I was surprised to hear our president attribute things in his life to fate. I wrote these a couple days ago but thought I would wait till after the holiday to post. Then the news hit me again. The poor girl who was hit by a stray bullet trying on dresses. Is that fate or design? Or do we give it to fate when it's hard to imagine it was design?
I consider myself agnostic. Thomas Huxley defined agnosticism in 1870 as "the human mind cannot know its eventual outcome." And I don't know. Often I think there might be something to intelligent design when I consider dogs and their abilities and relationship to us. Doesn't seem natural. Super natural. Richard Bach asked in his book 'One', "If you had the verifiable truth would you share it knowing the upheaval it would cause?" I have faith in fate.
My Review
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My opinion is that good does not guide us. We are on our own. But fate does guide us, because we never know when our time will come, we never know from today to tomorrow what will be for us; so, no God is not in my picture but fate certainly is.
Well done!
Posted 3 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
3 Years Ago
Thanks Betty. Thoughts to ponder. I'm with you, I have faith in fate and that's about it.
You pose many good questions for social inquiry...im agnostic meaning I don't necessarily believe in a god but I do believe there is a supreme force that regulates the universe...this piece just keeps on giving...fantastic philosophical write.
Posted 2 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
2 Years Ago
Thanks for appreciating that. We can't know, so really how can we believe. And do we really need to .. read moreThanks for appreciating that. We can't know, so really how can we believe. And do we really need to believe in the first place. Seems the energy of belief could be better spent elsewhere. But it is all very fascinating.
My opinion is that good does not guide us. We are on our own. But fate does guide us, because we never know when our time will come, we never know from today to tomorrow what will be for us; so, no God is not in my picture but fate certainly is.
Well done!
Posted 3 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
3 Years Ago
Thanks Betty. Thoughts to ponder. I'm with you, I have faith in fate and that's about it.
I love the thought process here and the questions are as old as man, of course I’m not going to bore you with my beliefs cuz it’s not about me, it’s about the writing and the writing is very good in my humble opinion, any piece that gives the reader pause to thought is a good write. So that is my thoughts on it for what it’s worth ;) keep the deep thoughts coming
Posted 3 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
3 Years Ago
Beliefs aren't boring at all. I was thinking out loud hoping to initiate the same. And it's interes.. read moreBeliefs aren't boring at all. I was thinking out loud hoping to initiate the same. And it's interesting how we all kind of know where we are with faith and fate by reading each other's poetry
3 Years Ago
That is very true, just watch out for the trolls, thankfully not many live here.
I'm more familiar with the writings of Thomas's son, Aldous and his book The Perennial Philosophy. Carl Jung based his archetypes on sort of the same recurring belief systems throughout global society. I see philosophies which are similar in many of the world's religions. The famous "golden rule" given to us by Jesus was also given by Confucius in The Analects, for example. When Jesus called the Scribes and Pharisees, "wolves in sheep's clothing" it was a direct nod to the stories of Aesop which preceded the teaching of the earthly Christ by over five centuries. Wisdom is always wise whether it be found in the writings of Solomon or Aristotle. I don't believe in fate, chance or coincidence but I do believe in order and direction on a universal scale. If a man found a city built in the desert but completely uninhabited, it would be foolish of him to assume for a moment that the city built itself. I see order in the cosmos and nothing is as random as it seems. I believe all things are connected; both those which we consider ill fortune and those we consider personally beneficial. I'm a follower of Christ but I don't think God gave us a mind capable of questioning without ever intending us to use it. I believe minds and hearts are like books, umbrellas and parachutes in that they can only work when they are open. This was an interesting read right down to the author's note. I don't think very highly of Joe Biden because he is a compulsive liar and cheat. He even admits his lies on video, goes on record with him saying them and seemingly thinks every voter the fool. I watched a video where he calls his own lies "crap" and says, "Yeah, we tried that crap to win the election, you know?" It had to do with him claiming his family were coal miners. I also remember Joe voting against desegregation saying he didn't want his kids growing up in a "racial jungle" and then telling African-American voters, "If you don't vote for me, you ain't black." And that's just the tip of the proverbial iceberg. I'm not a Trump fan either so not on that bandwagon. Trump is an egotistical mess and an intellectual's nightmare. I cringe to hear him speak. But Trump got himself elected by NOT being a politician. We went from that extreme to a worn out and dyed in the wool racist and career politician. I'd actually prefer neither. I'm reminded of a joke there about Ronald Reagan and wife, Nancy walking through a cemetery. They came upon a grave with a headstone inscription that read, "Here lies a politician and an honest man." So Ron turns to Nancy and says, "Well..., would you look at that! Two men buried in one grave." I enjoyed the read. F.
Posted 3 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
3 Years Ago
That was good. Ronnie. I've been a nurses aide all my life and would have loved to be his caregiver... read moreThat was good. Ronnie. I've been a nurses aide all my life and would have loved to be his caregiver. Trump is the epitome of toxic masculinity. Read 'I Am A Man' Fabian. Biden is so fragile in health and politics. And I paid homage to Aldous in my poem by his name. Whatever our beliefs it's good to share and think. Glad I got you doing both.
I think all politicians are toxic to a certain extent. But I won't read any books written by politic.. read moreI think all politicians are toxic to a certain extent. But I won't read any books written by politicians. I am currently reading A Great Improvisation, Franklin, France and the American Revolution by Pulitzer prize winning author Stacy Schiff. She's a great writer. One of my favorite books of memory was Washington Goes To War by David Brinkley. It's about Washington D.C. during the second world war. The book proves that truth is not only stranger than fiction, it's infinitely more entertaining. I just received an 1886 copy of The Poems of Longfellow for Christmas so I've been perusing a few pages of that as well. I'm an avid reader of all sorts of stuff. But politics bore me to some extent because once you've heard one con man, you pretty much know the routine. Wishes for a happy and safe New Year. F.
3 Years Ago
That was interesting. Your comments and autocorrect changed Fabian to Ronnie. What a gift! Must be a.. read moreThat was interesting. Your comments and autocorrect changed Fabian to Ronnie. What a gift! Must be a beautiful book. I collect. Books and comic books. The truth is entertaining. Particularly when based on alternative facts.
3 Years Ago
"alternative facts" is a polite way to say lies but the historical books I read are pretty thoroughl.. read more"alternative facts" is a polite way to say lies but the historical books I read are pretty thoroughly researched and credited with original sources or I wouldn't bother with the author's "interpretation" of history. I'm a history buff and an English student as well as teacher. I hope I keep learning something new every day as long as I draw breath.
The mystery of it all has kept us intrigued for millennia. Fortunately we have poetry to occupy us. .. read moreThe mystery of it all has kept us intrigued for millennia. Fortunately we have poetry to occupy us. Help ask and answer questions. Possible for two answers to be correct?
I live in Seattle. I have been a nurses aide most of my life and my experiences as a caregiver for people with disabilities has inspired much of my poetry. I love the puzzle of poetry. Expression with.. more..