Let’s see… you know it’s that thing you open up to heat up food… it um is the nuker, and so I thought about it practically in my sleep…then two days later, I remember the name “ microwave!!
In addition I get my kids and grandkids names mixed up!!! Nothing like growing old… it scares the heck out of me….brain fog.. yes I have that lovely condition as well…. Should I go on????
Well ma’am, I have bad news. I am 19 years old and I’m experiencing that either so we can agree on that I’m not old so that makes you a young lady and I wouldn’t even question that!!!
Me too dear Betty. Old age, we cannot stop. Good afternoon from cold and chilly Michigan. Thank you dear friend for sharing the amazing poetry and your thoughts.
Posted 2 Months Ago
2 Months Ago
T''s my pleasure indeed, Happy holidays!
Warmly, B
You Betty are unique my lovely .. not in the sense that you are loosing it by virtue of some sinister creeping thingy .. sugar, the D word momentarily eludes me .. but just becuz you is .. Take my word for it, I lose them too and truly .. It happens all the time .. I sumtimes even forget who I might be ..
Yours, Nigel 😎🐧🍷👍x
Posted 2 Months Ago
2 Months Ago
We are all unique right? I always forget what I am looking for!
Always a pleasure Neville read moreWe are all unique right? I always forget what I am looking for!
Always a pleasure Neville
Warmly, B
Laughing here as i sometimes call my younger son by my elder son's name and there are 21 years between them, he doesn't much like his brother so it does not go down well, and then i can't remember which of them did certain things like those days have all fused into one.
Remembering which day it is also confuses me but i suppose it's all down to old age really..
Posted 2 Months Ago
2 Months Ago
Thank you Stella for a delightful review!
Warmly, B🌷🌷🌷
I smiled Betty because you aren’t alone. Happens to all of us as we turn the pages of years of living. It isn’t so bad if you have someone around who can fill in the missing link. Recently both my husband and I forgot the name of a marina friend at the same time. We were stumped for ages before the fog lifted. So relatable. All you can do is laugh. 🌹
Posted 3 Months Ago
3 Months Ago
you are so right! laugh! thank you dear Chris🌷🌷
I've always been rubbish with people's names which is non to great when managing 150+ people:)
I guess it'll only get worse as I progress through my 60's
Posted 3 Months Ago
3 Months Ago
we will all eventually succumb to some sort of dementia…… at that point for irs time to go! Than.. read morewe will all eventually succumb to some sort of dementia…… at that point for irs time to go! Thank you dear Gee, much appreciated
Warmly, B🌷
dearest Betty... "a foggy day in London Town..." a Clown without a Frown..
The Birds chirp songs on a weeping willow branch... the Sky is Blue and Bashful... when I think of You. gently, Pat
Posted 3 Months Ago
3 Months Ago
thank you dear Pat the birds will always sing to you🌷🌷
(I really fear of memory loss .. coz I was on that condition, by grace I didn't tied to long... )
Wonder as we aging brain works in reverse.. interesting writing.. :) is that by warmly ...two days lately 😅...
We register the character but can't remember the name, it is usual with old people... kids these days love to prank with on it and make it as so entertaining...
Is this too on prompt.., I didn't seen it yet😅
Yes Betty, I have one if those make food hotly things too, I keep it in whatsitsname... the room at the back of the house with the sit down things to eat off the flat bit of dead tree!
Kids and grandkids csn forgive a lot, until you mix up their names, then they look at you like you just called them a very rude word!
Of course, they'll forgive you when you hand over the Christmas presents though!
Forgetfulness is no laughing matter, but wouldn't it be a hoot to buy them all the same Al Jolson greatest hits cd and see them pretend a thanks to you?
i always mix up my grandkid’s names, but they understand my senility!
thank dear friend read morei always mix up my grandkid’s names, but they understand my senility!
thank dear friend
Warmly, B🌷
3 Months Ago
My mum done the same, going through all the kids before getting to the correct one. I wouldn't mind .. read moreMy mum done the same, going through all the kids before getting to the correct one. I wouldn't mind so much, but being called my three sisters names first was a bit of a dent to my ego... but not as much as the dogs!
My love of poetry results from my love of art. As a painter I am able to express myself on a canvas. As a poet my words come from my heart, my moods, sometimes sad, mostly upbeat. I like to use vivid .. more..