Empty Soul

Empty Soul

A Poem by Beverly Jane

Nothing hurts more than an Empty Soul.

I don't know what to say, for once in my life. I can not feel, happiness, pain or, even love. I am just an empty soul. A empty soul that can not feel. I can not smile. I can not laugh. I can not frown. I can not cry. My heart has been broken into a million, no feeling pieces. There's no wall. My heart is not locking things away. It is just weak. It can't even fight for its self anymore. "Oh, it's fine. "It's okay," they say. Who are they to say? Has their heart been broken? Are they lost in the abist of coldness and darkness? Have they lost everything they love? Don't like the truth? Is it too cold for you? Too dark? That's my everyday life. How I am still alive, I do not know. Its there a reason I wonder? I lay here in the dark, along with no other soul to cling to. All I have is me and, my love for him. My soul crys out. My heart pray for healing and happiness. When will they come? All I can say is written in this ink on this simple piece of paper. Yet, no one will understand. Even through these many words and, many years. Don't try to save me for, it is no use. I am a lost soul, a tragedy if you would like to say. Such a tragedy. Empty places and, empty spaces as big as the night sky await me. They await my dead soul. Are they ready? I'm ready to take a rest. For my soul to feel ease. My poor empty soul, how I know your pain.

© 2011 Beverly Jane

My Review

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Your rhetorical questions were extremely effective, and although some of the sentences seemed incorrectly structured, it's a very good piece overall. Heartbreaking.

Posted 12 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on December 10, 2011
Last Updated on December 10, 2011


Beverly Jane
Beverly Jane

Hello, wow! It's been a while since I have been on this site, it's almost like looking at a time capsule. It's been a while since I've had the same passion that I had back in high school for writing. .. more..

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