

A Story by Beverly Jane

This a heart beat of a man that will forever love you, whether it's beating or not..


I coughed on my sob as he fell to the ground. "LET ME GO!" I sobbed. The devistation of it took hold as I realized it was all my fault. The man holding me tightened his grip on my arms. "PLEASE!" I shrieked. The man who gave me complete happiness since the day I met him tried to stand. His eyes met mine. His brown eyes were drained almost completely of life. "Please, kill me. Don't take him," I begged. He was standing now and coming towards me. The man loosened his grip and I threw my arms around Ryder. He tried to hold him self up but, I could tell he was running out of strength. My knees buckled under me and I caught him in my arms as I fell. "Ryder," I gasped. "Hope," his voice was shacking. He touched my cheek with his hand. His touch sent more fear and agony through me. "Don't leave me," I cried. "Don't leave me." He grabbed my hand and brought it to his heart. "Feel that?" he asked gently. His heart beat was slow but, beating. "That is a heart of a man that will forever love you, whether it's beating or not," his gentle words made more tears fall. "Don't say that," I whispered. "I just need to hear you say it back. That is all I need," He coughed on blood. "You're not going to die," I hissed. "Say it," he begged. "Please."

                 "I love you," I gasped.

© 2011 Beverly Jane

Author's Note

Beverly Jane
Should I write more, or leave it like this?

My Review

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thank you :) hmm, well I'll see how many people like it and if a lot of people want more I'll write more. :)

Posted 12 Years Ago

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Whoo!! I love it!! Write more, write more!!
lol Actually, I think from your point of view, it's good as it is, because it leaves the reader wanting to know more. Wanting to know everything. And if you wrote more it may lose that maddening appeal.
I love it. :)

Posted 12 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on December 17, 2011
Last Updated on December 17, 2011


Beverly Jane
Beverly Jane

Hello, wow! It's been a while since I have been on this site, it's almost like looking at a time capsule. It's been a while since I've had the same passion that I had back in high school for writing. .. more..

Prologue Prologue

A Chapter by Beverly Jane