A Poem by Betty Hermelee

looking back


I swig down two glasses of sherry

and momentarily I am in utopia

my innards warm, my cheeks pink

my lips sweet and a bit sticky

yet my mind a lovely blur of  figures

dance before my eyes, my soldier’s

arms around me

we leave the hospital and walk into the fog

so not a soul shall see us

further, my fling with the gentleman

so unexpected, so genuine


The effects of the sherry fade and my mind

begins to focus with respect to my situation at hand

my eyes catch the clock hands which  are steady at eleven o’clock in the evening

now I am fully fueled to finish my packing

while I am in this modality, confused emotions

suffuse my brain

sometimes I wish the ship shall never dock

other moments I anticipate the debarkation

I think back to all the days on board

and I dare say this was an adventure

to be reminisced, the highs and the lows


One thing I discern, is that I have gained weight

yet who does not ? on a 14-day crossing?

three lovely meals per day, served immaculately

tasty and plentiful, an abundance of champagne

though not enough physical exercise

My clothes are rather tight

a full-blown diet is about to penetrate my belly

or maybe it could be something else?

I shall have to check the calendar

yet I shall not think about any other

possibilities at this moment

my head shall spin off its axis

at midnight slumber creeps over me

a satin coverlet is my partner tonight









© 2024 Betty Hermelee

Author's Note

Betty Hermelee
Thank you for reading

My Review

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Dear Betty,
Adored this read as its so different from the downcast mood she was experiencing, earlier. Here, she is happy, euphoric, fortified by all that lovely wine and is looking at the recent turn of events as a beautiful and exciting adventure. The past is past and look to the future with anticipation and hope.
The weight gain, of course, is a sinister and I wonder the reasons for it. I hope its just for obvious reasons such as the luxury and leisure of the ship journey.
I'm so enjoying this story!

Posted 5 Months Ago

Betty Hermelee

5 Months Ago

Dearest Divya...love your comments.... and you may get a big surprise coming...Thank you always for .. read more
Ayvid N

5 Months Ago

You're most welcome!
I can't wait to read more. I'll look forward to more, dear Betty. Keep g.. read more
Betty there are some wonderful lines here. I am intrigued by the weight gain and sincerely hope it is not permanent:) You tell a great story and you know how to keep your readers in suspense and coming back for more. Fabulous writing, so of that period in time. Loving it.


Posted 7 Months Ago

Betty Hermelee

7 Months Ago

Dear Chris... than you so much for that splendid review, loved it.... happy weekend!
Warmly, .. read more

I think maybe you are re-living (or re-writing) a previous life Betty .. and you do it so extraordinarily well .. write on my friend & always warmly .. Neville

Posted 7 Months Ago

Betty Hermelee

7 Months Ago

Dear Neville, no previous life, just ideas popping out of my head...thank you for a lovely reviewread more

7 Months Ago

Bloomin amazing .. and always a pleasure Betty :)
Betty Hermelee

7 Months Ago

You're truly welcome!!!
Warmly, B
“ my head shall spin off its axis
at midnight slumber creeps over me
a satin coverlet is my partner tonight”

Your imagery and story telling captivated me, especially those last lines. Wonderful.

Posted 7 Months Ago

Betty Hermelee

7 Months Ago

Thank you for your visit and lovely review, much appreciated!!!
Warmly, B
Betty, your story telling grasps the reader-full of rich imagery that reaches the senses. Poetically written.

Posted 8 Months Ago

Betty Hermelee

8 Months Ago

Thank you so much L.S..so glad you stopped by, a flattering review….
Warmly, B
Really great storytelling. ❤🙂

Posted 8 Months Ago

Betty Hermelee

8 Months Ago

Thank you Anita, much appreciated
Warmly, B
Anita Frader

8 Months Ago

My pleasure, B! 💛
I feel this series has just gone from strength to strength. A rhapsodic romantic read.

Posted 8 Months Ago

Betty Hermelee

8 Months Ago

Thank you Ken for a lovely review, much appreciated
Warmly, B
A mesmerizing, romantic story even for a short period of fun and sexual flings. Fog can surely hide but memories come out of the fog bright and clear.
Good story told with realistic expectations and experiences.

Posted 8 Months Ago

Betty Hermelee

8 Months Ago

Thank you Sam for an intuitive review, much appreciated...
Warmly, B
Sami Khalil

8 Months Ago

Javajavaya! You are welcome Betty.
I am inclined to think that in 14 days, any waistline expansion would most likely be a result of excessively good living, even though you did get some exercise, it was mostly of the romantic variety!!
Hopefully it is a mishandled, caloric expansion or your soldier could feel that doing a service for his love and country had only led to a romantic betrayal!!
Or perhaps, as possible tidbits' of dementia eat away at my aged core, I have missed something; warmly, BESTB

Posted 8 Months Ago

Betty Hermelee

8 Months Ago

DEAR DAVIE, thanks for you intuitive perspective and a romantic review!!!
Warmly, BESTB
you really know how to tell a story poetically with a little bit of everything - dreams, thoughts, love, passion, mystery, reality, and speculation. great "retrospective" ... :)

Posted 8 Months Ago

Betty Hermelee

8 Months Ago

WOW! Thank you Pete for that honorable review, I' flattered!
Warmly, B

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20 Reviews
Added on February 11, 2024
Last Updated on February 11, 2024


Betty Hermelee
Betty Hermelee

Black Mountain, NC

My love of poetry results from my love of art. As a painter I am able to express myself on a canvas. As a poet my words come from my heart, my moods, sometimes sad, mostly upbeat. I like to use vivid .. more..


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