Weapons of War

Weapons of War

A Poem by William Michael Reeves

Current thoughts expressed in free style

Why are weapons of war
in hands
connected to disconnected minds?
possessed by laws of possession
by compression, in a lack of compassion.

Where are weapons of war?
In lands
free to freely discard
common sense
just for cents.
Commodity creates commotion
living tense.
our devoted are lost, in a loss of devotion.

What are weapons of war?
definition of deaf truth defined.
Now it is time
to end the crime.
Attend to that which needs attention.
Words can prime;
deeds must mime
action, before becoming reaction.

When do weapons of war
a retired tired toxic retard
who wears blood red?
An empty head
filled with hate like an affiliation
to tears shed
for the dead
society, that can't find socialization.

Who has weapons of war?
They stand
on political fears polled by scared politicians
into stone.
Then they moan,
"constituents read the constitution"
from their throne
though they're shown
polluted thoughts, add to mad pollution.

How can weapons of war
be banned?
Passing laws passed in inspiration
by honest men
and strong women
conditioned by human condition.
But again,
our children
passing, because of evil's passion.


© 2024 William Michael Reeves

Author's Note

William Michael Reeves
Damn it! I'm pissed off! I shouldn't have had to write this poem. I had other things I wanted to read and write today. We can't change insanity, but we can make it hard for the insane to conduct their business. Weapons of war should not be available to the public. If someone wants to shoot that many bullets they can go to a club or shooting range.

Billigami is angry too! This was going to be free verse, and read what he did with it. Maybe call it a form ... adverbian.

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"Definition of deaf truth defined"
My God yes...

Guns are rampant...2nd amendment and all that...there are owners of guns who do have sense, and use the guns for hunting, or protection, or just to use at ranges. But they get around and they get into the hands of crazies who have no regard for human life at any age...and they also want to top the last mass shooting like it is some contest to see who can create the biggest tragedy and get the biggest headlines.
I think when this happens, the news can talk about it happening, but they should never give a name to the shooters...Mr. X...is enough...If they see there is no publicity for them....maybe they
will have no reason to do this.
I am so disgusted with politicians right now as it is, but 19 children...only 2nd, 3rd and 4th graders?

It is the worst of the tragedies....I am writing about it also...and about Ukraine...
and about child abuse by priests...I don't want to...it just is what comes to me....I would rather just write about peace and love...but I guess there is no real news story in that, is there?
Keith says to do something about it. As poets we try to have our voice heard, in the sixties we protested...we tried for change....I wish there was more of that protest now...the younger generation getting more involved...we need that passion for change, again.
This poem speaks loudly on what needs to be heard.

Posted 2 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.


2 Years Ago

Maybe some areas are different from the others. All I wish is Peace everywhere in Earth.
William Michael Reeves

2 Years Ago

Thanks Jacob. As I recited it to myself I was yelling. Peace and love would be news. Peace and love .. read more
Ken Simm.

1 Year Ago

Guns are NOT necessary for peace. Living people are.


The truest weapon of war is a human beings ego. The bigger the ego the more destructive it is.

Posted 9 Months Ago

So much disdain is stirring thru my mind and heart these days:( it is hard to focus on much else it’s such a bad time for empathetic souls it’s no wonder this poem bled out of you:/ much of what you said stirs in my mind! Well done good sir

Posted 9 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

William Michael Reeves

9 Months Ago

I wanted to add another thank you Robert for reviewing this. I've been reading this for the first ti.. read more
Robert Trakofler

9 Months Ago

Ghounwah has been keeping me updated on you I hope your breathing is getting better
William Michael Reeves

9 Months Ago

Thanks Robert. Still in the ICU but improving. I believe I'll live to write another poem! And I know.. read more
There are several things that make me angry. One, guns kill, stop making the guns that kill effeciantly. Two I have a theory we will only stop killing each other when we leave this planet and find someone else to kill. Only then we will become the true earth. We did it in the far distant past when we lived as groups to survive and we didn't have self satisfied and self agggranzing leaders. And three our leaders should only be the people who truly don't wish to lead but have to for the benifit of all.
Sorry about the rant but your great poem brought it all out again. Thank you and I really mean that.
Oh and by the way we shouldn't kill aleins as well.

Posted 1 Year Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

William Michael Reeves

1 Year Ago

I hate that I find myself featuring this poem over and over. You have good reason to be angry. We al.. read more
Damn it! I'm pissed off too! Enough is enough! But our politicians do nothing to stop these hateful, horrible mass killings.... Only in America! Other westernized countries have managed gun control, but money makes America go and the rest of helping our country goes down the tube...nobody cares if innocent kids get killed by a stupid 18 year old jerk.... Our society is so broken that in my opinion, in my lifetime, I don't see even a budge in Gun control, Why? because politicians are greedy and don't give a damn. A very important piece W.
Best, B

Posted 2 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

William Michael Reeves

2 Years Ago

Society broken. Damn near shattered with a dagger of insanity. I'm going to repeat what I've been sa.. read more
William Michael Reeves

2 Years Ago

Years of tears. Autocorrect again, but actually said something this time
Betty Hermelee

2 Years Ago

And very important too! I would like to see an executive order!! like what Canada is doing.... we're.. read more
I agree that deadly weapons should not be in the wrong hands. But if we ban them, how specifically will that law be enforced? Many who own such weapons will not turn them in voluntarily.

Posted 2 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

William Michael Reeves

2 Years Ago

The gun is just a fraction of the problem. We can make it harder to git, that's about it. Insanity c.. read more
I'm pissed too, William! --- Oh, how hard it is to look at dead baby bodies when we have glorified guns and fogged-up laws in the USA. And what it all boils down to is Pride, stubborn Pride. A goodly part of the USA now sees gun ownership as some sort of "Right of Passage". They teach their children, and their children teach their children that guns are cool, and the more bullets that you can shoot in one minute are even better. They are in fear that someone is going to take their toys away, so any sort of gun restriction receives a big NO; gun makers, and sellers, love it. --- Sadly, it is impossible to regulate weapons in the USA because any machine shop or person with a 3-D printer can modify or make guns; it's not rocket science. Right now, there is about one gun per person in the USA, and our only hope is to regulate new gun sales. However, we all know who will keep that from happening. --- However, dictatorial countries seem to do OK, --- Guns are tightly restricted in Russia. Civilians over 18 can obtain permits for hunting or sports firearms after medical checks. It is illegal to own handguns, guns that shoot in bursts or that have magazines with more than a 10-cartridge capacity.

Posted 2 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

William Michael Reeves

2 Years Ago

What sucks is we all know it. And those with common sense can't do anything about it. Society might .. read more
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JE Falcon

2 Years Ago

Accepting the Right's Wrongs only sells more guns. We saw how poorly everyone involved reacted in th.. read more
Powerful poem.
Think on this:
Weapons of war are hate ,fear, and envy. Remember Cain killed Abel with his bare hands. There is a brokenness and disconnect in those that kill like that. They will not comply with laws. If that were true they would not have killed in the first place. Because Murder is a law and God bless the man that was willing and able to stop the attack. Words wouldn't stop him. It's a devastating fact that it took lead.
We must be willing to help the broken souls. However, 1st and foremost, willing to protect the innocent. With blood and life if required.

Posted 2 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

William Michael Reeves

2 Years Ago

Powerful review! Thank you! Since writing this I've been thinking about a book I read about a future.. read more
it is time someone with clout began recalling and declaring weapons be not available to the general public
what in the hell does an 18 yr old, or anyone else for that matter, need something like an AK47
I am over 80 and have never owned a gun
I know of only one friend who does, and now I see the NRA is about to schedule another annual meeting.
That to me is one self serving group with a total lack of respect
There are some hunters (??) who have a legitimate use for a gun but when a country's citizens own more guns than there are people???????????????????
Just to shoot other Americans?????????????
Something very wrong here

Posted 2 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

William Michael Reeves

2 Years Ago

A wrong so hard to right I had to write this song of ... just how easy it would be to do right. You .. read more
Frustration is evident in this writing and, I think most of the world is frustrated with what occurred recently in TX. Very sad that our system is not sophisticated enough to see the signs exhibited by the shooter. His guardians didn't see it. His teachers....did they see it? Social media should have more than "Fact Checkers", who they can get rid of but, should have some monitoring of posts such as the ones that were posted. It isn't a perfect society. Gun control will not keep guns out of the hands of those who want them. However, an 18 year old should not have been able to buy a gun so easily. Anyway, your words are powerful and I like the way you used the rhyme. T

Posted 2 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

William Michael Reeves

2 Years Ago

Writing our frustration tempers our frustration. Powerful words written by the powerless. We pen our.. read more

2 Years Ago

LOL! Too bad background checks aren’t used more often on other things.
quick note ...
phone convo with friend in ottawa recently.
he asked, 'you do have a gun don't you?'
i replied, 'of course, i'm an american.'

how nonchalant we have become

Posted 2 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

William Michael Reeves

2 Years Ago

David Bowie wrote "God is an american." If a sentient being who creates exists, not likely very prou.. read more

2 Years Ago

appears dead babies is a world wide problem!
we've known that for some time now but the pocke.. read more

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13 Reviews
Added on May 27, 2022
Last Updated on June 2, 2024
Tags: Current events, society


William Michael Reeves
William Michael Reeves

Seattle, WA

I live in Seattle. I have been a nurses aide most of my life and my experiences as a caregiver for people with disabilities has inspired much of my poetry. I love the puzzle of poetry. Expression with.. more..


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