

A Chapter by Big_Mac

Chris smiled and removed his sunglasses as he looked at the dented lock. "I'm glad to see that not everyone is Enthusiastic about my arrival." He said as he opened the locker and began to put his bag away. 

Both the girls just looked at him and didn't speak for a moment, but Chris didn't look at them. To him all woman looked the same after that night. Finally he removed his sunglasses and looked at Brittni and Valerie he looked at Brittni first she was the taller of the two and thought she was attractive but not his type. He then looked at Valerie and he stopped and looked closer at her. He looked at her dimple on the left side of her cheek, the little line across her forehead from when she would think to hard, and her eyes… blue eyes that looked like the sky on a clear day. His stair only lasted a second but it felt like hours to him. Brittni finally broke the silence. 

"Hi! Umm we wanted to be sure that you learned you way around the school." Brittni said completely forgetting the locker and making something up. Brittni poked Valerie in the side to make her talk. 

"Right we wanted to be sure you didn't get lost." Valerie said quickly as she looked at Chris with a huge smile. Chris smiled as he looked at Valerie and tried to read her but could tell there was something different about her. As Chris looked at the clock the last bell rang for everyone to get to homeroom. Valerie saw Chris pull out his class schedule and looked it over, but Valerie just plucked it from his hand. "Oh wow you have mostly AP classes, you must study extremely hard. Hey you’re in my homeroom and my English class Mr. Hester and he is a jerk sometimes. But I'll walk you to class and show you everything you need to know." Valerie said as Brittni whispered into Valerie’s ear "Take it easy on him, you don't want to scare him." Then walked off to her class. 

Chris could hear what was told to Valerie, and it made him smile just slightly as Valerie started to show him the way to class. "Just so you know everyone has been talking about you since you moved in to the big house last weekend." She said as she moved her hair out of her eyes. 

"Really? Well there isn't much to talk about, but in a small town like this one you most likely do not get much to talk about." Chris said smiling as he looked at Valerie. 

"That's true, but your wrong about yourself. I mean mysterious guy and widow father move into the biggest house in a small town. Come on you don't think there is some town gossips there?" She said with a laugh as they came to the class room. Chris just smiled as he walked into the class room and saw it was full of students and there were only a few desk empty as he took a slip too the teacher and noticed he didn't look like your normal high school teacher. Mr. Saxon was around six feet tall and had a lot of built to him, with blue eyes, black hair and a goatee. Mr. Saxon looked about maybe 35, but Chris could tell he was older just by how he smelled. Mr. Saxon took a few minutes to give Chris his book and explain to him how the class worked. Chris then turned to the class and saw everyone looking at him as he took one of the empty desk in the back left corner and sat down. 

 Mr. Saxon sat on the front of his desk and smiled at the class, he wore black slacks with a white button up shirt and a yellow and purple LSU tie. "Well everyone as you can see, we have a new student in our class. Let's all welcome Chris to our school and help him out as he gets used to being here. Now even though we have a new student in here we will carry on with our studies... Lacey eyes front please" Mr. Saxon was addressing a dark haired girl in the front of the class that was still looking at Chris. Lacy blushed as she turned back to face the front and the class laughed. Mr. Saxon had a small smile on his face as he went on. "Now as I was saying we will pick up where we left off and I'm sure you will all love this. But, this is more than a mythology class it’s also about folklore and we are got to talk about two very popular ones today." Mr. Saxon said as he pointed to the board behind him and a line draw down the middle with left side reading Vampire and the right reading Werewolves. "Now I know we have all heard everything about this two before, but there are many different origins of these two. Now let's start with the werewolves, what can any of you tell me about them??" Mr. Saxon ask. Chris looked around and watched everyone as one girl with red hair throw her hand up. "Ok Brooke let's hear it."

"Well isn't it true that they are from Indian tribes? They are just dead sexy as well, like In twilight?" she said with a smile on her face and a dreamy look in her eyes. 

Mr. Saxon looked as if he was going to throw something at her. “No that's not true, come one guys. Give me something non twilight related this week." Mr. Saxon said as Chris raised his hand. Mr. Saxon saw it and smiled. "Ok Chris what do you know?" 

"Well what about the Argentinean Werewolf called the Lobazon??" Chris said and everyone turned to look at him as if he lost his mind, but Mr. Saxon smile got much bigger. 

"Ok Chris, you have the floor.”

“According to the Argentinean people the Lobazon is a wolf like creature that torments the people of the earth and only the seventh son of a family of all boys can become a Werewolf and they crave to feed off of anything that is near. There is debate about the transformation from human to wolf-man, some say it's only on a full moon, and others say it's only at night. Me I have a feeling they can turn at anytime also the bite of a werewolf can kill a vampire so that's why they are enemies." Chris said.

 Mr. Saxon looked at Chris and was impressed by what was just said "well Chris what can you tell me about the so called transformation?" Mr. Saxon asked as he got up to write something on the board. 

"Truthfully Hollywood has it wrong, it's not quick at first. The first time one turns it's painful. More painful than have acid thrown on your skin and it takes hours, and then the person knows nothing of what's going on. All the wolf mind is focused on is the hunt, and will hunt until they find what they are looking for. I'm mean this is all folklore....what I've read." he said as Mr. Saxon looked at him. Chris looked right at Mr. Saxon as if they were having a conversation between themselves and the rest of the class was watched  them. Mr. Saxon turned away with the smile still on his face, as he walked back to the front of his desk and pointed to the board behind him with his thumb. 

“Read the question on the board. What do we not know? You see this world is full of the unknown, and there is so much about our own state we don't know. So for Friday I want you to turn in a three page report on folklore from Louisiana." Mr. Saxon said as the class room groans about the report and the bell rang and everyone got up to go to their next class. As everyone walk out Chris got up and slung his bag over his right shoulder. As he walked past Mr. Saxon, he was stopped by the sound of his voice. 

"You know Chris it’s exhilarating to see someone as interested in this subject as I am." Mr. Saxon said as he looked at Chris in the eyes.

 "Well it's something my father got me into, but it's all just lore." Chris said as he turned and walked out the class. There was something about the way Mr. Saxon looked him in the eyes that made Chris uneasy. Chris started to walk to his next class as he thought to himself. "Wow me and my big mouth. My first damn day and I've already sent up a red flag. Why don't I paint a damn sign that reads? I’m right here hunters come kill me." Chris said as he shook his head and rounded the corner and bumped into Jeremy. As Chris apologized for bumping Jeremy he kept walking but Jeremy wasn't letting it go. 

"Hey watch were your going!" Jeremy yelled at him. 

As Chris heard this he stopped and turn back too look at him, this hit a nerve with him and he wasn’t going to let it go. Then started to walk back toward Jeremy and the two guys were eye to eye with one another. Chris with a slight smile asked. "What did you say to me?" 

Jeremy stepped in closer to Chris "You heard me, watch where you’re going." Jeremy was starting to raddled Chris’s cage a little, and this wasn't smart for Jeremy. "You think you can come into my school and act like you own the place?" Jeremy said as he pushed Chris in the chest. Even though Chris stepped back when Jeremy pushed it didn't affect him, but he acted as if it did. This was starting to wake up the demon inside him and Chris stepped back to Jeremy with the whole hall was watching the two them now. 

"Look I didn't come here looking for a fight, but if you going to bark you better have bite because you have no idea what I can do to you." Chris said as he shoved Jeremy and watches him stumble backwards. Jeremy rushes back towards Chris and is ready to throw a punch when Mr. Saxon out of nowhere grabs Jeremy by the shirt and pulls him back. 

"Hey! We got a problem here guys?" Mr. Saxon yells as he steps between the two boys. "Jeremy gives the new guy a week before you start something or your a*s is off of my baseball team. Savoy your new so I'm cut you a break. Now everyone get to class!”  He yelled at the hall and Chris went his way as Jeremy went the opposing direction. 

© 2012 Big_Mac

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First thing I want to say, which I forgot to say, oddly, is that I love the usage of the mythology. I really, really want to see more of that. I'm an Anthropology Major and I love that stuff. Love it.

Okay, there are a few things here that I have to comment on. Some of them have already been mentioned but they bear repeating. You must always do a spelling and grammar check. Especially look at your verb tense agreements.

I'm burned out on the vampire/werewolf/teen story. It's not your story, it's the thousands of them I get in my read requests every day. That's probably an exaggeration but it seems like every third story is this same story. To me they all seem just as implausible. If you are an eighty year old vampire and you look seventeen you can pass for an adult so I don't understand why they would be 'going to school to fit in.' If someone questions it, you can always explain that they look young for their age or they were put through an accelerated program or they're homeschooled. There are a thousand more plausible scenarios. I also have never heard of a high school having a Myth class. If mine had, I would have been there. With bells on. Finally, you're going to call MORE not LESS attention to yourself in a small town. If you live in a large city you are basically free of speculation and attention. People move around in large cities at a rate far more frequent than those in small towns. Once you move to a small town you have MOVED there, you're there for life, possibly to four or five generations.

That all being said, as far as this genre goes, this is a good start. There is good character interaction and you've got a nice range of characters that you can explore. I'd like to see more of the dynamic between the father and son. My only plea is that you find some twist on the story, some bit that makes it stand out, some thing that sets you apart.

Good write.

Posted 14 Years Ago

Interesting first day yet again for Chris. but what does Val and Brittni think?

Posted 14 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on December 17, 2010
Last Updated on August 14, 2012



St. Amant, LA

False Angel False Angel

A Poem by Big_Mac