without another word Sebastian led her away from the fuming she-wolf.

“Ignore her she means nothing to me, not anymore,” Sebastian told her.

“I know she’s your ex,” Lynn said dismissively. “But what was she saying about children?” Not that she wanted any being that she just barely wasn’t one, she was just always very curious.

“It’s not important,” he said looking off.

“Start talking wolf man or you won’t be getting any for a long time,” she said.

“You’re human, a rather petite human, most humans can’t give birth to one of my kind, a lot of them die,” he explained.

“And I assume you who comes from a huge family wants lots of kids?”

“Not really, I like the idea of one or two, but it doesn’t matter that much. I would never want to endanger your life, besides you’re way too young.”

“True that I’ll always be younger than you, but one day maybe we can try,” she told him and he stared at her.

“Sometimes you amaze me,” he said. When they stopped walking they were in the woods and he had that look in his eyes, a mix between changing and lots of lust.

“Bastian you want to do this with all these people around?” She asked half shocked and half intrigued.

“Nobody would think anything of it, they do it in the temple,” he said. He had her cornered against a tree and buried his face against her neck.

“But there’s no where for us to do anything right here,” she said. It didn’t discourage him at all, for some reason that pleased her.

“We’ll make somewhere,” he growled in her ear. With a wicked look in his eyes her spun her around so that her back was to his front, and reached down to pull her panties off. This was by far the wildest thing she’d ever done and she’d done some interesting things in the past.

After having sex in the woods Lynn decided to attempt to clean herself up in the bathroom. Too bad for her that Sebastian hadn’t given her back her panties, the females that were leaving when she entered the bathroom giggled as they passed her. They were around her age, and they most likely could smell the sex on her. Lynn kept her head held high; nobody could ever look down on her because she simply wouldn’t let them. She cleaned up in the thankfully empty bathroom and was ready to go find Sebastian when Dimia came in. Dimia with her blue eyes, tanned skin, long legs and long blonde hair, didn’t intimidate Lynn at all. Even though the fact that she was alone with a pissed off she-wolf on a full moon night should scare her senseless, it just didn’t. That was something she would have to really think about later when she wasn’t in this situation. All she had to focus on was that she won the prize and Dimia would never have Sebastian, he threw her to the side.

“Save your drama, he’s mine you can’t have him,” Lynn said.

“He doesn’t love you little girl, he just has a fetish for weak little humans. Nobody wants to tell you the truth, but you can’t be his mate,” Dimia told her.

“Sounds like the words of a hater; if he wanted you sweetie then you would be together. Maybe you just have a thing for guys that don’t want you,” Lynn said in a bored tone. This really was boring, and childish.

“I’m giving you a chance to walk away,” Dimia said. “If you don’t stay away from him I’ll have to hurt you.”

“Guess you’ll have to try cause I’m not going anywhere,” she replied. At that Dimia showed some very sharp teeth, that didn’t have the desired effect.

When Dimia lunged at her Lynn pushed her back, surprised she actually moved. In a true girlie motion Dimia reached up to yank Lynn’s hair and Lynn kneed her in the stomach. Dimia threw her into the wall hard and Lynn almost gave into the pain, but she was stronger than that. She pushed Dimia as hard as she could and was completely shocked when Dimia’s face smacked into the mirror. There was blood and broken glass everywhere, and apparently an audience that Lynn never saw or heard come in. 

“Somebody clean up that trash,” Stella said. Two females stepped forward to pick Dimia up off the floor where she lay unconscious. “Come on Lynn, Sebastian is waiting.” She took Lynn by the hand and led her away.

“I can’t believe that just happened,” Lynn said more to herself than Stella. “Is she going to be ok?”

“The b***h will be fine that’s what she gets,” Stella shook her head. “Now half of them will want to fight you and the other half will be afraid of you. Either way you are definitely gaining respect around here.”

“For some reason I don’t even feel bad,” Lynn admitted.

“Why would you? She was messing with something that belonged to you so you showed her that she can’t mess with you, its simple. Don’t worry about that, at least you didn’t kill her. Though she definitely would have killed you,” Stella explained.

“Yeah I heard she’d rip my throat out and eat my heart,” Lynn said repeating Auri’s words.

“Pretty much,” Stella nodded. It was disturbing that everybody was serious about this and disgusting.

“What happened?” Sebastian asked when he saw her.

“Your girl kicked some a*s that’s what,” Stella told him.

“Don’t look at me like that Sebastian, it’s your little friend that wanted to attack me,” Lynn said matter of factly. “Hopefully she took the hint.” Why did she feel so strange? Under normal circumstances she wouldn’t have been so detached from the situation and would have felt bad. Not tonight. Maybe it was the full moon, it did things to people.

“You’re alright?” Sebastian asked and she nodded. “Let’s go sit then.”

They sat in the second row next to Stella and Warren and a bunch of other Alonsos. People were staring at her and whispering, it was nice to get a lot of attention. Being part of a big family she never got much attention, especially after Mackenzie was kidnapped. It was then that her parents changed drastically and seemed to write her off as a mistake. They followed up said mistake by having two perfect other children. That was one of the many reasons she lived with Sarah. And it was Sarah helped her to see that she was worth so too much to ever let anybody have any power over her.

Music played dark creepy instrumental music with no singing. Down the center aisle came the hooded cape wearing Mackenzie and Auri, balls of light floated above their upturned palms. Their movements were completely identical; it was like looking in a mirror. They parted ways and walked onto the stage on opposite sides and each stood next to the chair on the end. Next down the aisle was a woman with a crown of vines and flowers in her long strawberry blonde hair. She wore a long white floor length gown, like something out of a medieval movie. Her eyes were closed and her palms pressed together in a prayer position. The woman seemed to glide down towards the stage. She disappeared and then reappeared on the stage in front of the middle chair.

“Blessed be our mother moon,” Mackenzie said.

“Blessed be our mother earth,” Auri said.

“Blessed be tonight’s hunt, may it be bountiful,” the woman said.

Everyone rose suddenly, so Lynn followed, Sebastian held her hand. Javier came down the aisle with Vince following, and everyone bowed their heads as they passed. Lynn stared at her black tennis shoes unsure of what to do. When she looked up again the men where seated in the two remaining seats on either side of the mystery woman. Mackenzie, Auri and the woman began chanting words Lynn didn’t understand. Everyone in the temple soon followed. This definitely wasn’t like her family’s church. After the strange chanting the woman said a prayer of protection for the Alpha and his family. Mackenzie prayed to the moon to protect the “hunters” and Auri said one to the earth for safe travels. All of it was interesting, but also hard to keep up with. But Lynn tried her best, later she would have someone explain all this to her. A fight broke out in the back of the room, but nobody did anything to stop it. Mackenzie said a prayer for all new life and unions, then another fight started up. At that point Lynn was so shocked that she couldn’t comprehend much else. After another prayer from the woman, it was over.



I sat on the couch watching movies with Auri, Lynn, Erora and Tyson after temple. It was an eventful night with two fights during ceremony and Lynn getting in a fight with Sebastian’s ex. Sometimes a lot more fights happen. Erora’s mother Shoshanna is the high priestess who presides over ceremony. She was once just a witch but then decided it was in her best interest to be turned by her werewolf husband. Women aren’t always good about making the change; she’s one of the few female werewolves. Rarer is that she’s a witch and a werewolf which does happen occasionally but not by fate it’s by choice. One day Shoshanna would like for one of her daughters to be high priestess and she’s hinted at Erora about it for years.

For anyone who’s never been to the Lunar Temple the whole thing can be overwhelming and even shocking, my first time I was 7 and scared half to death. Eventually you get use to the craziness of it all. Being the Alpha’s mate I get the pleasure of participating in ceremony, same goes with the second’s mate. All that really happens in ceremony is chanting a few prayer and we release these magical balls of light into the night as an offering. Nobody has ever told me what they are or what they do or what happens if we don’t do it. The cautious and wise thing to do is just listen and follow the tradition. I like temple better than the church I went to with the Jordans. Yeah its chaotic and strange things do sometimes happen, but it’s what I’ve gotten use to.

Being a seer and witch in the Jordan family meant I was evil. But being what I am here with the wolves, witches and demons is just natural. At temple it’s not about judging, it’s about believing that we are all connected. I never really understood the whole Christianity thing. Here its simple, fate is in control and she may have no corporal form and no voice, she speaks to us always. And maybe she is not a she, but that doesn’t matter. We pray to the moon and the earth and the sun because they are supreme energy. They have a hold over supernatural type persons. Like how the sun rules over the vampires so that they can only step outside when the sun isn’t guarding the day. And the moon has power over the wolves and calls them to give into their nature urge to change. All of it can get pretty complicated if you really think about it. But I don’t, I accept that fate is in control and I pray for guidance often. Being a witch I mostly prayed to the Goddess who was the mother of all magic and as I was taught is the equivalent to the God that the Jordans and Christian church taught me about.

Tonight Tyson was the lone guard on duty, since the wolves were out and his brother was with his new wife. It was different to be home on a full moon night, at l;east Javier was finally listening to me. Zara would have come over except she said she had something planned for Jared when he came back. She showed up with him at temple, but refused to tell me of the progress she’s made with him. And I didn’t pry, sometimes surprises are good. Besides going to temple with Jared said enough. I’m fairly certain they will be official by the next full moon. What she did tell me was that something is off about Lynn, which Ana sensed too, and so did I. Every time I was near her since the truth came out about our less than human status, I had visions of a man in a dark room. It doesn’t appear to me that she knows the man, but I can’t even get a clear picture of his face. Usually he paces in the visions or is sitting with his head in his hands. Whoever he is he seemed depressed. The trouble is I have no idea what this has to do with Lynn or why there’s some change in her. Until I knew anything for certain I wasn’t going to scare her with speculation. Even though biologically we aren’t sisters I still felt like she was my sister, so I had to protect her. And fate put her into my family anyway.
            Lynn I can’t believe you bashed Dimia’s head into a mirror,” Erora said. “I’m sad I missed it.”

“It wasn’t intentional,” Lynn said with a strange look in her eyes. I could tell she was still in shock over the whole thing. And so was everybody else, our little human recruit took down a she-wolf, that was very unusual.

“Oh come on Lynn it so was, you were pissed when you saw her with Sebastian. You did what you had to its primal instinct, she was invading your territory,” Auri said.

“I never wanted to hurt anybody,” Lynn replied.

“Of course not, the b***h will be fine,” Erora said.

“So aside from the more violent aspects did you enjoying coming to temple?” I asked drawing the attention away from Lynn’s fight.

“Very interesting,” she said. “Definitely nothing like anything I’ve ever seen.”

“Bet you don’t have sex outside your church either,” Auri said.

“Like Vince didn’t want to drag your skank a*s in the woods, Sebastian was just excited,” Erora said.

“Does everybody do it in the woods?” Lynn asked, we all laughed.

“Pretty much, I guess it’s a wolf thing,” I said.

“I’ve actually never done it,” Auri admitted. “We hooked up at the farm once; otherwise I’m an indoors kinda gal.”

“Until Vince gets here tonight,” Erora said. “Sometimes I wish I could run with Leo, mostly cause them skanks try to curl up with him after.”

“No worry Leo is completely devoted to you,” I said.

“Yeah I know, what I don’t know is how you can stand letting Javier out the house with every female in town wanting a piece of him,” she shook her head.

“Don’t remind me, I trust him never to cheat,” I told her.

We talked more about any and everything and completely ignored the movie. Eventually the topic of conversation turned to harassing Tyson about his date. My mind kept drifting back between Lynn’s mystery man and how she was able to fight Dimia and win. Luck had nothing to do with it. I had a vision of it right when Lynn’s eyes locked on Dimia. If I’d have told her about it she wouldn’t have been able to do it. And since I knew Dimia wouldn’t have any permanent damage, I kept my mouth shut. Too many strange things were happening lately, every bit of it is leading up to something huge. And the useless supposedly amazing seer that I am, I don’t know what’s going to happen. Though my visions can be a pain, I don’t know how people live without knowing at least some of the things that are going to happen.

It was weird to be home and not at the farm on a full moon night. Usually I go there right after temple and see Javier in the morning. In light of recent events and the fact that he wants to keep me happy, I’m home. Noah is spending the night at the farm, he hates being away from Mena anyway. I swear his first word was ‘Mena’ and hers was ‘Noah’. My family is beyond unconventional. Around 3 in the morning I heard a howl, I knew that sound. My husband the Alpha left his pack to be with me. They usually are out all night and fall asleep in the temple. In a pile of naked bodies, which isn’t somewhere I’d really want my husband. I know for a fact that lots of people have sex in the temple.

“My call,” I said getting up from the couch and following the sound. I felt hypnotized as I stepped out onto the back porch.

Right next to the pool sat my beautiful black wolf. He sat watching me with a quizzical expression. I unzipped my dress and let it fall to the grown as I walked. Javier growled when he saw the white lacy see thru bustier I had on with a matching thong. Before I could reach him he changed back and pulled me to him. Usually he would just throw me down, this time he just held me. We silently laid together on the lounger and still he held me close, like I was going somewhere. I could hear other wolves moving around; I figured they were coming to retrieve their mates in my house.

“I wore my skankiest lingerie and you just want to cuddle?” I asked, only because long silences drive me crazy.

“I really appreciate that, you look amazing, but I just need to be close to you,” he said. “Did you have a good evening?”

“Yeah we watched movies and gossiped, the usual,” I told him. “Javi is something wrong? Not that I don’t want to cuddle, its just that you’re acting weird.”

“Well I was doing some thinking, and the only time we really spend time together is when we make love. And I hate that I dragged you into a life you never wanted. So I could step down as Alpha, my only priority should be you and our children,” he said completely surprising me.

“Javi you wanna quit what you worked so hard for? You almost died for this and you just want to give that all up?”

“Mackenzie, I would do anything for you,” he told me. He never really called me Mackenzie, so I knew he was serious. Wasn’t this what I wanted desperately?

“No, you made a commitment and I will stand by you no matter what,” I said. Not because I honestly wanted him to keep the job, I didn’t, but it was the right thing to do.

“Are you sure? I should be watching my son grow up and spending every second I can with you. We should be able to go places and not have to worry about other people. I promised you the world and all I’ve done is make a whole new prison for you,” he said with a pained look in his eyes. “Kenzie I did something.”

“What?” My heart felt like it was going to stop working, I trust my husband.

“With everything that’s been going on with us lately, I realized what the real problem is,” he paused. I had a feeling what was coming next. “Maybe when I realized how much I wanted you, I should haven’t have come for you.”

“What are you saying?” I asked, I sat up my heart was pounding so hard I thought I was going to just drop dead.

“Mackenzie I love you, but I think the reason we’ve been having so many problems is because I messed with fate. When you were gone and I couldn’t find you I managed to convince Auri and Zara to help me. Maybe the trouble is that we weren’t supposed to be together,” he told me.

“I knew that you asked them to help you, I knew you were searching,” I told him. “Javi it was fate for us to be together, we’re having problems because that’s what happens in relationships. We never have conflicts because we’re too eager to please each other. Maybe we need to fight more and stop holding back.”

“Tell me the truth then, you don’t want me to stay Alpha,” he said. I did walk right into that one.

“No I don’t, I hate what it’s done to you and to our lives. But this is what fate has given us, neither of us chose this but there’s no going back. All we can do is move forward and…” I trailed off when a vision came to me.

The first thing I saw was a trail of blood in an alley. Then it switched to show a fire, but I couldn’t make out the house. Next came Stella going to open a door, Warren’s stalker was standing there holding a baby. And the last flash I had was Rose Jordan crying. Sometimes I get a whole vision; sometimes I get a bunch of jumbled up things that make no sense. I’m told that as I get stronger and older they will all come in clear. I already knew something big was going to happen, but blood meant a fight or worse a murder. And the fire, I feel like I should know the house but I couldn’t really see it. Before the next full moon all hell was going to break loose, that was one thing I knew for sure. Stella could handle the stalker, besides I wouldn’t be able to get in touch with her until the afternoon. It would be helpful if my visions came with timestamps.

“What did you see?” Javier asked when I came back from my trance.

“A lot of things are going to go down in the next month but there were mostly jumbles. A fire, blood in an alley and Warren’s stalker showing up with her baby,” I told him. “We’re running low on time, not that we could stop anything from happening, but we should just be cautious.”

“What we need to do is spend as much time as we can together,” he said.

“Yes we should,” I agreed. “Now I think I am over dressed.” Even though my lingerie was practically non-existent, he was naked.

“Can’t have that now can we?” He asked with a wicked smile as he twisted his finger around the thin string of my thong. The full moon means a lot of different things, but it is the time for the best sex. So for a little while we were able to forget all our problems and just be together, out under the stars.



© 2010 Britiney Harper

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Added on September 8, 2009
Last Updated on January 14, 2010


Britiney Harper
Britiney Harper

pittsburgh, PA

...A Few Things... 1) Hi! I'm Britiney 2) I Love to Write 3) I love to read 4) I'm a nerd 5) i love my Family more than anything else 6) I've been writing since i was 8yrs old (but really b4 tha.. more..
