The Island

The Island

A Story by Beverly Jane

What did they do to deserve this?


         ~Robert's Perspective~

I turned quickly and saw a woman running towards us covered in blood. Her arm was off and bleeding. Her body was tore up and one of her eyes was hanging out. "HELP!!" The woman screamed stumbling towards us. I stood there shocked as the women came up to Nash and grabbed his shoulders. "Run...a..and don't stop...never..stop...the..there..." She started to speak but, a bow flew out of the forest and hit her straight in the heart. She coughed on blood and fell onto Nash her body going limp.

© 2011 Beverly Jane

Author's Note

Beverly Jane
This is just a portion of it. I wanna know if you guys like it and if so i will start posting some of it everyday.

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Added on September 19, 2011
Last Updated on September 19, 2011


Beverly Jane
Beverly Jane

Hello, wow! It's been a while since I have been on this site, it's almost like looking at a time capsule. It's been a while since I've had the same passion that I had back in high school for writing. .. more..

Prologue Prologue

A Chapter by Beverly Jane