A Poem by Betty Hermelee

the end....




Stories need conclusions

Rivers gush into seas

Winter is complete as spring emerges

Dreams detach in reality

Wars culminate with consequences

Passion withdraws after climax

Life expires with death

Time is continual without end

© 2022 Betty Hermelee

Author's Note

Betty Hermelee
feel free to agree or disagree!!!

My Review

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Hi Betty , I’d proberly read poetry better if I was deaf , because when I read it out loud , it’s better if I’m silent , I really like this poem , it’s a guide book to life , some of this poem of yours could help me in life ,
Each line is helpful , it’s very good

Posted 1 Year Ago

Betty Hermelee

1 Year Ago

Thank you so much for a fine review!
Best, B
Well... Stories are after all mainly centered on "conflict" of some kind... So, one might think that they must reach a conclusion at the end. In other words, most of the complications must be solved...

It is like in music, dissonant and conflict filled series of chords and notes naturally leave the listener expecting a resolution... But not having one does not ruin the song, it is simply unexpected, rare, and so most would wrongly assume it incomplete.

Expectations of things to happen after certain things have been done/had already happened. That's all these are.
Expectations based on a previously observed pattern... Wrongly assuming that everything will always have to follow the system.

But then it is natural to think that way...
Wars have consequences, yes, but it's all just about who survives, who will dictate the rules afterwards and who managed to stuff his pockets full on the profits.. Human lives are inconsequential in reality, there's no real value to a person... Because 'value' is a label we've invented... And forgot that it isn't absolute or referring to something that exists outside of the observers view who had defined for themselves what 'value' they're looking at.

Besides, by the actions of our species... Life in any form is irrelevant.

We go about carelessly destroying the world around, then preaching about the value of life, and how we should protect the environment, thinking that our species rules all, and that whatever systems of reasoning we create around observed and sometimes repeating patterns are in fact dictating how things go...
It's all just wishful thinking in the end, but everyone wants to have a system of reasoning to cling to and claim true, because people can't come to terms with anything that is not explainable.

We have no true idea what "nothing" is... It has to be something since there's a word to name it.

We also can't know that a person will cease existing after their meat suit is no longer functioning...
We'd like to think so, because then everything is simpler...

People fear death, because it is unknown whether or not their essence will live on afterwards....if it does, then there has to be some system that will determine how... Or so people would like to think.

I forgot wherever this was going... Lol
Just followed a tiny train of thought, sorry for the essay.


Posted 2 Years Ago

You are right dear Betty and Happy New Year. I like my grandfather saying. After our worst day, the next day is less painful. Thank you for sharing the amazing poetry and your thoughts.

Posted 2 Years Ago

Betty Hermelee

2 Years Ago

Your very welcome dear J…and Happy New Year🍾🍾🍾😊
Coyote Poetry

2 Years Ago

Happy New year dear Betty and you are welcome.
All deep truths--very wise, indeed. Only one who has lived life fully could say such things. Excellent writing, my friend.

Posted 2 Years Ago

Betty Hermelee

2 Years Ago

A BIG THANK YOU Sam! it's so fulfilling to be flattered!
happy holidays!!! Best, B
Comment 7: Line 7: Betty, your shining intellect, of heart and mind set to pen of page, has excellently shared some very profound and contemplative philosophical thoughts that I truly found most enjoyable to read, with each and every line offering forth tasty tidbits of savory food for thought well worth chewing upon as mind stirring cud capable of exciting cranial neurons to firing upon each and every cylinder of fullest potential of having awakened a viable and valuable Free Thinking Human Mind …

”Stories need conclusions
Rivers gush into seas
Winter is complete as spring emerges
Dreams detach in reality
Wars culminate with consequences
Passion withdraws after climax
Life expires with death
Time is continual without end”

Please do allow me to explore and touch upon a few of your lines in progressive multiple comments review:
Now for the final and most intriguing line of you beautifully philosophical and most contemplatively meditative piece of poetry: ”Time is continual without end”

Now, as I am sure you have found to be true, there are those would state that "Time" is a conceptual standard of measuring from point to point as duration's length, and/or span of past, present, and future that only exists within the mind of Man as he struggles to comprehend his inexplicably acquired consciousness of awareness of his own insignificant existence that is realistically-- (if one chooses to be brutally honest and candidly accurate in correctly assessing true role and position of significance in relation to the seemingly immeasurable vastness that is the incomprehensible expanse of our Universe and, as yet, unknown, the correct assessment of which is to be found upon a subatomic scale of zilch's zero of nada translated simply as this: Man ain't diddly s**t) – of no consequence, nor importance to existence within all Existence that we witness as our Universe ... And, if such a string of fancy words were received to heart and taken at face value, then, such an intellectually sounding statement would appear to be based upon sound reasoning's logic derived conclusion ... As is sometimes said: "Anything is possible, but not everything is plausible, or very damn likely … For one must take multiple factors into account, when one proclaims that the concept of “Time” is purely, and only, Man derived, thus, for it is also factual reality that if a tree falls in the woods and there is no person, animal, or bird there to hear its crash to the ground, it is erroneously concluded that no sound was made without a living creature or person to hear it and exclaim, “What the hell was that!” … Such logic overlooks the very real reality that the fall of a great tree will and would result in significant concussive shock that would and will travel through the ground at the crash site, spread a given distance through the ground the woods, and, also result in a, lesser but, similar concussive shock that would and will travel through the air in the woods for a given distance radiating outward from the site of the fallen tree … Thus, the key definitive ingredient of concussive waves that are referred to as sound when striking upon that wondrous apparatus call ears, would, in fact, be exhibited as present, even if no living creature or person was present to witness and, or, hear it …

And so, what of Time, time as a concept claimed to be a creation of Man that some would say cannot be isolated, evaluated, determined or measured? It is my philosophical estimation's speculation of purest conjecture that Time — in relation to each and every thing that does exist as detectable within existence within all Existence — is, perhaps, a misnomer that would be better said or expressed a fuel/energy availability and consumption, for every living thing on this Earth consumes fuel's food converted into energy in order to continue its living and furtherance of existence as a living creature or thing, be in the smallest microbe, or the most famous and powerful man. We begin our journey of converting our mother's fuel into energy the very moment in which we spring into life within our mother's womb via that living and wriggling sperm cell donated by our fathers in giving life to a woman's egg that would forever remain lifeless without its intrusive invasion of creating Human Life in the womb. It is the man who creates life in the womb (thus was born religion: God is Man as Man is God), and it is the woman who is the loving caregiver and incubator of such new and precious life. This is reality 101. But, what of stars, galaxies, nebulae, and our own Sol we call the Sun?

We remain clueless as to when a galaxy or nebulae comes into existence, nor when a star, such as our Sun, first begins to exhibit its emanation of light. However, here is something we do know, something which Man is aware of: Stars do possess a given lifespan that is generally given as in relation to a star's size and mass: A star's volume of fuel available for consumption in converting such fuel into radiant, blazing, light-years penetrating, light.

Who was there to witness any star's moment of ignition's conversion of allotted fuel into radiance emanation of of warmth and light? Most certainly not Man. However, it is a simple conclusion of sound logic's reasoning to deduce and rationally conclude that there was such a moment that is totally indeterminable, but also undeniable. Scientists agree, in being aware or unawares, that all stars possess lifespans, therefore, signifying that there is and was a precise moment of ignition that was/is the moment of every star's birth's beginning of existence as a Star.

Before that moment of fuel consuming ignition, a star possesses no life and no lifespan, for it has yet to begin consuming is allotted amount of fuel, but, rather is simply fuel that is philosophically equivalent to an egg within a woman's womb that has not met that ignition moment's point of romance that shall see her chosen and selected man ignite that spark of life within her that is soon to be a living, breathing, Human Life.

Hence, for Man or stars, etc., Time begins and is theoretically equivalent to that moment when we begin journey of consuming fuel in or to exist as living things, be it Human or Stars. Humans live roughly seven times longer than do canines. Time for a Human is not the same as for a dog, and can never be calculated as being so. The same is true for stars and the lives which they do live in burning brightly, some for billions of years to wane into giant's red and others to go Supernova, but the lives of stars are never, never shall be, equivalent to the lives of men as Man. And so, we cannot relate Time as a concept to stars. However we can relate and view fuel availability and fuel consumption as a determinable measuring tool that could philosophically and most theoretically be misconstrued as that timely measuring tool of men as Man, called Time. Is Time, as allotted fuel consumption for all things in existence within Existence, measurable, does time go on without end? Yes, but to Humans as Mankind, the answer is no, for to measure a star's lifespan would require you and I to be there at the moment's essence of its fuel consuming birth of radiating brilliant light, and, as well, to be there upon that moment's end duration of its ability to convert fuel into light in become a red dwarf or giant, or Supernova. But, with all this said, it is more than logically apparent that all things within our Universe do possess, both, a beginning — and an end. And is what Man tends to call Time my dear friend …

You have inspired my heart and mind to new heights of considering our existence within all we call reality. Thank you so much for sharing.

Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn de Graham

Posted 2 Years Ago

Betty Hermelee

2 Years Ago

WOW, what a great and in-depth review!!!!
Best, B
Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn de Graham

2 Years Ago

Your poem inspired me, Betty ... I do hope that you can tell ...
Betty Hermelee

2 Years Ago

Well I certainly can tell, and I much appreciate your in- depth reviews… and I thank you again! Ha.. read more
Comment 6: Line 6: Betty, your shining intellect, of heart and mind set to pen of page, has excellently shared some very profound and contemplative philosophical thoughts that I truly found most enjoyable to read, with each and every line offering forth tasty tidbits of savory food for thought well worth chewing upon as mind stirring cud capable of exciting cranial neurons to firing upon each and every cylinder of fullest potential of having awakened a viable and valuable Free Thinking Human Mind …

”Stories need conclusions
Rivers gush into seas
Winter is complete as spring emerges
Dreams detach in reality
Wars culminate with consequences
Passion withdraws after climax
Life expires with death
Time is continual without end”

Please do allow me to explore and touch upon a few of your lines in progressive multiple comments review:

”Passion withdraws after climax.” Betty, this beautifully philosophical and most poetic line of yours is that only one line of this poem that I might tend to ponder upon disagreeing with you on. Passion rages and wanes in any relationship of that fire of true love burning brightly in the night's light of looking into the depth of those very eyes of that significant other whom you, or I, do love. But, for a an old fart like me, looking back on what was, on that which I so wish could still be, it 'twas the looking into her eyes, gazing, Within Her Eyes, Her Smile, Her Laughter Sweet (Within Her Eyes, Her Smile, Her Laughter Sweet - a poem by Flynn de Graham - All Poetry), which re-energized that very passion between us, over and over again. And it was the loss of the only two women I have ever loved, women, who were the love and light of my life that has left me with these words which I penned in preliminary writing of my poem, Insanity Rules The Broken Heart (Insanity Rules The Broken Heart | | The Online Writing Community):

“Insanity rules the broken heart
cast into the darkness
of true love lost ...”
– Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn de Graham

On to the next line, “Life expires with death,” leaving only true love that is the hope's essence of all that is or could be claimed as eternal …

Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn de Graham

Posted 2 Years Ago

Comment 5: Line 5: Betty, your shining intellect, of heart and mind set to pen of page, has excellently shared some very profound and contemplative philosophical thoughts that I truly found most enjoyable to read, with each and every line offering forth tasty tidbits of savory food for thought well worth chewing upon as mind stirring cud capable of exciting cranial neurons to firing upon each and every cylinder of fullest potential of having awakened a viable and valuable Free Thinking Human Mind …

”Stories need conclusions
Rivers gush into seas
Winter is complete as spring emerges
Dreams detach in reality
Wars culminate with consequences
Passion withdraws after climax
Life expires with death
Time is continual without end”

Please do allow me to explore and touch upon a few of your lines in progressive multiple comments review:

”Wars culminate with consequences,”

War is nothing more than a bloody Man-W***e, a tool of death and destruction wielded by one nation, nations, people or peoples against another or others in order to bludgeon a chosen enemy into a state of subservient acquiescence of defeat at the feet of a victor seeking the utter humiliation's prostration of that people or nation to whom it has fallen as befallen the shame of finding itself the loser in a battle of lives lost in a game of veritable life and death. Of all living creatures, only wasps, ants, and men make war one against another, and clearly Man has learned nothing from wasps or ants but to behave as do buzzing angry bugs stirred to insanity in writhing instinct of killing for the very sake of killing itself —and all in the name of God, Country, and that ever elusive vaporous illusion of truest confusion — (one which can never be held in hand of true possession of Liberty exhibited as title owned) deceptively sought after as though it might be attained or gained — called Freedom. For what Freedom is to be attained or gained within the prison walls of the grave generally considered to lie six feet under? Yes, Betty, ”Wars culminate with consequences,” and death (loss of precious, irreplaceable, Human lives) is the consequence of all wars, even those fought today via a uniting of nations (UN) in the ridiculous name of ending War. Sadly, it is a shame that Man, as Humanity's many warlike nations, cannot learn to make love and not war, and that of anymore ever again thereafter, as per your thoughts penned to page as, ”Passion withdraws after climax,” upon which I do have a few thoughts to share in my next comment review …
Thank you so much for sharing your heart penned to page as inspiration to this old man all set in a rage of exploring the thoughts and wonderment created by your words penned as philosophical lines of poetry ...

Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn de Graham

Posted 2 Years Ago

Betty Hermelee

2 Years Ago

Marvin, this such an inspiring review, I am speechless!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
read more
I like pondering this poem..there’s much wisdom here..time I agree is continuous. Brilliantly expressed..

Posted 2 Years Ago

Betty Hermelee

2 Years Ago

Thank you so much for an excellent review!

2 Years Ago

My pleasure.. happy Holidays Betty..
Betty Hermelee

2 Years Ago

I think you’re having a fine time philosophizing about each phrase in my poem; I say “ go for it.. read more
Probably the most thoughtful piece of work I (at least) have read on here.
How very far removed from my triviality.
The comment on time is especially interesting
Is it actually without end?
Will mankind last long enough, through all our incredible, self-destructive stupidity to ever find out?
most certainly not!

Posted 2 Years Ago

Betty Hermelee

2 Years Ago

Thank you for very thoughtful review!
Best, B
Comment 4: Line 4: Betty, your shining intellect, of heart and mind set to pen of page, has excellently shared some very profound and contemplative philosophical thoughts that I truly found most enjoyable to read, with each and every line offering forth tasty tidbits of savory food for thought well worth chewing upon as mind stirring cud capable of exciting cranial neurons to firing upon each and every cylinder of fullest potential of having awakened a viable and valuable Free Thinking Human Mind …

”Stories need conclusions
Rivers gush into seas
Winter is complete as spring emerges
Dreams detach in reality
Wars culminate with consequences
Passion withdraws after climax
Life expires with death
Time is continual without end”

Please do allow me to explore and touch upon a few of your lines in progressive multiple comments review:

"Dreams detach in reality"

What would this life be without dreams, hopes, aspirations, and those determined and imaginative enough to turn, seemingly outlandish, dreams into realities of our all too Human existence? Rare and few are those of us who do possess the ability to dream, dare to dream imaginatively of things that give forth the appearance of, simply, being impossible to achieve. And yet, such individuals do exist — delusional as they may have been thought to be — for they have given Mankind the very advances in Civilization, Industrialization, and Technology's realization that have been the blessing's amenities of the past, present and, most assuredly, those of the coming future — that is, if Mankind (The Human Race) can find and learn to possess the withal to NOT exterminate himself within the annals of utter self wrought extinction. Yes, there are those who are but silly dreamers, living and existing in but a dream world's alternate reality. Thankfully, there truly are those who cause our lives to be the stuff dreams are made of in most wonderful ways. It is those who make our lives to be virtual reality's nightmares of war, plague, and hatred's strife that must be avoided and eliminated.

There is great wisdom of imagination within your line ”Dreams detach in reality,” a beautiful line that sadly leads us to a harsh, nightmarish, and bitter reality which you express so eloquently as Man's tear-stained reality: ”Wars culminate with consequences,” a history repeating itself plague upon all Humanity that you inspire me to elaborate upon in further comment.

Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn de Graham

Posted 2 Years Ago

Betty Hermelee

2 Years Ago

You are too kind! This is one the most in- depth reviews I have ever received,
Best to you,read more

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22 Reviews
Added on November 30, 2022
Last Updated on November 30, 2022


Betty Hermelee
Betty Hermelee

Black Mountain, NC

My love of poetry results from my love of art. As a painter I am able to express myself on a canvas. As a poet my words come from my heart, my moods, sometimes sad, mostly upbeat. I like to use vivid .. more..


A Poem by Betty Hermelee

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