My Painted Words ~

My Painted Words ~

A Poem by Beverly Jane

A burst of inspiration. <3

Here I go again, starting on a new piece of paper. The paper would now bleed of ink. Taken its purity. Left with only feelings and words. Mixed feelings of anger and pain. Hope and happiness. Somones heart and soul being bleed out on a piece of simple paper. Such a simple and pure piece of paper. A piece of paper that will change. I can only hope that someone will read and understand. Then again it may not matter. Maybe all that matters is that I understand. Forget everybody else. My hand is moving fast and smoothly across the paper. Kinda like playing piano. Creating beautiful silent music. That I can only hear. That moves amazingly in wonderful swirls of color and emotion. Taking hold of me and not letting me go. Forever taking hold. It moves through me like a natural reaction. The movement leaves an aftermath  of feeling and emotion. It's kinda of like a love story that moves naturally with pure truth. Passion and love running through every sentence, every word. Like a touch of a hand, kiss of the lips or the spoken words of love. All I hear is a sweet smooth melody, that no one knows, that no one understands. This my land, my words. ~

© 2011 Beverly Jane

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thank you :)

Posted 12 Years Ago

i find this one really deep and i love it

Posted 12 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on December 9, 2011
Last Updated on December 9, 2011


Beverly Jane
Beverly Jane

Hello, wow! It's been a while since I have been on this site, it's almost like looking at a time capsule. It's been a while since I've had the same passion that I had back in high school for writing. .. more..

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