![]() Chapter 1- Traveling to the unknown.A Chapter by Beverly Jane![]() "What was going on?"![]() I sucked in
a deep breath as I walked outside to mailbox. Today wasn’t any normal day, I
could sense that. It was my birthday yes, but that wasn’t my reasoning for
feeling that it wasn’t a normal day. Something else was going to happen, and
whatever it was, would change everything. I opened the mail, flipping through
it dully. “Junk, junk,” I mumbled to myself but stopped in my tracks when I saw
the bottom letter. It was from the Film School in New York. I smiled real big,
and slid the other mail under my arm. I
slowly opened it, fighting down my excitement. My eyes bugged open, at the word
accepted and I nearly jumped out of my skin. My film career was starting! This
is what was changing everything. I looked at the mail box once more, making
sure I had not missed anything. My eyes
went wide when a saw a small box in the mail box. I pulled my eyebrows together
in confusion. Where in the world had that come from? I shook my head grabbing
the box, and walking into my house. I set the package and the other mail on the
table, and picked up my cell and dialed my moms’ number. “Happy 21 birthday honey,” my mom exclaimed
happily into the phone. I chuckled softly, “Thanks mom.” “Are you going to come
over to get your present after work?” she asked. I smiled softly at how sweet
my mom was. “Yes, right after work I promise,” I assured. “Oh, wait,” I nearly
yelled. “Yes dear?” my mom laughed. “Guess what I got the best birthday present
ever in the mail this morning,” I smiled. “Darn it, I
had hoped that would be me,” my mom faked disappointment. I bit my lip in thought, “I got accepted.”
“What?” my mom screamed in excitement. “Yep,” I articulated the p. “I’m off to
New York soon,” I giggled. My mom sighed into the phone, “Although I’m ecstatic
for you, I am going to miss you.” I leaned myself against the counter in my
kitchen and looked over at the little box I had yet to open. “It’s okay mom,
I’ll be back before you know it,” I promise. I looked up at the clock and my
eyes went wide, “Mom I have to go still got to stop by Sandy’s bye love you.”
My mom sniffed softly into the phone, “I love you too my baby.” I smiled softly
and ended the call. I glanced
over at the box and rolled my eyes. I walked over picked it up, and surveyed
it. I scrunched my face up in thought. It was just a plain white box, no
address, no name. I opened it to see a gold locket. On the front was engraved
my name, Addie. Strange, who would do such a thing? I shrugged, shoving the
locket into my pocket. Then I rushed out the door, and into my car. Once making
it to Sandy, my best friend’s house, I walked up to the door and knocked. She
opened the door, and her tanned face lit up. She squealed, taking me in her
arms. “Hey sissy,” my voice was muffled in her shoulder. She giggled pulling me
away, “Happy Birthday!” “Happy Birthday,” I took in her figure. She was tall,
tanned, with long dark hair and brown eyes. She was wearing, a red tutu with
black skinny jeans, and a Pokémon Pikachu shirt. “Got anything interesting for
your birthday?” Sandy wiggled her eyebrows playfully. I laughed,
“Well one great gift, and one rather interesting one, you?” She nodded, “One rather interesting gift
also. What’s your great one?” “Oh, only that,” I mused. “What?” she snapped. I
stuck my tongue out at her, “I got accepted.” She jumped up in a happy rushed,
“Awesome!” I smiled, and then remembered my necklace in my pocket. “Oh now on
to our rather interesting gifts?” I asked raising my eyebrow. Sandy nodded
reaching into her pocket, and I did the same. I looked to see a silver locket
in her hand, and my eyes went wide. I handed her my locket, and she handed me
hers. Hers was exactly the same design as mine. Except hers had her real name;
Sanchezca. “Whoa,” we both spoke at the same time. “I wonder
what’s inside,” Sandy wondered as we handed the necklaces back to each other. I
shrugged, “I didn’t even think about it.” I popped it open, and Sandy did the
same. Before I could even take a look a bolt of light took me in. “Sandy?” I
panicked. I felt the air tightening around me. The whole world was spinning in
a rush. What in the hell was going on? *** The next
thing I knew, I woke up in grass. I looked up to see tall trees hover over me.
I squinted my eyes in confusion. I sat up slowly and looked around. Trees went
on for miles. I looked next to me to see Sandy sitting up. “W-where are we?”
her eyes widened at our surroundings. I shrugged standing on shaky legs. I reached
my hand up to help her up. My eyes
landed on a man, oh what a man. “Who are you?” I questioned looking him up and
down. He jumped off the horse. He stood tall, with thick dirty blonde hair that
came to his chin. He had gorgeous blue eyes, which felt like they went on
forever. He wore a white baggy button up shirt with a vest on it. A few of the
buttons were unbuttoned at the top revealing some of his chest. I had to keep
my jaw from dropping when I looked at the tight pants shaping his body perfectly.
His boots came up to his knees. I could not take my eyes off him. Our eyes
met and he smiled. I bit my lip looking away. “I am Sir Peter of Chaza my
lady,” his voice was calming but rough. He looked at Sandy, “Sanchezca.” Then
he looked at me, “Addie.” My eyes bugged out, “How do you know our names?” He
chuckled softly at me, and walked around his horse grabbing two more. “Jump on,
we need to go before Olga’s guards find out you two are here,” his statement
rushed. I placed my hand on my hip, “Excuse me? We don’t even know you!” Sandy
looped her arm into mine and nodded in agreement. A look of frustration entered
his face now, “Addie climb on the horse.” I turned my head to hear horses and
screaming in the distant. I looked at Sandy, who shrugged in response. I sighed
heavily, what else could we do? I nodded hopping on one of the horses, and
Sandy did the same. The horses
dashed in motion, but mine was startled by a horse with some horrible looking Orc
kind of creature riding up beside me. My horse bucked, and my heart stopped. I
let out a terrified yelp hitting the ground harshly. I groaned, trying to sit
up. The ugly Orc creature was coming towards me with a cruel smirk on its face.
Oh dear God, where were we? He grabbed me by the throat, and I began to kick. I
chocked for air, and then the Orc loosened its grip dropping me on the ground.
I sucked in the air selfishly and let out a tired sigh. Peter threw the dead Orc
creature to the side and grabbed me by the arm onto the horse. I wrapped my
arms tightly around his waist letting my tired body relax against his warmth.
My body began to tingle, and slight blush crept into my cheeks. Fear made my
breathing quick, and Peter put his hand on my shoulder rubbing it soothingly.
“Shh I will not let anyone harm you,” he assured me. I felt my
body relax slightly at his assuring words as we came to a halt. Peter jumped
off reaching his hand to help me off. I grabbed it and it felt as if the whole
world just disappeared. I stared down at him as I hopped down and he still held
my hand. Our bodies were so close, I could feel his warmth. Our eyes were
locked for a few seconds until Sandy spoke interrupting the moment, “Now why
are we here?” I pulled myself away from Peter standing next to Sandy, “Yes that
would be pleasant to know.” He smiled
warmly at us, and gestured for the cave opening. “If you would please come in I
would love to tell you,” he walked towards the cave. Sandy and I looked at each
other and sighed. He did save me from those ugly Orc creatures… I nodded walking
towards the cave Sandy following behind.
We walked
into the cave, it was out lined in statues and paintings of kings, queens, and
different creatures. In the middle was
three beds, a green one, blue one, and purple one. Each bed had a canopy, and a
chest at the end of the bed. I walked over to the purple one, and saw that my
name was carved into it. I sat on what I assumed was my bed and Sandy took a
seat on the blue bed. “Can you explain it to us now?” I groaned. Peter
nodded standing in front us, his shoulders back, his chest firm… I shook my
head and forced my attention on his words. “You’re in Chaza, a different world
from yours although this is originally your home,” he spoke slowly. I stifled a
laugh, “Chaza?” Peter rolled his eyes at my outburst and continued, “Chaza is
filled with several different mythical creatures, and among these creatures are
fairies. You two, Sanchezca, and Addie are fairies.” I couldn’t hold back my
laugher any longer, “Sorry but, to burst your bubble sir, but you must be
mistaken.” Peter rose an eyebrow at me, “What else would explain this? How you
arrived into this strange land of Orcs, which you have encountered already.” I
squirmed uncomfortably realizing he was right. Sandy stood firmly, “Show us.” Peter
walked over to Sandy reaching out his hand for hers, she grabbed it standing. A
pang of jealousy entered my chest. I shook it off, watching as he walked her
over to the blue chest. He whispered some words in her ear, and she nodded with
slight secrecy in her eyes. I rolled my eyes frustrated, secrets now? Awesome.
Sandy bent over, placing her hand over the key hole on the blue chest. All the
markings on the chest began to glow, and Sandy’s eyes glow a bright blue. The
markings lifted off of the chest, and onto every pore of Sandy’s body. Right
before my eyes, Sandy’s hair turned to a beautiful sea blue color. My eyes went
wide, as large beautiful feather like wings grew on her spine ripping through
the back of her Pikachu shirt. Her ears,
also came to a sharp point. Everything that made Sandy well Sandy was gone. She
was now this beautiful mythical creature that you would only see in story
books. “There’s
some clothes, you might want to change into seeing as your shirt has been
ripped to shreds,” Peter gestured toward the chest. Sandy felt her wings and
her eyes went wide in disbelief. Then she looked down at her once, perfect
looking Pikachu shirt and made a pouty face. “Aw man,” she whined walking
towards the chest. I giggled slightly at her as Peter came towards me, “Do you
still not believe?” I looked up at him stubbornly. He reached his hand out, his
eyes sparkling. He bent down putting his mouth next to my ear, “Let me show you
a world of magic.” I felt a chill rush down my spine. I stuttered slightly on
my words, “I-I,” he lifted me to my feet with a grab of my hand. I stared down
at our hands wide eyed. Sandy
walked in, smiling. My whole body became warm in excitement as I stood frozen
in front of the purple chest. This chest having my name carved into it, being
purple, had different beautiful symbols all over it just like Sandy’s once was.
Peter reached over whispering in my ear, “You are the key, to the treasure
inside you.” With tingling shaking pale fingers I reached to the key hole. The
symbols on the chest started to glow slightly, even though I had not even
touched it yet. “Your power is strong,” Peter stared at me in amazement. I
placed my hand on the key hole and the whole world shifted. Light took me in,
and I saw a small tiny baby just born, with purple eyes. A woman, the mother
possibly, smiling happily; evilly. A man, possibly the father, frowning; in
despair. The woman
placed her hand on the babies little chest, and her eyes grew red. Her red hair
flamed like fire above her head. Her face held a need in them, a want. What did
she want from that tiny baby? The baby’s body surged up in pain, and she let
out a wail. Suddenly pain formed its way through my entire body, and I lost the
vision falling. When everything shifted back to normal I was on the ground
Peter and Sandy staring at me wide eyed. I gasped for air in shock. What just
happened? I tried to stand on shaky legs only to fall back to the ground. “Are
you okay?” Sandy asked worriedly. I shook my head yes, and looked at Peter
pleadingly. I didn’t want to worry anyone, I just needed help up. Peter nodded,
grabbing my arm softly and lifting me up. “What did
you see?” Peter questioned. I blinked, was that baby me? There’s no way, that
woman looked nothing like my mother. Wait, my mother. My eyes snapped to Peter.
“H-Have we never met our actual parents?” I wondered out loud. Peter nodded
helping me to the bed and setting me down. I looked over at Sandy who was now
wearing some kind of blue fighting armor. She walked over to my now plain
purple chest, and pulled out a similar purple fighting armor. She walked over
placing it by me, and I smiled at her and looked down with troubled eyes. “I
saw a baby,” I gasped for air. I felt my heart race rush in nervousness. What
did I see? Peter placed his hand on my shoulder, “Change, and then rest. We
shall continue in the morning.” I stood finally able to feel strong in my
actions, “What if we don’t want to be whatever you want us to be?” “You mean
saviors?” he rose his eyebrow. I bit my
bottom lip, saviors? This is our original home obviously, we are these magical
strange characters. I reached up touching my wings the texture was soft like
cotton candy. “We are your heroes? Your saviors?” I mulled. He nodded yes,
smiling slightly. “I want to help,” I picked up my head up reaching his soft
blue eyes. He smiled ear to ear, and nodded looking at Sandy. “Sanchezca?” he
asked. She nodded not speaking. I looked at her furrowing my eyebrows, but
shook off my worry. I walked to the washroom staring into the large mirror sitting
on the wall. I looked at my full body, tall and slender. I had long deep purple
hair that stopped right before my bottom. I had bright purple eyes, and every
inch of my skin was covered in glowing symbols. My wings, oh my wings, they
were large, and beautifully feather like. I reached
up moving my hair, to see my ears were also pointed. I smiled slightly, at my
still pail reflection. I stared at my now long, slender fingers. I could barely
recognize myself. I was this beautiful mythical creature, which I never even
thought I could be. I slipped off my clothes, that I had on which my shirt was
torn to shreds by the way. I slipped on the fighting armor. Surprisingly it was
comfortable, and soft to the touch. I walked out, feeling slightly exhausted. Peter
stood as I walked in and bowed, “Rest well my ladies, we shall start training
tomorrow.” Sandy and I nodded smiling. I gave Sandy a nod and walked over to my
bed laying in. I stared at the canopy in thought. This was a lot to take in.
Was this going to be scary? Is this where we’re meant to be? “Addie?” Sandy
spoke. I turned my head to her, “Yes?” “We’re in this together right?” her eyes
held a certain type of fear in them. I smiled kindly at her and nodded, “Of
course.” “Promise?” she sniffled. “Pinky,” I reached over untwining my pinky in
hers. That’s how
we fell asleep. © 2014 Beverly JaneAuthor's Note
StatsAuthor![]() Beverly JaneAboutHello, wow! It's been a while since I have been on this site, it's almost like looking at a time capsule. It's been a while since I've had the same passion that I had back in high school for writing. .. more..Writing