The Seer (chapter 4)

The Seer (chapter 4)

A Chapter by Britiney Harper

..the story continues...


Chapter 4


Auri heard someone downstairs when she got out of the shower, so she got dressed and decided to investigate. Vince had left for work early that morning so she was pretty sure he wouldn’t randomly come home in the middle of the afternoon. She was completely shocked to find a woman in the kitchen looking in the refrigerator. The woman was older than her, like old enough to be her mother old. Vince screwed around with older women too? This was ridiculous, and a perfect excuse to leave. She couldn’t even how much comprehend it hurt that he lied to her face and had one of his w****s coming over for a booty call. At least she knew she looked way better than this woman and she was never going to speak to Vince again.

“Who are you?” Auri asked and the woman turned looking startled.

“Hello, I’m Diana,” she said extending her hand politely. “Are you a friend of Vincent? I’m guessing you made the food, since I’ve know doesn’t really cooked much.”

“Uh yeah, what are you doing here?” Auri asked confused.

“Oh I suppose he didn’t mention me, I cook and clean a few things, do a little bit of laundry for him. Are you Aurielle?” Diana asked, this just kept getting weirder.

“Yeah, um how do you know who I am?”

“Vincent talks about you all the time, he’s in love with you has been for a long time. I assume that’s why you’re here right? He finally worked up the courage to ask you to marry him or move in, right?”

“He talks about me?” Auri asked completely stunned and Diana nodded. “This is so bad, he actually cares about me?”

“I’m sorry, did you not know that?” Diana asked seeming very confused.

“No, I thought he just wanted to mess with my head, no wonder he was so determined to get me to stay. How long has he been talking about me?”

“Oh a few years now I believe, is this not a good thing? You moved in with him and he didn’t tell you he’s in love with you?”

“Nope he never said a word,” Auri shook her head this was too much. “I don’t know if you know but Vince likes to spend time with a lot of different women, so he can’t love me, he told me that.”

“I see,” Diana nodded. “I know that he is lost and he believes he can’t have you, but it’s pretty clear that he’s trying to make an effort. And you must feel something if you moved in here with him. I can assure you that he hasn’t bee seeing other women for a few months now. Unless you count him coming over to my house for dinner or to help me with things, I’m the only other woman in his life right now.”

“I need to move out of here,” Auri said beginning to pace. She lived with wolves way too long, they paced when anxious.

“I don’t understand, if you don’t love him then why would you move in with him? You’re taking care of him, I can see that, this house has never looked so clean and he’s eating home cooked meals,” Diana was watching her way too close.

“Because you don’t understand, I can’t marry him, that’s where this is going if I don’t leave. I’m not going to be in a relationship like my parents, if I ever married it would be to someone I could trust. Vince can’t be trusted, I get that he’s sweet to you but he would never give up his fun for me,” she paused. “I’m going to kill Javier he told him to do this to me.”

Of course her brother the Alpha would give his blessing to his best friend. The full moon was coming way too soon and he would claim and mark her. There was no way she was going to let that happen, she couldn’t be tied to him. If he marked her everybody would know that she belonged to him and it wasn’t like she could be unmarked. She resumed her pacing; Diana probably thought she was insane. Vince was in love with her and it wasn’t even that she didn’t love him; she just couldn’t let him hurt her. But why was she even here in his house? He wouldn’t even tell her how he felt, she needed more time. Now she had to seriously look into finding herself an apartment or something. She refused to let this happen to her, Vince did not love her, and if he did he would have told her so. Instead he repeatedly told her he couldn’t love one woman and would never be happy tied down. This just had to be a game, one she was losing.



I knew something was up, I could feel it in the air. I expected it to be Auri that called me because I could sense her distress and the waves of emotions rolling through her. But before I could call her my phone rang and Lynn’s name came up. So I knew I had my work cut out for me.

“Mackenzie you have to come over there’s something wrong with Sebastian,” Lynn said before I could say a word.

“Calm down sweetie, tell me what happened,” I said.

“I don’t even know, we were talking and my big mouth over stepped and asked too much. He looked like he was sick and just ran out and hasn’t come back,” she said sounding very distressed.

“I’m coming over, I know you’re freaked already, but try not to scream. You’re at his place right?” I asked, I was fully prepared to get myself into some trouble, but I knew what’s wrong.

“Yeah, wait what are talking about?” She was confused of course but I didn’t have time to explain.

“I have Noah with me so give me a minute, I promise I’ll be there in like 2 secs,” I told her.

“Ok,” she said and we hung up.

“Noah we gotta do some repair work,” I said to my son who smiled.

“We help,” he said in his cute little baby voice.

First I told Phineas I’m popping out for a little while; he’s my main wolf guard. He agreed to hold down the fort with Orion, one of my demon guards, which just meant they plan to eat my food. I threw a few things in a diaper bag for Noah since I didn’t know how long we were going to be gone. With Noah in my arms I teleported us to Sebastian’s living room, where Lynn looked ghostly pale when we suddenly appeared. Thankfully she didn’t scream, really it’s not that big of a deal with her boyfriend being a wolf and all.

“So tell me what’s up,” I said like it’s perfectly normal. She sank down on the couch looking faint while I conjure set Noah up on the floor with some toys and a juice. The TV popped on with Noggin on, that was his doing not mine.

“How did you do that?” Lynn asked me.

“Guess he didn’t mention that I’m a witch, well yeah I am,” I said.

“He said something about seeing the future,” she said surprising me.

“Oh yeah that too, well that most of the time,” I shrugged. “Anyway what were you talking about that got him all riled up?”

“I asked about you and your kidnapping and he told me about his dad,” she said.

“Oh that wow, so he must have told you about Max and Yolanda that always sets him off. That and the whole power struggle thing, it was all a big mess. Sebastian has been through a lot and he doesn’t like to talk about things,” I explained.

“Mackenzie what is going on? How can his father not be in jail if he’s done so many bad things?”

“Good question, he’s good at not getting caught and he has money. Trust me what he’s going through now that his whole family has abandoned him is much worse than jail,” I told her. Not that any of that makes sense since she doesn’t know about the wolves or that Zenis’ family is the most important thing to him in the world, though he cant admit that.

“I just don’t know what to do, he wasn’t himself and what if he’s hurt?” She looked like she was about to cry.

“Calm down Lynn he’s alright, but you’re really going to have to talk to him when he gets back. My advice is to speak to him as calmly as possible and be very patient, there are some things you don’t know about our family. Now he has to tell you but I don’t know what it will do to him and I don’t want you to get hurt. Just try to be supportive and understanding and don’t run or scream,” I said.

“Is he a witch too?” She asked staring at me like I was crazy.

“Oh no definitely not, but he has to be the one to tell you what he is, it’s not my place. Once he comes back he will have to explain it, just prepare yourself cause its going to sound insane. But if you run into any trouble give me a yell, I’ll hear you and come. Javi can control his little brother if the need arises,” I told her.

“I’m not even sure if I want to know what you’re talking about,” she said and wiped her eyes. “He’s ok though, right?”

“I’m sure he’s fine, he’s stronger than you know.”

After awhile I was able to calm her down, Sebastian needed a level head when he returned. Coming back from changing to find Lynn so distraught would probably make him change again or worse. But I felt like because I knew he’s so controlled these days she will be safe with him. Since I’d lived this life for so long I couldn’t imagine what it was like for Lynn to just be thrown into it. I just hoped for both of their sakes that they could work this out.



Sebastian was ashamed and embarrassed by his actions. Good thing he was able to make it into the woods behind his building, it was a miracle he could do that and strip off his clothes. Running around naked wasn’t an option not with humans everywhere. The sun had already set by the time he was ready to go back to his apartment; he had no idea what to tell Lynn. When he got upstairs he was surprised that she was still in his apartment and there was a faint smell of magic. She called Mackenzie of course, now he really would have to explain himself. Of course his sister in-law would never betray his secret, that was for him to do. He would hang himself, like before, perfect.

Inside he found that she was in the shower, was he mistaken or was she crying? That just made him feel worse, he never wanted to hurt her. And it really didn’t help that the change left him a bit horny. Since he usually woke up with other wolves he was able to control himself. Not that the females didn’t try to entice him, he just didn’t desire them. Lynn however was a different story; he couldn’t force himself to resist her. So he stripped his clothes off once more and went to join her in the shower. He slipped in as silently as he could manage and pulled her against him. She stared up at him with her worried hazel eyes and he kissed her hungrily. His need to be inside of her was too strong for him to even speak to her. And it didn’t hurt that she had a hungry look in her eyes that changed to an ocean blue. He picked her up, pressed her body against the tiles and took her body hard.

After their shower Sebastian carried Lynn to his bed and laid her down. They still hadn’t spoken, unless you counted her screaming for him. Something about this girl had him crazy for her, it only now occurred to him why. But hadn’t he felt this way before? Not as strongly, never this strongly, did it really come to this? How could the little human be his fate? Once she found out the truth about him she would be gone, like the others. And this time he knew he would really feel it, but so would the wolf.

            “I see you’re feeling better,” she said.

            “A bit, but I’m starving, you want something?” He asked hoping to avoid the subject as long as possible.

            “What did you have in mind?” She asked rolling on her stomach; she was very distracting when lying naked in his bed.

            “Want pizza?” He asked, she just nodded, and it took all his strength to get up from the bed. His phone was somewhere in the kitchen.

As quickly as he could he ordered their food and went back to his bedroom where she was still laying on her stomach. Temptation like he’d never known took over and he didn’t fight it. Instead he lifted her hips up from the bed and once again entered her body. It surprised him that she was letting him do this, wasn’t she just crying? For that reason alone he should have stopped himself, but he just couldn’t do it. If this was what happened after he changed then maybe he needed to change more often. The thought left his mind when he felt the urge to mark her, yup he was in trouble.

By the time their food arrived they were both cleaned up and starving. They ate in silence in their underwear; he still didn’t know what to say. Neither spoke after they’d finished eating either. He knew she had questions and Mackenzie probably warned her not to say much too him. The trouble was that he wasn’t sure if he would going to change again or not. That alone kept him silent, he hated losing control. And if he changed again in front of her he was terrified he would hurt her. Which was unforgivable and not an option if he could help it.

“Are we going to talk about this?” She asked after the silence stretched on far too long.

“What did Mackenzie tell you?” He asked, she looked surprised that he knew.

“Uh that she’s a witch and can appear out of no where, but she didn’t say anything about you,” she told him.

“I figured,” he sighed. “Honestly Lynn I don’t know where to begin or what to say to you. I don’t want to talk about it at all.”

“I’ve been waiting for you for hours and I’ve been worried and you don’t want to talk to me?” She was pissed, he felt horrible.

“I’m sorry you were worried, but if I tell you the truth you’ll leave,” he said.

“How about I save you the trouble and just leave,” she said getting up from the table. “Its ok I’m just a good time and I don’t deserve anything but to be used.”

Lynn,” he called after her but she’d already gone into the bedroom so he followed. “You’re not just a good time and I’m not using you, I thought I made that clear. If I just wanted sex I wouldn’t have taken you to meet my family, there are just things about me you don’t need to know. And if I tell you I can’t take it back.”

“This is too much drama for me; my life was simple before you came into it. I never cared what any loser guy thought about me, and you make me feel things I shouldn’t. And I hate it, and I hate that you keep all these secrets,” she said while getting dressed.

“Please you have to let me figure this out, you don’t understand,” he said. He was loosing it again, she really got to him.

“I swear if you tell me what I don’t understand again I’ll scream,” she said. Now fully dressed she was about to leave, he couldn’t let her.

“But you really don’t and in my experience when I’ve shared this in the past it ended badly. I really don’t want you to go; I need you in my life Lynn.”

“You sure don’t act like it, not when you run out of here like you’re dying and come back to screw me. Sebastian Alonso you will tell me what is going on with you or don’t ever talk to me or come near me. And trust me I’m so serious,” she told him. This irritated the wolf; he didn’t like to be told what to do.

“I think you should go,” he told her. If she stayed he would make her hate him anyway, or worse. The women he loved did tend to end up dead. Besides he was so close to turning he didn’t want her near him. Protecting her was his first priority, even if he couldn’t keep her.

“Fine, I never want to see you again,” she said. “Ya know I should thank you for proving that all men do is lie. You just kept lying and stupid me I believed you and you used me. I hope you’re happy with yourself.”

“I never used you,” he growled, it was getting harder to hold in. Though logic told him this was best, the wolf didn’t want her to go. It was a bad sign when the wolf was thinking too much.

“Like hell you didn’t, what do you call f*****g me and then breaking up with me? Oh and let me guess I wouldn’t understand why you’ve used me, Lynn’s not smart enough to understand anything. Now I know why you were celibate, no sane woman would come near you,” she said glaring at him.

“Think what you want, just be lucky I’m telling you to go now,” he told her. He turned away from her leaning on the dresser, wolf was mad. Wolf wanted to keep Lynn right here where she belonged, but Sebastian couldn’t let that happen.

“Yeah I am lucky,” she said sarcastically. “Did your last girlfriend dump you cause you’re such an a*s?”

“No,” he couldn’t hold out much longer. “They are all dead.”

“What?” Lynn asked sounding afraid.

Lynn you should go, because if something happened to you I couldn’t take,” he told her. “Please if I tell you then I don’t know what will happen, but you have to go now. I don’t want to hurt you; I don’t have control over him anymore.”

“What are you talking about?” She asked, why was she coming closer?

“Go now please Lynn, I can’t have you here,” he said.

It was too late; as soon as she touched his shoulder he was gone. There was no time to get away from her, not this time. Sebastian dropped to his knees trying to hold back. He couldn’t even take his clothes off. The change ripped through him hard and painful. That was what happened when he resisted. Some of his thoughts were still in his mind somewhere, but the wolf was in control. It was like somebody else was controlling him and he hated it. Lynn stood there staring at him, shaking and scared. And even though he tried to stop it the wolf was slowly approaching her.

“S-s-se-b-bastian,” she cried. “Please Sebastian d-d-don’t hurt me.”

Wolf was amused by what the little human said. Why would he hurt her? She belonged to him; he wanted to keep her safe. His little human sank onto the floor with tears in her eyes, he didn’t like her upset. He continued to get closer to her; he needed to let her know that he would never hurt her. So he laid his head in her lap, she hesitated but then petted him.

            “Oh Bastian, I should have known you wouldn’t hurt me,” she said hugging him. “No wonder you didn’t want me to know your secret.” His response was to lick her tears. She wasn’t afraid anymore, that made him happy.



            “Something is wrong with Sebastian,” Javier said aloud. He could sense his brother’s turmoil and wasn’t surprised with the way he’d been acting lately.

            “Don’t worry about it,” his wife said. That meant trouble.

“What did you do? It involves that girl doesn’t it?” He asked not knowing if he wanted the answer.

“He almost changed in front of Lynn earlier and she called me. She was afraid something was wrong when he ran off; I didn’t really tell her anything. He’s probably telling her the truth right now,” she said matter of factly.

“Outsiders aren’t supposed to know about us, Sebastian of all people should know better,” he sighed.

“He can’t keep this a secret from his mate,” she told him.

“His what!?” He growled, there was too much going on right now.

“Oh please Javi you had to know, why else would he keep her a secret for 6 months and bring her to meet the family. I don’t need a vision to tell me that she’s his and he knows it and it scares him. He loves her and he thinks he’ll lose her, like the others,” she said.

“So you don’t think I should go over? She’s your sister aren’t you concerned for her? What if he looses control and hurts her, he’ll never forgive himself and he will never be right again,” he said. Still she didn’t seem the least bit worried.

“I told her to call me if she needs help and she’s not calling so he must be controlling himself fine. I know what’s at stake with him; I know he’s a breath away from loosing himself completely. Sometimes you have to be hands off, she can heal him,” Mackenzie told him.

“If you say so,” he sighed. Fighting with her wasn’t worth it; there was no wining with his wife. “Kenzie I was thinking about taking you and Noah up to the beach house.”

“Would that just be the three of us? No guards and quality family time?” She asked as he expected.

“Yeah I can do that for a few days, we’re going up on Thursday,” he said.

Leaving for a few days was a bit risky, but what really was going to happen over the weekend? If Javier didn’t do this he knew he was going to be in trouble with his wife. Everyday that passed he could feel her pulling away, mostly because she couldn’t take the constant guards. Then there was the fact that he was never around anymore, this was never what he planned. Being the Alpha was more stress than he’d known it would be, almost enough to make him wish he’d never accepted. He knew that if he’d known Mackenzie would end up pregnant so soon he never would have. Taking care of so many people was stressful at the best of times, but he couldn’t really take care of his own family and that bothered him the most. Everybody wanted something all the time.

Earlier that day he had to listen to an endless stream of problems the pack had. Why was it really his job to fix everything? And if he got one more offer for one of his sisters he was going to snap. How had his selfish self-centered father been able to deal with all of this? Not to mention he was training his people for a war with demons and other beings. The very thought of leaving his wife and son was ripping him apart. What if he didn’t come back? Then there was the possibility that his father would do something to her and Noah. But he couldn’t let himself really think about it; just knowing it could happen was bad enough.

“Your father is on his way here,” Mackenzie said suddenly. She jumped from their bed and went to get Noah in his crib.

“Do you know why?” Javier asked when he followed her.

“Um Zkar sent him a message and by message I mean something bloody, he feels like you shouldn’t be letting people into your territory. And something about how he would never let that happen and maybe if you had your priorities straight his life wouldn’t be in jeopardy. Blah blah blah and he thinks he can come here unannounced and get a glimpse of Noah,” she told him. “For once I’ll go willingly, I hate being near that man. And I find it amusing that he thinks he can sneak up on us, hello I am a seer, I see most things. Just because I didn’t always tell him the things I saw doesn’t mean I’m less amazing.”

“You are amazing,” he told her. “Go ahead I’ll call you when he’s gone.”

“Ok, I love you,” she said and he kissed her.

“Love you both,” he said. A second later they were gone.

A howl sounding from outside meant that Zenis was at the gate. Javier responded, even though he didn’t want his father in his house. But if he didn’t let him in now then Zenis would keep coming back. Why the council thought letting him live in disgrace would be best, he didn’t get. So what if Zenis had no control over anyone and lived with the threat of never being able to get revenge if he wanted to live. Yeah he had spent a three years being tortured for his many crimes but that wasn’t long enough. Yolanda’s parents wouldn’t think so and neither would the girls. Zenis mostly kept his head down the last few months, that didn’t make Javier think he was any less dangerous. Under normal circumstances a wolf that was a danger to his pack and others would be put down. Supposedly the council was trying to be slightly less barbaric these days and thought death was too kind. Javier suspected that a good bit of money exchanged hands and the old wolves thought he would handle a problem should one arise. Maybe Zkar would be doing everybody a huge favor.

“Home alone boy? Where is my seer and the kid at? She shacking up with another man?” Zenis asked when Javier let him in.

“Why would I let you near my wife?” Javier asked. “What do you want?”

“Protection, my brother wants me dead and has been sending me packages. Butchered dogs keep coming and I want to know what you’re going to do about this,” Zenis said.

“That’s easy, it’s not my problem so you deal with it,” he shrugged. “Maybe you shouldn’t piss people off enough to make them want to kill you.”

“It’s your job to protect me,” Zenis said looking angry.

“Not really, it’s my job to keep the peace, it would be very peaceful with you gone,” he said trying not to laugh. If it wouldn’t be slightly immoral he would call Zkar himself and pay him.

“I always had hope for you, but you were the one who led a rebellion against me. All so you could steal what was mine, plenty of females and you take mine. Admit it you wanted her because she was a virgin, clean pure and untainted,” Zenis said. He was walking around the living room looking at pictures.

“Do we really have to go through this again? You kidnapped a child, that doesn’t mean she belongs to you. What you can’t stand is that she never would have wanted you, Mackenzie is my wife, let it go,” Javier said. Patience, he needed patience and to keep his cool, he was better than this petty crap.

“And what do you think her demon daddy is going to do when he drags you into his war? He’ll kill you and then his baby girl will be free to marry one of his demons and let’s not forget your son. You always did trust the wrong people, like your brothers, they are plotting against you. They don’t want the puppy to lead them, you can’t trust your demon wife either, her loyalty is with her parents. Don’t you see it? She smiles and opens her legs for you but who would she choose if she had to? Javier you are the strong one physically but you’re too soft, too trusting and nice. Doing the right thing gets you nowhere, when you’re ready to really become the Alpha come see me,” Zenis paused a second holding a photo of Noah. “Think of your son, who can you really trust with him? Everybody wants a piece of him, can you really protect him? Well since you don’t want to help me I’ll see myself out.”

“Tell Uncle Zkar I say hi,” Javier replied.

He watched his father go; something wasn’t sitting right with him. No he couldn’t believe a word Zenis said all the man did was lie. So why did some of it make sense? Mackenzie could always be trusted, she was always by his side and she loved him. Even if she didn’t respect his beliefs about birth control, but he couldn’t think that way. Most of his brothers he could trust, but what if they were against him? It was the stress and exhaustion making him think crazy, alone with his father’s paranoia. Instead of dwelling further he called his wife and son home.



It had to be a dream; there was no way last night really happened. Sebastian did not turn into a werewolf and she didn’t curl up in bed with the wolf and sleep. None of that could have happened it was impossible. However, Lynn could feel his naked body against her and he was holding her. His erection was up against her butt, like it often was when she woke up with him. Why did this morning feel different than all the others? She felt different and she didn’t know why.

There was no time to really figure out what was going on with her, aside from the obvious. For one reason or another she felt unbelievably horny and was desperate to have Sebastian inside of her. Almost as soon as the thought occurred to her, he was rolling her on her back. He pulled her sleep shorts and panties off. On his way back up he buried his face between her legs. This was an amazing way to wake up. After making her orgasm twice, Sebastian was inside of her. Why did this feel so different? It was almost as if this was the first time she’d been with him, even though they’d had sex plenty of times.

After having sex twice, Lynn laid there in Sebastian’s arms. There were so many odd things she felt but didn’t know how to voice them. And there still was the matter of needing to talk about the whole werewolf thing. But she just felt like being in his arms where she felt safe. When did that happen? Last night he’d broken up with her and pissed her off, and all she wanted to do now was stay close to him. Her boyfriend was a werewolf and changed into one right in front of her, but she wasn’t freaked out. She didn’t really believe in this stuff, her parents made sure of that. They would most likely say that Sebastian was a devil worshipper and needed to die or something and Mackenzie too for being a witch. Suddenly things made sense, the reason Sebastian kept going home was the full moon. His family members were wolves too, that was why Mackenzie knew so much about them and how she should act. 

“I’m starving, want to go out?” Sebastian asked her after awhile.

“We really need to talk Bastian,” she said.

“I know, I promise we will I’m just drained,” he said.

“Ok, but only because I’m starving too,” she said dragging herself out of the bed.

            They showered and dressed in mostly silence, Lynn used that time to think. What did all this even mean? And why did she keep thinking about a future with him? More than once in the shower, when he washed her body she thought about how this was the only man she’d ever be with for the rest of her life. How she belonged to him, and she’d never had these thoughts before. Eighteen was too young to get married, she didn’t want to be like her family, but she wanted to be his forever. Maybe it was some type of magic that made her think these crazy things. It wasn’t even that she didn’t want to spend forever with him; there were just too many things she didn’t know. And again she was only 18 and very opposed to getting married. Well if he even wanted to marry her, what if he broke up with her, again? Why was she even still here he broke up with her and she had sex with him, again. Something was definitely wrong with her and it could be blamed on this man, or whatever he was.

            “So talk,” she said after they ordered food at a near by diner.

            “You didn’t run,” he said watching her quizzically. “I could have killed you, but you stayed with me all night and you’re still here.”

            “Should I have run from you? Mackenzie said not to run or scream, I suppose that finally makes sense,” she replied.

            “Now you know my secret,” he said staring at the table.

            “Yeah and what a secret it is,” she said watching him.

            “I never asked for this to happen to me, I was born this way, if I had a choice I wouldn’t be like this,” he told her.

            “How did this happen to you?” She asked because she couldn’t help herself.

            “A long time ago my father and his two brothers were out hunting or something, Zkar the youngest and weakest was the first to get attacked, Zypher the oldest brother tried to save him. But they were no match for two werewolves even with their guns. Zenis, my father, was watching his brothers get attacked supposedly waiting for an opportunity to save them. What he claims is that a third wolf got him, but some people believe he set the whole thing up in a power play. Anyway the three woke up days later unharmed but different, not a bruise on any of their bodies they were healed. But they also found themselves in a cabin they’d never seen before. That’s when they met their first pack, who said the whole thing was an accident.

            “Zenis took his new found power as a gift; he had a family he needed to protect back then. He had two young sons, but soon found that his wife couldn’t give him more children, because of him. What he wanted was strong sons and her body couldn’t handle it, he didn’t accept that and kept pushing, she died because of that. When Jared and David were older he turned them, not that they wanted to be turned. After that he kept trying to gain more power and trying to figure out just how to be able to ensure his children would live. He was with a lot of different women, and it took him awhile to succeed. In that time he took over the pack and tried to have his little brother killed. Anyway, eventually he found that if he conceived with witches there was a greater chance he’d actually have kids. The kids he had back then before the witches were human if any of them lived and eventually they died. Zenis couldn’t deal with mortality; he wanted to live forever and still does.

            “I was born this way; he raped my human mother and took her in long enough for her to give birth. Then he threw her out and told her she couldn’t have me and if she came near me he’d kill her. She use to write me letters that Ana saved them for me, but she disappeared by the time I was old enough to look for her. I assume he killed her. That’s it I was just an experiment by a crazy power hungry man, I was born to be his pawn. What he didn’t calculate was that he ended up with a bunch of children that had their own minds and could be as stubborn as he is,” Sebastian told her. She wasn’t expected him to really tell her all of that.

            “Wow,” was all she could say. “What did you mean about your other girlfriends being dead?” There was a sad look in his eyes when she asked that.

            “Sure you want to hear this?” He asked, he color was draining from his tan face.

            “If you can handle telling me without anything crazy happening,” she told him. At this point they had finished eating and were walking in the park.

            “Well I left home at 16, tested out of school and just ran; I couldn’t live with my family. Really I couldn’t live with the monster I was, so I left to go be human. Since I’m not really a werewolf but a born wolf I don’t have to change when the moon calls. I moved in with my brother Oliver, he had a disagreement with Zenis and left. He was hiding from my father with our sister Finola; she was thrown out for not marrying one of Zenis’ men. They accepted me and tried to help me, and for a long time I could control myself. But the wolf has a mind of his own and will only allow this for so long, I refused to change. I worked a lot trying to make my own way and pay for things myself and that was how I met Emily. I worked in her family’s restaurant; I was also a janitor at the community college where I took night classes.

            “Her family was kind of like yours all religious and what not. They admired me for working so hard and being very respectful of their daughter. I wanted to marry her even though I knew I shouldn’t, she wasn’t my mate. Since I was trying to be human I decided to go for it anyway. The wolf has to approve of our mate and he didn’t and I didn’t care. She accepted my proposal and her family was excited to plan a wedding. Too much stress had me going crazy, so I had to change just to keep from crawling out of my skin. One night she came over wanting to um mess around, she was a virgin and she wanted to experiment with me. I couldn’t say no to her, and it end up going a little too far. She kept feeling guilty but wanted to keep doing it, she was stressing me out so I started going for a run, often.

            “There was this one night like a month before we were supposed to get married, she showed up. I’d just come in dirty sweaty and barefoot with shorts on. She thought I was cheating on her, I told her I wasn’t but after that she was sure I was. At the time I didn’t know she was watching me, in hopes of catching me. She saw me change back and ran off screaming, I tried to calm her down. I’m pretty sure she said I was some type of soul less demon who forced her to go against her morals. The next day the police showed up asking me questions, she’d told them I was forcing her to have sex. There was no proof of anything because it wasn’t true. Thinking that Emily was just desperate for attention her family had her sent to a psychiatric hospital. Nobody believed her when she kept talking about me being a werewolf. She killed herself in the hospital and her family blamed me for it,” Sebastian told her.

            “It’s not your fault,” Lynn said taking his hand, he stared at her.

            “Emily killed herself because of me, because I am a monster. And because she felt so guilty about having sex with me before we got married,” he said.

            “Those were her issues you aren’t a monster,” she told him.

            “Paula, I met her two years later when I started at a university away from Emily’s family. Oliver and Finola thought it would be best for me to get out of town for awhile. I tried not to get involved with anyone but I was alone and Paula was friendly. The wolf was fighting to get out all the time, but I had him under control for the most part. He was particularly angry because I was with another woman he wouldn’t see as his mate. Stupid me kept thinking I could love someone the wolf didn’t. I wanted to tell her the truth, but because I have such bad luck she saw me changing. After screaming and yelling at me to stay away from her she jumped in her car to get away from me. She was driving pretty fast from what I heard; she hit another car and a tree and died.

            “Lucky number three wasn’t supposed to get serious; I just needed to take my mind off of everything. Stacy was a nice girl who had the misfortune of meeting my father. He made sure she found out that I was “possessed” and told her he wanted to get me help. I told her the truth but she believed him and ended up sleeping with him. After he was done using her he killed her and wanted me to come back home. That was when I gave into the wolf and lived as a wolf for over a year.

            “Eventually I had to go home, I had no choice, being a lone wolf is hard and it does things to you. Javier and Jared came out and literally dragged me home. I stayed at my father’s house for awhile then got a job and moved out here so I could still have my solitude. And because all I do is cause death I couldn’t acknowledge another woman until I met you, which never made sense to me. Why was it you that made me desire again after more than 6 years? The she-wolves are shameless when they see a male they want and they tried to tempt me, same with the human females. I felt nothing and was dead inside for so long, and then you changed that,” he said.

            “None of that was your fault Bastian,” she said again. “Things happen, it just wasn’t meant to be.”

            “Oh I know it wasn’t meant to be, and I know you know why now. It explains the way you keep acting when I change back,” he told her.

            “What are you talking about? How was I acting?” She asked unsure if she should be offended or not.

            “You knew without words that we needed to be together, to make love,” he said. Since when did he call it that?

            “I like sex, so what? You were offering so I accepted, not a big deal,” she replied.

            “But it is a big deal Lynn, I wasn’t sure before but last night I knew how much I loved you,” he said. Love?

            “Excuse me, you knew what?” She must have heard him wrong.

            “I love you Lynn,” he said smiling at her. “I know lately I’ve been a wreck and telling you things about my family and what I am it kinda just pushed me over the edge. And I thought I would hurt you, but he knew it was you, that you are my mate,” he told her. As if any of that made sense, but did it explain why she was feeling the way she was today?

            “Mate? What does that even mean?” She asked him, but she was worried she already knew.

            “Uh simple explanation, you’re meant to be my wife. Lynn you are what I’ve been missing and why I felt so lost, I need you.”

            “Bastian,” she started but wasn’t sure how to proceed.

            “Don’t think, just tell me how you feel,” he said.

            “I think I love you too,” she whispered. “And it’s like I feel you and your emotions inside me. Does that make sense? Ever since last night all I wanted to do was curl up with you and this morning I was feeling like I belong to you.”

            “You are mine Lynn,” he said pulling her closer to him. “I will love you and protect you all of my life, you are everything to me.”

            “Bastian, what does this mean really? Are you like trying to ask me to marry you because I think that’s moving a little too fast,” she said. Things like this only happened in fairytales and sci-fi movies, not real life.

            “It can mean whatever you want it to, whatever you want I’ll do it,” he paused. “But can you truly be with me knowing I’m a monster?”

            “For the thousandth time Sebastian, you are not a monster,” she said and he smiled. “If you did want to marry me by the way I have conditions.”

            “Name them,” he replied.

            “The most important one is that we have no secrets from each other no matter what. Second I reserve the right to make changes to your apartment and last I will not accept a proposal without a ring. It doesn’t have to be expensive or flashy, but it does have to be cute. Do you agree to these terms?”

            “Of course,” he said. “So do you want to move in with me?”

            “Don’t I practically live there already? You do my laundry more than I do,” she laughed. “Oh I guess I should get a job and contribute or something, huh? I suppose the grocery store will take me back.”

            “No need, it’s my job to take care of you,” he paused a second looking unsure. “Lynn, I know you want to go to school and you don’t think you can afford it. Will you let me pay for you to go?”

            “Bastian, how would you even afford paying for school and feeding me?” Why was there an odd look in his eyes?

            “I have some money; ok well I have a lot of money. My father set us all up with trust funds we got access to at 25, I choose to invest some money so I have quite a bit put away. One thing Zenis Alonso has is money, I wanted to take care of myself so I work and don’t touch the money,” he explained.

            “Are you hinting that you’re rich or something?” She asked and he laughed.

            “I guess you could say that, I figured if I saved my money one day I would have someone to spend it on. We could buy a house, if you want,” he said.

            “So how much money are we talking here?”

            “Might be um millions,” he whispered staring at the ground.

            “For real?” She asked and he nodded. “And I thought when I picked you up in the laundry room you would just be a good time. I’m moving in with a freaking millionaire, this is too good to be true. Do you really want to pay for me to go to school?”

            “I’ll give you anything you want,” he told her. “But what I am, you can’t tell anybody about it. The pack doesn’t tolerate our secrets being leaked out and I’m pretty sure Mackenzie would kill Javier if he was forced to take action against us.”

            “What does that have to do with Javier?”

            “Oh he’s the Alpha wolf, he’s basically in charge of the whole pack,” he explained.

            “And how did he become the boss?”

            “In a fight to the death that he wanted no part of but had no choice if he wanted to live and take care of his wife. He couldn’t bring Mackenzie back home unless he got rid of Zenis and some powerful old wolves backed him for being Alpha. It was a blood bath; I didn’t want to be involved. It was a very bad time, for at least a year after that Javier was in fights almost daily, sometimes things with the pack can be brutal. Some are content to stay out of trouble and keep their heads down; others want to fight their way up through the ranks. I hate the fighting but if it’s necessary to live I gotta do it.”

            “It’s going to take you a long time to get me to understand all this stuff,” she informed. The fact that she could believe everything he said so easily made her wonder about herself.

            “Let’s go home, I need to crash before work,” he said getting up from the bench.

            “You could stay home tonight and help me move,” she suggested.

            “Maybe, we’ll see,” he said.

He picked her up and she giggled as he carrier her back to his car. This all had to be a dream, none of it was believable. Her millionaire wolf boyfriend was in love with her and wanted her to move in with him. And he wanted to pay for her to go to college, all this from the man she’d thought didn’t really care about her. Somehow she’d gotten very lucky, now all she had to do was hold onto him. Why did she suddenly feel possessive? Being a wolf’s mate was doing strange things to her.



            Vince found it odd that his neighbor Diana was calling him at work, she didn’t usually do that. She said it was important that they talk, so he was on his way over during his lunch break. Diana was like the mother he wished he had; Bolia Rivers was never warm and fuzzy. But Diana liked to take care of him and who as he to turn her down? Her kids were grown and had moved away, so he helped her out around her house and she did the same for him. Fixing things, mowing the lawn, taking out the trash, and whatever else she needed he didn’t mind doing. It wasn’t until he pulled into her driveway did it occur to him that Diana might have come in contact with Auri. Maybe that was why Auri was acting weird when he got home last night. Since he’d been tired he let it go, but now he had to worry.

            “Oh Vincent, I think I’ve made a terrible mistake,” Diana said when he found her in the kitchen.

            “What’s wrong?” He asked the visibly distraught woman.

            “I went to your house yesterday to check on things and I met your friend,” she told him. “I think I said the wrong thing to her, she seemed very upset.” Uh oh.

            “That explains a lot,” he sighed. Did it really matter? At this point he was sure she would never be his anyway.

            “Vincent I’m so sorry, I just assumed she knew how you felt about her. She kept pacing and saying she needed to leave,” Diana said.

            “Its ok, you couldn’t have known how weird our relationship really is. I’ll talk to her it will be fine,” he assured her.

            The truth was that this had to be a sign. Auri didn’t love him and didn’t want to be with him. So he had to let her go. It was pointless to keep this up any longer, everyday it just hurt more. Why did he have these feelings? He left Diana’s house and went across the street to his own, he didn’t even know why. What he needed to do was go back to work and figure out how to get over her. The longer this went on the harder it would be to let her go, but she would most likely leave on her own anyway.

            It was a surprise to actually find her there, he’d assumed she would have packed her things and left. She was coming down the stairs when he came through the front door. They both froze staring at each other. What was happening to him? He was becoming so weak, which would mean someone would probably challenge him. It had been awhile since he’d had to fight to keep his place, but maybe a good fight would straighten him out. Vince liked his life simple and everything about this witch made that impossible. Just because fate picked him a mate and he loved her didn’t mean he should be with her.

            “Is everything ok? I thought you would be home late,” she said.

            “Oh nothing is wrong, Diana just needed me,” he shrugged. Why did he think she was adorable in knee socks shorts and a tank top with pigtails? The cute nerdy girl wasn’t his type, but everything was his type when it came to her.

            “Want me to make you lunch?” She asked in a clear effort to avoid talking about Diana.

            “I loss my appetite,” he said. “She said she came by yesterday, I like her she’s a nice lady.” He stood with the refrigerator opened staring in at nothing at all.

            “Yeah, she said you spend a lot of time together,” Auri said sounding odd.

            “Lately yeah, the only woman I’ll never have issues with,” he sighed.

            “I know she told you what we talked about, and it’s upsetting you,” she said.

            “No I’m not upset, I knew better,” he said calmly. “How’s the apartment hunt going?” That was something they hadn’t ever talked about, she stared at him.

            “Oh I’ve been slacking on that, I can leave if you want,” she offered.

            “You can stay as long as you want, I just figured you would be anxious to get far away from me,” he said watching her close.

            “Well you aren’t that bad to live with,” she said while sitting up on the counter.

            “I can’t live with you Aurielle,” he said against his better judgment. “We’ve been peacefully coexisting and I love having you here but we both know the truth. Nothing is going to change, you’re just going to walk out one day and never look back.”

            “Vince, we care about each other and we’ve been good together since I moved in, why do we have to discuss it?” She asked, he went over and leaned on the counter with his hands resting next to her.

            “Because we can’t play this game for much longer, the closer we get the harder it becomes,” he told her.

            “Javier gave you a time limit didn’t he? The next full moon, I’m not getting married, that was what I liked about you,” she said.

            “Your brother can impose all the rules he wants to but I never meant for this to happen with you. We had fun once,” he shook his head. The temptation was too strong; he wanted to mark her right now.

            “It could be just fun again,” she told him.

            “If only it could,” he hissed. It took all his strength to pull himself away from her. He had to leave his own house just to keep in control.

            “Vince, it doesn’t have to be complicated,” she called to him.

            “Loving you is the most complicated thing I’ve ever done,” he whispered at the door. Though he knew she’d heard him, he walked out the door anyway. Work would have to wait he needed a good long run.


            Auri paced in Vince’s bedroom, he didn’t come home. She knew he was upset with her and he’d said he loved her, but he was Vince. And the man she’d known all her life would never behave like this. Maybe she didn’t understand the wolves as much as she thought she did. He was always strong, but he seemed broken and she’d done that to him. What was it about this love stuff that drove people insane? The best thing about Vince was how strong he was, but she changed him. In the nearly two weeks she’d been staying at his house she wouldn’t even have sex with him. It didn’t prove her point at all; he just gave her whatever she wanted. Even when she knew he needed to take her body, she could sense everything from him and it wasn’t because she was a witch.

            Admitting that she was Vince’s mate was unacceptable, she didn’t choose this. Yeah she’d had a lot to drink at her brother’s wedding and Vince was amazing in so many ways, but that didn’t mean she’d bind herself to him. The wolves and witches tended to live a little too long for her to actually want to be with him. The trouble was that Javier wouldn’t accept this, he knew the truth, and he would have to take action. Why did she fall for her brother’s best friend? Of all the wolves and humans and even demons, why this one? Fate was cruel. All she wanted was normal and she got a player wolf that was very pissed off.

            When he didn’t return home the next evening she was really worried. What if because she made him weak, another wolf sensed it? He could be out fighting, because of her. There were spells she could do to find him, but she resisted the urge to do magic. Not only was she bad at any type of complex magic and some simple things, she was also too emotional. While trying to distract herself she actually found an apartment. And she was definitely going to have to move out now. For all she knew Vince was out screwing every woman he saw, that was the problem. There was just no way for her to trust him fully. If she stayed with him that would always be in the back of her mind and that was just unacceptable.

            “Aurielle,” someone called. It was her brother the Alpha.

            “Don’t start with me I have enough problems,” she told him.

            “You’re messing with things you don’t understand,” Javier said calmly.

            “Nobody told him to develop feeling, I can’t love him,” she said not calm at all.

            “It doesn’t matter if you love him or not at this point, he might not come back which is a problem for me. Fix this and don’t argue with me, you loss your right to make your own decisions a long time ago,” he told her. Without another word he turned to leave. Yup she was pretty much screwed.


© 2010 Britiney Harper

Author's Note

Britiney Harper
..i tried hard to edit it well.. mostly i just need to know what ppl think of it...

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Added on August 13, 2009
Last Updated on January 14, 2010


Britiney Harper
Britiney Harper

pittsburgh, PA

...A Few Things... 1) Hi! I'm Britiney 2) I Love to Write 3) I love to read 4) I'm a nerd 5) i love my Family more than anything else 6) I've been writing since i was 8yrs old (but really b4 tha.. more..
