A girl who travels

A girl who travels

A Story by Billiejago

What to expect from a girl who travels.

There are many ways in which people live their lives- every one of them unique. 
A person who travels doesn't just make the choice to have a unique life, but also to have a unique day, every day. 

A girl who travels will decide on the spur of the
moment that her feet are itching for new land, new discoveries and new visions. 
A girl who travels may not tell you of her plans, for she herself does not yet know them. You may think she is in one place, when in fact, in a flash of a moment, she has moved on to pastures new. The reasons for her spontaneity cannot be explained and neither is it necessary to have a cause. Sometimes, the breeze blows in unexpected directions; directions in which she finds a new home, if only for a while.

A girl who travels will struggle to feel excitement at the thought of the upcoming weekend.. To her, every day is an adventure and a chance to learn something new. 
A girl who travels will cherish the simpler things in life, like the beaded bangle a small Chinese child took time to make, or the shell she found on the Vietnamese beach at sunrise. Her expectations shall be none, and her adaptability will be unexplainable to those who do not take time to understand. 
Her ears will prick up at the sound of mixed languages nearby, and her smile will be apparent as she hears that song, reminiscent of those days spent in lands afar. 
A girl who travels will always long for the newness and fresh taste of a first-time environment, and will not totally be at ease in her mind until she has witnessed the vastness of every ocean, and smelt the morning air in many terrains.
A girl who travels will accept others for their differentiating cultures and will be adaptable to whomever she may come across. She will not judge, but merely observe, and breathe in new information as if it were the last thing she would learn. 
A girl who travels will learn to appreciate both cities and vast countryside. She will appreciate the season changes and sudden downpours- and enjoy the water drenching her, as she knows it is a feeling only felt for the shortest time.
A girl who travels will always have questions in her mind, but positively uses them to expand her knowledge and share them with those closest.
A girl who travels will find solace in a means of conveying feeling through art form. For some, this may be collecting items from various locations; to others it may be writing down words, which make up the most wondrous of memories. 

Ensure you come across a girl who travels, for the happiness she feels in her heart will spread as warmth to her being. 
She will be sure to love you, and appreciate you for accepting the way in which she chooses to put physical miles between your friendship, but no distance at all in mind.

© 2014 Billiejago

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Lovely thoughts. My daughter is a girl who travels and this helps to explain.

Posted 4 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on March 12, 2014
Last Updated on March 12, 2014
Tags: travel, girl, meet



Valencia, Spain

I am a TEFL Teacher, travelling the world and teaching, one country at a time. Recently back from China and now living in Spain, I have acquired a passion for writing and sharing my experiences with o.. more..

It. It.

A Story by Billiejago